DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-69-74
The article discusses the implementation of projects in the methodological training of future primary school teachers. The author emphasizes the importance of students mastering the technology of creating a project and working on it. The results of the study (an online survey of students and analysis of discipline programs) are presented, which made it possible to distinguish the educational project as the most frequently implemented. When implemented in the learning process as a training assignment, the educational project acquires such attributes as external motivation for implementation, the task of the topic and problems, work according to the prepared plan. The author also draws attention to the research project as one of the ways to build methodological knowledge. A research project is characterized by such signs as reflexivity, work with a problem, work on research steps. The article actualizes the special significance of the educational project, the features of which are: independence, initiative of students, their joint activities. It is emphasized that both educational and research projects can become educational. As an example of an educational project, the project “Reading Diary for the Summer” is considered. This project was initiated, developed and tested by students together with primary school pupils.
Keywords: projects, methodological training, future primary school teachers
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 69 — 74
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