DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-2-110-120
In modern conditions, the process of training teachers for the vocational education system needs new conceptual approaches taking into account the real state and development prospects of the industry economy and education based on world requirements. The normative basis for the implementation of degree programs is the conjunction of educational and professional standards. The design of modular degree programs in the field of vocational training (by the branches) is based on the principles of modularity, variability and continuity of professional and higher education. The content of each module reflects a competenceactivity approach and includes a practice-oriented theory with practical training in model laboratory conditions or tests in a real learning environment of professional educational organizations and internships at the workplace including at high-tech enterprises in the industry. An independent expert review of professional and pedagogical and qualification competencies is admission to the profession and ends with a state demonstration and (or) qualification exam and the defense of final qualification work performed by the order of the employer. As shown by the practice of joint activities within the framework of cluster formations, the integration of the resources of the scientific, educational and production potential of the university, the network of professional educational organizations and leading enterprises in the industry, improves the quality of training highly qualified personnel with a set of competencies in both professional and pedagogical, as well as professional qualification activities. The implementation of degree programs within the framework of educational clusters enables to solve the acute problem of «personnel gap» including the lack of teachers who are ready to train workers and specialists for priority sectors of the region.
Keywords: degree program, vocational education, vocational training (by the branches), training triality, professional standard, social and economic development of the region, global trends (industry 4.0), modular-competence-based approach, independent expert review
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 110 — 120
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