DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-165-171
The article discusses the role of the Russian language and Russian education in Tajikistan. The analysis of the current situation with the functioning of the Russian language in the republic is given. The author suggests the ways and the opportunities of its further improvement of significantly expand the possibilities of practical use of the Russian language. Determined the relevance of the article. The article notes that cooperation in the field of education and training lies at the heart of absolutely all areas of strategic cooperation between our countries. The author considers the first results of the joint work of Tajik and Russian teachers in educational institutions of the Republic of Tajikistan. On the example of the Rasht district of the Republic of Tajikistan, the uniqueness of the experience of the simultaneous complementary work of teachers of the two countries both at school and at the pedagogical institute for the recent history of Russian-Tajik relations is noted. The definition of a new scientific concept “self-reproducing system” is introduced and given. The author’s interpretation of this term is substantiated, in contrast to the generally accepted ones. The expediency of attracting non-profit organizations of the two countries to the development of Russian-Tajik educational cooperation is noted. A number of other practical proposals for the development of joint teaching activities in educational institutions of Tajikistan, namely, that the construction of Russian schools will provide an opportunity to create effective centers of culture and education in the regions.
Keywords: Russian teachers, joint Russian-Tajik activities, construction of schools, concept, teaching in Russian language, cooperation
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 165 — 171
Downloads: 976