DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-3-172-184
The content of the educational theme on the problem of use of recovery methods in healthimproving physical training of elderly men at the age of 60–64 for the academic discipline “Recovery and Preventive Activity in Physical Training”, “Theory and Methodology of Recovery and Preventive Methods” taught at the Faculty of Physical Training and Sports of Tomsk State Pedagogical University has been substantiated, developed and approved. The methodology implying use of recovery methods in health-improving physical training of elderly men at the age of 60–64 has been developed and it includes: recovery methods, content of the methods, dosage of impact, place of recovery methods in a health-improving physical training system in a week period. The technique has been developed on the basis of the formed specifics of recovery effects with the use of the chosen recovery methods and their influence on slowdown of aging processes as well as load and postload effects provoked by weight-lifting and strength-endurance exercises. The efficiency of the developed methodology based on the use of recovery methods has been proved. The developed variant of methodology of health-improving physical training with predominance of weight-lifting and strength-endurance exercises is presented. This type of physical training has been chosen because of specific negative involutional ageing processes in a body of an elderly man and positive physiological influence of strength exercises on organs and functional body systems providing reduction of negative ageing processes.
Keywords: learning theme, students, methodology, recovery methods, elderly men, health-improving physical training
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Issue: 3, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 172 — 184
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