DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-72-85
The article presents an analysis of the easel plot composition of the assembling type from the point of view of a systematic approach on the example of the works by famous artists of the past and works by modern authors, including learners of art schools and universities. The easel plot composition of the assembling type was investigated from the points of view of the system approach, the laws of constructing the easel composition as a system through the tools of the system approach were revealed. The use of these patterns in training the easel composition of both children and adults can lead to a qualitatively new level of assimilation and acquisition of skills. The principles of work on the easel plot composition (including assembling) with the application of a systematic approach in the framework of teaching fine art are described. It has been proved that the composition is a whole system, always assuming closure and completeness, and its elements are always fixed. All elements of the composition are connected by the unity of meanings, without which the composition is impossible. The composition acts as a system of internal bonds, combining all the components of the form and content into a single whole. The practical significance of the study is visible in the field of teaching composition in art and general education schools, specialized universities and secondary schools.
Keywords: system approach, system-oriented analysis, system, the easel plot composition of the assembling type, elements of composition, composition structure, analysis of composition structures
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 72 — 85
Downloads: 750