DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-55-63
The article is based on the assertion that education of a teacher in the field of life safety must correspond and meet the challenges that modern society presents to teaching staff. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the requirements of modern education, which, first of all, should have as its main goal all-round personal development. It stimulates the formation of such a behavioral type in people of modern society, which ensures the safety of their behavior in various areas. The article examines the problems of training a bachelor in the field of life safety on the basis of the methodological approaches used in the system of level higher pedagogical education. When identifying the goals and objectives of education in the field of life safety, national interests, state policy in the field of education, social and economic potential of the country are taken into account. The need to form a unified educational space of the Russian Federation in the field of life safety is recognized. It is emphasized that pedagogical education in the field of life safety remains an important subsystem of domestic higher pedagogical education and, while developing, must meet and meet the challenges and conditions that are dictated to pedagogical personnel in modern conditions. It is noted that the problem of training bachelors in the field of life safety is determined by the existence of many contradictions in modern pedagogical theory and practice of universities. Based on this, the need to build a fundamentally effective system of subject-profile training of teachers in the field of life safety is revealed. The concepts of “environmental safety”, “environmental hazard”, “factor of environmental hazard” and “risk” are analyzed, and the reasons for modern environmental instability in Russia are also considered. It is proved that the goal of environmental education, taking into account the concept of sustainable development of Russia, is to create conditions for the development of a culture of environmental safety of a person endowed with certain qualities. On the example of the implementation of educational programs in schools in the city of Tomsk, it is shown that the annual work aimed at the formation of knowledge by schoolchildren and students of the basics of environmental safety gives positive dynamics.
Keywords: teacher education, higher education, bachelors, environmental safety, continuing education, life safety, students
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 55 — 63
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