DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-68-75
An analytical review of the problem of the development of analytical skills of students at the university is presented. A comparative characteristic of the concepts «analytical skills» and «analytical abilities» is given. It is concluded that analytical ability is a personality trait, and an analytical skill is the acquired experience of activity. The main mental actions underlying analytical skills are considered. Comparison of two groups of analytical skills is given: analytical-prognostic and analytical-reflexive. The thesis is substantiated that the development of analytical skills is impossible without obtaining new knowledge. Considerable attention is paid to the structure of the concept of «analytical skills». The need for the development of analytical skills among students for the professional development of future specialists is determined. It is concluded that the development of analytical skills takes time, this is a long, systemic process in professional education. The factors (positive and negative) influencing the development of students’ analytical skills are revealed. In the article, the authors focus on assignments and exercises (case assignments) aimed at developing students’ analytical skills. To diagnose the level of development of analytical skills of students, indicators have been developed, as well as the characteristics of the levels of development of analytical skills of university students - low, medium, high. The authors present the results of a pilot study to identify the level of development of analytical skills of students in humanitarian areas of training. The study was conducted in universities in the cities of Stavropol and Krasnodar. The results of the study showed that students have a predominantly medium and low level of development of analytical skills. Based on the results obtained, the authors identified the reasons for the low level of development of analytical skills among modern students.
Keywords: analytical skills, analytical thinking, students, higher education, analytical functions
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 68 — 75
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