To the problem of meaning formation in the professional training of students – future envi-ronmental designers
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2024-1-39-46
The problem of the quality of professional training of environmental designers is considered, expressed in the absence of students of personal and semantic inclusion in professional activity. The reasons affecting the level of meaning and goal setting in the process of teaching environmental design in higher education are analyzed. Ways of understanding and formation of professional identity are characterized. It has been established that the strengthening of the semantic component in the system of professional training of environmental designers at the university is facilitated by the semantic modeling of the image of oneself in the future profession in the context of personal characteristics and existing experience. Mechanisms of professional self-determination have been identified, involving semantic modeling of the image of oneself in the future profession, which actuates the essential forces of a person on the formation of personal qualities, social activity and the ability to independently target and readiness for self-realization in the field of design. The provisions of the methodology for teaching environmental design have been determined, effectively forming motivational attitudes among students in obtaining a profession and developing their professional skills and skills. The conditions for the personal-oriented training of students - future environmental designers, taking into account the formation of meaning, are described.
Keywords: professional self-determination, meaning formation, goal setting, value orientations, motivation, higher design education, medium design training methodology
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Issue: 1, 2024
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 39 — 46
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