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1 | The evolution of the value- semantic sphere of students of higher education institution during educational process promotes more successful training for professional activity and achievement of maturity. Relevance of the question is caused by changes in society, high-quality reorganization of an education system of the country. The federal educational standard forms inquiry to the university graduate, to his vocational training and personal qualities. In the priority are the development of subjectivity, tolerance, communicative competence, the value-semantic sphere of the individual. Modern competence-based approach in education relies on the process of an interiorization, it means that the student must not only acquire knowledge, but also grow personally. High potential of development of the value-semantic sphere of the personality is put in the educational process. It is necessary to consider organizational and important factors of psychology and pedagogical maintenance of personal formation of students of higher education institution. Organizational factors have to include specially developed technologies focused on independent work of students, dialogue style of communication between participants of educational process, expansion of a range of methodological approaches to the training material and oriented exercises for practice. Substantial factors should be aimed at understanding by students of their desires and opportunities, ideas about themselves in the future profession. It is very important that personal and professional values and meanings do not contradict each other and created harmonious structure. Keywords: value- semantic sphere of the personality, professional becoming, selfdesign of the personality, logical analysis, competence approach | 1314 | ||||
2 | At the present stage of modernization of the higher education in Russia and the renewal of the educational space, the issues of training specialists in pedagogical universities are at the forefront. This article shows the approaches proposed by the scientific and pedagogical community of Tomsk State Pedagogical University to design the structure of modular basic educational programs (BEP) for training a bachelor of teacher education. The conceptual founda tions of the projected organizational and activity mechanisms of modular BEP based on FSES HE 3 ++ (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education) are also disclosed. The experience and results of the research and scientific and methodological work of the university on the design of organizational and activity mechanisms of modular BEP of bachelor training of teachers on the basis of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++, coupled with professional standards are presented. The organizational and activity specificity of the modular characteristics of the BEP has been substantiated: the ways of organizing the educational interaction of the participants in educational relations, the features of the evaluation and diagnostic procedures related to monitoring the achievements of educational achievements of students in the activity format. The didactic examples related to the implementation of individual fragments (modules) of the BEP in the field 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles) (bachelor’s level) are given. The author’s vision of the implementation of the training practice curriculum, consisting of five interrelated thematic sections, is proposed. As an example illustrating the specifics of the organizational-activity characteristics of the BEP discussed in the article, a description of the training and research module is given. The principles and procedure of the state final certification are also presented. The materials of the article can be used by the heads of the main educational programs and administrative and management teams of Russia’s pedagogical universities, in conditions of transferring the students to the federal state educational standards of the new generation – FSES HE 3 ++, associated with professional standards. Keywords: pedagogical education, teacher’s professional standard, modular basic educational program, system-activity approach, professional competence, labor function, type of teacher’s activity, active educational technologies, demonstration exam | 1112 | ||||
3 | The article analyzes the principle of organizing inclusive education, which is to ensure that the diversity of the needs of students with physical and mental disabilities corresponds to such educational environment. The justification of the principle of the need for special training in the field of special (correctional) pedagogy and psychological readiness is professionally and competently addressed in the problems of children with different educational needs, including those with limited health opportunities. When implementing the ideas of the professional and personal identity of the teacher, the following criteria are presented: in as much as in the phenomenological tradition the personality appears as a unique, existential entity, and identity expresses the self-referentiality of the person in the logic of the integral determination of the individual, the study is presented in the position of the person approach. Based on the analysis of the data of diagnostic studies, it was established that the participants of the project “Above the rainbow” are psychologically not ready for inclusion and need special comprehensive assistance from specialists (psychologist, methodologist). In this regard, they need understanding of themselves in a new role (personal identity), knowledge of the specifics of implementing approaches to individualization of the education of children with special educational needs; organization of psychological support system, joint analysis of professional experience, development of negative emotions, mastering self-identification techniques and their use in new conditions (under conditions of inclusion). Therefore, the task of specialists (methodologists, psychologists) is to help educators understand their hidden beliefs and values, to learn from them whether they are the beliefs and values that they would like to protect. For a program of inclusive education to be sustainable, at a certain point, these beliefs and values should be openly and clearly articulated. But the most important thing that teachers-participants of the project should learn is to work with children with different educational opportunities (capable children, children with HIA, children with disabilities) and take this diversity into account in their pedagogical approach to everyone. Keywords: personal identity, inclusion, additional education, teacher’s readiness, special educational needs | 1071 | ||||
4 | The article presents the methodological justification and experience of the program of development of personal identity of teachers at different stages of professional development. As part of the program, the content of the process of development of personal identity of teachers at each stage of professional development was built on a new way of interaction for these groups of teachers – supervision. In the process of psychological and methodological support, it is important to motivate teachers to self-knowledge through self-identification, encouraging to identify personal characteristics and needs arising in the context of professional activity; to give them the opportunity to realize themselves as a person, to understand their place and role in this world in general and in the profession in particular; to provide a choice that would help them become an active subject, the creator of their own destiny, their life, their way in professional activity. At the same time, in the framework of supervision, personal development and professional growth are considered as the ascending vector of self-change of the teacher’s personality (and personal identity in particular) on the basis of awareness of their needs and desires, the most complete disclosure of abilities and potential opportunities in professional activities, accompanied by quantitative and qualitative, meaningful and structural changes. Keywords: teacher’s personal identity, stages of professional development, supervision, psychological support, methodological support | 944 | ||||
5 | The article presents the features of the organization of career guidance in a General educational institution with the use of digital educational resources, the development of professional self-determination of students taking into account individual psychophysiological characteristics in the modern educational environment. The knowledge of psychological and psychophysiological development allows students to build career-oriented activities with age-appropriate contingent of students at the level of primary and secondary schools, and senior school modern educational space is distinguished by the presence of large amounts of information, transmission of which is ensured with the use of modern gadgets and ICT. Competent, purposeful use of digital educational resources and information and communication technologies provides opportunities for providing students with targeted assistance in determining professional interests and personal characteristics, in-depth study of the subjects necessary for the chosen specialty, conducting professional tests, increasing motivation for the chosen profession and work in General. The use of digital educational resources in career guidance allows us to bring this work to a fundamentally new level, taking into account both trends in the development of modern education and the individual characteristics and interests of students in the development of their professional self-determination and personal potential. The use of individual digital profiles in career guidance with students provides high efficiency of professional self-determination of high school students on the condition of personal and semantic involvement of each teacher, psychological and pedagogical support of students at all stages of career guidance, ICT competence of all participants of the educational process. Keywords: professional self-determination, digital educational resources, modern educational environment, personal potential, information and communication technologies | 1328 | ||||
6 | The article presents the data relevant for training and socialization of persons with disabilities. The urgency of studying vocabulary in the conditions of inclusive education, based on the example of children with visual impairments and children with autism spectrum disorders, is proved. Analyzed the specificity of formation of vocabulary in a deficit and a distorted form of dysontogenesis. The difficulties of perception and reproduction of vocabulary in students with disabilities are indicated. Based on the above data a strategy for the compensation of vocabulary deficits through an interagency approach has been developed. The interdepartmental approach involves interaction at three levels (the level of the region, the municipality and the specific organization), which makes possible social partnership and provides the necessary general conditions for the sustainable functioning of the process of compensation of lexical deficit as a social system. Social interaction is presented on the example of volunteer activity of students of pedagogical university on the basis of school for students with disabilities and theatrical excursions organized for children with disabilities and youth by the Department of Culture of the Administration of Tomsk, the Museum of History of Tomsk, the Tourist Information Center of Tomsk. Volunteer activities of students are manifested in various directions: summer school camp, creative workshops and master classes, tolerance days and New Year party. This practice is very useful for students, as modern realities imply the ability to work in an inclusive education system. In turn, creative activities can interest children and gain new social skills, enrich vocabulary and compensate for lexical difficulties. Keywords: lexical deficit, inclusive education, interactive excursion, volunteer activity, children with disabilities, vocabulary, interdepartmental interaction, socialization | 924 |