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1 | The article deals with the use of situational tasks while studying chemistry at the basic school and their role in modern education. Notes the value of situational tasks in the development of analytical, intellectual and communicative skills of the students, the ability to find the necessary information in different sources. Analizes the definitions of situational tasks on the basis of which highlights their essential features, shows the structure and describes the requirements for the content of the tasks. The components of the situational tasks are the title, the text, the questions and the tasks. Formulates the requirements for the content of the tasks: description of a real life situation, the availability of the text for the understanding of the students, the presence of inter-subject relationship, the wording of questions of everyday, valeological, environmental and safety regulations. The answers to the questions can be oral or written, containing the formulas of the compounds, the equations of chemical reactions, tables, charts, and suggesting various mental acts – the explanation, analysis, synthesis, generalization, determination of cause-effect relationships. Examples of situational tasks in chemistry for grades 8–9 have been proposed. Develops the criteria to determine the level of development of cognitive skills for specific groups: logical skills, ability to work with information and specific skills in chemistry – sign and symbol. Levels of formation of these skills among schoolchildren in solving situation tasks in chemistry have been identified. Keywords: practice-oriented approach, situational tasks, requirements to the content of the task, criteria and levels of formation of cognitive skills of schoolchildren | 1750 | ||||
2 | The importance of situational tasks in modern pedagogical education and their role in mastering the content of methodical disciplines is considered. Specific features of the exercises of the first, second and third levels of complexity to the situational tasks in the methodology of chemistry teaching are singled out. The reproductive nature of the activity of the students prevails in the tasks of the first level. They are aimed at the formation of practical skills and abilities in the compilation of didactic materials. Tasks of the second level of complexity have a part-search character of students’ cognitive activity and develop practical skills and abilities in developing methodological materials. The search activity, creative and author’s approach to the development of didactic materials, taking into account modern requirements for school education, dominate in the tasks of the third level of complexity. Different approaches to assessing of the performance of situational tasks are analyzed. General and specific criteria for assessing tasks of the different levels are developed. The matrix, including the criteria and indicators of their evaluation when performing tasks of different levels of complexity, is proposed. The results of approbation of the developed criteria are presented and the value of the criterial approach for the use of situational problems in the learning process is shown. Keywords: situational task, methodology of teaching chemistry, specific features of assignments of the first, second and third levels of complexity, criteria and indicators for assessing tasks at different levels | 1229 | ||||
3 | The analysis of the definitions of “form of education” in the pedagogical literature is carried out. The distinctive features of non-traditional forms of education in the university, including the conceptual basis, purpose of the lesson, its structure, training and activity of the teacher and students in the class are revealed. The definition of non-traditional form of education is given on the basis of the analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature and taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, including the distinctive features: the use of pedagogical technologies of teaching and their elements; the prevalence of the activity approach, in which the active and versatile, independent cognitive activity of the learner is dominant; practical-oriented training aimed at vocational training; interesting content of the lesson; a combination of different forms of presentation of educational information; organization of group work; absence of stereotype in the structure of the employment. Characteristics of laboratory studies on the discipline “School chemical experiment” in the pedagogical university are given. The choice of the use of gaming technology and crossens technology in systematization and generalization of students’ knowledge is grounded. The results of reflection to determine the attitude of students to the use of non-traditional forms of learning (game and crossens technology) are presented. The interest of students, their motivation for a deeper knowledge of the material being studied, the desire to develop communication skills in interaction systems student-student, student-teacher, readiness to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in occupations and in further professional activity is shown. Keywords: forms of education, non-traditional forms of education and their distinctive features, school chemical experiment, game technology of learning, crossens technology | 1053 | ||||
4 | An analysis of the concept of perceptual modality is given. The characteristic of personality types on the basis of leading modality is given: the visuals, who perceive most of the information through vision; the audials that receive information through the auditory channel and sound is dominant for them; the kinesthetics that perceive most of the information through the touch and other sensations. Features of the presentation of educational information for students of different psychotypes during the conducting lessons on the generalization and systematization of knowledge in the course School Chemical Experiment were considered. The results of testing are given to determine the type of perceptual modality, on the basis of which three groups of students are formed. Three classes have been developed and conducted on the following topics: Initial Chemical Concepts. Hydrogen; Oxygen; Nitrogen and its Compounds. Phosphorus. These classes are different forms of presentation of educational information and the organization of their conduct. Diagnostics of students’ knowledge was carried out in order to determine the quality of mastering educational material on the topics studied. The attitude of students to the use of different forms of presenting information in the classroom based on the results of reflection has been determined. Keywords: perceptual modality, audials, visuals, kinesthetics, forms of presentation of educational information, features of perception of information by various psychotypes, school chemical experiment | 1004 | ||||
5 | The characteristic of crossence is given as one of the forms of perception and understanding of educational information. The features of the crossences, their significance in conducting laboratory classes in chemistry at the university, the stages of creating crossences, the method of using crossences in the classroom “School Chemical Experiment” are described. The tasks for students to work with crossances are given. Examples of crossences are presented for the disciplines “School Chemical Experiment” and “General and Inorganic Chemistry”. Crossences are based on images illustrating the stages of experiments, and include chemical glassware, devices, reagents, located in the cells of the table. The stages of creating crossences are considered, including the definition of the topic of experience, the selection of elements of the content of experience and links between them, the creation of images illustrating the order of the experiment. The combination of graphic images and textual information in the order of the experiments was proposed to be used in crossences. The results of the survey of students in order to identify their relationship to crossences are given. It was established that the majority of the respondents had a positive attitude towards the use of crossences in laboratory classes in chemistry and are ready to use them in teaching practice and in future professional activities. Keywords: forms of chemical information, laboratory classes in chemistry, crossences, stages of creating crossences, methods of using crossences | 1262 | ||||
6 | Introduction. In the context of a continuously increasing flow of educational information, there is a contradiction between its large volume and limited time to study. Accordingly, the question arises about the structuring of educational information for laboratory work on inorganic chemistry based on the characteristics of its perception by students. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of determining the effectiveness of the developed instructions for laboratory work in chemistry. It included the results of students’ questioning, determining the difficulty of their perception of instructions in textual and structured forms, estimating the time spent on preparation, execution of work and drawing up a report for them in the experimental and control groups. The groups had the same working conditions and level of training, but their difference was the use of different teaching materials. The results of the input and output control of students’ knowledge in order to identify the quality of the assimilation of chemical information in laboratory classes are given. Results and discussion. The features of the developed instructions for laboratory studies at the university are described, including: presenting them in a table containing individual blocks, algorithmizing the description of actions performed during the experiment, highlighting questions and tasks for experiments. The construction of proposals in the algorithm of the course of the chemical experiment is proposed. An example of the description of the content of experience to the laboratory work is given. The results of the pedagogical experiment are presented, which includes an analysis of the assessment of the difficulty of perceiving instructions of various forms, the cost of study time for preparing and conducting chemical ex periments at work, and testing students in the control and experimental groups. A survey of teachers of chemistry and biology was conducted, the results of which testify to the universality of the presented materials and the possibility of their use in school practice of teaching natural science subjects. Conclusion. The use of structured instructive and methodological materials in conducting laboratory studies in inorganic chemistry helps save study time for preparing and carrying out experiments, on the basis of which the methods of carrying out laboratory work are improved, which allows learners to assimilate chemical information more consciously and qualitatively. Keywords: chemistry laboratories, structured teaching materials, ergonomics in teaching, difficulty of perception of the text, teaching aid, input and output controls | 924 | ||||
7 | The analysis of the concept of «extracurricular activities» in school education is given, its features are characterized. The concept of «extracurricular activities in chemistry» is given, its purpose and specific feature at the senior level of education in a modern school are highlighted. The necessity of carrying out chemistry projects is substantiated, and one of the relevant areas is proposed: design activities of schoolchildren in modeling the structure of substances. The HyperChem software package, which is used to solve the problems of quantum-mechanical modeling of atomic and molecular structures, is described, which allows performing complex computational problems in chemistry in a short period of time. The methodology of work of schoolchildren with the HyperChem software package is described. The characteristic of individual chemistry projects is given, the stages of their implementation are given. An example of the construction by schoolchildren of the molecular structures of chlorides of elements of group 15 of the periodic system and their optimization by the semiempirical PM3 method, which includes only valence electrons in the calculation, is shown. Correlation dependences of the experimental and calculated bond lengths and bond angles, correlation equations, correlation coefficients (R), and standard deviation (SD) are presented. The results of evaluating completed projects on the basis of developed criteria, assessment scales and student performance on completed projects are presented. Questions were developed for questioning students in order to determine their attitude to the GaussView program. Keywords: extracurricular activities in chemistry, project activities, stages of the project, project evaluation, computer simulation, quantum-chemical calculations | 972 | ||||
8 | The importance of additional education in modern school is characterized. The relevance of additional science education using the experimental work of students based on regional characteristics is shown. The concept of “regional component of the content of education” is given. The choice of the topics of practical works on peat analysis by physicochemical methods is substantiated, the content of which is determined by the specific features of the Tomsk Region in terms of peat reserves and the accumulated experience of scientific research on the functioning of peat-swamp ecosystems. The goals, objectives and a list of topics of practical training are presented. The methodology for conducting practical work to determine the composition of peat, its physico-chemical characteristics: the degree of decomposition, moisture, ash, metabolic acidity, the determination of magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen (ammonium ions and nitrate ions) is described. The physicochemical methods used in the practical work are indicated: titrimetric (determination of magnesium and calcium), potentiometric (exchange peat acidity), photocolorimetric (determination of ammonium and nitrate ions), mobile compounds of iron and phosphorus) methods. Questions have been developed to identify students’ experimental skills and knowledge of qualitative chemical reactions before and after the practical work, and the results are presented. Questioning revealed an improvement in the level of all experimental skills by an average of 37 %. The attitude of students to the subject of the practical work, its content, as well as interest in conducting experimental work were identified on the basis of their questionnaire. Keywords: additional education, regional component of science education, Tomsk Region, peat, physical and chemical methods of analysis, practical work, experimental skills | 962 | ||||
9 | The traditional approach to the method of carrying out practical work in chemistry is characterized and its main components are identified. The use of block-modular teaching technology in conducting a chemical experiment has been substantiated. A characteristic of block-modular technology is given, the content of a modular map, consisting of educational elements reflecting the content of practical work in chemistry, sources of educational material, questions and tasks, input and output control of knowledge and skills, is described. The functions of educational elements in the module are highlighted, which allow organizing the experimental activity of students. An example of a modular card for practical work in chemistry in grade 11 is given. The methodological possibilities of using cases as one of the unconventional means of input and output control of knowledge and skills, their features for a chemical experiment are described, an example of a case is given. The characteristic is given to crossenсes as elements of the game technology of teaching, which are used to control the quality of mastering the content of practical work. An example of crossenсe to the experiment “Obtaining hydrogen in a test tube” is presented. The results of a survey of schoolchildren in order to identify their attitude to work with modular cards, cases and crossenсes are presented. It was found that the majority of respondents reacted positively to the use of these didactic materials in practical work in chemistry. Keywords: methods of teaching chemistry, student’s chemical experiment, practical work in chemistry, block-modular teaching technology, modular cards, cases, crossenсes | 860 | ||||
10 | An integrated approach to the evaluation of universal educational actions of students in the course of experimental work in chemistry and the knowledge necessary for their implementation is characterized. Diagnostic materials for the assessment of general educational, logical and sign-symbolic universal educational actions are proposed, on the basis of which the final grade is set. The content of diagnostic materials includes test tasks, cases, crossenses, a report on the work performed. They are presented in modular maps for practical work. The content of the module card is described, consisting of educational elements, including instructions for performing practical work, sources of educational material, questions and tasks, input and output control of knowledge and skills, and a form for preparing a report on the completed experimental work. The methodological possibilities of the educational elements of the module map are characterized, which allow organizing independent work of schoolchildren with the content of the module in accordance with individual abilities, improving their self-educational and organizational skills and performing a controlling function. The developed criteria for assessing test tasks of input control, criteria for evaluating the results of schoolchildren work with cases, crossenses, preparing a report on practical work and an assessment scale, on the basis of which the final grade is set, are considered. The results of approbation of diagnostic materials for practical work in chemistry in high school are presented, which make it possible to gradually prepare for the work, its implementation and the qualitative design of the results obtained. Keywords: chemistry experiment, practical work in chemistry, universal learning actions, diagnostic materials, student assessment, final grade | 676 | ||||
11 | The relevance of studying and developing means of evaluating learning outcomes in modern education in the preparation of undergraduates in a pedagogical university is described. The first stage includes familiarization with the purpose and objectives of the course, updating knowledge about the control of learning outcomes, types, forms and methods of control and mastering the control-evaluation system of education in modern conditions. Students get acquainted with the concepts: authentic assessment, testing, test specification, test task forms, control-measuring materials on the subject, assessment scales. At the next stage, independent work of students is organized to develop methodological materials on the chosen topic of the school course in chemistry. An exemplary algorithm of learning activities is proposed, including a methodological description of the topic, its planning with the inclusion of means for monitoring learning outcomes, and a list of tasks for compiling didactic materials to control schoolchildren’s knowledge. An approximate set of tasks includes: control questions and tasks on theoretical material, test tasks, case situations, crossences, calculation tasks and digital educational resources. Examples of some tasks developed by undergraduates on the topic “Hydrogen” are given. At the final stage, students submit a report on completed assignments in the form of a portfolio, which is evaluated by the teacher using a point-rating system. Keywords: academic discipline “Modern means of assessing learning outcomes”, individual independent work, control tasks and questions, test tasks, case situations, crossenсes, digital educational resources, portfolio | 447 |