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1 | The article considers the concept “educational independence” from the point of view of application of competence-based approach. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the data contained in the legislative documents in education, and scientific research in the field of competence-based approach in pedagogical process the author shows the content of educational independence. The author carried out the analysis of the modern dissertations devoted to the studying of competences of various spheres of the knowledge written over the last 5 years. Much attention is given to competences of education. Tells in detail about diagnostic testing of educational independence of students. The article is intended for public reading and for those, who are interested in educational research. Keywords: educational independence, competence-based approach, competence, research | 1330 | ||||
2 | The article considers the problem of studying and development of educational independence of students in the context of educational activity in higher education institution. The most effective form of educational activities of students is the organizational and activity game “I am a journalist”, which is based on the creation of students’ own projects of newspapers. This game consists of several parts – preparatory, game and reflexive. During the game the students play the roles of the editor, journalists and designers. “Editor” controls the whole process, gives subjects for the newspaper, is responsible for the entire result of the work; “journalists” prepare material on headings, collect information, prepare articles; “designers” are responsible for decorating of the newspaper, make out the newspaper materials prepared by journalists, select photos, drawings and so forth. As a result of joint activities during the game future teachers develop abilities for educational actions, understanding of their meaning; acquire the skills of joint operation with others; begin to take initiative and display subjective position. The data obtained by practical consideration confirm efficiency of application of an organizational and activity game “I am a journalist” for formation of educational independence. The article is of interest to teachers of higher education institutions and students of pedagogical specialties. Keywords: educational independence, organizational and activity game, selforganization, higher education | 1154 | ||||
3 | The article considers the problem of studying and development of educational independence of students in the context of educational activity in higher education institution. The purpose of the article is to give the reader some information on methods of formation of educational independence. The results of studying the levels of development of the studied quality in future educators are presented. The stages of the formation of educational independence are singled out: the stage of immersion in a new type of activity, the stage of reconstruction and construction of educational activity, the stage of designing educational activities. The article gives a detailed analysis of these stages and organizational forms in pedagogical process. There are a case-study, design of educational situations, organizational and activity games, the diary of introspection. Much attention is given to joint activity and educational activity. It deals with levels of development of educational independence. There are reproductive level, reconstructive level, creative level. It shows dynamics of development of levels of educational independence in students. Conclusions are drawn about efficiency of the offered stages of formation of educational independence. The article is of interest to teachers of colleges and higher educational institutions and also students of pedagogical specialties. Keywords: educational independence, compatibility, educational activity, formation of educational independence, bachelors in pedagogy | 1232 | ||||
4 | The article considers the problem of studying and development of educational independence of students in the context of educational activity in higher education institution. The most effective form of educational activity of students is the organizational and activity game Find problem and solution at the heart of which is the students’ search and solution of the problem situations presented in films. This game consists of several parts – preparatory, game and reflexive. During the game, each student performs a specific role – director, screenwriter, actor, which allows showing and developing various educational positions. Director controls the entire process, and is responsible for the entire result of the work. Screenwriter prepares the scenario of a solution. Actors play the scenario written by screenwriters. As a result of joint activities during the game students develop abilities to educational actions, understand their sense; to acquire teamwork skills with others; start showing initiative and a subject line item. The leading idea of a research is that students, being involved in joint activity during the game, seized various ways of the organization of educational activity, and then “transferred” these ways to their own independent activity. It allowed increasing their level of self-organization and motivation in the professional sphere. The article is of interest to teachers of higher education institutions and students of pedagogical specialties. Keywords: educational independence, organizational and activity game, joint activity, self-organization, students | 930 | ||||
5 | The article considers the problem of professional training of students in pedagogical areas from the point of view of using such a resource as Olympiads. The authors pay attention to the essential features of the subject and methodological Olympiads identified by Russian and foreign researchers. Among them, the authors define such as complexity, practical orientation, and personal significance for the student. The complexity includes theoretical, practical, and methodological material in the Olympiad tasks. The practice orientation focuses on developing specific forms of interaction with students, lesson notes. The personal significance for students is development of educational independence. Based on the results of the conducted research (online survey, analysis of student texts), conclusions are made about the need to hold. Conclusions are drawn about efficiency of the different types of Olympiads in the process of training future teachers. The researchers think that participation of students in the Olympiad takes on a new meaning in their professional training, acting not only as a means of evaluating the acquired knowledge, skills, but also as a resource for developing their subject-methodical competencies and educational actions. The article is of interest to teachers of colleges and higher educational institutions and also students of pedagogical specialties. Keywords: Olympiad, compatibility, educational independence, students, professional training | 1020 | ||||
6 | The article deals with the application of distance learning technologies in the organization of professional training of future primary school teachers. The authors analyze the main trends in the preparation of students of the pedagogical direction in the university. One of the main trends is the formation of the ability to use and creatively process educational technologies in the course of their professional activities. Taking into account this trend and the results of the survey of students allowed the authors to identify the need to use new distance learning technologies. As an example of the effective use of distance learning technologies, the authors describe the work on the creation of an electronic journal by students. This type of work made it possible to involve students in educational activities. In addition, students have gained experience in the use of distance learning technologies. The researchers think that participation of students in this work takes on a new meaning in their professional training, acting not only as a means of evaluating the acquired knowledge, skills, but also as a resource for developing their subject-methodical competencies and educational actions. The article is of interest to teachers of colleges and higher educational institutions and also students of pedagogical specialties. Keywords: distance education technologies, compatibility, primary school teachers, students, professional training | 859 | ||||
7 | The article deals with the problem of using health-saving technologies in a pedagogical university. The relevance of this issue is due to the deterioration of the external social and natural environment and an increase in violations in the physical and mental health of modern people. The problem of health saving is especially acute in relation to children and students, as well as specialists in “interacting” professions, which include teachers and lecturers. Hence, it is important to pay attention to the professional training of future teachers at the university, which should include not only knowledge about health and health care, but also the development of health-preserving technologies. The purpose of the article is to consider the problem of including health-saving technologies in the process of professional training of students at a pedagogical university for use in classes and the formation of practical experience of future teachers. To study the problematic field of the research topic on the basis of the Altai State Pedagogical University, a questionnaire was conducted among students of 4–5 courses, which emphasized the need not only to study healthy technologies within the framework of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle, but also their practical use in classes. As examples of the use of such technologies in working with students, physical activity break and various auto-training options have been proposed. Physical activity breaks allow you to organize a practically oriented recreation in the classroom, since future teachers not only participate in the exercise, but also analyze their implementation, include them in their methodological bank. Autotraining contributes to the solution of a number of psychological problems, and also helps to develop the professional qualities necessary for a teacher: the ability to tune in to a lesson, relax, overcome negative external influences, mastery of voice and emotions. Keywords: health-saving technologies, pedagogical university, future teachers, professional training of students at the university | 731 |