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1 | This article discusses the main areas of prevention of family distress and social orphanhood of children in the Amur region, and also analyzed the results of the implementation of the state social program for the prevention of family distress and social orphanhood of children in the Amur region for 2015–2017 The Way Home. The authors paid special attention to the issues of prevention of deprivation of parental rights and refusals of children at birth, reduction of the proportion of orphans and children left without parental care; an increase in the number of orphans and children left without parental care, placed in families for upbringing; an increase in the proportion of citizens who have adopted a child for upbringing in a family. The family is the most important social institution in the development of each individual, which is the main step in the socialization and development of a person. Children in the family acquire the skills and abilities of communication, mutual understanding, form the communicative component of the personality. It is in the family that moral character of the future person is laid. As a result of the study, a conclusion was drawn on the effective implementation of the program’s measures, which made it possible to build effective preventive work with families, based on socio-economic, legal, organizational, educational, psychological and pedagogical interventions. Keywords: family, state program, family support, prevention of family distress, social orphanhood | 1048 |