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1 | In the light of the consideration of the problem formation of professional competence of militarized universities cadets, the concept of common cultural competence of the cadets of the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation is being researched. Common cultural competence is defined as the leading competence, which is the basis of the professional activities of a modern law-enforcement officers of Russia. In order to identify the essence of the concept of common cultural competence, a detailed analysis of the definitions of the concept of culture is carried out, and the relationship and interrelation of the concepts of competence and competence, proposed by the pedagogical science is considered. As a result of the study, the author’s definition of the concept of common cultural competence of the cadets of the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation is proposed in a broad and narrow sense. The significance of the formation of common cultural competence in the process of professional training of cadets of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation allowed to highlight the external and internal aspects of this concept and reveal them in the text of the study. Federal state educational standards of higher education in the following specialties: 40.05.01 Legal Provision of National Security, 40.05.02 Law Enforcement, 40.05.03 Forensic Examination, determine twelve general cultural competencies that graduates of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation should have mastered the specialty program. Keywords: common cultural competence, competence-based approach, Federal State Educational Standards, culture, competence, cadet of the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, law-enforcement officers | 964 | ||||
2 | The issues of propaedeutics of the formation of professional competencies of students of secondary vocational educational organizations are considered. The concept of “propaedeutics” has been briefly characterized and clarified. The functions of propedeutics of the formation of professional competencies are determined. The study of mathematics by students of technical specialties should not only give intellectual development, but also carry a propaedeutic function for further education and the formation of professional competencies. The study and analysis of the pedagogical and methodical literature shows that the propaedeutic, integrative approach in professional training allows us to find a common platform of subject knowledge for the formation of common and professional competencies in students. The propaedeutic approach to teaching mathematics involves the deliberate inclusion of successive interdisciplinary links in the content of educational material. The propaedeutics of professional competencies’ formation can be implemented on the basis of project-research activities and the inclusion of professional-oriented tasks in the content of the educational general education discipline. This allows us to carry out the propaedeutics of the professional competencies’ formation, contributes to the revitalization of students’ cognitive activity and shows a sustained interest in the future profession. The article summarizes the results of testing the model for organizing design and research activities in the process of teaching mathematics with the aim of developing professional competence in propaedeutics and gives examples of research projects. Keywords: propaedeutics, professional competencies, competence, secondary vocational education, mathematics, professional-oriented tasks, design and research activities | 1096 | ||||
3 | The issues of the formation of universal competencies of students of educational organizations of secondary vocational education are considered. The concept of “universal competencies” is briefly characterized and clarified. The results of testing the integration of the disciplines «Mathematics» and «Computer Science» are presented. Solving the problem of improving the quality of vocational education in the system of secondary vocational education actualize the issue of integration of disciplines, the formation of universal competencies at the stage of General education. The integration of disciplines makes it possible not only to optimize the educational process, but also to form universal competencies. The study and analysis of methodological and pedagogical literature shows that in the system of secondary vocational education an integrative approach allows finding a common platform of subject knowledge for the formation of universal, general and professional competencies among students. The formation of universal competencies can be implemented through the organization of integrated classes and design and research activities through the solution of professionally oriented tasks. The integration of disciplines contributes not only to the activation of cognitive activity of students, the manifestation of a steady interest in a future profession, but also the formation of universal and professional competencies. The article briefly describes the stages and mechanism of the project of integration of disciplines. Keywords: competence, universal competencies, professional competencies, secondary vocational education, mathematics, computer science, professionally oriented tasks, project study activities | 1180 | ||||
4 | Recently, the problem of studying the socio-pedagogical adaptation of the individual has become very relevant. The meaning of this term, at first glance, seems quite obvious and understandable. But, in different sources this concept very often denotes different phenomena, which leads to a misunderstanding of each other by specialists whose research is actually aimed at the same thing. In our opinion, having examined the main approaches to the concept of “adaptation” as a whole, having studied the structure, criteria, mechanisms and features of this process, we can overcome these differences. Based on this, the article considers a number of approaches to the study of adaptation. Attention is paid to the works of famous scientists who are considering the studied concept at different functional levels. J. Piaget, G. Selye, and others studied the physiological approach. The psychological approach was reflected in the works of B. F. Berezin, N. F. Naumov, I. M. Popov, V. I. Lebedev, and many others. etc. And as part of the consideration of the most significant social level, we single out the studies of A. B. Georgievsky A. B. and V. P. Petlenko, M. Weber, T. Parson and M. Romm. Particular attention is paid to a systematic analysis of this problem (A. G. Maklakov, A. A. Rean, A. Nalchajyan, etc.), the phenomenon of personality socialization is considered (D. Dollard, Walter, T. Shibutani, O. I. Zotova, I. K. Kryazheva). As a result of the study, a structure of socio-pedagogical adaptation is proposed, based on the personality model of B. D. Parygin, consisting of three interconnected and detailed levels. Keywords: adaptation, personality, socio-psychological adaptation, socio-pedagogical adaptation, system analysis, physiological approach, psychological approach, social approach, personality model | 1081 | ||||
5 | This article discusses the problem of developing and implementing a model of third-age education aimed at developing their social competence. The issue of training people of third age is relevant and solved in the works of domestic and foreign research from the point of view of formation and development of certain competences in conditions of continuous education. The third age refers to the period after the termination of professional activity characterized by the continuation of an active lifestyle to reveal its potential and opportunities. Teaching people of third age is a process based on the fundamental provisions of andragogics, gerogogics, adapted to the individual, psychological and social characteristics of students. Aimed at the empowerment, adaptation, socialization and self-actualization of people after retirement and termination of their professional activities. Which forms their social competence, as well as enabling them to develop effective strategies of adaptive behavior and learn to live in conditions of uncertainty. The methodological basis of this process is the personality-oriented, activity-oriented, axiological approach. The present study is based on a competency-based approach to the development of universal competences, which include social competence. The model developed and introduced into the educational process of the Higher People’s School is based on andragological and gerontological principles and includes four interrelated blocks: targeted, meaningful, organizational, and effective. A special place in the model is assigned to the program of social competence development. The programme consists of five modules that ensure the targeted development of all components of social competence. Third-age education is provided through formal and informal educational activities. The training process uses: traditional lectures with mandatory use of ICT technologies, problem lectures, conference lectures, binary lectures, seminar lectures, etc.; seminar lectures on which knowledge gained at lectures, abilities, skills and competences goes deep and systematized; practical exercises (testing, games, etc.); training occupations; conferences. The classes use individual and group forms of training; active, interactive, and visual learning methods. The program of training at the higher public school gives the chance to people of the third age to receive a certain level of knowledge, abilities, skills and competences, to find confidence in their abilities and to realize the potential of physical, intellectual, educational resources and free time. The presented model implies realization of such psychological and pedagogical conditions in the course of education, which influence the effectiveness of the process of development of social competence in people of the third age. The implemented model of education has shown its effectiveness in the development of social competence of people of the third age and has contributed to socio-psychological adaptation, socialization and self-actualization of people of the third age in modern dynamically developing conditions. Keywords: methodological basis of educating of people of the third age, competencybased approach, competenсe, competency, continuous education, higher public school, educating of people of the third age, social competence | 957 | ||||
6 | The article describes the technologies that allow students to form information, social, and professional competencies of future specialists that are in demand by the labor market. In the modern process of education, information and communication technologies are successfully used, allowing the use of computer office programs, graphic editors, Internet browsers, telecommunications and pedagogical distance technologies that involve the use of ICT. Remote interaction allows you to organize an educational process that provides communication between teachers and students indirectly through the telecommunications environment of the Internet. This helps to attract more students to educational and training activities and, consequently, expands the educational space. Extracurricular competitive events based on remote technologies are effective forms of work for improving the level of professional training and developing General competencies of students, including students with different educational needs and disabilities. The analysis of pedagogical, organizational, and procedural components of extracurricular remote competitive events organized by professional educational organizations allowed us to consider and introduce the concept of «extracurricular remote competitive technologies». The issue of actual extracurricular distance competitive technologies in the conditions of digitalization of education is considered. A compound represented by structural elements of the adversarial model of extracurricular distance learning technologies. Keywords: digitalization, extracurricular competitive events, remote technologies, extracurricular remote competitive technologies, professional, General competencies | 781 | ||||
7 | Social and communicative competence of a person is the most important feature of every individual in the modern world. The improvement of this quality formed the basis for the formation of innovative ideas, advanced technologies, modern theories, and neo-methods. Social and communicative competence of a person is an integral ability of an individual to build correct, rational, effective, successful formation of contacts with other people, and is also included in the concept of “human culture”. In the modern world, the purpose of the development of this ability is not so much the replacement of “natural” experience with another, more effective one, but also the organization, more precisely, assistance in selforganization of more effective ways of mastering the wealth of communicative culture. The article reveals the essence of the social and communicative competence of a person, its components, levels of development; characteristic features of people with this communication skill are indicated. The development of a person’s social and communicative competence is carried out using various methods and technologies; the study presents the methods of its formation. The theoretical significance of the study is determined by the identification of new problems of inhibition of the development of social and communicative competence of the individual. The practical significance of the article is due to the possibility of using new methods for the development of this quality. Keywords: personality, communicative competence, behavior, culture, social role, morality | 1020 | ||||
8 | The article is devoted to the issues of adaptation to new conditions of existing employees who are undergoing initial training at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The relevance of the study is substantiated, due to the fact that during the period of adaptation, the social and mental maturation of the personality takes place through the prism of the main directions of adaptation, which are taken into account both in the service and educational activities. The concept of social and psychological adaptation of students is presented, which consists in mastering the system of official and unofficial relations, the formation of an active life position of an educational institution, primary team and profession. The conditions that students face in the framework of statutory relations are considered. The main directions of optimization of socio-psychological adaptation in a paramilitary collective are revealed: the corresponding development of students with a professional orientation; correction of motivational orientation to achieve success; optimization of mutual understanding in relations with teachers; predicting the adaptation of listeners to the governing bodies, the impact on its progress according to the forecast the formation of students’ psychological attitude towards self-education, the development of management activities; using the monitoring technique to develop reflexivity in communication with listeners and with senior officers. Keywords: adaptation, initial training, psychological comfort | 852 | ||||
9 | The relevance of the article is due to the fact that recently there has been an increased interest in the topic of social and pedagogical adaptation of a person in a rapidly changing cultural and socio-economic environment. The sphere of education, in spite of its conservatism, is also undergoing drastic changes and requires new approaches. In this regard, in our study, we study the role of extracurricular activities in the socio-pedagogical adaptation of cadets, since the conditions of education and living in a cadet boarding school differ significantly from ordinary general education schools. Also, it should be noted that the concept of “extracurricular activities” is given great attention in the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation. Therefore, the article discusses in detail the purpose, objectives, result of this type of activity, as well as the place in educational programs at different periods of time. Much attention is paid to the construction of individual programs for extracurricular activities. In our opinion, each form of extracurricular activity corresponds to certain individual and age characteristics of students. The article describes a comprehensive program that includes not only portfolio analysis, academic performance and conversation with parents, but also recommendations for a complete psychological and pedagogical diagnostics to identify the abilities of schoolchildren that will correspond to one or another form of extracurricular activities. The results show that this approach contributes to a more successful passage of the adaptation process. Keywords: adaptation, social and pedagogical adaptation, cadet school, extracurricular activities, Federal State Educational Standard | 825 | ||||
10 | The rapidly developing process of digitalization of the economy has led to dynamic changes in secondary vocational education. The digital economy is one of the main sources of educational goal-setting. The social order for the results of secondary vocational education is formulated in the list of formed professional and general competencies, the content of which changes significantly under the influence of digitalization. The introduction of Federal State Educational Standards sets professional educational organizations the task of meeting their requirements. The problem of choosing methods and technologies of teaching aimed at forming student’s general competencies and principles, ways and methods of their assessment becomes urgent. The issue of the formation of general competencies of students at all stages of training and education is one of the most relevant in the practice of secondary vocational education in Russia. The analysis of normative legal documents, theoretical approaches, conditions and results of practical educational activities allowed us to identify the relevance and specifics of the process of forming general competencies among students of secondary vocational education in the context of digital opportunities. The article considers the determining factors, the possibilities of extracurricular distance competitive technologies. The structure is defined and the structural and functional model of formation of general competences of students of the system of secondary vocational education in the process of extracurricular distance competitive educational events is developed, which represents an integral didactic system and consists of structural components: target, environmental, content, procedural and evaluation blocks. The presented pedagogical model reflects the necessary elements that form the pedagogical process. The components included in the model are interrelated, carry a certain semantic load and determine each other. A special feature of the pedagogical model is the purposeful application of the conditions and opportunities used in distance educational technologies to the extracurricular competitive activities of students in order to form common competencies. The practical significance of the study is to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of general competencies of students and the use of the developed model in the educational process of secondary vocational education in the context of digitalization. Keywords: federal state educational standards, general competencies, national qualifications framework, digitalization, extracurricular distance competitive technologies | 785 |