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1 | The purpose of the article is to present a holistic picture of the development of the museums in the vast territory of the Tomsk province and the modern Tomsk region. The method of historical-genetic analysis revealed the conditions for the birth of museums as a social phenomenon and the gradual creation of museums of various kinds. We provide the names of the Tomsk Imperial University professors who were thematic museums organizers. We bring your attention to that all showpieces of the university thematic museums established at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th one were used in education process as supplements to lecture courses contents and as demonstration aids for students. Museum collections were supposed to be used only by university students and faculty members. Other town dwellers didn’t have the right to visit the museums. It was only in the period from 1930’s to 1960’s when municipal museums of history, regional studies, ethnography, art, military and patriotic studies were established and the town population got the opportunity to visit the museums and become acquainted with the artifacts, historical events as well to make their personal assessment of what they had seen. In the paper we highlight that at present the Tomsk Region with its over 300 different museums is one of the major territorial entities of the Siberian Federal District in social, cultural and academic respects. Classification of museums is proposed: university, municipal, departmental, memorialpolitical, school museums. Purposes of museums of each type, their educational tasks and functions were determined. The social, educational and pedagogical needs of museums in the selection, preservation and presentation of the cultural and historical heritage of mankind are substantiated. Keywords: museum, exhibition, historical relics, research work, educational activity, educational process, supplementary education of schoolchildren | 908 | ||||
2 | The main purpose of this article is to illustrate the historical emergence and developing of elementary schools, men and women gymnasiums in Siberian territories in the period of of the 17th - early 20th centuries using archival materials from the unique school museum of public education in Tomsk. The dynamic of formation and functioning of the various types of ecclesiastical educational institutions and class purpose are presented. On the basis of data from the archival funds of the Museum of Public Education of the city of Tomsk, the role of prominent public figures and Siberian educators P.I. Makushin and G.N. Potanin in the construction of new schools and the creation of various educational societies, including the Society for the Care of Primary Education. The distribution of literacy experience is illustrated by means of creation free libraries, book shops and accessible museum on the Tomsk province territories. Today more than a hundred municipal and departamental museums operate on the territory of the modern Tomsk region. Most of these museums have special sections containing archival documents and exhibits, dedicated to education. The article describes the history of the Tomsk school museum of public education, which documents a complete picture of school education during the existence of the Tomsk province until 1925. Archival documents also reflect the current state of the teaching staff, the content of educational programs and achievements of the school educational system. Keywords: elementary school, gymnasium, ecclesiastical seminar, library, museum stock, archival materials, enlightenment, social activity | 903 |