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1 | The article considers the state of modern pre-school education in Russia and Mongolia. It is indicated that in both countries, preschool education of children is a rightful and integral part of the state system of general education, which assumes the continuity of the educational process with ensuring a harmonious transition of children from preschool to primary school education. The article focuses on the goals and objectives of the education of children of senior preschool age, formed in the normative documents of Russia and Mongolia, based on personality-oriented pedagogy. The importance of understanding the current tasks of preschool childhood in both state educational systems is noted not from the point of view of preparing five- and six-year-olds for systematic education in school, but from the point of view of forming a viable personality and intrinsic value of preschool age. A comparative analysis of the current state of pre-school education in Russia and Mongolia has shown that both systems focus on the needs and age opportunities of the child, with the right to choose institutions, programs, forms of activity, methods of education and upbringing. It is concluded that the system of pre-school education in preschool institutions in Mongolia is at the stage of development, while in Russia there is sufficient experience to spread and enrich the educational system as a whole. Keywords: preschool childhood, pre-school education, school preparation, preschool institutions of Mongolia, Russian education system | 986 | ||||
2 | In this article, an analysis of the use of Russian proverbs in Russian language textbooks “Russian language” for 7-9 classes of general education schools in Mongolia is given. The content side of the textbooks is revealed, which determines the relationship between grammatical and linguistic material. A brief description of the textbooks is given in terms of structure and sources used. Determined all proverbs according to thematic group, corresponding to those tasks in the textbook and methodical guide for the teacher of the Russian language. Emphasis is placed on the functional use of Russian proverbs at the initial stage of teaching Russian as a foreign language, and a selection of examples of the use of proverbs is carried out in accordance with their thematic affiliation, type of task and methodological recommendations. The inconsistencies in the choice of proverbs as language material for Russian language textbooks are determined on the basis of generally accepted criteria in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Some recommendations are given for working with proverbs when teaching Russian as a foreign language, in particular, for using them in different types of work orally (presentation, explanation, examples of synonymous Mongolian proverbs, translation into Mongolian). Keywords: Russian textbook, Russian language, Russian as a foreign language, Russian language teaching, proverb | 485 |