German/French language teachers university training system in the context of competence activities and professionally directed educational model
DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2023-6-87-95
The article examines the problem of professional training of future German (French) language teachers within the framework of the second specialisation in the field of study ‘44.03.05 Pedagogical Education’ (with two training directions). The structural content model of the German (French) language profile is described using the relevant basic educational program implemented at the Institute of Foreign Languages and International Cooperation of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The issue is raised about the quality of bachelor’s training in the second direction: concerning the optimal ratio of the efforts required by the first and second directions, the features of the structural-content model of mastering disciplines (modules) and practices, the basic principles, methods, techniques and forms of organising the educational process in order to form a whole standard complex of competencies and students’ achieving new levels of personal development. The analysis of the educational model showed the complex nature of specialised training, a shift of emphasis to achieving specific educational results formulated in the current Federal State Educational Standards, which allows to reveal a built-in hierarchy of conventionally distinguished levels: cognitive (subject module disciplines) - constructive (methodological module disciplines) – productive (practice) and in general, pragmatic and applied nature of the development of the educational trajectory. It is concluded that the pragmatic and applied (practice oriented and professionally oriented) nature of the structural and content model of the specialisation provides the basis for the formation of a competence-based personality and is an indicator of the student’s readiness for the chosen activity at the personal-pedagogical level.
Keywords: German/French language teacher, university teacher training system, quality of teacher training, structural content model of profile training
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Issue: 6, 2023
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 87 — 95
Downloads: 240