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801 | The appeal to the problem of using digital educational resources in the academic discipline «Physical Culture» is associated with the need, in connection with the epidemiological situation in the world, to transfer the educational process to the online and blended learning format. Of course, the translation process began much earlier, thanks to the project “Modern Digital Educational Environment” [1], which was implemented from 2013–2020 as part of the state program “Development of Education”. Despite this, specialists in physical culture and sports of non-physical culture universities insisted that “physical culture” has a purely applied nature and cannot be carried out in a blended learning and, moreover, in an online format. At the same time, each of us understands that to engage means to act. There is no action without motivation, positive emotions and attitude. All this forms a readiness for action. Readiness is not formed without a cognitive component and an operational – activity component, that is, without a cognitive component. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge in practice, which is associated not only with motor activity, but also with other components of physical improvement. Drawing a conclusion from the above, we can say that the theoretical block of the discipline “Physical Culture” is important and its implementation is possible in an online and blended learning format. The problem of introducing digital educational resources into the process of mastering the discipline “Physical Culture” is considered. The analysis of Internet sites, applications and programs most often used by specialists in the educational process is presented. The relevance of the use of mixed learning in the development of the discipline “Physical Culture” has been revealed. A survey of physical education teachers was carried out, during which the negative and positive effects of the use of Internet technologies in the classroom of both practical and theoretical blocks of the discipline were determined. Recommendations are given to improve the effectiveness of studying the discipline in a mixed and remote format. Conclusion: when studying the discipline “Physical Culture”, the possibilities of using various digital educational resources are limitless; because they allow you to master the discipline in a mixed and remote format, design individual educational routes, independently increase the level of cognitive activity and readiness for physical self-improvement. At the same time, we believe that the best option would be to create a systemically organized virtual educational health-saving platform that will allow students to effectively build their own health-saving educational space. It should be a world where you can find everything about physical improvement and even more: materials of lectures and seminars in free permanent access, online courses, webinars, training simulators and online constructors, testing applications, a virtual library, useful articles, video classes, various applications, and messengers for feedback. Keywords: digital educational resources mixed learning, academic discipline “Physical culture”, university students, virtual educational platform | 877 | |||||
802 | The difference in interpretations of definitions “sex”, “gender”, “sexdifferenceated”, “gendering” approaches, “traditional” and “egalitarian” directions in interaction of representatives of opposite gender is marked. The definition “gender” is observed as a model of social relationship between people of opposite sex, witch characterizes interactions in a family, personal interactions and social interactions in the basic institutions of society. There are not only physical differences between a man and a woman, a boy and a girl, not only socially fixed features of manhood and womanhood, but also equality in realization of everyday necessities and social roles without differentiation into “male” and “female”. The problem of university preparing of the future music teacher for gender education in the frame of school subject is identified. It is necessary in the process of analyzing of music images of classical and modern art to pay attention to pointing out gender potential of creations at the lessons of analyzing of music forms, at the music-pedagogical practicums on forming of the models of the pedagogical situations, as well as in the period of pedagogical practice at school. The example of the analyses of the music creations with the pupils shows the possibilities of the music lesson at school in the education of the culture of feelings of boys and girls, culture of their interaction in the format of joint learning. Keywords: sex, gender, boys, girls, egalitarian directions, music lesson, models of manhood, womanhood | 875 | |||||
803 | The paper considers the grammatical means used by speakers to indicate the source of information when organizing an utterance, the purpose of which is to transfer information received in communicative acts preceding a specific act of communication. It is shown that these grammatical means belonging to different language system divisions are not fully characterized in the methodological literature and, first of all, in the normative documents regulating the teaching of Russian to foreigners. Filling the gap existing in the applied description of the language system (its fragment) supposes it to be built on the language research by theoretical linguistics. To determine the place of grammatical means of indicating the source of information in the language system, the authors turn to the communicative grammar of G. A. Zolotova, to the concepts of “authorization” and “authorization means” proposed within this linguistic model. When considering the system of authorization means in the Russian language from the standpoint of theoretical linguistics, the objectives of their study and description in the linguodidactic aspect are formulated and scientifically substantiated. Linguodidactic conception of authorization means (not yet described satisfactorily in the methodological literature) based on the language system provides the basis for the most efficient presentation of this material to a foreign audience and for the learners’ success in acquiring this part of Russian grammar. Keywords: indication of the information source, authorization, modus frame, modus predicate, modus subject, teaching abstracting and reviewing | 874 | |||||
804 | An attempt is made to study the phenomenon of integral individuality of a person through the prism of criminal behavior that led to the commission of a serious criminal act. The article considers the problem of the need to understand the complex inner world of the criminal, which allows to reveal the specific deep mechanisms that cause the criminalization of the individual. Topical issues related to the identification of the features of the structure of the integral personality of men convicted of serious crimes against the person and serving criminal sentences in places of deprivation of liberty are formulated. It is stated that the consideration and study of the phenomenon of integral individuality will allow us to find the optimal research path that will allow us to reveal the peculiar, individual characteristics of the criminal’s personality. The study revealed significant differences between convicted and law-abiding citizens in the multi-level properties of integral individuality, concerning the emotional and communicative spheres of the individual, as well as life goals. Taking into account the revealed differences, a group of significant factors characterizing internal psychological aspects that contributed to the commission of a serious crime against a person is determined. The relevance of the study of the problem of the integral individuality of convicts is confirmed, which allows us to outline new guidelines for the implementation of psychological work in places of deprivation of liberty. Further steps are proposed that contribute to the solution of research problems in the theoretical and practical planes in the field of penitentiary problems. Keywords: integral individuality, personality, criminal behavior, aggression, convicts, serious crimes | 874 | |||||
805 | The article describes the technologies that allow students to form information, social, and professional competencies of future specialists that are in demand by the labor market. In the modern process of education, information and communication technologies are successfully used, allowing the use of computer office programs, graphic editors, Internet browsers, telecommunications and pedagogical distance technologies that involve the use of ICT. Remote interaction allows you to organize an educational process that provides communication between teachers and students indirectly through the telecommunications environment of the Internet. This helps to attract more students to educational and training activities and, consequently, expands the educational space. Extracurricular competitive events based on remote technologies are effective forms of work for improving the level of professional training and developing General competencies of students, including students with different educational needs and disabilities. The analysis of pedagogical, organizational, and procedural components of extracurricular remote competitive events organized by professional educational organizations allowed us to consider and introduce the concept of «extracurricular remote competitive technologies». The issue of actual extracurricular distance competitive technologies in the conditions of digitalization of education is considered. A compound represented by structural elements of the adversarial model of extracurricular distance learning technologies. Keywords: digitalization, extracurricular competitive events, remote technologies, extracurricular remote competitive technologies, professional, General competencies | 871 | |||||
806 | The importance of physical culture and sports in human life, associated with maintaining the health of the nation as a whole and ensuring individual health and working capacity of the individual in particular, is realized in the form of physical education carried out in educational institutions, including universities. A high level of physical fitness of students will ensure their ability to perform high-quality future work activities. In order to assess the level of physical fitness of students within the framework of their physical education at the university, it is possible to use the standards of the GTO complex as a universal evaluation mechanism that allows identifying the most physically developed representatives of this generation. The purpose is to determine the compliance of the level of physical fitness of modern students of non-physical education specialties with the norms of the GTO complex and to identify on this basis ways to improve the physical training of students in the conditions of a modern university. The materials for the study were theoretical and empirical data obtained on the basis of the use of methods of theoretical analysis of special literature and advanced pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, control tests, mathematical and statistical methods of data processing and analysis. When studying the advanced pedagogical experience accumulated in our country since the introduction of the revived GTO standards in 2014, reflected in relevant publications, as well as scientific and methodological literature in the field of physical education, it was shown that at present the level of physical fitness of students does not always meet the requirements of GTO standards. This fact was proved experimentally, by conducting control tests on the basis of the Mari State University. This indicated that additional work is required on the physical training of students, and those indicators of physical fitness of students that require the greatest development were also identified. Methodological recommendations were formulated to improve the physical training of students in accordance with the standards of the GTO. The expediency of using the GTO standards as a system for assessing students’ physical fitness was theoretically justified and empirically proved. Keywords: GTO standards, physical fitness, physical education, physical training of students, assessment of physical fitness | 871 | |||||
807 | The article presents a version of the substantiated and developed planning of recovery microcycles in the structure of the mesocycles of the preparatory period of young skiers-racers training at the stage of in-depth sports training. The means of recovery microcycles are defined, including the means of general physical and special physical training in combination with available and effective pedagogical, medical-biological and psychological means of recovery. In addition to the recovery microcycles, the necessity of additional inclusion of two combined microcycles in the structure of the mesocycles of the preparatory period, including an equal combination of developmental and recovery modes of training loads, and a complex of biomedical and psychological remedies, is shown. Keywords: academic disciplines, young skiers-racers, recovery microcycle, combined microcycle, recovery facilities, preparatory period of the annual cycle | 870 | |||||
808 | At present, the competence-based approach is dominant in education, since it presupposes, first of all, not the self-valuable assimilation of knowledge by students, but the opportunity to use this knowledge in the learning process to solve urgent problems. The most important feature of modern education is its universality. There are universal competences in all modules of the educational program and in various activities. This work is devoted to the formation of universal competencies in the course “Theoretical Physics. Module: Classical Mechanics” for undergraduate students on the example of a section related to finding the law of body motion. The emphasis is on the approach to solving Hamilton’s equations as a system of first-order differential equations. The module “Classical Mechanics” is the initial stage of the study of theoretical physics. This section discusses various approaches to the study of the dynamics of mechanical systems, such as Newtonian mechanics, Lagrangian mechanics, and Hamilton’s canonical formalism. These approaches are equivalent, but Hamilton’s formalism has several advantages. The topic of the work is relevant for students of pedagogical universities, whose professional tasks involve the ability to search, critical analysis and synthesis of information, apply a systematic approach to solving the assigned tasks (Universal Competencies-1), generalize theoretical material and apply it to specific tasks with specific methodological goals. The purpose of the development is to help students see the similar and different points in problem solving, considering the proposed problems from a unified position. The methodological task is to form the competencies of the UC-1 group when solving the proposed tasks. Keywords: physical and mathematical sciences, theoretical physics, classical mechanics, systems of differential equations, dynamics of physical systems, teacher training, universal competencies | 869 | |||||
809 | The national development strategy sets an important task for vocational education – to prepare personnel for the renewal of the economy and ensuring its competitiveness in the world market. The experience of professional education shows that the educational process, consistently carried out in the academic environment, and then in the field of professional activity in the conditions of high dynamics of information processes, leads to a rapid obsolescence of knowledge. The competence orientation defined by the new educational standard has a truncated character when it comes to innovative products, the creation of which requires the involvement of the subject in the innovation process. The model of an educational cluster based on the integration of heterogeneous social spheres – education and professional activity, in the integrity of which the training of specialists is carried out, is updated. The article examines the basis of the integration form of an educational cluster – the complementarity of the subjects of heterogeneous social spheres, who, as members of the cluster, can attract additional resources to their professional activities. The conclusions can be used in making decisions of regional entities about joining the educational cluster to create the advantages of their own business. Keywords: educational cluster, innovation, integration, complementarity, region, economy, the principle of complementarity, resource, education management | 869 | |||||
810 | The article shows modern specifics of interaction between universities and the regional labor market in the context of promoting employment of the population from the perspective of a new worldview – the ecosystem approach. Authors give substantiation of trends and directions of regional andragogical practices’ development (additional professional education) related to the activities of employment services in the logic of ecosystem synergy and the value of human capital assets development outlining the advantages of such synergy and ways to achieve it. The article summarizes empirical materials of employment services in the Tomsk region (2017-2021) on the testing of new andragogical services of an anthropocentric orientation, including the experience of the national project «Demography” (Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Arkhangelsk, Volgograd regions and Kamchatka Krai). It presents the results of statistical data analysis reflecting the interrelationships of educational programs that were used to train citizens aimed at changes in employment (unemployed; citizens in labor relations, but looking for another job; women on parental leave; people of preretirement and retirement age), and the results of new employment scenarios for such people. This work explains and justifies reasons for such interrelations and ways of influencing them. The authors actualize the need for the anthropocentric transformation of andragogical practices, including additional vocational education, which creates the provision of new planned effects (socially significant results) through the ecosystem synergy of education, labor market and employment services (with their intermediary function) which is an important area of activity of Russian university communities. Authors used the following methods to prepare the materials of this article: survey (questionnaire, interview), biographical method, expert method, educational design. Keywords: human capital assets, adults, regional education system, adragogical practice, labour market, ecosystem approach | 869 | |||||
811 | The article presents an analysis of the easel plot composition of the assembling type from the point of view of a systematic approach on the example of the works by famous artists of the past and works by modern authors, including learners of art schools and universities. The easel plot composition of the assembling type was investigated from the points of view of the system approach, the laws of constructing the easel composition as a system through the tools of the system approach were revealed. The use of these patterns in training the easel composition of both children and adults can lead to a qualitatively new level of assimilation and acquisition of skills. The principles of work on the easel plot composition (including assembling) with the application of a systematic approach in the framework of teaching fine art are described. It has been proved that the composition is a whole system, always assuming closure and completeness, and its elements are always fixed. All elements of the composition are connected by the unity of meanings, without which the composition is impossible. The composition acts as a system of internal bonds, combining all the components of the form and content into a single whole. The practical significance of the study is visible in the field of teaching composition in art and general education schools, specialized universities and secondary schools. Keywords: system approach, system-oriented analysis, system, the easel plot composition of the assembling type, elements of composition, composition structure, analysis of composition structures | 868 | |||||
812 | The article addresses the issue of goal setting in foreign language teaching under conditions of non-specialized educational institutions. The urgency of the matter lies in requirements for the system of foreign language teaching. As popularity of life-long learning is presently growing, the skill of goal setting is considered to be one of the key skills within this paradigm. The article reviews the notion of ‘goal’ from the perspective of such scientific fields as philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. The notion and stages of such notion as goal setting is considered in the article. Levels of proficiency in goal setting are described as well. The skill of goal setting should be developed from the moment when learning starts. From the point of both a teacher and a learner, awareness of the inner structure of goal setting process first of all helps to find a correct learning path, to select the appropriate means, teaching techniques, methods and resources. Secondly, goal setting is a skill which has to be developed systematically with the help of teaching exercises and tasks. It is thus necessary to have satisfactory knowledge of what is the process of action in general, what characteristics it possesses and what role is given to goal setting within it. Keywords: life-long learning, goal, goal setting, teaching, learning, foreign language teaching, action | 868 | |||||
813 | The article is devoted to the study of specificity of a resilience and psychological defense mechanisms in young people with different levels of Internet addiction. It presents modern views on the content of such concepts as “resilience”, “psychological defense mechanisms”, “Internet addiction”. Also, it includes the results of pilot study, which was conducted on a sample of 51 NSTU students, aged 19 to 21 years. The Chen Internet Addiction Scale (CIAS), the test “Adult Resilience” by A. V. Makhnach, a questionnaire of the structure of psychological defenses M. Bond were used in the study. It was found that psychological defenses in general are more pronounced in the group with Internet-addictive behavior, and resilience is more expressed in the group with minimal risk of Internet-addictive behavior. Internet-addictive behavior, maladaptive psychological defenses such as passive aggression, behavioral response, hypochondria, fantasy, and adaptive defense – prediction are more often used. The results let authors conclude that resilient youth is characterized, on the one hand, by the use of defenses that worsen their interaction with other people, polar thinking both in relation to themselves and in relation to other people, on the other hand, and by the striving for people and the use of humor and creativity in difficult situations. Keywords: Internet-addiction, internet addicted behavior, cybersocialization, resilience, psychological defense mechanisms, personal defense mechanisms | 868 | |||||
814 | The article deals with the problem of actualizing personality-oriented approaches in the system of higher music education as a strategy driven by the challenges of modern culture. It is noted that today the professional environment requires, in addition to mastering performing skills, the formation of the ability for self-development, self-actualization, independent choice of strategies for creative development, adaptive and communication skills and abilities. The constructing by the teacher, together with the student, of an individually creative trajectory of the development of a musician-performer is assessed as a way to achieve these goals. The concept of «individual professional and creative developmental trajectory» of a student as musician-performer through the synthesis of professional and creative competencies and the availability of soft skills has been explicated. The authors propose possible approaches to achieving the set educational goals through the creation of social and pedagogical conditions, such as the primary diagnosis of the student’s musical performance level, the creation of «educational and creative situations», the development by the university the integrated formats of studies, the organization of all types of practices in the context of an individual development trajectory, independent work of a student as a tool for updating the process of forming competencies. The article considers and analyzes the peculiarities of preparation of a musician-performer from the viewpoint of building the dynamics of the learning process as a movement from «subjectobject » to «subject-subject» interactions in the «teacher-student» dyad, which is based on the principle of student-centered educational process. The article suggests and describes possible strategies for building the educational process, the core of which is personalization and self-actualization of the creative potential of a musician-performer; development of motivation for self-organization, self-education, self-development in the preparation of a student; focus on productive adaptation in a professional environment, which involves the integration of professional performing skills and soft skills; unity of preserving domestic traditions of music education and openness to the dynamics of innovative educational strategies. Keywords: music education, individual professional and creative trajectory of student development, competence-based approach, subjectivity, soft skills, educational environment of the university | 867 | |||||
815 | The current state of the problem of developing the resilience of the individual at the stage of mastering the future profession is relevant for optimizing and increasing the effectiveness of the process of education and upbringing in higher education. The level of resilience of young people is closely related to the nature of the course of the adaptation process, including the formation of coping behavior skills. The purpose of the study: to test and substantiate the existence of a relationship between resilience and coping behavior strategies among students of different ages. The study of the relationship between resilience and coping behavior strategies among students of different ages was conducted on a sample of students from the Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy at the age of 18 to 24, in the amount of 67 people. S. Muddy’s hardiness test and Lazarus’ Methods of Coping Behavior Questionnaire (WSQ) were used as diagnostic material. Statistical data processing was carried out using SPSS Statistics 27 (IBM). The study showed that resilience is a dynamic process, due to the age-psychological characteristics of the individual and the experience of overcoming life’s difficulties. This is evidenced by differences in the structure of hardiness in different age groups, as well as an increase in the level of hardiness from youth to youth. Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, resilience, coping strategies, students | 866 | |||||
816 | MASTER IN SCHOOL: TO BE OR NOT TO BE // Pedagogical Review. 2020. Issue 2 (30). P. 30-34 In this article, the author considers the issue of the position of masters in school and the position of the heads of secondary schools for master’s training. Based on the study of difficulties in the process of studying at a magistracy, the author found that the school does not create conditions for successful learning, because the leaders do not show interest in the master’s training of a teacher. Based on the results of a survey of the heads of secondary schools, the researcher concludes that employers do not see fundamental importance in the multi-level training of the teacher, since the functions and types of activities of masters in the school are not legally fixed. At the same time, school principals are ready to create conditions for the training of teachers in the magistracy, to involve in research and design and management activities, in pedagogical support of work to improve the activities of school teachers, to include them in the school management team. The author outlines the problem of recruitment from the point of view of the distribution of master figures for admission to the magistracy, which is caused by the lack of interest of employers in the master’s training of the teacher. Keywords: two-level training, bachelor, master, teacher, standard, higher education, functions and activities | 865 | |||||
817 | The problem of improving the quality of methodological and subject training of future teachers is raised. Subject and methodological deficits of graduates of pedagogical universities actualize attention to the issues of metamethodics, which is interpreted by the authors as a link between the laws of classical didactics and the principles of teaching methods for individual academic subjects. It is shown that even the classics of didactics spoke about the need to allocate a special area in pedagogy, which will generalize empirical methodological experience and thereby identify the most effective forms and methods of teaching. It is assumed that the methodology can link the teaching and learning paradigms, focus on the managerial aspect of pedagogical activity, and develop effective learning scenarios. Reflections on metamethodics allow the authors to identify a special professional competence of a modern teacher: metamethodics as a set of subject, methodological and activity aspects. Due to this, the methodology can become a new theoretical basis for building educational activities at different levels and in different types of education. In the future, it will be important to study metametodics as an interdisciplinary phenomenon and identify its educational resources for building educational activities taking into account current global trends in the development of education. Keywords: methodology, didactics, teaching, learning, educational activities, the competence of the teacher | 864 | |||||
818 | The authors substantiated the relevance of the study of the characteristics of moral consciousness and responsibility as a personality trait of modern youth on the example of university students. In the process of studying the responsibility of students as a system of content-semantic and instrumental-style components, 2 groups were identified among them: with “energetic” and “asthenicdifficult” types of realization of this personality trait. Students with the “energetic” type were distinguished by a more stable and conscious desire to manifest and develop it, broad sociocentric motivation, developed internal self-regulation, although with the dominance of personal goals, subjective productivity and insufficient development of skills of responsible behavior, while students with “asthenic difficult” type were more characteristic of frequent avoidance of responsibility, greater external regulation, dominance of asthenic experiences and emotional-personal problems due to self-doubt, low self-esteem, increased anxiety in the process of its manifestation. The features of the moral consciousness of the selected groups of students are analyzed: their value orientations, attitudes in the motivational-need-related sphere, moral consciousness, moral selfdetermination, attitude to the observance of moral norms. Thus, individuals with an “energetic” type of responsibility realization revealed a high value of the values of spiritual satisfaction and preservation of individuality, recognition and respect of other people, help and mercy, education, professional life and hobbies; dominance of the socio-psychological attitude towards freedom; emotional attitude to various strategies of moral behavior, average readiness to comply with moral norms with a high desire for truthfulness; motives for avoiding disapproval of significant others, striving to fulfill duty and obey accepted rules as a basis for moral choice. For the representatives of the “asthenic-difficult” type, the values of spiritual satisfaction and preservation of individuality, self-realization in the spheres of education and professional life were also most important, but in real life they more often realized the values of rest and pleasant pastime. Among their socio-psychological attitudes, the predominant need was to get pleasure from the process of the performed activity, freedom and independence. They recognized moral behavior and the significant influence of moral self-regulation of the individual and environmental factors on it; adopted (or did not accept) various strategies of moral behavior at the emotional and cognitive levels; demonstrated a positive attitude towards the observance of moral norms, an average willingness to implement them in their behavior; a high level of truthfulness and were guided by the motive of good relationships in situations of moral choice. The connections between the peculiarities of moral consciousness and personal responsibility of students are revealed. The description of the individual-typological features of the implementation of responsibility by students, as well as their connections with the peculiarities of moral consciousness, constitutes the scientific novelty of the research results presented in the article. Keywords: students, responsibility, content-semantic components, instrumental-style characteristics, types of responsibility realization, moral consciousness, terminal values, structure of personal value orientations, socio-psychological attitudes, motivational-need-related sphere, moral self-determination, observance of moral norms, moral consciousness | 863 | |||||
819 | The results of a comparative analysis of the concepts of “human potential” and “human capital” in the context of considering the relevance and specifics of the use of Big Data technologies in education are presented. The materials of the article are prepared based on the use of methods of theoretical analysis, Big Data, observation, analysis of products of activity, testing of students to identify their abilities, comparison and analogy. The possibilities of big data as a means of increasing the effectiveness of educational practices are updated. The expediency of using Big Data in the educational process of secondary vocational education focused on the development of human potential is argued. The description of the features of the organization and the results of experimental work carried out on the basis of the Tomsk State Pedagogical College on the approbation of the author’s vision of the possibility of using Big Data technologies in the practice of educational work is given. The increase in the effectiveness of the training session of a professional educational organization when using Big Data in the context of providing conditions for the self-realization of each student is proved. The guidelines for the development of the experience of using Big Data technologies to enrich educational contexts of an anthropocentric orientation are set. Keywords: human potential, human capital, secondary vocational education, artificial intelligence, big data, machine learning, Big Data | 862 | |||||
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821 | During the period of an epidemiologically unstable situation in the world, the risk of emotional exhaustion and a decrease in the professional activity among medical workers increases. The relevance and social significance of solving this problem is due to the fact that the burnout syndrome has a complex form and is interpreted heterogeneously from the point of view of root causes and final outcome. In this turn, it is necessary to find out some psychological means and methods. The purpose of the article is to explore a personal resource of overcoming a professional burnout by medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been proven that doctors who possess resilience as one of the personal resources are distinguished by personal qualities that can help to adapt and withstand difficult social situations. The personal resources to overcome the professional burnout by health workers are characterized such categories as dominance, expressiveness, high standard behavior, courage, practicality, diplomacy, nonconformism, high self-control and tension. The health workers sown in this sample are autonomous, independent, firm and resilient. Intransigence, independence and a certain amount of stubbornness can be personal resources to overcome professional burnout, as it reflects the active and independent position by employees. The features of professional burnout by medical workers during a pandemic have been identified. It is found, that a high level of resilience in the structure of personal resources is a factor in overcoming professional burnout among doctors. Keywords: burnout, resilience, healthcare workers, pandemic, personal resources | 861 | |||||
822 | The author actualizes the problem of ensuring the continuity of educational activity in the pedagogical system of general education with a target focus on the educational independence of students. In the context of the discreteness of the Russian educational system, the stage of the student’s transition from primary school to basic school is defined by the author as a strategically important period in solving the indicated problem, which consists in creating a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions at the transitional stage of general education, considered as a combination of external and internal circumstances of educational activity, aimed at the continuous development of educational independence of students. The scientific novelty of the research carried out by the author lies in the development of a model for the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the continuous development of educational independence of students, including conceptual, content-activity and effective modules. A feature of the author’s model is the integration of functional blocks that interact with each other through the developed mechanisms and implementation tools and show what organizational and pedagogical conditions must be met in order for the tasks to be solved and the functions described by the blocks to be realized. The purpose of the article is to describe a model for the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the continuous development of students’ independence in educational activities at the stage of transition from primary school to basic school. As a result of the experimental verification of the model, it was proved that the complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions (managerial, methodological, design, technological) identified by the author ensures the continuity of the student’s educational independence during his transition from the primary to the basic level of general education. The study was carried out by the method of natural experiment within the framework of experimental work, the results of which are confirmed by statistical data. The article is intended for researchers, specialists in the field of pedagogy, practicing teachers, students of pedagogical universities. Keywords: educational independence, organizational and pedagogical conditions (managerial, methodological, design, technological), model | 860 | |||||
823 | This publication reflects the formation of a teacher, scientist and successful manager in the system of pedagogical education, Professor of Tomsk State Pedagogical University Vladimir Mikhailovich Zelichenko, who recently passed away. The author reveals its role in the development of additional physical and mathematical education of schoolchildren in Tomsk and its significant contribution to improving the level of training of modern teachers. It reflects his own growth as a physicist during his work at Tomsk State University and the Siberian Institute of Physics and Technology, organizational success in opening the second physics and mathematics school in Siberia, after Novosibirsk, for students, pedagogical views on teacher training and their implementation in practice at Tomsk State Pedagogical Institute, and then at the University. The main directions of scientific activity of V. M. Zelichenko are presented. He developed the theory of education, based on the evolutionary-synergetic paradigm, and applied issues of scientific and methodological support of physical and natural science education. In this direction, he developed new approaches to both the preparation of future teachers for teaching natural science disciplines, and to improving the qualifications of subject teachers. V. M. Zelichenko proved a number of minimal theorems as applied to excited states of atomic systems. He has constructed a unique technique for the minimax calculation of excited states. V. M. Zelichenko made a contribution to the study of the phenomena of photoionization of many-electron atoms. New approaches to the study of fullerenes are formulated. Keywords: teaching physics at school, teaching physics at a university, training a physics teacher, a systematic approach to education | 858 | |||||
824 | The article examines a structural-functional model of the development of readiness to develop the readiness of information security specialists for professional activity in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. The highlighted components: normative-conceptual, program-target, professional-activity and control-assessment will allow developing the necessary level that will be sufficient for performing professional activities in the Russian Guard. The methodological basis of the developed model is the competence-based and system-activity approaches, which allow the conceptual-orienting function of the training process of future information security specialists. The use of the system-activity approach in the structural-functional model of readiness development is understood as a new expression of the activity approach, which is currently of great interest to most scientists and researchers. The analysis of the reviews received from the commanders of the military units of the Russian Guard on the graduates of the faculty (communications) of the Perm Military Institute of the National Guard troops showed the need, when organizing the educational process, to consider in more depth the issues of ensuring the protection of information, taking the necessary measures to certify the allocated premises, developing a practical component to repel hacker and other attacks on the information space of the National Guard. The basis of the technology for training information security specialists for professional activities is the implementation of a specialized course for conducting «Cyber training», which includes a set of practical and laboratory work. The situational tasks developed in the same specialized course, compiled on the basis of their own experience in ensuring the protection of information as a supervisory authority, will allow future information security specialists to avoid stereotyped errors when organizing security checks of objects and adjust their professional activities. Keywords: specialist, information security, structural and functional model, system-activity, professional activity, development, readiness, troops of the national guard | 858 | |||||
825 | The article notes that the problem of activity is one of the key problems of human knowledge, attention is paid to the theoretical aspects of the study of activity in domestic psychological science, approaches to the activity of a subject of vital activity are outlined. The contribution of psychologists of the Perm psychological school to the development of ideas about activity is analyzed. The study of activity is carried out in conjunction with the problems of integral individuality and individual style. Representatives of the Perm psychological school carried out theoretical and empirical studies of various types and styles of human activity in the conditions of daily activity and in extreme conditions of life: educational, volitional, communicative, religious, information-manipulative, meaningforming, professional. The scientific product of the current direction of research in the psychology of activity B. A. Vyatkin calls the idea of the existence in the social world of Homo activus – an active person. The article outlines the relevance of studying the activity of the subject of vital activity in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), i.e., a situation accompanied by a vital threat, is indicated. This civilizational phenomenon and the resulting epidemiological situation have made global adjustments to all spheres of human life, which necessitated adaptation to the transforming environmental conditions and prolonged situation of uncertainty. Psychologists note not only negative aspects in the current situation, but also positive ones, which are associated with the need to activate all mental life to overcome the pandemocrisis. In the Perm psychological school for the study of the activity of the subject of vital activity in conditions of a vital threat, theoretical prerequisites have been created in the form of the concept of integral individuality (V.S. Merlin), the theory of the meta-individual world (L. Ya. Dorfman), a conceptual dynamic model of the activity of the subject of vital activity (A. A. Volochkov), an integrative approach to the study of communicative activity (S. A. Vasyura), a corresponding diagnostic toolkit has been developed. Keywords: activity, subject of vital activity, vital threat, style of activity, integral activity of the subject | 857 | |||||
826 | The article considers the issue of the individual educational trajectory of employees of specialized correctional institutions as one of the conditions for their professional development. Currently, there are new technologies, tools, as well as ways for self-development and self-education of the individual. These include: “individual educational trajectory”. The concept of “educational trajectory” and “individual educational trajectory” is analyzed. It is noted that the professional activity of employees with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies has a number of specific features. Consequently, an employee of a correctional institution for the maintenance of this category of convicts is placed in the conditions of the need for constant systematic work on himself, on improving his professionalism, in order to satisfy the state and public demand. The structure of the individual educational trajectory of employees working in correctional institutions for the detention of convicts – former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies is a relationship of components: target, content, technological, diagnostic, organizational and pedagogical. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of the implementation of an individual approach, the creation of individual educational trajectories for improving the professionalism of employees is determined in the process of joint interaction between educational and practical departments. The implementation of an individual educational trajectory will help to improve the effectiveness of professional activities of employees in working with convicts – former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies. In this case, the educational trajectory of an employee of a specialized correctional institution will act as one of the important conditions for improving the professionalism of employees of the penal enforcement system working with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies. Keywords: educational trajectory, individual educational trajectory, employees of specialized institutions, convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies | 856 | |||||
827 | The article deals with the question of the ideas of teachers of educational institutions about the role of a school psychologist in the modern educational process. The special role of the school psychologist, who provides psychological support to all subjects of the educational process in the context of the introduction of federal state educational standards, is emphasized. The article presents the results of studying teachers’ expectations on the main goals of activity, directions and forms of work of a teacher-psychologist in the conditions of implementation of federal state educational standards. The characteristic of teachers’ ideas about professionally important qualities of a school psychologist working in modern educational conditions is given. The list of the most significant professional qualities of a school psychologist includes: benevolence, life experience, intelligence, love for people, responsibility, responsiveness, desire for cooperation, respect for the individual, ability to work in a team, ability to listen. The main tasks identified by teachers are described, which, in their opinion, are the most priority within the framework of the school psychologist’s activity in relation to different subjects of the educational process. Significant socio-psychological conditions of professional activity of a teacher-psychologist in the implementation of federal state educational standards are highlighted. A high degree of interest of teachers of educational institutions accompanied by a teacher-psychologist of the educational process in modern conditions is revealed. Keywords: teachers’ expectations, the role of a psychologist in the conditions of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, professionally important qualities of a teacher-psychologist | 855 | |||||
828 | There are such objective requirements of today as: active reform of education, physical culture and sports; an urgent need in strengthening the health of the population, improving their aerobic functional indicators in the pandemic situation; in attracting various contingents to health-improving types of physical culture; in growing popularity and prestige of the professional activity of a teacher in physical culture and sports; in increasing the number of employees in the fitness industry; in stimulating inventions of Russian fitness technologies. These requirements cause the need in improving the methods of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports, including training programs for bachelor of physical culture and sports specialization in the pedagogical education direction. It is necessary to train personnel who not only have soft skills and hard skills, but are also ready for self-development, creativity, for an adequate goal setting, development of their own strategy, and realization of dreams. In other words, the graduate must be entrepreneurial, be able to organize a successful business in the industry, survive in it, develop, understand current trends, be able to balance at the intersection of sciences, be fluent in digital technologies and foreign languages, have the necessary competencies to conduct classes in institutions of various jurisdictions with using the latest techniques and technologies, which is also a priority in the development strategy of the physical culture and sports direction in Russia. The traditional education system in the field of physical culture and sports prepares students to work with children in educational organizations of various levels, forms their skills in conducting educational and training sessions, but, unfortunately, does not teach health related work with various contingents. Thus, there is a contradiction between the real formed competence and modern requirements for a specialist working in the field of health related physical culture. This problem requires a revision of the curriculum. In accordance with this, the goal was set, the tasks were defined to improve the professional training of bachelors, the updated content of disciplines, extraordinary forms, methods and approaches of teaching based on the introduction of fitness technologies were proposed. Keywords: fitness technologies, fitness industry, undergraduate students, pedagogical education direction, competencies, strategy for the development of physical culture and sports | 854 | |||||
829 | The high dynamics of social and economic changes in the country and in the world gives rise to the need to respond to them in the system of vocational education, including university education. Determining the content of training a future teacher of technology and creating optimal conditions for its effective process requires taking into account both the general trends in the development of the vocational education system and the continuously occurring changes in the content of the subject area “Technology”, its specifics. The general tendencies of development in the vocational education system include: the peculiarities of the organization of social and pedagogical support of a student to initiate his activity in the process of mastering professional experience; a change in the focus of vocational education from public to personality-oriented; human development in the profession and the student’s dialogue with the diversity of cultures; redefining the relationship between education and training; stages of appropriation by the future teacher of the experience of professional activity as a process of self-design and self-realization of the image of future pedagogical activity; appropriation of the values of the profession as an integral part of the image of “I am a teacher”. The next group of features follows from the content of the educational area “Technology”. For the future technology teacher, this content serves as a guideline for the synthesis of scientific knowledge of all academic subjects as an example of their use in various areas of human activity. This means that a technology teacher must be ready to carry out economic, environmental, technological education and information support of this process; teach inventive problem solving, form design and other skills. Also, a feature of the educational field “Technology” is the fact that the programs in this subject provide for relative freedom in the choice of educational material, depending on local and regional conditions, the working environment, the desires of parents and children, the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, etc. It is the teacher of technology that will have to form students have ideas about the production, sale and consumption of material goods; about the culture of work and life; about the necessity and peculiarities of professional selfdetermination by every citizen of the state, but the main thing is to form the non-verbal sphere of a person. Keywords: preparation of a future teacher of technology, professional development, educational process, specificity of training content | 853 | |||||
830 | The article analyzes the role and place of the cadet component as an element of the system of pre-university military education, its historical analysis, current state and prospects. The main prerequisites for the revival of cadet education, its social significance, as well as the problems of implementation and scaling of the cadet component on the basis of general educational institutions are formulated. The main types of cadet organizations – «cadet corps (school)», «cadet school», «cadet class» are considered, their definitions and brief characteristics are given. Described in more detail is such a type of cadet organization as the «cadet class», its advantages, prospects and the procedure for organizing and functioning in the educational space of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. This article identifies social partnership as the basic principle of interaction between Rosgvardia and educational institutions, and also defines the procedure for formalizing such interaction and further regular pedagogical and methodological support. The main tasks of teaching young people in the cadet classes of the Russian Guard are outlined, among which are the formation of the moral, psychological and physical qualities of the pupil; – education of patriotism, respect for the historical and cultural past of Russia and the National Guard; – study of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of state defense; – study of the basics of military service security, the device and rules for handling small arms, the basics of tactical, tactical-special, drill training and other special items. Conceptual for the study is the provision that the cadet class is a young and actively developing phenomenon in pedagogy, which has already proven its effectiveness in the militarypatriotic education of young people and the formation of military-professional orientation of students, which determines its relevance and relevance in the educational environment. Keywords: cadet, cadet component, cadet classes, cadet education, military-patriotic education, orientation towards military service | 852 | |||||
831 | The quantity of students from far and near abroad in Russian universities is increasing from year to year. This indicator shows not only the prestige of the Russian higher education system, but also the establishment of good-neighbourly, partnership relations. In this regard, the problem of successful adaptation of foreign students is considered from the point of view of strengthening the international status of the state as a whole. There are two aspects of adaptation, psychological (generalized) and socio-cultural (expressed), we studied 397 foreign students from universities in the south of Russia to investigate these aspects. We used express diagnostic tools designed on A. L. Sventsitsky “Self-assessment of psychological adaptability” and the scales “Social commitment to the country” and “Cultural commitment to the country” from S. V. Frolova’ questionnaire. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used for statistical data processing. Psychological and socio-cultural adaptation to educational conditions of south Russia universities were considered in the relation “isolation – identification” (V. I. Slobodchikov) and found a high rank correlation. Psychological and socio-cultural adaptation were considered in the ratio “isolation – identification” (V. I. Slobodchikov) and found a correlation of р 0.01. According to the results, students from far abroad demonstrated low psychological adaptability with high claims to the success of socio-cultural adaptation. Assistance in achieving it from university teachers will be especially effective when they combine academic work with solving problems of educational, professional, as well as social and communicative character. Students from neighbouring countries demonstrated an interconnected set of requirements for successful socio-cultural adaptation, focusing on social ties and keeping a distance in the field of culture. In this regard, the work of teachers to ensure the positive dynamics of intercultural relations with the involvement of traditions of interethnic good-neighbourliness in the southern region of Russia is particularly significant. Consequently, the present research materials are in need of the system of advanced training of the teaching staff, taking into account the difference in the cultural distance of foreign students. Keywords: academic adaptation, ethnocultural features, foreign students, psychological adaptability, socio-cultural adaptation | 851 | |||||
832 | In spite of growing research interest in the scientific problem of superstitiousness nowadays there are still a wide range of contradictions and challenges in this sphere of research: the nature and essence of the concept of superstitiousness, its role in everyday living and its position in the structure of personality. Being a very archaic phenomenon superstitiousness is still relevant in the modern society. This article addresses gender context of superstitiousness and its intercorrelation with individual value orientations that give the meaning of live. The study was carried out in May – July 2021 in Kazan (Russia). The study was conducted on a sample of 40 people (20 men and 20 women) aged 18 to 45 years and showed no significant gender differences in the manifestation of superstitiousness and life-meaning values, although female sample displayed higher superstitiousness indexes. Some interesting differences were found in the structure of correlations between superstition beliefs and lifemeaning orientations. The male sample had negative correlation links between pra-logical perception and locus of control. Also, magical forecast, pra-logical defense and integral superstitiousness index was negatively correlated with general awareness. In the female sample group magical anxiety, magical forecast, unconventional heeling, pra-logical defense and integral superstitiousness index had negative correlations with the locus of control. Keywords: gender, gender differences, superstitiousness, superstitious beliefs, life meaning, orientation | 851 | |||||
833 | The article is devoted to the problem of the development of the communicative culture of adolescents in the system of additional education in the era of informatization and digitalization. To solve this problem, the author proposes a model for the development of the communicative culture of adolescents, taking into account the peculiarities of the representatives of the digital generation and the specifics of the organization of the educational process in the institution of additional education in the conditions of its informatization and digitalization. The article considers the structural and functional model of the development of communicative culture in the system of additional education, represented by the target, conceptual, diagnostic-analytical, content-technological and performance-evaluation blocks. All components of the model are interconnected and serve to achieve the result – the transition to a higher level of development of the communicative culture of adolescents. And this, in turn, is one of the priority tasks of the education system in the direction of developing communication skills and socializing the personality of a teenager. The implementation of the model in institutions of additional education will increase the effectiveness of the communicative development of adolescents, form a culture of interpersonal communication, organize the interaction of the family, school and institutions of additional education. It is worth noting that when implementing this model in the long term, it is possible to increase the academic performance of adolescents in the humanities, the formation of a culture of communication among adolescents in social networks, and the reduction of destructive conflicts in the chi ld-adult community. Keywords: additional education, communicative culture of teenagers, structural and functional model, informatization, digitalization | 850 | |||||
834 | The previously unexplored problem of structuring the subject field of a new branch of psychological knowledge – security psychology is considered. The purpose of the study was to study current trends and prospects for structuring the subject field of security psychology. As a result of the theoretical study of the problem, it is established that the subject space of security psychology is heterogeneous and can be structured according to a set of grounds: psychological phenomena related to human security; conditions, environments and situations requiring security; by types of activities of security subjects; by varieties or types of human security; by connection with other disciplines; by tasks of research conducted in security psychology. Each basis used for structuring security psychology allows us to identify several subject areas of research in it. According to psychological phenomena related to human security, the psychology of personal security, the psychology of ideas about security, and the psychology of safe behavior are distinguished. Orientation to the conditions, environments and situations requiring security contributes to the designation of the subject areas of extreme security psychology, security psychology of educational environments, family security psychology, security psychology of new digital environments and the virtual space of Internet networks. According to the types of activities of security subjects, the psychology of occupational safety, the psychology of safety of sports activities, the psychology of safety of tourism activities can be defined. Depending on the variety or type of security, they study information and psychological security, psychology of corporate security, psychological security of a person, psychology of linguistic and psycholinguistic security. In connection with other disciplines, questions of social psychology of security, extreme psychology of security, legal psychology of security, age psychology of security, political psychology of security, history of security psychology can be considered. According to the tasks of research conducted in security psychology, its fundamental and applied sections can be characterized. It is established that each subject area of security psychology has its own vector of studying a certain psychological aspect of human security and is characterized by a specific subject of research that allows to specify its purpose and objectives. The subject areas of security psychology are characterized by different levels of development. There is a high probability of registration of new areas of security psychology. For the first time, a holistic reflection of the features of the organization of the subject field of security psychology makes it possible to see the strengths and weaknesses of the formation of the discipline, creating prerequisites for stimulating the process of its development. The material presented in the article may also be useful for the development of a new training course “Security Psychology”. Keywords: security, security psychology, subject field, subject area, structure | 850 | |||||
835 | In modern society, the ways of obtaining education are changing, with an emphasis on strengthening the role of Internet networks as a source of information. Current methods of storing and transmitting information are actively used by teachers and students – educational publications can easily be found in electronic library systems and on the web, and universal Internet access via phone and computer makes it possible to quickly get the necessary information. However, to extract information from the network does not mean to acquire full-fledged knowledge. There is a need for structuring the subject environment and managing students’ access to information on the discipline being studied – this can be implemented, for example, in the modular objective-oriented dynamic learning environment “OpenSystem”. Management of distance learning is also expanding thanks to “cloud technologies” of information storage, and personalization and monitoring of academic performance is implemented using personal virtual offices of students and teachers. In this paper, we will focus on the use of the “OpenSystem” learning environment in the distant study of the discipline “Physics of the Atomic Nucleus” by undergraduate students of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the Pedagogical University. In the last two years, the issues of distance learning are becoming particularly relevant. The “OpenSystem” environment has an undoubted advantage when studying the subject before giving lectures online and other ways of transmitting the material. Keywords: distant learning, network educational services, training of future physics teachers, teaching nuclear physics, elementary particles | 849 | |||||
836 | The current stage in the development of education makes it possible to fix the «gaps» between the professional training of teachers and the request of educational practice for a specialist of a certain quality, overcoming which became possible with the provision of interaction of pedagogical universities with educational, scientific, public organizations, regional and municipal educational authorities, representatives of the working environment and business on the development of continuing teacher education. This vector of development has determined new requirements for the development of basic professional educational programs, for the focus of professional training of teaching staff. One of the reasons for opening unclaimed bachelor’s programs and graduating unclaimed specialists is insufficient attention to monitoring the needs of leading employers in the region, which allows obtaining information on the demand for specialists of a certain profile with the definition of professionally significant qualities and competencies. Analysis of the results of the monitoring study, comparing them with the requirements of professional standards, federal state educational standards of higher education and the capabilities of universities allows us to develop components of current basic professional educational programs. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the design of bachelor’s degree programs in the direction of training Pedagogical education (with two training profiles), taking into account the qualification request of employers for the training of educational organizers who, in modern conditions, are able to carry out professional activities in educational organizations of various levels and types, based on regional needs; highlighting the composition of professional competencies. The features of forecasting the social need for teaching staff and the results of researching the demand of the labor market for specialists − teacher-organizers are shown; presents the results of a survey of employers and their representatives concerning the qualification request for the training of a specialist capable of designing and implementing the educational process at all levels of general education. As a result of the study, the qualification request of the heads of educational organizations for the development of a new basic professional educational program in accordance with the federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of preparation 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles) was identified, the profiles of this program were determined; highlighted the composition of professional competencies of future educators and educators-organizers; the composition and direction of the program modules has been determined. Keywords: design of basic professional educational programs, qualification requests of employers, professional competence of an educator and teacher-organizer | 848 | |||||
837 | Teaching is one of the most stressful professions, and it poses numerous challenges to teachers on a daily basis. Sources of stress in teaching activities are unique to each teacher, but generally refer to organizational, interpersonal, or personal levels. The use of this or that strategy of coping with stress is often provided by the resources of the psyche, which expand the zone of human activity, help to overcome difficulties, achieve the goal. At various stages of the study, a total of 101 secondary school teachers took part in it. Correlation, structural, and comparative analyses were used in processing the study results. In general, educators demonstrate moderate use of all coping strategies. Less experienced educators deal with stressful situations with social support, and more experienced ones mobilized other strategies (positive reassessment). The psychological structure of the coping behavior of teachers turns out to be highly developed; connections of various levels of significance are formed in it. The basic coping strategies are distancing and self-control. The role of some personal resources of coping with stress in teachers has been determined: resilience and its components, personal anxiety, international locus of control, self-esteem and emotional stability. Personal qualities that influence coping strategies are a resource of predominantly avoidant and maladaptive coping strategies. Keywords: resources, teacher, coping behavior, explanation, pedagogical activity | 848 | |||||
838 | The growing demands on the modern teacher dictate that at the stage of professional training, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the pedagogical reality and form the necessary professional competencies in it. Such immersion will not only improve the quality of teacher training, but also make changes in the “traditional” university education, provide the necessary practice-oriented professional education. The purpose of the article is to identify changes in the formation of professional competencies of students participating in the project “Family Tutor”. Changes were identified during the survey, self-assessment and interviewing of students. The material of the study was the data of the project “Family Tutor”, supported by the Timchenko Foundation and implemented during 2019–2021 on the basis of the Glazov State Pedagogical Institute named after V. G. Korolenko. In the course of the study, using a self-assessment sheet and a questionnaire, an increase in the level of formation of professional competencies of students-tutors was revealed. To determine the growth factors, the students were interviewed. It showed that the growth of professional competencies is mainly determined by: regular communication with the child and with parents, project participants; participation in diagnostic activities to identify personal problems of the child; implementation of a comprehensive analysis of factors, including those related to psychological health, leading to the appearance of risks, in the relationship of the teacher, child, family, etc. Based on the identified factors, adjustments were made to the “traditional” educational process. The study showed that the participation of students in the project contributes to the formation of professional competencies, allows students-tutors to gain professional experience directly in real conditions and, accordingly, to increase the practice-oriented education. Keywords: professional competencies, students-tutors, dysfunctional family | 847 | |||||
839 | The article deals with the question of building hard, soft and self-skills among students – centennials. The article presents the results of four – year (from 2017 to 2021) work with students of the School of computer sciences and robotics as part of educational course “Entrepreneurial behavior”. During this period, more than 400 students of the 2nd year, aged 19–20 years, took part in the study, of which 93 % were men. The geography of respondents is presented from Kaliningrad to Blagoveshchensk, including Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo regions, Altai and Krasnoyarsk territories, the Republic of Altai and Buryatia, and foreign students from Kazakhstan, China, and Vietnam took part in this study. The author suggests the models for the building hard, soft and self-skills of students. The author considers the Tshaped model which is aimed at the simultaneous development of hard and soft skills. The Vshaped model offers the building hard skills at the intersection of two new professions from the future. The W model, so named the model of winner, is a model that allows to develop, first of all, self-skills. These model helps to train a creative and proactive specialist who is able not only to use what is available, but also to create something new. Keywords: hard, soft and self-skills, T-shaped model, V-shaped model, W-shaped model, centennials, digitalization | 847 | |||||
840 | The article is devoted to the study of the experience of foreign countries in terms of organizing methodological support for young specialists in the educational sphere. Authors determined that the system of methodological support is a structural element of advanced training for teachers who begin their professional education and should take into account modern trends in the development of education, based on research on new pedagogical functions that arise in the context of informatization of education. The introduction of a new concept into the educational process entails a number of innovative transformations in the content of education, in rethinking new concepts, categories, values of thinking, changes in the role positions: mentor, teacher, tutor. A modern teacher is a specialist who carries out pedagogical activity taking into accounts the requirements of the time, constantly improving his professional competence, and his pedagogical activity is intellectual, creative activity aimed at teaching, upbringing and personal development. Every young teacher should be a professional in his activity, since the product of this activity should be a competitive graduate of an educational institution, endowed with key competencies. That is why young teachers, through an effective system of methodological support, must master a number of competencies produced by the experience of professionals with extensive experience in the practical application of knowledge and skills to ensure effective educational activities. Keywords: methodological support, young specialist, teacher, professional development of a teacher | 847 | |||||
841 | The article offers an analysis of the phenomena of distance and e-learning, presents the stages of the formation of the technology of the distance-organized educational process. The level of formation of ICT competencies of teachers, students of pedagogical universities, students of general educational organizations is analyzed. The issues of operational “online” and delayed “offline” support of teachers’ activities related to the implementation and participation in ICT projects within the framework of their own professional activities are considered. The work is based on real experience in implementing projects on the territory of the Altai Territory (2012–2018), including the experience of supporting projects and courses on the formation of ICT competencies, including models for organizing operational counseling for teachers using chat bots, specialized groups in social networks, sites with forums, etc. The issues of online support of the offline organized educational process of students are considered, which corresponds to the implementation and support of any subject course of study. This material is based on teaching experience during the quarantine period associated with the coronavirus epidemic. The article introduces the concepts of vertically and horizontally organized distributed support, discusses various ways and methods of implementing this support. The author’s technology of organizing distance courses for advanced training of teachers on the topic of ICT implementation in the educational process is described. It is indicated that when organizing support for remote and intramural-distance projects and courses, the most optimal is the use of a combination of synchronous and asynchronous communication. Keywords: pedagogical support, pedagogical guidance, remote teaching technologies, online and offline communication | 846 | |||||
842 | The problem of formation of readiness of future teachers for innovative activity is considered on the example of the course «Innovative activity in the subject area «Russian language». Based on the totality of the described and analyzed author’s interpretations of the concept of «innovation in education», a research position has been formed regarding innovation as an important element of maintaining education in a state of dynamic development adequate to the requirements of modern society, as a phenomenon of collective or individual professional creative activity of a teacher. The methodological basis of the study was the analysis of scientific and program-methodical literature, a set of methods of systemic and personality-oriented approaches. The article describes the experience of forming the readiness of future teachers for innovative activity on the example of the course «Innovative activity in the subject area «Russian language»», within which systematic theoretical, methodological and practice-oriented training of students is carried out, leading types of educational activities are presented (specially organized work with scientific sources, with practical material, practical tasks of a development nature, project activities). According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the formation of a future teacher’s readiness for innovation contributes to the manifestation of a conceptual position in the subject area, the identification of a resource for development and innovation (including potential) in it, and their critical assessment, the creation of conditions for the search for innovative solutions in the educational space; this competence is an important component in the professionogram of a modern teacher. Keywords: innovations in education, readiness for innovation, innovative processes, educational potential, criticality | 846 | |||||
843 | This article discusses the system of socio-humanitarian self-management technologies aimed at forming a subjective position among the students of higher educational institutions in the implementation of educational activities and their readiness for self-development in building a learning trajectory. The purpose is to substantiate the use of socio-humanitarian technologies to improve the efficiency of students’ independent work in the open educational space of the university. The work used theoretical research methods, such as the study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources, and empirical, such as the study of results of activity, materials of reflection, content analysis. Based on the study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on research issues, the concept of socio-humanitarian technologies has been clarified: it is a set of rationally built methods, procedures and algorithms for influencing individuals, social groups and processes with the following features: orientation towards the diversified development of the student’s personality; impact on both the individual and society; lack of a single impact in the presence of an algorithm; resource intensity, flexibility of procedures; social relations and processes aimed to obtaining humanitarian results; subject-subject orientation of relations. Several problems have been identified that have a negative impact on the successful implementation of students’ independent work in the open educational space of the university. For this purpose, a number of technologies have been identified that act as a resource for the development of students’ self-management and include support, time management, self-tutoring and the construction of an individual educational trajectory. Each technology is a separate module of the system, which together allows to qualitatively improve the skills of independent work in the learning process. The use of a system of socio-humanitarian technologies can significantly increase the level of efficiency of students’ independent work and positively affects their motivation for practice oriented activities, which was demonstrated by a study conducted with bachelor students who are studying in the training direction of the “Organization of Work with Young People” of the educational program “Socio-humanitarian technologies for supporting youth initiatives” of the National Research Tomsk State University. Keywords: self-management of students, socio-humanitarian technologies, hard skills, soft skills | 845 | |||||
844 | The question is raised about how to involve teachers of a pedagogical University in research activities and apply the results of this activity in the educational process of the University. It is shown how involvement as the highest manifestation of human subjectivity differs from activity. Two levels of involvement are identified: the level of participation in the activity and the level of influence on its content, course and results. The author substantiates the difficulties that arise for a teacher who tries to continue studying science after defending his dissertation. This is a contradiction between a high degree of research freedom and autonomy, on the one hand, and the need for responsibility and self-organization in research search, on the other. The factors that determine involvement in research are highlighted: research “vigilance”, participation in educational innovations and studying their effects, constant feedback from the teacher with students to adjust professional tests and enhance their educational results. The author draws attention to the fact that one’s own research trajectory can be interpreted as a kind of educational trajectory of a University teacher. It is concluded that it is necessary and possible for teachers to influence the formation of a relevant scientific agenda for them and thereby enrich the educational content of professional training of future teachers. Keywords: participation and influence, educational innovation, trial action, feedback | 844 | |||||
845 | The current situation is characterized by changes in various spheres of human life, leading to a significant restructuring of his activities, condition. People react differently to changes. They plunge some into a state of stress, confusion about the future, while others are mobilized, put in front of the need for change. The different position and behavior of a person in a situation of change are largely determined by the resources that a person possesses. In this situation, the problem of studying the self-regulation of the individual, his active life position in the changing conditions of study, work and everyday life becomes relevant. The subject of discussion is increasingly the question of what can serve as psychological resources for a person in a situation of transitivity. This question is especially relevant in relation to students, their personal readiness for activity. Students of Tomsk universities took part in the presented study (N=263). It used regression and cluster analysis. The results of the study showed that emotional intelligence, motivation, values of preservation, values of openness, goal-setting and reflection should be considered as psychological resources of personal readiness for students’ activities. The results of the study have theoretical and practical significance. They actualize the issue of taking into account the competencies of future specialists who will have to work in new conditions. The results of the study indicate that the professional training of specialists should include not only the acquisition of fundamental knowledge and professional skills, but also the development of personality in the educational process. Keywords: personal readiness for activity, psychological resources, students, motivation, value orientations, emotional intelligence, goal setting, reflection | 843 | |||||
846 | The issue of the development of cognitive activity of senior preschoolers is considered. The development of this type of activity depends on a number of factors, among which pedagogical conditions can be distinguished. One of the effective pedagogical conditions for the development of the cognitive activity of older preschoolers is the maximum reliance on the active mental activity of children. The types of problem situations are listed: 1) situationchoice; 2) a situation of uncertainty; 3) conflict situation; 4) situation-paradox; 5) the situation with the hypothesis; 6) situation with the refutation; 7) situation-inconsistency. It is noted that the tension of an older preschooler of intellectual forces to solve tasks or search for an answer to a question is the basis for the development of his mental activity, cognitive interest and the manifestation of activity. The use of situations and questions of a problematic nature by the teacher in work with children of senior preschool age contributes to the intensification of the mental activity of children, thereby increasing their activity in the process of searching for new knowledge and information, the formation of new skills in the cognitive sphere. At the same time, the proposed methods should be used by the teacher not separately from each other, but in aggregate, since they complement each other, involving collective discussion of situations by children and the search for answers, problem solving, and productive cognitive activity. This article provides practical examples of proposed methods to stimulate children’s cognitive activity. Keywords: cognitive activity, senior preschooler, problem situations, case study, heuristic conversation, activation of mental activity | 842 | |||||
847 | Smartphone addiction has become widespread in society. As a result of studying the personality traits and mental states of smartphone addicts, many negative consequences of this addiction have been identified that negatively affect the psychological well-being of its victims. The negative consequences of smartphone addiction (anxiety, depression, stress, dissatisfaction with life, etc.) contribute to the psychological distress of its victims. The purpose of the study is to identify in students, boys and girls, the alleged links between smartphone addiction and impulsivity, narcissism, lack of assertiveness, vulnerability to manipulation, dependence on social networks and its factors. Boys and girls have statistically significant relationships of smartphone addiction: positive - with impulsivity, addiction to social networks and all its factors («Psychological state», «Communication», «Receiving information») and negative - with assertiveness. Boys also have a positive relationship between smartphone addiction and sleep problems and negative relationships with narcissism and mood, while girls have a positive relationship with cravings for smoking. In girls, dependence on a smartphone is statistically significantly higher than dependence on a smartphone in boys. The “Loss of control” factor contributes to the greatest degree of dependence on the smartphone. The positive relationship between smartphone addiction and impulsivity and social media addiction is similar to the previously obtained foreign results. Established links between women and men depending on the smartphone with non-assertiveness and with all factors of dependence on social networks are new, both for domestic and foreign studies. The results obtained in this study can be used by curators, psychologists and social educators of the university to explain to students about the dangers of excessive smartphone use. The presence of a high degree of dependence on a smartphone may signal to these professionals the need to provide appropriate targeted assistance. Keywords: smartphone addiction, impulsivity, assertiveness, narcissism, social media addiction, vulnerability to manipulation, students, males, females | 842 | |||||
848 | We live in the XXI century – the century of globalization, high speeds, crises, epidemics and pandemics. The time required radical changes in politics, economics, education; integration of economic and political systems of different countries. In this regard, questions of peaceful coexistence of different peoples and states arise, which must be resolved on a daily basis. The role and meaning of foreign languages are also changing: those that previously were of great interest to everyone around them fade into the background, their positions are conquered by others. Interest in the languages and culture of the peoples of the former USSR is growing. The article examines the issues of verbal communication culture in Kyrgyz families and, accordingly, some features of the Kyrgyz vocabulary. The relevance of the topic is due to the increase in the number of foreign students in Russia, as well as the mutual influence of the Kyrgyz and Russian languages. The influence of Russian culture and the Russian language on the formation of the lexical system and the development of the modern communicative culture of the Kyrgyz, which can be characterized as a culture of the collectivist type, is analyzed. The Kyrgyz language has not been studied enough, the scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it is included in a number of studies conducted in the Russian Federation and devoted to the study of foreign languages and Kyrgyz in particular, which undoubtedly demonstrates an interest in studying the peculiarities of the language and culture of the Kyrgyz ethnos. The practical novelty and significance of the work involves its use in the preparation of lectures on the theory of intercultural communication. As a result, it makes it possible to increase the efficiency of teaching Kyrgyz at universities of the Russian Federation. Knowing the peculiarities of mastering foreign vocabulary by the Kyrgyz, we can plan forms and methods of work, as well as learning outcomes. The aim of the work is to describe the communicative culture of communication of the Kyrgyz. A linguistic experiment has been carried out, some features of communication in Kyrgyz families have been revealed by the observation method. Minor differences were noted in the culture of northern and southern Kyrgyzstan. We were convinced that the culture of the Kyrgyz is of a collectivist nature of a vertical type. The most effective methods of studying the Russian language by the Kirghiz are described. Practical advice is given to reveal the abilities of students and to speed up the process of teaching the Russian language. This work continues a series of methodological works, the main goal of which is to increase the efficiency and quality of teaching the Russian language to foreign students in technical universities of the Russian Federation. Keywords: Russian, Russian as a foreign language, teaching Russian as a foreign language, the Kyrgyz language, communicative function of the language, learning efficiency | 841 | |||||
849 | The article reveals the organizational and content possibilities of a pedagogical university that contribute to the professional development of young teachers. The approaches of two pedagogical universities to the organization of mentoring are described. It is indicated that a mentor in modern conditions should perform different roles: from a consultant to a tutor and a coach. As practice shows, it is the ability of a mentor to perform various roles that makes it possible to develop and expand the professional competencies of young specialists and form a stable motivation for professional activity. In Naberezhnye Chelny one of the mechanisms for mentoring is postgraduate support for young professionals. As an example of the peculiarities of the organization of mentoring in Tomsk, the experience of working together in the center of quasi-professional activity, where students can carry out professional activities in the organization of pre-school education, their first professional tests under the guidance of teachers-mentors is given. The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey of graduate groups of Naberezhnye Chelny and Tomsk State Pedagogical Universities in a comparative context. The authors concluded that different respondents, divided not only geographically, but also mentally, may have different opinions. The results of a survey of respondents from different universities can guide the teaching community to work on consolidating collegial efforts to create and implement joint projects, programs and events. Keywords: mentoring, postgraduate support, professional adaptation, questioning, young specialist, mentor qualities | 841 | |||||
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