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852 | The article analyzes the current state of the problem of rehabilitation (habilitation) of preschool children after cochlear implantation. The authors analyze the different approaches of accompanying deaf children with cochlear implants that exist in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the research topic is due to the significant increase in the number of such schoolage children in Russia over the past 10 years. The purpose of the article is a comparative analysis of the experience presented in the scientific literature of accompanying families raising children with disabilities with cochlear implants on various educational routes and areas of life. The author also analyzes the experience of the Australian parent community on the issues of accompanying children after cochlear implantation. The article provides information confirming the specifics of the development of children who have undergone cochlear implantation and their peers who use hearing aids. Work, support of preschool children with cochlear implants is carried out not only at the clinical bases of the Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology of Russia, but also in its branches in republican, regional, regional clinical hospitals with the involvement of regional specialists of the federal districts of the country. A necessary condition for supporting preschool children after cochlear implantation is the implementation of the principles of correctional and developmental activities. Keywords: children with a cochlear implant, habilitation, correctional and pedagogical assistance, psychological and pedagogical support of children after cochlear implantation, regional conditions | 837 | |||||
853 | The phenomenon of student involvement is widely presented in foreign and domestic scientific literature as one of the factors contributing to the improvement of academic performance and social activity of students, reducing the number of deductions, however, the psychological mechanism for the emergence and maintenance of involvement has not been studied enough. The article attempts to study the psychological characteristics of student involvement in the context of traditional and distance learning from the standpoint of the methodology of system anthropological psychology, which considers the correspondence between them as a key mechanism of interaction between a person and the environment, and involvement as one of the factors in the formation of personal identity. The purpose of the work is to identify the areas of involvement of students and study the motivational and value aspects of their formation in various educational formats (traditional and distance learning). As a result of using the author’s questionnaire, which makes it possible to identify the accessibility and significance for students of various aspects of the educational space, it was found that with the traditional organization of the educational process, some of the opportunities are not in demand by students, and other aspects of the educational environment seem to be underdeveloped by students. With distance learning, about a third of the educational needs of students are not met. The expectations of students are described, which, in their opinion, are not realized in the educational space of the university, regardless of the educational format. Based on the data of factor analysis, the areas of involvement of students were determined in various ways of organizing the educational process. The discrepancy between the idealized ideas of students about «student life» and «good student» and the actual content of students’ activity is revealed. For some students, identification with the university and the activities performed, involvement in them is expressed moderately. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the use of the methodology of systemic anthropological psychology for the study of involvement. Identified demotivating factors and described the areas of involvement of students. Practical significance: the developed questionnaire and the data obtained can be used to diagnose and manage student involvement both at the level of university administration (to identify and eliminate demotivating factors in the educational environment), and teachers, curators, and psychological service specialists universities. Keywords: student involvement, systemic anthropological psychology, identity, academic involvement, social involvement, areas of involvement, demotivating factors, educational format, youth | 835 | |||||
854 | The article deals with the peculiarities of the formation of professional competence of employees of the penitentiary system in working with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies. The concept of «professional competence» is considered, as well as the problem of its formation and improvement. It is noted that the organization of work and interpersonal interaction of employees with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies has a number of specific features. The emphasis is placed on the fact that the employees of these institutions must have special professional knowledge, skills, and be competent specialists. The development and implementation of important moral and psychological qualities and abilities is more successful with timely and properly organized psychological and pedagogical support. The importance of gradual formation of professional competence in the correctional institution system is emphasized. The article describes a pedagogical program for the development of professional competence of employees of specialized institutions, which consists of three main modules. The significance of the developed program is that it provides a comprehensive synthesized volume of special knowledge, skills and abilities for employees who carry out their professional activities in specialized institutions. The implementation of this program will help to improve the effectiveness of the professional activities of employees in working with convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies. Keywords: employees of the penitentiary system, professional competence, specialized institutions, convicts-former employees of courts and law enforcement agencies | 831 | |||||
855 | Within the framework of the inclusive approach, the leading regulatory and legal documents of the Russian Federation are highlighted, the purpose of which is to provide opportunities for quality education to every child. Innovative educational processes associated with the emergence of children with special educational needs in the environment of typically developing peers are particularly noted. Using a comparative-historical approach, the author examines the development and transformation of the Montessori method in Russia: from active propaganda and acceptance to complete denial. The article describes the changes in the understanding of the Montessori method in Russia, its critical understanding by leading Russian teachers. The results of the methodological study of the key principles and approaches of Montessori pedagogy are presented. The article describes the main trends in the development of modern Montessori educational institutions abroad. The current experience of the Montessori space of the Netherlands, Germany, and the United States is considered. The general educational vector of modern Montessori pedagogy is highlighted: moving away from the closed system of special schools to an open system of education that meets the norms of a civilized society with the inclusion of people with special needs in development. Examples of complex educational Montessori institutions, a unique system of training and advanced training of Montessori teachers, Montessori that solve the problems of tolerant attitude to people with special needs in development are given. Within the framework of global trends, the specifics of the revival of Montessori pedagogy in modern Russia are identified. In the focus of Russian education, human functioning becomes important, and every child is important. Therefore, the idea of joint education of children with different levels of development, the idea of an inclusive approach, stands out. The transformation of the Montessori method is presented as a departure from special pedagogy for mentally retarded children to full-fledged inclusion through the creation of a prepared environment, joint training and the formation of a special worldview of the teacher. Keywords: montessori pedagogy, humanistic pedagogy, self-development, free education, coeducation, inclusion | 831 | |||||
856 | Modern requirements for military professional activity dictate the need to involve servicemen in an active self-education process. As part of the study of the purposeful formation of the given qualities of servicemen, it is envisaged to identify and characterize the patterns and principles of the implementation of the proces s under study. The article examines the author’s presentation of the patterns and principles of the implementation of the pedagogical process for the formation of self-educational competence in military personnel in the course of daily military service. The identification of pedagogical patterns is carried out by studying the process features of the phenomenon under study, determining the driving forces and internal contradictions and relying on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. Regularities are substantiated, provisions are revealed that affect the effective design of the process under study. The revealed patterns of the process of formation of readiness for self-educational activity are grouped according to the nature of manifestation, attributive patterns, patterns of conditionality and effectiveness are highlighted. The implementation of the projected pedagogical process is subject to certain principles that perform a regulatory function. The principles define the rules by which its implementation is possible and on which its effectiveness depends. The identification of pedagogical principles was carried out on the basis of the revealed patterns of the process under study, taking into account the requirements of objectivity, consistency, consistent addition, the orientation of each principle to resolve a certain contradiction, the possibility of improving the process under study. The article formulates and describes the general and specific principles governing the organizational and procedural aspects of the educational process, the activities of the subjects and external relations, which determine the effectiveness of the projected pedagogical process in the formation of the readiness of military personnel for self-educational activities. The described patterns and principles that ensure scientific character in the provisions contained in them reflect the characteristics of the phenomenon under study and reveal the procedures for its implementation. Keywords: Self-education of military personnel, the formation of self-educational competence, patterns, principles | 828 | |||||
857 | Despite the fact that in the last decade the percentage of young people among the population in Russia has noticeably decreased, this social group and its leisure activities are of particular interest for research aimed at identifying the hobbies and interests of modern young people and their connection with addictive behavior. The article examines the content of the concept of “leisure activities” in the youth environment. The presence of contradictions in the use of the synonymous concepts of “leisure” and “free time” is noted. Characterized the fundamental differences between the concepts of “leisure”, “hobby” and “interests”. The authors also touch on the issue of the relationship between modern hobbies and interests of young people with the development of cyber-addictive behavior. Presented the results of a study conducted among schoolchildren in Tomsk on identifying the interests of modern youth and the presence/absence or predisposition of the teenage group to Internet addiction in connection with their leisure activities. Revealed that almost half of the respondents do not have a specific hobby. When analyzing the data obtained during the study, revealed that, with a higher probability, the emergence of cyber addiction is characteristic of those who have no hobbies at all, as well as those whose leisure activities are passive. Also revealed that schoolchildren in the city of Tomsk are addicted to social networks and computer games, with more than half of the respondents revealed a predisposition to Internet-addicted behavior, and one fifth of the respondents have already formed cyber-addicted behavior. Keywords: leisure activities, hobbies, interests, youth, free time, passive and active leisure, cyberadication | 827 | |||||
858 | The article presents the results of the study that touched upon the actual problem of the system of professional legal education – the degree of specialist’s compliance with the requirements of the labor market as well as the improvement of the quality of their practical training. The aim of the study is to scientifically substantiate the effectiveness of practiceoriented technologies in the educational process of the college in order to successfully adapt future lawyers in professional activities. The main method of research is a pedagogical experiment, the purpose of which is approbation of the developed author’s methodology. Also, the study used methods of analysis and generalization, questioning, testing, pedagogical observation and methods of mathematical statistics. The presented practice-oriented technologies are aimed at mastering students’ professional competencies and provide for the gradual passage of three modules by the student: goal-setting of didactic cycles, selection of optimal means taking into account peculiarities of the training stage, implementation of educational activity characterized by integration of project and problem-based technologies while observing conditions of differentiated training. According to the results obtained during the implementation of the pedagogical experiment, the introduction of practice-oriented technologies in the educational process of training college students of future lawyers, providing for the gradual development of knowledge and skills, allowed to form the basic professional competencies of students at a reliable level. Thus, the use of activity and interactive methods in the learning process, the introduction of simulation modeling and design, as well as technology for solving situational tasks can be considered as an effective tool for shaping students’ professional-oriented skills and abilities. Keywords: professional activity, quality of education, college students, educational process, practice-oriented technology | 827 | |||||
859 | The study of Coping strategies preferred by Russian school teachers in online learning during the first half of the pandemic 2020 is based on the responses of 554 teachers participating in the all-Russian anonymous survey. The transition to online learning is qualified as a complex stressor of integrated nature that includes technological and human factors. The survey identified six groups of frustration factors in online learning: decreased motivation and academic performance of school students (decreased learning efficiency), communication difficulties between a teacher and a student / parent (communicative frustration), digital illiteracy, lack of equipment for online education and technical failures, increased volume and time of work as well as health and private life problems. The survey also revealed five types of coping strategies used by educators to overcome these frustration factors: time management and building boundaries, mastering online competencies and platforms (mastering new technologies and forms of activities), fixating on frustration and negative experiences associated with it, application of anti-stress practices, seeking for social support and understanding (empathy as a means of stress release). The study shows statistically significant dependence of the chosen coping strategy on the subjective significance of certain aspects of professional and pedagogical activities, describes adaptive and maladaptive coping strategies to deal with the stressor of online learning transition; highlights the main difficulties in the transition to online learning, presents teachers’ evaluation of the difficulties set before them by the transition to online learning and of their professional burnout. Keywords: teachers, pandemic, transition to online learning, stressor, coping strategies, frustration factors of online learning | 827 | |||||
860 | The article deals with topical issues of assessing the quality of training results of foreign students. The article presents the psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for the emergence of the competence-based approach in education. The article analyzes the legal framework for the introduction of a point-rating system of assessment in an educational organization. The relevance of the study is emphasized by the selected control group of foreign students, who are one of the markers of the effectiveness of an educational organization. The contradiction between the requirements of the competence approach in education and the capabilities of the system for assessing the quality of knowledge of foreign students is revealed: the traditional assessment system does not allow solving the problem of individualizing the learning process of foreign students. In this regard, the advantage of the national-oriented approach in the training of foreign students is noted. The article analyzes the mental and psychological-pedagogical features of teaching foreign students in a multinational training group. The advantage of the formative-evaluating function over the evaluation function in the methodological system of evaluating foreign students is revealed. The requirements for the levels of training of students in an educational organization in the context of the competence approach are given. The effectiveness of the national-oriented approach in assessing the learning outcomes of foreign students is confirmed by the results of the pedagogical experiment. In order to implement the formative-evaluating function of the point-rating system of assessment, the method of calculating the Grade Point Average was applied. Keywords: competency approach, national-oriented approach, score-rating evaluation system, forming assessment | 822 | |||||
861 | The article analyzes the actual problems of current state of the training of teaching staff of higher scientific qualification in graduate school. The real organizational, managerial, substantive and motivational possibilities of more effective functioning of the postgraduate pedagogical profile are revealed. The issues of determining and using the integration potential of formal and non-formal education from the perspective of managing the development of pedagogical postgraduate studies are considered. The situation of resource shortage for formal education of graduate students at the pedagogical university is actualized. Among the missing resources for training highly qualified scientific personnel are noted: the weakening of research activities of universities, a decrease in the number of applicants to graduate school, the disunity of university system for training research personnel and awarding academic degrees. The characteristic features of the integration potential of the designated types of education are revealed and substantiated through the analysis of the activity of the scientific school of a teacher-researcher as an actual practice of non- formal education of graduate students, effectively complementing the formal system of training of highly qualified personnel. As the methodological basis of the research, such methods as phenomenological research, included observation, methods of humanitarian research were used, namely: the study of the experience of integration of two types of education, the identification of empirical signs of integration, their generalization, justification of the potential of such integration. The possible ways of improving the training of researchers for universities and research structures are proposed on the example of the presented experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: management of education development, scientific school, graduate students, the potential of integration of formal and non-formal education | 822 | |||||
862 | Theoretical and methodological approaches to the training of a transprofessional in the conditions of a professional pedagogical university on the basis of specially prepared sites of the department are presented. Analyzing the accumulated experience, the conclusion arises that it is necessary to study issues (concretization, clarification, updating) from the field of technologyoriented training due to the lack of a holistic view of the formation of the personality of a specialist capable of self-improvement and self-realization in the transdisciplinary areas of machine-building industries. Currently, in professional education, a system of training a specialist with a wide production profile is presented, but it does not sufficiently take into account the structural and content component of technology-oriented activities, the absence of which is compensated by the acquisition of experience already in the conditions of the enterprise (production). The specifics of preparing for the WorldSkills competition on the basis of a transdisciplinary approach are substantiated, the target setting and the result of each component of the activity of the structural and content model are specified. The component composition of the model includes examples of modular tasks developed using the «skills-case» method and are aimed at transprofessional training of contestants in the conditions of simulation sites of the department. The use of the «skills-case» method allows you to prepare a larger number of contestants of the championship at a qualitatively new level in the learning process, as well as in the conditions of practice not only in the chosen profession, but also in related transprofessional areas. Keywords: transprofessional, «skills-case» method, structural and content model, WorldSkills competition, situational and production tasks | 818 | |||||
863 | In 2020, educational organizations switched to a forced remote format and the learning process changed. The author described the changes in approaches to the organization of events for the presentation of the results of children’s research work. In this article, the researcher showed different options for organizing contests and conferences for children remotely. A description of the experience of the children’s research competition at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University is presented, where the participants sent video recordings of their reports. The experience of holding a children’s conference in the gymnasium No. 29 in Tomsk is described. When analyzing the author took into account: how many participants, the ability to remotely attend participants from other places, the possibility of discussing reports, the possibility of using visual material, demonstrations. Conducting contests in the format of videoconferences and video recordings of children’s public speeches is a new effective format for presenting the results of children’s research. This form can help motivate children, increase their research interest and cognitive activity. This is important in an environment where live communication is impossible. The author presented the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face, distance, and mixed formats of educational events as presented in children’s research. Keywords: research papers competition, research activities of children, full-time, distance and mixed formats of children’s competitions and conferences | 817 | |||||
864 | The question of the development of personal and professional readiness for pedagogical activity among counselors’ assistants is considered. The concept of “personal and professional readiness” is analyzed. The article is devoted to the problem of training counselors - future teachers who can help the child enter the new digital world and not lose their individuality. Its purpose is to identify the features of the development of personal and professional readiness for pedagogical activity among counselor assistants, to develop and test a program aimed at developing personal and professional readiness for pedagogical activity among counselor assistants. The results of the study and the experience of testing the program are presented, within the framework of which not only the formation of interest in the teaching profession, but also the development of the necessary competencies takes place. The author’s approach to the content of the program is to use innovative technologies: an interactive seminar, business games, classes with elements of training, art therapy, parables, project sessions, workshops, professional tests, remote interaction, etc. The study used theoretical, empirical methods and methods data processing. The study was conducted on the basis of the children’s public association “Young Aleksin” in Aleksin, Tula region. The study involved assistant counselors in the amount of 20 people aged 15 to 17 years. The results of the study can be used in the preparation of counselors for work in children’s healthimproving, school camps; students who are interested in teaching activities. Keywords: counselor’s assistant, teacher’s profession, children’s health camp, personal and professional readiness, pedagogical activity, professional self-determination, training program | 817 | |||||
865 | This article is devoted to a theoretical review of the problem of bilingualism as one of the factors that determine the specific difficulties of mastering the Russian language by primary school students. Russian grammar is a leading problem in modern scientific and practical research, and the question of determining the specific difficulties of mastering the Russian language by bilingual students and determining on this basis the features of the methodology of teaching Russian grammar in primary schools in classes with a multi-ethnic composition is particularly relevant. Russian is the main language of the Russian language, and the main language of the Russian language is the Russian language, which determines the difficulties of mastering the subject «Russian language» by bilingual children in primary school. The aim of the study is to find specific comparative characteristics of the Tatar language (the Turkic language group) and Russian. In accordance with the purpose, the linguistic aspects of two language systems are considered: The Russian language and the Tatar language. Russian grammar is an attempt to objectively assess the reasons for the difficulties of mastering the laws of the Russian language on the basis of a comparative analysis of the composition of the Tatar and Russian grammar. Keywords: student, bilingualism, synharmonism, interference, the Tatar language, grammatical relations, inflection, word formation | 816 | |||||
866 | The problem of the need to form the readiness of future teachers for inclusion in the process of professional training at a university is analyzed, as well as its structural components and their content. In the structure of this type of readiness, motivational, cognitive and operationalactivity components are revealed. It is stated that the problem of the readiness of future teachers for professional activity in conditions of inclusion is a problematic field in modern scientific discourse, since its systemic solution has not yet been found. The aim is to study the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren in the process of professional training at a university. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren. Recommendations are given on the formation of professional readiness of future teachers for the inclusion of schoolchildren in the process of studying at the university, consisting in enriching the content of training in the third and fourth years of the disciplines: «Teaching people with disabilities», «Psychological and pedagogical foundations of inclusive education»; the introduction of industrial (technological in the system of inclusive education) practice on the basis of educational and social organizations; operational monitoring of the formation of the readiness of future teachers for inclusive education of schoolchildren with disabilities. Keywords: professional training, professional readiness, inclusive education, future teachers | 815 | |||||
867 | E-learning is becoming an integral part of the educational process in universities. Online interaction between students, students and teachers remains significant in e-learning. It affects the involvement of students in the educational process. The article deals with the analysis of the interaction difficulties in e-learning which teachers and students face in universities. The author looks for the difficulties in the results of sociological research conducted at Tomsk State University and Tomsk Polytechnic University in 2016, and the results of the focus group «Online course support» organized at Tomsk State University in 2018. The article highlights social, organizational, technical and economic difficulties for the educational process subjects in the pedagogical support of e-learning. Also, recommendations were formulated to overcome these difficulties. The main difficulties for teachers and students in quantitative research are the lack of time, the lack of ICT competencies necessary to work in an electronic campus environment. In addition, students note failures in the work of the portal. The focus group participants agree on the weak communication of teachers with students and fellow students among themselves, as well as technical difficulties when working with platforms and their technical services. Quantitative studies showed more technical and organizational difficulties, and qualitative research showed social and technical difficulties. The results will be useful for specialists and teachers involved in the organization of e-learning in universities to create an effective system of pedagogical support. Keywords: e-learning, higher education, support of e-learning, difficulties in support of e-learning | 815 | |||||
868 | The issue of creating a personalized approach to the training of future geography teachers is considered in the article. A comparative description of the concept of «education personalization» in the context of pedagogy, psychology, and sociology is given. The normative legal documents, which define the special status of a teacher in society and professional requirements for his personality, have been studied. It is concluded that the personalization of education allows, on the one hand, to develop the individual characteristics of students, on the other hand, to include in the process of socialization. When preparing students for the future profession of a geography teacher, it is necessary to organize a personalized approach, which is expressed in close interaction between the teacher and the student and providing conditions for self-education of both parties. The purpose of the article is to describe a model of a personalized educational environment and experience in implementing a personalized approach in the training of geography teachers. The main results of the personalized approach are four workshops developed by the authors of the article in offline format for young geography teachers of Tomsk. Important teaching tools of personalized education are the websites of teachers on the topic «Formation of a teacher’s personal educational environment» and the website of the training focuses «Professionally about the methodology of teaching geography». This model includes personal means of communication, means of teaching and self-education, the use of digital educational platforms and professional websites, improving the professional skills of teachers and students. The results are expressed in the justification of the need to introduce this model into the educational practice of pedagogical universities. Keywords: personalization, personalized approach, professional skills, model of personalized educational environment | 815 | |||||
869 | In order to provide psychological and pedagogical support in the upbringing and development of children of early and preschool age, parents’ requests to the Center for Counseling Assistance were analyzed, which touched upon the issues of upbringing and development of the child without obvious deviations in development. Content analysis of hits was used as an empirical method. 2 conditional groups of requests were identified. The first group included appeals where parents wanted to get advice on how to properly educate (develop) a child. The second group included appeals where parents wanted to «correct» the existing unacceptable forms of behavior, communication, and activities of the child. The results made it possible to identify the most popular requests, analyze the difficulties of parents in upbringing, correlate these difficulties with age periods and developmental characteristics of children. It was revealed that the main share of requests is due to: a) parents have no idea about the age characteristics of children, b) use inadequate upbringing methods that lead to negative consequences. Questioning of parents made it possible to establish their desire to increase their competence in matters of family education, to determine the preferred forms of counseling, to identify the lack of ideas about the capabilities and functions of psychological counseling centers. The information obtained made it possible to formulate recommendatory measures to improve parental competencies through the organization of psychological and pedagogical education. Keywords: psychological counseling, parents, children of early and preschool age, parental competence, difficulties upbringing of children’s, forms of counseling, psychological and pedagogical education | 815 | |||||
870 | The article presents the study of the sovereignty of the psychological space of the individual, the function of its boundary and the level of subjective control in married couples with different family experience. The research is based on the modern methods of T. S. Levy, S. K. Nartova-Bochaver, using which we continued to study the phenomenon of personal space, its boundary from the point of view of the subject-environment approach. The study of the psychological boundary of a person’s personal space is a topical topic not only within the individual, but also in the problems of family relations. The family is the primary element of the social space that forms the content characteristics of the personal space of a person who in the future, creating his family, forms such a space for his children. The most important characteristic of psychological space is the integrity of its boundaries. The presence of a holistic psychological space plays an important role in family relationships. The study involved married couples with different experience of family life: less than 7 years and more than 7 years, a total of 110 people. Differences in the «sovereignty of social ties», violations of the boundaries of the physical «I», the territorial integrity of families with different life experience are established. This study continues a series of studies on the specifics of the psychological space of the individual not only in the subjects of the educational sphere of school, university, but also in adult respondents. Keywords: psychological space of the individual, functions of the border, subjective control, experience of family life | 814 | |||||
871 | The article is devoted to identifying effective methods of project activities on patriotic topics within the framework of educational archival practice for students of pedagogical universities. At the same time, the emphasis is on practicing the methods of analyzing a written clerical archival source. The polyfunctionality of a historical source allows one to “extract” from it not only the social information of its time, but also to use its potential for epistemological cognition. The ability to determine the type and type of historical source, to perform external and internal analysis of the archival source, to create tabular forms of accounting for historical information are the necessary competencies of a student of history. Competent formulation of project tasks of practice allows you to simultaneously solve several tasks on the professionalization of the future teacher of history and social studies: he carefully treats historical sources as carriers of historical memory, to practice source study skills and abilities on reliable archival sources, to delve into the essence of the global social consequences of the Great Patriotic War using the example of the topic “Employment of invalids of the Great Patriotic War in Tomsk in 1941–1944”. The actualization of increased attention to this social group as winners and victims appears to be a new format of patriotic education. Competent formulation of project tasks of practice allows you to simultaneously solve several tasks on the professionalization of the future teacher of history and social studies: he carefully treats historical sources as carriers of historical memory, to practice source study skills and abilities on reliable archival sources, to delve into the essence of the global social consequences of the Great Patriotic War using the example of the topic “Employment of invalids of the Great Patriotic War in Tomsk in 1941–1944”. The actualization of increased attention to this social group as winners and victims appears to be a new format of patriotic education. Keywords: patriotic education, design technologies, archival practice, invalids of the Great Patriotic War | 814 | |||||
872 | The article examines the problem of developing and testing the complex of mnemonic techniques «Synesthete» within the framework of introducing the training course «Fundamentals of mnemonics» into the educational process of schools and universities. The problem of teaching mnemonic technicians is relevant for domestic and foreign psychological and pedagogical science and educational practice, since the reproduction of a large amount of educational (scientific) information requires the use of students’ memory resources, and against the background of the existing shortage of special methods and techniques of memorization, this process becomes ineffective. The theoretical basis of the research is work in the field of neuropsychology, psychophysiology, neuropedagogy, neurodidactics. Particular attention is paid to the study of the phenomenon of synesthesia. The results of the use of this complex is the development of students – the ability and willingness to activate visual, auditory and kinesthetic memory in the perception, preservation, processing and reproduction of educational information. High results are achieved by students who are creative and create their own systems for more rational work of memory, based on taking into account their own neuropsychological characteristics – the modality of internal experience. The «Synesthete» complex complements and promotes the development of the main methods of mnemonics, such as: the method of associative connections; the method of «Places» for writing texts; eidotechnics; the method of memorizing numerical information and mathematical (chemical, physical) formulas, historical dates; the method of memorizing foreign words. Keywords: neuropsychology, neurodidactics, mnemonics, synesthesia, synesthetic abilities, modality of internal experience, students | 812 | |||||
873 | Self-esteem, being a component of the personality structure, influences the entire activity of the subject, both the process and its result. The educational process in a higher educational institution is no exception. Despite the difference in approaches to understanding its definition, structure, presented in the theoretical part of the article, scientists agree on one thing. Performing various functions – evaluative, control, stimulating, blocking and protective, etc., self-esteem mobilizes and reveals the intellectual and creative potential of a person. Consequently, a person with an adequately high self-esteem will be proactive and competitive in the labor market. They develop spontaneously, due to the study of information and interaction with the reference group. However, since self-esteem influences the activity, then it will also influence the activity of students, the result of which is the current performance of students of the Humanities Institute (GumI). In the process of mastering a profession, under the influence of learning to use mental operations, features characteristic of students begin to appear. They develop spontaneously, due to the study of information and interaction with the reference group. However, since self-esteem influences the activity, then it will also influence the activity of students, the result of which is the current performance of students of the Humanities Institute (GumI). An analysis of the results obtained using several methods showed that students of different courses and directions of the humanitarian institute have significantly excellent component expression of selfesteem, as well as the relationship of its parameters with current academic performance. Keywords: self-assessment, academic performance, student, educational and professional activity, university graduate | 812 | |||||
874 | This article presents a study on the preparation of teachers of technical university to implement the developed by the author information and methodological support of the disciplines provided by the curricula of a technical university. Improving the quality of the learning process in the University directly depends on the qualifications and quality of its teaching staff. A teacher needs to focus on the future professional activities of the students he or she teaches. Competent use of specially developed information and methodological support in the educational process will help to prepare specialists in demand in the labor market. Namely, in the aspect of the conducted research, the search for effective methods of information and methodological support implementation in the context of higher education teacher training was carried out. The content and structure of the information and methodological support for the formation of future engineers’ readiness for communicative and managerial activity is presented in the works of scientific and educational journals already published by the author. The purpose of the presented article is to summarize the results of the experimental work on teachers’ training for the implementation of the information and methodological support developed by the author. Scientific research was conducted using the methods and ideas of academician G. V. Mukha-metzyanova, in the works of which several ideas of implementation of information and methodological support were noted: radical way (the whole system is completely renewed); evolutionary way (innovations are introduced gradually). The authors of this article in their scientific work adhered to the idea of implementing information and methodological support carried out by the evolutionary way. In the final part of the experimental-experimental work the directions of activity and the route of preparation of pedagogical workers of the higher school for realization of the developed information-methodical support of formation of future engineers’ readiness for communicative-managerial activity were defined. Keywords: methodological support, educational activities, communicative activity, managerial activity, teacher training, specialist engineer | 810 | |||||
875 | The article observes the problem of analyses and interpretation of a piece of music from the point of view of music theorists and music teachers. The variability of approaches to the analysis is substantiated due to the category of the listeners, the genre of a piece of music, the uniqueness, the level of complexity and duration of the sound, the uniqueness of the composer’s worldview. Certain types of analysis, depending on the target orientation, are characterized, difficulties and ways of overcoming them are indicated. Analysis of an instrumental works from the point of view of intonation theory (intonation-figurative analysis) is a kind of social, historical, artistic research, in which it is necessary to organize communication between children and the author and performers of the composition in the form of a live dialogue aimed at immersion in the artistic-figurative world of the work, identifying meaning and emotional-value relations, embodied in images-intonations, the formation of one’s own attitude towards him (V. V. Medushevsky). The presented types of music studying analyses are used in the practice of music education of schoolchildren, depending on the characteristics of the work and the preferences of the teacher. An example of musical and pedagogical analysis of an instrumental piece by students is shown as one of the possible options for using in pedagogical practice with secondary school students. Keywords: analyses, interpretation, musical language, music teacher, children, a piece of music, values, meaning, intonation, method | 809 | |||||
876 | The events of recent years taking place all over the world show how important it is to solve the tasks of civic and patriotic education of young people in a timely manner. And the implementation of the tasks of forming a citizen and a patriot should be carried out at all levels of the education system. It is important to take into account the multinational nature of our state and correctly form the civic and patriotic qualities of the younger generation. The modern approach to the civic and patriotic education of students involves the use of new technologies that correspond to their interests and preferences. It is necessary to take into account all the resources and technologies for civil and patriotic education of students at the present stage of development of a multicultural society. The purpose of our research is to identify the most effective resources and technologies of civic and patriotic education of students in the modern multicultural educational space. The study used the method of analysis of domestic and foreign literature, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in the formation of civil and patriotic qualities of students in the multicultural educational environment of the university; the method of systematization and ranking of the basic principles of civil-patriotic education of students (the principle of standardization, the principle of relevance, the principle of consistency, practice-oriented principle and the principle of differentiation). The results of the study showed that in modern society a variety of methods and techniques of civic and patriotic education of young people should be applied in accordance with their characteristics and aspirations. Along with the traditional ones (memorial vigil, participation in rallies, concert performances for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military sports clubs, etc.), innovative forms, means, methods of civil and patriotic education of subjects of the educational process should also be used. In the educational process of the university, it is necessary to use a variety of resources and technologies for the civil and patriotic education of students. All of them should be aimed at the development of citizenship as an integrative quality of personality, and form a respectful attitude to the traditions and cultural norms of their country and their people. Keywords: civic and patriotic education, students, higher education institution, multicultural society, multicultural educational environment, resources, technology | 809 | |||||
877 | Typical architecture and design of school spaces is often not related to its pedagogical concept and does not reflect the identity of the teaching staff and students. In this regard, there is a request to involve participants of educational relations in the design and development of an educational environment in which the capabilities of teachers and students would be most fully revealed. The relevance of the article lies in the emergence of new and various projects of redesign and renovation of the educational environment, expanding the understanding of the functional capabilities of the spaces of educational organizations, demonstrating the educational and social potential of new spaces of educational organizations. The article summarizes the experience of organizing and holding the City Festival of Infrastructure Solutions of the Moscow City University as one of the ways that can be used to attract teams of educational organizations to the topic of large-scale changes in educational infrastructure. On the Festival it were identified and presented the best practices of infrastructure solutions for the effective use of the space of educational organizations in the city of Moscow, implementing general educational programs of preschool education, primary general education, basic general education and secondary general education. Festival participants gained experience and inspiration in changing the school space, and learned about modern finishing materials and equipment for schools. The conclusions drawn by the authors have the practical importance and can be used to determine strategies for the development of school infrastructure. Keywords: educational infrastructure, renovation of school space, competition, festival, infrastructure solutions, educational organization, best practices of infrastructure solutions | 808 | |||||
878 | The article presents a theoretical and historical overview of the studies of general and special abilities carried out in the domestic scientific psychology. The difficulties associated with the definition of the concepts of “ability” and “giftedness” are analyzed. The understanding of the nature of creativity and creativity is indicated. The psychological essence and specificity of literary activity as a scientific phenomenon are considered. The characteristic of literary and artistic abilities as an internal psychological regulator of personality is given. It is shown that the ability to literary creativity refers to the artistic type of giftedness, which has both common qualities inherent in other types of giftedness, and peculiar, distinguishing it from other types of abilities. It is concluded that most of the complexities and contradictions in the study of the phenomenology of abilities are mainly associated with the comprehension of what ontologically represents this mental phenomenon. It is shown that the psychology of literary and artistic creativity and related areas of scientific knowledge are very complex and multifaceted. It is said that the creation of conditions that ensure the identification and creative development of literary gifted persons, the realization of their potential is among the priorities of modern society. Of great importance for the development of literary abilities is the social, including educational environment. Keywords: abilities, general abilities, special abilities, creative abilities, literary abilities, literary and artistic abilities, literary giftedness, psychology of art, psychology of literary creativity, personality of the writer | 807 | |||||
879 | The published article is devoted to the life and scientific creativity of the creator of a new branch of knowledge – ethnopedagogy, academician of the Russian Academy of Education Gennady Nikandrovich Volkov. The last decade of G. N. Volkov’s scientific creativity in the Republic of Kalmykia is analyzed and comprehended. The research material was publications about G. N. Volkov in the Republic of Kalmykia by his students, like-minded people, associates and prominent scientists, as well as the authors’ memories from personal meetings with him. The use of this unique and rich material allowed an attempt to study the last decade of the academician’s life during the so-called Kalmyk autumn. As a result, an attempt was made to analyze and reveal the path of the pioneer in the field of scientific knowledge, the essence of the concept developed by him, as well as the tools of its research. Ethnopedagogics is a universal science, which reveals the heritage of any nation, its spiritual, moral and educational potential, traditions and customs – in the same vein. Academician from Chuvashia is the successor of great classical teachers J. A. Komensky, J. H. Pestalozzi and K. D. Ushinskiy. Gennadiy Volkov is a creator of a new scientific pedagogical school, which is still relevant today, which has many Students and followers in the near and far abroad. The great son of the Chuvash people appears as a pioneer, a discoverer; an adherent of the historical kinship of the Kalmyk and the Chuvash peoples; as a romantic who deifies nature and as a public person. The quintessence of his scientific views is the concept of “personality-symbol” introduced and revealed by him in pedagogics and life. The last period of the academician’s life and his activity in the Republic of Kalmykia is described from many different sides in the present article. The Academician G. Volkov’s activity in Kalmykia was marked by the organization of a number of international scientific and practical conferences, the training of a wide range of scientific personnel – doctors and candidates of pedagogical science. Today they continue their great teacher’s work. A research laboratory of ethnopedagogic innovations was opened at Kalmyk State University at his initiative. It has become a research center with a wide geography – from Belarus and Kazakhstan to Yakutia. A fundamental work of an encyclopedic nature “Ethnopedagogical Pansophy” was prepared and published here. In the article, the outstanding Chuvash scientist is considered as an innovator, a personsymbol and a public person as well. Keywords: ethnopedagogics, Gennadiy Nikandrovich Volkov – a founder of ethnopedagogics, great son of the Chuvash people, Kalmyk and Chuvash peoples, person-symbol, Kalmyk period of the academician | 807 | |||||
880 | At the end of June 2020, the next Summer School of Teachers – 2020, organized by the Urayt Publishing House in the format of webinars.The participants of the School focused on five relevant digital education skills necessary for distance learning: online assessment, data analysis, psychology and motivation of online learning. planning of practices and internships, organization of processes and paperwork. The transformation of higher education in the context of a pandemic – from shock to digital pedagogy – became the main topic of all speeches and discussions of the School (more than forty reports, two panel discussions). The pandemic has accelerated and exposed the trends already established, modern conditions have accelerated the introduction of online technologies for remote teaching. 2020 has become a year of challenge to Russian education, a year of extreme changes. The emergency transition to online forced universities to work in the most extreme conditions: the authors created and updated teaching materials and tests for the needs of the new teaching format.The Summer School of Teachers was devoted to understanding what had emerged in higher education (e.g. redesigning the local regulatory framework, using digital traces of student and teacher activities to make managerial decisions, retaining students, transforming traditional learning, transforming universities, AR and VR technologies), forecasts for the future (e.g.virtual reality as a tool for practical learning). In connection with the new reality, the role of the education system, the attitude of society to education, the place of teachers and their role in creating added value for the student are changing, teaching methods and skills are changing too. In this review, we will focus on individual topics and reports. Keywords: skill, distance, online assessment, data analysis, psychology, motivation, online learning, digital technologies, university transformation, multi-institute, rating, proctoring, personalization, networking, friendship | 806 | |||||
881 | According to the standards of higher education, a graduate of a pedagogical university is obliged to conduct a pedagogical study and draw it up in the text of the final qualification work. However, analysis of the works shows that for many future teachers, writing a scientific text causes significant difficulty. The questionnaire revealed typical difficulties and reasons for their occurrence, which are due, on the one hand, to the lack of experience in writing in the process of studying vocational training disciplines. On the other hand, it is not the willingness of students to reflect on the process of speech activity and its products, and also not to own ways of organizing independent work. Typical mistakes in the creation of the text of the graduation work were revealed: the lack of a communicative task, the lack of compliance with the logic and relationship of parts of the text, the inclusion of unprocessed materials from primary sources, the lack of own judgment on the topic being studied. Directions in teaching written scientific speech in the preparation process at the university are indicated: inclusion of tasks in all disciplines of training, programs of pedagogical practices involving writing a text of a scientific style, the use of educational technologies focusing on the use of written text as a result of training. It is concluded that training in the writing of the text of the final qualification work involves the consistent involvement of students in the mastery of the culture of written scientific speech, as well as the experience of the research activity of the teacher. Keywords: scientific written speech, final qualification work, creation of written text | 805 | |||||
882 | The importance of social education of the younger generation is actualized. The necessity of involving children and adolescents in social and creative activities, mastering the experience of constructive interaction with the surrounding reality is substantiated. The value of additional education in the implementation of social education of students is shown. Its value status is noted, seen in the unique social practice of building up the motivational potential of the child’s personality to cognition and creativity, the formation of the experience of social and creative activity. The goal is to identify the optimal ways of forming the experience of social and creative activity of students in additional education (on the example of the experience of MBUDO “Children’s School of Arts no. 2 named after V. P. Trifonov” in Vologda). The methods of the theoretical level are used, among which the priority is the analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study, generalization, systematization. The research materials are the results of the implementation of a comprehensive education program “Republic of a young volunteer” on the basis of MBUDO “Children’s School of Arts no. 2 named after V. P. Trifonov” in Vologda. It was revealed that the formation of the experience of social and creative activities of students of additional education should be carried out in the course of organizing communication, interaction with people, socially transforming activities. It is important to involve the younger generation in children’s public organizations, volunteer activities, creating conditions for the practical implementation of social initiatives, including children, teachers and parents, as well as a wide range of the public in real social practice. Collective and creative affairs, social actions, socially significant projects provide ample opportunities for children to play various social roles, thereby actively participating in social life and the process of its transformation. Keywords: social education of students, experience, social and creative activity, experience of social and creative activity, additional education | 804 | |||||
883 | This article reveals the understanding of the phenomenon of family identity from a pedagogical position. Family identity is considered as a person’s belonging to a family group, reflecting his commitment to family values. The importance of organizing conditions conducive to the development of the family identity of university students is substantiated. Pedagogical conditions for the development of family identity include: 1) the appeal in the educational process to the positive experience of family education and the preservation of family and family memory through the study of family history and traditions, popularization of the best experience in raising children in various families, including through the creation of a bank of artistic and documentary films promoting family values; 2) introduction of courses aimed at studying the essential characteristics of family education in the educational programs of the university; 3) organization of research work through the preparation of scientific reports; 4) creation of an electronic educational resource that provides information and methodological support for students in the field of family pedagogy (lectures, presentations, creative assignments, scientific articles, cognitive tests, surveys and methods, a bank of artistic and documentary materials recommended for study). The elements of experimental work on the implementation of the model for the formation of the family identity of future teachers are described, including the introduction of the courses “Family Pedagogy” and “Interaction between the family and the educational organization” into the educational process. Keywords: family, family identity, family values, student youth, family pedagogy | 799 | |||||
884 | Teenagers’ parents experience objective difficulties in communicating with their adolescent children. They are in need for tools that can help to overcome the problems of teen-parent communication by developing the culture of experience in the child-parent relationship. Discussion practices used in a parent film club can be considered a resource that helps parents to discuss their acute problems in a safe environment, as well as to clarify possible solutions to problematic situations in their relationships with teenage children. The authors developed a methodology for club meetings, a film club program, and piloted it in 2020-2022. The following discussion methods are presented in detail in the article: polylogue, non-evaluating interview, amplification of meanings, «hat of questions». Examples of their usage are given. The results of the film club work were collected in a questionnaire. The generalized analysis of the feedback from participants is presented. As a result, we come to the conclusion that a group form of presentation of participants’ observations, emotions and reflections within discussion practices of a youth TV-series creates an effective basis for developing parents’ culture of experience. The condition to achieve this result in a film club is creating a common problem-semantic field of a group for a film, which is possible through suggested discussion practices. Keywords: culture of experience, discussion practices, problem-semantic field, child-parent relationships, adolescence, film club, youth series | 797 | |||||
885 | The question of the developing value of virtual reality technologies, the possibilities of their application at the level of primary general education is considered. The results of studying various studies on the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical aspects of human activity in virtual reality (VR) are presented. The importance and necessity of introducing virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies for the digital transformation of the education sector is proved. An attempt is made to classify the means of virtual reality used in education based on the criteria of immersion and presence. The classification distinguishes types of virtual reality technologies according to: the degree of immersiveness; types of educational tasks; graphical user interface; graphical representation of users; interaction opportunities; features of representation of objects in virtual reality; used educational tools and technical specifications. Examples of the implementation of the immersive approach in general education are given: studying the influence of social configurations on the visual attention of students and the learning process in an immersive virtual reality classroom; the influence of text annotations in the class of immersive virtual reality on the ability to recall educational information, etc. The advantages of using VR in education for the development of educational and cognitive competence in primary school age are described: visibility, the ability to visualize complex and inaccessible knowledge, abstract concepts, involvement and interactivity, multimodality of perception, compatibility with distance learning and the possibility of gamification of the educational process. Positive ideas of practicing teachers in relation to the use of VR tools are revealed. Teachers are ready to introduce virtual reality tools into the educational process, however, there is an insufficient number of high-quality VR products that meet the thematic needs of subject teachers. Tasks for children were developed in 4 areas of development: value-semantic, cognitive, operational-activity; reflective-evaluative. Keywords: virtual reality, immersive approach in education, classification of virtual reality tools | 795 | |||||
886 | The absence of special conditions that facilitate the development and realization of a person with deep vision pathology leads to an increase in the likelihood of the formation of negative attitudes towards oneself. Negative self-attitude is reflected in the ability to engage in joint activities, affecting primarily leadership potential. As a result, cognition of oneself and activity in interpersonal interaction decrease. Most of the work is aimed at tracking the impact of visual impairment on mental development and the study of compensation processes. The aim of our research is to study the characteristics of self-attitude and leadership potential that affect involvement in joint activities, which is considered the driving force of mental development. The article presents the data of an experimental study of the characteristics of self-attitude and leadership potential in persons with visual impairments and their influence on the development of cooperation within the framework of joint activities. The results obtained by the methods «Self-relation» by V. V. Stolin, S. R. Panteleeva, “Ability for Leadership” by R. S. Nemova and “Arka” A. S. Chernyshev, S. V. Sarycheva, modified version. Differences in self-attitude and leadership ability in totally blind versus healthy are considered. The influence of the revealed features on the development of cooperation in joint activities is analyzed, conclusions are formulated. The relationship between the characteristics of self-attitude and leadership potential allows you to create optimal conditions for the development of the personality of people with visual impairments. Keywords: blind, pathology of vision, self-attitude, leadership potential, leadership, joint activity | 791 | |||||
887 | The authors have developed and tested Russian-language version of the questionnaire “Psychological Capital” (“PsyCap”) for use in higher education. This questionnaire was developed and based on the F. Lutans, K. Joseph and B. Avolio questionnaire. They created it for the needs of organizational psychology. B. Lutans, K. Lutans and S. Jensen modified it for the field of education. Psychological capital includes four parameters: self–efficacy (confidence in the successful achievement of goals and in solving problems); hope (the ability to redirect ways to achieve goals); optimism (is a positive attitude to success); resilience (is the ability to withstand difficulties). “PsyCap” questionnaires in various modifications (“PsyCap-24”, “PsyCap-12”) are widely used in modern psychology. There is no translation and adaptation of this questionnaire in Russian psychology, especially for the needs of higher education. It determined the relevance and purpose of this study. There are 130 students – future psychologists of Cherepovets State University took part in the survey. The authors checked their questionnaire and determinate it is reliability and validity. They do it by splitting the test into two parts. Authors use Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to check the internal consistency of each scale of the questionnaire, and the generalized indicator with all scales. Authors verify empirical validity by comparing the scales of the questionnaire with the results obtained using other known psychology tests. As a result, authors concluded that other researchers can use that questionnaire in the field of higher education to diagnose the psychological capital of students. Keywords: psychological capital, confidence, self-efficacy, hope, optimism, stability | 788 | |||||
888 | The article presents the rationale, the development and results of testing of educational material on the topic “Training of highly qualified athletes” for academic disciplines in power sports, pedagogical physical culture and sports improvement taught at universities and at the faculties of physical culture and sports. The rationale for the content of the educational topic is based on scientific and methodological approaches to the planning of training loads in sports, theories and methods of sports training. The methodology of training highly qualified athletes according to the “pyramid” system is used in many sports, such as weightlifting, sambo, swimming, etc., but this system has not been used in kettlebell lifting, therefore it requires its own justification. From all of the above, the study of the training methodology for qualified high-skilled kettlebell lifters at the pre-competition stage is quite relevant. A program has been developed for training qualified guards on the preset stage according to the Pyramid system. The percentage ratio of the volume of general physical and special physical training and tonnage of the main and auxiliary exercises on the preset stage is determined. The effectiveness of the developed program for the preparation of qualified guards on the preset stage on the Pyramid system was experimentally proved. The educational material, theoretically substantiated, developed and tested in the training process of kettlebell lifters, is introduced into the content of the educational topic “Training of highly qualified athletes” of disciplines taught at the faculties of physical culture and sports. Keywords: vocational training, qualified weights, preset stage, exercise stress, physical preparedness | 787 | |||||
889 | The problem of professional development of a teacher is posed as a process of constant change of external requirements to the list and level of formation of professional competencies and the list of professional and personal qualities. As external challenges of this process, the focus on the development of self-managed learners and the implementation of the anthropological mission of modern education are highlighted. Different approaches to the professional development of a teacher are analyzed: the development of educational technologies, involvement in educational innovations, the development of research skills. It is emphasized that the development of innovative technologies requires special readiness of the teacher, the different level of which is manifested in different positions in relation to technology: indecisive, skeptics, innovators, researchers. It is proved that all teachers should be involved in innovation and their work should be aimed at this. It is proved that the formation of a teacher’s research culture is associated with the development of that area of his professional interests, which can become the subject of special study and real change at the level of educational practice. In conclusion, three directions of the development of pedagogical activity are highlighted: the development of professional mobility, open professionalism and dialogization of joint professional activity. Keywords: pedagogical activity, professionalism, educational technologies, innovative activity, research skills | 787 | |||||
890 | The article actualizes the problem of ongoing changes in the value orientations of young people in the modern information society, which sets the task of studying this process. The text defines the understanding of the essence of the category “value”, reveals philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical approaches to its definition. Special attention is paid to the description of traditional values, which acquire special significance in a situation of impermanence, uncertainty characteristic of modern society and the entire world space, since it is traditional culture that largely supports stability and order as the basis for the functioning of any society. The article provides a typology of traditional values and reveals approaches to their content. The article describes the innovative social values that have emerged in connection with the processes of digitalization taking place in society, which include information, knowledge, intellectual capital, virtual reality. The features of interference (interaction) of traditional and innovative values are revealed. The possibilities of using Internet technologies in order to establish a dialogical interaction of values are analyzed, at the same time attention is drawn to the need for real communication of subjects of life activity aimed at understanding the ongoing transformational processes in the field of value orientations. The task of the need to find a mechanism for the dialogical coexistence of two value systems, an adequate choice of the appropriation of innovative values by a person, taking into account the preservation of relevant traditions and spirituality, is posed. The solution of this problem is connected, on the one hand, with the comprehension of traditional values, and, on the other hand, the development of critical thinking in the younger generation, which provides the ability to analyze incoming value-relevant information, realize, give it an adequate assessment, make informed decisions, on the basis of which to form a morally justified attitude to certain values, relevant to modern society and meeting the principles of universal morality and on their basis to build their behavior. Keywords: values, traditions, traditional values, innovative values, information society, information, virtual space, interference of values, the younger generation | 787 | |||||
891 | The problem of the preservation and development of the traditions of the system of mass musical education, created under the direction of D. B. Kabalevsky, is outlined. Its advantages are formulated and the need to support music and music-teacher education is updated in order to preserve the best traditions of the past and introduce innovative technologies, including using digital tools to stimulate the formation of the musical culture of modern students by means of interactive music making. Multidisciplinary is highlighted as the basic characteristic of the profession of a teacher-musician in Russian comprehensive school. Beside pedagogical training, a teacher-musician must play musical instrument, have expressive and clear choirconductor technique, be able to show vocal creations professionally in the sphere of school repertoire. Teacher-musician must have a profound background in the sphere of history and theory of music. Such a set of competencies of a music teacher is not formed by any country in the world. This versatility, on the one hand, creates difficulties in preparing a future teacher-musician, on the other hand, it makes it possible to be in demand on the labor market as a music teacher in a comprehensive school and music school, as a music director in a preschool institution, as a leader of a choir, and as a musician in the orchestra. Keywords: musical culture, musical-pedagogical education, interaction methods, digital devices | 785 | |||||
892 | The growing number of foreign students in Russian universities requires the search and development of new ways to optimize their educational process in educational institutions of our country. An important element of training in Russian universities is the physical education of students, ensuring the preservation of their health and maintaining an optimal functional state and working capacity. Physical education of university students is implemented in training classes on physical culture. The low motivation of foreign students to engage in physical culture requires the use of innovative approaches in the educational process. One of these approaches is the use of a point-rating system for monitoring and evaluating students’ knowledge, skills and abilities. In this regard, the issues of motivation of foreign students to engage in physical culture at the university are updated on the basis of the use of a point-rating assessment system. Keywords: foreign students, physical education, physical culture classes, motivation, innovative methods, point-rating system | 785 | |||||
893 | The rapid advancement of digital technologies in the field of education is dictated by the relevance of the problems considered in this case. Digital literacy of physical education teachers, instructors and coaches in sports from among the teaching staff of educational organizations is the lowest. Despite the high importance of knowledge, skills, practical skills and tactical skills of mentors, digital competence has become a mandatory indicator for assessing the professional suitability of the modern education system. In modern physical culture and sports education, there are currently not enough methodological developments on the use of digital technologies. The process of digital modernization of education should be systematic and gradual, including the continuous interaction of educational organizations at all levels. It is necessary to search and classify additional innovative means and methods necessary to improve the educational process and the process of improving the sportsmanship of swimmers in the practice of professional training of students of the faculties of physical culture and sports. The study uses a theoretical analysis of scientific publications, innovative digital programs and devices that improve the efficiency of the swimming training process. Discussed are digital devices used in the training process of training swimmers from elementary to professional levels, their purpose and significance. The training process requires the search for new, original and effective ways of preparing and recovering swimmers, which have become available in the era of digital technology. It is important for teachers and trainers to master the skills of competent use of modern devices and programs that increase the effectiveness of practical exercises and rehabilitation procedures. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new approaches and solutions in the professional training of physical culture and sports specialists in a timely manner to most effectively use digitalization trends in the educational process. Keywords: digital technologies, training process, swimming training, educational technologies, mobile applications, computer programs, sensory devices, physiotherapy devices | 785 | |||||
894 | In the context of the ongoing threat of coronavirus, it is important to study personality models that largely determine the ability to predict health-oriented behavior, as well as the risk of anxiety, anxiety, and experiencing danger. In the article, the experience of a vital threat is analyzed as an experience of danger in relation to the mental Self, body, world, surrounding people, significant as an individual value. The study is aimed at studying the experience of the vital threat under the COVID-19 pandemic and its relationship with the personal traits of students. The empirical study was used by the Experience Scale of “Danger-Safety”, R. B. Kettell’s 16-factor personality questionnaire (16 PF), the sample was students of the medical college of the Udmurt Republic (119 people). Mathematical methods processing methods were used: description statistics, correlation analysis, the SPSS 11.5 For Windows program. It was revealed that the experiences of the threat in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the Self and non-Self are differentiated, namely: students have a more pronounced experience of insecurity in relation to the world and the people around them. The components of the experience of threat on the Scale of “Danger-security” are structurally related to the communicative, regulatory, emotional and intellectual properties of a personality. The greatest number of connections between the experience of danger-safety relief links is established with the communicative properties of the individual. The students revealed a high involvement of personality traits in the experience of danger-security in relation to the mental Self and in relation to the body. The results obtained can be applied by medical college administration, teachers, academic mentors of student groups. They can be used by practitioner-psychologists providing counselling for students of medical colleges to prevent students from negative experiences and stress in the COVID-19 pandemic and in psychological education and counseling. Keywords: threat, danger-security, personality traits, experience, pandemic | 782 | |||||
895 | The article discusses the issue of the formation of social and informational competence of students (who are trained in secondary specialized educational institutions - colleges) of pedagogical specialties in the implementation of the components of media education. The characteristic of social and informational competence is given, methods of using the components of media education in the system of secondary specialized education are described. Possible ways of forming competence are presented, main directions of work are named. The article defines the components of the model for the formation of social and information competence. The characteristics of the pedagogical conditions that must be observed for the formation of social and informational competence in students in the process of implementing the educational process are given. Highlighted such pedagogical conditions as organizational - the specifics of the organization of the educational environment and its equipment; internal position and motives of the student; accounting for the content and variability of educational and program documentation. The main directions of modernization of the educational process are named: the adjustment of curricula, the introduction of modules aimed at the formation of a high level of social and informational competence among students of pedagogical specialties. The role of the teacher in the formation of the competence of students is characterized, the activities of the school of professional skills for teachers are described. The features of the current certification using WorldSkills standards are disclosed. Keywords: social and information competence, media education, self-education, diversification, modular approach, Internet resources | 781 | |||||
896 | The problem of search and selection of research tools in the conditions of increasing interdisciplinarity of scientific knowledge is actualized. Attention is focused on similar features in the development of domestic education in the 20–30s of the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century. The thesis is put forward that the analysis of textual sources of the historical epoch under consideration makes it possible to formulate more correctly the principles of working with pedagogical terminology now. Interdisciplinary approaches to the study of pedagogical terminology are characterized. The necessity of applying the field approach in the context of the study of didactic terminology is substantiated. The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure of didactic terminology of the 20–30s of the XX century based on the application of the field approach. The signs of the distribution of lexical units into groups are substantiated. The corpus of texts is compiled on the basis of contextual analysis of historical and pedagogical sources. Conceptual and terminological groups and clusters are characterized taking into account the identified factors and structural relationships. Conclusions about the number and significance of lexical units in conceptual and terminological groups and clusters are formulated; the dependence of the prevalence of terms on the strength of their field is revealed; the units included in the core of the didactic terminology of the studied period are determined. Keywords: field approach, didactic terminology, factors of terminology development, classification of didactic concepts and terms, lexical units, conceptual and terminological group, cluster | 779 | |||||
897 | An integrated approach to the evaluation of universal educational actions of students in the course of experimental work in chemistry and the knowledge necessary for their implementation is characterized. Diagnostic materials for the assessment of general educational, logical and sign-symbolic universal educational actions are proposed, on the basis of which the final grade is set. The content of diagnostic materials includes test tasks, cases, crossenses, a report on the work performed. They are presented in modular maps for practical work. The content of the module card is described, consisting of educational elements, including instructions for performing practical work, sources of educational material, questions and tasks, input and output control of knowledge and skills, and a form for preparing a report on the completed experimental work. The methodological possibilities of the educational elements of the module map are characterized, which allow organizing independent work of schoolchildren with the content of the module in accordance with individual abilities, improving their self-educational and organizational skills and performing a controlling function. The developed criteria for assessing test tasks of input control, criteria for evaluating the results of schoolchildren work with cases, crossenses, preparing a report on practical work and an assessment scale, on the basis of which the final grade is set, are considered. The results of approbation of diagnostic materials for practical work in chemistry in high school are presented, which make it possible to gradually prepare for the work, its implementation and the qualitative design of the results obtained. Keywords: chemistry experiment, practical work in chemistry, universal learning actions, diagnostic materials, student assessment, final grade | 779 | |||||
898 | The problem of choosing a teaching strategy depending on a heterogeneous contingent of students is considered. It is assumed that one of the following strategies can be used: passive, active or interactive learning. The listed strategies can be combined for a specific group of students, but they cannot be applied individually to each individual student. It is necessary to choose the optimal strategy for a specific contingent of students in order to achieve the best learning outcomes. The model of the educational process is mathematically formalized in terms of theory of game against nature. Four categories of students are introduced, correlated with different strategies (states) of «nature». Students can be characterized not only by the presence of abilities, but also by the level of motivation, and the probabilistic distribution of students by these characteristics can be known (stochastic uncertainty) or unknown. In the conditions of stochastic uncertainty, the criteria for choosing the optimal strategy can be the criteria of the maximum average gain or the minimum average risk. Decision-making in the absence of information about the probability distribution of strategies of nature can be based on the criteria of Wald, Savage, Hurwitz. The same game matrix was used for the calculations, but with different assumptions about the distribution of students by type and with different decision-making criteria. The described approaches allow us to take the choice of a learning strategy with greater responsibility for its results. Practice shows the positive impact of such an analysis on the effectiveness of training. Keywords: teaching methods, games with nature, game matrix, stochastic uncertainty, decisionmaking criteria | 777 | |||||
899 | Aspects of the influence of indicators of emotional manifestations of child-parent relationships and types of parental influence in families raising older preschoolers are discussed. The types of parental relationship and the features of emotional manifestations of parents in building child-parent interaction are considered. The analysis of the interrelationships of the types of parental relationship with the indicators of the emotional component of the parent-child relationship, including cognitive and behavioral components, is given. The analysis of the results included: the study of parental attitude as a social component; features of cognitive and behavioral components of the emotional side of child-parent interaction; correlation analysis using the r-Spearman correlation coefficient to identify the relationship of indicators of parental attitude with indicators of the emotional side of child-parent interaction. We concluded that socially approved manifestations of parenthood increase states of excitement and anxiety for children, lead to excessive control and symbiotic relationships. A set of characteristics describing the emotional manifestations of parents, contributing to the transformation of symbiotic relationships and authoritarian control of older preschool children into harmonious partnerships that contribute to the formation of an independent personality, is identified and considered. It is shown that an optimal level of parental empathy in relationships with older preschool children favorable for their psychic development exists. Keywords: child-parent relationship, emotional manifestations of parents, components of parental attitude, senior preschool age | 777 | |||||
900 | The article discusses the topic of advanced training programs for heads of educational institutions in Russia, Great Britain, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries in the context of requirements set by professional standards. It has been revealed that the functional composition of these requirements in different countries largely coincides, but Russian institutions do not yet offer a full range of topics of programs for the professional development of managers, aimed at the formation of a full functional manager, reflected in professional standards. In comparison with many foreign countries in the Russian Federation higher requirements to the education of the head of the school, which in our country should have higher education in the pedagogical and administrative sphere, and requires at least five years’ experience in teaching and/or management positions in educational institutions. The analysis of requirements to the director of the school from the point of view of the work functions of the professional standard of the school leader was conducted. Especially the «not covered» from the point of view of the topic of the proposed training programs are the areas related to functions, skills, knowledge in the field of designing the development of the organization, identification of factors and risks of development, motivation of the team, defining the tasks and prospects of personal and professional development of the manager and some others. Keywords: school principal, school leader, professional development of heads of educational organizations, professional standard of the head of educational organization, functions of the school leader, content of programs for professional development of school leaders, comparative research | 777 |