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701 | The teaching of mathematics should reflect the global trends in the development of mathematical and pedagogical scientific thoughts. The authors develop guidelines of studying mathematics in the 1st grade on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, taking into account the partitions into knowledge elements. Thus, the structure and the formation of the being developed textbook content by chapters are described. The theoretical part should allow to students to get answers to control questions, univariate and multivariate tests, problems and exercises. Each chapter of the being developed textbook is divided into paragraphs, each paragraph is divided into items. One item of theoretical material contains either one new idea to study, or a set of interrelated concepts that define one new idea to study. According to this it is possible to form the mathematical knowledge trajectories. So, there are broad opportunities to transform knowledge elements into multimedia forms, including presentations, videos, test modules and other newly emerging means of representation and visualization, using the achievements of artificial intelligence. There can be defined such main directions as natural numbers counting, acquaintance with geometric shapes, comparison of objects in the value and quantity, acquaintance with a squared paper and measurement standards, the study of objects position, the sets consideration, introduction to the algorithm concept. The conceptual directions of teaching mathematics in the 1st grade determined by the authors provide the foundation for the vertical of mathematical education in the 1–11th grades of general education schools. Keywords: primary education, teaching, mathematics, knowledge element | 978 | |||||
702 | Self-actualization of individual potential is a condition for the teacher to achieve the goals of a developing education system. Unambiguous understanding of the nature of the potential in science is not yet developed, the majority of studies do not sufficiently take into account the requirements of activities to the teacher’s personality. Hence, the purpose of the work is to identify the essence of individual and personal teacher’s potential as the subject of his selfactualization in professional activities, taking into account the specifics of the latter. The analysis reveals the essence and structure of individual potential. It is concluded that the teacher’s potential is an individually developed complex of heterogeneous professionally significant features of the individual, which are located at different qualitative levels of actualization. The basis for its systematization is the essence and structure of the pedagogical culture, which, on the one hand, is determined by the specifics of the pedagogical activity, and on the other, is realized through the functions of this activity. The central component of the potential is personal pedagogical values. The significance of the work is connected with the substantiation of the potential by the unity of personal and activity components. The results can serve as the basis for the development of the technological aspect of the selfactualization theory. Keywords: self-actualization, actual and potential, teacher, professional activity, pedagogical culture, personality, pedagogical values | 977 | |||||
703 | Changes in the life of modern society entailed a violation in the preexisting interaction of school, family and society. The rapid change in the socio-economic conditions of society to a certain extent changes the interaction of the subjects of the educational system in the upbringing of children and youth, which is manifested in the complication of responsibility in making pedagogical decisions, caused by the increased relationship between those who participate in this upbringing. The problem is compounded by the fact that in the Kyrgyz Republic the issues of interaction between schools, families and society have not been sufficiently studied both theoretically and practically. Based on the foregoing, the aim of the article is to determine the content of the interaction of school, family and society and to identify the further implementation of this aspect in the training of teachers. In this study, we used such methods as: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, questioning, observation, conversation, study of documentation and experience of educational organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic, mathematical methods). All these methods were used to study the state of the theory and practice of interaction between school, family and society in the current socio-economic and sociocultural situation. The study involved 231 students (J. Balasagyn KNU and the Kyrgyz-Russian Academy of Education (KRAO)). Of these, 114 students of 1–4 courses in the control group (KRAO). 117 students of 1–4 courses in the experimental group (KNU). Studying the problem of interaction between the school, family and society suggests that modern students of pedagogical directions of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic need special effective training as future teachers for partnerships with parents and representatives of society, where relations of responsibility, mutual trust and awareness of the coherence of goals should prevail, tasks and content in the upbringing of a growing person. For the effective implementation of the relationship of family and social education, a special course and a special system for training students of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions are offered. The results of the study show that the problem of interaction between the school, family and society today remains one of the important aspects of the activities of universities, as it is associated with assisting the future teacher in managing the joint activities of the school, family and society in order to combine the efforts of cooperation between the subjects of education. Keywords: students, training of future teachers, family, school, society, social partnership, the interaction of family and social education | 974 | |||||
704 | The article describes and analyzes the correlation between various forms of social activity and abnormal behavior of young people in real and virtual environments. The sample consisted of 160 respondents aged 18 to 25 years. The use of the Pearson correlation coefficient in the context of processing the obtained indicators allowed us to identify statistically significant relationships between various forms of social activity of young people and abnormal behavior in real and virtual environments. The relationships between: Internet-network and auto-destructive virtual activity, as well as cyber-communication dependence; anti-social and aggressive-asocial virtual activity with leisure activities; antisocial and asocial activity in a real environment and protest activity were found. There are also negative relationships between the parameters of auto-destructive virtual activity with spiritual and religious; cyber-communicative dependence with spiritual, as well as religious social activity; anti-social and anti-social behavior in the real environment and socioeconomic activity. It is concluded that abnormal behavior among young people is related to various forms of social activity. Pro-social activity levels out deviations in both real and virtual environments. Deviations in the virtual environment through the Internet-network and leisure forms of social activity can be caused by specific features of communication in cyberspace. The results obtained can be used in the aspect of preventive and correctional work with young people in the conditions of consulting centers and educational organizations. The present study expands the focus of existing concepts in the context of the studied problem within the framework of the correlation of two socio-psychological phenomena – abnormal (deviant) behavior and social activity of the individual. Keywords: activity, social activity, relationship, virtual environment, deviations | 974 | |||||
705 | The purpose of this experimental study is to summarize and analyze the experience of formation a narrative composition of assembling type in a children’s art school, implemented by adapting the methodological developments of the teacher of Tomsk State Pedagogical University S. P. Lazarev on the painting and graphic composition. The relevance of this study is due to educational aspects related to the study of methods of working on easel narrative composition in children’s art school (elementary level of fine arts education). The stable laws of composition, which have been in force for a long time in the history of fine arts, are universal, and the compositional rules and techniques by which the composition is built can be classified as less stable. The creation of an easel composition is first of all the construction of a single art work, the main idea of which is read clearly and convincing. Teaching of composition in children’s art school has some contradiction: on the one hand, requirements to the quality of students training are constantly growing, on the other hand, approaches in teaching the construction of easel narrative composition remain the same, representing, as a rule, a linear scheme of development of story narrative. The event is depicted in a linear perspective system and does not allow full use of the potential of the students’ fantasy. At present, the methods of teaching easel composition, which create conditions for the development of creative thinking of students, are of particular relevance. There are many approaches to the creation of an easel narrative composition, studied, described and applied by artists: for example, assembling is successfully used in the training of students of specialized universities (including Tomsk State Pedagogical University). The problem is that there is no method of teaching students of art schools an easel narrative composition using an assembling method (conditionally such a composition can be called a narrative composition of assembling type). The description of the principles of working with children on the easel narrative composition of the assembling type within the framework of the studying under the additional pre-vocational program “Painting” can be useful to teachers of art schools, teachers of general education schools, teachers of specialized universities and Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions, as well as artists interested in children’s creativity, participating in the jurying of competitions of children’s works. Keywords: linear diagram of composition construction, assembling diagram of composition construction, collage, assembling, easel narrative composition of assembling type | 973 | |||||
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707 | The issue of assessing the level of professionalism and competencies of a teacher in secondary education is discussed in the paper and the concepts of “teacher professionalism”, “teacher competence”, “assessment technologies” are presented as well. Factors indicating the need to update approaches to assessing professionalism of teacher’s are indicated. Analysis of literature review on subject “teacher’s competence” has been carried out and connection between the level of teacher’s professionalism and level of his/her professional competencies has been established. The present-day assessment technologies have been analized and described. The technologies have been categorized into 4 groups according to the method of interaction, advantages of each group have been considered. The problem has been revealed, that is the above technologies do not consider the connection between the assessment of professionalism of teaching staff with students’ learning results, thus making assessment not complete and objective. The newly developed technology using cluster analysis for assessing competencies of teachers via analysis of students’ learning results of some subjects in Unified State Exam has been presented. The following stages of the technology implementation have been described: firstly, Dataset formation for the research of students’ learning results in different subjects in different educational institutions (secondary schools); calculation of average result for each subject under study; formation of a table of average results; implementation of clustering algorithms; sorting out educational institutions into clusters according to clustering results; analysis of final results of assessment procedures within each cluster and lastly determination of teachers’ deficits. The results of the implementation of the technology have been presented in the paper on the example of the results of Tomsk region educational organizations (secondary schools) in subjects “Russian”, “Mathematics (profile level)” within the period from 2015 to 2019. The findings revealed that more than 30 % of students could not cope the above exam assignments. Later the assignments were compared with the specifications of the USE test measuring materials and «complex for students» assignments were identified for each cluster. The research results make possible identification of teachers’ difficulties in teaching different subjects, and therefore formation of an individual teacher refresher training trajectory for enhancing professional skills, especially on the part of outlining and working out the needed competencies necessary for effective operating in class within one academic discipline, the latter ultimately should affect both personal professional development of teachers and quality growth of students’ learning results. Keywords: assessment technology, teacher competence, efficiency assessment, students’ learning results | 971 | |||||
708 | The article deals with the actual problem of creation of adaptive educational route that is adequate to special educational needs of person who is in inclusive educational continuum. The author analyses the following foreign concepts of possible adaptation of educational route for exceptional persons: combinatorially-significated interpretation of creation of individual educational path and theory of adaptive emphatic discourse that is a component of holistic educational route. This research characterizes the role of adequate translative technics of communication between all participants of inclusive education in high educational institute in process of development of signified mechanism which implies creation of acceptance innovative culture in relation to any forms of exceptionality. The author clarifies importance of positive emphatization as a key condition for achievement of exceptional learner’s good academic results and development of his sustainable path of socialization as well as shows her own understanding of the term “exceptionality”. The article considers in the recommended range of adaptive technics for creation of educational route from the positions of multidisciplinary approach and description of specialist’s on social work functional role in this process. The author determines key specialist’s on social work functions in the process of creation of positive emphatic discourse, which is basic condition for successful adaptation of educational route. Keywords: educational route, person with special educational needs, exceptionality, exceptional learner, adaptation of educational route, adaptive technics, inclusive education | 970 | |||||
709 | The article defines the notion «children and teenagers with deviant behavior», points at the underdevelopment of their certain social and personal characteristics, namely imperfection of social and communicative qualities, incomplete development in their system of values, difficulties in acquiring social roles in communication, aggression, insincerity, impatience, unsociability, increased petulance, unwillingness to learn and work, unhealthy habits, lack of interest in acquiring knowledge, low degree in motivation for studies, decrease in striking for success. The author signifies the necessity for adopting the package of measures to increase effectiveness of the child and teenage deviant behavior prevention system and establishment conditions for their successful socialization at educational organization. The package should include psychosocial, legal measures and measures of pedagogical correction that require a special educational approach to organized pastime for children and the development of a positive and socially-oriented personality. An organizational and pedagogical model is presented to ensure building a positive and socially-oriented personality in a teenager with deviant behavior which will be achieved through a number of extracurricular activities that include the objective, theoretical and methodological, organizational and procedural, sense bearing, evaluative and diagnostic blocks. It must also prove to be a mechanism for realization of protective work in an educational institution. It provides insight into substantive aspects of extracurricular activities as an important trend of socialization and organization of the environment for responsible and socially acceptable behavior. The basic principles are determined, as well as socialpedagogical, axiological, personal-activity approaches that provide implementation of organizational and pedagogical building model of positive and socially-oriented personality of deviant behavior teenager. Keywords: organizational and pedagogical model, deviant behavior, social-pedagogical approach, axiological approach, personal-activity approach, extracurricular activities | 970 | |||||
710 | The article considers the current state of research on psychological characteristics of representatives of engineering professions. A review of empirical studies over the past 12 years, devoted to the study of the psychological characteristics of professionals in various engineering specialties and students enrolled in the relevant areas of training, has been carried out. The analysis of the features of the organization of research, the subject of research and the methods used, on the basis of this, four main areas of research are distinguished: determination of factors affecting the parameters of professional activity; assessment of the severity of individual personality traits; determination of the features of the formation of professionally important qualities of an engineer; analysis of students’ ideas about the personal qualities required by engineers. It is indicated that studies that use the method of expert assessment prevail, while there are no detailed characteristics of the assessed qualities, and the organization of research does not allow identifying psychological characteristics specific only to engineers. The cognitive, individual-typological and personal qualities of engineers, which were distinguished in studies of different years, are described. Most often, the personal qualities of engineers include: volitional qualities (restraint, self-control, perseverance, etc.), qualities in which the attitude to work is manifested: responsibility, pedantry, conscientiousness, etc. qualities, self-confidence, courage, determination, independence, professional mobility, general culture, spiritual needs, the need for self-education and readiness for it, stress resistance. The necessity of forming the social qualities of the engineer’s personality, the development of volitional traits: the processes of planning, modeling, control, evaluation of one’s own activity is emphasized. It is concluded that it is necessary to organize professional and comparative studies to highlight the personality traits of a modern engineer. Keywords: professionally important qualities of engineers, cognitive characteristics of engineers, personality traits of engineers, organization of research, research methods | 970 | |||||
711 | The problem of search of new methodological approaches, concepts, technologies for professional development of specialists, which is one of the important tasks of the system of higher professional education, is actualized. Attention is drawn to the need to attract students to participate in subject Olympiads as a resource for the professionalization of future teachers. The theoretical analysis and, to a greater extent, long-term observations of the author not only from the position of a University teacher, but also a specialist with experience in mentoring in the Olympic movement since 2010, as well as a survey of students allowed to determine the features of the teacher-mentor in this direction. The features of mentoring in the process of the Olympiad movement are considered. In accordance with the first feature, the mentor should contribute to the maximum disclosure of the individual talents of each participant. The second feature is connected with the fact that for the teacher mentoring is a productive way to improve their own competencies, as a variety of Olympiad tasks require high qualification of the team leader. It is emphasized that the qualification of the head-mentor is associated not only with erudition – knowledge of specific subjects, but also to a greater extent correlates with its focus on universal, common cultural values. This orientation points to the need to meet certain professional requirements and possess qualities that have universal values. The quality of the mentor, identified as a priority by the results of a survey of students – participants of the Olympiad. The third feature of mentoring in the Olympiad movement is considered from the position of related interests of at least three subjects of interaction: teacher-mentor, students and educational institutions. Features of interrelations of these subjects in the Olympic movement are specified. Taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of mentoring activities during the subject Olympiads allows us to speak about the successful support of professional development of future specialists. Properly organized mentoring activities specifies the vector direction and is focused on assisting future teachers in the acquisition of professionally significant qualities already in his student years. Keywords: Olympiads, mentor, mentoring, support, professional development of students | 969 | |||||
712 | The process of development of the national theory of governance of the second half of the 20th century is considered. The socio-political prerequisites for the formation of management ideas in education are shown. The dependence of the development of the national theory of education management on the tasks set by the authorities before education as a social institution is indicated. The author’s periodization of the development of the national theory of education management in the second half of the 20th century is presented. Four allocated periods are described taking into account the factors of the determinant of the development of the theory of education management in the second half of the 20th century. In the first period (50’s – early 60’s), socio-economic factors played a leading role, determining the course of widespread polytechnification, which set new management and methodical tasks for educational systems of different levels. The second period (1964–1985) is distinguished by conceptual factors that influenced the transformation of the ideological field of education management. The third period (1985–1991) is characterized by an increase in the influence of sociocultural factors caused by changes in the perestroika era. The fourth period (from the 1990s to the end of the twentieth century) reflects the expansion of the methodological field of the national theory of education management, determined by the interdisciplinary relations of management science. Keywords: education system, education management theory, development factors of education management theory | 967 | |||||
713 | In this article, the authors consider a psychological and pedagogical problem – the possibility of electronic control-monitoring of the dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities of students. At the same time, the cognitive abilities of a person from a psychological point of view are understood as an integral system construction. The cognitive sphere of an individual, according to the authors of this article, is not limited to intelligence, but it is its fundamental component, as well as cognitive abilities, having their own specific functions, form a single system with individual psychological characteristics. This is the methodological position of the authors of the article. Special attention is drawn to the conceptual construct of the text presented. It is emphasized that an interdisciplinary approach to research can provoke terminological inaccuracy. In this regard, the authors pay close attention to the categorical apparatus, the correct interpretation of terms that provide the semantic basis for interdisciplinary research. The article substantiates the need to develop a comprehensive computer program. It is noted that a complex software can provide electronic monitoring and correction of the values of integral psychological indicators of the formation of cognitive functional connections in the psychological structure of the cognitive sphere of students’ personality in real-time mode. Keywords: electronic monitoring, cognitive sphere, structure, personality, software | 967 | |||||
714 | The necessity of teachers’ training in the formation and assessment of functional literacy is actualized. It highlights such a direction as creative thinking. The importance of the development of creative thinking in teachers is argued. The methods for developing creativity in adult learners are reviewed and the use of knowledge exchange is suggested. The aim is to describe the application of knowledge exchange in the development of creative thinking in teachers. Five content lines for the development of teachers’ creative thinking at the advanced training and retraining courses are identified: a) actualization of the problem of teachers’ creative thinking in accordance with the requirements of state educational policy; b) assistance in research of teachers’ creative potential; c) analysis of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of personality creativity; d) discussion of digital educational platforms to identify effective means of developing creativity; e) conducting a group reflection on existing means of developing creative thinking and ways of exchanging knowledge among teachers. The experience of their implementation in the institution of additional professional education of teachers is described. The results of the effectiveness of the implementation of these content lines are presented. The theoretical value of the study is expressed in the enrichment of the andragogical approach by the method of knowledge exchange. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of implementing these lines for the development of teachers’ creative thinking in the institution of additional professional education. Keywords: knowledge exchange method, development of creative thinking, teachers, general education organizations, advanced training courses, functional literacy, digital resources | 967 | |||||
715 | The article examines the role of image for training future teachers-choreographers at the Institute of Culture and Arts. The modern period of Russian development has indicated the necessity of updating the key priorities in the system of professional training, including the sphere of culture and art. Modernization of education inevitably results in updating of teachers’ qualifications with an accent on universal and generic skills including both professional and pedagogical competencies which are important for any teacher to function efficiently, including teachers of choreography. Hence, the professional image as an important qualification of any teacher becomes not only a significant but also marketable professional skill that can greatly increase the pedagogical effectiveness. At the same time, developing a professional image is a long and difficult process and it is the product of self-knowledge and self-development. In this regard, developing a positive image of a person becomes an urgent problem not only for the politics and business, but also in teachers’ activity, including the teachers of culture and art, whose task is to train highly qualified and competitive specialists. The characteristics of the concepts “image”, “professional image”, “image structure” are introduced. It is shown that image reflects a certain style of new social behavior and it can directly influence the training of future teachers-choreographers contributing to its success. The article presents the empirical research results concerning the role of image in the professional activity of teachers of choreographic disciplines who train future teacherschoreographers. The article examines the attitude of students to issues of their own image and the image of teachers on the example of the Institute of Culture and Arts. Based on this research results, some changes have been made to the curriculum of the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy of Choreographic Art (Pedagogy)”. Keywords: image, personal image, professional image, image of a teacher, image structure, competence, teacher-choreographer | 965 | |||||
716 | The article analyzes the role of digital technologies in the modern conditions of educational process management through the prism of the experience of European and Asian countries. The method of comparative analysis and synthesis, which is the basis of the study conducted in this article, made it possible to identify current practices and the role of using digital technologies in the management process in the field of education in leading foreign countries, which can be used to create a single educational space in Russia and the CIS countries. The research is based on the works of J. De Grof, S. V. Yankevich, M. K. Shuvalova, B. Ponta, D. Nouche, H. Murman., L. I. Pisareva, E. S. Kananykina, P. M. Kukarchuk, N. O. Besshaposhnikova, A. G. Leonova, V. S. Konoplev, A. O. Pelegrin and S. V. Bronfman. It is shown that the successful experience and practice of the leading countries of Europe and Asia in the use of digital technologies in the processes of education management can also be implemented in the Russian educational space. It is substantiated that the digitalization of education is one of the most relevant trends of our time. In addition to the fact that the level of technology development currently allows the educational process to be carried out efficiently and efficiently, the use of digital technologies has become a vital factor in continuing educational activities in the era of COVID-19 and the ongoing transformations of the international situation. Keywords: digital technologies, education management, foreign countries, technology of the Learning Management System, digitalization | 965 | |||||
717 | The article substantiates the need to use the capabilities of university training to form the professional competencies of future vocational education teachers in order to create highquality human resources for the modernization of technological processes, the promotion and implementation of new promising technologies and the provision of services customization in the process of transition to the digital economy model of the future of Russia. The role of educational organizations in the process of implementing the requirements of federal state educational standards Federal state educational standard 3 ++ to the quality of training qualified personnel in accordance with the requirements of employers expressed in professional standards is revealed. The content of the undergraduate studies presented in the main educational program is considered. 44.03.04 Professional training (by industry), focus (profile): Decorative and applied art and design of mandatory professional competencies formed on the basis of professional standards, analysis of requirements for graduates in the market labor, consultations with leading employers. Indicators of achievement of compulsory professional competencies of graduates are established, the possibilities of their achievement are examined by the examples of the organization of educational research work of students studying at the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of TSPU in the areas of professional activity: design (costume, interior, art objects), manufacture of clothing, decorative -applied art (art crafts of Siberia, the modern directions of arts and crafts in the manufacture of objects would and, souvenirs) beauty industry (hairdressing, makeup techniques, nail design, etc.), image making, stylistics. The feasibility of training vocational education teachers for emerging service clusters in the economy of the Tomsk Region is substantiated, taking into account the prognostic needs in the context of post-industrial transformations. Keywords: professional competencies of the future teacher of vocational training, indicators of achievement of professional competencies, design, service clusters | 964 | |||||
718 | The necessity of increasing the personal success of schoolchildren is actualized. The significance of the formation of personal learning outcomes in adolescents in the learning process is substantiated. The definition of «self-concept» is given and the expediency of forming a positive image of self in adolescents is highlighted. The aim is to describe the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of a positive «self-concept» of schoolchildren on the example of the experience of the scientific-applied project. Three psychological and pedagogical conditions are characterized. It involves the development of extracurricular activity courses, the inclusion of schoolchildren in the cadet movement, and assistance to teachers in developing the readiness to form a positive «selfconcept » of children in the basic school. The experience of the general educational organization that implements these conditions is described. The results of primary and repeated diagnostics of formation of personal educational results of teenage students are given. The conclusion about the effectiveness of the psychological and pedagogical conditions is made on the basis of the revealed dynamics of schoolchildren development. Theoretical value of the study is expressed in the enrichment of scientific research proposed psychological and pedagogical conditions. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of implementing these conditions in the practice of most general educational organizations of the Russian Federation. Keywords: psychological and pedagogical conditions, positive self-concept, general educational organization, courses of extracurricular activities, cadet movement, training of teachers | 964 | |||||
719 | The paper presents a study that implements a communicative approach to the diagnosis and correction of communicative-speech disorders in children with speech disorders. The results of a theoretical and experimental study of the communicative-speech development of older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment, indicating the poverty of children’s motivational impulses in communicating with a partner, a low level of development of verbal means, a low communicative orientation of speech, lack of interest in contacts, inability to navigate in communication situations, are presented. lack of desire to develop dialogue. The possibility of using a logo psychological approach in the correction of communicative-speech disorders in older preschoolers with general speech underdevelopment is substantiated, aimed at mastering the norms and values adopted in society and the need to integrate the correctional and educational process for the development of speech and full-fledged communication skills in older preschoolers. A system of correctional and developmental integrated lessons is proposed, during which the teacher – speech therapist, simultaneously solves speech therapy and psychological tasks using speech therapy training and case technology, which encourage older preschoolers to develop an active position, defend their point of view, form communicative activity on the basis of verbal interaction in groups. The importance of using work in dyads in organizing dialogical communication of older preschoolers is indicated. The effectiveness of the implemented logo psychological program is confirmed by the results of the control section presented in the article. Keywords: children with general speech underdevelopment, communicative speech disorders, communicative approach in speech therapy, verbal interaction, interaction in dyads, integrative classes, speech psychology training, case technologies | 964 | |||||
720 | The article discusses the implementation of projects in the methodological training of future primary school teachers. The author emphasizes the importance of students mastering the technology of creating a project and working on it. The results of the study (an online survey of students and analysis of discipline programs) are presented, which made it possible to distinguish the educational project as the most frequently implemented. When implemented in the learning process as a training assignment, the educational project acquires such attributes as external motivation for implementation, the task of the topic and problems, work according to the prepared plan. The author also draws attention to the research project as one of the ways to build methodological knowledge. A research project is characterized by such signs as reflexivity, work with a problem, work on research steps. The article actualizes the special significance of the educational project, the features of which are: independence, initiative of students, their joint activities. It is emphasized that both educational and research projects can become educational. As an example of an educational project, the project “Reading Diary for the Summer” is considered. This project was initiated, developed and tested by students together with primary school pupils. Keywords: projects, methodological training, future primary school teachers | 963 | |||||
721 | The materials of this publication analyze the problem of development, characteristics and implementation of an important condition for the organization of the educational process at the university with the use of distance learning technologies, associated with the creation of a high-quality digital educational environment, the development of technical infrastructure and advanced training of university teachers in order to effectively use distance learning technologies in the processes of digital transformation of higher education. And a certain condition is analyzed not only from the perspective of improving the efficiency of the organization of the process under study, but the operations of the University that meets the requirements of world standards, which is extremely important in the format of the State program of the Russian Federation “Development of education” for 2018–2025. The results of study of the levels of effectiveness of the implementation of the conditions are tested and and the data of the questionnaire survey of students and teachers are provided. The article describes the terms “distant education” and “distant learning”. The synonymy of their meanings and the peculiarities of their use in the context of the characteristics of a special way of implementing the educational process at the university are noted. The features of the implementation of the selected condition that took place in 2020 are noted: flexibility in taking into account the time frame of classes and in choosing an individual pace of training; modularity; the use of various types of communication; wide coverage of the audience of students. Keywords: higher education, educational process, distance learning technologies, organization of educational work | 963 | |||||
722 | In modern conditions, the process of training teachers for the vocational education system needs new conceptual approaches taking into account the real state and development prospects of the industry economy and education based on world requirements. The normative basis for the implementation of degree programs is the conjunction of educational and professional standards. The design of modular degree programs in the field of vocational training (by the branches) is based on the principles of modularity, variability and continuity of professional and higher education. The content of each module reflects a competenceactivity approach and includes a practice-oriented theory with practical training in model laboratory conditions or tests in a real learning environment of professional educational organizations and internships at the workplace including at high-tech enterprises in the industry. An independent expert review of professional and pedagogical and qualification competencies is admission to the profession and ends with a state demonstration and (or) qualification exam and the defense of final qualification work performed by the order of the employer. As shown by the practice of joint activities within the framework of cluster formations, the integration of the resources of the scientific, educational and production potential of the university, the network of professional educational organizations and leading enterprises in the industry, improves the quality of training highly qualified personnel with a set of competencies in both professional and pedagogical, as well as professional qualification activities. The implementation of degree programs within the framework of educational clusters enables to solve the acute problem of «personnel gap» including the lack of teachers who are ready to train workers and specialists for priority sectors of the region. Keywords: degree program, vocational education, vocational training (by the branches), training triality, professional standard, social and economic development of the region, global trends (industry 4.0), modular-competence-based approach, independent expert review | 961 | |||||
723 | The article presents an analysis of the consistent development of the foundations of folk pedagogy and ethnopedagogy in history. The purpose of the research is to analyze the ethnopedagogical principles of teaching and upbringing developing at key moments in history that led to the formation of ethnopedagogy as an independent science. At the present moment a sufficient amount of information is presented in pedagogy that testifies about the stage-by-stage course of these processes. However, due to the analysis of the narrow side of the development of folk pedagogy and ethnopedagogy, most often in relation to the context of their formation on the territory of Russia, their general plan of formation turns out to be lost. This emphasizes the relevance of the study. The process of the formation of ethnopedagogy is described from the moment of development of prenatal society during the primitive communal system (400–35 thousand BC), which laid the first ethnopedagogical foundations: not only survival skills, but also the skills of creating objects of cultural heritage, up to the New (late XVIII – 1917) and New time (1917 – present), when many ethnopedagogical principles were transformed due to the understanding of the need for the younger generation to study not only their native culture, but also the cultures of other peoples living in the same territory, so that they coexistence was based on respect and concern for each other. The principles of ethnopedagogy are highlighted (labor principle, the principle of family, continuity of upbringing and education, traditionality, conformity to nature, the game principle, the principle of morality, cultural conformity, etc.) and, the conclusion based on the historical analysis of their formation is made: these principles are the basis of modern domestic education system’s successful functioning and development having as a special feature its orientation towards ethnocultural education and upbringing. Keywords: folk pedagogy, ethnopedagogy, principles of upbringing, teaching, training, and education | 961 | |||||
724 | The development of students in the process of their preparation for professional activity is a significant factor. Among personal characteristics, values occupy a special place, since they largely determine the orientation of the person, behavior, relationships with other people, success and effectiveness of the activity. Interest in value research is growing today. This is due to the transition of society to an innovative path of development, the complexity of the tasks that arise in front of a person. Of particular relevance is the question of studying the values of young people, since the future of the country and society depends on them. In a study of students’ values by the method of R. Inglehart, it was found that among the criteria of “traditionality- survival” they have the predominant value of “survival”. Young people focus more on financial well-being, accumulation of resources, rejection of marginality and foreignness. They respect authoritarianism, adhere to the traditional distribution of gender roles. Among the parameters of the methodology “Refined Theory of Basic Personal Values”, the priority is “preservation” among students, where the main criteria are traditionality, power, security, conformism. In the second place, young people have the “openness” parameter, which is associated with independence, aspiration for novelty and deep emotions. It is important to note that the values “self-affirmation” and “self-determination”, which are opposite in Schwartz’s theory, have the same number of points. The inconsistency in the choice of values reflects the changes taking place in society, the transitivity of time, and is also due to the age of students associated with setting life goals in youth, the formation of worldview positions, and the realization that social standards and universal values are important in society. Keywords: values, personality, activity, competencies | 960 | |||||
725 | The national technological development strategy adopted in our country has influenced all levels of education [1]. The focus on training personnel for the digital economy has led to the opening of new specialties in universities, which has affected the work of key structural divisions of these organizations. The organization of the educational process has changed, and the projects «digital educational environment» and «digital university» have been launched. Such changes have had an impact on the defining structure of any university - the work of the enrollment board. Most universities on a par with traditional methods actively use alternative methods, among which special attention is paid to the Internet. Social networks, forums, contextual advertising, email newsletters, and other means of communication are used to create a flow of visitors to educational organizations’ websites. Growing competition every year affects the appearance and shape of the entry point of a potential listener or entrant if earlier users got to the main section of the organization’s website, today they are special landing pages created according to all the rules of design and marketing. A separate role in organizing the recruitment of listeners via the Internet is played by the «relationship management system» – a database of applications and the ability to track the status of their processing by call center employees. This paper presents the experience of Tomsk universities in automating the work of the admissions Committee, shows the result of using landing pages for recruiting students for educational programs, as well as students for additional education programs. Keywords: landing page, entrant, enrollment board | 960 | |||||
726 | The article analyzes the modern requirements for the rural educational organization, which actualize the need for socio-cultural modernization, as well as the ability of rural schools to meet these requirements. The need for new ways to improve the quality of education in rural schools, taking into account their characteristics, has been actualized. Revealed and described the content of resilience of modern educational organizations, as well as the criteria of resilience (availability, quality, efficiency). The technologies for the formation of resilience are presented as a set of mechanisms for organizing the educational process and its resource provision, taking into account the specifics of a particular school in order to effectively implement high-quality and affordable educational services. The necessity of solving specific problems related to: modernization of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of of General Education; the formation of the necessary resource support for the educational process; creation of personnel conditions for the implementation of the educational process; ensuring the design and implementation of the school management strategy and its interaction with the external environment, is substantiated. The technologies for the formation of the resilience of rural schools (design and implementation of management strategies and interaction with the external environment; organization of the educational process; formation of management and pedagogical teams for the development of the human resource of a rural school) are presented. Keywords: rural school, resilient school, resilience formation technologies, external and internal factors of influence, educational process, management and pedagogical teams, involvement of participants in educational relations, effective mode of school development | 959 | |||||
727 | The article deals with the process of changing the vector of state policy in the field of foreign language learning in the 30s of the XX century After the October Revolution, they stopped the study of a foreign language because they regarded it as a relic of the past, an antagonistic society with a pronounced and irreconcilable class inequality. However, in 1923, Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya denied the need to study Esperanto on a national scale in her article “Teaching Foreign Languages” and described the practical significance, main goal and priority method of teaching a foreign language and more than that her own position about the role of foreign languages, thereby laying the foundation for its study for many decades. The 1927 became a further important step in the history of teaching a foreign language in the country of the Soviets. The People’s Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR adopted a special decree on the study of a foreign language in all city schools of the second level, starting a large campaign “Foreign languages to the masses”. It considers a number of resolutions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1929 and 1932, aimed at strengthening the study of a foreign language in all city schools, technical schools and universities, and Factory Seven-Years. The article gives the reflections of public and political figures, teachers, publicists, philologists on the cultural potential of foreign languages. It shows the purpose of foreign language study in the 30s of the XX century. Keywords: foreign languages, culture, soviet education, the 30s of XX century | 954 | |||||
728 | The patriotic education of the younger generation is still relevant in modern educational system. There are a lot of multicultural regions. In order to form a socially active and tolerant personality special attention should be paid to the formation of the local history competence of schoolchildren. And according to the trends towards the activation of research activities in the educational space of students the formation of local history competence becomes not only a necessary condition of modernity, but also a fascinating process for pupils. The issue of formation of the local history competence of schoolchildren is under consideration. Research activity is defined as a tool in forming this competence. The purpose of the study is to show the educational potential of research activity in the context of the formation of the local history competence of students of the secondary school. The significance of the work is explained by the fact that the process of forming local history competence is based on the research activities of students. The work is carried out on the basis of general provisions of logic, theory of cognition, psychology and pedagogy using methods of theoretical analysis, questionnaire, testing, analysis and generalization of practical experience, pedagogical experiment. The theoretical analysis of works of leading researchers on the problem of formation of the local history competence allowed to consider formation of this schoolchildren competence in the integrated connection with the research activity. Examples of formation of the local history competence in students are given. The empirical data obtained from a pedagogical experiment aimed at identifying the educational potential of the research activity in the context of the formation of the local history competence are analysed. The local history competence is considered as a polycompetence. Accordingly to this the result of the formation of the local history competence is presented as the sum of combinations of mastery of the allocated competences. The results obtained during the pedagogical experiment reveal a positive trend in the formation of the local history competence of schoolchildren. Thus the number of subjects with a high level of the local history competence in the course of research works increased from 10 to 34 per cent. In the course of the study, the features of the formation of local history competence of students in the process of research activities are identified, the educational potential of research activities is indicated. Keywords: research activity, formation of the local history competence, the local history competence, competence, study of the local history | 954 | |||||
729 | The article is dedicated to the development of a new content and a new format of patriotic education of the younger generation. On the Victory Map (administrative map of the Russian Federation) in the territories of 85 subjects of the country will be placed two figures (military losses, the loss of civilian population), as well as those types of products that the region sent to the battle-front. The creation of a map will not only attract a large number of participants to the project, but will also allow you to see your own country, which defeated fascism in a new way (with numbers and facts). The novelty of the content’s approach is manifested in the ability and accessibility of work with authentic historical sources – declassified documents from the World War II period in regional archives. The main theme is the rear daily life of the civilian population (including military products for the front) and the identification of the number of human losses in the rear, which are the consequences of the Nazi genocide against the peoples of the Soviet Union. The mega-project is set up for the coordinated work of regional teams of Russian pedagogical universities, regional school teams and expert teams. At the same time, team formation is considered as one of the effective methods of implementing a patriotic project. As for the new format, the structure of the mega-project includes 2 research archival projects, 2 creative (competition and regional online project) and a number of organizational and educational events. As a result, the pedagogical prospects of the implementation of the mega-project “Victory Map 2025” seem to be an effective experience of the implementation of a long-term multi-age project of patriotic orientation. Keywords: patriotic project, complex project, pedagogical perspectives of influence, contribution of the rear to the victory in the Great Patriotic War | 953 | |||||
730 | In professional activity, a teacher needs to build effective communication with children and parents, while effectively managing their emotions, understanding the feelings of other people, and showing reflexive skills. Emotional competence is a mandatory component of a teacher’s professional competence. The article discusses various approaches to understanding emotional competence and emotional intelligence, its structure, connection with social activity, cognitive processes, academic performance, and professional success. The aim of the empirical research is to analyze the level of emotional competence of teachers as a professionally important quality. The sample was made by teachers and pedagogues – psychologists of general educational organizations of Irkutsk, totaling 70 people. The study used the method of assessing the reflexivity of A. V. Karpov; test questionnaire by D. Lyusin EmIn. The results of empirical research have shown that the majority of teachers have an average level of development of emotional intelligence and an average level of development of reflexive abilities. The share of teachers with low and very low levels of development of emotional intelligence was 34,2 %. A low level of understanding of emotions was revealed in 48,6% of teachers, 34,3% of teachers showed a low level of control and a very low level of control over emotions. Teachers with a low level of understanding of emotions also demonstrate a low level of reflexivity of the emotional state. 28,6% of the subjects have a low level of development of reflexive abilities. They have difficulties in analyzing the situation as a whole, including with the perception, processing and analysis of emotional states. A low level of emotional intelligence and reflexivity does not allow the teacher to be successful in his professional activity: he does not understand the child’s problems, his experiences, does not empathize with his joys and sorrows, and cannot control his condition. Such teachers themselves need psychological support, the organization of special classes for them on the development of emotional intelligence, empathy and reflection. Keywords: emotional competence, empathy, emotional intelligence, professional competence of a teacher | 953 | |||||
731 | The problem of aggressive behavior has become the subject of extensive scientific and practical discussion. The article offers an analysis of individual aspects of the content of the phenomenon of aggression, highlights the features of teenage aggression. The results of a long-term study of the level of aggressiveness of adolescents and youth are presented. It is noted that violations in the sphere of interpersonal relations of adolescents play a priority role in the development of deviant behavior; communication forms a specific model of behavior, sometimes influencing the performance of actions that are not always constructive; the formation of positive communication skills is in the field of influence of subjects of educational practice and is the most important factor in preventing adolescent aggression. The authors point out that pedagogically expedient actions in terms of shaping positive development in adolescents is to optimize interactions between all participants in the educational process (children, parents, teachers, social partners). The main directions of pedagogical preventive work, from the point of view of the authors, are: taking into account the characteristics of the family of each teenager as a necessary condition for the effective work of a teacher; management of the classroom situation and monitoring the relationships of children, which makes it possible to prevent the manifestation of aggression in the group; ensuring safety in an educational institution through the formation of social and psychological comfort of students and teachers; projecting constructive models of peaceful settlement of conflicts through the media and the Internet; integrating children into the system of social ties both at school and outside, using social and educational technologies; purposeful educational influence on youth and work with the family in the direction of stable orientations on lawful behavior is considered as a significant factor in preventing aggression. Keywords: adolescents, aggression, communication, subjects of educational practice | 952 | |||||
732 | The article is devoted to the issues of adaptation to new conditions of existing employees who are undergoing initial training at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The relevance of the study is substantiated, due to the fact that during the period of adaptation, the social and mental maturation of the personality takes place through the prism of the main directions of adaptation, which are taken into account both in the service and educational activities. The concept of social and psychological adaptation of students is presented, which consists in mastering the system of official and unofficial relations, the formation of an active life position of an educational institution, primary team and profession. The conditions that students face in the framework of statutory relations are considered. The main directions of optimization of socio-psychological adaptation in a paramilitary collective are revealed: the corresponding development of students with a professional orientation; correction of motivational orientation to achieve success; optimization of mutual understanding in relations with teachers; predicting the adaptation of listeners to the governing bodies, the impact on its progress according to the forecast the formation of students’ psychological attitude towards self-education, the development of management activities; using the monitoring technique to develop reflexivity in communication with listeners and with senior officers. Keywords: adaptation, initial training, psychological comfort | 952 | |||||
733 | The definition of the concepts of creativity is given, methods of using three-dimensional modeling used in the visual arts and science are given, taking into account the latest data in this field of activity. The research material was the work of various authors in the field of the development of creativity and creativity, as well as the materials of researchers in the field of three-dimensional modeling. Their use made it possible to study the ideas about the development of creativity in younger students. In the creative process, the productive and reproductive components of thinking have a direct connection and the ability to move from one to another. Thanks to this, the evolutionary ability of intelligent systems can be provided, as well as the ability to reproduce, analyze and design, since any complex system develops on the basis of contradictory properties. Imagination is intermediate between perception, thinking and memory. The peculiarity of this form of the mental process lies in the fact that imagination is peculiar only to people who are able to modify the world around them, change reality, and also create something innovative. Today, the use of modern advances in computer technology is freely distributed in many areas. In order to develop a person’s creative thinking, the use of computer technologies, including 3D modeling, plays a significant role. It can be noted that the need to develop creative thinking through 3D modeling is due to the fact that information technology will bring benefits in the field of national education. On the basis of the analyzed theoretical base, a system of tasks has been developed, including: questions requiring creative activity; simple creative tasks at the reproductive level; creative projects for 3D modeling. The inclinations to creativity are inherent in every younger student who needs to initially prepare the child for the search for new ideas and non-standard solutions. Creativity not only develops creativity, but also broadens the horizons, fosters personal qualities such as initiative, dedication and perseverance. Keywords: creativity, ability, 3D modeling | 951 | |||||
734 | The article is devoted to the identification of ways to improve professional training of artists of decorative and applied arts in the system of higher education. The reasons for the lack of understanding of theoretical and practical knowledge by students have been identified, among which the most significant problem is the absence of interprandial links between educational subjects. A variety of associative and dissociative connections in the vision of the same object or phenomenon have been proven to be a leading sign of understanding that forms sustainable systemic knowledge. Possibilities of using the methods of «discourse» and «interpretation» in mastering the content of the training course «Cultural studies» and the cycle of professional disciplines aimed at mastering the principles of design of applied arts and their materialization are identified. It is shown that discourse, as an analytical process and method of cognition, mediated by artistic-shaped perception and intuition, activates reclusive dialogue, development of alternative options, critical analysis of its actions, formulates assessment judgements and author ‘s reflexion, as necessary qualities of the artist-applied, capable of selfknowledge and self-development. The method of «interpretation» deepens the understanding of signs, symbols and meanings in the context of their professional activities. The conditions for the use of the designated methods in the educational process of the university have been identified and justified. It is concluded that interprandial ties in the teaching of decorative and applied arts intensify the holistic understanding of knowledge and increase the possibilities of their application in new situations, encouraging independence and personal self-realization. Keywords: technique of training in arts and crafts, intersubject communications, cultural science, methods of «discourse» and «interpretation» | 950 | |||||
735 | PERSONAL FACTORS OF TEACHERS’ SELF-REGULATION // Pedagogical Review. 2017. Issue 3 (17). P. 144-152 The analysis of literary data showed the relevance of the problem of the influence of various personal structures on the process of organizing and implementing an arbitrary human activity. Among the most important determinants of the formation of self-regulation, personal characteristics and structures of various orders are distinguished. Specificity of the activity of the pedagogical worker is such that the personal characteristics of the employee, along with his professional qualities, are one of the main tools for influencing the participants in the educational process and the factor that determines the effectiveness of professional activity. The ability to self-regulation of mental states are of particular importance in pedagogical work. The question of personal factors of self-regulation among pedagogical employees is considered. Provides a characteristic feature of the most important professional competence of a teacher, which is a conscious self-regulation of mental states and behavior, suggesting the study, the definition and development of the individual abilities, awareness of its resources. The results of the study of personality characteristics in their relationship with the individual style self-regulation are presented. In the context of our study, we formulated the assumption that successful professional activity of teachers is mediated individually – typological features of self-regulation of mental states. Multi-level personal factors of selfregulation of the subject of pedagogical activity are described. The differences in individual psychological characteristics with different levels of conscious self-regulation in the empirical group and representatives of nonsocionomy professions. The analysis of the factor structure of personal performance of teachers revealed the influence of the emotional and substantive aspects of the personality (irritability, balance, aggressiveness, emotional instability, anxiety reactions, acute stress conditions associated with the professional teaching activities) in the self-regulation of the teacher. The factor effect in subjects of non-national specialties is difficult to trace, because it is represented by a discrepancy between the structure of selfregulation and individual-typological properties, their contradictory relationships. The reasons for this discrepancy are due to weak correlations, professional differences, the specifics of socionic and non-social activities. Keywords: self-regulation factors, personality traits, emotional states, professional stress, anxiety, subject of pedagogical activity | 949 | |||||
736 | The problem of organizing mentoring is analyzed as a mechanism for the implementation of lifelong adult education, as a mechanism for in-company training of employees, which allows them to be fixed and adapted in the profession. Mentoring is considered as a joint activity of an experienced teacher and a young specialist, aimed at the professional and personal development of all participants in the activity. A comparative analysis of the organization of mentoring is made from the position of a teacher’s closed and open professionalism, taking into account criteria such as: purpose, content, nature of interaction, forms of collaboration, type of professional samples, results. Various options for implementing the practice of mentoring are considered: supervision, mentoring, coaching, tutoring. Given these options, different types of mentors have been identified that can accompany a young specialist, not only for adaptation, but also for immersion in the innovative space of an educational organization. The conclusion is drawn about the need to study the effectiveness of different mentoring practices and study its contents, forms, results and effects, including the search for mechanisms for co-organizing approaches to mentoring in the logic of a teacher’s closed and open professionalization. Keywords: mentoring, joint activity, open and closed professionalism, lifelong education of adults | 949 | |||||
737 | Multifunctionality of the modern elementary education connected to development of both thematic and metathematic, as well as the personal results, creates the problem of the educational assignments’ quality. Now the most effective assignments are those that help students to develop universal learning activities of all types, meaning that the elementary schools students learn both thematic and metathematic content. The goal of this article is to ascertain elementary school teachers capability to understand the essence of educational assignments and their preparedness to develop multifunctional assignments. The material for this research consists of elementary school teacher survey results. The method is provided by survey and theoretical analysis of scientific literature. The analysis of the data revealed that the teachers focus on the administrative function of the teacher, providing the assignment as an order that requires completion; are unable to name all the essential parts of the learning assignments and to define its functionality, thus narrowing the scope of assignment applicability in their own work. Most of the respondents rework the textbook assignments, yet the target potential remains the same, maintaining the focus on the subject results. During independent creation of the learning assignments most of the teachers have difficulties with ascertaining the target resource, providing accurate language material, organizing the completion, reflexion and evaluation, making quality formula of the assignment itself. The survey of the elementary school teachers allowed to reveal the most typical problems connected to the teacher preparedness to develop and use multifunctional educational assignments, which allows to ascertain areas of education concerning the creation of the educational assignments that help the elementary school students to form metathematical results. Keywords: educational assignments, elementary school students, universal learning activities, elementary school teachers | 948 | |||||
738 | Smartphone addiction has become common, especially among young people. Previous studies have established a high prevalence of this addiction and the fact that the victims of this addiction experience suffering: from poor sleep quality (and even insomnia), depression, anxiety, stress, experience negative emotions, and are also characterized by a significant decrease in physical activity. The prevalence of smartphone addiction and its negative consequences dictate the need for a comprehensive study. The article examines the manifestations of the phenomenon of smartphone addiction in medical college students. It is shown that the psychological mechanism of the emergence of addictions is described by a general model of psychological impact. It was found that that smartphone addiction is positively associated with loneliness, aggressiveness, bad mood, with the female gender, and negatively – with communicative competence, persistence, self-control, self-regulation, as well as with age. The connections identified in the article with loneliness, aggressiveness, self-regulation, and communicative competence generally correspond to the nature of the correlations established in foreign studies. New for both domestic and foreign studies are the negative links of dependence on smartphones with persistence and self-control revealed in the article. Based on the results of this study, recommendations were developed (based on the obtained empirical data) for college students to minimize the negative impact of smartphones on their mental and physical health. It is recommended in the process of educational work with students to explain the negative consequences of dependence on smartphones and the value of direct, live communication with their environment. Keywords: smartphone addiction, loneliness, aggressiveness, self-regulation, communicative competence, persistence, self-control, mood, gender, age | 947 | |||||
739 | The article emphasizes the importance of developing children’s spiritual and moral qualities in the process of improving and developing self-regulation training and the formation of children’s self-regulating skills using the ancient Eastern health practice of Wushu. The influence of two programs of self-regulation development on the physical and psychological state of preschool and primary school children is compared: 1) the program for the formation of self-regulating skills based on the ancient Eastern health practice of Wushu (emphasis on physical and spiritual and moral development); 2) the program for the formation of selfregulating skills based on the ancient Eastern health practice of Wushu (emphasis on physical development). The pilot study uses the method of psychophysical development of children using traditional elements of Wushu T. N. Bruk. The comparison is based on the indicators evaluated by the methods: E. O. Smirnova and V. M. Kholmogorova, assessment of physical development. The results of the study showed that program 1 – self-regulation training with reference to the actualization of spiritual and moral qualities allowed children to progress much more than program 2, which is associated with the development of self-regulation skills only at the physical level. In the first case, children developed more actively both in terms of physical characteristics (strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination) and personal parameters (motivation to study, discipline, initiative, sensitivity to peer influences, emotional background). Keywords: self-regulating skills, spiritual and moral qualities, health-improving and developing training | 946 | |||||
740 | The relevance of the article is due to the fact that recently there has been an increased interest in the topic of social and pedagogical adaptation of a person in a rapidly changing cultural and socio-economic environment. The sphere of education, in spite of its conservatism, is also undergoing drastic changes and requires new approaches. In this regard, in our study, we study the role of extracurricular activities in the socio-pedagogical adaptation of cadets, since the conditions of education and living in a cadet boarding school differ significantly from ordinary general education schools. Also, it should be noted that the concept of “extracurricular activities” is given great attention in the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation. Therefore, the article discusses in detail the purpose, objectives, result of this type of activity, as well as the place in educational programs at different periods of time. Much attention is paid to the construction of individual programs for extracurricular activities. In our opinion, each form of extracurricular activity corresponds to certain individual and age characteristics of students. The article describes a comprehensive program that includes not only portfolio analysis, academic performance and conversation with parents, but also recommendations for a complete psychological and pedagogical diagnostics to identify the abilities of schoolchildren that will correspond to one or another form of extracurricular activities. The results show that this approach contributes to a more successful passage of the adaptation process. Keywords: adaptation, social and pedagogical adaptation, cadet school, extracurricular activities, Federal State Educational Standard | 945 | |||||
741 | Historical experience is the basis for carrying out modern educational reforms; therefore, problems of the history of education occupy a significant place in modern historical and historical-pedagogical research. In the historiography of the development of pedagogical education in Russia, two independent research traditions have been preserved for many years, the first of which was directed to the pre-revolutionary history of education, the second to the history of the Soviet school. As for the history of education during the revolution and the Civil War, there were practically no deep scientific works, especially in the regional context, until the end of the 20th century. In the first decades of Soviet power, in historiography, the attitude towards the problems of the development of education was directly related to ideological attitudes that presupposed a critical or exclusively negative attitude towards the pre-revolutionary legacy. Gradually, the erroneous opinion was confirmed that domestic pedagogical education began with the organization in the USSR of educational institutions of a new type – pedagogical institutes. In the 1950s – 1960s the history of pedagogical education was often considered as a separate area of scientific research, however, researchers focused on the achievements and innovations in the organization of Soviet education, completely disregarding objective data on the numerous borrowings of the People’s Commissariat of Education of policies, methods and techniques for managing the education system that developed in the pre-revolutionary period. When from the late 1960s researchers got the opportunity to access many, previously closed archives, the study of the history of teacher education has found a “second wind”. But only since the 1990s the dogmatic attitude to historical material from 1917 to the early 1930s is gradually disappearing, which was facilitated by a change in public attitudes, freedom of speech, and the availability of extensive historical materials to researchers. In the post- Soviet period, the question of the continuity of the pre-Soviet and Soviet history, including the history of education, acquired particular relevance. In recent decades, a significant number of publications have appeared in which the problems of teacher training in the region in the first decades of Soviet power are directly or as related. At the same time, in many modern publications there are inaccuracies in wording, erroneous facts that wander from work to work. Sometimes authors use a limited selection of sources, interpret the data too freely, which undoubtedly reduces the quality of scientific research. Analysis of scientific literature showed that scientific research, in a complex revealing the development processes in 1917 – early 1930s the strategy of modernizing the Soviet system of pedagogical education and its implementation in the regions is still insufficient. Attention is drawn to the complete absence of modern generalizing works on the history of teacher education in the context of the introduction of universal education in Siberia and the Far East. Keywords: historiography, history of pedagogical education, history of education in Siberia and in the Far East, analysis of historical literature, education during the Revolution and the Civil War | 944 | |||||
742 | The new reality of educational relations at the beginning of the 21st century is due, first of all, to the beginning of the digitalization process, which has acquired a global character. Given the fragmentation of traditional paradigms of education, the new conditions for the development of this most important sphere for society and a particular individual are discussed and subject to partly fair, but often unreasonable criticism. This indicates a misunderstanding, rejection of such a social phenomenon as digitalization, there are fears and fears of the loss of familiar life processes, including educational guidelines. The relevance of the problem under study caused the need to consider the attitude of the part of the population covered or associated with the general education system to the fact of its digitalization and the transformation of the system itself that it determed. This perception by the population of digitalization of education is manifested in the dynamics of value orientations, the emergence of new human expectations, personality experiences for their future. This factor plays a crucial role in the further development of practical psychological and pedagogical recommendations for participants in educational relations in the conditions of digitalization of general education. In this regard, within the framework of this study, the results were monitored and analyzed in order to present the qualitative content of possible value orientations, expectations, problems of subjects of educational relations in the conditions of digitalization of general education. Keywords: general education system, digitalization, digital transformation of general education, value orientation, expectations, students, teacher, parents, educational organizations | 944 | |||||
743 | The article presents the analysis of sociological, philosophical, cultural and psychological studies of the problem of transforming value orientations among Russian youth, which today is an indicator of social and economic developments in our country over the past 10–20 years. The conclusion was made about the influence of numerous factors on the formation of value orientations and their transformation among Russian youth in the situation of uncertainty of social phenomena in the worldview, their influence on the formation of personality. The article focused on the influence of the socio-cultural factor, since relations between people in society were regulated and changed under the influence of, first of all, cultural values that were characteristic of a given ethnic group. The phenomenon of cultural globalization had also been analysed; based on the analysis of scientific points of view, it is noted that on the one hand it contributed to the strengthening of relations between peoples and their cultures, and on the other hand, the crowding out of high culture and the formation of the dominance of mass culture, leads to the destruction of cultural diversity and traditional value guidelines. An ambiguous assessment of globalization processes for the current system of values in society is given; globalization and the associated virtualization of public life could pose a great danger to society. In that connection, an analysis had been made of studies revealing the rationalization of relations in the modern world; the problem of crowding out the spiritual and moral component in a rationally built relationship; The idea of focusing attention in the younger generation on the formation of responsibility for their actions was expressed; problem of finding ways of optimal preservation of traditions and creation of conditions for introduction of innovations in sociocultural environment is outlined. Keywords: value orientations, values, youth, transformation, factor, tradition, culture, cultural systems, inter-cultural interaction, socialization, globalization | 943 | |||||
744 | The content of the educational theme on the problem of use of recovery methods in healthimproving physical training of elderly men at the age of 60–64 for the academic discipline “Recovery and Preventive Activity in Physical Training”, “Theory and Methodology of Recovery and Preventive Methods” taught at the Faculty of Physical Training and Sports of Tomsk State Pedagogical University has been substantiated, developed and approved. The methodology implying use of recovery methods in health-improving physical training of elderly men at the age of 60–64 has been developed and it includes: recovery methods, content of the methods, dosage of impact, place of recovery methods in a health-improving physical training system in a week period. The technique has been developed on the basis of the formed specifics of recovery effects with the use of the chosen recovery methods and their influence on slowdown of aging processes as well as load and postload effects provoked by weight-lifting and strength-endurance exercises. The efficiency of the developed methodology based on the use of recovery methods has been proved. The developed variant of methodology of health-improving physical training with predominance of weight-lifting and strength-endurance exercises is presented. This type of physical training has been chosen because of specific negative involutional ageing processes in a body of an elderly man and positive physiological influence of strength exercises on organs and functional body systems providing reduction of negative ageing processes. Keywords: learning theme, students, methodology, recovery methods, elderly men, health-improving physical training | 938 | |||||
745 | The article defines and theoretically substantiates the factors of preparation of students of a pedagogical University to show care in the process of their future professional activity. As a result, it is determined that the process of preparing future teachers for caring includes internal and external factors, namely: the personal meaning of the knowledge acquired by students and the practical experience of humane interaction; the subjective experience of the individual; social and cognitive activity of students; the content of education, which includes knowledge of existential philosophy, humanistic pedagogy and psychology; organization of the educational process that models the social and subject content of future professional activities; creation of dialogical interaction between teachers and students. The relevance of the research is primarily due to the need to determine the theoretical and methodological foundations of training future teachers to show care, the interpretation of which affects ethical, ontological and existential aspects. The practical significance of the research lies in the fact that certain factors, on the one hand, can act as a methodological basis for building modern pedagogical research, and on the other hand, can be included in the practice of modern education in higher education. The article uses analytical and synthetic research methods. Keywords: preparation; future teachers; preparation factors; pedagogical care; professional activity | 938 | |||||
746 | The current situation is characterized by increasing globalization, digitalization, mass communication, etc. However, the problems associated with cognitive activity will always be a priority since they not only ensure continuity in knowledge transfer, but also encourage further development. Though, the very definition of the concept of “cognitive activity” has not been presented in the scientific literature yet. Therefore, the authors’ interpretation is offered as a novelty: cognitive activity is a purposeful study of the surrounding reality by an individual when he/she acquires (clarifies, expands, etc.) knowledge, corrects ideas about subjects and objects of this reality, learns and develops skills providing comprehension of the surrounding reality and its modifications. Based on the logic of the concept presented, the authors study the risks of organizing cognitive activity in preschool children in the process of using digital gadgets. The basis of the material is the analysis of domestic and foreign publications on the stated problem. A number of researchers consider the impact of digital devices on the development process as a positive one, while others see the risks of using gadgets. Materials of foreign studies related to 2016 are distinguished by their interest in this issue, restrained optimism and an attitude towards further research. However, by 2018, the tone of the researchers’ conclusions regarding the use of digital devices by preschool children had undergone a change from neutrally interested to cautiously anxious (Graafland J. H., Rocha B, Nunes C. et al.). It is proved that a long stay of schoolchildren in the digital environment (passive cognitive development) has implications because of the decrease in the ability to form and operate with knowledge, which is the basis of cognitive activity. Nevertheless, the “digital world” is evolving, so further research is needed in order to prepare the younger generation for cognitive activity in the surrounding reality, not only “here and now,” but also in the distant future. Keywords: cognitive activity, preschool children, digital reality, digital natives, pros and cons of using digital gadgets | 937 | |||||
747 | The paper presents a research of motivational sphere of undergraduate students of a technical Universi-ty. The connection of educational, poorly realized personal motives of students with groups of universal competencies was analyzed, and the deficiencies of personal skills that affect the formation of universal competencies were identified. Personal skills are more closely related to psychological characteristics, preferences, experience, environment, and so on. They develop more slowly and more difficult. In the motivational sphere of university students contains two main groups of motives. The first group is the motives inherent in the training itself. They determine the educational and cognitive motivation of stu-dents. The second group includes motives associated with what lies outside the learning process. In the process of developing a student’s professional competence, one can observe a different combination of the first and second groups of motives. The following conclusions were drawn: the study and analysis of the motivational sphere of undergrad-uate students allows timely updating of personal skill deficiencies in the development of universal com-petencies enshrined in the specialist training curriculum; having developed a model of the formation of universal competencies based on the poly-motivational structure of educational motives, you can get a tool to train a specialist meeting modern requirements of the professional environment. Keywords: motivational sphere of University students, motives of educational activity, poorly realized personal motives of students, universal competencies, personal skills | 936 | |||||
748 | The article deals with the concepts of “global world” and “global thinking” in their spatial and temporal meaning. The inclusion of global spatial and temporal aspects in the content of higher education determines the conceptuality of education, which has a positive impact on the quality of higher education. It is shown that the semantic formations of the personality are directly dependent on the temporal aspects of its existence, and they are important for the core structures of the personality semantic sphere. In this regard, the problems of modern higher education are highlighted. The necessity of more clear purpose designation of higher education with a projection on time aspects of the global world development is proved. It is determined that the quality of higher education is influenced by inefficient personnel formation of universities, in which there are few specialists in the field of education theory; it also suffers from the lack of individual training programs for students throughout the process. In higher education, as well as in science, there is a significant gap between theory and practice. The idea of global thinking formation among students as one of the strategies of higher education is defended. Directions of global thinking formation, taking into account its time aspect, are presented. Examples of practical solutions on the strategy choice in the educational process of higher education are given. The study showed that the formation of culture of cognitive activity ways translation allows students to discover the global, spiritual side of the activity, thereby strengthening the trend of more reasonable expectations of an optimistic future for young people. Keywords: spatial and temporal aspects of the global world, global thinking, teacher’s translational functions | 935 | |||||
749 | The question of pedagogical conditions for the development of critical thinking in modern schoolchildren in the process of studying mathematics is considered. The results of the study of approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept of «pedagogical conditions» are presented, which allowed us to define pedagogical conditions as a set of objective possibilities, content, forms, methods, pedagogical techniques, the nature of interaction between participants in the pedagogical process, aimed at solving pedagogical problems. The modern trends of innovations in the educational process are formulated. The strategy of teaching is described and the various stages of formation for the development of critical thinking in modern adolescents are given. The article describes the theoretical aspects related to the problem of the development of critical thinking in modern adolescents. Criticality of the mind is a property when a person can correctly evaluate thoughts, his own and others’, be critical of information, when you can analyze all the assumptions and conclusions made and not take them for granted. Examples of the implementation of pedagogical conditions for the development of critical thinking in adolescents are given. Strategies for the formation of the experience of critical thinking of schoolchildren, including the formation of concepts, the interpretation of data, and the application of rules and principles, are described. Keywords: critical thinking, pedagogical strategies, teenagers, mathematics | 934 | |||||
750 | Systematic study of the educational environment provides an opportunity to identify growth points and deficits in the design and development of the educational environment. Tools that involve a comprehensive study of it can be represented by physical, psychodidactic and social components. This article examines the results of the study of the educational environment in school buildings of three standard projects (the project of the MU series, project 65-426 / 1, project I-1577A) in the context of the enrichment of the educational process, the diversity of forms and methods of teaching and the content of the educational process. Based on the conducted research, it was revealed that: for educational purposes, except for the classroom, the space of recreation areas, school museums and libraries is rarely used; there is no possibility of transforming the educational space into small, medium and large, there is no transformable furniture; the main resource of the school territory, as a rule, is the use of the school territory as a sports ground during regular and extra-curricular hours; there is rarely a cluster and open type of organization of educational spaces, in general, the study sample is characterized by a cabinet type of organization, which «dictates» the implementation of learning formats characteristic of the class-time system; there are restrictions for the organization of project training. Keywords: richness of the educational process, educational environment, psychodidactic parameters of the educational environment, variety of forms and methods of teaching, content of the educational process, school infrastructure | 934 |