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951 | The problem under review is formation of metadisciplinary results in elementary school students, most notably universal learning activity of modeling, which is considered by the renewed Federal Educational Standard for the elementary general education to be the basis for all metadisciplinary results. The symbolic skills of elementary school students are given an assessment. The reference is provided for the elements of the educational subjects for elementary school (concepts, actions, processes, teaching objectives, complete assignments), as well as for their practical application by the elementary school teacher. The formation of symbolic universal learning activities in the elementary school students, as well as the action of modeling, is to be performed during the completion of the multipurpose educational assignments, which have the increased didactic and methodical potential with metadisciplinary and subject-specific components. Performance of such learning activities by elementary school students results in discipline-related results, but also will form the universal learning activities of various types. Because the symbolic activities serve as a framework for all the universal learning activities, the assignments that pertain to the modeling activity are thus far the most impactful in the didactic sense, as their performance by the elementary school students trains the ability to plan further activities, perform them according to that plan, as well as the ability to perform all the types of logical universal learning activities. Inclusion of additional activities (testing, appraisal, communicative) will also promote formation of a broad spectrum of multidisciplinary results. The specification is provided for the organizational, technical and subject-related conditions that boost efficiency of the formation of the universal learning activities in the elementary school students. Keywords: elementary school student, symbolic modeling, metadisciplinary results, class assignment, universal learning activities | 700 | |||||
952 | This article discusses the concepts of “competence” and “competence task”, attention to which is due to the emergence of a new educational paradigm reflecting the practical orientation of the content of education. The priority is not the development of subject knowledge, skills and abilities, but the systematic and harmonious development of the student’s personality, mastering basic competencies. The analysis of pedagogical sources revealed the problem of the lack of a fullfledged competence-oriented educational and methodological support for the educational subject “Literature”, which indicates the relevance of developments in this area. Widely presented in modern school programs, Yuletide prose is a rich source of cultural information. It allows students to learn the facts of the material and spiritual culture of the people, history, mythological and religious beliefs, philosophy, morality, national way of thinking, which contributes to the formation of students’ necessary personal, meta-subject and subject competencies. Considering the main characteristics of the competence task, the author offers an approximate version of such a task based on the material of O. Henry’s Christmas story “The Gift of the Magi”, as well as criteria for evaluating the quality of its performance. In the future, the research is a methodical description of such tasks based on the methodological matrix of the case study. Keywords: competence approach, competence, competence task, Christmas prose, O. Henry | 698 | |||||
953 | It is generated a large amount of data in the modern world. The speed and quality of their transmission comes to the fore. Cross-cutting technologies allow to carry out efficient work with large amount of information, reduce the time for its processing. These technologies are developing, in particular, with effective use of digital tools in the educational environment. The article discusses digital tools that designed to help teachers in developing the universal competencies of students in technical fields. It is shown the relationship between digital and universal competencies based on the analysis of regulatory documents, scientific literature. The practical part presents the results of a survey of students in technical fields of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics on the preferences for the additional development of universal competencies. The leading universal competence is the competence in teamwork and leadership according to the respondents. Students also give preference to the formation of competencies related to project management, self-organization and self-development. It is concluded that the choice of tools remains with the teacher and it should always be correlated with the educational results and competencies formed within the educational process. In addition, a high-quality digital tool expands the teacher’s ability to form students’ universal competencies, thereby increasing their motivation through the familiar digital educational environment. Keywords: universal competencies of students, digital economy, digital tool, higher education, digitalization of education | 698 | |||||
954 | The relevance of the problem is due to the importance of identifying the relationships between integral personality characteristics that describe typical human behavior profiles. Such characteristics include Dark (Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy) and Light (faith in humanity, humanism, Kantianism) personality triads and psychological capital (self-efficacy, hope, optimism, stability). The purpose of the study was to identify the features of the relationship between the features of the Dark and Light personality triads and the parameters of psychological capital. In total, 103 students of Cherepovets State University, aged from 17 to 22 years (average age – 18.3 years), took part in the study. Specific methods were: the Russian-language version of the questionnaire of the Dark Triad by D. Jones and D. Paulhus, adapted by M. S. Egorova, M. A. Sitnikova, O. V. Parshikova; the questionnaire of the Light Triad of personality, developed by S. B. Kaufman, D. B. Yaden, E. Hyde, E. Tsukayama; the Russian version of the questionnaire by F. Luthans, C. M. Youssef and B. J. Avolio to identify the parameters of psychological capital in the adaptation of V. G. Maralov, M. A. Kudaki, O. V. Smirnova. The Pearson linear correlation coefficient was used as a mathematical treatment. As a result, it was found that only narcissism, which positively correlated with self–efficacy, hope, optimism and stability, was positively correlated with psychological capital and its individual parameters from the traits of the Dark Triad, and from the traits of the Light Triad - faith in humanity, which turned out to be associated with self-efficacy, optimism and stability. In addition, a positive relationship between humanism and optimism was found. The obtained results make a certain contribution to understanding the problem of the relationship of integral personality characteristics with each other, can be used in the work of curators of student groups, as well as in the activities of psychological services of universities. Keywords: Dark Triad, Machiavellianism, narcissism, psychopathy, Light Triad, faith in humanity, humanism, Kantianism, psychological capital, self-efficacy, hope, optimism, stability | 696 | |||||
955 | The connection between the actualization of individualization of the trajectories of students with the introduction of Bologna system of education and the new requirements of the labor market was proved. Further, the practical significance of the tutor in scientific work was substantiated. A lacuna in the study of scientific tutor in domestic and foreign practices was indicated. There were highlighted essential features of the tutor, and the understanding of the tutor as a medium between the student and society. The tutor’s goal is not to satisfy the individual needs of an individual student, but to bring him in accordance with certain ideas and ideals of an educated person. As a result of this definition of the tutor, several tools are presented. The selection of tools was made on the basis of tutor’s characteristics. The author tested these tools during his work as the deputy dean for scientific work of the faculty. The first tool was an individual scientific development plan, in which students formulate their shortand long-term plans. The second tool was roadmaps, which are needed in order to present students with possible ways to develop their academic and scientific careers. Another tool was to support the work of the scientific student community. As a result, the problem of scaling this practice is indicated. Keywords: individualization, tutor, research work, students, universities | 694 | |||||
956 | The article deals with the problem of choosing the methods of editing texts written by means of the Creative writing technique. The relevance of the issue of text editing, with focus on creative texts, is determined by the need for advancing text editing skills both for translators and for foreign language teachers in order to edit their own translations as well as those of the students. The phase of proofreading and editing of creative texts is analyzed. Diverse forms of editing are considered: individual form, peer-reviewing and groupreviewing, and „writers’ conference”. The necessary conditions for efficient editing of creative texts are specified, such as a friendly psychological atmosphere, facilitating the role of a teacher and constructive feedback to a text’s writer. The article provides examples of reviewing of creative texts at German lessons at universities. The reviewing of texts written by applying Free-Writing and Automatic writing is analyzed. The article considers the question of assessment of students’ creative works in a foreign language. We conducted a survey for the third- and fourth-year students majoring in Linguistics at the Department of the Foreign Languages for the Humanities of Novosibirsk State Technical University to find out how students perceive assessment of their work and which forms of assessment proved to be the best in their opinion. Keywords: creative writing, teaching of writing in a foreign language, creative texts, reviewing of creative texts | 693 | |||||
957 | The article analyzes the actual problems of current state of the training of teaching staff of higher scientific qualification in graduate school. The real organizational, managerial, substantive and motivational possibilities of more effective functioning of the postgraduate pedagogical profile are revealed. The issues of determining and using the integration potential of formal and non-formal education from the perspective of managing the development of pedagogical postgraduate studies are considered. The situation of resource shortage for formal education of graduate students at the pedagogical university is actualized. Among the missing resources for training highly qualified scientific personnel are noted: the weakening of research activities of universities, a decrease in the number of applicants to graduate school, the disunity of university system for training research personnel and awarding academic degrees. The characteristic features of the integration potential of the designated types of education are revealed and substantiated through the analysis of the activity of the scientific school of a teacher-researcher as an actual practice of non-formal education of graduate students, effectively complementing the formal system of training of highly qualified personnel. As the methodological basis of the research, such methods as phenomenological research, included observation, methods of humanitarian research were used, namely: the study of the experience of integration of two types of education, the identification of empirical signs of integration, their generalization, justification of the potential of such integration. The possible ways of improving the training of researchers for universities and research structures are proposed on the example of the presented experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: management of education development, scientific school, graduate students, the potential of integration of formal and non-formal education | 693 | |||||
958 | The foundations of psychological support for the adaptation process among foreign students are considered from the standpoint of the anthropo-system approach. Within the framework of this approach, it is established that psychological stress acts as a mechanism of self-development, selfrealization and personal growth of a person. In this connection, the work with the adaptation among foreign students should be focused on the development of constructive strategies, resources and skills of students to overcome emerging difficulties, methods and skills of intercultural communication, as well as on creating conditions (internal and external) for creative self-realization, which will allow students to become more sensitive and aware of their own changes, and more sensitive in relation to the capabilities of the environment. It is determined that such activity, aimed both at finding the conditions of the environment for the realization of their meanings and values, and at its active transformation, makes it possible to improve both the quality of life and the subjective well-being among young people. It is established that the main indicators of successful adaptation and the possibility of foreign students’ self-realization in the multicultural educational space of the university are subjective quality of life, positive ethnic identity and tolerance. Keywords: anthropo-system approach, psychological support, foreign students, cultural shock, adaptation, self-realization, subjective quality of life, identity | 693 | |||||
959 | The article presents the characteristics of the modular training program for pedagogical university students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students, developed on the example of the main professional educational program «History and Law» of the Altai State Pedagogical University, the purpose of which is to ensure the readiness of pedagogical university students to carry out early prevention of illegal behavior of students. On the basis of the studied research literature and survey data among students and teachers of the university, the problems arising in the process of preparing students of a pedagogical university for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are highlighted. The methodological basis of the developed modular program is systemic, interdisciplinary, legal and humanitarian approaches. The significance of these approaches in the implementation of the modular program is analyzed. The characteristics of the structural components of the modular program – psychological, pedagogical, legal, methodological, practical modules are given. Their purpose, content and place in the system of training students of a pedagogical university for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are disclosed. The importance of using educational technologies in the process of preparing students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students is determined. The pedagogical conditions of the choice of educational technologies in the preparation of pedagogical university students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are revealed. Keywords: educational technologies, early prevention, illegal behavior, professional training | 692 | |||||
960 | The issue of professional development of heads of educational organizations is being updated in connection with the release of a new professional standard “Head of an educational organization (management of a preschool educational organization and a general educational organization)”. The research program is presented with the substantiation of the sample constructed according to the criterion of the maximum number of resilient schools in the regions according to the PISA model. An analysis of the results of a sociological survey of school principals from 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation on participation in various forms of vocational training “before” and “after” appointment to a position, on the preference for choosing a form of professional development, on the subject of advanced training and professional retraining programs, on the respondents’ assessment of the degree of need in improving their professional competence. Conclusions are drawn on changing the content of the training of heads of general educational organizations: from management, organization and personnel management to pedagogical leadership, as a resource for the development of the general education system in the format of management practices with a focus on the achievements of the educational environment, improving the quality of education. Recommendations are given on the development of a personalized system of advanced training for heads of general educational organizations, and on the development of a mechanism for spending non-budgetary funds of an educational organization on additional professional training for heads. Keywords: professional development, leader, educational organization, sociological survey | 686 | |||||
961 | Within the framework of the study, project activity was considered as an effective method and means of teaching, having a wide range of instrumental possibilities for mastering knowledge by students, activating internal motives in achieving results on mastering the system of operations in the process of practical activity. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the application of the provisions of the project approach with the integration of digital technology tools in the organization of additional education classes to increase the motivational potential of students. Within the framework of research activities through the use of research methods adequate to the purpose: theoretical analysis in order to comprehend the information material accumulated in pedagogical science based on the results of scientific work of domestic and foreign authors, its generalization, systematization and interpretation, questionnaires, pedagogical observation and experiment, as well as statistical methods for mathematical analysis of the results of the experimental part of the study. The results of the study, expressed by the data recorded during the pedagogical experiment, indicate the effectiveness of the application of the provisions of the project approach with the integration of digital technology tools in the organization of additional education classes. The difference between the motivational potentials of students of the control and experimental groups averaged 27.45 points at the control stage of the pedagogical experiment, which gave grounds for stating the high efficiency of the proposed technology for organizing classes of the robotics circle of the municipal institution of additional education of the Tyumen region. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of applying its results in planning and organizing the activities of robotics circles in municipal institutions of additional education during the development of programs with the prediction of positive results of student learning. Keywords: additional education, robotics, project approach, project activity, motivational resource, students | 685 | |||||
962 | The relevance of the problem of the possibilities and specifics of the use of interactive communication on religious studies excursions is determined by the active search for forms and methods of conducting such excursions by modern teachers and guides with a general lack of development of forms and methods of using interactive pedagogical technologies on excursions dedicated to religious culture. The object of analysis in this article is the specifics and possibilities of using interactive communication on religious studies excursions. The material for the analysis is the pedagogical experience of conducting interactive excursions within the framework of the project “Female Monastery in Tomsk: immersion in reality”. The features of interactive communication on religious studies excursions are revealed, among which are reliance on the current knowledge and experience of the audience and immersion in religious culture through the use of symbols of this culture on the excursion. As a result, positive results of the use of interactive interaction were revealed: the destruction of stereotypes about religious culture among the audience, the growth of interest in tradition, as well as in the history of the excursion object itself. The materials of the article can be used in the educational process of higher educational institutions and secondary schools. Keywords: interactive pedagogical communication, religious culture, traditional culture, excursion, monastery | 684 | |||||
963 | A comparative analysis of two methodological approaches to understanding childhood is made: childhood as a preparation for adulthood and childhood as a unique and self-valuable stage in a person’s life. The root causes of the appearance of each of the approaches are highlighted, it is proved that the implementation of the first approach leads to total authoritarianism in the interaction of adults and children. The necessity of the second approach as a theoretical basis for a prosperous and safe childhood, which can be interpreted as a subjective and “involved childhood”, is substantiated. The main task of an adult is to involve a child in different types of activity and create the most saturated educational environment for his development. The problem of the correlation of independence and activity of the child with the need of an adult to protect guard against any danger is set. Methodological recommendations for parents of preschoolers and primary school children are formulated. These recommendations relate to aspects of conscious and responsible choice, the organization of independent actions of children, including when doing homework on a textbook, the implementation of dosed assistance and effective feedback from parents to children. The conclusion is made about the need to move from pedagogy stimulating to adulthood development to pedagogy that simultaneously enriches the development of the child and preserves the specifics of childhood, from total authoritarianism to the reversed and open joint action of an adult and a child both in the family and in an educational organization. Keywords: childhood, growing up, disappearance and enrichment of childhood, authoritarianism, independence, children and parents, involvement | 683 | |||||
964 | The importance of regional knowledge in the process of English teaching is increasingly being discussed by scientists and teachers in the field of teaching English. This study revealed a positive attitude of teachers towards the use of region-based materials. It presents the findings of a study on the use of local materials in university EFL courses. The study’s objectives were to examine English teachers’ views about using local materials in their university instruction and to provide recommendations for improving the EFL teaching process. The use of empirical research techniques enabled the identification of the challenges that teachers face when teaching, as well as their attitudes regarding the usage of local materials. Data were obtained through interviews with 21 participants, and they revealed teachers’ favorable opinions on the incorporation of region-based materials. Teachers were given recommendations for how to enhance the EFL teaching process at universities based on the study’s findings. Furthermore, the regional approach contributes to positive motivation and conscious mastery of a foreign language as a means of communication. In our case, the integration of local history materials into foreign language teaching will serve both as a means of raising the educational level and improving knowledge of a foreign language. Keywords: regional sensitivity, culture, outlook, education, local materials, educational content | 682 | |||||
965 | The article reveals the natural features of the implementation of distance learning in modern China. It shows the contribution to the development of digital media research and digital resources in vocational education. The author summarizes the information presented in the works of foreign and national researchers in order to clarify the prospects for applying the experience gained in China in the framework of higher education in Russia. The theoretical significance of the research coincides with the disclosure of the factors that ensure the progress of higher education in China. These factors include two fundamentally important trends found in modern China. The first of them relates to the desire to establish control over the implementation of innovative transformations in education by the state. The second trend is related to the progressive decentralization of management methods implemented in China regarding the delegation of authority for the development of distance and open education to the level of local authorities. Thus, the moment of inconsistency accompanying the functioning of educational systems in modern China is highlighted. The way out of this problematic situation is seen in the framework of the support of the state authorities on the initiatives of civil society, which serves as a support for the implementation of the state educational policy. As a result, the research allows concluding that the innovative development of higher education leaves an imprint on the transformation of Chinese society as a whole. The prospects for transferring the experience accumulated in China show the need to eliminate the most problematic moments and borrow only positive developments that help to give a new impetus to the Russian higher school and expanding the mechanisms of its interaction with friendly foreign partners. Keywords: vocational education, development of higher education, distance learning, foreign experience, China | 681 | |||||
966 | The concept of professional competence as well as the elements included in it were considered which made it possible to develop a visualization called «Components of professional competence». The roles and functions of an engineer in modern society were outlined and this served as the basis for the statement about the need to develop soft skills for successful professional activity in engineering environment. An analysis of scientific research, as well as a survey of students and graduates of technical university was conducted in order to clarify and update the list of soft skills demanded in the intellectual labor market in the field of engineering professions. The results of the analysis allowed to build a conditional hierarchy of the priority of soft skills for engineers today. The obtained data formed the basis for updating the competency model of an engineer (technical university graduate). The results of the survey made it possible to present a linear prioritization of soft skills for representatives of engineering specialties. The developed matrix of correlation between universal competences and soft skills clearly confirms the correlation of these phenomena and, as a consequence, proves the necessity of including (and developing) soft skills in university education programs at the theoretical level. Keywords: engineering education, soft skills, professional competence of an engineer, technical university, FSES HE+++ | 680 | |||||
967 | The article presents the study results of various types of reflection influence on the mental states of students in the course of educational activities. The authors show that modern research in this area is fragmentary and does not reveal the integral mechanism of mental regulation of human psychological states. Within the framework of the problem, highlighted the role of reflection as the most important determinant in the regulation of states, as a mediating link in the choice of optimal methods and techniques for regulation of mental states. In the course of the study, we used various methods of reflection, mental states and regulatory abilities study. The study conducted in groups of 4th year students of psychologists and mathematicians, and the entire population of subjects divided into three groups according to the level of reflexivity into low-, medium- and high reflexive students. Found that the influence of reflection on the operational methods of self-regulation is higher in more intense forms of learning activity. Revealed the leading types of reflection in connection with the methods of mental states’ self-regulation at lectures, seminars and exams. The results of the research will reveal the importance of reflection in the integral regulatory process of the subject’s life. Keywords: mental state, reflection, self-regulation method, learning activity, structure | 678 | |||||
968 | The practice of applying the method of research in action (action research) in solving research problems is considered. Based on the history of the emergence and development of the method of research in action, the analysis of the practices of its application in scientific works, a description of the method was formed, as well as the principles of its application, which can be guided in conducting pedagogical research. The method has become widespread in English-language studies, as well as the phenomenon of multiliteracy, however, based on a search among many scientific sources in open resources, it is rarely used in the context of pedagogical research in Russian discourse. The use of the method of research in action in the study of the phenomenon of multiliteracy as an integrative personal characteristic necessary for interacting with a text of a new nature is substantiated. Using the presented method, the skills of a multiliterate person, which are formed during the development of the corresponding online course, are described. As part of the application of the method, the study of the practice of mastering multiliteracy as a new phenomenon for the Russian-speaking pedagogical discourse with relevant data was supplemented, and the most complete picture of all stages of its implementation was obtained. The stage of the dissertation research described in the article made it possible to solve one of the tasks set in it. The author cites not only the benefits of using the research method in action, but also the risks that may arise. The application of this method makes it possible to analyze the practical actions leading to the formation of the scientific provisions of pedagogical research and to contribute to the methodology of pedagogy. Keywords: action research, multiliteracy, multiliterate person, online course, multiliteracy skills, new nature text | 674 | |||||
969 | The analysis of the concepts of subjectivity, subjectivity of educational activity, subjective experience,regulatory experience is carried out. Studies devoted to the formation of subjectivity in adolescenceare considered. The works of authors who believe that for the formation of subjective activity, independence,etc. are analyzed. qualities that characterize subjectivity, it is necessary to form a regulatoryexperience, which, according to A. К. Osnitsky’s approach is the basis of subjectivity consisting of interrelatedcomponents: value experience, reflection experience, habitual activation experience, operationalexperience and cooperation experience. It is concluded that the subjective experience is formed inthe process of cooperation with an adult and the optimal method of formation will be the design and researchactivities of students, as well as specially designed tasks aimed at developing the components ofthe subjective experience. The study was conducted on a sample of seventh-eighth grade students(N = 158). The dependent variables in the experiment were the following criteria: the general level ofpersonality subjectivity; attributes of subjectivity – activity, autonomy, integrity, mediation, creativity;parameters of regulatory experience. The effectiveness of the influence on the listed characteristics ofspecially designed tasks aimed at forming the regulatory experience of students and included in the designand research activities was studied. The tasks were aimed at awareness of activity, development ofplanning, stimulation of activity, the ability to make independent choices and analyze the causes of successand failure in activities. The obtained results confirmed the hypothesis of the study, while the maximumeffectiveness of the influence was noted on such attributes of subjectivity as activity and autonomy.Positive dynamics was noted in the components of subjective experience, the greatest changes werenoted in the experience of habitual activation, which manifested itself in the desire to independentlyperform theoretical tasks. The period of study at school is an important life stage in the formation ofpersonality, during this period there are many personal transformations, one of the main ones is the formationof the subjectivity of personality as the ability to be the author and creator of one’s own life. Theimplementation of design and research activities with students, the use of specially designed tasks at allstages of work on the project, aimed at the purposeful formation of components of regulatory experience,contributes to the development of subjective personality qualities of adolescents. Keywords: subjectivity, educational subjectivity, regulatory experience, design and research activities, primary school students, adolescence | 673 | |||||
970 | The article shows that in the current situation of the development of the education system, new assessment methods are needed that favor the implementation of the principles of dynamics, development and accumulation of experience, expansion of educational results by students. Formative assessment turns out to be a very effective technology, as it is one of the options that is applicable when teaching at different levels of education, specialists of different profiles; promotes the development of personality and activity of participants in educational relations, as it is built on the principle of feedback. It is noted that the principle of dialogism maximally meets the tasks that teachers and teachers of higher education have to solve in the conditions of the new Federal State Educational Standards. The results of the use of interactive simulators for the formation and assessment of the level of development of universal pedagogical competencies developed by the author’s team are shown, which allow us to say that there are no differences by region, do not depend on the contingent of students and the qualifications of teachers, which is an indicator of their stability and reliability. Significant differences in courses, which allowed us to deduce a pattern in increasing the decision time and, accordingly, higher scores from the 1st course to the 4th, allows us to talk about the possibility of the simulator to track the development of the competence of future teachers, the formation of their responsibility and a more serious attitude to pedagogical situations. Thus, interactive simulators are an effective means of formative assessment, because they are interactive, contain feedback, and they also contain elements that motivate students to further professional development. Keywords: universal pedagogical competencies, formative assessment, pedagogical education, dialogue simulator, feedback | 672 | |||||
971 | Social success determines social adaptation and acts as a backbone element of personal and professional self-determination of an adopted child. The purpose of the study is to study the social success of an adopted child as a factor in the effectiveness of a foster family. Material and methods: analysis of scientific literature; interval observations of the life of substitute families; analysis of diary entries of foster parents; surveys and interviews with foster children and foster parents, analysis of biographies of foster children, description, generalization and systematization of scientific data. The components of the social success of a foster child in the process of upbringing in a foster family are revealed. As a result of studying the life of foster families, positive and negative socio-psychological phenomena were identified. The key factor in increasing the efficiency of raising foster children is the conditions for the development of their social success, psychological and pedagogical support for social adaptation and readaptation of the child. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the presentation of structured data on the social success of the adopted child and its psychological and pedagogical conditions. The features of the manifestation of social success in the process of vocational education and self-realization as an adopted child as an adult have been established. As a result, the specific features of the behavior of adopted children in demonstrating the external and internal components of social success are highlighted, and the directions of socio-psychological and psychological-pedagogical work with them are presented. Keywords: social success, foster family, adopted child, socialization of the adopted child, components of social success | 667 | |||||
972 | In technical universities, the main source of replenishment of the teaching staff are students of this university. The issue of attracting students to scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities is relevant today. The author of the article believes that the initial stage of motivation and solving the problem with teaching staff is pedagogical practice. It is the pedagogical practice of undergraduates within the walls of an engineering university that contributes to the individual choice of a further profession, ensures the motivated involvement of students in the cognitive sphere, in the structure of both general and pedagogical education. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of pedagogical practice of undergraduates as an initial path for the development and formation of professional pedagogical activity of a future teacher. The scientific novelty consists in substantiating the role of pedagogical practice as the most important factor in the pre-training of pedagogical personnel. The author concludes that in order to successfully solve the problems of training pedagogical personnel in technical universities through master’s education, it is necessary: to attract undergraduate students (starting from the first courses) for professional and pedagogical training, with admission to the master’s degree; to develop an engineering core of academic disciplines, the structure of which should include pedagogical disciplines and pedagogical practice in order to motivate pedagogical activity; development of an intra-university program of step-by-step selection and training of young teachers from among undergraduates for professional and pedagogical activity and their further professional development; creation of comfortable organizational and pedagogical conditions and incentives for undergraduates to receive professional and pedagogical training. Keywords: teacher, pedagogical practice, master’s degree students, engineering personnel, scientific and pedagogical activity, higher school, technical university | 664 | |||||
973 | The features of the distance learning format that affect its popularity when teachers choose educational programs for advanced training are analyzed. The results of a study conducted in 2022 of the attitude of teachers in St. Petersburg to advanced training in full-time, distance and mixed formats are presented. Teachers highly appreciate the remote courses they have completed. The main disadvantage of distance courses is the lack of convenient and quick feedback from the teacher. The lack of technical means or the lack of digital competencies in our city today no longer play a role in choosing a full-time or remote form. For successful distance learning, a high level of internal motivation of students is extremely important. In general, teachers consider the blended learning format to be the most effective. Theoretical sections of the educational program teachers would prefer to take place remotely, and training in subject methods, technologies, methods of pedagogical work would prefer to take place in person. Teachers formulated requirements for pedagogical design and interface of remote modules. The prospects for building more flexible courses in a mixed format are associated with the need for certain regulatory and organizational changes in the additional professional education system. Keywords: distance learning, blended learning, additional professional education for teachers | 664 | |||||
974 | In view of the unique psychological characteristics of today’s post-00s university students, under the guidance of three theoretical foundations – theory of free and comprehensive human development, the development theory of humanistic psychology, and the theory of happiness in positive psychology, Chinese universities consider the development of the psychological capital of university students as a valuable pursuit of psychological education in a new era. According to the theory of psychological capital, there are four proven ways to develop the psychological capital of students: people-oriented, respecting the basic status of students and increasing their sense of self-efficacy; interaction in the preparation of learning goals on the principle of personalized education; assisting in the regulation of the emotional state and in maintaining an optimistic outlook; cultivating willpower, increasing resilience to failure, and cultivating perseverance. Keywords: студент, психологический капитал, метод выращивания | 662 | |||||
975 | The issue of the development of mentoring, the system for managing the movement of mentoring in the pedagogical sphere, the dissemination of its forms in the system of general education is being updated. The aim of the study is to determine the essential characteristics of the mentoring phenomenon, various forms of mentoring in the Soviet period. The research methodology includes the analysis of domestic and foreign pedagogical scientific literature on the forms of mentoring, content analysis, generalization and systematization of data. Research results. The content analysis of the definitions of the concept of “mentoring” in the educational sphere is presented. The essential characteristics of mentoring are singled out, the functions of mentoring are disclosed: information, orientation, mobilization, constructive, communicative, research. The features of pedagogical mentoring in the Soviet period are revealed in order to enrich the experience of organizing pedagogical guidance for the professional development of young teachers. The essential characteristics of the varieties of mentoring forms are revealed. A comparison of the main components of the mentoring system in the Soviet and modern periods is presented: organization of the mentoring system; forms and methods of work with mentors; forms of transferring the experience of mentors. It is concluded that it is necessary to further develop the system for managing the mentoring movement in the pedagogical sphere, develop a unified approach to the development of fundamental documents on mentoring, and further develop the content and forms of work of mentors in pedagogical science. Keywords: the conceptual apparatus of “mentoring”, functions of mentoring, organizational forms of mentoring, methods of mentoring, general education | 661 | |||||
976 | The article is devoted to the study of the influence of non-traditional drawing techniques in art lessons on the level of development of creative abilities of children of primary school age. The authors analyzed the main directions in the study of this problem, such as the study of creative abilities and the development of creativity tests, the identification of the level of development of creative abilities of primary school children, the development of non-traditional drawing techniques, as well as the use of non-traditional drawing techniques for the development of creative thinking of primary school students. A key contradiction has been revealed that prompted the authors to study the influence of non-traditional drawing techniques on the development of creative abilities of primary school children. In the course of the study, the conditions for the development of creative abilities of primary school-age children in fine art lessons by means of non-traditional drawing techniques were identified and experimentally tested, technological maps of fine art lessons for students were developed. The results of an experimental study conducted with children of primary school age who showed positive dynamics of the development of creative abilities are presented. The recommendations proposed in the article can be used in pedagogical practice by primary school teachers. Keywords: fine arts, non-traditional drawing techniques, creativity, children of primary school age | 661 | |||||
977 | The number of children with disabilities is growing every year. The appearance of a child with disabilities in the family leaves an imprint on the state of the parents, instills in them anxiety and fear for the future of the child. In such families, disintegrating social processes are observed that do not contribute to the successful socialization of children with disabilities. At the same time, the family can be considered as a resource in the development of a child with disabilities. Considering that many parents raising children with disabilities have typical features, a study was conducted on the psychological characteristics of parents: values, life orientations and life satisfaction. The following methods were used: The Life Satisfaction Scale (E. Diener; adapted by D.A. Leontiev, E.N. Osina); “Portrait Values Questionnaire-Revised” (Portrait Values Questionnaire -Revised – PVQ-R; Sh. Schwartz et al.; modification by K.V. Sugonyaev), where we examined the meta-values of “Openness to change” and “Saving”; Test of life orientations by D. A. Leontiev. The results of the study indicate that the values, life orientations and life satisfaction of parents raising children with disabilities differ significantly from similar psychological characteristics of parents raising healthy children. Parents raising children with disabilities need psychological and pedagogical support, they need comprehensive, targeted psychological assistance. The results obtained are of practical importance and can be used by specialists in designing programs of psychological and pedagogical support for parents raising children with disabilities. Keywords: children with disabilities, parents, resource, values, life orientations, life satisfaction | 658 | |||||
978 | The article deals with issues of the experimental work results on checking the effectiveness and efficiency of the philology students’ language personality development of the structural and functional model on the basis of the interdisciplinary approach. The purpose, objectives and methods of research on the philology students’ language personality development on the basis of the interdisciplinary approach are described. The structural-functional model including the target, theoretical-methodical, procedural-content and evaluative-effective blocks is briefly presented and described. The content of the concept of “linguistic personality of a philology student” is given and the main components of the linguistic personality of philology students, which are the criteria for its formation, are identified: cognitive, motivational-value, emotional, behavioral. Pedagogical experiment was carried out in three stages: ascertaining, forming, control. The pedagogical experiment study involved 80 first year philology students of Sevastopol State University. The certain tasks of each stage of the experiment are consistently described in the article. The diagnostic tools for each criteria components formation of the philology students’ language personality are described in the article. The author presents the dynamics of changes in the levels of components formation of the philology students’ language personality at various stages of the experiment. The obtained results in all groups at the beginning and at the end were processed using statistical methods: Mann-Whitney Utest, Spearman’s rank correlation, Wilcoxon’s T-test. The effectiveness and efficiency of the philology students’ language personality development of the structural and functional model in the educational process are confirmed by the results of the control section in the experimental group presented in the article. Keywords: philology students’ language personality, interdisciplinary approach, structural and functional model, experimental work, diagnostic tools, statistical methods, dynamics and effectiveness of the model | 655 | |||||
979 | The transition to the Federal state educational standards has set a serious task for educational institutions of higher education to ensure the formation of students’ various types of competencies as an educational result. An urgent task is still to assess the level of their formation in students; this problem is particularly acute in the application of point-rating system evaluation. The article deals with the concept of formation of students’ competencies assessment organization in the process of current performance monitoring and interim certification in terms of point-rating system evaluation. The scientific and methodological basis of the system construction, which represents the integration of some modern approaches to the assessment of competencies, is considered. Classification of levels of students’ competences formation, correlated with levels of assimilation (According to V. P. Bespalko) is regarded. As the main criteria for assessing the results of the training, the conditions in which the components of the students’ competencies are manifested are under consideration. The role of the status of control tests in the assessment of competencies is shown; the classification of assessment tools by the level of novelty of the tests to be solved is given; the necessary resources for their implementation and the degree of independence of students’ actions are presented; a modified model of assessment of the results of training and the level of formation of the components of students’ competencies is proposed. Keywords: point-rating system, assessment of competences, components of competences, ongoing monitoring, interim assessment, assessment tools | 655 | |||||
980 | The article deals with the issue of the formation of knowledge and skills for the prevention of injuries of students in the classroom for disciplines in sports of a power orientation taught at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The developed version of teaching students of the Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports the method of preventing injuries based on exercises of the static and static-dynamic nature of the work of the muscles is presented. This technique is based on scientific and methodological principles and approaches to the process of training and prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system during kettlebell lifting. The developed methodology for teaching students the prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system includes the following components: theoretical topics, topics of practical training on injury prevention, means of influencing muscle groups, exposure doses, work intensity and rest intervals between sets. During the implementation of the developed methodology, general didactic teaching methods were used, such as: storytelling, explanation, conversation, discussion. Methods of direct and indirect visualization were used. As for practical methods, such methods were used as: methods of strictly regulated exercise (uniform, variable, interval, repeated, circuit training method); game method; competitive method. The results of the impact of the developed methodology before and after the experiment are presented. The effectiveness of the developed methodology for teaching students, aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills in the prevention of injuries of the musculoskeletal system during kettlebell lifting, has been experimentally proven. Keywords: teaching methodology, training sessions, injury prevention, theoretical knowledge, practical skills, musculoskeletal system, physical fitness, strength endurance | 653 | |||||
981 | The article presents the results of a study of the connection of mothers’ emotional burnout with their irrational attitudes in thinking, such as “catastrophization”, “ought towards others”, “ought towards oneself”, “intolerance of frustration”, “evaluative attitude”. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the problem of irrational attitudes is becoming more and more relevant due to the expansion and deepening every year of problems related to parental burnout, the inability of mothers to carry out their functions for the development and upbringing of children, to realize the availability of internal resources that can help in overcoming crisis situations; in the presence of attempts to scientifically comprehend the problem of irrational attitudes in psychology, there are currently a number of unexplored issues, in particular, the identification of irrational attitudes of mothers underlying their emotional burnout, which was the problem field of the study. The greatest number of links between the indicators of emotional burnout of mothers was established with the irrational attitudes “intolerance of frustration” and “evaluation attitude”, reflecting the degree of intolerance by mothers of various frustrating situations and the tendency to evaluate not individual traits or actions of people, but the personality as a whole. In the theoretical aspect, knowledge on the problems of emotional burnout of mothers, irrational attitudes have been enriched, an analysis of the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to the definition of the categories “emotional burnout”, “irrational attitudes” has been carried out. In practical terms, the results of the study can be used in the activities of a psychologist to correct and prevent the syndrome of emotional burnout of mothers, which will minimize the consequences of distress that mothers experience in parenthood. Keywords: irrational beliefs, emotional burnout, mothers, cognitive psychotherapy | 651 | |||||
982 | Based on the analysis of literature on the features of the organization of the correspondence form of higher vocational training, the need for educational and methodological support of subjectdeveloping and professionally oriented tasks was revealed, as well as the need to use special developmental tasks and scientific and methodological materials to change the student’s educational motivation and the formation of subject-specific specialized competencies. Distance learning was considered. It has been established: distance learning has a significant impact on the entire education system as a whole, changing its organization, forms and technologies for the implementation of the educational process; the acquisition of knowledge in the online format is an important and promising direction in the development of the education system; the result of distance learning directly depends on the independence and awareness of the student; the implementation of distance learning requires the transformation of the educational process, the need for improvement, the development of new methods and educational technologies of distance learning, necessary for the correspondence form of training spe cialists. Keywords: distance education, educational process, competence-based approach, subject-specific competencies, the principle of practice - orientation, educational and methodical provision of the educational process, distance learning, educational technologies, scientific and methodological equipment | 649 | |||||
983 | The work is devoted to the consideration of the conceptual foundations of the formation of the electoral culture of the teacher. The relevance of the work is due to the need to increase the electoral activity of citizens and increase motivation to participate in the electoral process. The author of the work offers a new perspective on participation in the electoral process through the prism of electoral culture. Electoral culture is considered as a part of the general culture. Electoral culture should be formed as early as possible. Not only the family, but also educational institutions should participate in this process. The author believes that the teacher has the greatest potential in the formation of electoral culture. In this regard, it is necessary to form an electoral culture among teachers and further form their understanding of the technologies of broadcasting electoral culture. The author proves that electoral culture can be formed only in a special cross-multilevel educational environment that creates conditions for this. The conceptual foundations of the formation of electoral culture are represented by the main provisions, conceptual and categorical apparatus, methodological foundations, theoretical foundations, semantic center of the concept, content and semantic content, pedagogical conditions and approbation of the concept. The paper presents an algorithm for the implementation of the concept, which allows to trace the logic of movement from theoretical positions to practical implementation. The objectives of the concept, defining its content, as well as the legal and regulatory framework that underlies the development of the concept are presented in detail. Special attention is paid to the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the concept and the theoretical foundations. The limits of the concept application are characterized. As a theoretical and methodological basis of the concept, we propose a four-level hierarchical structure of methodological foundations, including approaches at various levels. The practical result of the implementation of the concept is a program of additional education for teachers, focused on the formation of electoral culture. Keywords: concept, electoral culture of the teacher, electorate, methodological approaches, pedagogical conditions, special educational environment | 646 | |||||
984 | The article is devoted to the problems of developing emotional literacy as the ability to understand one’s own emotions and the emotions of other people, the ability to adequately express them, as well as readiness, on this basis, for emotional interaction. The article substantiates the idea that emotional literacy is the cognitive basis of emotional intelligence. The authors discuss the possibilities of forming emotional literacy in adolescents and developing emotional intelligence on this basis. Emotional literacy can be considered as a set of knowledge and skills that can be formed with the help of specific educational programs. The main form of teaching emotional literacy is usually considered training. It is characterized by a combination of effective feedback and group support. The article presents the author’s view of the tasks of work on the formation of emotional literacy in adolescents, analyzes various forms of implementation of this activity (training, conversations, discussion clubs, art studios, etc.). The authors substantiate the idea that the tasks of developing emotional literacy can and should be solved not only in extracurricular activities, but also in the educational process. The teacher can use the emotionally stressful situations that have arisen, the difficulties of self-regulation in children as a subject for conversation and teaching emotional literacy. Teaching humanities subjects, especially literature, history, and world art culture, should be based on a combination of emotional and rational in the knowledge of human behavior and emotions. Keywords: emotional intelligence, emotional literacy, adolescence, education, training | 645 | |||||
985 | In St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, bachelors are being trained in the direction of training “Economics”. This paper deals with presenting of the process of development by the author of an electronic course in the discipline “Informatics”. Our e-course was developed and designed taking into account the previously published results. The relevance of scientific research subject is confirmed by the content of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education of higher education, according to which training using of modern information technologies is included in the mandatory part of the curriculum in the areas of training “Economics”. Office information technologies and phygital technologies are widely used by economists in their professional activities. It is necessary to take into account the types of activities specified in the standards that future economists should be ready to carry out: settlement and economic, analytical, research, organizational and management, pedagogical, accounting, settlement and financial, banking and insurance. Let us clarify that one of the leading areas characteristic of the analytical type of activity is search for information on the received task, collection and analysis of data necessary for specific economic calculations for economists. In the course of teaching the discipline “Informatics” of disciplines, students form the following competencies that determine the abilities of future economists to various types of activities using information technologies (primarily office software and electronic document management). In the course of our research, we study how to form these competencies. Material and methods: analysis of scientific literature, development of electronic courses for students of the Faculty of Economics; designing an electronic course in computer science, summarizing the results of teaching the discipline. In the course of our research, we consider the process of formation of competencies among students in the course of teaching the discipline “Informatics” and the relationship with the above disciplines. The sequence of teaching discipline to students of the Economics Faculty will be discussed. The object of our research is training students of the Economics faculty for using of modern information technologies. The subject of our research is the process of using electronic courses and distance learning systems during the teaching of the Informatics discipline. The purpose of this research is studying of the peculiarities distance learning tools and phygital-technologies using during training of economists. This work is aimed at developing and updating educational and methodological materials in the discipline “Informatics”, taking into account the modern features of information technologies. The novelty of the presented results lies in the author’s approach to designing the structure of the e-course and developing updated theoretical materials on the discipline, taking into account new versions of using software. The author, based on his own experience and generalization of the materials of the teachers of the department, developed educational and methodological materials on the discipline “Informatics”, designed to train future economists and managers. The results of teaching the discipline in the 2021/22 academic year for group of 1st year undergraduate students were summarized. Updating the educational and methodological materials on the above disciplines in an electronic course, taking into account the development of modern software tools and phygital technologies application in the trading. In the modern world, there is a contradiction between the need to prepare future economists for the use of modern office and phygital technologies in professional activities and the obsolescence of the developed educational and methodological materials on computer science and information technology. To solve this contradiction, modern educational and methodological materials on the discipline “Informatics” need to be developing and e-course constantly updating. This paper deals with the describing of the developed e-course structure and statistical data obtained from the results of checking students’ answers summarizing, prepared based on the results of completing tasks. In the future, we are planning to improve our e-course structure, taking into account modern trends in the digitalization of education and software. Keywords: computer science, teaching computer science, digitalization of education, distance learning, phygital-technology | 645 | |||||
986 | The article gives an idea of the people and events in our country in the early 1950s on the example of the life of Alexei Petrovich Romanov, a graduate of the Tomsk pedagogical institute, a student and colleague of professor F. F. Shamakhov. A. P. Romanov is known as a publicist on scientific and pedagogical topics, the author of informative and profound pedagogical articles and scientific research, including the candidate degree thesis “Children’s clubs as the basis of educational work of schoolchildren”. A. P. Romanov’s doctoral dissertation “Children’s and teenage clubs in the system of public education in the USSR (historical and pedagogical aspect)” significantly expanded the current club topics throughout the country. Already in the years of student studies of A. P. Romanov, the famous Tomsk scientist in the field of the history of pedagogy F. F. Shamakhov noted the high research potential of his student, predicted the further successful scientific growth of a promising young man. Throughout his life, the wise teacher F.F. Shamakhov provided him moral, paternally caring and friendly human support, stimulated scientific confidence in creative searches. In this article, now halfforgotten epistolary genre in the author’s edition of the academicians of the Russian Academy of Education is used as evidence of the high culture of written communication of the scientific intelligentsia of the 20th century. Keywords: Scientific school of F. F. Shamakhov, history of pedagogy, research work, school children’s clubs, correspondence of famous scientists | 641 | |||||
987 | In modern historical and psychological research carried out in line with post-non-classical methodology, there is a need to move cognitive landmarks: from directions, schools, research programs, concepts of a certain historical period in the development of psychological science to the ways of thinking implemented in them and types of rationality; from a monological, retrospective description of the processes of formation and transformation of the conceptual apparatus of a particular psychological school to a reflexive-dialogical reconstruction of the conceptual heritage of eternally relevant scientists, in the light of today and tomorrow in the development of psychology; from the usual thematic headings and sections of psychological knowledge to the areas of “overlapping” (metaphor V. E. Klochko) of different types of scientific rationality, within the moving boundaries of which the processes of “rebirth of the scientific fabric” (metaphor L. S. Vygotsky) of psychology were most actively and fruitfully going; from well-known and recognized theories to concepts that were previously recognized as peripheral or even marginal, but containing underestimated heuristic potential; from the traditions of adaptation in psychology of natural-science explanatory schemes to the assimilation by scientists-psychologists of the philosophical and ideological heritage and the descriptive potential of literature and art. In order to compare the traditional and post-non-classical views on historical and psychological research, the author proposes the metaphors of “restoration” and “renaissance”, which illustrate different approaches to the reconstruction of historical forms of scientific thought: the preservation of the conceptual “monuments” of psychological science and the meaningful reconstruction of the conceptual heritage of psychology with a constructive revision its heuristic potential. The effectiveness of the application of transspective analysis (developed by V. E. Klochko) in historical and psychological research is substantiated, since it allows: to overcome the rigid conceptual boundaries of conditionally closed scientific systems and schools; to understand the natural tendencies of the complication of psychological knowledge, taking into account the tendencies of changing the types of scientific rationality; to model the possible communication of such psychological concepts, between which there are significant temporal or paradigmatic distances; to simulate an incessant dialogue and confrontation of scientists whose scientific views were conceptually consonant, despite the fact that they were not contemporaries or, being contemporaries, for various reasons, were not clear representatives of one opponent circle. Keywords: history of psychology, methodology, subject matter of psychology, psychological concepts, transspective analysis, reflection | 639 | |||||
988 | This article is devoted to the topical issues of organization of project activities of patriotic orientation, related to the modeling creation of the historical projects. The basic part of the proposed historical projects is a resource information complex of the archival materials of The Great Patriotic War period and historical publications on the problems of this war. This article proposes a step-by-step technology for development of information: the first stage – the study of historical literature, including memoir literature, the second stage – the study of archival sources of wartime, the third stage – the development and presentation of a socially significant project product. This article pays serious attention to the specifics of direct work with the historical literature: more than 30 historical and Internet publications on mentioned problem are revealed, its multi-genre specificity is determined, which affects identification of objective information about activities of Tomsk defense industry during The Great Patriotic War. At the same time, the need for a critical approach to the study of historical publications written by non-professional historians is declared in order to avoid the use of unverified information. The first stage development of the local history patriotic project creates prerequisites for the further effective archival research of the stated problem. These provisions are proposed based on the experience of implementing the patriotic project of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University “Victory Map - 80”, dedicated to the contribution of the rear territories of the USSR to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (on the example of Tomsk). Keywords: patriotic project, the Great Patriotic War, contribution to victory, industry of Tomsk, specifics of historical publications | 636 | |||||
989 | Mastering a profession is the most important task in higher education. It consists of both the acquisition of professional knowledge, skills, and the formation of a special attitude to professional activity and its attributes. This attitude, called professional identity, allows you to successfully integrate professional activity into a person’s life. As a result of the analysis of modern research on professional identity, two main approaches to its consideration can be distinguished. The personal approach determines the relationship to the elements of professional activity. Within this approach, identity is interpreted as a set of cognitive, affective and motivational components. However, the most common model of professional identity development developed in this approach assesses the overall development of all three components. The social approach is based on the degree of coincidence of personal values and motives of a person with the values and motives of the professional community. This approach is rarely used in empirical studies of professional identity. Research on a student sample is practically absent. An analysis of modern empirical research has shown that the level of professional identity of senior students lags far behind the level of professionals, even with little work experience. The data obtained show that there is indeed a connection between the levels of identity development in the personal and social approaches. The nature of the relationship suggests that one of the factors slowing down the development of professional identity in a university is the lack of sufficient professional experience. Keywords: professional identity, students, mastering a profession, higher education, professional community | 630 | |||||
990 | The article observes the problem of patriotic education of teenagers in modern condition of information war, which is also aimed at the younger generation. It marks the destructive influence of consumer subculture, domination of pseudo-art over true art and culture, which leads to deformation of value understanding about truth, kindness and beauty, sense of patriotism and love for Motherland. The irreplaceable role of art in the patriotic education of modern teenagers is substantiated by nothing else, since the emotional and sensual component (love for the motherland and its people, pride in past victories in the struggle for independence, cultural achievements of our time and attachment to native places) is the main content of the concept of «patriotism» and works of art. Music, in contact with the subtlest movements of the human soul, is closer than other forms of art to the very essence of the sublime in nature, society, and the individual life of a person. Examples of the realization of the educational possibilities of works by domestic composers of a patriotic orientation (A. P. Borodin, D. D. Shostakovich, G. V. Sviridov) by students-musicians during pedagogical practice in a comprehensive school are given. The choice of creations reflects different periods of Russian history: from XII century till our days. Justification of the methodical approaches in solving the problems of patriotic education of teenagers on the examples of listening and performance of the music of the Russian composers is confirmed by the data of oral and written interviews of 7th grade students, which allow us to estimate a fairly high level of their patriotic education at this age stage of development. Keywords: patriotism, Motherland, Homeland, education, schoolchildren, music lesson, creation, Russian composers | 629 | |||||
991 | The article presents the actual problem of studying the moral ideas of older preschoolers and their impact on interpersonal relationships with peers. The authors consider the theoretical aspects of the concepts of “morality”, “moral ideas”, “interpersonal relations” based on scientific research on this issue. The need to study the influence of moral ideas of older preschoolers on interpersonal relationships with peers is due to the manifestation of instability, emotionality, dynamism, selectivity of relationships, the specifics of moral development in older preschool age. The experiment was aimed at establishing relationships between the level of formation of moral ideas and interpersonal relationships in 2 groups of older preschoolers. The main diagnostic methods were the conversation, the method of problem situations, as well as the method of mathematical statistics of the r-Spearman rank correlation coefficient. A high level of formation of moral ideas in the preschool subjects was established, as well as a low level of emotional involvement in the actions of a peer and a high level of prosocial actions addressed to a peer. The following types of positive correlation were revealed: between the moral ideas of older preschoolers and emotional involvement as an interest and various emotions in relation to the actions of a peer; between the moral ideas of older preschoolers and the nature of children’s participation in the actions of a peer; between the moral ideas of older preschoolers and the social actions of a child in relation to a peer partner; moral values of older preschoolers and emotional the states of children in relation to each other in joint play activities. It is concluded that the influence of moral ideas of older preschoolers on interpersonal relationships with peers may have practical significance in the development of programs for the moral and social development of preschool children. Keywords: morality, moral ideas, interpersonal relationships, senior preschoolers | 629 | |||||
992 | Adolescence is a critical age for developing one’s own idea of social-normative assessment. This occurs in the correlation of the emerging system of one’s own assessments with different social contexts and the self-attitude of a maturing person. In line with the new direction of research on gender socialization in a transitive society, the question of the specifics of this relationship among adolescents of different sexes is of particular interest. In the corresponding study with the participation of Krasnoyarsk teenagers (N=145), the following were used: the author’s “Questionnaire of Evaluative Ideas”, “Self-Attitude Questionnaire” by V. V. Stolina, S. R. Pantileeva, “Self-Concept Scale for Children” (methodology of Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale by E. Pierce and D. Harris, adapted by A. M. Prikhozhan). Correlation analysis of the data showed that the connection between evaluative ideas and characteristics of self-attitude in samples of girls and boys has common and distinctive features. Common ones include the connection with a positive self-attitude of the prosocial nature of one’s own assessments and the perceived assessments of friends, as well as the greater tolerance, according to adolescents, of assessments by parents and other adults of anti- and antisocial actions. Specific features include a significantly wider range of connections between evaluative ideas and self-attitude in the sample of girls and a different structure of distribution of these connections among adolescents of different sexes. For girls, the greatest number of significant connections with the characteristics of selfattitude have assessments of manifestations of social success, for boys - assessments of compliance of behavioral manifestations with ethical requirements. As well as a large number of connections between approving assessments and self-attitude, manifestations of honesty stand out in girls, and balanced behavior in situations of disagreement in boys. Keywords: teenagers, ideas, self-attitude, gender characteristics | 629 | |||||
993 | The author states the problem of mass social pedagogical practice improving through the development of ideas and techniques of creative pedagogy. Against the background of the growing need for qualified social and pedagogical assistance and the expansion of the school social work problems, there is a lack of creative technologies in the arsenal of school social workers, and conversely their high effectiveness in specialized services with different contingents of minors. In the theoretical aspect, we give the definition of creative technologies, reveal their functions in solving social and pedagogical problems (developing, communicative, compensatory, rehabilitation, hedonistic, recreational). There is an interpretation of the creativity phenomenon as the goal and means of socio-pedagogical activity. The author gives the typology of creative socio-pedagogical technologies: audio-visual, musical-dramatic, visual, training, game, socio-cultural design. There is an indication on the expediency of including creative modules in the training program for bachelors of psychological and pedagogical direction. We are emphasizing foreign and Russian experience in the instrumental training of social workers based on art-pedagogical and art-therapeutic techniques. In practical terms, author analyzes her own experience in teaching the discipline “Creative techniques in work with minors”. There is an example of the creative product developed by students - an integrative artistic and creative methodology “Family Theater” for work with the minor’s family. Thus, we’ve made a conclusion about the need of mastering the creative tools and ideas of creative pedagogy for further technologization and humanization of social and pedagogical activities. Keywords: social worker, school, creative pedagogy, creative techniques, professional training | 628 | |||||
994 | For the effective application of information technology in engineering, knowledge of physics is necessary, which is the theoretical basis of technical sciences. Due to the objective complexity of physics and the recent decline in interest in its study, it is necessary to look for new approaches to its teaching. The use of computer mathematics systems removes a number of mathematical difficulties and expands the range of issues studied. Examples of solving physical problems using the MathCAD mathematical package are given. With the help of special programs, you can turn a computer into a measuring complex, on the basis of which an original physical workshop was created. Students using this complex can experimentally study physical phenomena in electronic circuits at home during a pandemic. Biographies of outstanding scientists can stimulate interest in physics due to the psychological characteristics of the youth audience. Astronomy gives many reasons for the application of physical laws, and, due to the great interest in the problems of the structure and evolution of the Universe, it can be a bridge to physics. The presented material was tested at lectures and seminars at the Higher College of Computer Science of Novosibirsk State University. Motivated students positively assessed the innovations and actively assimilate new knowledge. Keywords: computer mathematics systems, computer-based measuring complex, biographical data of physicists, astronomyy | 625 | |||||
995 | The article describes the specifics of pedagogical support for preschool children. The theoretical substantiation and methodological approaches of pedagogical support, its practical significance are presented. The meanings and significance of the phenomenon are indicated, the essential characteristics of pedagogical support in preschool education are highlighted. The topic of personalization of education, development, upbringing of children with various starting opportunities is updated. The principle of diversification of pedagogical support is put forward and its interdependence with variability as an actual quality of Russian education is proved. The main processes of interaction between a teacher and a child are classified and the dynamics of changes in the system of support for preschoolers in connection with the appearance of children with developmental disabilities in mass educational institutions is shown. The term “children with special educational needs” is presented, which is disclosed from the position of supporting the diversity of childhood. Classification of categories of children with special educational needs studying in Russian preschool organizations has been developed. The necessary conditions and prospects for the development of pedagogical support for preschoolers with special educational needs within the framework of a multivariate socio-cultural educational space are determined. Keywords: pedagogical support, children with special educational needs, diversification, variable personality development | 624 | |||||
996 | Pedagogical regionalization as one of the types of a more general process of regionalization is a principle and process of formation, operation and development of education in the regions, the methodology, practice and effectiveness of which is the result of its regionalization. Changing of socio-economic conditions results in changing of the regionalization concept, leading to changes in the components of school and university education. The diversity of ideological priorities in regionalization provides a variety of methodological and methodical approaches in the formation, operation and development of school and university education. The regionalization of the educational process is often underestimated, resulting in formalism in teaching and upbringing. The reason is the lack of systematic knowledge about regionalization as a principle, socio-pedagogical process and result. There is a lack of sufficient understanding of regionalization as a process, and its results have not been fully revealed. Research in the field of regionalization of education is becoming particularly relevant in the context of globalization. It seems necessary to include information of a local history in educational and methodological complexes on a foreign language. Local history should be considered as a private aspect of regionalization of education. It is local history materials about nature, history, economy, people and culture of the region that will significantly complement the informative component of a foreign language speech. Keywords: regionalization of education, local history, dialogue of cultures, German | 623 | |||||
997 | The article is devoted to determining the peculiarities of parent-child interaction of mothers with foster and biological sons and daughters. The main hypothesis was the assumption that there are reliable differences in the interaction with children depending on their gender and depending on the form of parenting of mothers. The study included 218 mothers – 22 to 71 years (M=43.95; SD=10.01), of which foster mothers n=112 – 27 to 71 years (M=50.40; SD=7.69) and biological mothers n=106 – 22 to 55 years (M=37.32; SD=7.46). The mothers’ groups were conventionally divided into 4 subgroups, the first included foster mothers who described their interaction with foster sons (n=48), sons’ ages 3 to 17.5 years (M=12.25; SD=3.87); the second included foster mothers who described their interaction with foster daughters (n=64), daughters’ ages 4 to 17 years (M=12.84 SD=3.24); the third included biological mothers who described their interaction with their biological sons (n=52), their ages 2.9 to 19 years (M=10.61; SD=4.80); the fourth included native mothers who described their interaction with their biological daughters (n=54), the daughters 4 to 17 years (M=10.07; SD=4.49). The results of the study revealed significant differences with regard to foster sons, with whom foster mothers will be more strict than foster daughters. Compared to biological daughters and sons in biological mothers’ interactions with them, foster mothers in relation to their foster sons and daughters will exhibit more controlling behavior, inconsistency in educational tactics, and consider themselves more authoritative parents. The results of the study show that parent-child interaction in biological and foster mothers, depends not so much on the gender of the children, but on the form of their parenthood. Keywords: forms of family placement, parent-child interaction, foster mothers, foster sons, foster daughters, biological mothers, biological sons, biological daughters | 623 | |||||
998 | The article outlines the methodical concept, views the procedure of organization and holding and evaluates pedagogical capabilities and current results of the All-Russian literary game contest “Cities on the Asphalt...”, which is based on the short story of the same name by Tomsk fantasy and science fiction writer Viktor Kolupaev and has been held under the foundation of the Tomsk Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A. S. Pushkin since 2015 to the present. The author analyzes the game content produced in seven seasons (names, drawings and descriptions of “cities for alien”, lists of game roles, features of project presentation), traces the ethical, socially-oriented and creative component of the contestants’ activities, identifies the principles of interaction between sources of game design (the text of the reference short story, “fantasy and science fiction standard”, a variety of background knowledge, including specific ones related to ethno-confessional traditions and local history information), characterizes the measures to optimize the pedagogical effects of the game. The study showed that the emotional acceptance of the ethical message of the reference short story, which determines the general orientation of the game activity, is in most cases unconditional, while the social attitudes and creative self-expression of the players may require pedagogical regulation. Keywords: humanistic fantasy and science fiction, literary games, social games, role-playing games, project activities of pupils, stimulating of creativity, moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren | 623 | |||||
999 | The article reviews the issue of risky behavior in the online world – the bullying behavior in the Internet. It gives a description of the phenomenon of cyberbullying and how it negatively affects the mental and emotional state of children and adolescents. Particular attention is paid to the spiritual and moral qualities of personality – personal spirituality and empathy, as determining factors in the process of cybersocialization of a child. The article describes the main diagnostic tools used by the authors – E. G. Norkina’s «Our Class» technique, M. Davis’ «Interpersonal Reactivity Index» adapted by T. D. Karyagina, N. A. Budagovskaya, S. V. Dubrovskaya and A. Husain and M. Anas’ «Spiritual Personality » questionnaire adapted by G. Ozhiganova. It provides the results of a research survey held among adolescents in the city of Tomsk. The study presents the bullying structure of schoolchildren, determines the level of spirituality and empathy of modern adolescents. The results revealed that the indicators of spirituality and empathy of modern schoolchildren in general are at an acceptable level. There was also established a connection between the indicators of personal spirituality, empathy and the implementation of cyberbullying. The results of the study revealed that the lack of development of spirituality and empathy may be associated with an increased risk of aggressive behavior, specifically cyberbullying. Keywords: cyberbullying, adolescent risky behavior, Internet risks, spirituality, empathy, bullying structure | 623 | |||||
1000 | Today, each enterprise is a unique system, the effective and high-quality functioning of which depends on the coherence in the work of all its elements. According to a number of psychologists and researchers in the field of management, such functioning is more determined by both the level of professional competence of employees of the enterprise and their motivational attitudes for professional activities. In this regard, one of the main tasks of the head is the understanding of the motivational sphere of employees and the features of its formation in order to build effective interaction and management with a prospect of further increase in labor productivity and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. To identify the features of the motivation of professional activity of employees of enterprises, 2 methods were used: the questionnaire “Motivation of professional activity” by K. Zamfira (modified by A.A. Rean) allows you to determine the structure of the motivational complex of the personality and the questionnaire of I.G. Kokurina “Dictionary”, which allows diagnosing the semantic orientations of employees of enterprises, as well as identifying the semantic motives of professional activity. Diagnostic tools are due to the peculiarity of enterprises and the possibility of a comprehensive study of the motivation for professional activities of their employees. The study involved 126 employees of Belgorod enterprises. In order to identify the dynamics of changes in the types of motivation and content motives of the professional activities of enterprises, depending on the length of service, we divided the sample into 5 groups: 1 group consisted of employees whose professional experience is less than 5 years, 2 groups - employees with experience from 5 to 10 years , 3 groups - employees with experience from 10 to 15 years, 4 groups - employees with experience from 15 to 20 years, 5 groups - employees with experience over 20 years. During the study, it was revealed that most employees of enterprises are dominated by external positive motivation and resulting orientation towards professional activities. The results of a comparative analysis made it possible to conclude that there are differences in the types of motivation and types of semantic orientation of employees depending on the experience of professional activity, namely: the more experience, the more pronounced the internal motivation over external and procedural orientation over the resulting. Keywords: motivation of professional activity, internal motivation, external positive motivation, external negative motivation, semantic orientation of employees, procedural orientation of employees | 620 |