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1101 | Transformations connected with modern processes of informatization and digitalization make a person’s habitual living environment fundamentally different and change himself, requiring new forms of behavior and choices of a model of action. In the paradigm of existential psychology, the article substantiates the thesis about irrationality as a potential resource for coping with the experience of discomfort of uncertainty. The author reviews irrationality as a manner of thinking, as a way of behavior in a diverse social reality, as a mode of existence of an individual in conditions of uncertainty and as an integral part of the modern self. The novelty of the author’s approach lies in the fact that irrationality is seen as a specific extra way of compensating for the accelerating obsolescence of individual experience, the non-adulting of contemporary people and the becoming of a fragmentary identity. Using irrationality contributes to the transformation of modern man into an “open system” and actualizes the ability to behave, shifting the frames between the already accepted, “own” senses and values of the subject and those potentially possible and realizable for him. A comparative analysis of the possibilities of rational and irrational behavior in situations where existing experience is insufficient but a person cannot avoid the need to make decisions and act is carried out. The author formulates provisions about the possibilities of an irrational attitude in interaction with reality as the basis of transgressive behavior and the use of new possible “logics” (axiologic, Bayesian logic, imaginative logic) in a person’s exploration of reality and himself. Keywords: uncertainty, personality, experience, rationality, irrationality, identity | 501 | |||||
1102 | Digital transformations in the society influence higher education thus moving it towards the digital format. Digital tools and online resources are becoming an integral part of teaching and learning in and out of the classroom. Educators, however, face difficulties in choosing the most appropriate and effective formats for using these resources due to low awareness of all the advanced online tools and poor command of the English language. The article aims to analyze the options for using interactive online tools in teaching a foreign language based on the experience of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU). This goal can be achieved by solving the following tasks: 1) analyze and classify available online resources for teaching and learning; 2) identify the most effective formats for using interactive online tools to intensify the teaching and learning of foreign languages by university students. The following methods are used in the article: analysis of online resources and articles describing the use of these resources, and discussions with teachers who teach foreign languages using these resources. The results showed that the online educational resources can be classified into the following groups: MOOCs, LMS-platforms, online conference platforms, interactive boards and interactive tools. The most efficient formats of using interactive tools for teaching foreign languages to university students are interactive flashcards and games with them for introducing new vocabulary, open tests for checking the vocabulary learnt, multiple choice and true/false tests for working with new texts. Hands-on experience of using these formats out of class and in class at KNRTU can be used at other universities. Further research will focus on factors and barriers of using interactive online tools in teaching English at the universities. Keywords: digitalization, online teaching and learning resources, interactive online tools, foreign language teaching and learning, international partnership | 496 | |||||
1103 | The relationship between smartphone addiction and psychological ill-being established in research prompted the introduction of a new construct – “problematic smartphone use.” This study tests the hypothesis of the relationship between problematic smartphone use and Machiavellianism, personality orientation, and communication skills. Data for the empirical study were collected through online testing of 713 respondents in Belarus and Russia, including 361 women and 350 men. The working hypothesis was confirmed: the study showed that problematic smartphone use is positively correlated with Machiavellianism, self-direction, dependent and aggressive behavior, and negatively with task focus, confident behavior and age. These conclusions about the connections between problematic smartphone use and Machiavellianism and types of behavior correspond to similar foreign results. The relationship between problematic smartphone use and personality orientation has not previously been studied. The practical significance of the results obtained includes their possible use in preventive work to prevent students from falling into a state of smartphone addiction. Keywords: problematic smartphone use, Machiavellianism, personality orientation, communication skills | 495 | |||||
1104 | The article is devoted to the study of the emotional state of specialists working in the region bordering the Northern Military District zone. The purpose of the study was to identify the characteristics of the emotional state, the degree of neuropsychic stress and mechanisms of coping behavior of employees of construction sector enterprises working in the region bordering the special military operation zone. The following methods were used: “Current state” (L. V. Kulikov), “Determination of neuropsychic stress” (T. Nemchin), “Methods of coping behavior” (R. Lazarus). The study involved 50 employees of the Regional state budgetary institution “Capital Construction Department of the Belgorod Region”, aged 22-45 years with work experience from 3 to 25 years, as well as 30 employees of a construction company from another region (Lipetsk Region). The work analyzes the connections and patterns of influence of coping behavior on the current emotional state and the degree of neuropsychic stress. It is concluded that construction sector specialists working in border areas are faced with factors that cause significant and moderate neuropsychic stress; the predominance of maladaptive strategies for coping with everyday stressful situations leads to an increase in the level of negative emotions. Since the current mental state, coping strategies and the level of neuropsychic stress are interconnected, forming adaptive coping strategies, it is possible to have a positive impact on the current mental state and the level of neuropsychic stress in specialists. Keywords: emotional state, level of neuropsychic tension, coping behavior, coping strategies | 494 | |||||
1105 | The issues of qualitative changes in the content of the educational subject «Labor (technology)» are considered in the context of the requirements of the updated FGOS basic general education for the results of mastering the basic educational program at the level of basic general education. The factors that influenced the change in the content of the subject area «Technology» and the educational subject «Labor (technology)» are considered. The format of the modular structure of the educational subject «Labor (technology)» proposed by the Federal Work Program and the educational trajectories of its implementation are being investigated. Based on the data obtained, the pedagogical conditions for students to achieve meta-subject and subject learning outcomes in the academic subject «Labor (technology)» (contextuality of learning; organization of active design and research activities of students; creation of conditions that initiate independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren) are revealed; features of teacher training for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education and FRP on the academic subject «Labor (technology)» (the ability to define and formulate cognitive universal educational actions in the context of the subject content; the ability to concretize the subject results for each module and level from 5th to 9th grade). Based on the analysis of the updated content of the subject area «Technology», the actual professional deficits of the teacher for the implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education and FRP for the academic subject «Labor (technology)»: the ability to develop and implement the content of variable modules that form an integrated picture of scientific and technological knowledge among schoolchildren; «universal» teacher competencies that form students functional and technological literacy, design and creative thinking skills, the ability to focus students’ attention on learning the latest technologies and professions; the teacher has interdisciplinary knowledge, skills to work with modern technological equipment, the formation of ICT and IT competencies; the ability to use digital didactics, immersive learning tools in the process of technological training and adaptation of these digital tools to the conditions of specialized subject technological training. Keywords: directions of technological development, technological training of schoolchildren, modular structure of the educational subject, design and research activities, professional teacher deficits | 493 | |||||
1106 | The issue of resocialization of convicts is becoming more and more important. In this regard, the main objectives of institutions and bodies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia are correction and prevention of committing new crimes by both convicts and other persons. Since the process of correction is directly related to the educational impact on convicts, there is a high need for a proper level of professional and pedagogical competence of the staff serving in institutions and bodies of the penal correction system. Professional competence implies the presence of necessary knowledge, skills and abilities. In order to form the necessary competence of the staff of penal institutions and bodies, educational institutions of the Federal Penal Correction Service of Russia provide training for the staff newly recruited to the penal correctional system, cadets, as well as penal correctional system staff undergoing training under additional training and requalification programs in order to implement proper and effective work with inmates. The effectiveness of the training is conditioned by the conduct of varied classes with students, the use of various methods and forms of lectures, seminars and practical classes. During the disclosure of the topic, the author provides positive dynamics of accumulation of professional competencies of the staff, associated with the improvement of the organization of practical training for cadets. In the course of analyzing the empirical materials, the author found out that the learning process in the group under study has become more meaningful due to the updating of the tasks for the training of cadets. Keywords: educational process, teachers, professional competence, educational work, cadets, types of practical training | 492 | |||||
1107 | The author shows the stages of formation of foreign language professional lexical competence based on the use of previous and current interdisciplinary connections, characterizes the skills of each stage in the process of formation of the professional lexical competence, gives an example of the developed plan for systematic interaction between students and teacher emphasizing the impact of the plan on the stage formation of students’ oral speech. The article touches the psychophysiological basis of lexical skills which is the automated dynamic links as unity of semantic and auditoryspeech-motor images of certain lexical items in the process of their application in speech activities. The formation of this kind of links determines automated processes of vocabulary application in a coherent speech context causing the effective formation of foreign language professional lexical competence. The described stages involve the use of interdisciplinary connections at the stage of formation of language lexical skills as an initial component of lexical competence, at the stage of formation of lexical skills of reproductive-productive oral speech as the progressive constituent of professional lexical competence and at the stage of spontaneous speech as the stage of application of productive lexical skills that determine the formation of professional lexical competence. Keywords: foreign language professional lexical competence, interdisciplinary connections, professionally oriented disciplines, professional vocabulary, oral-speech interaction, lexical skills of professionally oriented oral speech, stages of formation of professional lexical competence | 490 | |||||
1108 | In the process of informatization and networkization of the Russian society, the process of formation of a modern national educational system is underway, an integral part of which is the system of training teachers. The article systematizes individual theoretical ideas of the formation of modern pedagogical education. The thesis is proved that the use of modern methods of organizing the educational process and blended learning in professional pedagogical education, in particular, provides an increase in the level of subjectivity of the future teacher, leads to an increase in the flow of information that students need not only to accept and understand, but also process and apply. in future professional activities. The features of the organization of the educational process in a pedagogical university when using a mixed model of organizing the educational process in physical culture and elective courses include: 1. The possibility of conducting training sessions and elective courses in physical culture and online, using the university’s remote portals, which involves independent work of students with consulting support of teachers and evaluation of their work. 2. The use of backup channels and means ensure continuous communication and support for the stability of the educational process. 3. The cyclic construction of educational activities for the study of each topic has a clear algorithm and planned results of each stage of its organization, which determines the possibility of entering individual educational trajectories, including using online learning. 4. A feature of the individual rotation model is the organization of activities at the stages of quasi-independent and independent activities, which changes due to internal differentiation, but becomes more flexible due to the zoning of work stages when using blended learning. The use of blended learning in the process of preparing a future teacher, evaluating the effectiveness of mastering the course, involves the formation of skills for independent work of students, increasing the level of organization and intensification of the educational process, activating the work of faculty and students to update and improve the content and methods of teaching, etc. Keywords: organization, training, future teachers, blended learning, physical education | 489 | |||||
1109 | The article examines the problem of lexicographical representation of Russian proverbs to Korean students of Russian studies. The concept of an innovative paremiological dictionary is presented, which can be used to develop the linguocultural competence of future teachers of Russian as a foreign language and translators. A special feature of the dictionary is its cross-cultural nature: linguocultural commentary accompanies not only Russian proverbs, but also their Korean equivalents. The principles of material selection are described, all parametric zones of a dictionary entry are considered, and a sample of a complete bilingual lexicographical description of a Russian proverb and its equivalent is given. The methods of working in a student group with each zone of the dictionary entry are shown, and it is indicated which parameters of linguocultural competence this work is aimed at forming. Particular attention is paid to creative tasks, when students, using recommended sources, develop linguocultural comments on Russian and Korean proverbs. The data from the final control showed that the experimental work carried out with lexicographic materials turned out to be an effective means of developing the linguistic competence of Korean students, increasing interest in paremiology and motivation to study the Russian language and culture. This confirms the practical significance of the study, the materials of which can be used in classes on Russian as a foreign language and in the compilation of educational dictionaries of proverbs. In scientific terms, the research results presented in the article complement the theoretical basis of the cross-cultural approach to teaching a non-native language. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, linguoculturology, linguoculturological competence, educational lexicography, paremiological dictionary, cross-cultural approach to lexicography, dictionary entry, linguoculturological commentary on proverbs | 488 | |||||
1110 | A summary of the existing experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language for foreign students studying in the “Jurisprudence” profile is presented. It is emphasized that the study of the communicative behavior of a linguistic personality in the professional field, especially in the legal field, requires taking into account linguistic and cultural factors in their totality. Legal terminology reflects national legal traditions, the historical development of society, its legal principles and ideology. The complexity of professional interaction in the legal field is due to differences in the logic of codified law and ordinary moral and legal beliefs that each person possesses. In addition, each national legal system has its own unique logic, despite the presence of certain universal features. The training of specialists in the subject area of “Jurisprudence” within the framework of multicultural education is characterized by the need to overcome a number of difficulties. Among the problems is the need to develop adequate forms, methods and means of teaching that allow effective interpretation of legal texts that are complex in their syntactic organization and content. Special attention should be paid to working with Russian legal terminology. The main methods and approaches to teaching Russian as a foreign language are covered in the aspect of considering it as a language of specialty, as well as the application of these methods in the context of teaching legal terminology and specific language structures to foreign students - future lawyers. The issue of developing communication skills necessary for successful communication in the legal field is explored. Keywords: linguodidactics, Russian as a foreign language, multicultural communication, specialty “Jurisprudence”, language of specialty | 488 | |||||
1111 | The relevance of the topic of the article is due to the undeniable importance of the formation of professional motivation for the academic achievements of future teachers in the process of studying in higher education, their successful professional adaptation, and self-realization in the teaching profession. Individualization of the educational process through students building an individual educational trajectory (IET) of personal and professional development and education acts as a key factor determining the development of positive professional motivation of future teachers (freedom of choice of training courses, sources of information, methods and means of independent work that satisfy the need in autonomy, competence, affiliation). One of the forms of individualization of professional training of future teachers - undergraduate students is the organization of the educational process according to the “2+2” or “2+3” scheme (with two profiles), providing applicants with the opportunity to enter an enlarged group of specialties/directions (UGSN) with subsequent choosing the direction of training and profiles of the educational program after the second year. The implementation of the “2+2(3)” training scheme at the Moscow City Pedagogical University revealed that students have difficulties associated with undeveloped skills of independent work, self-regulation of educational activities, responsibility for their professional choice, etc., which indicates the relationship between the success of training students in IET with the development of professional motivation of students (interest in teaching activities, awareness of its social significance, activity, perseverance, perseverance in achieving goals, etc.). Purpose of the study: to develop the structure and content of tutor support for bachelors of pedagogical education, including motivational support for the implementation of IOT. Research methods: analytical review of domestic and foreign scientific sources, comparative analysis, generalization of results, design. Results. The structure of tutor support is formed by four interconnected stages formed in the educational practice of universities (information-diagnostic, design, organizational-technological, evaluative-reflective). At each stage, the tutor, in the process of subject-subject interaction with the tutor, selectively influences his motivational states (desires, interests, aspirations, intentions, etc.), motivating, directing and supporting the tutor’s activities in the process of designing and implementing IOT. Keywords: undergraduate students, positive professional motivation, individual educational trajectory, motivational support, future teachers | 487 | |||||
1112 | The issues of formation of life plans of students staying in late adolescence are considered. The main idea of the study was that the key abilities of life planning are of ageless significance. The purpose of the empirical study was to identify and evaluate the quality of students’ life plans and the possibility of using the planning skills acquired in youth in old age. To do this, it was necessary to identify what elements of planning can and should be mastered in adolescence, so that they allow them to adapt to life after the end of their working career and ensure life satisfaction in old age. The study involved 80 students of Bunin Yelets State University. The experiment and the method of expert assessments were used as research methods. The experts were non-working pensioners aged 65 to 74 years. It was found that the current life plans of students are sketchy, unsystematic and monotonous. In this version, they cannot provide effective preparation for life at other ages. Experts, based on their own life experience, taking into account the mistakes of planning their own life in late adolescence, identified six positions by which it is necessary both to assess the quality of planning life schedules and to specifically form them. It is these positions that were poorly represented or not presented at all in the plans-reports of students. In particular, this is the structuring of personal time; special individual habits; family responsibilities; organization of communication with friends; key events of the week and month; contribution to the organization of their personal space. It is noted that one of the tools for preparing for life in late ontogenesis can be mentoring on the issues of planning one’s life. Keywords: life planning, life strategies, personality of an elderly person, old age, late youth | 485 | |||||
1113 | The article considers the possibility of using methodological potential of concrete poetry for writing development in foreign language teaching at universities. The two-stage experiment of employing concrete poetry texts for teaching writing in German consisted of the reproductive stage and the productive stage. The teaching of creating poetic works was based on “from simple to complex” principle. At the reproductive stage students got acquainted with the genre of concrete poetry: its definition, history, traditions and the most prominent concrete poets. They focused on the original poetic work, imitated its structure. At the productive stage students created poetic works of their own. A survey was conducted among 3d and 4th year students majoring in Linguistics at the Department for the Humanities at Novosibirsk State Technical University. The paper gives recommendations on how to use concrete poetry texts in teaching writing skills at German lessons, provides examples of student’s works. Finally, the key findings are analyzed. The main purpose of the experiment is achieved: the methodological potential of concrete poetry is unleashed. The use of concrete poetry texts makes it possible to improve students’ motivation for writing in a foreign language, to develop creative skills, self-expression and self-knowledge and make writing in a foreign language more expressive and original. Keywords: concrete poetry, development of foreign language written speech, teaching German, development of creative skills | 483 | |||||
1114 | The article is devoted to the study of the motivational sphere of students of various forms of higher education. It is noted that the features of the motivational sphere significantly affect the satisfaction of students with the learning process and, ultimately, the realization of their personal potential in the chosen types of professional activities. The purpose of this study is to study the motivational sphere of students’ personality and to identify the degree of satisfaction - dissatisfaction of actual basic needs: material, security, interpersonal relations, respect and self-actualization, as well as to determine the prevailing type of motivation (success or failure) taking into account the form of education. The study involved 173 second-year students (26 boys and 147 girls): 85 students of the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after K. Minin of the correspondence department (NSPU) of the faculties of psychology and pedagogy (41 people), physical culture and sports (21 people), humanities (23 people); 89 students of the Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod: 43 full-time and part-time students of the Faculty of Social Sciences (UNN) and 46 full-time students of this faculty (UNN). Students are between 18 and 25 years old. To diagnose the actual basic needs: in financial situation, in security, in interpersonal relations, in respect, in self-realization, we used the method “Hierarchy of Needs”, modified by I. A. Akindinova, which allows us to determine the level of their satisfaction. To diagnose the prevailing type of motivation, the method “Motivation for Success and Fear of Failure” (EOR) by A. A. Reanwas used. It should be noted that the majority of students in all study groups are at the level of partial satisfaction of needs. Significant differences between groups were found in satisfaction with interpersonal relationships, needs for respect, and needs for self-actualization. A higher level of motivation for success was found in part-time and part-time students, compared to full-time students. The results obtained allow us to conclude that students of different forms of education differ in the level of satisfaction of basic needs and the prevailing type of motivation. At the same time, the specificity of satisfying a particular need is related to the social situation of students’ development. Keywords: motivational sphere, full-time, part-time and part-time students, satisfaction of basic needs according to A. Maslow, motivation of success – failure | 481 | |||||
1115 | The report provides a comparative analysis of school essays on the topic “Review of a book read” written by sixth graders in 1985, 2005 and 2022. For analysis, the compositions of students from schools 88 (Seversk), 36, 49 schools (Tomsk) were used. A comparative analysis of the essays demonstrates how the reading preferences of Soviet schoolchildren (generation X), teenagers of generation zero (Y) and the modern generation (Z) have changed, and also shows the formation of textual competence among schoolchildren. Soviet schoolchildren loved to read books about exploits and heroism. Favorite authors are Reuvem Fraerman, Arkady Gaidar, Lev Davydychev. Generation zero was interested in adventures, science fiction, horror, children’s romance novels. Favorite authors – Robert Stein, Joan Rowling, John Ronald Ruel Tolkien, Sergey Lukyanenko. Digital children prefer comics, manga and fan fiction. Favorite authors are Ida Iro, Wakui Ken, Koeharu Gotoge, Diana Jones, Cornelia Funke. A comparison of the essays showed that Soviet schoolchildren were most conscientious about the task. The reviews have a clear structure, there is logic, one’s own opinion is expressed. The minus of the reviews is the ideology and the template. Millennial reviews do not have a clear composition, thoughts are expressed chaotically, but there are criticisms and jokes. The writings of digital children are the most concise, they do not contain reflections. Conclusions are presented regarding the prospects of working with teenagers in literature lessons Keywords: textual competence, methods of teaching literature, theory of generations, generation X, millennials, zoomers, digital children, modern teenage literature, reading circle of teenagers, book review | 480 | |||||
1116 | The purpose of the study is to determine the features of organizing extracurricular unsupervised work (EUW) in a foreign language in a mixed learning format and the prospects for increasing its effectiveness. The authors have considered modern approaches to designing unsupervised student’s work in the context of digital transformation of education and the problems faced by the participants of the learning process. Within the framework of the study, at the end of the 2022/2023 academic year, a survey of 200 students from various fields of study in the Moscow Polytechnic University was conducted to identify the students’ assessment of EUW organization. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the consideration of specific features in EUW design and organization in the emerging reality of digital education environment in a mixed format of FL learning as well as in an attempt to optimize it. As a result of the study, it was found that digital learning environment requires developing new approaches to EUW organization; students positively assess the organization of EUW and demonstrate a conscious responsible attitude towards EUW as a significant factor in successful completion of a foreign language course; there is a request for assignments directly related to solving professional problems or modeling professional activities. Keywords: extracurricular unsupervised students’ work, perception, foreign language, mixed format, nonlinguistic field of study | 480 | |||||
1117 | The article deals with the problem of formation of the ability of younger schoolchildren to recognize and create texts of various structural and semantic types. The authors present the organization of work with contaminated literary text in elementary school. The approaches to the definition of this linguistic phenomenon are analyzed, and the ambiguity in the understanding of this linguistic definition in science is revealed. The article presents a methodology for working with contaminated texts, describes the types of work with artistic text in school practice. Using the example of a student survey, the difficulties encountered when working with contaminated texts in elementary school are characterized. The necessity of early work with such texts is justified. Using a specific example, the features of the analysis of observation of the linguistic properties of a contaminated text are described, which allow students to draw a conclusion about the signs and properties of contaminated texts. Questions have been developed that the teacher can use in his methodological activities in the lesson. The causes of learning difficulties when working with contaminated texts are revealed. The authors propose methodological techniques for working with such texts that can be used in school practice in elementary grades. Keywords: junior high primary school student, structural and semantic types of speech, contamination, methods of speech development, meta-subject skill, technique of analyzing observation | 479 | |||||
1118 | The application of digital technologies in education leads to the use of innovations in teaching and learning models. Each teaching method has its own features and advantages and plays a unique role in the teaching process, it should be noted that the Team-based learning (hereinafter TBL) teaching method. The application of blended learning model, which is based on TBL methodology, in higher teacher education is considered. The characteristics of the TBL learning method are presented, and the competences that teachers need to possess to ensure effective application of the blended learning model based on the TBL method in pedagogical courses are defined. An attempt is made to apply it to the basic course of teacher education (“Specifics and norms of teacher’s professional ethics”) in accordance with the requirements of innovations in the educational process. Exploring the concept and existing practice of the model, a model of blended learning adapted to the educational discipline and specific ways of its implementation were proposed. The research resulted in recommendations and ideas for the application of TBL-based blended learning models in the field of pedagogical science. The blended learning design framework and implementation process developed in our study can guide all teachers when conducting or optimizing blended learning. Keywords: team-based learning (TBL), blended learning model, instructional design, pedagogical innovation, instructional reform, pedagogical discipline | 478 | |||||
1119 | The issue of the specifics of the adaptation of somatically weakened children to a new social situation when entering preschool is considered. The characteristic of the concept of “adaptation” is given, approaches to understanding adaptation – biological and socio-psychological – are analyzed, emphasis is placed on the characteristics of health groups, as well as the term “somatically weakened children”. The results of an empirical study of the individual psychological characteristics of adaptation to preschool education of young children with different levels of health are presented through consideration of the level of their adaptation. The vast majority of children belonging to the healthy group have a high level of adaptability. Such children are calm, joyful during their stay in preschool, there are no whims, reactions of fear and protest, they actively contact a group of peers and teachers. Somatically impaired children are diagnosed with an average or low level of adaptability. Representatives of this group demonstrate an unstable emotional state or, conversely, there are no reactions at all or may be characterized by quiet crying, lack of active movements, lack of attempts to resist, passive submission, depression, tension. The results presented in this article allow us to conclude that about fifty percent of the children of the randomly generated sample have some kind of health problems. It is shown that somatically weakened children have a number of obvious difficulties that interfere with them in everyday life and may interfere in the future, including during adaptation to pre-school education. Keywords: adaptation, level of adaptability, level of health, somatically weakened children | 477 | |||||
1120 | New highlights in the work of educational establishment concerning the formation of schoolchildren’ healthy lifestyle and revealing the features of modern technological way of life and a human in it are shown. The necessity of the formation of the future teacher of physical training readiness to solve the tasks of obesity prevention among school children is justified. The data of own empirical studies presenting the understanding of the future teachers of physical training of their professional subjectivity in this context are provided. The understanding of the future teachers (applicants of the Tomsk State Pedagogical College and Tomsk State Pedagogical University and the 2nd and 3rd year students of Tomsk State Pedagogical College) of the tasks, opportunities and means of the educational work of a school physical training teacher in the sphere of obesity prevention among school children is indicated. The authors’ perspective of (the method of educational design) the educational module aimed at the formation of physical training teacher’s competences connected with interdisciplinary interactions with teachers of other school subjects is presented. This view includes the solvation of the tasks dealing with the formation in schoolchildren of healthy lifestyle value and the health saving skills involving the aspect of obesity prevention in the practice of educational work. The perspectives of using medical and pedagogical projects aimed at the development of healthy lifestyle motivation in schoolchildren and the formation of the behavioral norms, connected with the obesity prevention are shown. The importance of interdisciplinary cooperation of specialists (both on the local level and on the level of interaction of different professional spheres) is actualized. The methods used in the investigation include: theoretical analysis, survey (questionnaire and interview). Keywords: obesity prevention in schoolchildren, professional subjectivity of the teacher, prevention of excess weight as a multi-subjective practice, interdisciplinary interaction of school teachers, medical and pedagogical projects | 477 | |||||
1121 | The article reveals the essence, content and structure of independent work in the modern educational process of military universities. Independent work of cadets is considered as a set of measures aimed at studying the material by cadets according to the curriculum in a specially allotted time. It enhances such personal qualities of a cadet as initiative, self-organization, creativity, and is also a process of deepening and consolidating the educational material. Through well-organized independent work, there is an increase in the level of knowledge, organization, self-control and personal discipline. The role of independent work of cadets in a military university is obvious, since only through self-education can one achieve a depth of assimilation of theoretical knowledge, professional skills and abilities. Independent work is organized outside the classroom and performs cognitive, developmental, educational, stimulating, controlling and corrective functions, as well as the function of self-management and self-control. The study was conducted in three platoons of cadets of the first and second courses of the St. Petersburg Military Order of Zhukov of the Institute of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation. Its purpose was to identify the state of the problem under consideration and to search for effective forms and methods of its organization. In the course of the study, theoretical and empirical methods were used. Theoretical sources were analyzed, various theories of independent activity were compared. Empirical data were obtained using a questionnaire and interview method. At the final stage of the experiment, the method of expert assessments was involved. In the process of independent work, cadets prepare for lectures, seminars, speeches at conferences, and project work. At the same time, they can prepare for tests and exams. Independent work acts as one of the most important areas of educational activity in a military university and is mandatory for every cadet. Regular and well-organized independent work helps to increase the level of academic performance, initiative, determination, self-control. The cadets assimilate the educational material more effectively when their independent work is not only provided with the methodological support of the teacher, but is also competently controlled by the unit commanders, which was noted by 725 respondents. The study made it possible to identify the features of the organization of independent work in a military university, the difficulties in its implementation, to develop practical recommendations and proposals for improving the efficiency of independent work of cadets. It was found that increasing the efficiency and improving the organization of independent work in a military university is determined by the strengthening of the military professional training of cadets, the uniform distribution of outfits between the departments of the university, the well-thought-out organization of independent training of cadets, the availability of teaching aids, educational materials, information base, control by professorial teaching staff and unit commanders. Keywords: independent work of cadets, self-organization, methodological support and control, ways to improve the organization of independent work | 476 | |||||
1122 | The article aims to present the results of the study of the characteristics of the avoidance strategy as a coping behaviour, as a way of resolving conflicts, and as a model of decision making. The battery of tests includes the Amirkhan dominant Coping Strategies Identification test (CSI), the Thomas-Kilmann test of predisposition to conflict behaviour (TKI), the Melbourne Decision Making Questionnaire test (MDMQ), D.A. Leontiev Life-purpose orientations test (LPO). Sample size was n=70. Testing was conducted simultaneously among two groups of male students receiving a legal education. The first group consisted of 18-year-old students of 1-2 years of study (n=34). The second group consisted of 22-year-old students of 4-5 years of study (n=36). It was found that 22-year-old students are more prone to es-cape stressful situations. However, they are less inclined to an avoidance strategy in conflicts-to-avoiding when choosing in uncertain situations. At the same time, they demonstrate a greater degree of flexibility of behaviour in stressful, conflict situations and when choosing in conditions of uncertainty, as well as greater comprehension of the system of life goals than 18-year-old students. According to the authors of the article, this is due to the high level of development of the image of the professional world due to the higher level of mastering the chosen profession among 22-year-old students completing their studies, compared to their younger colleagues just starting vocational training. Keywords: avoidance, coping strategy, conflict behaviour, decision making, life-purpose orientation | 473 | |||||
1123 | One of the most important aspects of modern preschool education is analyzed, as well as a significant problem of society – the formation of the communicative culture of older preschoolers. Preschool age is a special stage in the process of personality formation. It is during this period that the foundations of the ability to build harmonious relationships with others, establish communication, and find a common language in various situations are laid. Success in the formation of a preschooler’s communicative culture affects the child’s socialization, expands the possibilities of cognition and activity, and allows full participation in the life of society. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the problem of forming the communicative culture of senior preschool children, as well as the proposed means of solving this problem through the introduction of children’s journalism into the pedagogical process in project activities, as well as the description and interpretation of the results of the study. Research methods: the proposed miniprojects, which are part of the global Crane project, represent both the theoretical basis of this study and the practical result of solving the problem of a low level of communicative culture in the experimental group by forming the communicative culture of senior preschoolers by means of children’s journalism in project activities. A model of the formation of the communicative culture of senior preschoolers by means of children’s journalism in project activities is presented. Based on the built-up model, practical work with children of the experimental group was designed. It was possible to identify, substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the influence of children’s journalism in project activities on the formation of the communicative culture of older preschoolers. The data of the control experiment convincingly prove the expediency of the conditions developed and tested by us. Keywords: communicative culture, project activity, children’s journalism, communication, preschool age | 471 | |||||
1124 | The problem of the quality of professional training of environmental designers is considered, expressed in the absence of students of personal and semantic inclusion in professional activity. The reasons affecting the level of meaning and goal setting in the process of teaching environmental design in higher education are analyzed. Ways of understanding and formation of professional identity are characterized. It has been established that the strengthening of the semantic component in the system of professional training of environmental designers at the university is facilitated by the semantic modeling of the image of oneself in the future profession in the context of personal characteristics and existing experience. Mechanisms of professional self-determination have been identified, involving semantic modeling of the image of oneself in the future profession, which actuates the essential forces of a person on the formation of personal qualities, social activity and the ability to independently target and readiness for self-realization in the field of design. The provisions of the methodology for teaching environmental design have been determined, effectively forming motivational attitudes among students in obtaining a profession and developing their professional skills and skills. The conditions for the personal-oriented training of students - future environmental designers, taking into account the formation of meaning, are described. Keywords: professional self-determination, meaning formation, goal setting, value orientations, motivation, higher design education, medium design training methodology | 468 | |||||
1125 | One of the necessary conditions and prerequisites for the development of modern youth is socionatural interaction in the system “man – society – nature”, which includes a change in the image of nature that has developed in society and the construction of a new paradigm in which the regulator of relations between man and nature is ecological volunteer activity. While examining psychological and pedagogical literature on environmental volunteering, the authors discuss the origins of the term “volunteering” and its key characteristics. The authors conducted a comparative analysis of the concepts of “volunteer”, “volunteering”, “volunteer activity”, “environmental volunteering” based on Kazakhstan, Russian and foreign theoretical experience. After reviewing the literature, it was found that “volunteering” and “volunteerism” are essentially the same, so the authors of this study choose to use the term “volunteering” because it is more widely recognized internationally. By examining different perspectives on volunteering, the study was able to define and emphasize the main qualities of a volunteer as someone who participates in volunteer activities. Environmental volunteering is considered by the authors in the same way as a method of educational work with students of a higher educational institution, during the development of which social activity is formed, such qualities as justice, tolerance, kindness, friendliness and diligence are brought up. In turn, cultural and moral education develops, a certain civic position, working capacity, etc. Thus, in this paper, the essential foundations of environmental volunteering, as well as the signs of eco-volunteering as certain integral characteristics of it, which, according to the authors, are fundamental, are highlighted. Keywords: volunteer, volunteering, environmental volunteering, volunteer activity, eco-volunteer, ecological culture, environmental education, university | 468 | |||||
1126 | Inclusion is a concept that seeks to ensure equal opportunities and accessibility of education for all children, including students and pupils with different nosologies. However, despite the positive aspects of inclusion, such a progressive education system does not always meet the educational needs of children with dysontogenesis, which hinders the realization of the potential of such pupils and students. The problem is that teachers do not have sufficient knowledge and skills to work effectively with children of various categories, which can lead to insufficient support and results. The purpose of the article is to identify markers of safe inclusive support for children with disabilities in psychophysical development. The article analyzes the resources and support needed for a safe inclusive educational system. Identification and study by the author of the most relevant inclusion parameters allowed to identify the most important and significant markers of safe support of children with learning difficulties. Possible markers include the competence of the accompanying specialist, which is defined as a safety factor only in the case of versatility as a basic professional characteristic of the teacher. The survey shows that the majority of teachers demonstrate insufficient knowledge about the specific needs and requests of persons with developmental pathology, as well as limited professional communication skills with children. Special methods are needed to develop such a professional quality of a teacher as versatility. Keywords: children with disorders in psychophysical development, inclusive safety, markers of safe support, multidisciplinary specialist | 467 | |||||
1127 | Currently, in world practice, in connection with the creation of a unified educational space, one of the urgent issues is the internationalization of education and training of specialists that meet the requirements of time. The number of foreigners studying in Russia is constantly increasing, which significantly expands the scope of higher education. Russia is the country interested in cooperation with Chinese national initiative «One belt, One Road». This program focuses on the political, economic and exchange fields of promising students to build human potential. In the 2000s, China`s policy took a firm course towards the humanitarian paradigm. The values of education began to be considered as a resource of development of the country and nation. Only an educated person can become successful and useful for his country. Despite the global pandemic, the number of Chinese students and graduate students studying in Russia is increasing significantly today. As a strategic partners in cooperation Russia and China are constantly increasing Sino-Russian exchanges of students and postgraduates as a joint training of specialists in the field of education. Co-education allows young people to absorb the cultural essence and language of the two countries, expands the horizons of students and contributes to their general cultural and professional development. It emphasizes the need for knowledge of foreign languages for a modern person as a guarantee of his competitiveness in employment. The attractiveness of Russia for training Chinese youth indicates the strengthening of educational cooperation between the two countries. The model of co-education and student exchange corresponds to the complex multi-level training of specialists as a model of multi-channel cultural and educational Chinese-Russian cooperation. Keywords: Chinese-Russian cooperation, teaching staff, the demand for specialists with knowledge of the Russian language, employment of Chinese students after studying in Russia, teaching foreign languages at Chinese school | 465 | |||||
1128 | This article is aimed at implementing patriotic project of Tomsk State Pedagogical University “Victory Map”, the main idea of which is the idea of the common contribution of the front and rear to victory in Great Patriotic War. This article for the first time introduces into scientific circulation archival documents proving the contribution of one of the enterprises of the rear industry of Tomsk to victory over the enemy. On the example of the analysis of specially selected office documents, the transition of Tomsk confectionery factory “Red Star” to the military way of life is revealed, when the production of confectionery products for front and rear cedes its leading position to the production of food concentrates that are extremely necessary for front. This article analyzes the conditions of wartime (military mode of operation, lack of electricity, steam, fuel, water and raw materials) and their impact on changing the production structure of the factory, modernizing technological processes, reducing the range of sweet products associated with the search for sugar substitutes and other scarce raw materials. In article, quantitative information about the range of confectionery products (soft sweets, caramel, jam, gingerbread), the dynamics of its production from 1941 to 1945, multiplied by the selfless work of the team, confirms the real contribution of this factory to the overall victory. Within the framework of patriotic project “Victory Map”, this article is a relevant continuation of patriotic themes and can serve as practical material for patriotic project work with Tomsk students and schoolchildren. Keywords: archival document, Great Patriotic War, defense products, confectionery factory “Red Star”, patriotic education | 464 | |||||
1129 | The work is devoted to the actual problem of the use of messengers in the professional activities of a teacher; the concepts of “media literacy” and “media hygiene” are considered in the context of the media educational environment of a general educational institution; the results of the study on the problems of using instant messengers in pedagogical work are summarized. In connection with the total digitalization of education, the transformation of the educational environment into a digital educational environment in general educational organizations, components of the organizational and pedagogical conditions of education based on digital technologies have been formed. Among the resources and services used for receiving, storing and promptly transmitting information, messengers began to occupy an informal but significant place in the work of teachers. The aim of the study was to determine the level of proficiency in services for instant messaging by teachers as an indicator of their level of media literacy and media hygiene. A survey of teachers was conducted on the Yandex Forms constructor. The results of the study made it possible to assess the degree of skills in working with instant messengers and will be further used in the development of guidelines for teachers on media security and media hygiene in order to reduce the risks and threats of using instant messengers and optimize professional activities. Keywords: digital educational environment, media education environment, media literacy, media hygiene, instant messengers | 464 | |||||
1130 | The article analyzes the problems of AI technology acceptance in the educational environment. The study is based on the AIDUA adoption model and includes empirical data on digital acceptance/ resistance to AI adoption by the pedagogical community. The authors identify the socio-psychological and organizational roots of pedagogical digital resistance, offering recommendations for acceleration of AI adoption in teaching practices. The results of the empirical study allow to characterize the attitudes of digital resistance to the introduction of AI technologies. Primarily, these are related to the underestimation of social influence and expectations arising from the speed of technology diffusion, concerns about the potential of using AI technologies and the possible replacement of the educational staff due to the non-anthropomorphic nature of digital assistants, and fears of losing the emotional and personal component of education. The authors also investigate the relevant factors of restraint at different levels of the pedagogical community due to the inaccessibility of necessary resources, the lack of common approaches and protocols for the use of AI technologies, resistance on the part of the pedagogical community based on the preservation of traditions and values of classical education. The proposed strategies and organizational approaches are aimed at reducing resistance and creating a favorable environmental climate conducive to the successful introduction of new technologies in the educational process. The article highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach and integrated strategy for the effective use of the potential of artificial intelligence in education. Keywords: artificial intelligence technologies in education, diffusion of innovation, digital resistance, technology acceptance | 464 | |||||
1131 | The work is devoted to the phenomenon of initiative in the professional development of a student – a future teacher, to the study of the theory and practice of applying teacher training models based on the manifestation of professional initiatives. Different concepts and directions of “initiative” of students – future teachers at different levels of their education are considered. The object of study is the meaning formation of initiative in the structure of pedagogical knowledge, the features of its development in various conditions. To determine the dominant elements, classification, and identify sustainable models for the development of initiative, a structural analysis of various concepts was carried out, and current models for the formation of pedagogical initiative were identified. The sets of principles contributing to the development of initiative in education are identified. General theoretical principles include the principle of pragmatism; the principle of consciousness. Particular principles of working with students’ initiative are as follows: ensuring independent work of teachers in transferring previously acquired knowledge and skills to a new situation, using interactivity in the educational process, focusing on students’ search for subjectively new information during independent integration of the basis of a standard action into a solution, creating conditions for work with information and information technologies. The principles of personality development are considered as the main triggers that ensure the launch of an initiative. The initiative of a modern teacher is included in the system of his basic competencies as an immanent professional quality, at the same time it is determined by his individual characteristics, in particular, the possession of intuition, the ability to improvise. Keywords: the pedagogical initiative of the student, the structure of the teacher’s initiative, the model of the teacher’s initiative training, the principles of initiative | 461 | |||||
1132 | The article examines the issue of the interpretation of morals, values, and laws in philosophical, legal and psychological aspects. The authors note the expediency of studying these three categories, in not the traditional pairs “morals-values”, “values- laws” and “morals-laws”. From the position of legal philosophy, morality is influenced by external influences in the form of legal norms, but law itself is determined by moral guidelines. The interrelation between these categories does not initially exist in the consciousness of an individual; it arises and develops as their self-awareness develops. The “growing” of legal and moral ideas into valuable beliefs occurs as the individual takes the responsibility for his action, which can be moral (internal, subjective) and special (external, objective). The first type consists in filling the action with personal meaning, the second – the action to be done in accordance with moral and legal norms. Understanding the complex mechanism of interrelation and mutual transitions of morals, values and laws allows us to reveal the stages of formation of systemic psychological education as moral reliability. According to the authors, moral reliability reflects the unity of the three categories and includes the mechanisms of functioning moral-semantic, cognitive, regulatory and behavioral actions in the situation of choosing a way to obtain material benefits. Keywords: morality, law, values, personal moral strength | 459 | |||||
1133 | Methodological substantiations of the use of didactic tools as a leading tool that forms the motivational, cognitive and professional activities of workers at the enterprise in the conditions of a production training center are presented. The theoretical significance of the studied problem in the theory and practice of professional training of workers in the field of welding production is determined. The concepts of “in-house training”, “in-house training”, “training in the conditions of the enterprise” are clarified. It is reasonable to fill didactic tools as a category of auxiliary means for conducting training and production classes in the conditions of the training center of JSC “Nizhnetagilsky Metallurgical Combine” from the position of in-house training. In the current situation, continuous development becomes one of the priority processes for the country. Standards are changing at a high rate, new equipment and new technologies are emerging, such processes require constant development in the field of human qualifications. A high-tech enterprise requires qualified employees, but it should be understood that after a while their qualifications will again be insufficient. At the present stage of industrial training according to the retraining programs of workers, modern information carriers are introduced in the theory and practice of teaching special courses. Currently, the main part of educational and teaching materials, including the text part of lecture materials, literary sources, illustrations, graphs, flowcharts, tables, diagrams, instructional and instructional-technological maps, practical cases. Keywords: in-house training, training in the conditions of the enterprise, training of workers, welding production, didactics, didactic tools | 456 | |||||
1134 | Higher education is supposed to create a safe psychological environment for students, which is necessary for rapid adaptation, comfort of learning and personal development. However, there is a lot of literature on psychological safety, empirical studies are lacking at present. Our study is aimed at describing the personal component of psychological safety in risk groups and revealing the cultural effect in the perception of the educational environment in students, living in a dormitory, including foreigners. The method included a survey of 61 Russian and 62 Chinese students of Perm State University. We used the personality autonomy questionnaire to study the relationship between personality and environment. The attitude to the environment was measured using a spatial semantic differential. We have developed a questionnaire for registering cultural affiliation. The findings show that environment attitude is related to the student’s ability to create trusting, close relationships with people. The relationships quality is a connecting element in the structure of psychological safety for Chinese students. Russian students also assess environment safety by reliability category. It was revealed that person autonomy is connected with the attitude and perception to safe of space. Cultural differences allow students to identify different criteria for evaluating a space as psychologically safe. Keywords: psychological safety, university environment, dormitory, cultural characteristics, semantic assessment, personal psychological space | 456 | |||||
1135 | The scientific discourse of modern post-non-classical psychology is characterized by overcoming monodisciplinary language in describing the multidimensional phenomenology of human existence and those practices through which a person constitutes his subjectivity and reproduces a meaningful, human way of life. Such anthropological practices include thinking and art, which make it possible to continuously complete and transform the picture of the world (both at the level of the individual and at the level of social consciousness). A work of art, from the position of the author of the work, is not only a means of aesthetic transformation of reality, but also a symbolic expression of life itself, concentrated and aesthetically loaded with the thought of her. Reflecting on the aesthetic and conceptual aspects of a work of art, a person receives unique opportunities: to reveal the meaning of non-obvious sign-symbolic correspondences between the events of his own life and their artistic equivalents; productively rethink the individual way of being, overcome the inertia of everyday rationality. The article reveals and receives theoretical justification for the functional connection, phenomenological proximity, and mutual reversibility of thinking and art. In both practices, a certain unity of affect and intellect, concept and metaphor, fantasy and common sense is revealed. Thinking is an internal moment of any artistic creation, but it, in turn, receives an intentional impulse from the same noetic, motivational sources as art. The similarity of the dynamics of mental search (especially its first phases) with the dynamics of the artistic act is shown, as well as the inclusion of specific emotional states in both processes. An integral link between the mental and artistic act is imagination, the main function of which here is to defamiliarize things and undermine established ways of constructing meaning. The author, using the example of the relationship between the central and implicit parts of scientific theory, reveals the phenomenology of the “breakthrough” of human creative thought beyond the boundaries of routine mental activity. This effect is a consequence of the repeated collision of established methods of conceptualization with fantasy anomalies that the imagination produces, thereby opening up an alternative search for eidetic and symbolic solutions. Keywords: thinking, thought, mental search, art, artistic act, imagination, meaning | 452 | |||||
1136 | The problem of the insufficiency of the methodological culture of a teacher-musician is considered, the reasons for its emergence in the professional sphere and in the system of musical pedagogical training of students as future teacher-researchers are analyzed. This is a systematic indifferent attitude towards the school subject “Music” as a “peripheral” one, as well as the specificity of the training profile, due to the creative nature of the training context, which presupposes particularly labor-intensive and labor-intensive musical performance training. The role of educational practice (research work) in arousing interest to this type of professional training and involving students in design and research work is substantiated. Its positive influence and effectiveness are shown, expressed in active participation in research conferences and scientific and methodological seminars with reports and publication of scientific articles, development of creative research projects. The results of a questionnaire survey of 4th year students who had an annual educational practice (research work) are presented. The answers of the interviewees confirmed the increase of their methodical literacy, interest, activity and effectiveness in design and research activities, its positive influence on forming of methodical culture and, in general, professional culture of the future music teacher. Keywords: methodology, methodology culture, studying practice (scientific researchwork), teacher-musician, teacher-researcher | 452 | |||||
1137 | The models of Self created in foreign psychology are considered. Their place is taken into account in broader theories to classify models of the Self. For this purpose, larger theories are divided into groups. They were separated and refined by psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, socio-psychological, narrative and existential-humanistic models of the Self. In psychodynamic models, the Self refers to the areas of consciousness and subconscious, considering them together. In this case, the Self differentiates and splits through divergence and fragmentation, or, conversely, deals with convergence and the emergence of a holistic Self. Behavioral patterns demonstrate a behavioral view of the Self. It included the Self as ongoing activity, including external behavior, verbal behavior and internal activity. Cognitive models refer to descriptions, prescriptions, and expectations about qualities and goals associated with a person’s sense of self. The cognitive self is a filter of incoming information. Social psychological models view the Self as subject and object, a relationship through which the Self is separated from itself. In narrative models, the Self concerns life stories that reconstruct the past and address the present and imagined future in unity. These are people’s stories about themselves. Existential-humanistic models deal with the Self, which tends to actualize itself. This leads to differentiation, symbolization and experience. A common feature of all models of the Self is their fragmentation. The prospect of their integration points to a hopeful future. Keywords: foreign models of the Self, differentiation of the Self, psychodynamic Self, behavioral Self, cognitive Self, socio-psychological Self, narrative Self, existential-humanistic Self | 452 | |||||
1138 | More than 3,000 people took part in the regular Winter School of Teachers – 2024, organized by the educational platform of the Urayt publishing house and held as webinars from January 22 to 26, 2024. Reports and panel discussions were devoted to the following topics: individualization in the digital environment;individualization of learning in online communication; the relationship between student-centered learning models and psychological theories; individual educational trajectories: from theory to implementation; training in digital technologies for future life; personalization of the electronic information educational environment (EIEE): from functionality to convenience and comfort; digital footprint (analytics of student behavior in the EIEE); the digital activity of students; support for independence and responsibility of students; the independent work of students in the digital environment of the university; the development of social skills; support for independence and responsibility of students; independent work of students in the digital environment of the university; development of social skills of students; own business and entrepreneurship as a trajectory of self-realization of students; student science: the formation of young scientists; service to society: the third mission of the university and student volunteering;pedagogy of cooperation: support, mutual assessment and collective projects; personality types and self-esteem of students: building an individual approach; presenting thesis as a step towards graduate independence. In this review, we will focus on individual topics and presentations. Keywords: individualization in the digital environment, individual educational trajectories, personalization of the electronic information educational environment, pedagogy of cooperation, digital activity of students, development of social skills of students | 450 | |||||
1139 | The expediency of continuous professional development of teachers is updated, it is recommended to implement training in practice-oriented forms. The expediency of organizing the exchange of knowledge between teachers is indicated, their difficulties in this process are noted. It is recommended to use the case method to intensify the exchange of knowledge between teachers. A review of scientific research is carried out, revealing the prospects for the use of the case method in advanced training of teachers. A goal is set that involves describing the use of the case method to intensify the exchange of knowledge between teachers in a general education organization. There are three categories of cases recommended for research and solution by teachers of educational organizations: a) cases that reveal the features of the formation of functional literacy of students; b) cases showing the nature of the implementation of educational work with modern schoolchildren; c) cases aimed at assisting teachers in mastering the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of teachers in preventive work with difficult contingents of students. The content of each group is described, an algorithm for solving cases aimed at expanding the psychological and pedagogical knowledge of teachers in institutions of additional professional education is proposed. The theoretical value of the study lies in the description of the methods of continuous training of teachers, enriching the possibilities of continuous education of teaching staff. The practical significance of the article lies in the characterization of cases that ensure the intensification of the professional interaction of teachers, both within the framework of intraorganizational training and in the system of advanced training of teaching staff. Keywords: case method, intensification of knowledge exchange, general educational organization, intraorganizational training, advanced training, teachers, institutions of additional professional education | 447 | |||||
1140 | The paper considers the structural-level organization of language competence as a psychologicalpedagogical phenomenon from the point of view of the metasystem approach. Five levels of the language competence system are not reducible to each other: metasystem, system-wide, subsystem, component and element levels. The content of the meta-system level of the language competence system is determined. It consists of an integral language ability, consisting of subsystems: communicative, lexical-semantic, grammatical and regulatory subsystems. From a psychological point of view the most important is the regulatory subsystem, which is an activity invariant of self-regulatory processes. The structure of the meta-system level gets its concrete implementation in the underlying levels of the system in the form of ways of operating with language knowledge: language reflection, sense of language (language intuition) and language skills. Empirical verification of the conceptual model was carried out on a sample of junior schoolchildren. The methodical tools were made up of tests of language development widely used in psychological and pedagogical practice, as well as the author’s method for studying the peculiarities of language knowledge when operating quasi-linguistic constructions. The methods of conversation, structured observation and expert assessment are also applied. The study confirmed the theoretical assumptions about the dynamic nature of the restructuring of the structural-level organization of the system of language competence, depending on the degree of its formation. The results are important for clarifying the purposes and methods of language teaching and psychological-pedagogical support of this process in modern conditions. Keywords: language competence, language ability, language, sense of language, language reflection, metasystem approach, native language teaching | 447 | |||||
1141 | The question of the influence of the psychological characteristic gender identity on the attitude of representatives of modern youth to the disease is considered. The results of a diagnostic study of the relationship between gender identity and types of attitude to the disease are presented. The characteristic of the concept of “disease” is given, the analysis of two main models of the occurrence and course of the disease is given: biomedical and biopsychosocial. Studies of the peculiarities of responding to the loss of health of carriers of a particular gender are analyzed. It is noted that gender-specific attitudes to the disease can become an important factor in the overall improvement of the situation in the healthcare sector and in the daily life of carriers of different gender roles, the overall improvement of the level and quality of life of the population. The data presented in this article allow us to conclude that taking into account behavioral reactions, individual typological characteristics of a person will help to avoid an increase in symptoms generated by the most stressful situation – the disease. The results obtained prove that the behavior model and individual reactions of people are often determined by gender, which in modern realities does not always coincide with gender. Keywords: illness, attitude to illness, gender, gender identity | 447 | |||||
1142 | The experimental work on the implementation of the model of formation of the readiness of future teachers for the manifestation of pedagogical care is described. The present model is represented by conceptually-targeted, organizational-content, procedural-technological and evaluative-effective components that are interrelated and structurally conditioned, which makes it possible to introduce the model into the educational practice of the university through the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions. The effectiveness of the proposed model is proved by the results of diagnostics of the level of readiness of future teachers for the manifestation of pedagogical care, obtained as a result of using methods of mathematical statistics. The results presented in this article allow us to solve the problem of the need to develop the problem of the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the manifestation of pedagogical care in the conditions of the modern educational paradigm, and also resolves the contradiction between the general prerequisites available in science for the development of a system for the formation of the readiness of future teachers for the manifestation of pedagogical care, and insufficient scientific justification of the content and organization of this process. Keywords: pedagogical care, readiness for the manifestation of pedagogical care, model of formation of readiness for the manifestation of pedagogical care, professional training, experimental work, results | 446 | |||||
1143 | Bridging the chronological gap between the past and the present is an urgent condition for the process of didactic tradition of the new educational discipline «Russian Language and Business Communication.» At the same time, the correlation of the substantive and methodological content of this educational discipline with the historical and didactic continuity implies a direct appeal to the historical conditions that objectified genesis and the consolidation of the educational and business epistolographic tradition in domestic didactic practice. A comprehensive analysis of the situational changes caused in the second half of the 17th century by the beginning of the processes of forming a regular state, carried out within the framework of historical, anthropological and sociocognitive approaches, made it possible to distinguish a number of significant grounds that caused the appearance of handwritten alphabet copy-books with exemplary business letter-writers. The appearance and subsequent spread of this type of alphabet-books is a marker significant documentary fact of mental-cognitive recodification of public consciousness from the totality of sacred-religious meanings to the parallelism of divine providence and secular-business semantics, when reliance on divine justice was coupled with the need to follow within the given framework of administrative-bureaucratic accordance. The results achieved during the study make it possible to assert that the process of forming a domestic educational and business epistolographic tradition initially had a situationally objectified and autochthonously specified character, thereby defining its specific features, namely utilitarianism, prescriptivity and didactic pragmatism. At the same time, the very fact of the spread of the educational and business epistolographic tradition, which, in fact, was an option of the didactic mediation of the supra-chiefdom principle of the «sovereign» service, the practical grounds for positive inclusion in the unfolding processes of forming a regular state were set up. Keywords: alphabet copy-books, exemplary business letter-writers, literacy training, prescriptiveepistological approach | 445 | |||||
1144 | The paper highlights the problem of shortage of young teachers in the system of secondary general and additional education, analyzes current requirements imposed by employers on young teachers’ soft-skills, and identifies deficiencies in emotional and communicative competence among university students. The paper also suggests that these factors might contribute to a drain of young professionals from schools. The author highlights problems young teachers face at schools, such as building relationships with other subjects of educational process, the inability to quickly navigate in a rapidly changing world, a high level of anxiety, and difficulties in controlling their own emotions. The relationship between these challenges and the level of teacher’s emotional intelligence is substantiated. The paper reviews modern studies of emotional intelligence among future teachers. Furthermore, the author presents own research design used in the study of emotional intelligence among the students of the Institute of Foreign Languages and International Cooperation at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The results show insufficient level of emotional intelligence among future teachers. The paper hypotheses that development of emotional intelligence among today’s students of pedagogical universities might reduce their outflow from schools in future. Possible ways and challenges of emotional intelligence development among pedagogical students are examined. The author substantiates the feasibility of implementing a program for development of emotional intelligence among future teachers in the form of an interactive cognitive training platform. The paper describes the author’s model of an interactive cognitive training platform for the development of emotional intelligence among the students majoring in pedagogy (03.44.05 – Pedagogical education, with two profiles of training) and pursuing a bachelor’s degree. As well, it provides a conceptual basis of interactive cognitive training platform for the development of emotional intelligence among pedagogical university students along with the list of topics and competencies planned to be developed using the platform. The paper indicates the possibility of using the platform both in the professional training of future teachers on the basis of secondary specialized educational institutions, and advanced training courses for practicising teachers. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, EI, students of pedagogical universities, interactive cognitive training platform, training platform for the development of EI | 443 | |||||
1145 | The article examines the problem of professional training of future German (French) language teachers within the framework of the second specialisation in the field of study ‘44.03.05 Pedagogical Education’ (with two training directions). The structural content model of the German (French) language profile is described using the relevant basic educational program implemented at the Institute of Foreign Languages and International Cooperation of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The issue is raised about the quality of bachelor’s training in the second direction: concerning the optimal ratio of the efforts required by the first and second directions, the features of the structural-content model of mastering disciplines (modules) and practices, the basic principles, methods, techniques and forms of organising the educational process in order to form a whole standard complex of competencies and students’ achieving new levels of personal development. The analysis of the educational model showed the complex nature of specialised training, a shift of emphasis to achieving specific educational results formulated in the current Federal State Educational Standards, which allows to reveal a built-in hierarchy of conventionally distinguished levels: cognitive (subject module disciplines) - constructive (methodological module disciplines) – productive (practice) and in general, pragmatic and applied nature of the development of the educational trajectory. It is concluded that the pragmatic and applied (practice oriented and professionally oriented) nature of the structural and content model of the specialisation provides the basis for the formation of a competence-based personality and is an indicator of the student’s readiness for the chosen activity at the personal-pedagogical level. Keywords: German/French language teacher, university teacher training system, quality of teacher training, structural content model of profile training | 432 | |||||
1146 | The paper reveals the content of the metasystem approach to the study of the functional structure of language competence as a psychological-pedagogical phenomenon. The analysis of the currently conducted research carried out in the field of linguistics, pedagogy and psychology has demonstrated a weak elaboration of the problem of the functional organization of the language competence system. The partial functions of the system are considered as derivatives of the functional orientation of its fragmentary components. The functional certainty of the system is formed as an additive set of “elementary” functions. The metasystem approach makes it possible to uncover and overcome “implicit” contradictions in the understanding of the functional organization of the language competence system. The basic metasystem regularities of the functional organization of systems with a built-in meta-level, to the class of which language competence belongs, are considered. These regularities are the principle of meta-goal determination of the system, the principle of diachronic system organization, the principle of constant interaction of the actual and potential content of the system. Theoretical assumptions are put forward about the increase in the functional capacity of the language competence system as its structural and dynamic organization becomes more complex. The functional organization of language competence depends on the change in complexity and, accordingly, on the delay in achieving the goal of the educational language task. The content of adaptive, regulatory and transformational-generative functions of language competence is revealed. It is established that language reflection, a sense of language, language skills and abilities are “tools” for the implementation of these functions. At the same time, their functional capacity differs depending on their place in the structural-hierarchical organization of the language competence system. The formulated assumptions are important for creating a methodologically reasonable program of psychological-pedagogical support for the formation of language competence as a functionally mature structural and dynamic systemic structural part of personality of a pupil. Keywords: language competence, language ability, language, sense of language, language reflection, metasystem approach, functional organization of system, native language teaching | 432 | |||||
1147 | The work is aimed at presenting the author’s method of photo projection, which makes it possible to study the social representations of respondents based on the analysis of the corresponding visual narrative. The conceptual basis of the study was the theory of the core and periphery of J.-C. Abric. Based on a comparison of the verbal (core, space of semiotic norms) and non-verbal (periphery, space of semiotic practices) focuses of attention of respondents and the identification of the degree of conflict-consistency of the representations that form them, 3 types of interaction of nuclear and peripheral representations of the semiotic code were identified at the theoretical level: coordination, conjugation, conflict. An empirical justification was built by correlating the data obtained using the photoprojection method, the data of the associative experiment, and data on the strength and specificity of the respondent’s defense mechanisms on the basis of a study on the topic “safety of the educational environment”. The hypothesis was the idea that the conflict type of interaction of verbal and non-verbal representations among respondents should be accompanied by the severity (redundancy) of defense mechanisms. The sample for a qualitative study consisted of 20 students aged 19–23 years (M = 20.7; SD = 1.24). The results of the study demonstrate that researchers can use the method of photoprojection and its theoretical construction, associated with the identification of types of interaction between core and peripheral representations, for the empirical study of social representations. Keywords: photoprojection method, visual narrative, semantic code, nuclear representation, peripheral representation, educational environment safety | 430 | |||||
1148 | Globalization processes in modern times are characterized by high intensity and versatility. The primary elements of globalization are the people inhabiting the planet. Among students, intercultural exchange is especially intense and complex. A big problem for students is combining efforts to develop intercultural competence with mastering the main educational program at an educational institution. The purpose of this study is to determine the essence and characteristics of psychological factors in the development of intercultural competence of foreign students. The scientific novelty of the work lies in considering and proposing the use of an integrated approach to stimulating the development of intercultural competencies, which requires simultaneously maintaining interest in a new culture, motivation to get to know it and, at the same time, recognition of the uniqueness of the socio-cultural experience of foreign students, providing them opportunities to show off your personality. A separate task is to suppress the formation of small ethnic groups in cases when belonging to such a group interferes with the student’s process of acculturation in a new environment. In general, the formation of intercultural competence does not come down to specific actions, but requires comprehensive provision of psychological comfort in a new environment. On the one hand, students are faced with academic pressure, on the other hand, the new environment poses challenges and raises questions for students. The success of developing intercultural competence depends equally on several subjects – first of all, on foreign students themselves, as independent individuals and people belonging to their own culture, on the staff of the educational institution and its students, as well as on society as a whole, as a broader environment into which the international student arrives. Keywords: globalization, intercultural competence, social interaction, intercultural exchange, cultural identity, sociocultural adaptation, acculturation | 428 | |||||
1149 | On the basis of works of domestic scientists (art historians, teachers, IT-specialists) the main tasks of modern design education, aimed at training a competent, creative graduate able to apply ethnocultural material in the professional sphere, including by means of digital technologies, are considered. The study is based on the mechanisms of introducing the material of traditional Russian costume into the content component of training future designers. An important confirmation of the significance of including the material of traditional Russian costume in design education is the quality and novelty of project developments and the effectiveness of students’ projects participation in competition and exhibition activities. In the course of the study was proved the high efficiency of using the material of traditional Russian costume in modern design education in the formation of professional competencies aimed at improving the future specialist, and universal, contributing to the education of the individual in the traditions of their culture. The high level of students’ mastering the material of traditional Russian costume was indicated by the growth of the number of completed projects of ethno-style clothing collections, which is a successful use of the material of traditional Russian costume in modern design education. Keywords: traditional Russian costume, costume design, design education, source of creativity, project, digital technologies in design | 427 | |||||
1150 | This study develops an integrative framework to advance individualized foreign language instruction through incorporation of digital technologies. As online platforms and adaptive learning systems proliferate, new opportunities emerge to tailor teaching to individual learner needs. However, prior research reveals gaps in existing assessment capabilities, and grounding in language acquisition theory. Many tools target only limited skills in isolation. An original conceptual model is proposed to address these limitations synthesizing adaptive sequencing, multidimensional evaluation, instructor guidance, and established pedagogical principles into a comprehensive system. A literature review analyzes prior empirical findings, frameworks, and best practices. The proposed model incorporates these insights around key elements: 1) adaptive learning platforms that adjust content based on ongoing diagnostics; 2) multifaceted assessment of linguistic and communicative competencies; 3) instructor access to analytics dashboards and customization tools; 4) overarching language acquisition theory and goals. This creates a cycle of personalized instruction, human-AI collaboration, and continuous improvement. Significance includes providing researchers an integrative framework to guide future innovation and empirical testing. For practitioners, it offers a roadmap to harness technologies for more effective language education accessible to all learners. Recommendations are presented for interdisciplinary research and purposeful implementation. This pioneering model establishes theoretical foundations for the next generation of equitable, empowering personalized language learning systems. Keywords: personalized learning, adaptive learning systems, intelligent tutoring systems, computer-assisted language learning, language assessment, educational technology | 425 |