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451 | Developing research competence of future doctors is a crucial task of medical higher education institution. To solve this task one should create conditions for developing students’ capacity for self-identity and personal fulfillment, self-education and self-consistency. Most of the students are intent only on practice activities in the future, but there are students, who, while studying, extensively participate in researches that university departments do. To be successful in independent medical practice and scientific-research practice future doctors should have research competence. The author proposes and describes a model of developing this competence. The author chooses person-centered approach as a theoretical and methodological background. The approach sets a student as the main character of the whole educational process and is aimed at solving problems connected with professional selfidentity, professional viewpoint formation, search of professional identity. Special focus is on educational technologies which allow implementing person-centered approach and contribute to developing research competence, such as interactive lectures, mind maps, case problems, decision tree, project-based learning. Introduction of such a method in the educational process, in author’s mind, will allow developing research competence on different levels depending on students’ human personality and their future professional direction. This will help graduates to be as much realized in their professional activity in the future as possible. Keywords: higher medical education, person-centered approach, competence approach, contextual approach, doctors’ research competence, model of developing research competence of future doctors, educational technologies | 1127 | |||||
452 | Currently, in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the information society and the digitalization of the economy, the importance of comprehensive training of a motivated applicant, capable of not only successfully passing the entrance tests, but also ready to study in the educational process of a modern technical university, is growing. Various ways of building the readiness of future students to study at technical universities demonstrate the new organizational structures of the pre-university, whose activities are aimed at career guidance and the implementation of educational programs of pre-university training (specialized engineering classes, preparatory courses, etc.). The article substantiates the features of preuniversaries, the mechanisms of their creation and functioning. In modern conditions, a pre-university acts as a system of selection, accompaniment and preparation of motivated students for university entrance, widely using not only subject preparation, but also developing research work of schoolchildren, creating conditions for immersing students in the culture, educational and creative space of the university during the period of schooling; an important feature of these models is the close interaction of educational organizations of general and higher education, the wide involvement of partners and employers in this work. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the substantiation of certain characteristics of the activities of pre-university students and similar innovative educational structures for working with applicants on the basis of universities, including: a) the creation of a system of specialized training for high school students with the optimization of the implementation of educational programs towards educational institutions of higher education while maintaining the traditional forms of pre-university preparatory courses; b) the organization and support of the process of psychological, intellectual, cultural preparation of a future student for studying at a university through various forms of participation in systemic educational and educational work of pre-university students and similar models; c) ensuring early vocational guidance and profiling of students in order to support the determination of the choice of further educational paths before moving to graduation class, etc. The theoretical significance of the work is associated with the study of various preuniversity models in modern higher education institutions, the identification and description of key aspects of the activity of these structures and models. Keywords: pre-university, vocational guidance, pre-university preparation, the process of admission to the university, work with applicants | 1127 | |||||
453 | The list of pedagogical conditions for optimizing training of students for different types of future professional activity of specialists at nuclear power enterprises is considered: project, production, technological, research and organizational and managerial. As pedagogical conditions were identified the following: motivational - training of students, taking into account their individual inclinations to different types of future professional activity; substantial - development and subsequent implementation of a work program, program-methodological and supervisory training tools that promote the development of professional competencies; technological - use of a laboratory research complex, a training and research reactor and specialized software for the development of professional competencies of students. Taking into account the selected pedagogical conditions on the basis of synthesis of approaches (competence, personality-oriented, contextual and activity- oriented), a structural-functional model for optimizing the training of students for various types of professional activity at nuclear power enterprises was developed. An important feature of the created model is that in the process of preparing students for different types of professional activity the same provision (program-methodical, didactic, organizational and technical-technological) is used. The implementation of the developed model of training students for different types of future professional activity on the basis of formulated pedagogical conditions and optimization technology makes it possible to organize the educational process more effectively through didactic, program-methodological, organizational and technical-technological components. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, structural-functional model, preparation of technical college students, optimization of teaching, synthesis of pedagogical approaches | 1126 | |||||
454 | The study focuses on current issues related to modeling and approbation of individual support for older preschool children with retarded mental development. The authors consider the implementation of a comprehensive psychological and pedagogical support on the basis of a private educational institution, substantiate the main principles of support taking into account the personified approach and describe a conceptual model. The conceptual model is represented by three interdependent units: the first unit of the service is focused on preschool children with disabilities, the second unit is aimed at advising the specialists of the private educational center for the purpose of further productive cooperation, the third unit is focused on providing assistance to families raising preschoolers with retarded mental development. The stages of individual psychological and pedagogical support in the conditions of the private educational center are singled out: motivational, diagnostic, indicative, activity orientated, reflective. The authors carried out psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of older preschool children with retarded mental development in order to identify the variability of individual manifestations. The material presents the results of complex neuropsychological diagnostics at the stages of ascertainment and control: the state of gnostic, praxic and mnestic functions of subjects is described, and a level-based characteristic is given. Due to the study, it becomes possible to analyze the structure of the defect of disturbed or delayed functions and select the optimal methods of corrective action, based on the patterns of interzonal interactions of the brain. With the experimental modeling of individual psychological and pedagogical support, the authors developed: a set of classes for older preschool children with retarded mental development, examples of notes from consultative talks, thematic planning of the parent lecture center. Besides, the role of the family in overcoming mental retardation is formulated and instruction booklets are issued. The article presents quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the psychological and pedagogical survey, formulates analytical conclusions. Keywords: preschool children with impaired mental function, individual psychological and pedagogical support, conceptual model of support, neuropsychological diagnostics, personified approach | 1125 | |||||
455 | Training a good specialist competent in his future professional activity is the main goal of the educational process in any educational institution, and this is impossible without creating in students a motivated positive attitude to this activity. The content of the article notes that students should be prepared for future profession in the conditions of secondary specialized educational institutions in the field of physical culture through practical training, taking into account the updating of the content of educational training programs and their methodological support, simulating various professional situations. In the aggregate, the perspective, the success of the professional activity (in this case, the students of the College of Physical Education), the formation of their professional competence, the education of a professional nature is determined in the process of practice-oriented education, which implies an orientation to further successful advancement in a socially sustainable educational environment. The results of practice-oriented training in professional educational organizations are also given, ensuring the quality of graduate training in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education in the specialty 49.02.01 “Physical Education” and taking into account the need for employers of future competent professionals and positive attitude of students towards the profession, the result is presented determining the level of motivation of sports of college students for professional work in the conditions of practice-based learning. Keywords: motivation for employment, practice-oriented learning, traditional learning | 1125 | |||||
456 | The article provides the first presentation of the activity of the Centre for supplementary physical and mathematical education as a model of integration of general and supplementary education, which is implemented at pedagogical university. The article provides the models’ scheme, which is presented by the multilevel interconnections with schools and non-school partners. The article shows that the model provides the filling of the order for extracurricular activities and a spectrum of supplementary education programs. The work proves that the important elements of the model are the new approach to pre-service teachers’ practical training sessions; further education courses aimed at the creation of developmental educational texts, teaching and learning tasks, which provide the creation of variable and enriched educational space. The work shows that the model facilitates the achievement of relevant results by teachers and pupils in teaching and learning physics and mathematics, implementation of new networking projects in supplementary physical and mathematical education. Keywords: physical and mathematical education, supplementary education, integration, school, centre for supplementary education | 1124 | |||||
457 | This study investigates the phenomenon of psychological support. This article provides an overview of definitions of this concept in educational and psychological sciences, we formulate the definition of the term “psychological support” in the key support of the educational process in higher education. The study examines the objectives and content of psychological support of students during their training. This article deals with the directions of the implementation of psychological maintenance of educational process in higher education, forms and methods of optimization of students’ adaptation in the University and in their future professional activity, through research and development of individual adaptive potential of each future specialist. Keywords: psychological support, educational process, personal adaptational potential, objectives of psychological support, the structure of the content of psychological support of pedagogical process of higher professional education | 1124 | |||||
458 | The article considers the possibility of formation and implementation of the educational order of the teacher and pupil in modern school. The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact that the ability of the participant to formulate his order indicates his ability to take the position of an active subject of education. Such a subject, through its order, begins to manage the process of its education. In modern research, the process of formation of the educational order of the teacher and pupil is considered separately. This article shows the specifics of the work on the educational order in the practice of the School of joint activity, in which the order of the teacher and the pupil is formed in close cooperation and occurs simultaneously. The article presents the experience of the school in developing the technology of development and implementation of the educational order, shows the main stages of this work. The first stage is devoted to the identification of goals, forms of training and evaluation, ordered by the participants of the joint activity. At the second stage the teacher organizes a discussion of the survey results. The third stage is the planning of joint activities for the implementation of the order. The fourth stage of the work is aimed at the implementation of the joint educational order. At the fifth stage the results of the order are analyzed and joint educational activities are reflected. The article highlights the role of the joint portfolio in the implementation of the educational order of the teacher and pupil. The joint portfolio allows to present in a visual form the contribution of each participant of education to the planning and implementation of the educational order. Keywords: educational order of the teacher and pupil, open joint portfolio | 1123 | |||||
459 | The article considers the Olympiad movement as a category of didactics; proves the expediency of using Olympiad movement of students within the organization of independent work for the development of creative competences and readiness for innovation. Describes the Olympiad movement technology in the creative process of preparation of the specialist. Considers the main modules of training content in the Olympiad movement, included in the individual work; shows the importance of invariant modules, introducing the laws of psychology and organization of creative activity. Gives the structure of the module content “Creative tasks” that requires participation of all students in the Olympiad movement at feasible level of complexity and creativity. Investigates the ways to improve the effectiveness of creative self-development of students using Olympiad movement. Gives recommendations on consideration of Olympiad movement in the work programs of academic disciplines. Keywords: creative competence, self study, Olympiad movement, learning content, technology of creative training | 1122 | |||||
460 | This article discusses the main areas of prevention of family distress and social orphanhood of children in the Amur region, and also analyzed the results of the implementation of the state social program for the prevention of family distress and social orphanhood of children in the Amur region for 2015–2017 The Way Home. The authors paid special attention to the issues of prevention of deprivation of parental rights and refusals of children at birth, reduction of the proportion of orphans and children left without parental care; an increase in the number of orphans and children left without parental care, placed in families for upbringing; an increase in the proportion of citizens who have adopted a child for upbringing in a family. The family is the most important social institution in the development of each individual, which is the main step in the socialization and development of a person. Children in the family acquire the skills and abilities of communication, mutual understanding, form the communicative component of the personality. It is in the family that moral character of the future person is laid. As a result of the study, a conclusion was drawn on the effective implementation of the program’s measures, which made it possible to build effective preventive work with families, based on socio-economic, legal, organizational, educational, psychological and pedagogical interventions. Keywords: family, state program, family support, prevention of family distress, social orphanhood | 1122 | |||||
461 | The article deals with the question of the development of autonomy among younger students in the context of solving the problems of modern school. The authors present a system of educational activities for monitoring and evaluation of younger students. They draw attention to the fact that modern education takes a landmark on the formation of a successful and self-developing personality with its own point of view and ability to learn. Therefore, the preparation of first-grade students for further self-improvement and application of their knowledge is one of the main tasks of a modern elementary school. In this regard, it is of great importance that children master the skills of monitoring and evaluation that underlie self-regulation and self-organization. The emergence of learning activities of monitoring and evaluation in the activities of students means that the structure of the exercise is filled with all components of learning activities and a synthesis of ways to solve practical problems and implement learning activities into a holistic education, which provides what is commonly called the ability to learn. At the same time, taking into account the results of scientific research on this issue, as well as based on modern requirements for educational attitudes in the implementation of educational programs, the development of these competencies is possible within educational activities through the systematic formation of monitoring and evaluation educational actions. Forming and using educational activities of monitoring and evaluation in educational activities, we form reflexive thinking (reflexive self-esteem), the ability for conscious choice and formative evaluation. The question arises, what conditions and requirements should be presented to the method of formation of educational actions of control and evaluation when solving a training task, in order to form the highest forms of competitiveness (self-organization and self-regulation), as mentioned above, these include reflexive thinking, ability for conscious choice and formative evaluation. This article is devoted to the description of the conditions and requirements for the method of formation of educational actions of monitoring and evaluation of primary school students. The goal is to describe the conditions and requirements for the formation of methods of monitoring and evaluation in solving educational tasks by younger students. To achieve this goal, a theoretical research method was used, consisting in the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, methods of generalization and comparison; empirical, observation and statistical data processing methods, graphical presentation of results. Keywords: сontrol, assessment, self-organization, self-regulation | 1120 | |||||
462 | The article aims at investigating methodological support and method of conducting for pilot projects in education. The example under consideration is the research of managing the cooperation between public adult associations and traditional educational institutions. The methodology of pilot studies is closely connected with the concept of the study and its theoretical framework. The purpose of the article is to consider ways of using pilot projects (pilot stages in research, pilot online surveys) in the research of managing the cooperation between public adult associations and traditional educational institutions. Research methods included various types of theoretical analysis, interpretation, experimental and diagnostic methods of collecting and processing empirical data. Authors of the article base their research on the concept of cooperation in social philosophy as a basic category of modern theoretical thinking, which explores the notions of simultaneity and bi-directionality – two essential characteristics of the mutual influence of interrelated objects aspiring to achieve a common goal. Pedagogical theory treats cooperation as one of the factors that can increase the efficiency of the upbringing and the socialization process of an individual. The educational potential of public adult associations and ways of using it are viewed in the context of the theory of civil society development. This theory takes into account such important aspects as managing this cooperation, organizing the research of this socio-cultural phenomenon, determining its content, characteristics, forms, ways and effective cooperation models. Pilot projects play an important part in research of socio-cultural phenomena. While being essentially experimental, they assist in gathering empirical data, verifying hypotheses and planning various stages of the research. They contribute to new guidelines for event management (the roadmap including stages and actions necessary to achieve the objectives of the proposed research). The article investigates ways of using pilot online surveys and their monitoring in order to find solutions in the field of research of the cooperation between public adult associations and traditional educational institutions. | 1120 | |||||
463 | Recently, the problem of studying the socio-pedagogical adaptation of the individual has become very relevant. The meaning of this term, at first glance, seems quite obvious and understandable. But, in different sources this concept very often denotes different phenomena, which leads to a misunderstanding of each other by specialists whose research is actually aimed at the same thing. In our opinion, having examined the main approaches to the concept of “adaptation” as a whole, having studied the structure, criteria, mechanisms and features of this process, we can overcome these differences. Based on this, the article considers a number of approaches to the study of adaptation. Attention is paid to the works of famous scientists who are considering the studied concept at different functional levels. J. Piaget, G. Selye, and others studied the physiological approach. The psychological approach was reflected in the works of B. F. Berezin, N. F. Naumov, I. M. Popov, V. I. Lebedev, and many others. etc. And as part of the consideration of the most significant social level, we single out the studies of A. B. Georgievsky A. B. and V. P. Petlenko, M. Weber, T. Parson and M. Romm. Particular attention is paid to a systematic analysis of this problem (A. G. Maklakov, A. A. Rean, A. Nalchajyan, etc.), the phenomenon of personality socialization is considered (D. Dollard, Walter, T. Shibutani, O. I. Zotova, I. K. Kryazheva). As a result of the study, a structure of socio-pedagogical adaptation is proposed, based on the personality model of B. D. Parygin, consisting of three interconnected and detailed levels. Keywords: adaptation, personality, socio-psychological adaptation, socio-pedagogical adaptation, system analysis, physiological approach, psychological approach, social approach, personality model | 1120 | |||||
464 | The problem of students’ self-realization is particularly relevant for the higher professional education institutions training specialists for the railway industry. Railway Engineer profession raises standards to the individual, so the analysis of student’s personal qualities allows one to define future careers perspectives while studying at university. This paper presents theoretical and methodological bases of research problems for academic and professional self-realization of railway engineering students. The concepts of “students’ self-realization”, “professional self-realization” are revealed, as well as some peculiarities of railway engineering students’ self-realization. The components of the self-realization process are analyzed; cooperation forms and methods of the railway university students’ self-realization in academic and professional activity are given. Keywords: self-realization, students’ self-realization, academic and professional activity, professional self-realization | 1118 | |||||
465 | The given article analyzes difficulties that students – future teachers face at group project activities through their teaching practice at schools. It is shown that the most difficulties arise due to the lack of communication and project work competences of students. Also the improper organization of such project activities from the side of the university is reported by the students. The article contains recommendations for avoiding these difficulties in future activities: goal oriented and structural development of project work competence, project organization of educational process and teaching practice at schools in particular, changing of instructors’, lecturers’ and tutors’ attitude and functions towards educational process and students in the university. Keywords: group project work, productive professional cooperation, professional standard | 1116 | |||||
466 | А creative behavior of a person in the natural conditions of life is considered and analyzed. The advantages of studying the creative manifestations of subjects (children of primary school age) in a free situation typical for the natural real creative process are substantiated. The parameters of free situation, singled out and used in the experimental study, and the factors that stimulate the creative manifestations of children, such as the representation of the example of creative behavior of a significant adult, emotional and creative contact of the adult with children, etc., allowed us to establish that the types of creative reactions of children to the example of creative behavior of an adult can be either immediate or delayed, with the delayed manifestations of creative abilities being the predominant ones. This allowed us to identify the phenomenon of delayed creative manifestations, which is associated with the incubation period both in relation to the creative process (during the realization of the creative intention – the fruition and maturation of the creative idea), and with respect to the formation of creative abilities resulting from the accumulation of new personal experience. This experience is connected, in our opinion, with the opportunity for subjects (children) to manifest creative behavior, encouraged by the teacher (significant adult) who demonstrated himself the example of creativity to schoolkids. Keywords: natural experiment, free situation, example of creative behavior of an adult, creative reactions of children, immediate creative manifestations, delayed creative manifestations | 1115 | |||||
467 | An analysis of scientific and methodological literature allowed us to conclude that there has been an increase in scientific publications on the problem of training of the elementary school teachers-to-be. However, many issues related to the preparation of the teacher for organizing and conducting a lesson according to the Federal Educational Standards for Elementary General Education (FES-EGE) are debatable and produce drawbacks in the methodological preparation of the teacher-to-be. These drawbacks determined the study problem: how to prepare the elementary school teacher-to-be for the making of the synopsis of the lesson? The objective of the study is to reveal and substantiate the methodology of the preparation of the elementary school teacher-to-be for the making of the synopsis of the lesson. The theoretical relevance of this study is that it concretizes the essence and content of the preparation of the teacher-to-be for the making of the synopsis of the lesson and theoretically substantiates the methodology of the preparation of the teacher-to-be for the making of the lesson synopsis. The practical relevance is that it has developed the organization of independent work by the teacher-to-be regarding his or her preparation for the making of the lesson synopsis according to FES-EGE. Providing the good training of specialists requires not only observing the governmental educational standards that determine minimum requirements to the content and level of the training but also a more effective control of mastering the content of education by the students including independent work that is now a significant part compared to classroom lessons. The theoretical theses of the methodology of preparation of the teacher-to-be for making of the lesson synopsis are illustrated by a synopsis performed in accordance with the modern typology and structure of the lesson described in FES-EGE. The preparation of the elementary school teacher-to-be for making of the synopsis of the lesson is defined as a process including the formation of a system of knowledge (the typology, goal setting and the structuring of the lesson), skills (the skills of determining the type, the goal, the didactic tasks, the universal teaching actions, the structure of the lesson and the methods of teaching) and personal and professional qualities (creative imagination and pedagogical improvisation) providing the effective organization of the lesson according to the requirements of FES-EGE. Keywords: preparation of the teacher-to-be, synopsis of the lesson, objective, typology, structure of the lesson | 1115 | |||||
468 | We consider the problems of using gaming technology project activities with preschool children with mental deprivation. The features of the integration projects in a correctional children’s home for children with disabilities are studied. We describe the technology of joint activities of organization environmental ecological project activities as components of the environment rehabilitation for children with intellectual underdevelopment. The authors develop the idea of the child’s socialization with disabilities in the implementation of environmental projects. In the investigation the emotional, cognitive, motor, personal experience of orphan children of preschool age with the disabilities, actualized in the observation of living objects, productive activities on the ecological trail, and artistic and aesthetic creativity, theatrical game, communication, where the theme of respect for nature acted as a semantic background for formation of ecological culture, are studied. Technologies of design activity in the rehabilitation work, which consists of the stages of joint educational activity of teachers of children with mental deprivation in a specially organized multifunctional motivating environment are tested. Inclusion of the child with disabilities into the educational environment of the project is considered as a pedagogical purpose, and as a pedagogical means of rehabilitation. Keywords: children with mental deprivation, orphans, without parental care, ecological project, ecological trail, game technologies, rehabilitation, preschool children with mild mental retardation, moderate mental retardation | 1114 | |||||
469 | The article reveals the necessity of involving students in the organization of pedagogical research from the point of view of understanding of the meaning of the organized activity, participation in the construction of the topics, the problems and finding ways to solve it. The current practice of teaching students of pedagogical study is based on the study of the theoretical foundations, the knowledge of which does not allow them to act in a real situation when preparing the final work. On the basis of the study and the analysis of practice of implementation of student final papers indicates a problem in the organization of the students of pedagogical studies due to the formal execution of the steps of research activities, lack of interest in the study as a way to build pedagogical activity. Identifies the causes of student difficulties in performing the final work presented is the author’s version of training students’ research. The article presents the technology of involving students in the construction of a research steps in understanding the topic based on the phenomenological description, the formulation of the research problem in the survey and interviews conducted with participants of education, finding ways of its solution in the process of organizing the pedagogical experiment. Keywords: research, graduate program, understanding of the topic, the build problems of experimental work | 1114 | |||||
470 | The importance of identifying spiritual foundations of interaction between a family and a school in the reality of value-based pluralism in contemporary society is explained. The growing demand on education among parents to provide proper upbringing is emphasized, as well as their desire to communicate with the teachers. The research is based on the existential approach that makes it possible to describe interaction between a family and a school in the unity of their co-existence. The research results revealed the following spiritual existential units of interaction between a family and a school: love, freedom and responsibility and spiritual unity and cooperation. Interaction between a family and a school may be treated as a social unity based on love, the goal of which is to develop communicative skills and individual features necessary in social interaction. Such interaction requires understanding of the value of freedom and responsibility in continuous education by both parents and teachers. It will stimulate self-cognition, self-development and self-identification that contribute to the skills of independent choice and form the ability to bear responsibility for the choice. The relations between a family and a school are characterized by spiritual unity, in other words it is an inner link based on the feelings of love, respect and solidarity. A school in this case provides a “meeting” between adults and children that allows revealing the values and spirit of different generations. The following conclusion about interaction between a family and a school is made: it is a creative process of finding the meaning of teaching by both pedagogues and parents, where the modus of their co-existence is based on responsibility for the crucial period in children’s lives and for the process and result of their personalities shaping. Relations between teachers and parents are based on the role of common values: love in the form of acceptance of the child and his/her unique features, his/ her importance and individuality developed during social communication; freedom and responsibility via comprehension of educational situation, and spiritual unity and cooperation as togetherness based on similarity of fate, unselfishness and universality of “the good” as regulators of interaction. Keywords: interaction between family and school, love, freedom, responsibility, spiritual unity, cooperation | 1114 | |||||
471 | Consideration of the problem of formation of musical and aesthetic feelings, allows us to find out their functional and social nature. Following the view of the difference of feelings and emotions as relatively independent entities of the emotional sphere, it is necessary to distinguish them in several aspects. The aim is to clarify the idea of aesthetic feelings in the light of studies of the emotional sphere in pedagogical psychology, the task is to determine their social role in the structure of the aesthetic consciousness of the individual on specific musical examples of symphonic music. We are interested in “Spanish Capriccio” N. Ah. Rimsky-Korsakov, as the emergence of his motivational-regulatory activities and emotionally - conscious attitude of the performers to this symphonic composition. Emotions as an activity-situational reaction will be discussed in the symphonic work, which was created by composer M. I. Glinka. Emotional activity and situational reaction of the great Russian composer, who visited Sunny Spain more than once, allowed to arise in his mind and realize the idea of composing an orchestral piece “Aragonese HOTA” with the transfer of different moods in music by various means of musical expressiveness. This is very important for musical and aesthetic education and conscious perception of symphonic musical works by a wide range of modern listeners – from younger schoolchildren to the student audience. Keywords: emotions, musical-aesthetic feelings, conscious perception of musical compositions | 1113 | |||||
472 | The article suggests the complex methodological approach to translation of a literary text. It includes hermeneutical method of text analysis, the theory of modifications in translation and the tools of comparative linguistics. This approach can provide guidance for solving problems of interpretation of literary source texts and target texts. It enables a reader, a translator, a researcher to achieve an in-depth understanding of meanings and the original messages. The idea of the complex approach to the literary text translation comes from the fact translation is a complex phenomenon itself. Nowadays nobody has doubts about its interdisciplinary character. Translation is defined not as a mere interaction of the two languages, it is influenced by a great number of extra-linguistic factors. To illustrate the theory the author analyses the episode from M. Bulgakov’s «The Master and Margarita» and the ways its meanings are conveyed into the two target texts in English. The novel is a masterpiece. Every generation of readers, translators, researchers reveals new meanings of it, without coming to the final unambiguous interpretation. The translators understand and interpret the original text messages differently. Their understanding and the choice of translation strategies depend on the potential of the target language, the time and social cultural context, the stylistic norms and standards, earlier experiences, personal background knowledge and preferences. The text of the literary work is therefore open for alternative interpretations, which prolong its life. The results can be useful for anyone interested in the text based research and literary translation. They can be applied to the academic course on discussing, interpreting and translating of literary texts as well. Keywords: literary translation, hermeneutical approach in translation studies, translation strategies, modifications and transformations, text messages | 1113 | |||||
473 | The article considers the issue of the importance of cross-cultural competence of the subjects of the educational environment. It examines the socio-cultural and language barriers within cross-cultural situations, determines the difficulties experienced by the communicants and their preparedness level to communicative interaction. Authors note that the crosscultural situation occurs not only during communication of the representatives of different nationalities, but also when teachers communicate with children of migrants, with students of different religions, with children with special educational needs. The article presents the results of a survey of students of the Mari State University concerning their readiness for communicative interaction in conditions of a cross-cultural situation. The University has students of the Mari, Russian, Tatar, Chuvash, Georgian, Armenian, Chechen, Udmurt, Bashkir and other nationalities, as well as foreign students from India, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Egypt, Hungary, Finland, and other countries. All of them exercise different religions (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, etc.), so they are guided by their own rules of communication and adhere to their values. The results of the survey show that as the main and first difficulty foreign students name the language barrier experienced by them when they come to study in another country. They also mention social and cultural differences, which render communicative interaction difficult. The article presents quantitative and qualitative indicators of high, medium and low levels of readiness for communicative interaction in a cross-cultural situation. Keywords: educational process, cross-cultural situation, teacher, student, communication, interaction, ethnic group, foreign students | 1113 | |||||
474 | The question of the professional preparation of the future mathematics teacher is current in modern conditions of the organization of school mathematical education. It allows him to implement a competence approach to solving the main problems of the school mathematics course. One of such problems is the organization of the educational material repetition. Future mathematics teachers should understand that not every repetition is productive and provides continuity links between different levels of learning. If the repetition is carried out in the same form as the study of the material, it becomes ineffective. Due to this fact, enriching repetition stands out among the various types of repetition. Studies show that future mathematics teachers should be ready for enriching repetition, which is that the material traversed is included in new connections, it is reconstructed and generalized. Тhe known signs of concepts and connections between concepts are subjects to revision. Future mathematics teachers’ psychological, didactic and subject knowledge about the problem needs to be integrated with the priority of using the psychological laws of personality development as the basis for organizing the learning process to prepare them for the organization of enriching repetition. In other words, it requires mastering the psycho-tactical approach to solving methodological problems. Future teachers must realize the need to organize enriching repetition, to understand what mathematical and psychological-pedagogical knowledge they need to be ready for the psychodynamic approach. Particular attention is paid to the consideration of the psychological patterns of the concepts and conditions formation that contribute to their formation. A key element of the methodological activity has been identified. It creates conditions for a competence approach to the organization of educational material enriching repetition - the development of various ways of information coding (verbal-symbolic, visual, subject-practical). Future teachers master text competence (by the example of the repetition of natural numbers) with the help of special integrated tasks, including the formulation of the problem, the psychological and pedagogical direction for learning activities, examples of solving the problem, an invitation to work. The result of this work is the creation of educational texts types and their examples that contribute to the development of encoding information methods on natural numbers and decimal fractions. In addition, they receive an example of a professional approach to solving the emerging problem in the teaching of mathematics. Keywords: enriching repetition, information coding methods, continuity, positional number record | 1112 | |||||
475 | The analysis of the definitions of “form of education” in the pedagogical literature is carried out. The distinctive features of non-traditional forms of education in the university, including the conceptual basis, purpose of the lesson, its structure, training and activity of the teacher and students in the class are revealed. The definition of non-traditional form of education is given on the basis of the analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature and taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, including the distinctive features: the use of pedagogical technologies of teaching and their elements; the prevalence of the activity approach, in which the active and versatile, independent cognitive activity of the learner is dominant; practical-oriented training aimed at vocational training; interesting content of the lesson; a combination of different forms of presentation of educational information; organization of group work; absence of stereotype in the structure of the employment. Characteristics of laboratory studies on the discipline “School chemical experiment” in the pedagogical university are given. The choice of the use of gaming technology and crossens technology in systematization and generalization of students’ knowledge is grounded. The results of reflection to determine the attitude of students to the use of non-traditional forms of learning (game and crossens technology) are presented. The interest of students, their motivation for a deeper knowledge of the material being studied, the desire to develop communication skills in interaction systems student-student, student-teacher, readiness to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in occupations and in further professional activity is shown. Keywords: forms of education, non-traditional forms of education and their distinctive features, school chemical experiment, game technology of learning, crossens technology | 1112 | |||||
476 | The article deals with didactic peculiarities of technologisation of competence-building educational programmes in higher school. Tomsk Polytechnic University experience in delivering professional training programmes for academic staff is described. The paper also presents the advantages of professional reflection for developing pedagogical professionalism of a university lecturer according to the aims of competence-building technologisation in higher education. The authors outline the essential features of the pedagogical experiment delivered in groups of programme participants and provide the details of the online experience of the professional training programme for university academic staff. The following research methods were applied: theoretical analysis, survey (questionnaire), analysis of teaching and learning aids, expert analysis. Keywords: higher education, competence-building educational program, professional enhancement courses for academic staff, competence-building technologisation in the sphere of higher education | 1110 | |||||
477 | The paper under study views the issue of Theophan Zatvornik’s pedagogical heritage relevance in the context of modern education. The author tries to correlate the Saint’s pedagogical system basic criteria with aims and tasks of upbringing and education. Since there is no concentration on the secular and religious aspects of the educational process in the pedagogical views of Saint Theophan, his concept was of interest in the conditions of the 19th century pedagogy formation. Fixing the results of his experience implementation through written heritage allows to study the theoretical background and their implementation in practice in detail. The most important feature of Theophan Zatvornik’s pedagogy is the combination of scientific approach to the child’s personality, taking into account psychological and age component, with an integral system of Christian dogma, which provides the process of upbringing with reference points of spiritual and moral development in the context of high Evangelical morality. The lack of contradiction between science and religion in Saint Theophan views is the result of long-term interaction between the state and the Church, including the field of the younger generation education. As a result of the analysis of the emphasis of the educational process, placed by the Saint in the course of his theoretical and practical pedagogical activity, the author proves the possibility of reliance on this experience in the conditions of modernity. Overcoming the crisis of spirituality of modern man is possible only if the formation of the system of spiritual and moral education and its adoption at the level of modern school. Numerous case studies of Saint Theophan’s legacy confirm the interest of modern pedagogy in its conception, as well as the relevance of the key positions of its pedagogy in relation to the current state of society. As a result of the educational process accent analysis, placed by the Saint in the course of his theoretical and practical pedagogical activity, the author proves the possibility of reliance on this experience in the co nditions of modernity. Keywords: pedagogy, education, process, spiritual and moral development, education, culture, Orthodoxy | 1110 | |||||
478 | The article is devoted to initiatives aimed at improving the financial literacy of the population in Russia. The article discusses only those programs of commercial and non-profit organizations in the field of improving financial literacy, which contain a wide range of educational resources. The focus of these programs is on the younger generation: children, schoolchildren, students. As a rule, these categories of the population are active potential users of financial services. The characteristic of teaching and methodological support of financial literacy programs being implemented is given, the ways of implementing these programs among students of different age groups are analyzed. An analysis of projects and models implemented for various target audiences with educational and methodological support, educational resources and tools is given. Important aspects in all considered programs are: increase of interest and involvement of citizens in the world of financial products; orientation of citizens on competent financial behavior and the formation of basic behavioral attitudes at different stages of their life cycle; the formation of the necessary skills in the management of disposable funds; ability to protect their rights and prevent all types of fraud. At the same time, there are examples of international organizations that implement financial literacy programs in Russia and have shown their effectiveness. An analytical review of domestic Internet sites devoted to the financial education of Russian citizens in relation to available educational resources is presented. Keywords: financial literacy, institutions implementing financial literacy programs, educational programs, methodological tools of financial literacy programs | 1109 | |||||
479 | The results of empirical identification of indicators-markers of polar meaning-building strategies are considered. For the initial modeling of meaning regulation processes, two polar strategies of personal meanings formation are proposed: adaptive and developmental. Personal meanings are in mutual accordance with the properties of personality, manifested in the interactions of different orders. For the empirical description of these strategies, a special semantic differential – nine bipolar scales of personal properties – was developed. These scales are used in words denoting the relevant properties of the individual speakers and indicators of meaning. To establish markers indicating these polar strategies, an empirical study (n = 145) was conducted using a battery of tests, which included: a developed private semantic differential, the test “Life orientations” by D. A. Leontiev, the test of M. Kuhn “Who Am I?”, G. Gardner’s multiple intelligence test, S. Rosenzweig’s frustration tolerance test, I. A. Stetsenko’s personality reflection test questionnaire. It is revealed that a stable positive statistically significant correlation (p ≤ 0.05) is observed only for the indicators of the nine developed scales of the particular semantic differential and the indicator “meaningfulness of life” of the test “Life orientations” by D. A. Leontiev. This indicator may be used as a marker of polar strategies of meaning-building. Keywords: meaning system, strategy of meaning-building, property of personal, semantic scale | 1109 | |||||
480 | The need to identify and understand the pedagogical potential of literary excursions is based on the need to form the scope of competence for future teachers which is aimed at using the environment as an educational space. It is necessary to distinguish the pedagogical potential of each excursion object on the basis of its functional characteristics. The suggested object classification of literary excursions, the criterion of which is the object personification forming the excursion content, allows dividing these objects into three groups: lifetime, afterlife and artificial objects. It is suggested to create a complex of literary excursions following functional characteristics of these objects (lifetime – authenticity, afterlife – memorialization, artificial – leisure). This complex approach allows to study the life and work of writers plunging first into biographical materials (lifetime objects: houses, apartments, estate museums, reserve museums), then into the aesthetics of memorial monuments and necropolises (afterlife objects) and, finally, into getting to know recreated fantasies (artificial objects: open-air theme parks, museums). Thus, the way of pedagogical potential understanding of various literary excursions (literary and biographical, historical and literary, literary and regional, literary and artistic) will contribute to the spiritual world view formation of future teachers. Keywords: literary excursion, object classification, pedagogical potential of literary excursion, training in university | 1109 | |||||
481 | Changes in the requirements of the educational system have identified an increase in the frequency of attention deficit disorder and adolescents’ minor cerebral dysfunction and its great social significance with students. Attention deficit disorder is a delay of the normal functioning of the central nervous system, manifesting in problems of concentrating and maintaining the properties of attention, learning and memory disturbance, the complexity of processing of exogenous and endogenous information. There is no doubt that the focus of scientific problems of minor cerebral dysfunction syndrome concentrates interests of various experts; they are teachers, neuropsychologists, speech therapists, neurologists, pediatricians. Scientific novelty of the article is in justification and detection of anatomical and morphological and biologically significant factors in the occurrence of the syndrome in the educational process. Toulouse–Pieroni test has been approved, a group of students with disturbances in concentration has been detected, and the heterogeneity structure of risk factors has been stated. Keywords: students, minor cerebral dysfunction, hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder | 1107 | |||||
482 | The article deals with different scientific researches in the field of the humanistic pedagogy, which is the basis component forming the additional professional education. At the present day the tendency of getting additional professional knowledge is very important in the modern society. This knowledge is not included in the sphere of general engineering education. The universities’ curricula have the opportunity to get the additional professional education. The method of inquiry was used to find out the attitude of the 1st and 2nd -year students to the additional professional education. The results of the inquiry of the 1st and the 2nd- year students, who have the specialization “The building” in Tomsk State University of architecture and building, are given in this article. The aim of the inquiry is the students’ concernment in their own intellectual development in the field of additional professional education. Keywords: students, additional professional education, additional education, non-stop professional education | 1107 | |||||
483 | The analysis of research works on a problem of readiness of future preschool teachers for mathematical development of children is submitted. The main approaches to the definition of the concept “readiness” are disclosed. Based on the analysis of curricula in the direction of preparation of “Psychological and Pedagogical Education” profile of “Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education”, as well as the professional standard of the teacher, the competencies necessary for the implementation of the mathematical development of children of preschool age are distinguished. The readiness of future preschool teachers for the implementation of the mathematical development of children is considered through system, activity and competence-based approaches, which allows us to define this concept and consider the process of formation of this readiness from different angles. Generalizing the experience described in psychological and pedagogical literature and dissertation researches on this problem, the components of readiness of future preschool teachers for mathematical development of children, such as cognitive, praxeological and axiological are allocated and characterized. On the basis of the allocated components, criteria and levels of formation of this readiness are defined. The purpose of the article is to give an author’s idea of the structure and content of the professional readiness of future teachers of preschool education for the mathematical development of children. Keywords: readiness, future teachers, preschool of education, criteria, levels, mathematical development | 1106 | |||||
484 | The article presents the results of the analysis of teachers’ participation in the discussion on topical problems of Russian education - the experience in the application of the Federal state educational standards of General education. Theoretical approaches to the concept of involvement are considered, the methodology of its study on the material of teachers’ statements in the process of monitoring the application of standards on the Internet portal “Public examination of normative documents in the field of education” is substantiated. The analysis of the materials showed the nature and degree of involvement of teachers depending on the level of education, the requirements of the relevant section of standards, and also identified resource aspects of involvement that teachers are ready to use in the discussion as indicators of activity and internal motivation. The main problems are called the following: methodical support of implementation of the standards; material and technical conditions for the implementation; taking into account of individuality; implementation of programs for remedial work; design and organization of educational activities. The greatest involvement of teachers was evident in the discussion of standards of General education. The discussion of the application problems has found intellectual, expressive, instrumental aspects of involvement. The expressive nature of involvement is more often recorded, that is, teachers share their experiences, emotionally describe difficulties. Comments to problems’ solutions they leave much less often and almost do not offer specific solutions, that indicate a weak expression of the instrumental component of involvement. Keywords: involvement; federal state educational standard; Internet resources; intellectual, instrumental, expressive involvement; education levels | 1105 | |||||
485 | The article is devoted to the question of formation of readiness of future teacher to interact with the family. Having considered briefly the preparation of future teachers to interact with the family, the author focuses on enriching the experience of future teachers to interact with the family in the process of professional preparation and practice. Mastering the future of teacher interactions with the family occurs through the practical exercises in the form of trainings, exercises, solutions to problem situations, role-playing games, watching movies, debates, discussions, observations, as well as through pedagogical practice. Analysis of the state of preparedness of future teachers to interact with the family on cognitive, activity and emotional-personal criteria indicates an increase in the level of professional training of future teachers to interact with the family. Keywords: рreparation, vocational training, interaction with a family, ways of interaction, future teacher | 1102 | |||||
486 | The pedagogical activity of a preschool education teacher implies interaction with students’ parents in the process of educational activity. The article discusses systematic and methodological components of the interaction between the preschool education teacher and the students’ parents as the implementation of the teachers’ mentoring in relation to the parents. The methodological component of this approach is revealed through the concept of G.N. Prosumentova and the typological characteristics of joint activities: closed, reversed, open. The development of these ideas by S.I. Pozdeyeva in the description of the activity characteristics of different types of mentoring in the professional pedagogical sphere allowed to present the methodological component of the approach in the field of preschool education. When moving to a mentoring position, the teacher uses different models for organizing joint activities, providing psychological, pedagogical, methodological and advisory services more adaptably, which is defined by the objective of the federal project “Support for Families with Children”. Based on the models and types of mentoring proposed by S.I. Pozdeyeva, the article reveals the characteristics of the working actions of a preschool teacher, acting as a mentormethodologist, mentor-tutor, mentor-consultant, mentor-coach, mentor-developer, mentor-partner, mentor-navigator with respect to the students’ parents. In this case, the students’ parents appear as participants in all stages of joint educational activities. Keywords: mentoring, preschool education, the interaction of the teacher with the students’ parents, joint activities, teacher-mentor | 1102 | |||||
487 | The article discusses the changes in the quality of education and its evaluation by the students and teachers in the process of teaching training course. Justifies the conditions of students’ influence on their own education and the change in its quality, shows the ways of manifestation of education quality changes and the ways of its diagnostics. It also grounds the interconnection of the changes in the content of education, forms of educational activities, interaction between the participants of the educational process with the trained competences and the results achieved by the students in educational activity. Keywords: quality of education, evaluation and analysis of the quality of education, the influence of the participants of the educational process on the quality of education, the results of educational activities | 1100 | |||||
488 | Readiness for health preservation activities is defined as a personal and professional potential of the specialist who create the prerequisites for the successful implementation of professional features in terms of health preservation. Health saving competence is considered as effective orientation in task situations related to conservation (restoration) of physical, mental and social health of the client, successful experience of their solving, and perception as a means of self-fulfillment, as a factor of continuous professional self-development. Health culture of a specialist in social science is thought of as an integrative professionally significant quality, based on a certain ideology and everyday practices of health maintenance, the ability to create cultural values of health in the process of individual life activities, provide thereby their continuous personal and professional development and the optimal action in regard to the clients’ health and well-being. Considering the essence, structure and content we make a conclusion about the complementarity of the above-noted concepts and the appropriateness of their simultaneous use in the formulation of integrative goals and projected results of the professional training. Keywords: health preservation activities, specialists in social science, professional training, results of education, health saving competence, readiness to health saving activities; health culture | 1100 | |||||
489 | The article reviewed the research on informatization of education in Russia. The research presented in the article was conducted in the past decade. The author presents and substantially addressed the work of scientists who have researched and created the scientific models, including the use of information resources in training and education. Particular attention is paid to systems of information in the regions and various strategies of education informatization. The author reveals in the text different scientific approaches to solving urgent scientific problems in the field of education informatization. The article argued continuation of current scientific research regarding the use of information and communication technologies in educational process. Keywords: research, information, models, approaches, competence | 1100 | |||||
490 | Considers the problem of modeling the lesson of literature in the aspect of realization of the culturological approach in school education. Among the main objectives of design classes in the analyzed aspect highlighted is the creation of cognitive motivation of students, developing students’ reading competence, alignment of their dialogue with the author of an artistic work, the construction of an individual trajectory to the “man of culture”, the development of spiritual, moral and aesthetic tastes, attitudes, human needs through the integration of disciplines and technologies. The cognitive component of cultural context is presented through the integration of literature and painting, music, architecture, art, and theater. Keywords: the cultural studies approach, cultural competence, cognitive aspect, model lessons, interdisciplinary integration | 1100 | |||||
491 | In the article some features of formation of interethnic relations in the conditions of multicultural field of higher educational establishment are opened. Modern scientific approaches to the problem of interethnic and international relations in the society and the essence of process of formation of interethnic culture of students are analyzed. The main concepts of interesting aspects of interethnic relations are determined: tolerance, interethnic culture, communicative competence, intellectual-moral culture. It is found out that such qualities of the person as intellectual and moral feelings, etiquette, idea, ideals in the system of formation of culture of interethnic communication among students of higher educational establishments acquire a professional- social nature. It enables to assert of hedonistic and eudaimonistic nature of formation of qualities of culture of interethnic communication in a multicultural environment of educational institution. It is determined that the result of successful intercultural communication is a feeling of satisfaction and pleasure. As a result of analysis it was found out that formation of interethnic relations is a difficult, multidimensional process which covers all aspects of vital activity of the person. Owing to generalising of research results, the levels of interethnic culture of the person were allocated and characterized as the main component of formation of interethnic relations of students in the conditions of multicultural field of higher educational establishment. Practical forms and methods of formation of interethnic relations in conditions of multicultural higher education institution are offered. Keywords: interethnic relations, interethnic culture, higher education institution, multicultural space, communicative competence, toleration, spiritual and moral culture, esthetics of the interpersonal relations | 1100 | |||||
492 | A critical analysis of modern school textbooks on geography is given in the article. The analysis is related to the compliance of the Federal state educational standard of basic General education with the following requirements: methodological, psychological, aesthetic and hygienic. The presented positive aspects of geography textbooks were identified: wellbuilt methodological apparatus; colorful design, the presence of maps, schemes, diagrams, drawings; a system of questions and tasks aimed at organizing independent cognitive activity of pupils through the use of research methods; integration of physical-geographical and economic-geographical branches of geography. The authors of the article revealed the given below negative points in geography textbooks: simplification of scientific geographical information; insufficient description of physical-geographical processes in solving practical problems; lack of connection between the simplified theory of initial courses of geography and practical tasks that are given in Russian exams (the Basic State Exam and the Unified State Exam) in geography; incomplete reflection of the local history approach. Specific examples from existing geography textbooks were provided to confirm the established disadvantages. The national project «Digital school» was reviewed. This project suggests using geography textbooks in the educational process together with other teaching tools, including digital ones. Thus, the geography textbook plays an essential role in shaping the geographical outlook of pupils. In addition, textbooks contribute to the achievement of personal, metasubject and subject learning outcomes. Ways to modernize geography textbooks were defined based on the analysis of the state of Russian school geographical education, namely, the converting textbooks to digital format using interactive applications, videos, demonstrations of experiments and observations, electronic maps and electronic test tasks. Keywords: geography at school, teaching geographical disciplines, geographical education, individual approach to learning, geography textbook | 1100 | |||||
493 | Different aspects in a definition of “psychological maturity” of personality are discussed in this article. Psychological approaches are presented, the subject of which is the study of various aspects of maturity of the personality, including psychological maturity There is no single unambiguous definition. In order to experientially study the psychological maturity of the personality, to find ways of its development and formation, it is necessary to possess terminology, to be able to differentiate the qualities of the mature personality, to relate them to the stages of development, understand the directions of further development of psychologically mature personality. Guided by this rationale, a theoretical analysis of psychological approaches to the study of a mature and psychologically mature person, is performed. Scientific ideas about psychological maturity of identity from the positions of domestic and foreign authors have been updated. Various approaches to the problem of maturity’s development have been analyzed. Multidisciplinary approach to understanding maturity of personality has been substantiated and applied. The characteristics of mature and psychologically mature personality in the perspective of his/her ontogenesis have been determined and compared. From the standpoint of humanistic approach, the features of the personality that characterize the psychologically mature person, have been given. The levels of this category have been proved. The level modelling of formation and development of psychological personality’s maturity is presented. To conclude, directions of development of psychologically mature person – intrapersonal and interpersonal are shown. Keywords: personality, maturity, psychological approaches, domestic and foreign views on maturity, psychological maturity, stages of psychological maturity, qualities of a psychologically mature personality, model, levels of formation, development | 1100 | |||||
494 | One of the urgent tasks identified in the federal state educational standard of secondary special education is the study of the possibilities of secondary vocational schools in development of musical culture among future teachers of pre-school educational organizations. Materials of studying of levels of proficiency of future teachers of the preschool educational organizations are provided. According to the results of the diagnosis, the predominance of a low level of musical culture among the majority of students was recorded. The existing and established pedagogical conditions that envision the enrichment of the content of musical education with elements of classical music have changed significantly. The introduction of additions to the content of musical education of students in the implementation of a number of pedagogical conditions will significantly improve the level of musical culture of future teachers of pre-school organizations. Familiarizing future teachers with classical music is a complex process that requires a certain experience of perception, certain knowledge, zeal, attention. It should be noted that contrary to the expressed opinion about “low clarity” and “uninteresting” of classical music, it must be emphasized that classical music is always modern, interesting, it concerns the listener, does not leave indifferent, gives rise to discussion. In the conducted research we enriched the content of the discipline “Theory and technique of musical education with practical work” with pedagogical with musical culture. Keywords: culture, music culture, kindergarten teacher, classical music | 1098 | |||||
495 | The article reflects the role of the modern teacher of higher education in the development of the creative potential of students’ personality in the process of their professional training. The reconstruction of activity of the modern teacher actualized by the change of students’ training principles is investigated. The aspects of creative potential development of students’ personality are considered, pedagogical conditions of its formation, formation of the creative environment, inducements of reflexive activity, dialogization of educational process are allocated. A survey of students of Altai State Technical University and Altai Economics and Law Institute was conducted. The results of the studyof the teacher’s role in the creative potential development of the individual students in the learning process are presented. These questionnaires allowed the author to conclude that the type of educational institution does not affect the role of the teacher in the development of the individual students’ creative potential, there are significant reserves for the development of creative qualities of the individual student associated with the pedagogical conditions of education, upbringing and personality of the teacher. About two-thirds of students can be “woken up” for creativity if necessary preconditions are created for it: democratization of process of training, granting the right of the choice of subjects for studying, increase of specific weight of discussion and game types of occupations, target selection of the teachers possessing creative qualities. Keywords: teaching in higher education, teacher’s role in the process of teaching, teacher’s functions in teaching, teacher’s creative qualities, higher education institution, personal and professional development, conscious choice of interesting and personality de | 1098 | |||||
496 | The characteristics of a professional and his activity consists of examining a person as an integrated structure, i. e. it is important to know his individual and psychological characteristics, as well as his socially oriented, activity-oriented or subjective personalityoriented direction. In the process of professional formation at each stage, from the moment of self-determination, during the profession choice period and up to the professional formation, as well as changing profession, one must take into account the structural components of his personality and his characteristics as the subject of activity – the internal components of the professionality system organization. Along with this, it is important to identify psychological conditions of professional activity, ensuring its successful development and implementation. Thus, the activity of a professional who is considered to be the subject of this activity involves considering the internal (psychological) conditions. Keywords: activities, professional, professional activity, consciousness, personality | 1097 | |||||
497 | Within a currently relevant competence-based approach, some aspects of the formation of professional competencies of future physics teachers when studying the course Theoretical Physics. Module: Classical Mechanics» are considered. This discipline is a fundamental component of the theoretical training of the teacher-physicist and plays the role of a knowledge basis, without which the successful activity of a physics teacher is impossible. Physics studies the general laws of the phenomena of nature, the properties and structure of matter, the forms of motion of matter and their mutual transformations. Theoretical Physics is given a primary place in the formation of the natural scientific world outlook and a holistic picture of the world, in addition, it contributes to the development of scientific thinking among students. Formation of professional competencies in students occurs in the process of studying a specific topic of Classical Mechanics: «The Lagrange function. Euler-Lagrange equations». In the study of General Physics, a course preceding the study of Theoretical Physics, in considering the dynamics of mechanical systems, Newtonian mechanics is used, which is based on Newton’s laws and Galilean’s principle of relativity. In the course of Theoretical Physics, equivalent formulations of Classical Mechanics are given – the Lagrangian’s and the Hamiltonian’s formalisms. In this paper, we consider the interrelation of Newtonian’s and Lagrange’s mechanics on the example of three variants of the plane flat balance problem. Keywords: professional competences, training future teachers of Physics, teaching Classical Mechanics, Lagrange function | 1097 | |||||
498 | The article deals with the problem of teaching professional foreign language to nonlinguistic students as there are not enough listening and video materials for the main textbooks. It highlights the importance of audition and developing listening skills as the basis for speaking activities and abilities for professional communication in the future. The article emphasizes difficulties in choosing authentic audio and video materials such as time consumption, curriculum relevance, significance and authenticity; it gives an overview of modern Internet resources available for everyone. As a result, it suggests using video materials TED (Technology Entertainment Design) which feature lectures and animated lessons on different subjects. For students with a high level of English it is recommended to use TED Talks as an extensive listening resource, for low-level students TED-Ed is appropriate, as video lessons are animated, short and easy to understand. All video materials TED are available online to the public, supplied with free transcripts in English, and subtitles which is also important to develop interest, motivation and commitment to studying. The article demonstrates the examples of video lessons TED for non-linguistic students of different specialties (technical, humanitarian); it describes stages of working on developing listening skills, necessary conditions, and types of exercises, which prove their effectiveness in audition. Keywords: non-linguistic students, professional foreign language, videomaterials, TED talks, audition, authentic material, novelty, motivation, instruction | 1097 | |||||
499 | The article raises the problem of the readiness of teachers of preschool educational organizations to work on the new Federal State Educational Standard, which pays great attention to the organization of the joint educational activities of a teacher with children. The results of two questionnaire surveys of kindergarten teachers are given, in the course of which it was found out, firstly, the level of the involvement of teachers in the development of educational programs, secondly, their understanding of the results of preschool education, and thirdly, the identification of priority areas for the development of a preschool child. It was found that the majority of teachers take an executive position in relation to educational programs, they are focused not on the personal development of children, but on the formation of their knowledge, skills, teachers underestimate the value of the game and research activities for children’s development. Real educational situations of the organization of the teacher’s joint activities with children are described, illustrating that teachers do not always understand how to make a child an active participant in interacting with an adult and how to get away from the total use of the authoritarian model of joint activity towards leadership and partnership. It is concluded that there is a relationship between the level of the methodological support in the kindergarten, including the position of the senior educator, and the ability of the teacher to organize educational situations of reversed and open joint action with children. Keywords: educational program, joint educational activity, open joint action, educational situation, preschool education | 1097 | |||||
500 | For the preparation of economists that meets the requirements of innovative development of national economy, the Education Cluster is offered as a new form of integration of vocational education and economic business, the separation of which is formed in the transition to a market economy and still hinders interaction of subjects of these areas in vocational training. The joint educational activities of heterogeneous social spheres allows you to master the theory and practice of professional work in the conditions of renewing business. An important aspect of its organization is the participation of state and municipal authorities. The role of regional government structures is in supporting cluster initiatives and functioning of educational clusters. Keywords: preparation of economists, form of integration, educational cluster, cluster policy, joint educational activity, support tools, the role of regional governments and municipal authorities | 1096 |