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1001 | The article deals with the question of demonstrating the features of the national identity of traditional ethnic groups under the influence of globalization and ethnic revival. Ethnic groups found themselves in the face of new challenges and a continuous process of clash of values, transformation of identity components due to the acuteness of the interaction of “their own” and “others” in the world of traditions and in the world of integration of cultures. The methodological basis for the analysis of national identity is the idea of the realities of the outside world as a condition for the development and existence of the individual, which was revealed in the scientific school of V. S. Mukhina “Phenomenology of the development and existence of personality”. We consider the coupling of the realities of the external world (the objective world, the natural world, the realities of figurative-sign systems and the realities of the socio-normative space) as a condition for the development and existence of a person, which determines national identity. The aim of the study was to determine the emotional and cognitive components of the national identity of small ethnic of Western Mongols: Myangat, Torgut, Khoton, Uriankhai and Olet. The respondents’ national identity is characterized by a high stereotyped awareness of “their own” and “others”, the predominance of the emotional evaluation factor, the high importance of the traditional attitude to the objective world, the natural world, the realities of figurative and symbolic systems and the realities of the socio-normative space. Keywords: national identity, ethnic identification, self-determination, ethnic minority, ethnic majority, traditional values | 578 | |||||
1002 | Personal concepts of security are considered, which fills the gap in the study of implicit formations that control human behavior when there is a danger to his life and well-being. The aim of the study was a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of personal security concepts. Personal security concepts are understood as a set of mental constructions formed by projections of the phenomenological security space on the mental structures of a person and expressing his subjective position in the relevant subject area. The core of the subject’s personal security concepts is formed by his personal security concept, which is most closely related to the Self-concept of personality and has a high impact on the rest of the subject’s private concepts, on his mental state and behavior. Personal security concepts are heterogeneous, characterized by an external and internal structure, dynamic and multifunctional (control, transmission and self-renewal functions). The materials presented in the article express our principled positions on a number of modern issues related to increasing human security in social, legal, economic and other spheres of life. The proposed interpretation of the category of “personal security concepts”, the conclusions drawn on the content, structure and properties of the corresponding phenomenon create a springboard for choosing the directions of subsequent research development of the problem. Keywords: security, personal concept, implicit concept, security concept, I-concept | 578 | |||||
1003 | The article presents an overview and analytical consideration of the professionalization of pedagogical thinking as a long process of mastering the chosen profession, arising in the pre-university period and continuing at the university and postgraduate stages of training and advanced training. It is proved that the professionalization of the teacher’s thinking is accompanied by the development of his personality through the actualization and implementation of the supra-situational level of problem detection in the professional activity performed. Resource opportunities are characterized by personal orientation of thinking as the basis of creative self-realization of the teacher. This orientation is characterized by the establishment of supra-situational problemativeness, which allows the teacher to include not only situational, but also personal characteristics in the analysis of a pedagogical problem situation. Awareness of one’s own personal characteristics, which are important for the optimal resolution of the professional difficulty that has arisen, is the spiritual support of the teacher. Personal neoplasms arise when the teacher realizes what personal qualities are not enough to achieve the intended goal in the process of coping with the difficulties that have arisen. It is proved that habilitation is characterized by the development of potential intellectual capabilities that determine the stability and productivity of the teaching staff. Amplification as a method of semantic expansion of the semantic field in cognition and transformation of a difficult situation contributes to an adequate understanding of what is happening and provides an expansion of the valuesemantic orientation of the zone of development of one’s own capabilities. Keywords: professionalization, pedagogical thinking, teachers, students, mental activity, subject, resource-based thinking | 570 | |||||
1004 | The article reviews the issue of risky behavior in the online world – the bullying behavior in the Internet. It gives a description of the phenomenon of cyberbullying and how it negatively affects the mental and emotional state of children and adolescents. Particular attention is paid to the spiritual and moral qualities of personality – personal spirituality and empathy, as determining factors in the process of cybersocialization of a child. The article describes the main diagnostic tools used by the authors – E. G. Norkina’s «Our Class» technique, M. Davis’ «Interpersonal Reactivity Index» adapted by T. D. Karyagina, N. A. Budagovskaya, S. V. Dubrovskaya and A. Husain and M. Anas’ «Spiritual Personality » questionnaire adapted by G. Ozhiganova. It provides the results of a research survey held among adolescents in the city of Tomsk. The study presents the bullying structure of schoolchildren, determines the level of spirituality and empathy of modern adolescents. The results revealed that the indicators of spirituality and empathy of modern schoolchildren in general are at an acceptable level. There was also established a connection between the indicators of personal spirituality, empathy and the implementation of cyberbullying. The results of the study revealed that the lack of development of spirituality and empathy may be associated with an increased risk of aggressive behavior, specifically cyberbullying. Keywords: cyberbullying, adolescent risky behavior, Internet risks, spirituality, empathy, bullying structure | 567 | |||||
1005 | Adolescence is a critical age for developing one’s own idea of social-normative assessment. This occurs in the correlation of the emerging system of one’s own assessments with different social contexts and the self-attitude of a maturing person. In line with the new direction of research on gender socialization in a transitive society, the question of the specifics of this relationship among adolescents of different sexes is of particular interest. In the corresponding study with the participation of Krasnoyarsk teenagers (N=145), the following were used: the author’s “Questionnaire of Evaluative Ideas”, “Self-Attitude Questionnaire” by V. V. Stolina, S. R. Pantileeva, “Self-Concept Scale for Children” (methodology of Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale by E. Pierce and D. Harris, adapted by A. M. Prikhozhan). Correlation analysis of the data showed that the connection between evaluative ideas and characteristics of self-attitude in samples of girls and boys has common and distinctive features. Common ones include the connection with a positive self-attitude of the prosocial nature of one’s own assessments and the perceived assessments of friends, as well as the greater tolerance, according to adolescents, of assessments by parents and other adults of anti- and antisocial actions. Specific features include a significantly wider range of connections between evaluative ideas and self-attitude in the sample of girls and a different structure of distribution of these connections among adolescents of different sexes. For girls, the greatest number of significant connections with the characteristics of selfattitude have assessments of manifestations of social success, for boys - assessments of compliance of behavioral manifestations with ethical requirements. As well as a large number of connections between approving assessments and self-attitude, manifestations of honesty stand out in girls, and balanced behavior in situations of disagreement in boys. Keywords: teenagers, ideas, self-attitude, gender characteristics | 567 | |||||
1006 | At the present stage, the problem of the quality of specialist training is common to all educational institutions of higher education, since the trend towards a decrease in the quality of specialist training persists. The analysis of existing approaches in scientists’ research to solving this problem indicates that in order to ensure the quality of specialist training, it is necessary to develop a structural and substantive model of specialist training at an industrial transport university in the context of ensuring the quality of a competitive environment, which allows establishing interdependent processes such as: setting goals, selecting tools, methods, setting criteria for conditions of a competitive environment, which is the purpose of this study. This article presents the author’s structural and content model of training a specialist of an industrial transport university in the context of ensuring the quality of a competitive environment, developed on the basis of the principles of systemic, qualimetric and environmental approaches. The content of each of the blocks of the model is disclosed, indicating the ways and directions of further development of organizational processes of an industrial transport university in the context of ensuring the quality of a competitive environment. The developed structural and content model allowed us to establish the relationship of all the processes described in the model and find key points among such components as conditions, processes and results of educational activity. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the parameters of the model are logically justified, their completeness and interrelation, the study of the patterns of interaction among themselves, contribute to the development of the theory of university management in modern conditions. This model can be used as a practical basis for universities to develop measures to achieve the quality of training specialists and ensure the quality of its competitive environment. Keywords: structural and content model, specialist training, competitive environment, industrial transport university | 564 | |||||
1007 | Ecological problems are relevant today and confirm the need for environmental education of the younger generation. It is important to form not only knowledge, but also the activity component of environmental culture in order to gradually form a generation of citizens who are not indifferent to environmental problems. An analysis of the content of educational and methodological kits in mathematics and the surrounding world showed that there are deficiencies in this area. Ecological tasks in textbooks are contained either in insufficient quantity or are presented haphazardly. There are practically no tasks aimed at the formation of the activity component of ecological culture. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, data were obtained confirming the relevance of environmental education. The students of the 4th grade have a poorly formed cognitive component of ecological culture. The directions in the work on the formation of ecological culture in mathematics lessons and in extracurricular activities are highlighted. The work experience in extracurricular activities to create environmental projects is presented. The article deals with the concepts of natural science literacy, environmental education and culture; the analysis of the experience of environmental education in Russia was carried out, the methods, forms, methods of work on environmental education were presented, the features of the selected didactic techniques in the work of specific teachers were highlighted. The analysis of the environmental situation in Tomsk is briefly presented, the main environmental problems are highlighted. The analysis carried out made it possible, on the basis of real data on the work of Tomsk enterprises, to draw up environmental tasks aimed at the formation of natural science literacy. Examples of tasks for the formation of natural science literacy based on the local history material of the Tomsk region are considered. These tasks address various types of environmental problems. Keywords: science literacy, environmental education, mathematics, tasks, elementary school | 564 | |||||
1008 | The article marked the problem of formation of initial reading and writing skills during the period of literacy training for first-graders, associated with the inconsistency of teaching methods based on the principle of mechanical copying of the teacher’s actions, prevailing sound and letter analyses over the other ways and methods of the work, which does not correspond to the functional. The author of the article proposed the technology of integrated teaching, tested in practice, in teaching first-graders to sounds and letters based on a reasonable combination of logical and conceptual methods of organizing the study of educational material in combination with artistic and figurative methods inherent in art pedagogy (stimulating emotional response, including in the work all the analyzing systems: auditory, speech-motor, motor, visual), creative art-figurative tasks are proposed with examples of their implementation in the practice of teaching literacy. Thanks to the reliance on the principle of integration and the use of artistic-figurative methods of organizing cognition, by the end of the first year of study, most first-graders show an interest in reading, speech activity, independence in judgments, statements with meaningful words coming from themselves, the need to express themselves even when they are not asked questions, welldeveloped imagination as the basis of creativity. Keywords: literacy training, speech development, phonematic hearing, image of sound and letter, integrative teaching | 562 | |||||
1009 | The aim of the study is to identify the pedagogical conditions for implementing additional professional training program to develop the professionalism of a program attendee by means of hybrid educational environments. Scientific novelty of the research consists in generalizing the experience of Tomsk State University and Tomsk State Pedagogical University in the design and implementation of pedagogically-biased additional professional training programs based on the actualization of the developmental potential of hybrid educational environments. Approaches to the design and implementation of additional professional training program, providing professional-subjective inclusion of the program attendee, are proposed. Pedagogical conditions, which develop professionalism of program attendees of additional professional programs by means of hybrid educational environments, are outlined. As a result, the additional professional training program, implemented in hybrid educational environments, is proved to act as a means of professional development of an attendee-teacher and provides the formation of a new group of competencies related to the productive implementation of professional activity in hybrid educational environments, such as: the ability to design an educational course taking into account its delivery in hybrid educational environments; the ability to deliver an educational course in hybrid educational environments; the ability to assess an educational course delivered in hybrid educational environments. Keywords: additional professional training program, teacher’s professionalism, professional development, hybrid educational environment | 561 | |||||
1010 | Introduction. The relevance of the study of the peculiarities of decision-making and manifestation in this process of individual psychological features of personality is indicated. In the study of decisionmaking of specialists and managers, there were high scores on the scales of “Vigilance” and “Hupervigilance”, as well as the use of such a mechanism of psychological protection as “Intellectualization”, which indicates an increased awareness of the consequences in the choice of the decision, the tendency to apply productive behavioral strategies (constructive coping); in decision-making they rely on reason rather than intuitive thinking; when a problem situation arises, they seek certainty in position. In a separate group of specialists and managers, the traits of “over-vigilance” were identified that prevent the process of orientation in a problem situation, because of which the individual uses spontaneous and chaotic behavior and may make mistakes in choosing possible options for action. When studying the decision-making of performers, high scores were noted on the scales “Avoidance” and “Procrastination”, as well as the use of such a psychological defense mechanism as “Denial”, which indicates that when problem situations arise, they tend to use coping strategies, aimed at avoiding difficulties or “postponing” important matters for the following days, which is also expressed in the transfer of responsibility to other people and life circumstances, speaking of bad luck or prejudice on the part of the management team; insufficient assessment of the circumstances, avoidance of difficulties and responsibility, which is also confirmed by the results of the questionnaire aimed at making decisions. Features of decision-making are of interest for further study by modern psychological science, due to the fact that they manifest the individual psychological characteristics of a particular person and the effectiveness of its activities in the production process and other aspects of functioning, including human behavior in a stressful situation. Keywords: features of decision-making, constructive and destructive behavior, psychological defense mechanisms | 560 | |||||
1011 | In modern conditions of the development of the education system, the implementation of a whole complex of pedagogical and managerial innovations, inter alia, with the assessment of the quality and effectiveness of the professional activity of teachers, is being introduced. The effectiveness of the educational process currently largely depends on how much the teacher is capable and ready not only for the formation of certain knowledge, skills in students, to disclose their creative potential, as well as to the development of their own professional competencies, the ability to find solutions in various pedagogical situations. In the work on the issue of introspection of pedagogical activity, several directions of studying this problem are systematized and distinguished: the formation and development of research, analytical and reflective skills of the teacher; Features of the training of teachers for various types of innovation, taking into account its specifics, including educational, methodological, expert, research. The article justifies the assumption that the formation of teachers of introspection skills is a prerequisite for their successful professional activity. The ability of a modern teacher to carry out introspection is the result of the interiorization of another experience. Three levels of readiness of the teacher to implement introspection are substantiated: at the first level, the formation of goal-setting and individual self-determination in pedagogical activity are assessed at the first level, the allocation of value guidelines; the second level is characterized by sufficient technological work, performing culture, normative literacy, guaranteeing the achievement of the goal; a feature of the third level is the formation of a reflexive superstructure, thanks to which the teacher is able to analyze his activities. Determination of levels allows us to distinguish the criteria and indicators of assessing the teacher’s readiness for introspection. Accordingly, it will be successful if professional pedagogical education is built in the logic of developing learning and professional dialogue and is aimed at developing introspection mechanisms, and modeling of reflective and analytical activity, the development of individual introspection models, become priority in the learning process. The results presented in the article can be used in the system of training future teachers and improving their qualifications. Keywords: analysis, introspection, introspection of pedagogical activity, teacher’s readiness for introspection | 557 | |||||
1012 | As the title implies the article deals with the experience of using a point-rating system for evaluating the results of students’ educational achievements in Sevastopol State University. Conducted survey is presented on the example of the discipline “Business communication in Russian language”. The article goes into detail about the specifics of implementing the point-rating system for assessing the results of students’ educational achievements at Sevastopol State University using the example of the discipline “Business Communication in Russian”. The purpose of the article is to present the experience of using a point-rating system to evaluate the results of students’ educational achievements and to study the attitude of students towards the use of a point-rating system at a university. The text provides valuable information about the practical significance of the study, which presents an example of a rating system that includes a list of additional rating tasks. The results obtained can be used by university teachers to improve the point-rating system in a number of other communication disciplines. Experimental data that presented the opinions of Sevastopol State University students regarding the use of the point-rating system in the educational process is analyzed. This data was obtained in the course of an empirical study, the advantages and problems of using the system were identified. Conclusions are drawn about the need to improve and develop the system with an emphasis on the content and methodological components. Keywords: point-rating system, evaluation of the results of educational achievements, rating, training course, assessment tools, current certification, questioning | 557 | |||||
1013 | The article considers the disclosure of the meta-subject essence and significance of tasks with multicomponent drawings in the professional training of students of an educational organization of secondary vocational education based on the results of work in focus groups of students and undergraduates. As a result, the concepts are clarified: “multicomponent drawings”, “tasks with multicomponent drawings”, and also the requirements for tasks with multicomponent drawings and criteria for their classifications are determined. The paper highlights and characterizes 5 stages of work in focus groups; the recorded facts about the use of tasks with multicomponent drawings in the educational process of a technical school and university are described; multicomponent drawings are considered as a way of encoding educational information that stimulates the work of both hemispheres of the brain, allowing you to create non-verbalized images necessary for completing tasks. The tasks under consideration are defined as a synthesis of visual supports and a text field, taking into account the “clip thinking” of a modern student, contributing to the formation of meta-subject results and the emergence of ideas in the form of mental images necessary for successful mastery of competencies within the framework of the profession or specialty received by the student. Keywords: focus group, research method, tasks with multicomponent drawings, meta-subject results, secondary vocational education, “clip” thinking, “visual” thinking | 552 | |||||
1014 | The article presents an analysis of the experience of working with bilingual children of six years in the conditions of preschool training for Russian schools opened in the Republic of Tajikistan. The educational process in these schools will be carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education of the Russian Federation. The features of the implementation of the pre-school training program, developed in accordance with the requirements of the preschool education standard and tested in classes with bilingual children, are described. The features of bilingual six-year-olds are determined. The methods of organizing educational and play activities of preschool children who have mastered the Russian language at different levels are described, which in the future may cause difficulties for students in achieving subject and meta-subject results determined by the educational program. The speech environment is characterized, which has formed a natural bilingualism in the child and does not contribute to enriching the speech experience of a preschooler. The reasons for the difficulties in teaching bilingual children are explained. The reasons of difficulties in conducting classes on pre-school preparation, which arise both in children and in the teacher, are revealed. The stages of the organization of preschool training of future first-graders are presented, the essential directions of this work, including linguistic and mathematical content, are considered. Based on the results of work in the conditions of preschool preparation, the main conclusions are made that can guide primary school teachers implementing the educational process in Russian schools of the Republic of Tajikistan. Keywords: pre-school preparation, bilingual child, psychological readiness, six-year-old child | 547 | |||||
1015 | The article describes the features of the convict’s behavior, analyzes his personality and how long-term isolation from society affects it. The lack of full-fledged social interaction has a number of negative effects on a person’s mental health. The purpose of the criminal executive legislation of Russia is the correction of convicts, as well as the prevention of the commission of new crimes. In order for a full-fledged law-abiding citizen to return to society, who would benefit the state and society, it is necessary to make a lot of efforts by the employees of the correctional institution. The final result of educational work depends on the level of competence of teachers. In addition to high professionalism, the teacher must have certain qualities and show great patience and flexibility in working with young people in the colony. In order for the work done to be effective, it is necessary to apply various pedagogical technologies, modern non-traditional forms and methods of work. Particular attention is paid to what difficulties the teacher faces when working in an unfavorable environment, what features he subsequently acquires, what barriers he encounters on his way and what is necessary in order to overcome them. The article presents the specifics and general state of the educational process in the colony. A set of problems is considered, the solution of which is possible only under the condition of mutual interest of representatives of branch science, teaching staff of schools of correctional colonies and heads of institutions. Keywords: convict, student, educational work, education, correction, penitentiary system, teacher | 547 | |||||
1016 | The results of self-assessment of universal and professional competencies, reflexive assessment of their own activities by students in the educational process of which productive educational technologies were designed and consistently implemented in the disciplines of the professional cyccle. The results obtained allow us to assert that students’ self-assessment shows the positive relevance of universal competencies in the implementation of professional cycle disciplines using productive technologies. It is scientifically proved that the use of productive technologies in the disciplines of the professional cycle allows students to fix their positive state within the framework of self-assessment of competencies, which enriches the pedagogical theory of the scientific specialty “General Pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education” in the sections “Quality of education. Pedagogical measurements. Theoretical, methodological foundations for measuring the quality of education” and contributes to the further development of a competence-based approach in engineering education. The author’s diagnostics of self-assessment of students’ competencies in the implementation of disciplines of the professional cycle using productive technologies has been developed. The idea of the possibilities of students’ self-assessment of universal and professional competencies in the disciplines of the professional cycle implemented by productive technologies has been expanded. Keywords: Universal and professional competencies, learning outcomes, competence approach, self-assessment, productive technologies, reflection | 546 | |||||
1017 | The article analyzes the study of high school students’ psychological well-being and their perceived social support as resources of coping behavior in situations of stress. The sample consisted of 107 high school students 16-17 years old (52 boys and 55 girls). Methods: Scale of Perceived Stress-10, Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS), Ryffs Scales of Psychological Well-being, Questionnaire of social support of G. Sommer and T. Fydrich. Descriptive statistics in groups divided by gender, correlation and regression analysis were analyzed. Results: Common factors of perceived stress, coping behavior, psychological well-being and social support, as well as gender characteristics and differences are demonstrated. Young males were more likely to demonstrate autonomy, competence and higher levels of self-acceptance. At the same time, all adolescents note the availability of social support. Girls are more stressed compared to their male peers, and they have to make more efforts to cope with it. Girls are more likely to use emotionally stressful coping strategies, whereas males are more likely to use problem-oriented and external social resources. The positive role of psychological well-being and social support for the possibility of efficient coping with stresses, as well as the targets of psychological influence and correction have been found. Instrumental support, manifested in an advice, effective or material assistance, as the provision of a ready-made solutions that do not require the teenager’s own efforts, can lead to the strengthening of the use of unproductive coping strategies. Keywords: high school students, perceived stress, coping behavior, psychological well-being; social support | 546 | |||||
1018 | The biopsychosocial model of mental health, mental disorders and psychological well-being is the modern model adopted by the psychological and medicine practice. Scientific theories concerning various aspects of human being consider the determinants of any process as the unity of biological and social. The purpose of the study is to form a social portrait of the psychological well-being of students in the Tula region. The SCL-90 test scales were used as parameters for assessing psychological well-being; as parameters characterizing the social portrait - social status (a student from a large family, an incomplete or low-income family, a student with a disability or chronic disease, a student with family and children, a student left without parental care). The study involved 1363 students of universities in the Tula region aged 17-24 years, of which 1068 female, 295 male. Monitoring was carried out during the fall of 2022. Conclusions: the presence of social status does not imply, but does not exclude low indicators of psychological well-being. Differences in the psychological well-being of students depending on the social status were revealed. Students from large families are twice as likely to demonstrate a low level of psychological well-being than a high one; students from single-parent families are three times more likely to demonstrate a low level of psychological well-being than a high one; students with disabilities or chronic diseases are significantly more likely to demonstrate a low level of psychological well-being than a high level; orphan students are twice as likely to demonstrate a low level of psychological well-being than a high one; students from low-income backgrounds are three times more likely to have a low level of psychological well-being than a high level. The results obtained indicate the expediency of social and psychological support for students of these social groups, and, first of all, students with chronic diseases or disabilities. Keywords: social portrait, social determinants, psychological well-being, youth, students | 545 | |||||
1019 | . | 540 | |||||
1020 | The substantiation of the relevance of the anthropological approach in the study of the problems of vocational education has been carried out. The material was the results of theoretical studies of specialists in the ethnography of professions, cultural anthropology, and the theory of education. Their analysis served as the basis for putting forward the humanitarian-anthropological approach as a methodology consistent with the subject of the study of professional education – professional culture, methods and forms of its development. In the domestic cultural and historical tradition, the professions of a doctor, teacher, soldier, policeman, and rescuer belong to the professions of service. This means that for full self-realization in them, a person needs to overcome selfishness and consumerism, to master the values of self-sacrifice and compassion. The transformation of the value foundations of public life, the rejection of the priority of upbringing in the process of education in post-perestroika Russia led to the ambiguous acceptance by young citizens of the modern state strategy aimed at the spiritual and moral development of the younger generation. The idea of repeatedly changing professions has led to the loss of the high value of professionalism. The anthropological turn in vocational education draws attention to the subject of professional education – the development of professional culture. In this regard, the author proposes a humanitarian-anthropological approach as a methodology for her research. On its basis, this concept is clarified as a “culture of the professional community”, anthropological practices are defined as a way of professional education. In the reflexive environment of the event community, there is an understanding of cultural texts that describe the life structure of figures oriented by its values, which contributes to the formation of a professional position. The risks of using this approach are identified, consisting in the inability of modern young people to carry out text work, loss of motivation, refusal to understand the profession as a way of self-realization for life. Higher education is an integral part of adult education, in which theorists substantiate the need for pedagogical support for the search for the meaning of life, which in the national cultural and historical tradition is inextricably linked with the chosen profession. The humanitarian-anthropological approach is defined as a methodology that allows organizing the conditions for the development of the value-semantic sphere of future representatives of the professions of service. Keywords: humanitarian-anthropological approach, professional education, professional culture, professions of service, anthropology of the profession | 539 | |||||
1021 | The concept “academic skills” is gaining popularity in Russia. However, there are some issues from the point of view of its interpretation into Russian, its similarity to the terms in Russian methodological and pedagogical sciences and its assimilation and acquisition. Hence, it is difficult to determine the place of the concept “academic skills” in the process of training in the system of Russian tertiary education. Methods of theoretical analysis of English-language sources, including academic dictionaries (Collins, Oxford, Webster) have been used, as well as Russian sources in the fields of psychology, didactics and linguistics. Also, methods of comparative analysis, schemas to demonstrate the contents of different meanings of the term “academic skills” have been presented. The article deals with the definitions of the term “academic skills” given in English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries, as well as with the usage of its. The use of Russian-language analogues of this term is being studied in methodological and pedagogical sciences. The conclusion has been done that in Russian pedagogical and methodological sciences this term can be used as “academic abilities”, “academic skills”, and “academic competencies”. It has also been suggested that it is important to determine a border between these concepts from the point of view of the level of the linguistic competence of students at non-linguistic majors. Keywords: academic skills, academic abilities, academic competencies, speech | 535 | |||||
1022 | The paper considers the issue of training of university teachers of nonlinguistic majors to deliver professional and science-based disciplines in a foreign language. The author describes the experience of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University in organising the teaching and learning process of professional training of students in the English language. Delivering professional disciplines requires both high proficiency in the content of the subject and the language; therefore university teachers engaged in this kind of activity must be intentionally trained. Teaching and learning professional nonlinguistic disciplines in a foreign language is characterised as one of the aspects of internationalisation of higher education. The author mentions modern competency-based methods of teaching field-specific content in English; the advantages and disadvantages of the methods are derived. Key competencies of university teachers who deliver professional training in English are listed. The paper provides insight into the existing in-house enhancement training system to develop university teacher skills for educational interaction in the English language. The author presents the organisational and pedagogical model of training university teachers to deliver nonlinguistic educational programmes in a foreign language. The analysis of the efficiency of the designed model is conducted according to the following criteria: satisfaction with learning, key competence development, motivation to further training in the field of English-medium instruction of professional disciplines, and product quality. Keywords: organisational and pedagogical model, enhancement training, key competences of a teacher, English as a medium of instruction, professional training in English, internationalisation of higher education | 534 | |||||
1023 | The relevance of the research topic is due to the permanent transformation of the requirements for the quality of labor resources as a reaction of the economic system to the high dynamism of the development of productive forces, which provokes the continuous improvement of the competencies of workers, who are required not only to qualify, but also to be proactive in terms of optimizing the production process. This predetermines the focus of the education system on the formation of future specialists’ competencies of a meta-subject nature, reflecting the ability not only to fix and evaluate ongoing changes with subsequent adaptation to them, but also to make managerial decisions that are adequate to the current situation. The purpose of the study is to assess the competence continuity of various levels of education in the system “school-pedagogical university (bachelor’s degree - master’s degree)”. The article substantiates the concept of competency-based continuity as a qualitative sign of the dynamics of the process of forming these educational results and the results themselves. The introduction of the concept of “competence continuity” allows us to trace the change in the content of acquired skills, competencies at the junction of general and higher education, which ensures the formation of the meta-subject content of the future specialist’s professional readiness. It is also significant that competency-based continuity is not limited to the period of study, but continues in subsequent professional activities, thereby implementing the principle of continuity of education throughout life. The scientific novelty of the study lies in: substantiation of the content of the competency- based continuity of educational programs, due to both regulatory frameworks (FSES, Standards, etc.) and the evolutionary development of the acquired competencies in the course of implementing the professional skills of a specialist; presenting the characteristics of the evolutionary relationship of universal educational activities formed at the level of secondary education and universal competencies of undergraduate and graduate programs (based on educational programs of Tomsk State Pedagogical University). As a result of the study, the existence of competency-based continuity of the universal competencies of undergraduate and graduate programs of Tomsk State Pedagogical University, their logical connection with the universal educational activities formed at school, which indicates the effective organization of the educational process, has been established. Keywords: continuity, competence, competence, educational program, meta-subject | 533 | |||||
1024 | The article explains the specifics of full-time and distance learning. It distinguishes and describes the characteristic features of both formats. The paper presents the various models of blended learning. As a research task, the author identified an attempt to assess the effectiveness of the introduction of blended learning in the educational process of the college. The article describes the experience of using such forms of learning as “flipped classroom” and “station rotation” in the discipline “Electrical engineering” in the training of mid-level technical specialists. The most significant in the blended learning is qualitative assimilation of knowledge and skills. Quality is achieved by increasing the motivation of students, a variety of forms of organization of training and individual approach to students. The text gives an information on recommendations for methodological materials for students during the organization classes using blended learning technologies. The author concludes that the solution to the problem of introducing blended learning technologies is the organization of a pedagogical workshop for the study of innovative pedagogical technologies. In conclusion, the author proposes a program of a pedagogical workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to improve the qualification of teachers for the effective use of these pedagogical technologies in the educational process. Keywords: blended learning, innovative pedagogical technologies, flipped classroom, station rotation, pedagogical workshop | 532 | |||||
1025 | Consideration of the positive and negative aspects of the transformation of educational activities based on the use of its digital technologies and the increasing pace of digitalization of modern society. The expediency of the development of psychological cyber stability of the personality of the subjects of educational activity is substantiated. The authors consider the definition of the psychological cyber stability of a professional personality, its psychological structure, including the reflexive, cognitive, creative, communicative, motivational-volitional, value-semantic components. A description of the conditions and educational technologies for the development of psychological cyber-resilience is given. The targets of the psychological and pedagogical influence that underlie the psychological correction of cyber addictions and other negative phenomena associated with the informatization of modern education are determined. The authors present a proven algorithm for organizing and conducting psychological and pedagogical training aimed at developing psychological cyber-resilience of students’ personalities. Depending on the orientation of the psychocorrective impact, the authors distinguish the following stages of the training: actualization of the problem of self-transformative activity in matters of psychological cyberstability (includes synchronization of activity in the inner psychological world of the individual, in social and cyberontological realities), increasing personal readiness for self-transformative activity (it includes normalization of complex emotional states during the transformation of destructive patterns of behavior; expansion of the range of effective methods of self-support and solving difficulties), teaching the means of assimilation of the experience gained in the process of training work (it includes the formation of skills of purposeful arbitrary management of personal activity, the expansion of the range of knowledge about the ways and techniques of mastering eco-friendly skills of nonviolent inhibition of habitual destructive behavioral stereotypes), recognition and reflection of positive changes in self-educational activity (it includes normalization of negative experiences in cases of mismatch of ideally planned achievements and the reality of self-transformation). Keywords: professional training of specialists, transformation of educational activity, structure of psychological cyber stability of a person, risks of cyber-ontological reality, development of cyber resilience | 530 | |||||
1026 | The formation of professional speech culture is associated with various aspects of the activity of the person in the process of cognition, reflects his personal properties and is reflected in the speech act. The relevance is due to the fact that under the conditions of ongoing transformations, it becomes necessary to revise and reassess the ideas about professional culture and comprehend the patterns of formation of the professional speech culture of the person in the process of cognition and the conditions for its formation. The purpose of the article is to formulate the principles of the formation of professional speech culture, due to the unity of the personal culture of the person in the process of cognition and the professional speech act. On the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis, the content of the concept of “professional speech culture” of the person in the process of cognition is derived, its connection with the external contexts of educational activity that influence the formation of the internal context of the person in the process of cognition is described; a speech act is analyzed as a unit of activity and its conditionality by theoretical contexts that influence the dynamics of change in the person in the process of cognition as they acquire a professional culture and develop and manifest their personal culture, forming a professional speech culture represented in a speech act. The practical significance of the article lies in revealing the unity of the personal culture of the person in the process of cognition and the professional speech act and formulating the principles for the formation of the professional speech culture of the person in the process of cognition. Keywords: professional speech culture, professional speech act, person in the process of cognition, contextual education, personal culture of the subject of cognition, internal cross-cultural context | 529 | |||||
1027 | The implementation of the national project “Education” requires a change in approaches to the learning process at school and university. The federal project “Digital Educational Environment” implemented within the framework of this national project contains a description of the specific goals and objectives of training teachers who are able to carry out professional activities in the conditions of digitalization of the educational environment. The purpose of the article is to analyze the implementation of the discipline “Information systems of the digital educational environment of the school” in the training of future subject teachers at a pedagogical university. The basis of the research is the academic discipline “Information systems of the digital educational environment of the school”, aimed at mastering information systems and technical equipment of the digital educational environment of the school by students of the IV–V courses of pedagogical specialties of the Kuzbass Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute of Kemerovo State University (KSPI KemGU). The research materials indicate the problems of introducing modern technical and software tools of the digital school environment into the educational process of training future teachers. In the course of the study, it was found that for the successful implementation of information systems and technical means to ensure a digital educational environment, a different approach to the planning of the training course is required and, accordingly, the redistribution of time for the preparation and conduct of classes on the basis of technical support of the course. The entrance survey of students aimed at studying students’ attitudes to the use of information systems and technical means of the digital educational environment in professional activities showed that the main difficulty is the lack of opportunities for self-study using technical equipment that ensures the functioning of the digital educational environment based on digital services. Nevertheless, in the course of the study, it was found that at present conditions have been created at KSPI KemGU for the successful implementation of information systems and technical means of the digital educational environment in the educational process of the university in the preparation of future teachers. The author’s course of the discipline “Information systems of the digital educational environment of the school” has been developed using modern capabilities of information systems and technical means to ensure the work of a digital school. The research materials are of interest to scientific and pedagogical communities discussing the development of the digital educational environment of the school. Keywords: information systems, digital school, digital services, training of future teachers, educational process at the university, digital educational environment | 529 | |||||
1028 | Social networks have become a part of our lives and young people are one of the most active groups on these platforms. The digital environment has significantly changed the format of communications, forming a different communicative culture. The authors of the article identified and studied the existing platforms for online communications: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Telegram, YouTube, made a list of formal youth communities, defined types, selection and their formation. Youth communities were identified based on expert interviews with the school directors’ assistants on educational work, educational advisers, curators of schools and colleges. They are the Russian Movement of Children and Youth, “The Movement of the First”, the Russian public organization Russian Youth Union, Russian children’s and youth military-patriotic public movement “Yunarmiya”, Russian competition “Big break”, the Russian public movement “Volunteers of Victory”, Mosvolonter, Young inspectors of Russia. This organizations interact with schools and colleges within educational work through the social networks. The authors analyzed the statistical pages of the youth communities in the social networks, in order to identify the features of the content and activities of communities; presented a comparative table of the characteristics of youth communities in the social network “VKontakte” according to the developed criteria. In conclusion, the authors found that “VKontakte” is the most popular social network among youth organizations; messenger «Telegram», basically, completely duplicates its content; the main content reflecting the activities of offline organizations includes news about competitions, promotions, events, posts that highlighting the activity of youth organizations; quizzes and votes have the greatest response from subscribers. The results allow to make conclusions about the possibilities of using social networks in building the educational work in educational organizations. Keywords: social networks, educational work, youth communities, youth organizations, content | 528 | |||||
1029 | Due to the expansion in the number of international students entering Russian medical universities, there is an increasing need to modernize the educational process using methods, techniques and technologies that are most effective for learning, understanding and memorizing the studied material, as well as the formation and development of general professional and professional competencies of future doctors, taking into account the specificity of the educational process at a medical university and national psychological characteristics of foreign students. The purpose of the article is to identify the specificity of teaching principal medical subjects to foreign students and recommendations for teachers on the organization of the process of teaching foreign medical students principal medical subjects, ordering the basic methods, techniques and technologies of teaching foreign students to such principal medical subjects as human anatomy, biological chemistry, intermediate level therapy, pharmacology, microbiology and virology, traumatology and orthopedics, infectious diseases. The article summarizes the main methods, techniques and technologies used in teaching foreign students basic medical subjects both in Russian and in an intermediary language, aimed at the formation and development of their general professional and professional competencies. Keywords: professional education, methods of training foreign students, teaching specialized medical disciplines, organization of training, recommendations for teachers, medical universities, medical education | 524 | |||||
1030 | This article examines the increasing role of supplementary education, its demand among consumers and customers. It contains a brief analysis of the education market in Russia and the world, taking into account the development of the educational technology market. The segments of private and public education, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. The current state, regulatory changes in the field of supplementary education, the system of preparation of teachers of supplementary education for the implementation of labor functions, were studied with regard to the implementation of professional standards. The analysis of Russian and foreign literature on supplementary education teachers’ training, competence development, quality assessment, etc. was carried out. The analysis highlights a number of problems concerning the preparation of supplementary education specialists for professional implementation of labor functions at a high level, and these problems have not been addressed by modern scientists. Among the identified problems are the lack of prospects for the emergence of a sufficient number of qualified additional education specialists in the regions of Russia, low qualification of teachers and management of educational organizations, low technological literacy of teachers, the gap between the public and private segments of the education market, the obsolescence of traditional teaching formats, low motivation for change and development, burnout among employees of educational organizations, etc. Keywords: additional education, training of additional education teachers, professional standard, competence of additional education teachers, educational technologies, education market | 520 | |||||
1031 | The training of the engineering personnel with a certain set of professional competencies that allow the use of modern scientific achievements and the level of digital technologies in the field of railway transport is of great importance today. The formation of the socalled graphic competency is one of the main general professional and professional competencies to be developed. The possibilities and advantages of the professionally adapted educational graphic tasks for the students of the railway construction specialty in the educational process, which contribute to the formation of the graphic competence, as well as the process of professional development of students, are considered. The examples of the professionally adapted educational graphic tasks for the railway construction specialty are presented. Keywords: engineering personnel, general professional competencies, graphic competence, professionally oriented tasks, professionally adapted educational graphic tasks, pedagogical support for students | 520 | |||||
1032 | The article deals with the phenomenon of “emotional burnout”, the relevance of the study of which remains in the conditions of modern education. Definitions of this concept formulated by various authors are given. Various factorial and procedural models of burnout development are presented. The symptoms of burnout at different stages of its development are described. The description of the factors of the development of burnout syndrome identified in various psychological studies is given. Specific factors of burnout development depending on professional activity are highlighted. The reasons for the development of burnout among teachers of schools, preschool educational institutions and students of pedagogical universities are analyzed. All three categories of teachers indicate as the reasons for the development of burnout a high emotional, physical, and communicative load; a high level of social requirements; mismatch of expectations of the real situation in education. A comparative analysis of the symptoms and phases of emotional burnout syndrome among teachers of preschool educational institutions and teachers of secondary educational schools was carried out. The data of an empirical study of the symptoms of emotional burnout among teachers of preschool educational institutions are presented. The results obtained allowed us to identify a number of specific age-related features and trends in the development of emotional burnout syndrome in preschool workers. The diagnostic results obtained by V. V. Boyko’s method of diagnosing emotional burnout showed that, regardless of age, in most cases a phase of “Resistance” is formed, the most pronounced is the symptom of “Experiencing traumatic circumstances”, the least pronounced is the symptom of “Emotional and moral disorientation”. The materials presented in this article can be used when planning work on the prevention and overcoming of emotional burnout among employees of preschool educational institutions. Keywords: phenomenon of emotional burnout, burnout models, teachers, preschool educational institutions | 519 | |||||
1033 | The development of musical training system in the People’s Republic of China (PRC), based on national traditions, both theoretically and practically, from its origins to the era of digital technology, is considered. For this purpose, the theoretical notions of musical professional education in China are systematized in correlation with the main historical stages of the country’s development and in the conditions of its reform. It is shown that modern music education in China dates back to the early twentieth century, when other countries had already formed music schools (in the broadest sense of the word); accordingly, the formation of Chinese musicology and music teaching methods initially relied on foreign traditions, including them in the millennial practical experience of mastering the musical art, accumulated by the ancient civilization. Since the adoption of the Western system of music education, many music courses and teaching methods have remained unchanged for many years. Modern music education places greater demands on the education of the teacher of higher education, the structure of knowledge, cultural development and quality of teaching, including mastery of digital technologies. At present, the level of training of Chinese music teachers is uneven, and it takes a large number of dedicated, hard-working, high-level music teachers to fill the gaps in Chinese music education that are holding back the development of Chinese music. Keywords: music education, digitalization of education, digital technology, traditions of music education in China | 518 | |||||
1034 | The article deals with the issue of the formation of knowledge and skills for preparing students at the training sessions of the course of sports improvement “Kettlebell lifting”, taught at the Institute of Physical Culture and Sports of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University. A modern version of teaching theoretical and physical training methods to students of the Institute of Physical Education and Sports using CrossFit elements is presented. CrossFit is a type of physical activity that consists of a high-intensity strength training program. The program is made up of exercises from other sports, such as: kettlebell lifting, weightlifting, powerlifting, gymnastics, athletics and others. This technique is based on scientific and methodological principles and approaches to the process of training and development of strength endurance in kettlebell lifting. The developed methodology consists of the following components: theoretical topics, practical training topics for the development of physical qualities, means of influencing muscle groups, a training program with crossfit elements, exposure doses, work intensity and rest intervals between sets. A wide range of teaching methods are used, both general pedagogical and specific, such as: explanation, conversation, story, discussion, methods of strictly regulated exercises (repeated, variable, uniform, interval, circuit training method); competitive and game methods. The results of the impact of the developed methodology before and after the experiment are presented. The effectiveness of the developed method of teaching students, aimed at the formation of knowledge and skills for the development of physical qualities during kettlebell lifting, has been experimentally proven. Keywords: kettlebell lifting, teaching methods, training sessions, crossfit, theoretical knowledge, practical skills, physical fitness, strength endurance | 518 | |||||
1035 | The article raises the problem of difficulties that are increasingly often encountered by psychologists who provide psychological assistance in educational institutions. The author focuses on the origins of such obstacles and possible ways to overcome them. Based on the analysis and comparison of the texts of various publications (from legal and regulatory documents to the text of special studies), the author’s understanding of the main sources of this kind of difficulties that are increasingly experienced by practical psychologists of education, their possible causes, as well as ways and means of overcoming them are indicated. The study conducted by the author showed that the main causes of difficulties in the work of a practical psychologist of education are: 1) regulatory and legal; 2) methodological; 3) educational; 4) personal (personal-professional). The author’s vision of those ways and means that can help to overcome them is presented. As such, the following stand out: a) the definition of those characteristics of the activities of psychologists that should be the main ones in the Federal State Educational Standards and PS, in regulatory departmental documents on the activities of a teacher-psychologist; b) overcoming the “methodological chaos” in understanding the essence of practical psychology, creating a professional and scientifically correct understanding of the content of both the most practical psychology in the field of education and the main types of work of a practical psychologist of education; c) normative consolidation of the place and role of the individual in this profession, specialty. Keywords: practical psychology, practical psychology in the field of education, causes of difficulties in the work of a practical educational psychologist, personal qualities of a practical educational psychologist, ways of overcoming difficulties in the work of a practical psychologist of education | 516 | |||||
1036 | Modern social conditions impose new requirements on teacher training and encourage to change the content and technology of the professional and educational process at the university, to increase attention to personal and professional development, general culture and erudition of future teachers. The purpose of the scientific review is to analyze and synthesize, generalize and systematize, conceptualize scientific ideas of psychological research aimed at developing prospects and strategies for the development of continuing pedagogical education, new psychological approaches to updating the content, technologies and methods of pedagogical activity and advanced training of teachers, convergence of national educational traditions, innovations and retronovations. The psychological analysis of the most promising studies of the professional activity of a teacher made it possible to draw the following conclusions: the prospects of continuous pedagogical education should be associated with national traditions, with continuity in cultural life, value attitude to a person, polysubject interaction of people, cultural forms of communication based on moral principles, more meaningful cooperation of a teacher and a psychologist, etc. The accumulated global and domestic pre-revolutionary and Soviet experience aimed at optimizing the results of educational activities in schools and universities should be rethought and taken into account at the present stage of education development. These ideas formed the basis of the structural and content model of the new practice of psychological training of teachers developed by us, including target, content (personal, interpersonal, professional), technological, organizational, strategic levels. Keywords: continuous pedagogical education, personal and professional development, systemic personal-developmental approach, convergence of traditions, innovations and retronovations, polysubject community «teacher-student», psychological research, innovative practice of teacher training | 514 | |||||
1037 | The article discusses the possibilities of forming the linguistic knowledge of foreign students in the process of constructing a booktrailer based on the material of a popular scientific book - a linguoculturological dictionary of regional onomastics, built on a thematic principle, taking into account the motivation of region names. The characteristics of the booktrailer video technology are given, the experience is presented and the expediency of teaching this technology to philology students who will be able to use the acquired skills in their future pedagogical practice is proved. The learning process is shown on the material of training videos. Special attention is paid to the representation of the cultural and historical background of Pskov godonyms, their connection with important historical events and famous cultural figures for the region is revealed. The stages of a methodological experiment are described, the results of which showed that students mastered a new video technology, gained additional knowledge on the history of Russia and the Pskov region, learned to reveal the cultural background of godonyms in linguoculturological comments. Thus, the expediency of involving students in the construction of a book trailer was confirmed in order to expand their linguistic and local knowledge and improve their skills in the field of video technology. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, regional linguoculturological dictionary, video technologies, booktrailer, international students | 513 | |||||
1038 | The currency of the survey is occasioned by the fact that consideration of the professional thinking as a resource, demands widening of apprehension of it as a metasystem, which includes cognitive, metacognitive, personal and resourceful and behavioral components. The data of the research of professional thinking of preschool teachers (n = 70), supported by a metasystem approach, has been presented in the article. The peculiarities of structural-level organization of pedagogical professional thinking on a systemic level have been defined: it has been concluded that teachers, who work with preschool children, represent all the levels of professional thinking, simultaneously they more often make situational decisions with suprasituational direction (in 1/3 of cases) and exactly this level has been characterized as more organized structurally compared to others. The similarities and differences of professional thinking depending on specialization and location of a preschool educational establishment have been evolved (partially in the qualities of suprasituational thinking and metacognitive characteristics). It has been established that there is a partial connection between components-subsystems of professional pedagogical thinking: the suprasituational level of thinking is related to self-actualization, self-management and self-interest involve behavioral flexibility and creative solutions of problem situations, self-confidence is positively combined with metacognitive characteristics and comprehensiveness of analysis of a problem situation. The conception of potential of professional thinking, new for psychological and pedagogical science, has been suggested. The results obtained can be used in preschool education towards achieving performance indicators of educational activities. Keywords: professional pedagogical thinking, cognitive, metacognitive and personal peculiarities, preschool teachers, potential of thinking, structural-level organization of thinking, metasystem approach | 512 | |||||
1039 | It is the lack of working memory that is considered as the main reason for the difficulties in mastering mathematics. To overcome difficulties in mastering mathematics, computer trainers of working memory based on mathematical content are offered. If trainers do not have a mathematical component, but are aimed only at improving the functioning of the main components of a person’s working memory (articulation loop, visual-spatial notepad and central administrator), then classes with them do not lead to a noticeable improvement in academic performance, perhaps due to a significant lag behind current program. The computer trainers developed by the author and available on the site workingmemory.ru are aimed at both developing basic computing skills and training working memory. The subject of trainers was determined both on the basis of the author’s own observations and on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of USE participants published on the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements website (fipi.ru). At the time of publication, nine trainers have been created and tested. The trainers are available at workingmemory.ru immediately after registration. The paper presents the data of approbation of trainers in the preparation courses for the Unified State Examination and their comparison with the results of studies by other authors. The average time to complete one calculation task is presented, practical recommendations are given. The use of author’s trainers as a tool for developing computational skills, increasing the efficiency of mathematics classes and training the working memory of students is substantiated. Keywords: teaching mathematics, working memory, mental counting, digitalization of education | 512 | |||||
1040 | At the end of the XX – beginning of the XXI century, significant changes are taking place in the domestic language education, which led to a revision of the entire system of teaching foreign languages at all levels of education. Socio-cultural and scientific-pedagogical factors served as a kind of trigger for the modernization and development of approaches to the study of foreign languages. Against the background of rapidly expanding international cooperation in the 1990s, the pedagogical community focused its attention on the development of new approaches to language teaching. A detailed study of the influence of socio-cultural and scientific-pedagogical factors on the development of approaches to teaching foreign languages has been carried out. Concrete examples of the expansion and expansion of intercultural relations between Russia and Western countries after the collapse of the USSR are given. It is stated that rapidly developing international cooperation required people who speak foreign languages. Based on the theoretical analysis of scientific works of teachers, linguists and methodologists, the key ideas of communicative and culturological approaches to teaching foreign languages are characterized. It is concluded that communicative and culturological approaches to the study of foreign languages were designed to optimally promote their rapid assimilation, the development of communicative competence, the acquisition of communication skills with representatives of other countries, the comprehension of the culture of other peoples for productive interaction in various fields of human activity. Keywords: approach to teaching, foreign languages, communicative competence, socio-cultural factors, scientific and pedagogical factors | 512 | |||||
1041 | The need to train future leaders of the National Technology Initiative requires the identification of psychological and pedagogical conditions for creating teams based on the school team. The definition of the term “future leader of the National Technology Initiative” is given, which includes differentiation by levels of the main educational programs. The analysis of methods of overcoming low educational results existing in general educational organizations was carried out and managerial decisions were identified that allow consolidating the team. The main management decisions include: providing a system of actions that define and specify educational goals, develop the motivation of teaching staff to improve educational results; organization of interaction “mentor – young teacher”; organization of pedagogical (methodological, psychological and pedagogical) mutual assistance in the teaching staff; ensuring the interaction of teaching staff (both individual and collective) with the school administration to solve production and personal issues; monitoring the relationship between the dynamics of educational results achieved by students and the remuneration of the teaching staff of the school; organization of conditions for the prevention and rehabilitation of occupational diseases of teachers, including their professional “burnout”; increasing the significance of the results of the work of public associations in social and professional support. The psychological and pedagogical conditions that allow overcoming low educational results include: the development of value-oriented unity, collectivistic self-determination of the individual and effective group emotional identification. Further work is expected to form a favorable socio-psychological climate on the basis of school groups. This work should be comprehensive, purposeful, include coordinated actions of all participants in educational relations. Work to create a favorable psychological climate in the team can take the form of individual counseling, psychological training. Keywords: National Technology Initiative, future leaders, school staff, poor educational results, management decisions | 511 | |||||
1042 | Digitalization of education allows accumulating new experience, improving the methodological support of the educational process and forming the methodological basis of digital didactics. The inclusion of virtual educational laboratories in the educational process is dictated by the peculiarities of the digital educational environment, but it faces some problems: insufficient security of the virtual educational environment due to the lack of technical regulations, lack of a unified methodological approach, imperfection of the regulatory framework. The authors of the study make an attempt to generalize and systematize the experience of introducing virtual educational laboratories into the school system. Approaches to the definition of the concept of “virtual laboratory” as a means and method of scientific knowledge, the main feature of which is the safety of interactive creative experimental activity, are analyzed. A classification of virtual laboratories according to multidimensionality, imitation, form of information presentation, freedom of cognitive creativity, modality of perception is proposed. The requirements for the visualization of objects in virtual educational laboratories are outlined, taking into account the leading (visual) channel of perception of modern schoolchildren. The educational opportunities and some risks of including the tactile channel of children’s perception when learning in virtual educational laboratories are considered. The types of processes that can be simulated in virtual laboratories are considered. A study was made of the effectiveness of identifying graphic objects of varying complexity by primary school students. On the basis of the data obtained, the principles of organizing training in virtual educational laboratories have been developed: the principle of imitation of reality, the principle of scientific character / reliability of data, the principle of a responsible attitude (ethics of training in virtual educational laboratories). Keywords: virtual educational laboratory, classification of virtual educational laboratories, identification of graphic objects by younger schoolchildren, functional literacy | 511 | |||||
1043 | The article shows the need for the formation of assertive behavior of students in the direction of training “State and municipal management” in order to increase confidence, professionalism and competitiveness of the individual. Assertive behavior is considered by many authors to be direct, open behavior that is not intended to harm other people. Despite different approaches to its understanding and definition, researchers identify its key characteristics, such as self-confidence, achieving their goals, making independent decisions, respect for others and for themselves, independent behavior, openness in communication, respect for rights, equal open communication, etc. Based on the analysis of the results of the study obtained according to the methods: “Study of the level of assertiveness” by V. Kapponi, T. Novak, Questionnaire “Autonomy-dependence” G. S. Prygin, “Diagnosis of selfconfidence” B. D. Karvasarsky, it was concluded that during training at the university students do not acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the formation of a sufficiently high level of autonomy, confidence, and, ultimately, assertive behavior for the successful implementation of future professional activities. The negative dynamics of the studied indicators indicates the need to introduce into the learning process at the university a program aimed at the formation of assertive behavior, which will allow to refract the situation for the better and prepare state and municipal employees who are able to manage their emotional behavior, calmly and carefully make decisions, effectively interact with citizens and colleagues, achieve their goals, demonstrate confidence and independence of conduct. Keywords: assertiveness, assertive behavior, confidence, autonomy, students, studying in the specialty of state and municipal management | 510 | |||||
1044 | A scientific view on the study of professional prospects of teenagers as a psychological system is presented. From the standpoint of the systematic approach, the dimensions of professional prospects have been determined: value-semantic, cognitive, emotional-evaluative, organizational-activity. The value-semantic dimension of professional prospects is a set of value and semantic formations of a person that determine the individual specifics of the process and result of future planning (values, value orientations, motives, personal meanings). The cognitive dimension of professional prospects is represented by a set of expected and planned events in the field of professional activity. The emotional-evaluative dimension is determined by the attitude of the person to the project of his own future, connected with the field of professional development. The organizational-activity dimension is represented by a set of styles, strategies, forms of human behavior in the present, determined by ideas about planned and expected events in the professional sphere. The results of the empirical research have shown that the values of professional activity, health and self-development are the basis for the construction of the career prospects of adolescents. Teenagers focus on planning events in the medium-distant future, a period from one to five years. During this period their professional prospects consist of such planned events as «pass exams», «finish school», «enroll in college/university». Teenagers are positive about the image of a professional future. It is attractive, realistic, stable, diverse, easy for them. Self-organization of the activities of adolescents is in the process of development, in this age period, skills of tactical planning and strategic goal-setting are actively formed. The study showed that the process of designing professional perspectives in adolescence is in the process of formation and modern teenagers cope successfully with the task of planning a professional future. Keywords: professional prospects, adolescence, life prospects, psychological system | 510 | |||||
1045 | The issues of the development of the creative potential of bachelors studying under the programs of the natural science and humanities profiles of the pedagogical university are considered. The ideas and approaches used by the authors are presented on the example of teaching physics and natural science. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibilities of developing the creative potential of a future teacher in the process of teaching natural sciences at a pedagogical university. With the help of an interdisciplinary approach in teaching, a connection is established between specific disciplines of natural science and humanities training profiles. According to the authors, this ensures the integrity of education, allows students to successfully form a general picture of the world. Special integrative author’s tables on various topics, compiled taking into account the implementation of an interdisciplinary approach, are described. They systematize the material on certain sections of natural science knowledge and provide the most famous cultural and historical events related to a certain time period. The use of integrative tables allows for an interdisciplinary approach, the integration of humanitarian and natural science knowledge. Tasks are offered for students of various faculties, taking into account the specifics of their future profession, which contributes to the creation of a free environment that stimulates the creative activity of the individual. Keywords: creative potential, interdisciplinary approach, professional training, future teacher | 509 | |||||
1046 | The purpose of the study is to determine the specifics of the volume as an integral characteristic of the memory of younger adolescents, taking into account gender. The subject of the study is the features of the development of the volume of various types of memory in boys and girls of younger adolescence. The article analyzes the theoretical provisions describing the specifics of the manifestation of memory processes in the scientific literature, describes the features of the volume of memory in boys and girls in early adolescence. Significant differences in the volume of visual mediated memory in a sample of boys and girls were determined. More pronounced indicators of the studied memory parameters in girls are described. Direct connections between the indicators of the volume of visual mediated and auditory long-term memory, as well as visual long-term and auditory mediated memory were revealed. Direct correlations were found between the indicators of the volume of auditory mediated, auditory long-term, auditory mediated memory. It is proved that the change in the volume indicator of a certain type of memory should be taken into account when predicting possible changes in the volume indicator of another type of memory. The relationships between the indicators of “the volume of auditory long-term memory” and “the volume of auditory short-term memory”, as well as between the indicators of “the volume of auditory long-term memory” and “the volume of auditory mediated memory” were determined on a sample of small children. Correlations between indicators of “auditory longterm memory volume” and “visual mediated memory volume”, as well as between indicators of “auditory long-term memory volume” and “auditory mediated memory volume” were determined on a sample of girls. The severity of the characteristics of memory types in groups of boys and girls with high and low levels of performance discipline is determined. Keywords: memory, younger adolescence, gender differences, types of memory, integral characteristics of memory | 507 | |||||
1047 | The study of self-control in communication is relevant due to the negative impact of excessive use of smartphones and social networks on “live” communication. At the same time, research actively uses the “Self-Control in Communication Scale” created 40 years ago by M. Snyder. With regard to longdeveloped methods, there is a belief that they need to be re-tested, since the answers of respondents today may differ significantly from the answers of their long-standing predecessors, on whose answers these questionnaires were created many years ago. The goal of reducing questionnaires is also relevant, since large questionnaires cause difficulties in collecting materials and worse quality of the responses received. The objectives of this study are: 1) to develop a reliable and valid shortened version of the Self-Control in Communication Questionnaire; 2) construction of a factor model of self-control in communication. Baseline data for the study were collected through an online survey of 1,911 respondents. As a result of the study, a short version of the social self-control questionnaire consisting of 8 questions was constructed. The short version of the questionnaire satisfies the basic criteria of validity and reliability and has better psychometric properties than its original version. A consistent two-factor model of self-control in communication has been constructed. Keywords: self-control questionnaire in communication, short version of the questionnaire, reliability, validity, factor model, psychometric characteristics | 507 | |||||
1048 | The results of the development and psychometric testing of the questionnaire of implicit theories of education are presented. Implicit theories are considered by many researchers as the fundamental basis for organizing the knowledge of the world by the subject and systematizing individual experience. Their study allows us to determine the system of the subject’s relationship to reality, his ideas about it and behavioral models determined by the content of these theories. Implicit theories have a different subject orientation, being included in various aspects of an individual’s life. Specific activity contributes to the formation of characteristic implicit theories. In this sense, implicit learning theories are part of the educator’s mindset. Based on the theory and practical material of studies of implicit theories of various nature, the questionnaire of implicit theories of education reveals new opportunities for the development of the concept of implicit theories in the field of educational psychology and pedagogy. Within the framework of the study, the implicit theories of education that function in the minds of students of a pedagogical profile of training are described. At the analysis stage, four pedagogical concepts were identified, which formed the basis for the development of the questionnaire. These concepts represent the historically established principles of education, dragged into real pedagogical practice. The development of the questionnaire confirmed the validity of the four-factor model for describing implicit theories of education, which substantially corresponds to the selected educational concepts. Additional methods for measuring validity showed results consistent with the data of the developed questionnaire. It is shown that students of pedagogical training profiles have specific and differentiated ideas about the educational process. The prospects for further use of the developed questionnaire are presented. Keywords: implicit theories, teacher’s thinking, questionnaire of implicit theories, education, psychological and pedagogical concepts | 506 | |||||
1049 | The issues of the influence of the phenomenon of non-standard employment on the involvement of the employed population in the practice of self-education are considered. A brief analysis of indicators that indirectly characterize the dynamics of the scale of non-standard employment in Russia is presented. Russian and foreign approaches to the classification of non-standard employment are shown. Attributive characteristics of non-standard employment are systematized. Based on the survey, the hypothesis was confirmed that workers with signs of non-standard employment have a higher level of involvement in self-education practices to develop professional competencies. A number of conclusions are made, in particular, that nonstandard employment for many today acts as a driver of internal self-organization, building a system of actions aimed at the conscious independent acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with emerging professional needs. The methods of theoretical and comparative analysis were chosen as the methodological basis of the study; methods of statistical analysis; online survey using CAWI technology; content analysis of materials presented in open access databases. The materials of the study were Rosstat data, EWCS materials, materials of the International Labor Organization, materials of the survey, as well as documents of the strategic development of the Russian Federation. Keywords: non-standard employment, labor market, continuous education, self-education, competencies, human potential | 505 | |||||
1050 | In the modern world there are serious socio-cultural changes and crisis phenomena of both local and global nature. Education, being an inertial system by nature, cannot keep up with rapidly changing events, and therefore it is constantly necessary to forecast and correctly prioritize its development. Historical and cultural analysis of the situation in Russia and the countries of Western civilization has revealed serious problems that cannot be solved without the active participation of education. The first problem is caused by the crisis of the policy of globalization and multiculturalism promoted by the West. Examples from history and modern times show that what is acceptable for some countries often becomes destructive and destructive for others. Consequently, the pursuit of a common cultural identity can be considered now only as a very distant prospect in the evolutionary process of humanity’s development. The priority of education today should be to provide targeted assistance in helping the growing individual and a particular people to realize their cultural identity, to develop in them a respectful attitude towards the cultures of other peoples and, on this basis, to pursue a productive intercultural dialogue. Other global problems that cannot be solved without the active participation of education are the energy and environmental crises and the consumer psychology imposed on people from an early age. The origins of these global problems are common and are not related to the political structure of states. There have been at least two periods in human history when people were on the verge of extinction. Each time they were saved by the fact that they found the strength to consciously change their way of life and themselves on the basis of jointly accepted and universally recognized values and taboos, that is, they showed themselves not only as rational beings, but also as moral and spiritual. This aspect is poorly reflected in the rationale of the competency-based approach and in the program documents on education adopted in Russia and the world in recent years. In line with the competence approach, an important priority of education today should be the development of people’s environmental consciousness and recognition of the priority of spiritual needs over material needs. Keywords: priorities of modern education, crisis of modern education, global crises, cultural identity, competence approach | 505 |