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1051 | The problem of the introduction of phenological observations in school is considered. The basic terms of phenology are given. A review of the literature on the use of phenological observations in agriculture is carried out. The history of phenological observations in Russia and Tomsk is described. The state of phenology in Russia and Tomsk at the beginning of the XXI century is described. The authors have developed 15 indicators of observations of phenological phenomena in Tomsk for the spring period. A comparative analysis of their own phenological observations for the period from 2021 to 2023 with the results of previous years by other authors is given. The importance of popularization of phenological observations among schoolchildren is actualized. The content of school geography textbooks is analyzed for the presence of phenology tasks in them. Methodically developed and conducted four classes at school in the section “Phenology”, which are aimed at the formation of cognitive universal learning activities and the development of motivation for research activities. The ways of forming students’ skills of observing seasonal changes in nature during scheduled and extracurricular geography classes are shown. It describes the participation of one of the authors of the article in the development of tasks for the Regional phenological competition “Nature Calendar” in the Tomsk region. 32 people from Tomsk, Pervomaisky, Molchanovsky, Chainsky, Kargasoksky, Verkhneketsky region, as well as from the city of Strezheva took part in the “Nature Calendar” competition. The purpose of the article is to popularize phenological observations among schoolchildren of the Tomsk region. Keywords: phenology, phenological phenomenon, phytophenology, zoophenology, phenological phases, phenological dates, phenological interval, phenological indicator, nature calendar, cognitive universal educational activities, research activities of schoolchildren, Tomsk | 504 | |||||
1052 | The relevance lies in identifying new challenges and threats related to the problem of organizing pedagogical communication and educational interaction with children of generation Z. The novelty lies in the fact that the problem of ensuring the psychological security of the individual in the educational environment is viewed from the perspective of two approaches: age-psychological and information-pedagogical. The first of them is associated with taking into account the peculiarities of the Z-generation when building communication and educational interaction with them, the second involves the specification of the use of digital technologies in the educational environment, taking into account the risks and threats that may arise when using them. The traditional general psychological patterns of teaching, development, and education of schoolchildren are being revised in the context of the need to take into account the features of the digital generation and modern conditions for the implementation of the educational process. The importance of increasing the authority of the teacher, the development of his demanded pedagogical abilities, the formation of value relations to children, profession, himself as a constantly developing personality and professional is emphasized. The identified risks and threats constitute a special layer of the educational work of a modern teacher in the context of ensuring the psychological safety of students both in the educational process and beyond. Keywords: psychological security, educational environment, digitalization in education, threats and risks, pedagogical communication, educational interaction, pedagogical abilities, value relations of teachers | 502 | |||||
1053 | The relevance of studying and developing means of evaluating learning outcomes in modern education in the preparation of undergraduates in a pedagogical university is described. The first stage includes familiarization with the purpose and objectives of the course, updating knowledge about the control of learning outcomes, types, forms and methods of control and mastering the control-evaluation system of education in modern conditions. Students get acquainted with the concepts: authentic assessment, testing, test specification, test task forms, control-measuring materials on the subject, assessment scales. At the next stage, independent work of students is organized to develop methodological materials on the chosen topic of the school course in chemistry. An exemplary algorithm of learning activities is proposed, including a methodological description of the topic, its planning with the inclusion of means for monitoring learning outcomes, and a list of tasks for compiling didactic materials to control schoolchildren’s knowledge. An approximate set of tasks includes: control questions and tasks on theoretical material, test tasks, case situations, crossences, calculation tasks and digital educational resources. Examples of some tasks developed by undergraduates on the topic “Hydrogen” are given. At the final stage, students submit a report on completed assignments in the form of a portfolio, which is evaluated by the teacher using a point-rating system. Keywords: academic discipline “Modern means of assessing learning outcomes”, individual independent work, control tasks and questions, test tasks, case situations, crossenсes, digital educational resources, portfolio | 500 | |||||
1054 | The issues of human potential development as an important task of modern society, including the education system, are considered. The content of the strategic planning documents of the Russian Federation in the field of human development is disclosed. The essential-content characteristic of the category “human potential” is generalized. An expert opinion on the role of education in the development of human potential is indicated. A selective ranking of countries by the level of human development and education is presented. The strategic priorities of Russian universities in the field of sustainable development and human development are analyzed. It is shown that universities have a unique opportunity to become innovators who model a new strategy for the country’s sustainable development, since it is they who make a significant contribution to sustainable regional development, shape society, and train agents of change. A number of conclusions are made, in particular, that the national policy in the field of human development is currently moving to a qualitatively new level. There is a systematization of goals, tasks and resources. Universities are actively involved in initiatives aimed at accelerating the achievement of the UN SDGs, promoting ESG values, while strengthening their positions as key actors of change towards sustainable development. The demand for specialists who are able to put into practice the principles of sustainable development in various areas of the national economy is growing significantly. In this regard, universities are faced with the task of preparing graduates not only with the necessary set of competencies, but also with a formed understanding of new values in the context of the sustainable development of society, the central element of which is a person. The research methodology was based on certain provisions of the concept of human potential, outlined in the works of leading foreign and Russian scientists. The study uses methods of theoretical and comparative analysis; content analysis of documents, as well as materials presented in open access databases. The materials of the study were documents in the field of human development of the United Nations, UNESCO, the World Bank, as well as documents on the strategic development of the Russian Federation; programs and development strategies of a number of Russian universities. Keywords: human potential, education system, transformation of the education system, strategic planning documents, human development level, strategic priorities, sustainable development, andragogical practice, labour market | 500 | |||||
1055 | The relevance of the study is related to the increasing cases of various destructions in the interaction between students (bullying, cyberbullying, addictive behavior, armed attacks), which are considered as variants of students’ maladjustment as a result of deep sociocultural transformations in society. The purpose of the study is to present the author’s classification of the types of subjective riskiness of students based on the analysis of their psychological resistance to the socio-cultural risks of the educational environment of the school and to describe them in the context of personal characteristics. The study sample consisted of 3232 students of secondary schools of the Republic of Tatarstan aged 12 to 16 years. Students who voluntarily agreed to take part in the study filled out in writing a bound questionnaire, which included the author’s methodology “Index of socio-cultural safety of a schoolchild” and “R. Cattell’s 14-factor personality questionnaire”. The study was conducted anonymously, the respondents were required to indicate their age and gender. Statistical research methods are cluster analysis, comparative analysis (Student’s t-test), descriptive statistics. The subjective riskogenicity of students is considered from the standpoint of the problems of psychological resistance to the sociocultural risks of the educational environment, which determine the complexity of interaction in the “subject-contextual” system of the educational environment. The author’s typology of subjective riskiness of students is presented: vulnerable type, disintegrated type, maladaptive type, autistic type, adaptive type. The specifics of students’ personal characteristics are described depending on the type of their subjective riskiness. Conclusions: the hypothesis was confirmed that students with problems of psychological stability, constituting a certain type of riskiness (autistic type, disintegrated type, maladaptive type, vulnerable type), in contrast to the adaptive type, have characteristic personality traits that cause the complexity of interaction in the “subjectively -contextual” system of the educational environment. The maladaptive type is distinguished by impatience and the desire to dominate. The disintegrated type characterizes social courage and reduced sensitivity to threats. The vulnerable type is characterized by depression, anxiety, sensitivity to acceptance in the reference group, increased frustration, and the autistic type of students is characterized by reduced responsibility, determination and self-control. Practical application of the results. Identification of the type of subjective riskiness of students opens up the possibility for the individualization of the educational process and the implementation of timely preventive measures to prevent the socio-psychological maladjustment of children and adolescents. Keywords: safety of educational environment, sociocultural risks, type of subjective riskiness, socio-psychological vulnerability, socio-psychological disintegration, virtual autism | 498 | |||||
1056 | The article deals the theoretical foundations of the concepts of “legal literacy” and “legal literacy of the student.” The results of the analysis of the structure and content of the studied concept are presented the following definitions: regulatory grounds, categorical and conceptual apparatus associated with this definition. And so, as it is based on the theoretical analysis and empirical data, an updated wording of this definition is proposed. The particular attention is paid to the relationship between legal literacy and the leading trends in modern education, and so we can see the consequence of it - it is the education of citizenship and the comprehensive development of the individual. Based on the analysis of the function of legal literacy, the structure of “legal literacy of students” is proposed. The content of each component of the structure (cognitive, motivation-target, activity and behavioral) in their relationship and interdependence is presented in detail. So as a result, we have the conclusion that “legal literacy” contributes to the formation of legal awareness of the individual, which is the foundation of the legal culture of the individual and society as a whole. The modern education is aimed at the forming of a versatile, competitive, patriotic personality. That is why legal literacy should be present at all levels of education. Keywords: legal literacy, legal literacy of students, practical skills, functions of legal literacy, motivational and value component, cognitive component, activity component, behavioral component | 497 | |||||
1057 | In the age of digitalization and the active spread of corpus technologies in linguistic education, linguodidactics specialists are constantly discovering new opportunities in working with big data. One relatively new phenomenon in Russian education is the collection of corpora of student texts in a foreign language. It’s possibilities for linguodidactical research depend primarily on the duration of the data collection and on the markup that corpus contains. The article focuses on the corpus of German-language student texts PACT (Petrozavodsk annotated corpus of texts) and longitudinal research of types of linguistic mistakes made by students throughout the study of the German language for 5 years. The result of the research is statistics for 90 classes of errors, divided into 7 major groups – grammar, vocabulary, orthography, punctuation, discourse, omissions and superfluous elements – and the dynamics of these statistics over the 5 years of German language study. Comparison of the most frequent errors made by 1st and 5th year students respectively shows that subjects causing the most problems for students during all years of study are lexeme selection, orthography, omissions in text, punctuation and reverse word order. At the end of study problems with indefinite articles, adjective and noun declension, formation of plural form and gender of nouns are giving way to other issues such as superfluous elements in text, logic, word order in subordinate sentences and stylistic errors. Keywords: learner corpus, German as a foreign language, language errors, educational data mining | 496 | |||||
1058 | The article is about the experience of forming functional literacy of students during the course ‘Fundamentals of Russian statehood’. The relevance of the problem is associated with dynamic changes in the economy, social and cultural life, which requires from the future specialist a broad outlook, knowledge and skills to adapt in the changing world. The material for analysis is the experience of teaching the course ‘Fundamentals of Russian statehood’ in two higher educational institutions in September - December 2023. It shows the reliance on the value attitudes of young people, in particular, the love for ‘small motherland (region), the values of creative and professional self-realisation, allowed to stimulate the development of reading, communicative and information literacy: the ability to work with texts on different topics, to critically select information, to present it correctly to the audience. The article concludes that the reliance on the basic value attitudes of young people is a quite effective approach to stimulate interest in the learning process, which is the key to the formation of elements of functional literacy of students. These methodological techniques of humanities disciplines in higher education can be the subject of further discussions. Keywords: functional literacy, reading literacy, information literacy, values, youth, foundations of Russian statehood, regional patriotism | 496 | |||||
1059 | The article outlines the problem of ensuring the orientation of modern general education towards the harmonious development of the individual by achieving balance in curricula between subjects that form the scientific and artistic worldviews is outlined. The necessity of overcoming the underestimation of school subjects of the aesthetic circle in the spiritual formation of the personality is substantiated. The typical features of scientific and artistic knowledge are considered, the significance of each of them in the formation of a holistic picture of the world is substantiated. The definition of the artistic picture of the world as a specific form of reproduction of objective reality in the artistic images of different types of art is given. The ideological aspects of music, its significance in the development of the possibilities of perception and re-feeling of the musical context, in the emotional-intellectual, artistic-creative, spiritual development of children are considered. The data of a questionnaire survey and essays of schoolchildren on the importance of music in their lives, conducted at the end of the seventh year of study, are presented. The presented results make it possible to judge the professional skills of the teacher and the existing system of working with children in a general education school, in which the musical theme occupies a serious and important place in education. Keywords: picture of the world, education, art, music, children, perception, experience, art creation, spirituality | 494 | |||||
1060 | The issues of designing education in Russian in a Kenyan comprehensive school are considered in the aspect of organizing linguodidactic support. The goal and objectives of this activity are formulated, the complicating and enabling factors are analyzed, the stages in the work of a specialist in the implementation of subject education for Kenyan schoolchildren using the resources of the Russian language as part of general education, correlating with the periods of preparation in primary, secondary and high school, are highlighted. It is emphasized that interest in the problem is determined by the steady growth of the importance of multilingual and multicultural education in the modern world. The proposed approach, built on the basis of the achievements of modern ethnolinguodidactics, ethnopedagogy and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, is based on the priorities of the external state educational policy related to the promotion of a positive image of Russia in the modern international arena, including in the countries of the African continent, by means of the national language and national culture. Keywords: multicultural educational space, Kenya, secondary school, Russian as a foreign language, ethnolinguodidactics, Kenyan linguistic culture | 494 | |||||
1061 | Nowadays the organization of educational communication among students is an important condition contributing to the development of hard, soft and self-skills necessary for future specialists. The phenomenon of educational communication is considered in the context of collaborative activities between a teacher and students at a higher school. The article presents a comparative analysis of educational and pedagogical communication, which is based on the following criteria: purpose, content, positions of participants, methods of organization, results. Educational communication is defined as a collaborative activity of the teacher and students where the teacher’s role is changed from the leader to the partner and the students become active participants of the learning process. The authors focus on the key characteristics of educational communication – engagement and agency, which enable students to be involved in studying and have an influence on the process itself. The conclusion is made that the engagement of the participants in communication is provided by special metateaching methods universal for any academic subject. The prospect of further research is to consider metateaching means and didactic scenarios necessary for organizing educational communication between the teacher and students in order to achieve subject, meta-subject and personal learning outcomes. Keywords: educational communication, collaborative activities, engagement, agency, educational process | 494 | |||||
1062 | In recent years, we have seen an increase in bullying situations among teenagers. According to the World Report on Violence against Children, one in ten schoolchildren in the world is exposed to violence in an educational environment, and this figure is increasing every year. Bullying negatively affects the emotional state of children, personality development, and can lead to tragic cases. The task of the teaching staff of educational institutions is to prevent precedents of cruelty among adolescents, to prevent bullying. Effective methods of bullying prevention at school include social theater. Social theater involves a group form and step-by-step work: preparing a performance on the topic of bullying and showing it to the audience with subsequent discussion. Through social theater, it is possible to simulate various situations that reproduce the conflict situation of adolescents with the search for a way out of it. The peculiarity of the social theater is the involvement of the audience in the ongoing process, their participation in the discussion, the opportunity to switch places with the performers of the roles, in practice to demonstrate the proposed solutions to the problem. Theatrical practices contribute to the social activation of adolescents, the acquisition of communication skills, and the testing of social roles through dramatization and improvisation. Social theater is an effective and gentle method when dealing with bullying, age and existential crises, interpersonal and intrapersonal problems. Social theater performs a wide range of functions in relation to participants and viewers: informational, educational, cognitive, developmental, social and communicative. Bullying prevention through social theater is aimed at understanding the topic of bullying, developing a negative attitude towards it, realizing the extent of the problem and ways to solve it. Keywords: bullying, social theater, forum theater, teenagers, prevention, personality, school | 494 | |||||
1063 | The problem of using graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons is considered. The history of the development of techniques of working with text is described. The legal documents have been studied, which determine the importance of the formation of students’ skills to work with the text, including its graphical representation. The content of school geography textbooks is analyzed for the presence of tasks on working with graphic material in them. The graphic techniques of working with text (“Summary of paraphrases”, “Main thoughts. Terms and concepts. Questions on the topic”, “Denotational graph”, “Venn rings”, “Fishbone”, “Cluster”, “Logical reference notes”, “Mental map”) are described based on the material of different courses of school geography, with examples of tasks performed by pupils. The results of the survey of students on the assimilation of educational material through the graphical representation of the text are analyzed. It is concluded that the use of graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons contributes to a deeper understanding of it, the development of imagination, the ability to systematize and classify, and to identify cause-and-effect relationships. The purpose of the article is to describe graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons. The conducted survey of pupils shows interest in these techniques. The results are expressed in the justification of the need to develop students’ skills of the graphic representation of the educational text and introduce it into the educational practice of educational organizations. Keywords: functional literacy, semantic reading, graphic techniques of working with text, logical reference notes, universal learning activities, critical thinking development technology | 493 | |||||
1064 | The article is devoted to the phenomenon of pedagogical values in the projection of inclusive education and their role in the formation of inclusive competence of teachers. The factors of the development of inclusive education and their role in the formation of inclusive competence of teachers are studied. The paper highlights the trends in the development of inclusive education, which are caused by an increase in the number of disabled children and awareness of the features of the inclusive process by participants in educational relations. The author focuses not only on the need to provide opportunities for joint education of students with special needs and normotypic children, but also on the effectiveness of the inclusive process. The results of a survey of teachers of secondary schools of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug conducted to identify difficulties in implementing and adapting the learning process of schoolchildren in the conditions of inclusion are presented. The place of the value system in the process of formation of inclusive competencies of teachers is considered. The classification of pedagogical values is adapted in accordance with the principles of inclusive education. The system of interrelation of educational value orientations and competencies formed by teachers in the process of understanding, awareness and acceptance of the principles of inclusive education is described. The paper presents the classification of values in the projection of inclusive education and is compared with inclusive competencies. The interrelation between pedagogical values that are formed when working in conditions of inclusion and inclusive competencies that are developed by teachers, guided by the relevant principles and applying values in practice, is indicated. The author focuses on the difficulties that arise in the process of applying practical skills of inclusive competencies by a teacher in the educational process. Keywords: inclusive education, pedagogical values, inclusive competence, students with disabilities | 493 | |||||
1065 | The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental study of the problem relevant for pedagogy and speech therapy. Its relevance is associated with an increase in the number of bilingual children who have problems in mastering the school curriculum. Theoretical analysis of the problem allowed us to state the contradiction between the need to overcome the difficulties of mastering the laws of the Russian language by bilingual children and the insufficient development of a systematic approach to understanding and studying the mechanisms of speech competence and the search for effective technologies to overcome it, taking into account its determining factors. The results of a comparative experimental study indicate difficulties in teaching students with bilingualism, the different nature of these difficulties and the need for special correctional assistance. Pedagogically organized inclusion of children of grades 3–4 with bilingualism in the system of speech therapy through a purposefully organized educational space of interacting subjects: speech therapist, teacher and parents is considered as a condition for overcoming learning difficulties. The features of the content of speech therapy work with bilinguals are considered from the standpoint of taking into account the similarities and differences of the two language systems in which the child exists and learns, understanding the mechanism of difficulties in mastering the language in which the training is conducted. For this purpose, the lessons include generalized schemes aimed at forming an associative connection of the transition from one language to another. The study implements a psycholinguistic approach to the study and implementation of speech pedagogical assistance to primary school children with bilingualism. Keywords: bilingualism, monolinguals, bilinguals, speech therapy program, generalized schemes, Russian language, Tatar language | 492 | |||||
1066 | In connection with the threat of the spread of a new coronavirus in March 2020, all Russian universities had to switch to a distance learning format. The mass transition to a distance format of training has revealed a number of problems and contradictions in the possibilities of implementing higher education programs in a distant form. This required a deep and detailed analysis of different aspects of distance training, the readiness of all participants in the educational process, the availability of material, technical and methodological support. The article considers the issues of organization of Foreign Language adaptation training in a technical university during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author believes that the general objective changes of compulsory distance training process are also typical for Foreign Language adaptation training. The contradictions emerged in this period are revealed on the example of Tomsk Polytechnic University. The article gives proof of the necessity of more in-depth study of the adaptation training mechanisms and principles. The importance of identifying the key points that ensured successful pedagogical support of adaptation course during the pandemic is emphasized. The conclusion is made that the digital transformation of the Russian education system is inevitable, but it is necessary to think about a systematic approach to building a new educational environment. Keywords: COVID-19, digital transformation of education, online training, Foreign Language adaptation training, distance technologies, technical university | 492 | |||||
1067 | The problem of experiencing loneliness in adolescence is considered, in particular, attention is drawn to its constructive nature. Putting forward their own working definition of the concept of “loneliness”, which refers to a mental state, the authors formulate the idea of the presence of a so-called field of loneliness, which includes zones of fencing and exclusion. The key to the work is the concept of positive loneliness, as one of the types of loneliness associated with a person’s internal work on his own experience, namely with its processing and integration. The purpose of the study was to identify the possibilities of experiencing positive loneliness as a potential means of solving such psychological problems in adolescence, such as problems of self-attitude, searching for the meaning of life and emotional well-being. Based on the results obtained during testing and processed using methods of descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, the authors draw conclusions about the characteristics of the experience of loneliness, including positive ones, among high school students, university and college students. The study showed that the experience of positive loneliness can determine the significance or insignificance of certain life meanings and the desirability of various emotional experiences, and this, in turn, can help solve problems of finding the meaning of life and emotional well-being. Keywords: loneliness, acceptance of loneliness, positive loneliness, constructive nature, solitude, psychological problems, adolescence | 492 | |||||
1068 | This article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying and analyzing significant categories of verbal representation of clothing provided by female respondents. The relevance of the study lies in exploring human identity through the adornment of appearance in accordance with their ideals of the ideal self. Contemporary research on the relationship between clothing and identity has focused more on social and cultural stereotypes than on the psychological aspects of clothing choice. The material of the article addresses this gap in psychology research. The study was conducted using the method of psychological questionnaires, with 36 women aged 24–55 years. The author examines elements of verbal representation of clothing as reflections of the process of self-identification in women. The analysis conducted contributes to a deeper understanding of the relationship between speech, clothing, and identity. For practicing psychologists, the ability to analyze and interpret visual aspects of client appearance is an important skill that aids in the effective diagnosis of personal psychological issues. The main focus of the article is the analysis of speech metamodels used in describing clothing. The study reveals that, in addition to direct verbal messages, respondents unconsciously express their emotions and attitudes through speech constructs. The authors draw on symbolic interactionism, psychoanalytic, and neurolinguistic approaches for analysis. Three categories of clothing meanings were identified: utilitarian, social, and personal. Additionally, three metamodels were described and analyzed: denial, use of expressive language, and metaphorical expressions. Client case examples are provided for illustration. Clothing possesses universal communicative meanings. When analyzing descriptions of appearance, attention should be paid not only to the content of speech but also to its structure, as it carries additional semantic nuances and provides psychologists with the opportunity to analyze unconscious motives of individuals, thereby enhancing therapeutic dialogue possibilities. The research findings are useful for psychologists, non-medical psychotherapists, and art therapists, who can use projective clothing descriptions for diagnosing and identifying client behavioral patterns for subsequent correction. Additionally, the results may be important for researchers in the fields of clothing and identity, as well as for image consultants, designers, and stylists. Keywords: clothing, identity, metamodels, speech, appearance, personal meaning, psychotherapy | 492 | |||||
1069 | As one of the three newly added sub-systems in China’s new era of ideological and political education, psychological education is a distinctive feature of the current mental health education work in Chinese universities, which contains three theoretical foundations: the theory of man’s free and allround development, the development theory of Humanistic Psychology, and the theory of happiness in positive psychology. Only by fully sorting out and excavating its theoretical basis and current value pursuit, and providing a strong theoretical basis for the development of mental health education in universities (hereinafter referred to as “university”), can it truly play a guiding role in practice. Keywords: Chinese universities, Psychological Education, mental health education, theoretical origins | 491 | |||||
1070 | In modern socio-cultural conditions, the demand for folk experience in physical education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle is increasing. Objectives of the article: to analyze the pedagogical baggage of folk pedagogy from the standpoint of ideas in the field of physical education and a healthy lifestyle, to identify the degree of students’ readiness to implement the ideas of folk pedagogy in the field of a healthy lifestyle, to adjust the content of academic disciplines with the inclusion of folk values in them in the field of a healthy lifestyle. The analysis of proverbs and sayings made it possible to single out several aspects of a healthy lifestyle presented in them: the importance of health, movement, nutrition in human life, the role of labor activity, the relevance of hardening. The article systematizes the main factors in the formation of a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation: practical (folk games), value-semantic (traditions and customs), verbal-normative (proverbs and sayings). In order to determine the readiness of students to use the traditions and means of folk pedagogy in the physical education of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren, a survey of 95 first and second year students of the full-time and correspondence departments of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology was conducted in three profiles: “Preschool education. Primary education”, “Preschool education”, “Primary education. Additional education. The results of the survey made it possible to outline the directions for including the wisdom of folk education in the content of the professional training of future teachers. The results of the survey showed the expediency of including sections in the disciplines of vocational training that reveal the views of peoples on a healthy lifestyle, traditional folk means of physical education and the methodology for their use in kindergartens and elementary schools; raising the general cultural level of students in the study of the disciplines “Ethnopedagogy”, “Formation of a polyethnic culture of younger students”, regional culture. Keywords: folk pedagogy, healthy lifestyle, students, professional activity, folk games, educator, primary school teacher | 491 | |||||
1071 | To solve the problems of professional self-determination, it is important to identify the interests of pupils, carry out work on career guidance, help determine how to choose a profession and become a professional. Children studying in boarding schools have their own individual characteristics, so traditional vocational guidance programs require adjustment, the use of different forms of work. Relevant is the definition of the content and forms of professional self-determination, through a professional test, which involves the inclusion of a student in professional activities. When using a professional test, not only acquaintance with the content of the future profession occurs, but also the alignment of an individual trajectory of self-development. The study was conducted on the basis of GU TO SRTSN No. 4, Shchekino, Tula Region. The purpose of the study is to study the peculiarities of the organization of professional tests of students in boarding schools. Theoretical, empirical methods and data processing methods are used. The diagnostic program included a questionnaire to identify readiness to choose a profession (V. B. Uspensky), a differential diagnostic questionnaire (E. A. Klimov), “Motives for choosing a profession” (S. S. Grinshpun), “Profession choice matrix” (G. V. Rezapkina), “Communicative and organizational inclinations” (V. V. Sinyavsky, V. A. Fedoroshin). A program of psychological and pedagogical support for professional self-determination of students was compiled and tested using professional tests. The result of the professional tests was an acquaintance with the world of professions in the Tula region, the development of individual characteristics, the definition of preferred areas of work, motives for choosing a profession, gaining practical experience in a specific professional activity. This orientation contributes to the successful choice of the trajectory of further education and the creation of conditions for increasing the readiness of students for professional self-determination, the formation of professionally significant qualities. Keywords: professional self-determination, career guidance, professional trial, individual trajectory, boarding schools | 490 | |||||
1072 | In this article, an analysis of the use of Russian proverbs in Russian language textbooks “Russian language” for 7-9 classes of general education schools in Mongolia is given. The content side of the textbooks is revealed, which determines the relationship between grammatical and linguistic material. A brief description of the textbooks is given in terms of structure and sources used. Determined all proverbs according to thematic group, corresponding to those tasks in the textbook and methodical guide for the teacher of the Russian language. Emphasis is placed on the functional use of Russian proverbs at the initial stage of teaching Russian as a foreign language, and a selection of examples of the use of proverbs is carried out in accordance with their thematic affiliation, type of task and methodological recommendations. The inconsistencies in the choice of proverbs as language material for Russian language textbooks are determined on the basis of generally accepted criteria in the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language. Some recommendations are given for working with proverbs when teaching Russian as a foreign language, in particular, for using them in different types of work orally (presentation, explanation, examples of synonymous Mongolian proverbs, translation into Mongolian). Keywords: Russian textbook, Russian language, Russian as a foreign language, Russian language teaching, proverb | 490 | |||||
1073 | The use of new digital tools in education requires a revision of pedagogical approaches and developing of new academic programs. The article discusses the most important direction of Russian education, its features and degrees of digitalization to transform learning process. The raised question is about finding new ways of organizing pedagogical practice. One of these ways is pedagogical design that allows creating educational products to improve the quality. The author analyzes the experience of using pedagogical design in Russian and foreign universities. The definition if classified as a process, a branch of scientific knowledge and technology by various authors in the pedagogical literature. The author deduces the definition of pedagogical design as an innovative way to design educational programs and courses. The lists of model and features are emphasizes to be paid attention to by the developers of programs and courses. In addition, the article notes the basic principles for creating competitive educational programs and courses in the context of the modern educational paradigm. The potential of pedagogical design is revealed in modern conditions of educational digitalization. An analysis is made of the students’ learning activities, corresponding to the nine steps of R. Gagne’s learning and their combinations when building a training course. Examples are given on the material of the training course “Foreign Language” for students majoring in Law. In conclusion the author highlights the role of pedagogical design as a major factor to organize successful teaching and learning. Keywords: digital transformation, education process, pedagogical design, pedagogical models, designing, learning activities | 490 | |||||
1074 | The article is devoted to the study of written texts in teaching Russian as a foreign language: students actualize cognitive mechanisms that allow them to compare culturally specific information about the studied language with general cultural knowledge. As the main linguodidactic unit, the text is considered in terms of its capabilities to form linguistic and cultural competence. Mastering this competence involves various types of work with the text, deepening knowledge about the specifics of genre forms, the originality of the stylistic resource, about the linguistic mechanisms of the formation of an individual author’s picture of the world and the linguistic picture of the world behind it. The study is based on the overlap between the idea of the five phases (Wuxing) in Chinese culture and the metaphors of fire and water in Natalia Ilyina’s text «The Expulsion of the Normans». The strategy of language learning in the context of culture allows us to offer Chinese students the passages from this text containing metaphors of fire and water. The questions for studying the text excerpt in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language are developed and described. Pre-textual tasks and questions after readying the text are offered to discuss the values of Russian culture: the metaphors of fire and water in Natalia Ilyina’s text are compared with the ideas about the phases (elements) of fire and water in traditional Chinese culture. Working with the text of Natalya Ilyina in the Russian as a foreign language class will allow speakers of other cultures to get acquainted with the Russian spiritual tradition in its mythopoetic incarnation and expand their knowledge of textual material (the language and style of a philosophical work). Keywords: Text-oriented approach to teaching Russian as a foreign language, linguocultural competence, philosophical text, metaphor | 488 | |||||
1075 | The article discusses the online training of secondary school leavers for the oral and written parts of the State Unified Exam in English (sections “Speaking” and “Writing” respectively). A brief description of the examination tasks, taking into account the changes made in 2022-2023, is given. The concept of “distance learning”, its advantages and disadvantages, the main forms of its implementation in the training of language production, as well as the comparison of digital tools used for distance training for the Exam are presented. Scientific novelty of the research consists of (a) typical problems that teachers and students face preparing for the Exam in a distant format; (b) examinees typical mistakes in open-type tasks of the Exam; (c) stages of the online training for (1) the oral and (2) written (Writing) parts of the Exam, as well as (3) the use of social networks by school-leavers are discussed. The findings showed that tasks “An oral thematic monologue statement based on a plan” and “An extended written statement based on a table / diagram)” cause the greatest difficulties. As for the use of social networks for the purpose of foreign language learning, the vast majority of respondents reported having such experience and named Telegram© the most popular service. Also, the analysis of average results of individual tasks completion along with typical mistakes made by examinees in the oral part of the Exam in 2020-2021 is provided. Among them are errors associated both with a low level of communicative and linguistic competences, and with weak meta-subject skills. On the basis of the data obtained, the stages of online preparation for the Exam tasks using the services of Flipgrid© (preparation for the oral part) and Telegram© (preparation for the “Writing” section) were identified. These include: (1) the development of linguistic competence by activation of students’ lexical and grammatical knowledge, (2) work on the criterion “performing communicative task”, (3) the use of audio recordings of students’ answers, (4) maintaining emotional and visual contact during on-line conversations, (5) the use of verbal and visual supports in the construction of oral responses. Keywords: English, productive speech, State Unified Exam, speaking, writing, distant format, Flipgrid©, Telegram© | 488 | |||||
1076 | Aim: to reveal the nature of the causal relationship between the characteristics of Deficient fear and indicators of actual self-perception. As part of an empirical study of students in self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, an analysis was made using the author’s method of Deficient fear dependencies on the components of actual self-perception for linearity-nonlinearity, and a conclusion was made about the nonlinear nature of these dependencies. All linear correlations between indicators of deficient fear and components of actual self-perception do not exceed 0.25 in modulus, i.e. they are extremely weak, and it is unacceptable to speak about the problem posed from the standpoint of linear models. For two indicators of deficient fear and 26 indicators of actual self-perception, within the framework of the model for quarts of an independent variable, five strong simplest non-linear dependencies were identified, demonstrating a type 1 error, when the correlation is extremely small, even less than the threshold of “significant” values (0.17), and therefore there is no connection within the framework of the linear model of correlation analysis. One dependence demonstrates a type 2 error, when a strong non-linear dependence in the framework of a linear model will be considered by supporters of a “significant” correlation as a “significant” linear relationship (a very weak correlation coefficient of –0.18 exceeds the threshold (0.17) of “significance” in absolute value). Going beyond linear models gives fundamentally new information about the phenomenon of deficient fear under study. The article provides detailed descriptions and interpretations of two of the six found strong dependencies (the rest are presented in the tables), visual graphical representations are considered, as well as their most probable estimates in the traditional approach. Keywords: actual self-perception, deficient fear, linear, non-linear, psychological research, statistical dependence | 487 | |||||
1077 | Managing the process of improving the quality of Russian education is associated with many strategic guidelines. The leading strategic guideline is a process aimed at improving the quality of the formation of functional literacy among schoolchildren, which will ensure that Russian education reaches the international level. The article reveals the features of the directions of theory and practice of organizing the process of quality management of the formation of functional literacy. The components of network interaction and the conditions for effective interaction of educational communities are revealed. The choice of the topic of the article is determined by the accumulated experience in organizing network interaction “school-university” in solving key problems of improving the quality of functional literacy among schoolchildren. Target. To reveal the theoretical and methodological foundations of network interaction in improving the quality of functional literacy of schoolchildren. Material and methods. Content analysis of scientific articles, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics and processing of the experiment result. Results and discussion. Theoretical and methodological foundations are revealed, the content of concepts on the research topic is revealed. The need to take into account the principles of interdisciplinarity and polyparadigm in ensuring the quality of the formation of functional literacy as a subject of research within various directions (historical, cultural, psychological-pedagogical, sociological, psychological) is shown. Conceptual frameworks have been developed for improving the quality of functional literacy development within the framework of network interaction, taking into account the areas of support (organizational, scientific-methodological, scientific-technological, analytical). The theoretical and practical results of the work became the basis for the creation of elective disciplines, a structural and functional model, implemented in the practice of the educational regional community. Conclusion. Theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of working with teachers and educational organizations that help improve the quality of FG formation are revealed. The effectiveness of monitoring the improvement in the quality of formation of schoolchildren’s physical education in the network interaction of educational organizations in the region is shown. The need to expand the range of professional competencies of current and future teachers in addressing issues of improving the quality and managing the process of developing functional literacy is noted, which provides a new format for solving vital problems and effective socialization of the student’s personality in the region. Keywords: functional literacy, networking, future teacher training, quality of education | 486 | |||||
1078 | The role of comparative research has increased, and the interdependent world has become the modern context for the development of comparative pedagogy. Recently, the number of scientific and pedagogical publications devoted to music education and vocal pedagogy, in particular the training of vocalists, has increased in both countries. In Russian universities and conservatories, vocalists from China are trained, vocal competitions are held with participants from both countries, and Russian teachers in the field of music education are invited to China for teaching activities. The article summarizes the results of modern comparative pedagogical research over the past 15 years on the training of vocalists in China and Russia, carried out primarily by Chinese scientists alone, in collaboration with Russian scientists or under the scientific supervision of scientists from Russian universities. Their problems are mainly related to the influence of Russian vocal art (opera) on Chinese and the peculiarities of training vocalists in China and Russia (similarities and differences). The review of research data allows us to create a holistic picture of the current state of training of vocalists in the two countries, the specifics, development and integration of vocal schools. Modern research confirms the influence of Russian theory and practice in the field of training vocalists on Chinese musical and vocal education, but the training systems in both China and Russia are equally highly and respectfully assessed, their uniqueness, similarities, and differences are revealed, noting possible areas for improvement. Keywords: training of vocalists in China, training of vocalists in Russia, comparative pedagogy, vocal pedagogy, comparative pedagogical research | 482 | |||||
1079 | The issue of developing a technology for optimizing the resource component of the professional and personal development of a specialist in physical education, which have been updated in connection with digitalization trends in the educational system, is considered. The characteristic of didactic communication in the form of transmission and reception of information between the subjects of the educational and training process, the characteristics of the assimilation of knowledge, motor skills, skills and the formation of a healthy lifestyle are given. The specificity of communication in physical culture and sports classes in the conditions of digital transformation is revealed, which brings changes in the subjects of education at the personal, professional-group and socio-cultural levels. On the part of the teacher of physical culture, this is manifested in the constant updating of their knowledge, tracking changes in the educational needs of students over time, mastering the skills of persuasion, demonstrating their attitude to a healthy lifestyle and physical activity as a factor in the effective life support of a modern member of society. The effective tools of online and offline interaction, didactic content of the educational and training process, which contribute to increasing the level of physical development and physical fitness, the attitude of students to physical activity and interest in classes as a component of the cultural development of students, are described. Keywords: digitalization of education, physical culture and sports, optimization, teacher of physical education, didactic communication, professional and personal development | 481 | |||||
1080 | The analysis of threats to the psychological security of the subjects of the educational process associated with the formation of a new, digital educational environment is carried out. Based on the results of the study, indirect and direct threats associated with activities both in the virtual environment in general and in the digital educational environment in particular are identified and characterized. It is concluded that the security of the digital educational environment lies not only in eliminating these threats, but also in using its capabilities to develop a system of value-semantic regulation of social behavior. The formation of a system of value-semantic orientations can be considered as an effective internal mechanism for ensuring psychological security. The principles of purposeful organization of this environment taking into account the requirements of psychological security are substantiated: assessment of threats associated with the use of digital means and the development of measures to limit them; assessment of the prospects of the planned digital means for personal development; determination, taking into account the identified threats and opportunities, of optimal digital means of organizing the educational environment; development of psychological and pedagogical technologies that meet the characteristics of the selected digital means; provision of conditions for internalization of social values in the process of indirect interaction between the subjects of the educational process. Keywords: educational environment, digitalization, psychological security, personality development, value-semantic regulation of behavior | 480 | |||||
1081 | The problem of using graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons is considered. The history of the development of techniques of working with text is described. The legal documents have been studied, which determine the importance of the formation of students’ skills to work with the text, including its graphical representation. The content of school geography textbooks is analyzed for the presence of tasks on working with graphic material in them. The graphic techniques of working with text (“Summary of paraphrases”, “Main thoughts. Terms and concepts. Questions on the topic”, “Denotational graph”, “Venn rings”, “Fishbone”, “Cluster”, “Logical reference notes”, “Mental map”) are described based on the material of different courses of school geography, with examples of tasks performed by pupils. The results of the survey of students on the assimilation of educational material through the graphical representation of the text are analyzed. It is concluded that the use of graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons contributes to a deeper understanding of it, the development of imagination, the ability to systematize and classify, and to identify cause-and-effect relationships. The purpose of the article is to describe graphic techniques of working with text in geography lessons. The conducted survey of pupils shows interest in these techniques. The results are expressed in the justification of the need to develop students’ skills of the graphic representation of the educational text and introduce it into the educational practice of educational organizations. Keywords: functional literacy, semantic reading, graphic techniques of working with text, logical reference notes, universal learning activities, critical thinking development technology | 480 | |||||
1082 | In the conditions of digitalization of the modern education system, the psychological development and transformation of the student’s personality takes place. Problematic issues of digitalization of education are among the most actively discussed in the modern psychological and pedagogical community. The study of specific psychological characteristics of the personality of representatives of the digital generation (modern schoolchildren) is very relevant, since psychological scientists today are actively discussing how to build effective strategies for interpersonal communication and behavioral interaction with the digital generation. Global digital improvisation brings many new opportunities to the educational process, but its consequences also pose serious social and psychological problems. Digitalization of education, the use of the latest digital educational technologies, the student’s stay in a virtual environment have a significant impact on the psychological development of the child, lead to transformations of his behavior, the formation of a specific digital personality. The article presents the results of an empirical study of the ideas of teaching staff about the personal and behavioral characteristics of modern students. The results of the prototypical analysis of empirical data obtained during a remote survey of practicing teachers allow us to conclude that the modern student, as well as his personal properties and individual psychological characteristics, are statistically reliably associated with the attributes of digitalization and digital space. It is shown that modern students have the properties and qualities inherent in representatives of the digital generation. Keywords: digitalization, digital education, digital learning, digital educational technologies, digital generation, virtual educational environment, psychology of digitalization | 480 | |||||
1083 | The article discusses the basic principles of the organization of methods and techniques for building an individual trajectory of education in the process of preparing a choreographer student in the direction 52.03.01 “Choreographic art”. The authors focus on the actualization of this problem in the context of graduate training in artistic specialties at the University of culture. The angle of consideration of this problem is determined by the personalistic approach as a way of centered interaction between a teacher and a student, which is based on partnership determined by building an individual trajectory of student development in the context of the educational environment of the university. The individual trajectory of education is understood by the authors as a step-by-step process of movement projected by the department from the goals to the results of mastering professional competencies and the formation of a graduate’s personality as a subject of artistic, creative and pedagogical activity determined by the motivation for further independent growth. According to the authors, the educational environment of the University of culture should be formed as meeting the strategy of student-centricity – the defining vector of training in the areas of artistic profile. The features of achieving professional goals and objectives of the educational program “Choreographic art”, orientation (profile) “Pedagogy of modern dance” are revealed: pedagogical, creative and performing, choreographic and staged. The principles of designing and implementing an individual trajectory of education in this direction are formulated. Keywords: student-centered, personality-oriented approach, choreographic education, modern dance, individual development trajectory, personal and professional growth, professional environment, employer | 479 | |||||
1084 | This study is devoted to the analysis of the pedagogical term and phenomenon “methodical credo”. Today, pedagogical science and education are not limited only to the pedagogical credo, which has existed for a long time and is the most used of all types of credo in relation to the activities of a teacher. The following types of credo, identified by the author of the article, are named: scientific credo, sociolinguistic credo, personal and professional credo. Synonyms for words “method” and “credo” are identified, as well as their common (mutual) synonyms, and synonyms for “pedagogical credo” and “methodical credo/creed” are grouped. The meaning of the terms closest to the methodical credo is clarified. The essence of the methodical credo presented in the scientific publications is summarized. The author of this study puts forward the assumptions about the reasons for the emergence of the methodical credo in contemporary domestic pedagogical science. Thus, a methodological credo, to a greater extent than a pedagogical one, correlates with the teacher’s pedagogical activity and his methodical training, acts as an alternative to algorithmization in teacher’s training and compensation for the formalization of this training. It reflects the development trends of Russian educational terminology. A conclusion is drawn about the prospects of further research into the methodical credo and its inclusion in methodical dictionaries. Keywords: credo, method, teacher, pedagogical credo, methodical credo, teacher’s beliefs, individual teaching style | 479 | |||||
1085 | The author highlights the importance of incorporating ethnocultural components in teaching Russian as a foreign language, especially in the context of globalization, and emphasizes that acquiring ethnocultural competence is one of the primary objectives of foreign language teaching. The author examines the concept of “ethnic culture” in the field of education and categorizes ethnocultural components, such as the culture of communication, behavior, history, lifestyle, traditions, customs, and holidays. Furthermore, the author proposes two approaches to define the concept of “ethnocultural competence”: from the perspective of students and from the perspective of teachers. The author also emphasizes the significance of anticipating factors and types of exercises that should be considered before designing gradual exercises, as well as criteria for assessing students’ levels of ethnocultural competence. The author outlines the principles of developing exercises that aim to form the ethnocultural competence of Vietnamese students while teaching proverbs containing ethnocultural components. These principles include a gradual transition from the initial to the final stages, a gradual increase in the complexity of exercises, and a sequential approach. Using these principles, the author describes the didactic materials that exemplify the exercises built on the presented principles. The author suggests that gradual exercises aim to form ethnocultural competence have a great teaching potential. Keywords: ethnocultural approach, ethnocultural competence, gradual exercises, proverb with an ethnocultural component, Vietnamese audience | 478 | |||||
1086 | Currently, students studying at higher educational institutions must meet a number of requirements. This includes involvement in the educational process. Higher school teachers are required to monitor the level of engagement, as well as to form it among students. In the theoretical part of the article, the authors consider approaches to the interpretation of involvement. The authors compare it with terms that are consonant and similar in content. They also conducted an analysis of engagement studies in the framework of organizational, socio-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical directions. The purpose of the empirical study is to identify the qualitative characteristics of students’ involvement in educational activities in the representation of teachers and students. 80 respondents took part in the study (university teachers and students of 2-5 courses of socio-humanitarian and psychological-pedagogical areas of training). As a result, the authors identified meaningful characteristics of involvement in educational activities. In addition, they identified a number of factors that have a stronger impact on the formation of students’ involvement in educational activities. The scientific novelty of the work is the presentation of the analysis of approaches to involvement, the analysis of the content characteristics of students’ involvement in educational activities, as well as the factors of formation of this type of involvement. Keywords: engagement, educational activity, students | 477 | |||||
1087 | The virtual space of modern youth includes social networks. Active participation in them leads to dependence on social networks, and it is associated with a number of manifestations of psychological distress. Therefore, the study of dependence on social networks is very important. The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis about possible links between social media addiction and self-confidence, emotional intelligence, and style of behavior in conflict situations. The article found that the virtual space for a significant number of young Belarusians has already become preferred in communication, entertainment and work, and that boys and girls have negative associations of dependence on social networks with self-confidence and positive associations with dependence on smartphones and with all the factors that shape it. It is shown that it is psychological problems that are the main cause of dependence on social networks. The dependence of young men on social networks is negatively associated with social courage and positively with the “conflict avoidance” style. Boys and girls have completely different connections between social media addiction and emotional intelligence components. These results are new, since neither domestic nor foreign publications have been able to find reliable conclusions about the relationship of dependence on social networks with components of emotional intelligence and behavior in conflicts. The facts obtained testify to the negative impact of the new virtual reality on a number of important socio-psychological parameters of the personality of a modern young person. Keywords: virtual space, addiction to social networks, self-confidence, emotional intelligence, behavior in conflict situations, smartphone addiction, addiction factors, Belarusian boys and girls | 476 | |||||
1088 | The problems of teaching regional history at school are actively discussed by the pedagogical and scientific community. The article focuses on the possibilities of using memoir texts of residents of the Tomsk region in teaching regional history. The general characteristics of the situation concerning the educational and methodological support of teaching regional history are presented. It is emphasized that a full study of regional history is impossible without referring to the level of the oblast, acting as a link with local history. Considering that there are currently no educational and methodological materials on the history of the Tomsk region, emphasis is placed on historical sources that can be included in the anthology or collection of documents that are an obligatory part of the educational and methodological complex. The collection “I am telling you, my dear ones, a true story” is being considered, in which the memoirs of residents of the Tomsk region are published. The characteristic of the narratives contained in it is given. The advantages of involving the collection into the educational process at school are revealed. The appeal to the collection will help the teacher to demonstrate one of the leading features of modern historical science – interest in the “little man”, which arose in connection with the development of microhistoric approaches in historical research, to show the potential and uniqueness of family archives. It will allow schoolchildren to more seriously comprehend the diversity of the historical and cultural heritage of the Tomsk region. The informative value of the memoirs presented in the collection will be useful in the study of the following sections on the history of Russia: “The Russian Empire in the XIX – early XX centuries” (themes “The Ethno-cultural image of the Empire”, “National-religious features”), “Soviet society in the 1920s-30s” (themes “The USSR in 1929–1941: “Stalinist Socialism”, “Cultural space”), “The Great Patriotic War. 1941–1945”, “The apogee and crisis of the Soviet system. 1945–1991” (theme “Late Stalinism” (1945–1953)). Keywords: Regional History, educational and methodical complex, anthology, memoirs, Tomsk region | 475 | |||||
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1090 | The article is devoted to the problem of development of the pedagogical system of a modern kindergarten in the context of openness and innovation. The synergistic effects of interaction with partner organizations are considered - improving the quality of education, the level of professional development of teachers. The essential characteristics of the concept of «open pedagogical system of a preschool educational institution» and its components are presented: the content of education, the role and functions of a teacher, an innovative educational environment, as well as a study of the readiness of teachers to create an innovative educational environment, building an educational process that takes into account the views, initiatives of the child, and the parent is included as a co-teacher and an equal participant in the activity. The material was a survey among educators of MADOU № 13 in Tomsk, educators-listeners of advanced training courses «Modern technologies in the professional activities of an educator» as part of the implementation of an additional professional program on the basis of the Tomsk State Pedagogical College, 3rd year students of the Tomsk State Pedagogical College studying in the specialty «Preschool education» with the qualification «Educator of preschool children». The results of diagnostic work to identify the difficulties of educators in working in an open pedagogical system became the starting point in the development of a modular program for the development of a teacher-educator, including progressively more complex educational tasks and an action plan to eliminate the deficits of a particular teacher. The article emphasizes the importance of new trends in the development of a modern kindergarten, associated with the revision of the system of preschool education. It is concluded that only a dynamic open pedagogical system of a modern preschool institution is capable of ensuring harmonious education and diversified development of the child’s personality. Keywords: kindergarten, preschool, development of professional competencies, intellectual education, open pedagogical system, components of an open pedagogical system, preschool education, innovative educational environment, individualization of educational activities | 473 | |||||
1091 | Successfully overcoming the challenges dictated by time, being adaptive, flexible and effective in all spheres of life is possible through self-development skills or “self-skills”. Technological solutions of personal growth journals, in which self-improvement is achieved through goal-setting, planning and reflection, can be an effective tool for the personal development of students at the university. Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU) uses the magazine «I-as-a-Project» to support the personal development of students. It is an effective tool that helps students realize themselves as projects, plan their development and improvement. The journal allows students to define their goals and develop plans to achieve them, serves as a basis for their personal growth and success, enables participants in the educational process to track activity, analyze quantitative and qualitative changes in the work done, as well as evaluate the ratings of group members. As part of the educational process, the logbook can be used to track students’ progress, assess their learning outcomes and identify areas that require additional attention. This allows students to analyze their progress, identify problems and look for ways to solve them. In research activities, the journal can serve as a tool for recording, analyzing and evaluating research results, formulating ideas and planning future work. It is also useful for self-reflection, self-monitoring and identifying areas for further development. Within the framework of scientific research, the journal can be used as a tool for determining the level of personal development of students on the basis of statistical processing of quantitative data. The use of the journal «I-as-a-Project» contributes to the formation of active subjective position of the student in the educational and professional context, which is an important factor of successful personal development and professional growth. Keywords: self-development, self-skills, personal development tool, journal of personal growth | 472 | |||||
1092 | In the context of the ongoing global geopolitical transformations, the training of qualified personnel for industries developing and rebuilding in accordance with the new technological order and the needs of the digital Russian economy is of particular importance. In this regard, it is of particular importance to attract young personnel to the vocational education system and create conditions for the formation of human resources already at the stages of basic general and secondary general education. To solve the problem of the existing personnel shortage, the Federal project «Professionalism» has been developed, one of the goals of which is to popularize and increase the prestige of working professions, including through cooperation between organizations of the secondary vocational education system and students of general education organizations. Ensuring the effectiveness of such cooperation presupposes the presence of a trained teacher mentor and a developed program of pre-professional training for schoolchildren in a sought-after profession. An example of such cooperation is the implementation of the program of preprofessional training of schoolchildren in the professional direction of «Forest Management and reforestation Engineering». The implementation of early professional orientation of schoolchildren in the form of pre-professional training provides not only information about the nomenclature of modern and in-demand professions on the labor market, but also makes it possible to carry out professional tests in promising professions and specialties of regional economic sectors. The potential of the opportunities provided by the platform of the federal project «Ticket to the future» within the framework of the project «Success of every child» of the Passport of the national project «Education» in terms of the development and implementation of the program of early professional orientation of schoolchildren of grades 6-11 of secondary school in the competence «Forest management and reforestation Engineering» is investigated. Keywords: early professional orientation, professional tests, competence of forest management and reforestation engineering, the program of pre-professional training of schoolchildren, the platform of the federal project «Ticket to the future» | 471 | |||||
1093 | In the article, the problem of heterogeneity of digital reading is raised. By analogy with Milgram and Kishino’s reality-virtuality continuum, it is proposed to consider screen reading not as a single monolithic system, but as a continuum that includes many modifications. The theoretical part of the article presents a typology of types of electronic text and modifications of reading. Both simple modifications (e.g., reading digitized text) and complex ones, including reading hypertext, are analyzed. It is shown that not only reading interactive online text, but also mono-code verbal text in PDF format differs significantly from paper reading in a number of parameters. Text comprehension is considered as a key issue in the problems of digital reading. In the practical part, using a sample of students in grades 5–9, the results of an empirical study of gender and age differences in the level of understanding of monocode digitized text are presented. It was revealed that when working with paper text, girls outperform boys in reading comprehension (p ≤ 0.05), demonstrating a more attentive attitude to factual information and better coping with tasks on conceptual information. Regarding screen reading, no significant gender differences were found (p > 0.05). Keywords: screen reading, digital reading continuum, modifications to reading, monocode text, hypertext, text comprehension, teenagers, gender and age differences | 470 | |||||
1094 | The study expands the understanding of the role of personal factors in the implementation of creative activity. The novelty of the work is due to the study of the psychological defense mechanisms and barriers to creative activity that arise in the process of students performing creative tasks. When diagnosing psychological defense mechanisms, an integrated approach was implemented that combines the use of a test and the author’s scale of standardized observation at the time of creative activity in a specially organized experimental situation. Then, by the methods of factorial and correlation analysis, the structure of interrelations of personality defense mechanisms, barriers in creative activity and creativity were proved. Students who are characterized by immature psychological defenses (projection and regression) more often note a large number of obstacles in their work. Alternative options for psychological defense during the performance of a creative task were identified, showing varying degrees of effectiveness: students prefer more adaptive mechanisms of compensation or substitution, or a less adaptive mechanism - negation. More mature defense mechanisms (compensation and intellectualization) are accompanied by a higher level of creative characteristics, while more primitive ones (negation and reaction) are accompanied by their decrease. The results obtained can be taken into account when developing technologies for developing the creative potential of students through conscious work with the psychological defense mechanisms and barriers to creative activity. Keywords: creativity, creative activity, defense mechanisms, barriers to creative activity, students | 469 | |||||
1095 | The study of emotional and cognitive aspects of regulating human behavior in risk situations is an urgent task of modern psychology. The study of the construct “emotional intelligence” proved the significance of this phenomenon in the context of the development of human resources in connection with the tasks of professional, educational and everyday life. The links between emotional intelligence and cognitive risk assessments allow us to identify resources for stress coping and self-efficacy in the context of various social practices. The aim of our research was to develop a modified EmIn questionnaire, study the relationships between emotional intelligence indicators and intellectual risk assessment to describe the typological features of modern students. The following methods were used in the study: the Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (EmIn) by D. V. Lyusin, Risk Intelligence Scale (SRIS) (G. Craparo, P. Magnano, A. Paolillo, V. Costantino, 2018, adaptation by T. V. Kornilova, E. M. Pavlova, 2020). The results of the study demonstrate good psychometric characteristics of the modified version of the EmIn questionnaire. The typology of modern student youth is described from the point of view of the specifics of the formation of personal resources for emotional and cognitive regulation of behavior associated with risk situations. The results of the study, including a modified version of the EmIn questionnaire, as well as the identified typological features of young people can be used by psychologists in studying the problematic aspects of human interaction with situations of uncertainty in the modern transitive world. Keywords: emotional intelligence, intelligent risk assessment, student youth, cluster analysis | 469 | |||||
1096 | In recent decades, there has been an increase in the destructive influence of narcissistic patterns on the life of modern society. Such phenomena as selfishness, pride, and skepticism are promoted in social networks and advertising and offer a new model of behavior. More and more people are striving to improve various aspects of their lives – from their own body to family and business. However, the desire for excellence and success can lead to bitter disappointment and dissatisfaction. This article is devoted to the issue of leveling the negative manifestations of narcissism by the method of Jungian sand therapy, since in practice there is a lack of methodological developments to help people with narcissistic manifestations that have not reached the clinical level. The purpose of the study: to test a training program for leveling the negative manifestations of narcissism among students using the Jungian sand therapy. The training program developed by us is dedicated to the transformation of narcissism based on sand therapy and is a synthesis of Carl Jung’s ideas and personal experience of using art therapy. Such work is based on the creation of artistic images from various materials: stones, sand, water, etc. The technology for implementing the training program included the following forms of work: psychodiagnostics, mini-lecture, express survey, workshop, amplification, individual counseling, group training. Analysis of the results of the study confirms a positive trend in the transformation of narcissistic manifestations and can be recommended for use in psychological practice to help people with manifestations of narcissism. Keywords: narcissism, Jungian sand therapy, gender identity | 467 | |||||
1097 | Digital transformations in the society influence higher education thus moving it towards the digital format. Digital tools and online resources are becoming an integral part of teaching and learning in and out of the classroom. Educators, however, face difficulties in choosing the most appropriate and effective formats for using these resources due to low awareness of all the advanced online tools and poor command of the English language. The article aims to analyze the options for using interactive online tools in teaching a foreign language based on the experience of the Kazan National Research Technological University (KNRTU). This goal can be achieved by solving the following tasks: 1) analyze and classify available online resources for teaching and learning; 2) identify the most effective formats for using interactive online tools to intensify the teaching and learning of foreign languages by university students. The following methods are used in the article: analysis of online resources and articles describing the use of these resources, and discussions with teachers who teach foreign languages using these resources. The results showed that the online educational resources can be classified into the following groups: MOOCs, LMS-platforms, online conference platforms, interactive boards and interactive tools. The most efficient formats of using interactive tools for teaching foreign languages to university students are interactive flashcards and games with them for introducing new vocabulary, open tests for checking the vocabulary learnt, multiple choice and true/false tests for working with new texts. Hands-on experience of using these formats out of class and in class at KNRTU can be used at other universities. Further research will focus on factors and barriers of using interactive online tools in teaching English at the universities. Keywords: digitalization, online teaching and learning resources, interactive online tools, foreign language teaching and learning, international partnership | 466 | |||||
1098 | The modern educational process in a higher educational institution should have a personal and professional orientation. The development of personal and professional competencies necessary for future teachers and psychologists is the most important task of training specialists in this area. Sensitivity to another person is one of these competencies. The theoretical part of the article analyzes the concept of “sensitivity to a person,” reveals the structure of this concept and describes the components of sensitivity to another, such as interest in a person, empathy, understanding and help. The purpose of empirical research is to identify the dynamics of sensitivity to humans in students of psychological and pedagogical areas of training. In total, 163 students of psychological and pedagogical areas of training at Cherepovets State University (from 1 to 5 years) took part in the study. As a result, it was found that the level of sensitivity to humans among students of psychological and pedagogical areas of training is quite high, some of its decline occurs only in the second or third year. The most pronounced sensitivity parameters in students of all courses are empathy and help. To a lesser extent, students have an interest in the individual and an understanding of the individual. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that an analysis of the dynamics of sensitivity in students of psychological and pedagogical areas of training is presented, “problem” zones have been identified when it is formed at different stages of study at the university. The data obtained show the importance of purposeful formation of sensitivity to humans among students of psychological and pedagogical areas of training both in the framework of educational activities and in extracurricular activities. Keywords: interest in the person, understanding, help, sensitivity to the person, empathy | 462 | |||||
1099 | The cluster approach in modern Russian education is the most relevant development trend of the last decade. Theoretical and methodological foundations are being developed, methodological tools and conditions for improving the efficiency of this process are being formed. The article presents a study on the problem of using a cluster approach to solve the urgent vocational, educational and socio-economic task of qualified training and securing in the workplace of secondary medical personnel for extremely remote settlements from the regional center, such as the extreme northwestern point of the Tomsk region – Strezhevoye, as well as the most remote from Tomsk settlement the points are the village of Alexandrovskoye and the town of Kedrovy. The purpose of the publication is a theoretical justification of the use of the cluster approach in the system of secondary professional medical education in the Tomsk region, a description of the primary results of creation and testing and recommendations for use in other regions. The study included theoretical and empirical research methods. A theoretical clarification of the concept of “Integration and educational cluster” in the system of secondary vocational education is carried out, theoretical aspects of the implementation of priority trends of state policy in the field of vocational education are shown, a model of the integration and educational cluster of the system of secondary medical vocational education of the Tomsk region “Healthcare” is implemented. The backbone element of the cluster is the Tomsk Basic Medical College (hereinafter – TBMC). Keywords: integration, integration and educational cluster, subject of clustering, secondary medical professional education, cluster approach | 461 | |||||
1100 | The relationship between smartphone addiction and psychological ill-being established in research prompted the introduction of a new construct – “problematic smartphone use.” This study tests the hypothesis of the relationship between problematic smartphone use and Machiavellianism, personality orientation, and communication skills. Data for the empirical study were collected through online testing of 713 respondents in Belarus and Russia, including 361 women and 350 men. The working hypothesis was confirmed: the study showed that problematic smartphone use is positively correlated with Machiavellianism, self-direction, dependent and aggressive behavior, and negatively with task focus, confident behavior and age. These conclusions about the connections between problematic smartphone use and Machiavellianism and types of behavior correspond to similar foreign results. The relationship between problematic smartphone use and personality orientation has not previously been studied. The practical significance of the results obtained includes their possible use in preventive work to prevent students from falling into a state of smartphone addiction. Keywords: problematic smartphone use, Machiavellianism, personality orientation, communication skills | 461 |