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901 | The article deals with the construction of the optimal learning path and the implementation of webapplication to form a graph of the path. The notions of “optimal path” and “individual educational path” are analyzed. The article notes the possibility of using an electronic portfolio to obtain data, the formation of an electronic portfolio of a student, its integration with an electronic information and educational environment, saving the student’s work, reviews and assessments, fixing the progress of the educational process, the results of intermediate certification and the results of mastering the main educational program, conducting all types of classes , procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided for with the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies, which takes place with the support of an electronic information and educational environment. An example of different paths of students of one group of Tomsk State Pedagogical University is given. In turn, the possibility of monitoring the further employment of a graduate or student is noted, which makes it possible to determine the optimal path of learning, which shows the further prospects for the growth of the student. As a result of the work carried out, a web application was developed for plotting the optimal learning path. Keywords: electronic information and education environment, optimal trajectory, webapplication, schedule, electronic portfolio | 719 | |||||
902 | The article deals with ways of educating undergraduate students how to use electronic textbooks while teaching mathematics in primary education. This education is a relevant approach to increase primary pupils’ information literacy; besides, it shows how important it is for a teacher to be able to use different storage media and interactive multimedia technologies to increase interest in learning and achieve pedagogical goals. The researches collected data from the results of testing and filling in questionnaires by students, who proved to be incompetent of using electronic textbooks on their own lessons at schools because they are not able to: highlight the structural elements of each layer of the textbook, perform navigating, search for interactive and multimedia elements, add their own content, use various models of using this electronic tool in primary education. The article demonstrates general goals, content and three stages of activities undergraduate students should go through to master their skills in defining potential of electronic books and how they contribute into personal growth of a pupil during the lesson. The article describes how bachelors should estimate and use electronic versions. The article presents project tasks and exercises for analysis. It gives examples of professional competencies connected with using electronic textbooks during math lessons in primary schools: searching for pages, justifying the choice of the media library, as well as the stages of the lesson where one can use them, and others. Keywords: professional education for undergraduate students, electronic textbooks, teaching mathematics in primary education | 717 | |||||
903 | The Physical culture and sport branch is currently in the stage of active reforming. The system is being modernized. Approaches to the organization of labor and educational-training activities, as well as physical-mass work with various population groups are being revised. The specifics of professional activity in this area is becoming more and more obvious and requires specialists to have appropriate special professional competencies. In the context of reforming, the training of qualified management personnel with the necessary knowledge and practical skills in organizing and managing the activities of state (municipal) and public physical and sport organizations is particularly relevant. The current federal state educational standards in the direction of (bachelors, masters) «pedagogical education» consider the need to form graduates’ readiness to solve problems of professional activity not only of pedagogical, but also of organizational and managerial type. The article gives the results of studies aimed at improving the professional education of students, that are future teachers in physical culture and sports on the basis of increasing their competence in matters of state and municipal administration. Based on a questionnaire survey of state (municipal) civil employees in charge of management in the field of physical culture and sports, there was made a list of professionally significant knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a specialist to effectively perform organizational and managerial functions in this area, taking into account modern socio-economic conditions. The article represents methodological recommendations for the formation of professionally significant knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective fulfillment of the state (municipal) management functions in the field of physical culture and sports under modern conditions. Keywords: professional education in the field of physical culture and sports, organizational and managerial activity, state (municipal) management in the field of physical culture and sports | 716 | |||||
904 | The phenomenon of the “mask of normality” of mass murderers and the key elements of the destructive Columbine youth movement are investigated. The popularity of the destructive Columbine subculture among young people, its cross-border nature, the dynamics of the number of fans growth in the Russian segment of the Internet, morу frequent attempts to implement mass killings in Russian educational institutions determine the relevance of the study. Examples of studies of Columbine, psychopathies, and school shooting are given. The characteristic of the socio-psychological profile of the school shooter’s “mask of normality” is given. The “mask of normality” of a mass murderer manifests itself in a state of mental stability that occurs after a momentary release of unconscious energy. It is described that various forms of psychopathies may have blurred boundaries and possess the qualities of a “normal character”. These forms are also more common in a mixed form and may develop into a deep pathology. The diversity and instability of psychopathies makes it difficult to diagnose and assess the clinical picture and to determine a single diagnosis for the perpetrators of mass murder. Developing a standard of diagnostic tools and a legal framework for the early diagnosis of psychopathic individuals with a “mask of normality” who can potentially join the destructive subculture of Columbine remains an urgent task. Keywords: “mask of normality”, mass murders, columbine, psychopath, murderer, school shooting, the structure of the psyche, the unconscious | 715 | |||||
905 | The article deals with the problem of using health-saving technologies in a pedagogical university. The relevance of this issue is due to the deterioration of the external social and natural environment and an increase in violations in the physical and mental health of modern people. The problem of health saving is especially acute in relation to children and students, as well as specialists in “interacting” professions, which include teachers and lecturers. Hence, it is important to pay attention to the professional training of future teachers at the university, which should include not only knowledge about health and health care, but also the development of health-preserving technologies. The purpose of the article is to consider the problem of including health-saving technologies in the process of professional training of students at a pedagogical university for use in classes and the formation of practical experience of future teachers. To study the problematic field of the research topic on the basis of the Altai State Pedagogical University, a questionnaire was conducted among students of 4–5 courses, which emphasized the need not only to study healthy technologies within the framework of the disciplines of the psychological and pedagogical cycle, but also their practical use in classes. As examples of the use of such technologies in working with students, physical activity break and various auto-training options have been proposed. Physical activity breaks allow you to organize a practically oriented recreation in the classroom, since future teachers not only participate in the exercise, but also analyze their implementation, include them in their methodological bank. Autotraining contributes to the solution of a number of psychological problems, and also helps to develop the professional qualities necessary for a teacher: the ability to tune in to a lesson, relax, overcome negative external influences, mastery of voice and emotions. Keywords: health-saving technologies, pedagogical university, future teachers, professional training of students at the university | 715 | |||||
906 | This article is devoted to the review of the illustrative space of the fairy tale of one of the most popular Russian children’s writers Alexander Melentevich Volkov «The Wizard of the Emerald City» on the basis of the memorial collection of the children’s museum “Magic Country” named after A. M. Volkov of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, as well as Internet publications for 1939 to 2021. As a result of this study, the names of 80 artists who illustrated the fairy tale for 82 years were revealed. Analysis of the illustrative space of each book showed the crucial importance of the correct choice for illustrations of the basic events of the plot of the fairy tale, the preservation of the logic of the development of the main storyline, the need to use additional illustrations for a detailed study of the climactic scenes, as well as portraits of the characters. The completeness of the saturation of the illustrative space of the tale, measured by the number of illustrations, ranged from zero to illustration on each page. At the same time, the dynamics of visual content developed from one illustration on 4–7 pages of text to an illustration on each spread (2014, 2020). Color preferences have evolved from black and white book graphics to a variety of watercolor technologies in the household, species, landscape, portrait and animalistic genres. The problem of correspondence of the author’s vision and artistic embodiment in the space of a children’s book is one of the most important problems not only of scientific research, but also of figurative and cognitive education of children. Keywords: children’s book, A. M. Volkov, “Wizard of Emerald City”, illustrators, illustrative space | 714 | |||||
907 | The application of predictive systems in education based on the use of big data technologies through the management of the digital footprint of students is discussed. The main attention is paid to the accepted managerial decisions. Issues of a technical plan, methodological nature, and legal regulation are not considered in the paper. The current trends in the formation of a digital footprint of students are described, the risks and challenges of introducing digital technologies into the educational sphere are formulated. Two approaches to optimizing the collected data are described: the gamification of education with the creation of a data collection environment and the use of specialized approaches in data processing. With regard to the second approach, the important role of a priori algorithms and expert assessments used in the process of processing the digital footprint has been revealed. A parallel is drawn with the use of big data in science, the importance of repeatedly accessing data and the use of proven methods for extracting information from unstructured data lakes is shown. It is shown that in the educational sphere, digitalization processes are expressed in the strengthening of the role of external stakeholders not related to the state. These trends come into conflict with state interests which lead to the active intervention of the authorities in the educational process. According to the authors, there is a prospect of forced formation of a digital footprint. In order to solve the emerging difficulties associated with the conflict between social and technical, it is proposed to focus on the development of a digital culture and the widespread introduction of the ethics of handling big data. Keywords: digital footprint, big data, education, digitalization, models | 714 | |||||
908 | The authors presented the results of studying the specifics, state and prospects of tourism development for the implementation of the goals of self-improvement and familiarization with the riches of the civilizational heritage, analysis of the problems of organizing and implementing psychological and pedagogical support of tourist activities on the example of spiritual and esoteric tourism. The authors gave the characteristics of tourism as an innovative sphere of education, in which a person implements the tasks of self-improvement and familiarization with the civilizational heritage. The training of psychologists-teachers in the field of organization, implementation and psychological and pedagogical support of tourist activity acts not only as a channel for expanding their nonprofessional competencies and capabilities, providing another demanded and interesting profession, but also strengthens their own professional competencies. The authors concluded that in the process of training specialists of the «person-to-person» group, including teachers and psychologists, acquaintance with tourism activities, its competencies, serves as an important channel for the development of a future professional, rethinking narrow professional practices, technologies and models, their saturation, enrichment tourist technologies. An important role in this process has been played and is being played by competencies related to the comprehension of life and professional values, spiritual and moral aspects of life that structure the civilizational heritage of mankind. It is they and the educational opportunities of tourism that are the main focus of attention in the main, additional and ongoing (re) training of specialists. Keywords: motives of tourism activities, self-improvement, civilizational heritage, educational tourism, spiritual and esoteric tourism, psychological and pedagogical support of tourism | 712 | |||||
909 | The problem of the need to intensify channels and forms of interaction with foreign students at Russian universities is indicated. Today the universities are designed not only to conduct research and teach, but also to influence the improvement of the cultural and socio-economic status of their region and the whole world. It is proved that the third mission of the university today implies the creation of the image of Russia as a partner aimed at dialogue in equal conditions, striving for the security of all participants in the world process, the condition of which is multipolarity. The conditions of the diversity of cultures that takes place at universities make possible to highlight the country’s position in front of representatives of other countries – foreign students. The role of intercultural competence as one of the most important skills of the XXI century is emphasized. In the face of growing uncertainty on the world stage, universities should take over the formation of intercultural competence. This is the mission of forming goodwill and tolerance towards representatives of different peoples, serving international understanding and cooperation. It is proved that one should not limit oneself to the process of adaptation to another culture based on the assimilation of new cultural norms and the formation of the ability to bring one’s behavioral reactions in line with them. It is necessary to form a new type of personality, mastering new cultural codes. Such a person feels comfortable in any crosscultural collective and knows ways to self-actualize himself in it. To do this, it is advisable for students to show examples of new ways of intensive interaction at the intersection of various cultural paradigms. Keywords: third mission of the university, intercultural communication, cultural code, adaptation, cross-cultural communication club, cross-cultural training | 711 | |||||
910 | The rapid advancement of digital technologies in the field of education is dictated by the relevance of the problems considered in this case. Digital literacy of physical education teachers, instructors and coaches in sports from among the teaching staff of educational organizations is the lowest. Despite the high importance of knowledge, skills, practical skills and tactical skills of mentors, digital competence has become a mandatory indicator for assessing the professional suitability of the modern education system. In modern physical culture and sports education, there are currently not enough methodological developments on the use of digital technologies. The process of digital modernization of education should be systematic and gradual, including the continuous interaction of educational organizations at all levels. It is necessary to search and classify additional innovative means and methods necessary to improve the educational process and the process of improving the sportsmanship of swimmers in the practice of professional training of students of the faculties of physical culture and sports. The study uses a theoretical analysis of scientific publications, innovative digital programs and devices that improve the efficiency of the swimming training process. Discussed are digital devices used in the training process of training swimmers from elementary to professional levels, their purpose and significance. The training process requires the search for new, original and effective ways of preparing and recovering swimmers, which have become available in the era of digital technology. It is important for teachers and trainers to master the skills of competent use of modern devices and programs that increase the effectiveness of practical exercises and rehabilitation procedures. Therefore, it is necessary to develop new approaches and solutions in the professional training of physical culture and sports specialists in a timely manner to most effectively use digitalization trends in the educational process. Keywords: digital technologies, training process, swimming training, educational technologies, mobile applications, computer programs, sensory devices, physiotherapy devices | 707 | |||||
911 | An international review of the formation of transnational educational mobility in higher education abroad is analyzed. The research results by foreign scientists dealing with this empirical issue are presented. The role of educational mobility in the formation of transnational human and cultural capital, the influence of educational mobility on the formation of an individual educational and career path of a person is shown on the example of such countries as: Great Britain, USA, China, Australia and Western European countries. Transnational educational mobility is considered in the context of the formation of cultural capital as the acquisition of international experience, the expansion of linguistic and professional knowledge, the development of social and intercultural skills that contribute to the creation of a new cultural identity and the strengthening of transnational identity, personality identification. Giving rise to cosmopolitanism, person’s educational mobility contributes to the creation of a new cultural identity and transnational identification strengthening. A man who is able to see and understand intercultural differences, to solve intercultural problems, is able to form his identity in the context of intercultural and multicultural relations. It is emphasized that with the development of transnational educational mobility, the term “international professional competence” appears in the scientific and pedagogical literature, associated with the formation of transversal personality skills. Transversal skills are analyzed as basic skills, independent of a person’s professional qualifications and not tied to any particular profession, but are applicable to a wide range of situations in life. It is emphasized that the strengthening of cross-border educational mobility is observed not only in the public sector of higher education, but also in the private sector, which contributes to an increase in the number of educational institutions leading to the expansion of availability of higher education and obtaining various academic degrees and titles. Keywords: transnational educational mobility, higher education, human capital, cultural capital | 706 | |||||
912 | The article is devoted to the definition of the essence of significant methodological characteristics of scientific and pedagogical research (contradiction - problem – topic) through the substantiation of their structural and semantic integrity from the perspective of modern pedagogical science. The key requirements for the formulation of contradictions, problems and topics of dissertation research, which are important to rethink in the present situation, are analyzed and summarized. The methodological foundations of some candidate/doctoral dissertations defended over the past five years in the dissertation Council of Tomsk State Pedagogical University are considered. Examples of correctly formulated topics, contradictions and problems of research in pedagogical sciences are given, taking into account the experience of the Dissertation Council at TSPU. It is shown how the scientific correctness of these formulations affects the content of the dissertation and the quality of the scientific results achieved. The current directions of pedagogical research in the field of education sciences are highlighted. Keywords: methodological characteristics, scientific justification, actual topics of dissertation research | 706 | |||||
913 | The problem of formation of readiness of future primary school teachers to use distance learning technologies is considered. Based on the analysis of the results of the survey of bachelors studying in the field of study 44.03.05 Pedagogical Education, the relevance of the formation of students’ professional competencies in the field of creating and using digital educational resources for organizing distance learning in elementary school is substantiated. The goals and key stages of the formation of bachelors’ professional knowledge and skills necessary for the successful application of the main forms of distance education are identified: offline (asynchronous), online (synchronous), online + offline (mixed). The article provides examples of analytical, design and constructive tasks that can improve the level of professional training of bachelors in the use of various platforms for productive interaction, as well as learn how to evaluate the capabilities of various ready-made learning task services in distance education. Particular attention is paid to the ways of preparing future teachers for the implementation of distance learning of junior schoolchildren with disabilities (HIA). The advantages of the synchronous form of distance education in enhancing the mental activity of younger schoolchildren with various health pathologies, as well as the possibility of building an individual trajectory for the development of the personality of a student with disabilities, are highlighted. Keywords: distance educational technologies, preparation of bachelors of primary education | 705 | |||||
914 | The purpose of the article is to determine the role of independence in the military service of officers and its influence on the successful fulfillment of service and combat missions. The article examines the structure of human activity, as well as the place of elements of independence in it. Based on the study of scientific literature, the main structural elements of the concept of “independence” are determined, which allows interpreting the results of the analysis of responses to graduates of military universities of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation. The identified shortcomings in the training of military specialists allow us to conclude that there is insufficient development of independence in their service activities. As a result, the recorded level of development of independence prevents the manifestation of non-standard, unconventional thinking, and also significantly inhibits the self-development of an officer as a person and as a specialist. Particular attention is paid to the formation of practical skills of cadets of military universities, the correspondence of the solution of practical problems in the classroom to the real requests of the command of various levels. The article discusses the possible reasons for the formation of practical skills of graduates at a level below the expected level and the problem of adaptation of junior officers to new challenges. Also, in the course of the study, the main ways of solving the problem of obsolescence of the “life” situations offered during practical exercises were determined. It is important to note that the level of professional competence of graduates of military universities of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation is closely interconnected with the practice of their application. The article notes that the activities of a cadet and an officer are similar in structure, which allows us to offer more effective ways of shaping their behavior in non-standard / critical situations. Keywords: independence, officer, personality, activity, graduate, experience, selfdevelopment, military institute, educational process | 704 | |||||
915 | The situation of stimulating reading of Russian fiction in the schools of the Republic of Tajikistan, as well as the situation with its study by teachers in the country’s schools, where it is studied as a second language starting from grade 2, is analyzed. Literary reading remains the main means of the school subject «Russian language» and is an integral part of the study of the Russian language in the communicative and linguistic space of Tajikistan, despite the significant outflow of the Russian-speaking population. The overwhelming majority of the Tajik intelligentsia, including high-ranking statesmen, strive to maintain a common cultural, scientific, educational and information space with Russia. Therefore, today scientists direct their attention to the formation of the reading competence of students of secondary schools of the Republic of Tajikistan. Stimulation reading of works of fiction in Russian in schools in Tajikistan Discusses the possibilities of stimulating the reading activity of youth through fashion as a socio-cultural phenomenon under the influence of libraries. The possibilities of stimulating the reader’s activity of young people through fashion as a sociocultural phenomenon under the influence of libraries are considered. Such concepts as “self-stimulation of reading”, “reading mode” and “reader mode” are revealed from the point of view of the science of the reader. Attention is paid to fashionable communication among Tajik schoolchildren and the characteristics of the mechanisms of the current concept of “reading” are given information, imitation, suggestion / persuasion, the possibilities of their use to stimulate the reading activity of schoolchildren of Tajik schools are indicated. The study speaks about the level of difficulty in passing the pedagogical organization of reading Russian literature in secondary schools with the Tajik language of instruction. Keywords: reading of work of fiction, stimulus, the Russian language, Tajik school, Russian school, reading mode | 704 | |||||
916 | The article deals a model of tutor support of a young and novice teacher in a vocational school. It outlines the model’s components such as target, organizational and preparatory, informative, effective and reflexive. The author describes the specifics of the purpose and practical orientation of the model development, namely, the need to use a personal-activity approach in the modeling process. The model is based on the “dispatcher model of tutor support of the professional career of young specialists”, which is modified taking into account the existing features of the GAPOU KuzTAGiS and involves the design of individual educational trajectories of professional development of young and novice teachers. The main function of a tutor is to coordinate actions at each step of the implementation of an individual educational trajectory of professional development. The main functions of a tutor in the system of secondary vocational education are diagnostic, informational, methodological, etc. The necessary measures that contribute to the preparation of young teachers for independent and effective teaching activities within the framework of the “Step to Success” and “Path to Mastery” programs are described. The article also contains specifics of conducting educational tutoring seminars (tutorials), involving the organization of group work of young and novice teachers of the technical school in the field of designing pedagogical activities, taking into account the activity approach; possible forms of dissemination of pedagogical experience of young and novice teachers. Keywords: young specialist, tutor, tutor support model, dispatcher model of tutor support, professional development | 704 | |||||
917 | The use of information technology in the learning process has already become commonplace, but new tools are constantly appearing to help the teacher and students. In order for education to really meet the demand of modern realities, it is necessary to continuously modernize the forms and methods of education. One such highly relevant assistant in teaching mathematics is the Dynamic Mathematics System (DMS) GeoGebra. Mathematics has always occupied a special place among the sciences, if only because it is very abstract and difficult to understand. Just memorizing formulas and definitions is not enough, or rather, it makes no sense. You need to understand the essence and be able to use the knowledge gained. Therefore, there is a need for the visibility of mathematical concepts for their more detailed consideration and understanding, for which DMS are used. It is also worth confirming the feasibility of their use. The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study of the impact of using the GeoGebra Classroom on the quality of education on the example of the topic “Complex Numbers” studied by college students in the course of higher mathematics. It was revealed that the use of Dynamic Mathematics Systems in classroom and homework has a positive effect on student’s academic performance. Keywords: teaching mathematics, GeoGebra Classroom, complex numbers, college, dynamic drawings, distance learning | 704 | |||||
918 | The authors have developed and tested Russian-language version of the questionnaire “Psychological Capital” (“PsyCap”) for use in higher education. This questionnaire was developed and based on the F. Lutans, K. Joseph and B. Avolio questionnaire. They created it for the needs of organizational psychology. B. Lutans, K. Lutans and S. Jensen modified it for the field of education. Psychological capital includes four parameters: self–efficacy (confidence in the successful achievement of goals and in solving problems); hope (the ability to redirect ways to achieve goals); optimism (is a positive attitude to success); resilience (is the ability to withstand difficulties). “PsyCap” questionnaires in various modifications (“PsyCap-24”, “PsyCap-12”) are widely used in modern psychology. There is no translation and adaptation of this questionnaire in Russian psychology, especially for the needs of higher education. It determined the relevance and purpose of this study. There are 130 students – future psychologists of Cherepovets State University took part in the survey. The authors checked their questionnaire and determinate it is reliability and validity. They do it by splitting the test into two parts. Authors use Cronbach’s alpha coefficient to check the internal consistency of each scale of the questionnaire, and the generalized indicator with all scales. Authors verify empirical validity by comparing the scales of the questionnaire with the results obtained using other known psychology tests. As a result, authors concluded that other researchers can use that questionnaire in the field of higher education to diagnose the psychological capital of students. Keywords: psychological capital, confidence, self-efficacy, hope, optimism, stability | 704 | |||||
919 | The digitalization of the education system poses several issues for interaction between teachers and students: mastering modern digital tools and resources, the safety of working on the Internet, education and self-education using information technology. These issues are especially acute in the process of organizing the education of children of primary school age. There must be teachers next to schoolchildren who are ready to form the digital literacy of students and who are able to provide digital mentoring. The goal is to analyze the results of diagnostics of teachers on the level of digital literacy development, the model of digital mentoring they implement, and its impact on the process of developing digital literacy among primary school students. The study is conducted based on the data obtained during the approbation by teachers of schools in the Perm Territory of the results of previous applied research on the development of functional literacy of students in the framework of the implementation of educational programs “Digital Literacy of Primary School Students” (State task No. 07-00080-21-02 dated August 18th, 2021, registry entry number 730000Ф.99.1). The study used such methods as the method of continuous correspondence survey, the descriptive method, the extrapolation method, as well as analysis, synthesis and generalization of the obtained data. During the first part of the survey, it was revealed that all respondents have fragmented, unsystematic ideas about the digital literacy of younger students. They may sometimes use this occasional knowledge in their professional activities while experiencing an urgent need for motivational tools and avoiding responsibility for the use of digital tools in their activities. More than 70% of teachers choose the “learning together” mentoring model. The model is characterized by: teachers’ awareness of the high potential of digital technologies; occasional use of digital tools in practical activities; understanding of the importance of cooperation with colleagues while working with digital technologies. The research shows the direct relationship between the levels of digital literacy of a mentor and a student: the higher the level of digital competencies of a teacher, the higher the likelihood of early involvement of students in digital technologies. The stated hypothesis about the systemic knowledge of teachers involved in the project on digital literacy of primary school students, and their use of different models of digital mentoring in their work, was partially confirmed. The issues of systematic knowledge about digital resources and readiness to use digital tools in the educational process in primary school require further study. Keywords: digital literacy, digital mentoring, primary school student | 703 | |||||
920 | The article considers the impact of the pandemic on the psychological state of modern boys and girls, in particular, the impact of forced restrictions on the psycho-emotional state and the potential formation of dependence on the Internet. The results of a diagnostic study of the relationship between the degree of dependence on the Internet and the occurrence of a depressive state are presented. The characteristics of the depressive state and extreme manifestations of depression, suicide are given. Studies of the relationship between interne-dependence and the presence of a depressive state are analyzed. It is noted that not realizing the need for social contacts that is significant for young people can provoke the appearance of a depressive state, which in its extreme manifestations can lead to suicide. The data presented in this article allow us to conclude that with all the positive impact of information technologies, during their active implementation, both in the educational process and the daily functioning of humanity, it is necessary to take into account the risks that may arise from the uncontrolled introduction of the network with people’s lives. In this article, only some negative influences are indicated, this is the risk of depression and Internet addiction. Keywords: depression, suicide, internet addiction, computer addiction | 701 | |||||
921 | In the modern educational field, there is a question about the importance of educational programs in the school environment. One of the tasks of educational policy is to establish the process of transfer and assimilation of values by school students. Educational policy in China is expressed in the text of the state program “Chinese Dream”, which serves as a mechanism for building a single value space in Chinese society. The purpose of the study is to analyze the phenomenon of value texts in the space of the modern Chinese school, related to the value orientations of development and education set out in the program “Chinese Dream”. Identification of readiness to use the technology of value texts in the space of the Russian school. The scientific novelty consists in identifying the characteristic features of value texts as a socio- cultural phenomenon in educational practice, common in Chinese schools; and in a detailed study of the implementation of the national plan “Chinese Dream” in the educational sphere. Research methods: phenomenological approach and content analysis of value texts in the school space (n= 107), ascertaining research among school principals (n=66). A s a result of the study, it is proved that the values of modern Chinese society are unevenly represented in the spaces of Chinese schools. The solution to this problem can be the creation of methodological recommendations for school principals with multicultural sources of value texts for school spaces. Keywords: Value, value text, Chinese Dream, Socialist core values, educational space, phenomenon | 700 | |||||
922 | The article substantiates the need to develop an educational program for preparing a future primary school teacher to work with children with disabilities in a small rural school, describes its structure and content. The author concludes that the preparation process must be built in terms of involving the participants in the educational process in joint activities, as well as using educational technologies that allow students to be subjects of their own education. The article emphasizes that in the context of this study, the term «education» is interpreted as the «involvement» of the subject of activity (student) in their development and education. When creating a program, the author notes that it is built on a modular basis and should be based on the concept of educational eventfulness, which considers pedagogical activity as a subject of personal attitude and action. Thus, the educational program in its content involves separate modules that are in a certain hierarchy: discovery, generation, creation of experience. The author comes to the conclusion that such a construction of the educational program will allow students to independently build the educational process, based on their own understanding of the meaning of professional activity in a small rural school with children with disabilities. Keywords: educational program, training of a future primary school teacher, students with disabilities, a small rural school | 699 | |||||
923 | The modern educational process of secondary school students is largely built on the basis of an activity-based and competence-based approach. One of the tasks of a modern teacher is the assimilation by students in the process of active learning for life of competencies. The analysis of their processes showed that it is still insufficiently studied, there are practically no practical examples of working with competencies. Sufficiently demanded for the development of students and building a useful life are regulatory and cognitive competence. These competencies can be actively formed in the process of teaching physics. The process of developing competencies becomes more effective, as the authors found, if it is built gradually. Formation begins with universal actions that are part of the competencies, which are for the majority identified. For preliminary formation, on the basis of practice, complex actions are highlighted - the student drawing up a plan of educational activity, its adjustment; formulation of causeand- effect relationships in phenomena, processes, reflexive action. The formation of actions is organized on the basis of the implementation by students in groups of mini-projects for the design of actions. An example of the formation of an element of regulatory competence is shown - the action of drawing up a plan for studying new material. Group work is guided based on the teacher’s questions to build the action. Then an intergroup discussion of the results of the work of the groups with the participation of the teacher is organized, and its adjustment. Initially built action, an element of competence is offered for development. With the help of the teacher, there is a reflexive comprehension of the activity of building the action and its appropriation. The development of elements of cognitive competence is built in a similar way. The presented methods of consistent active-activity, project-based formation of competencies are productive and can be widely used in education. Keywords: regulatory, cognitive competences, universal learning activities, project technology, teaching physics | 699 | |||||
924 | The article is devoted to the first results of the implementation of the All-Russian Patriotic Mega-Project “Victory Map – 2025” in relation to the city of Tomsk and the Tomsk region on the example of the local patriotic project “Rear Tomsk on the Victory Map”. One of the goals of the project was to identify unaccounted losses of the civilian population of the Tomsk region during the Great Patriotic War. The article for the first time introduces into scientific circulation archival information of the Department of Civil Registration of the Tomsk region on the number of death records registered by the territorial departments of the registry office for the period from 1940 to 1945. At the same time, the number of human losses was so mon strous that it is comparable to the military losses of the Tomsk region during the Great Patriotic War: military losses – 60,619 people, rear losses – 59159 people. In the light of these data, it seems necessary to further study the phenomenon of “rear as a socially responsible territory”. The obtained figures open a new layer of historical realities of wartime in the deep Siberian rear, which was one of the bridgeheads of an invisible, but no less terrible war with huge human losses among the civilian population. The article presents organizational and pedagogical technologies for the implementation of the project “Rear Tomsk on the Victory Map”, containing research (historical) and presentation (using augmented reality technology – QR-coding) parts. The multifaceted and complexity of the implementation of the patriotic project on logistics issues is an indispensable “testing ground” for consolidating the professional competencies of the future patriotic teacher. Keywords: patriotic education, Tomsk, the contribution of the rear to the victory, the Great Patriotic War, QR-code | 698 | |||||
925 | Trends in the training of defectologists are considered, taking into account the historical aspect and analysis of the current state of the problem. The main directions that determine the trends in the formation of interdisciplinary competencies are determined, the reasons are indicated and the existing historical experience of training interdisciplinary specialists is analyzed. The reasons for the need to include interdisciplinary technologies and forms of interaction in the training of specialists are highlighted. Various types of professional activities of teacher-defectologists in the conditions of inclusive education presuppose the presence of professional and personal competencies, which dictates the need to expand the interdisciplinary approach by revising the methods of conducting lectures through the use of search, research activities of students, solving various professional tasks within the content of the curriculum based on the use of the principle of interdisciplinarity. Various forms of conducting lectures and practical classes are analyzed, organizational parameters are determined. The emphasis is made on the application of the methods of conducting lectures, using the search, research activities of students, which makes it possible to enrich literacy in related areas of defectological science. The authors indicated the need to introduce the content of professional disciplines for solving defectological problems through the establishment of interdisciplinary connections, using interactive test tasks of a different nature. An innovative form of control in the form of a practice-oriented exam has been determined, which allows to determine the readiness of a future specialist to solve professional problems. Keywords: inclusive education, interdisciplinary competences, professional competencies, the principle of interdisciplinarity, social order, teacher defectologist | 698 | |||||
926 | Educational inclusion is considered as a context and ontological basis for self-determination of a teacher’s personality. The relevance of assessing the self-determination of the teacher’s personality is associated with the recognition of the personal «factor» as the driving force of inclusion. Selfdetermination of the teacher’s personality is considered on the basis of the subject-activity approach through the category of «attitude». The subjective aspect of self-determination is the relationship of the individual to himself as a subject of inclusion. The objective aspect of self-determination includes the relationship of the individual to the conditions and processes of inclusion in relation to a group of people with disabilities and people with disabilities. The dialectical nature of the connection between the subjective and objective aspects of self-determination necessitates the choice of a relevant approach and assessment tools. This approach is a subject-object approach: the assessment is carried out according to formalized indicators, but included in the inclusive processes by the subject (teacher). The subject of this study is the objective aspect of the teacher’s self-determination in an inclusive educational space. The study is aimed at identifying, analyzing and interpreting the current status of teachers’ attitudes towards the conditions and processes of inclusion in education. The presented results of the study allow us to state an unexpressed positive trend in the dynamics of teachers’ attitudes towards inclusion. In this regard, the prospects for inclusive education are associated with the “strengthening” of the identified positive trend, including in the process of professional training (and retraining) of teachers. Keywords: educational inclusion, teacher’s self-determination, subjective aspect of selfdetermination, objective aspect of self-determination, teacher’s attitude to inclusion | 697 | |||||
927 | The issue of the use of reference chronological lines in teaching a repetitive-generalizing course of history in the 11th grade of a general education school considered as a factor contributing to the solution of practical problems in teaching history within the framework of generalizing lessons. Based on the analysis of domestic literature, the main approaches to the use of chronological lines in teaching history are established. The didactic structure of the author’s reference chronological line is presented. Its main elements and their didactic functions are described. Attention is focused on the positive effect of the synergy of the means of conditional graphic visualization - reference signals and the chronological line, in the process of teaching history. It is concluded that it is possible to build repetitive-generalizing lessons based on reference chronological lines, as well as to use them as a methodological tool for structural and functional analysis of the material when a teacher prepares a history lesson. The positive influence of the use of reference chronological lines on the formation of cognitive, logical universal educational actions of students, their generalization abilities is noted. The main lesson formats are indicated with a reference chronological line. The attention is focused on the positive effects of the use of the updated didactic structure of the chronological line in the course of the iterative-generalizing history course in high school. Keywords: chronological line, reference signals, generalizing course, senior school | 694 | |||||
928 | An analysis of approaches, technologies, models developed over the past three years related to the assessment of professionalism and the level of competencies of teachers is presented. The attention is focused on research and development, which is based on working with big data, the use of technical means to automate the assessment process. An approach to assessing the professional competencies of teachers based on the analysis of the results of their students is formulated. Within the framework of this paper, the 3rd stage of the technology for assessing professionalism and competence level of general education teachers has been improved, tested and described. Using the data of the learning results of Tomsk region secondary students in the national Unified State Exam (USE), 3 (three) clustering algorithms were applied by technology: k-means, spectral clustering, agglomerative clustering. The learning results under study were on 4 (four) subjects: Russian, Mathematics (profile level), Physics, and Social Studies for the period from 2015 to 2019. The above data were divided into 2 (two) arrays: Science and Humanities, and clustering algorithms mentioned were applied to them. The validity of the clusters was assessed by the method of Silhouette coefficient and Kalinsky-Harabasz index. Some measured parameters of the algorithms and the expediency of their use within the framework of the task were evaluated. Keywords: teacher competencies, clustering, teacher’s professional deficits, data-mining | 693 | |||||
929 | Lack of working memory leads to a persistent inability to learn mathematics. Additional lessons with a teacher do not solve the problem of lagging behind the program. Correction of working memory or adaptation of the curriculum to the characteristics of a given student is required. Working memory can be trained, however, cognitive improvement does not automatically translate into academic performance due to the deep lag behind these students from the program. It is proposed to train working memory in the context of mathematical knowledge. The author has created a system of computer trainers for working memory based on the key sections of the school curriculum in mathematics. There are eight trainers: mental counting and skills in working with a trigonometric circle, solving proportions and square inequalities, solving a right-angled triangle. Trainers are available free of charge on the website https://www.workingmemory.ru/ (registration is required). Embedding cognitive training in educational content removes the problem of far transfer, since the positive effect on academic performance is immediately apparent. The problem of motivation for training working memory also disappears, since the content basis of the trainers is the requirements of the school curriculum. The time limit for one exercise, the number and duration of exercise to reach the limit values vary widely. This confirms the significant individual differences in working memory. The hypothesis was confirmed that the strategy of using resources of working memory is improved as a result of training (not the volume of its short-term storage). The conclusion is made on the analysis of statistical data on working with the “Forest Marathon” trainer, in which it is required to hold and transform in the mind from one to five numbers. Keywords: teaching mathematics, working memory, computer trainer, interval repetition | 692 | |||||
930 | Living in a digital society requires modern citizens to acquire various skills and abilities, the set of which constitutes digital culture and digital literacy. The definition of the concept of «digital culture competencies», a model for the development of digital culture competencies of future educators, consisting of three blocks, are proposed. The functional-target block reflects the principles, functions and purpose of its implementation. The content-technological block consists of the content, methods, means and forms of training. To develop the competencies of digital culture, the author’s computer training course «Digital culture and digital literacy of educators» has been developed and proposed. The performance-criteria block contains a description of the results of the implementation of the model, the levels of development of digital culture and diagnostic tools for assessing the competencies of digital culture of educators. The proposed structural and functional model ensures the full development of all competencies that make up the digital culture of future educators, which corresponds to the strategic direction of the development of the education system in the context of digital transformation and the interests of the individual in an actively developing digital society. Keywords: digital culture, digital literacy, competencies of digital culture, structural and functional model, digital competences, teacher, university | 690 | |||||
931 | The article discusses the topic of advanced training programs for heads of educational institutions in Russia, Great Britain, Australia, Sweden, the Netherlands and other countries in the context of requirements set by professional standards. It has been revealed that the functional composition of these requirements in different countries largely coincides, but Russian institutions do not yet offer a full range of topics of programs for the professional development of managers, aimed at the formation of a full functional manager, reflected in professional standards. In comparison with many foreign countries in the Russian Federation higher requirements to the education of the head of the school, which in our country should have higher education in the pedagogical and administrative sphere, and requires at least five years’ experience in teaching and/or management positions in educational institutions. The analysis of requirements to the director of the school from the point of view of the work functions of the professional standard of the school leader was conducted. Especially the «not covered» from the point of view of the topic of the proposed training programs are the areas related to functions, skills, knowledge in the field of designing the development of the organization, identification of factors and risks of development, motivation of the team, defining the tasks and prospects of personal and professional development of the manager and some others. Keywords: school principal, school leader, professional development of heads of educational organizations, professional standard of the head of educational organization, functions of the school leader, content of programs for professional development of school leaders, comparative research | 689 | |||||
932 | The questions of the effectiveness of methods and approaches used in vocational guidance in modern education are considered. The results of the analysis of the state of the modern labor market, as well as the real number of citizens working outside their specialty, are presented. It is indicated that unfavorable statistics are formed due to the absence or illiterate conduct of career guidance activities for modern adolescents in a comprehensive school, which contradicts the main regulatory documents governing the conduct of career guidance work. The article provides a critical analysis of career guidance psychodiagnostic methods currently used, which were created in the second half of the 20th century and do not take into account the specifics of professions, as well as the generational trend of modern adolescents. The authors have developed career guidance interactive game training as an innovative means of career guidance, which is more adaptive in relation to modern high school students – representatives of the Z generation. The results of the experiment showed that the proposed author’s career guidance system in the paradigm “author’s questionnaire – game career guidance training – individual consultations with parents and children” can be considered a more effective tool for the professional orientation of modern schoolchildren compared to other methods used in modern education. Keywords: career guidance diagnostics, generation Z, gaming gamified career guidance pedagogical training, unconscious incompetence, conscious choice of profession | 685 | |||||
933 | The article discusses the features of the implementation of the concept of emotional education. One of its significant characteristics is the change in the content of education. This change implies a qualitative balance of natural-scientific and artistic-aesthetic education. In modern schools, the balance is broken, natural science disciplines prevail. The potential of the subjects of the artistic and aesthetic cycle is extremely underestimated by the world education system and reduced to the level of formation of primary skills, which initially deprives the school of systemic resources for creative development. In the concept of emotional education, a block of subjects of the creative cycle was developed and implemented according to the author’s programs of A. Saybedinov, conditions were created for the effective influence of creativity on the learning and upbringing process as a whole. The results of the school’s work show the effectiveness of their implementation, both in terms of achieving educational results, intellectual and creative development, and social and educational effects. The system of emotional education in the Governor’s Svetlensky Lyceum is shown, which includes the subjects: “Fine Arts” (grades 1-7), “Practical Philosophy”, “Art History” (grades 8-11), “Fundamentals of Design” (grades 5-11). The necessity of a system of ungraded teaching of educational results of children within the framework of these disciplines is emphasized. The results of external monitoring of the work of the school show the effectiveness of their implementation, both in terms of achieving educational results, intellectual and creative development, and social and educational effects. Keywords: artistic and aesthetic education, creativity, creative development, fine arts, general education, emotional education | 683 | |||||
934 | The problem of effective methodological support for teachers of rural schools is based on the diagnosis and identification of their professional deficits. The mechanisms of organizing and conducting this diagnosis, the features of the development of diagnostic materials, as well as ways of objective evaluation of its results are shown. 250 teachers (143 teachers of the Russian language and 107 teachers of mathematics) working in rural schools located on the territory of 26 municipal districts of the Republic of Bashkortostan took part in the diagnostic testing. Diagnosis of professional deficits was carried out using an online platform https://platforma.bspu.ru. The results of a comprehensive analysis of diagnosing the professional competencies of teachers of the Russian language and Mathematics in rural schools are presented (on the example of the Republic of Bashkortostan). The influence of teaching experience and qualification categories on the results of diagnostics is presented. The professional deficiencies identified during the diagnostics and their significance in the professional activities of teachers of Mathematics and the Russian language are described. The systematic problem of methodological in competencies of teachers in rural schools has been identified and possible ways to solve them by providing targeted methodological assistance and designing individual tracks of personal growth have been identified. Keywords: professional deficit of a teacher, pedagogical diagnostics, individual trajectory of teacher growth, subject and methodological competencies of a teacher | 683 | |||||
935 | The article deals with the problem of choosing the methods of editing texts written by means of the Creative writing technique. The relevance of the issue of text editing, with focus on creative texts, is determined by the need for advancing text editing skills both for translators and for foreign language teachers in order to edit their own translations as well as those of the students. The phase of proofreading and editing of creative texts is analyzed. Diverse forms of editing are considered: individual form, peer-reviewing and groupreviewing, and „writers’ conference”. The necessary conditions for efficient editing of creative texts are specified, such as a friendly psychological atmosphere, facilitating the role of a teacher and constructive feedback to a text’s writer. The article provides examples of reviewing of creative texts at German lessons at universities. The reviewing of texts written by applying Free-Writing and Automatic writing is analyzed. The article considers the question of assessment of students’ creative works in a foreign language. We conducted a survey for the third- and fourth-year students majoring in Linguistics at the Department of the Foreign Languages for the Humanities of Novosibirsk State Technical University to find out how students perceive assessment of their work and which forms of assessment proved to be the best in their opinion. Keywords: creative writing, teaching of writing in a foreign language, creative texts, reviewing of creative texts | 678 | |||||
936 | In the first decades of Soviet power, the attitude to the problems of the development of education was directly related to the ideological guidelines for the rejection of the previous principles of the organization of education, including the obvious achievements of the pre-revolutionary school. The genesis of the Russian system of teacher education was largely due to the objectives of introducing universal education. At the state level, this problem was identified as early as the end of the 19th century, the decision to introduce universal primary education was made by the State Duma of the Russian Empire of the third convocation, but the implementation of the plan turned out to be possible only in the 1930s. In pre-revolutionary Russia, special pedagogical educational institutions worked in the system of the Ministry of Public Education - teacher’s institutes and seminaries. As a result of the Soviet reorganization of the system of teacher education, they were closed or transformed beyond recognition. The formation of a new educational system took place in the context of the revolution and the Civil War, which left its mark on the entire process, especially in Siberia and the Far East, which in June 1918 were outside the policy zone of the People’s Commissariat of Education. With the establishment of Soviet power in the region, a new wave of reorganization of pedagogical educational institutions began, which coincided with the period of «creative searches» of the People’s Commissariat for Education in matters of the structure of pedagogical education, the image of the Soviet «teacher – social worker», and teaching methods. The search for a new model of teacher training in the Soviet school against the backdrop of increased centralization of education management gradually led to the abandonment of experimental approaches to the organization of education. To a large extent, the experience of professional training of teachers was rethought and taken into account with certain adjustments in the content of education and upbringing of the future Soviet teacher. The program for the introduction of universal education in the USSR was carried out at an accelerated pace and was implemented in a short time, already in 1930–1934. in the USSR, universal compulsory education was introduced in rural areas in the amount of an elementary four-year school, and in cities and workers’ settlements – in the amount of a seven-year school. This required great efforts of the whole society and the state: in each regional center and, if there was such an opportunity, then on the basis of the former teacher’s seminaries and institutes, pedagogical institutes and technical schools, pedagogical courses of various levels and purposes were opened; significant financial and human resources have been allocated to create a network of teacher training institutions; the unification of the system of training of pedagogical personnel and the requirements for the qualification of a teacher was carried out. Keywords: history of education, history of teacher education in Siberia and the Far East, education during the years of the revolution and the Civil War, introduction of universal education, Soviet modernization of education | 678 | |||||
937 | Ensuring environmental safety is one of the highest priority tasks facing modern society. The growing negative human impact on the natural environment, including as a result of the activities of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies, has a destructive effect on the environment, causing changes in the ecological balance of nature. It is possible to significantly change the current situation as a result of the development of science, socialization of the individual, upbringing and education. The modern system of higher education makes new demands on the personal qualities of future leaders of all levels: open-mindedness, interest in innovations, a high level of creativity, the ability to take responsibility in difficult professional situations. In this regard, the issue of the formation of the competence of environmental safety among the cadets of the logistics faculty is especially acute. Theoretical studies have been carried out to assess the formation of competencies in a higher educational institution. The opinions of various researchers in the examination of educational results and the formation of assessment complexes in the practice of modern higher education are considered. Based on the study and analysis, the most significant approaches for assessing the competence of environmental safety have been determined. The descriptors of the cognitive, value-motivational and activity-practical components of the competence of environmental safety are highlighted. A description of the levels of formation of the competence of environmental safety has been prepared. Thus, in the rapidly changing modern world, the constant improvement of new approaches to defining goals, results, and, consequently, criteria for assessing the quality of higher professional education will be the key to training a logistics officer competent in environmental safety, who meets the requirements of all interested parties. Keywords: environmental safety, environmental safety competence, approaches to the assessment of competencies, descriptors, cadet | 677 | |||||
938 | The article considers project competence as a component of educational competence and a necessary component of professional competence of a teacher. Based on the theoretical analysis, the definition of the project competence and the project competence of the teacher, the stages of the formation of the project competence of students – future teachers in the educational space of the university is proposed. The content of educational (introductory), educational (design-technological) and production (design-technological) summer practices of students is described. A study is described to assess the effectiveness of practices of 1-2 courses and their impact on the formation of students’ project competence. The main method of research we chose an expert assessment of the main components of students’ project competence: the ability to design activities (analyze information, formulate a problem, set a goal for project activities, plan activities and design the final product); the ability to organize project activities (implement project activities, monitor and adjust project activities, evaluate the result); the ability to communicate effectively (organize and plan educational collaboration) and creativity. Analysis of the results of the study showed that without specially organized purposeful work (students of the control (KG) group) project competence is not formed, and students of the experimental (EG) group there have been significant changes in all components of project competence under the influence of the educational and production practices implemented by us. Conclusion. Educational (introductory), educational (design and technological) and production (design and technological) practices are an effective method of forming the project competence of future teachers and thereby affect the development of educational and professional, in general, the competence of future teachers. Keywords: project competence, educational (introductory) practice, educational (design and technological) practice, production (design and technological) practice, pedagogical prodject | 673 | |||||
939 | The article considers the resource of the concept of emotional education in the process of education and personality formation. The problems that hinder the effective implementation of education issues in the system of mass education are highlighted, the importance of the built-in system of educational and upbringing activities as a single and inseparable process is emphasized. The principles on which the upbringing system is built, developed in the concept of emotional education, are presented: the fusion of teaching and upbringing through the integration of classroom and extracurricular activities; new content of education, which is based on a qualitative balance of natural science and art and aesthetic education; a multi-level model for building the educational process as an effective model for integrating general and additional education, creating space for the manifestation and development of individual abilities of students. In the process of creating an effective system of education, the position of the teacher is also noted; a variety of forms, methods, means of educational work based on self-government; the formation of the way of the school, based on the formation of tradition and symbolism. The proposed system of education and upbringing has confirmed its high efficiency in the conditions of many years of teaching practice. Keywords: the concept of emotional education, the system of education, the new content of education, a multi-level education system | 669 | |||||
940 | The term “mediation” has been introduced into the methodological literature on teaching foreign languages in 2001. But despite this, teachers need to improve qualifications in the understanding of this term, as in the native methodology there is a problem of lack of research in the field of mediation, especially in the field of learning a foreign language. Modern society attaches great importance to communicative connections and relationships. Society needs a person who has flexible thinking, the ability to express his thoughts correctly and easily interact with others. Forming these skills at the same time promotes to grow an all-round personality who will be able to be a mediator in communication with another culture. The purpose of the research will be to analyze the results of the teacher’s questionnaires for their ideas about the need to form mediation and intercultural skills, determine the level of their formation and assessment. Test were developed and implemented to determine the initial level and final results of intercultural and mediation skills for students. They were based on the proposed recommendations for the lessons. According to the results of testing, it can be noted that during the initial testing, students have a low level of mediation and intercultural skills formation. But with using recommendations in the lesson, the level improves. The results of the research and author’s developments show the importance of the mediation and intercultural competencies formation and may be interesting to English teachers working in the secondary school. Keywords: mediation, mediation skills, intercultural skills, questionnaire, secondary school students, foreign language teachers | 667 | |||||
941 | Ukhta State Technical University annually trains students from near and far abroad in bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in basic educational programs in Russian. Despite passing the propaedeutic mathematics course at the preparatory department, students experience significant difficulties in studying higher mathematics in the first year. The initial testing conducted for the purpose of the first diagnostics of knowledge in the field of mathematics and the Russian language showed that the majority of students make not mathematical errors related to solving equations, inequalities, etc., but linguistic errors related to misunderstanding of the verbal text of the subject content. The obtained test results, and the studied experience of teaching mathematics to foreign students in universities of the Komi Republic and other regions, served as a reason for the development of a special own teaching system. The methodological basis of the teaching system is the principle of gradual expansion of knowledge, skills and abilities in the language, subject-language and subject-thematic area in a non-native Russian language, ensuring the normalization of the linguistic load and the achievement of the planned teaching outcomes. The main components of the system are: the goals and content of teaching adapted to the teaching of foreign students; interactive teaching methods (interchange of topics, interchange of tasks, interdictants, etc.); collective organizational forms; specialized educational resources (didactic materials with methodically sound lexical and grammatical constructions, bilingual mathematical dictionaries, visualization of educational information, etc.). The search and development of effective organizational forms and methods of teaching foreign students are actual tasks that require a great personal contribution and professionalism of teachers, and productive cooperation with the educational structures of the university aimed at social and linguistic adaptation of students and support of the educational process. The ideas of teaching mathematics to foreign students put forward and implemented in pedagogical practice allow us to talk about the development of a system of teaching students who do not speak Russian well at th e university. Keywords: technical university, teaching mathematics in a non-native language, subject-language and subject aspects of teaching, the principle of gradual expansion of knowledge, special didactic materials, interactive teaching methods | 664 | |||||
942 | Psychological well-being is an indicator of the realization of the potential of personal development. Psychological well-being is associated with the activity of the subject and requires special attention to the content of the activity. Age-psychological specifity of adolescence and youth is defined by selfdetermination and self-realization processes and personal subject’s activity becomes an important factor. Volunteer activity as a voluntary activity to help those in need provides ample opportunities for self-realization of the individual. The purpose of this research is to study the characteristics of the psychological well-being of adolescents with different experience and motivation for volunteering. The study involved 329 adolescents aged 14-18, of which 57.4 % were boys and 42.6 % were girls. The main hypothesis of the study was the assumption that the participation and motivation of youth volunteering are associated with a higher level of psychological well-being. Three methods were used: E. Clary’s Volunteering Motivation Questionnaire, the Warwick-Edinburgh Psychological Well-Being Scale, and the S. Lovibond Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale. The results obtained allowed us to draw the following conclusions. Various components of psychological well-being are associated with the experience and motivation of volunteering. Gender differences were found in the nature of the relationship between the level of psychological well-being and participation and motivation for volunteering. Keywords: psychological well-being, volunteering, youth | 663 | |||||
943 | Analysis of interdisciplinary connections in preparation for a new form of state final certification, the demonstration exam WorldSkills Russia (WSR) in the system of secondary vocational education is the purpose of the article. The professional training of paramedical personnel, in accordance with the state policy in the field of training specialists of the secondary vocational education system, is associated with improving the quality of education and passing a new form of state final certification – the WorldSkills Russia (WSR) championship standards exam. An integral part of professional training in medical specialties is the discipline “Chemistry”. With the reduction of hours in chemistry, it is necessary to reform the methodological support. For example, the training of a laboratory diagnostician or a pharmacist changes the types of activities (educational, scientific, research). The use of intersubject communications has been expanded. Professional and supraprofessional competencies are formed. The practical experience of the WS competitive movement is the goal. The main didactic principles (scientific, visual, accessible, and others) of the subjects “Chemistry”, “Biochemistry”, “Analytical Chemistry” reflect the development of these sciences for students, contribute to the expansion of scientific knowledge and its synergy. Integration of MOOC resources into the learning environment of the system of secondary vocational education in blended learning, the use of a task system for preparing for WSR exams in the pre-class, classroom and post-class phases, based on interdisciplinary connections is shown. The conditions for preparing a mid-level specialist for a new form of state final certification according to WorldSkills Russia standards have been created. Keywords: chemistry, interdisciplinary communications, Worldskills Russia, system of secondary vocational education | 660 | |||||
944 | The article presents an analytical review of the content of cultural and historical epochs associated with the development of scientific research on the psychology of artistic creativity. A retrospective of the origin and development of the prerequisites of the psychology of literary and artistic creativity as a new direction of scientific psychology is shown. The historical and cultural phenomena of psychological understanding of the manifestations of special abilities and artistic giftedness are discussed. Attempts are made to substantiate problematic issues of psychology of special (literary) abilities and literary and artistic giftedness in various cultural and historical epochs. The scientific contribution of representatives of the Russian psychological science in the formation and development of the psychology of literary specialties and literary and artistic giftedness, the study of the history of literary and artistic creativity is shown. It is shown that during the cultural and historical epochs in the field of psychology of literary abilities and literary giftedness, scientists have done a lot of work, but still have not received the expected and significant results. It is stated that the scientific development of the psychological foundations of literary and artistic creativity requires further thoughtful continuation. Attention is focused on the fact that in recent decades, the issues of psychology of literary and artistic creativity have again shifted to the center of scientific attention of literary critics and psychologists interested in the nature of artistic creativity. Keywords: literary creativity, psychology of literary creativity, psychology of abilities, literary abilities, literary giftedness, psychology of giftedness | 660 | |||||
945 | A new role of a university teacher who begins to act for students as a curator-mentor is considered. Its characteristics are analyzed, which are becoming the most in demand at the present time in connection with the actualization of the problems of increasing the activity and involvement of all students in various types of activities (scientific, project, etc.) and increased attention to the individual support of the professional development of each student. Mentoring is described as a promising form of curatorship at a university that allows you to transfer knowledge and develop the necessary skills faster than traditional ways of interaction. Unlike the usual curator, the activity of the mentor is based on interaction, allowing the student to develop his subjective potential. The purpose of the article is to determine the psychological indicators of satisfaction with the interaction of students with curators and their empirical study in practice. The materials of an empirical study obtained on a sample of students (n=300) on the basis of the Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University. Research methods: theoretical, empirical (questionnaires, scale estimates, ranking), data processing methods. The value judgments of students who have already had experience of interacting with a curator-mentor are revealed, a graphical profile is constructed based on arithmetic mean data regarding their satisfaction with various functions performed by traditional curators and curators-mentors, a rating of the most demanded functions of a curator-mentor is compiled. The results of the study can be used in the development of the institution of curatorship in universities from the perspective of different roles performed by modern teachers, when designing the activities of curators with students. Keywords: professional roles of a university teacher, curator, mentoring, curator functions, university students, interaction, psychological indicators, satisfaction | 660 | |||||
946 | This article analyzes the genesis and progressive development of the phenomenon of pedagogical classes in the Russian state as one of the possible ways to train teachers. It is noted that the status position of pedagogical classes has always directly depended on the historical and political stages of the state structure of the country, on socio-ideological, financial, economic and regional conditions. It turns out that the gender and professional purpose of graduates of the additional eighth pedagogical classes of the pre-revolutionary women`s gymnasium, depends on the status of the family. Alternative options and forms of teacher training without university education in the Soviet period 1920–1970 are shown. In conditions of shortage of qualified specialists with university education, the country was forced to proclaim the goal of accelerated training of teachers of intermediate qualifications instead of workers who do not have any pedagogical training at all. The purpose of the activity of two-year pedagogical classes of the 1990-2000 model is emphasized as the preparation of elite applicants for pedagogical universities. It is noted as historical regularity: the activity of pedagogical classes at each socio-political stage is determined by the public demands of the chronological period under consideration. Various forms of career guidance with senior grade students and their effective influence of the late twenties century are revealed. Keywords: Gymnasium, pedagogical classes, secondary school, system of education, teacher staff, curricula, types of pedagogical practices | 659 | |||||
947 | The article presents the characteristics of the modular training program for pedagogical university students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students, developed on the example of the main professional educational program «History and Law» of the Altai State Pedagogical University, the purpose of which is to ensure the readiness of pedagogical university students to carry out early prevention of illegal behavior of students. On the basis of the studied research literature and survey data among students and teachers of the university, the problems arising in the process of preparing students of a pedagogical university for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are highlighted. The methodological basis of the developed modular program is systemic, interdisciplinary, legal and humanitarian approaches. The significance of these approaches in the implementation of the modular program is analyzed. The characteristics of the structural components of the modular program – psychological, pedagogical, legal, methodological, practical modules are given. Their purpose, content and place in the system of training students of a pedagogical university for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are disclosed. The importance of using educational technologies in the process of preparing students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students is determined. The pedagogical conditions of the choice of educational technologies in the preparation of pedagogical university students for the early prevention of illegal behavior of students are revealed. Keywords: educational technologies, early prevention, illegal behavior, professional training | 656 | |||||
948 | The problem of the development of intellectual abilities in children with difficulties in learning and insufficient conditions for the realization of their potential abilities is investigated. It is noted that in recent years there has been a high growth rate in the number of children with mental retardation. The combination of various factors of biopsychosocial nature cause dysontogenesis of varying severity and forms of manifestation, which significantly complicates the diagnosis and qualification of the presence/absence of pathogenesis and, in fact, the very definition of the concept of “mental retardation”. The definition of the concept of “mental retardation” is clarified within the framework of which an experimental study of the development of intellectual abilities of students in specially organized conditions of additional education is carried out according to the author’s program “Intellectual Drive”. Attention is drawn to the methodology of the additional education program, which is based on a psychological and didactic approach to learning. A characteristic feature of the principles of the psychological and didactic approach to learning is their scientifically based combination of didactic and psychological patterns into a single system tool designed to optimize the productivity of students’ mental activity as a key task of education. The results of additional education of children with mental retardation under the program “Intellectual drive” are presented. Positive dynamics in the development of intellectual abilities of students with mental retardation has been revealed. Keywords: intelligence, mental retardation, cognitive abilities, educational activity of a junior student, the program “Intellectual drive” | 653 | |||||
949 | The article discusses the problem of fatherhood, the dynamics of ideas about the paternal role in modern society and the attitude to parental functions on the part of men themselves. The authors consider new trends in the performance of paternal functions from the standpoint of the features of generation Y (generation Peter Pan). Based on the analysis of scientific data, the authors showed the diversity of behavior of modern fathers, traced the connection of the paternal role and real parental practices of men with socio-cultural models of masculinity. In addition, they identified the contradiction between “social infantilism” and the orientation to freedom of many representatives of the Peter Pan generation and the increase in social expectations from the male father in terms of his involvement in the process of upbringing and taking care of children. The article contains the results of a comparative study conducted in line with the emic approach of the subjective aspects of the semantic meaning of the paternal role in married men of the Peter Pan generation who perform parental functions and their childless peers, including men who consider themselves childfree. Based on the data obtained in the study, the researchers conclude that the image of the father’s role in the representations of different groups of young men has a different semantic meaning, due to their subjective experiences of real personal experience of fatherhood associated with the fact of having/not having children and the desire to have such. In addition, the authors present data on the conditioning of the subjective meaning of fatherhood in young men by the degree of satisfaction with marriage. Keywords: fatherhood, the subjective meaning of fatherhood, satisfaction with marriage, men | 652 | |||||
950 | This article is a continuation of a series of publications on the implementation of the All-Russian patriotic project «Victory Map - 2025», dedicated to the contribution of the rear territories to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. A feature of the project is the focus on organizing the work of young people in the state archives of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Working out the phased structure of modeling the project process from acquaintance with the available historical and memoir literature through the study of archival sources and the presentation of socially significant results, we offer this article as a recommendation for organizing work with one of the most important sources of reliable information - archival documents. The chosen subject of scientific research involves the use of various archival funds in archives of various profiles, for example, in Tomsk - this is the State Archive of the Tomsk Region, which stores documents on the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations of all branches of the region, as well as the Center for Documentation of the Contemporary History of the Tomsk Region, which stores documents of primary, urban, regional party organizations (VKP(b), CPSU). The study of totality of documents from these archives allows you to get acquainted with both internal production and social problems of enterprise, and with party politics during the war years. The specificity of working with archival documents is aimed at the correct selection of files when working with inventories of funds, a scrupulous study of textual information in the files themselves in order to select reliable factual material in documents of various kinds. On the example of the topic “Defense products of Tomsk plant No. 631 “Sibkabel”, the work on sampling typical material in different funds of the mentioned Tomsk archives is traced, work with digital information in tabular and descriptive versions is shown, methods for comparing and collating quantitative data by years are given, the dynamics of production growth is traced, a range of cable products was identified: if in 1942 field telephone wires were the predominant type of product, in 1943 - sapper wires, in 1944 - winding copper and enamel wire, in 1945 - transition to civilian products. At the same time, the found archival material made it possible to specify the range of types of products manufactured by Tomsk plant «Sibkabel» and the introduce these data into scientific circulation. Keywords: archival document as a source, Great Patriotic War, Siberian rear, defense products, patriotic project | 649 |