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101 | This article is an overview of the history of training children with hearing impairment in the world and in Iran from antiquity to the present day. The authors describe outstanding teachers from different countries, along with their viewpoints, ideologies and teaching methods, who have made great contributions to the development of education of the deaf, note the main methodological approaches and principles developed during the practice of such education. Some scholars of the 4th century believed that the deaf person would never learn to speak; because he/she is dumb and his/her efforts to learn speaking would be fruitless. In the early centuries of our era most of the people believed that the one who was born deaf, naturally and definitively shall be dumb as well; therefore, he/ she will never be able to talk or be educated. The first historical record of deaf education is Italian Pietro de Castro, who had begun teaching and training a deaf child in 691 AD. The history of deaf education in Iran dates back to the first decade of the 1300s solar years. Jabbar Bagcheban took the first step in educating the deaf by establishing a school for deaf children in Tabriz, Iran, registering three children with hearing impairment. In conclusion the author notes the major figures of teaching the deaf children in Iran, outlining the current organizational structure and prospects for development. Keywords: history of education of children with hearing impairment, Iran, Europe, American Education of the Hearing Impaired Children in Iran and the World | 1329 | |||||
102 | Childhood saving is a key idea of the pedagogical conception of the development of preschool education designed by the author, a strategic vector that determines the new quality of education in the interests of childhood. The article shows that the growing challenges of globalization, informatization, the alarming tendencies of the development of modern civilization with its environmental problems, high socio-cultural dynamics, economic crises, the aggravation of interethnic conflicts, migration processes, terrorist threat, extremism and other factors threatening modern childhood, determine the need to create conditions for childhood saving in education. Childhood is seen in the article as a self-valuable phenomenon that has undergone significant transformations in recent decades. The notion of “childhood saving” is introduced into the scientific revolution, becomes the system-forming core of the paradigm of preschool education and the pedagogical means of implementing the priorities of state policy in the interests of children. The article outlines theoretical approaches to the design of a childood saving model of preschool education, reveals some principles for its implementation. The essence of pedagogical activity is seen in the creation of conditions for the preservation of childhood, the actualization of the subjectivity of the child in the course of a safe, developing, socializing life activity in a pre-school educational organization. The pedagogical concept of childhood saving was formed during the author’s many years of activity in the field of pre-school education, design and implementation of the federal state standard of pre-school education, development and approbation of its scientific and methodological support at the experimental sites of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education” in more than 35 regions of the Russian Federation, monitoring studies, judgments on scientific and practical activities for specialists in the field of preschool education Keywords: childhood, education, a decade of childhood, childhood saving, preschool education | 1327 | |||||
103 | The article is devoted to the diagnosing the problem of the educational results in a modern primary school realizing a new Federal Educational Standard. The diagnosing approaches are changing, because the education model develops from knowledge to competences. The group of educational results as training, universal and personal(s) must be developed according to the new Federal Educational Standard requirements for an up-to-date primary school. These approaches provide the quality management system development with the use of the external assessment mechanism. Based on the experience of innovative school the author describes the worksheets in the field of training and universal results monitoring (subject “Mother tongue”). Thus, the interrelation and mutual influence of these actions are exаmined. In addition, the teachers’ involvement in joint activity for adjustment and analysis of diagnostic materials and their performance is the key to the education quality increasing. Keywords: educational results, diagnostics of universal educational actions, selfcheck, external assessment | 1320 | |||||
104 | At present competence approach is widely updated in the sphere of education. In this connection the main goal of professional education is formation of students’ set of specific competences and creation of conditions for their self-realization. In this paper the problem of formation of competence of future teachers of mathematics on the base of studying the course «Mathematical Analysis» is considered. It is known that this course plays a great role in the basic training of future teachers to understand an applied and practical orientation of maths education. Formation of competence of future teachers of mathematics is implemented with the help of a detailed and step-by-step study of the basic concepts of mathematical analysis. Among them is the concept of the limit of the function, which is the first «new» one and the most difficult issue in the mathematical analysis. It is achieved by formation of skills of independent work of students with textbooks, and by introduction to scientific work through writing essays. The concept of studying of the basic notions of mathematical analysis and practicing of students in substantive scientific research presented in the paper promotes the conscious use of the knowledge in other disciplines and in the future professional activity. In its turn, this means a new competency level of the professional training of the future mathematics teachers. Keywords: training future teachers of mathematics, professional competence, mathematical analysis | 1320 | |||||
105 | The meta-subject approach was introduced into the system of primary general education in 2010. However, until now there is no officially accepted definition of the term “metasubject content”. The purpose of this study was to reveal the essence and content of the metasubject approach, aimed at ensuring the raise of the subjective cognitive activity of students to the over-subject level. For this aim the author of the article studied the positions of leading scientific schools on the meta-subject content of general education, meta-subject competences and the meta-subject approach as a whole, made a content analysis of the key concepts, correlated the positions of representatives of leading scientific schools on a meta-subject approach with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and formulated own position on system-forming concepts. The meta-subject content of general education is a totality of over-subject didactic units (“meta-subjects”, “primary meanings”), as well as methods of conducting meta-subject cognitive activity. Meta-subject results consist of metasubject knowledge, universal learning activities and meta-subject competencies. Meta-subject knowledge refers to knowledge of a higher level of abstraction compared to subject knowledge related to one subject area. Meta-subject knowledge can be obtained only through a combination of knowledge from several subject areas. The author formulated his own definition of meta-subject competencies: meta-subject competencies are the learner’s integrative abilities to learn meta-subject knowledge based on correlation of knowledge from several subject areas, as well as to form universal educational actions based on a combination of different methods of conducting meta-subject cognitive activity from several areas (cognitive, regulatory, communicative). Keywords: meta-subject approach, principle of combination, meta-subject content, meta-subject results, meta-subject competencies | 1319 | |||||
106 | The rapid development of convergent technologies has resulted in widespread popularity of neuroscience. As a consequence, to the name of the various disciplines has been added the prefix “neuro-”. Pedagogics is not an exception. The expansion of convergent technologies in the field of education determines the relevance of the study of the problem described in this article. Education sphere is responsible for the formation of values and ideals specific to particular sociocultural systems. The goal of the research undertaken in the article is to ascertain the extent of the conceptual innovation with respect to hybridization of neuroscience and pedagogics. Achievement of this goal is carried out by stage-by-stage consideration of the problem situation from the review of its epistemological structure for determining the prospects of neuropedagogy. Neuropedagogics should take into account the specifics of epistemology neuroethics, neuroaesthetics and neurophilosophy. At the same time the prefix “neuro-” fixes directivity investigations on the brain and body. And therefore, it fixes the need to integrate problematics of bioethics for realization of these actions. The popularity of the provisions of neurology in humanitarian studies is a symbolic reaction to convergent technologies, which can be interpreted as one of the embodiments of the symbolism of bioethics in contemporary culture. The article presents some methodological results of RHSF project no. 15-03-00598. Keywords: neuropedagogics, bioethics, perception of symbolism, visual symbolism, information-synergetic approach, “semiotic attractor” | 1318 | |||||
107 | The Academic Motivation Scale (AMS) was developed by T. Gordeeva et al. (2014) on the basis of self-determination theory of E. Deci and R. Ryan and found quite wide application in exploratory researches of factors influencing the academic behavior of students in Russia. However its psychometric characteristics in high stake testing conditions have not yet been published. To fill this gap, we additionally included this measure of self-reporting in the context of psychological examination of students in order to determine their suitability for military training (with a selection coefficient of less than 0.5). Respondents (N = 345; age = 19.65 ± 0.45) were not informed that scores obtained from this device will not be considered at making decision on their suitability. We estimated the reliability of scale scores by calculation of Cronbach’s alpha and average inter-item correlations; internal structure of a questionnaire – by means of the exploratory factor analysis of items and scales, and external validity – by calculation of the multitrait-multimethod correlation matrix including measures of personality traits, personal values and the general cognitive ability. The data obtained indicate that the structure of the questionnaire proposed by the authors and high reliability of its scale scores are warranted. The main part of hypotheses concerning their convergent correlations is also confirmed. When studying the relationship of AMS scales and external psychological constructs, we found a number of worthy additive convergent correlations that have not yet been described in the well-known literature. We came to conclusion that the AMS possesses acceptable psychometric characteristics and is suitable for high stake testing of graduates. Keywords: academic motivation, psychometric properties, reliability, construct validity, self-determination theory, personal values, personality traits | 1314 | |||||
108 | Various approaches to the concept “teaching” are considered. Authors submitted the terminological analysis of the concept “teaching”. It is shown that the mission of teaching consists in a humanistic orientation. Positions and reflections of students of pedagogical higher education institution about teaching are analysed. Keywords: education, mission, teaching | 1310 | |||||
109 | The article is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU). The comprehensive analysis of the market quality of the human resources shows the urgent need to review the current approach to its regulation, the shift from passive detection of adverse factors in the formation of the integrated system to regulate the market for the development of the territory, the engagement of all stakeholders, targeted at improving the understanding and actions of all labour market subjects. The faculty of technology and business of TSPU offers an essentially new approach to the organization of vocational training of students, in which the basis integration of tripartite interaction initial and average vocational training – higher vocational training – manufacture as follows: the student – the worker – the bachelor – the master. Keywords: Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship: history and present, continuing professional education, graduate competitiveness, innovation | 1308 | |||||
110 | A comparative analysis of K. D. Ushinsky’s methods of teaching geography and modern methods of teaching geography was held. The features of similarity in the presentation of geographical material in the textbooks on natural science of the 19th century and modern school textbooks of geography are revealed. In particular, the use of assignments for sensible perception of geographic terms and concepts; use of geographical maps, paintings, colorful stories and poems, tables, charts; demonstration experiments. The course structure of school geography, the list and content of the topics studied are similar too. The presentation of educational material in the interpretation of K. D. Ushinsky abounds with repetitions and distractions, because of what the text is significantly increased in volume, which would make the reading difficult for modern schoolchildren. At the same time, the modern geographic text is accompanied by strict scientific facts, figures, percentages, shares, and therefore also difficult for understanding. The above examples of assignments from the teacher’s textbooks and examples of similar assignments in current geography textbooks confirm this similarity. The Modern Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education also reflects the basic didactic principles of the scientist (the mother-tongue principle, the principle of visibility, the principle of nationality in public education) in the “portrait of the graduate of the main school”, in the requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education (personal, meta-subject, subject). Thus, it is proved that the modern method of teaching geography is based on the basic pedagogical ideas of Ushinsky K. D. The scientist made a great contribution to the reform of the education of the 19th century and his didactic system, expanded and supplemented, is relevant at the present time. Keywords: methods of teaching geography, K. D. Ushinsky, didactic system, didactic principles | 1308 | |||||
111 | It is well known that language and culture are interdependent and interrelated. Learning language through the help of culture has been greatly acknowledged in the language field. Meanwhile, it has been proved that barriers of cross-culture communication are bound to affect language learning if we fail to learn language with the help of native language. Particularly, the international symposium “Russian Education in China in the Past 300 Years” was held in Shanghai in 2008, after which research on Chinese Russian education history has been discussed heatedly. Reviewing history, we can see that Russian education in China has gone through a rough road. This thesis discusses the necessity of introducing Chinese culture in Russian of Russian Major in Chinese Higher Education. Chinese students majoring in languages are lacking in a basic understanding of Chinese culture, therefore, they are having enormous difficulty in introducing Chinese politics, economy, civilization, history, tradition, etc. when communicating with foreigners. This not only prohibits the interaction between Chinese people and foreigners, but discourages the spread of Chinese civilization. That is why this thesis puts forward the idea of comparative study of target language and native language in Russian teaching in Chinese higher education in that it improves students’ language skill and disseminates the brilliant Chinese culture as well. Keywords: Russian teaching, culture, China | 1305 | |||||
112 | In the modern world, in connection with socio-economic changes, there is a completely logical transformation of public perceptions about the role and importance of education in the development of an individual and the entire state. The society is aimed at the formation of an active, internally free, creative person who will be able to exist and develop in conditions of personal freedom, being strictly oriented to universal values and harmony with the surrounding world. These changes determine the relevance of research in the field of the ideology of free education in Russian and foreign practice. The choice of the period is due to the fact that the turn of the XIX–XX centuries became a turning point in the development of the humanistic paradigm in education. There were such concepts as “pedocentric revolution” and “pedagogy of nonviolence”. M. Montessori, R. Steiner, A. Neill influenced pedagogical thought not only in Europe, but also in the USA, Scandinavia, South Africa. Their work was well known, and their schools themselves were international in character. This period was characterized by an active search for new forms and methods of teaching and upbringing. What, in the end, led to the emergence of experimental schools, later called “new”. At the beginning of the 20th century, a more meaningful development of the theoretical foundations of free education began. All schools of the experimental type, were deeply personal, subjective, tuned to the learner with his educational requests. They were not identical, but they formed the outline of free education. Keywords: theory of free education, Western Europe, “new schools” | 1305 | |||||
113 | The concept “management learning activities” is studied. General didactic and special foundations of learning activities management are determined. Characteristics of methods of communication management at a foreign language lesson are given. Typical errors of foreign language teachers while learning activities management are grouped. Tasks for four levels of training learning activities management at a foreign language lesson are presented: an exercise, a period of lesson, a lesson and series of lessons. Keywords: management training, learning activities management, foreign language, foreign language communication | 1301 | |||||
114 | The article is the result of theoretical judgments of problems of ethno cultural formation. Questions of the maintenance of ethno cultural formation and its influence on the new generation are described. Keywords: ethno cultural formation, national pedagogies, traditional Russian culture, state national policy | 1296 | |||||
115 | The features and problems of physical training of cadets of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are considered, as well as the data of the preliminary study of their physical fitness. The importance of physical training in the professional development of the future employee of the Internal Affairs bodies and the factors affecting the increase of their physical capacity is actualized. As a result of the pedagogical research the authors substantiate the conclusions and give practical recommendations that contribute to the improvement of physical training of students in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It is stated that on the basis of active promotion of a healthy lifestyle by all participants of the educational process, cadets and students increase the importance of physical training, the desire for independent physical exercises and sports sections in the service and applied sports. Therefore, only systematic training in sports sections, independent physical exercises allow to use all variety of means and methods of physical training for the effective formation in cadets and students of professional and applied skills and development of psychological and moral qualities of a highly qualified specialist in the field of law enforcement. Keywords: cadets, physical training, physical qualities, combat fighting techniques, self-study | 1296 | |||||
116 | The article shows contemporary reflection on historical experience of the decision of problems of improvement of quality of educational literature. The main approaches to the preparation and formation of the content of textbooks in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Keywords: textbook, educational literature, scientific, list of educational literature | 1295 | |||||
117 | The article deals with technology of the interdisciplinary design, allowing to form common cultural and professional competences of bachelors regulated by the Federal educational standard of higher education in the preparation direction “010500 – Software and administration of information systems”. Keywords: higher education informatization, interdisciplinary design, bachelor-system administrator | 1291 | |||||
118 | The paper analyzes some upbringing methods existing in the Abkhazian folk pedagogy. The research work deals with the idea that laudatory, incentive statements and manifestation of the positive approving emotions, as educational methods, were actively used not only in family upbringing of Abkhazians, but also were fixed in pedagogical practice of the people as children always need reaction to their behavior, an assessment of their games, work. The author shows the content of features of such upbringing methods as encouragement and punishment. As a result of research characteristics of forms of children approval and condemnation of corporal punishments peculiar to the Abkhazian national pedagogy are found. Keywords: upbringing methods, ways of upbringing, Abkhazian national pedagogy, encouragement, punishment, family upbringing, Abkhazians, Abkhazia | 1291 | |||||
119 | The relevance of the study is determined by the new requirements for the personality of the teacher in the context of school and higher education reforms. The period of entry of a graduate of a pedagogical university into a profession is marked by tension, importance for his personal and professional development. Depending on the results of the process of professional adaptation it will be clear whether he remains working in the educational organization or looks for himself in another field. The psychological stages of professional adaptation in the professional development of the personality are revealed, the stages of the professional development of the teacher are considered. The aim of the study is to identify the problems in the work of young teachers that they encounter during the period of professional adaptation. The analysis of the problems connected with carrying out of lessons and organizing extracurricular activities in urban and rural schools is presented. It is concluded that graduates of a bachelor’s program at a pedagogical university consider themselves the least prepared for teaching children with low educational motivation, children-inophones, children with disabilities, who are trained in the same class as children who do not have health restrictions. The results of the research can be used by young teachers, psychologists, teachers of pedagogical universities to improve the process of professional training of school teachers. Keywords: young teachers, problems of professional adaptation of teachers in school, problems of teaching children-inophones, problems of teaching children with disabilities | 1291 | |||||
120 | The paper describes the content and nature of environmental education, examples of the most effective methods to increase the level of environmental culture of students in Tomsk and Tomsk region. Keywords: environmental education, environmental science, environmental culture | 1287 | |||||
121 | Questions of formation of positive motivation to work and labor activity by means of festive culture are considered. Preservation of life of society throughout many centuries was supported thanks to traditions of labor education of the Russian people. Throughout many centuries work was realized as the expedient, conscious, physical and intellectual activity directed to satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, developing physical and spiritual powers of the person, playing the main role for life support of society. Now the problem of formation of positive motivation to work is one of the most relevant in questions of education of younger generation. The characteristic of the functions of festive culture of the Russian people exerting impact on labor education is given. All labor cycles were followed by the ritual and ceremonial actions which are a basis of festive culture of the Russian people: plowed land, sowing, haymaking, harvest, harvesting, threshing, hunting, fishing season. According to the researchers, the holidays held a regulatory and socionormative role, formed love and respect for their native land, cultivated the aesthetic and moral qualities of the individual. Modern society with its revaluation of values has led to the destruction of continuity between generations, decrease in value of family values, reduction of influence of traditions on behavior of people, change of the attitude to work. Features of modern life of society have changed not only functions of holidays, but also their contents. Many of them have lost the initial value and were transformed. The article gives examples of the factors which have influenced transformation of holidays in modern society. Describes manifestations of the festive actions allowing to bring up the valuable attitude to work. Keywords: festive culture, traditions of the Russian people, labor education | 1286 | |||||
122 | The article proves the actuality of the problem of assistance in professional selfdevelopment of university teachers. The scheme of assistance in professional selfdevelopment of a university teacher is represented as a unity of four components: the object of assistance, the subject matter of assistance, the subject of assistance, the process of assistance. The given scheme of assistance includes all the principal aspects, which should be taken in to consideration when working on the problem of professional self-development of the university teacher. Keywords: training, university lecturer, professional self-development, system assistance | 1285 | |||||
123 | The article presents a new model of a linguistic educational process that can be implemented in the practice of teaching a foreign language in a technical university. The proposed model takes into account the characteristic features of mindset of students of physical and mathematical universities and faculties, and it constitutes a matrix as a model of learning languages. Filled-in matrix cells are a structure of the language knowledge content in a visual form. The matrix should not be overloaded with elements, so preference is given to a binary opposition. The structure of the matrix can be filled with a variety of linguistic material (grammatical, lexical). Keyword for assignments is algorithm. Knowledge of the system organization of a language helps the students understand «language in action» and, therefore, adequately use it in the sphere of professional communication. The suggested matrix as a model of acquiring the system of French verb conjugation takes into account the peculiarities of processing information by the left hemisphere and lets the students learn the verb system using the possibilities of the left hemispheric mindset. We suppose that the teacher of a foreign language in a technical university while modeling and organizing the linguo-educational process should take the position of the student, their understanding and processing the language units under the influence of the most often dominant hemisphere. Keywords: modelling, model of linguistic educational process, matrix, mindset, system of language | 1285 | |||||
124 | The authors of the article consider the process of developing the professional expertise of the students of the Auto-transportation College (Ufa, Russia). The article reveals the concept of the notion “professional expertise of a technician of the trucking industry”. The authors also determine the content and the structure of the contextual approach which pedagogically promotes the transformation of the students’ study into the quasi-professional and educationally-professional activities. The authors suggest a number of pedagogical conditions which make developing the students’ professional expertise more efficient. The first pedagogical condition presupposes the use of active learning with a whole range of its forms, means and methods. The interdisciplinary nature of teaching represents an important factor here. The authors of the article regard the contextual approach as a relevant way to develop the students’ professional expertise. It is achieved through transforming the students’ learning into the professional activity of the future technicians. The second pedagogical condition makes it possible to implement the automated control system (ACS) on vehicles. The ACS provide a set of information, methods, models, hardware, software, technology tools and solutions, as well as a number of professionals who perform information processing and take management decisions within the enterprise. The ACS provides an opportunity to use modern computer technologies. The third pedagogical condition comprises the orientation of the teaching process to revealing the students’ potential and social self-realization through the use of the project method. This method achieves the following: the combination of the general and professional subjects within the syllabus; developing the students’ cognitive skills, the focus on a person’s self-development. Keywords: professional education, context approach, component composition of the professional expertise, pedagogical conditions, specialists of the road transport industry | 1281 | |||||
125 | The article describes the experience of organizing the educational and research activity of schoolchildren that is based on the novel by G. Shcherbakova “You would not even dream” in extracurricular activities in literature. As a methodological basis, a matrix of lessonproblematization was chosen within the framework of the concept of joint activity of G. N. Prozumentova. The description of the stages of the conduct of the lesson is accompanied by methodological comments and recommendations for the reproduction of such experience in extracurricular activities in literature. First, it should be remembered that research activities will take place if students show their subjectivity. Secondly, for the organization of the educational and research work of schoolchildren, a specific statement of the problem is needed and (if necessary) an explanation of the tools for its solution; it is important for the learners to understand the meaning of their activities. Thirdly, we should take into account the risk of insufficient preparedness of students (poor knowledge of the text). For this situation, a method of working with quotations pre-selected by the teacher is suggested. It is important that in this case, the stages of educational and research activities (search for necessary information, its primary processing, systematization and, finally, conceptualization) are observed. Comprehension of the developed and conducted employment allowed to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the chosen tactics of the organization of educational and research work. Keywords: children’s and youth literature, school novel, educational and research activities, after-hours classes, occupation-problematization, FSES | 1281 | |||||
126 | The role of the research in the professional activities of psycho-pedagogical direction is under the discussion. The research understanding and its role by the undergraduates studying in «Psycho-Pedagogical Education» is considered. The research competence is highlighted as a component of professional competence and professionalism of the modern teacher. The article emphasizes the relationship of teaching and research in the professional activity of a teacher. Empirical data on how undergraduates understand pedagogical research and research situation are given. The article presents the example of the research situation of the experience of primary school teacher and its analysis of the lesson with a masters course “Scientific research in the professional activities of psycho-pedagogical direction”. The possibilities include a description of research situations from their own teaching professional experience in scientific texts (articles, dissertations). The pedagogical research must be the main direction in Master’s Degree Programme in Tomsk State Pedagogical University. Keywords: research, pedagogical research, research situation, undergraduate master training | 1280 | |||||
127 | The process of formation of information competence of future experts assumes realization of five components: motivational, operational, substantial, activity, reflexive. The specified process will be effective on condition of integration of sound, text, graphic information, ensuring independence of actions when performing educational, and then professionally focused tasks. Keywords: competence, competence, information competence, reflection, project, design activity | 1278 | |||||
128 | The article deals with the problem of ag gressive behavior of preschool and primary school children. A comprehensive study of this issue adequately meets the urgent needs of a wide audience of educators and psychologists, as well as the social demand of society. A detailed analysis of the types of child aggression is given. Direct, physical, verbal, indirect and instrumental aggression displayed by children are singled out, forms of its manifestation are described. The relationship between the types of child aggression and the typology of parental attitudes to the problem is analyzed. Social and ethical standards determine the mechanisms of personal response and contribute to the prevention of deviant behavior, which is laid at an early age and indirectly reflects the level of individual, family and social well-being. The characteristics and style of the parental attitude to the problem of the child’s aggressive be havior are presented and the forecast of a possible correction is given. The emphasis is placed on the problems of intra-family interaction. Based on the indicators, in the process of working with children and parents, the following data were obtained, characterizing the specificity of family upbringing. 75 % of preschool children could not answer the question “what is good and what is bad”, 23 % called mainly ethical standards. Revealed a direct correlation between the aggressive behavior of preschool and primary school children and the style of parental upbringing and intra-family interaction. We observe mostly liberal-democratic and conniving styles of family education. This can be justified by the fact that the parents became the socalled “children of the 90”, due to socio-economic upheavals and instability themselves brought up in conditions of deprivation, unconsciously copying the behavior of parents, those who strived to provide material support for the child, substituting for material goods the need to educate moral and moral qualities. Keywords: conditions, upbringing, family, child aggression, social environment | 1275 | |||||
129 | The article considers the potential of the use of a letter to Father Frost at the lessons of the Russian language and Literature. The results of the research of the value orientations of 7th degree students, which are received by means of the analyses of these letters are given. Keywords: ценностные ориентации, универсальные учебные действия, ФГОС, эпистолярный жанр, текстовая деятельность | 1272 | |||||
130 | In this article project and research work with pupils is considered as a means of formation of the universal educational actions. Keywords: project and research activities, stages of project and research work, universal educational actions | 1271 | |||||
131 | The article is devoted to the type lessons in secondary schools in the point of collaborative activity organization models. The author describes three various models and corresponding type lessons: authoritative (lesson-task), leadership (lesson-problematisation), partnership (lesson-dialogue). Models are compared on such criteria as: positions of participants, relations between them, the content of joint activity, teaching method, educational results. This classification complies with FSES of primary and basic school. Choice of an appropriate model of teacher-students interaction (closed model, addressed model, or open model) is the crusial teacher’s issue under the implementation educational standards, realizing systemactivity approach in Russian school. Keywords: joint activity, co-organization of participants, authoritative, leadership, partnership | 1270 | |||||
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133 | In article the role of fundamentalism and specialization in a question of the educational environment profilisation is analyzed. The conclusion about ambiguity of an assessment by researchers of a role of fundamental and special disciplines in a question of profilisation of the educational environment is drawn. Positive lines of fundamentalism and training specialization are compared. Ideas of universalism and professionalism are considered. The treatment of the concept «profile», «profilisation of the educational environment» is given. Tendencies and regularities defining a subject of a profile of preparation are allocated. The key categories connected with concept of a profilisation are considered: profile differentiation, profile school, profile orientation. Keywords: fundamentalism, specialization, profilisation, profile, profile differentiation, profile school, profile orientation | 1269 | |||||
134 | The article is devoted to methodological work of the teacher of primary school. The purpose of this article is to study the problems in teaching cooperative activities in the classroom. From the position of pedagogics of joint activity G. N. Prozumentova the methods of its methodical organization of the lesson: behavioural, action - research oriented. The contents of each method are determined by the position of the teacher in involving children in collaborative activities, involving research in the choice of methodological tools. Based on the analysis of the results of a survey of teachers identified problem areas in the organization of joint activities: the identification of forms of educational cooperation and joint educational activities (no distinction of the subject); maintaining teacher positions of “knowledgeable” teachers (with the exception of initiatives of children in class); the functional approach to the analysis of the results of the methodological activities of the teacher in the classroom by the administration. The main reason is, in the author’s opinion, the installation of the teacher on the preservation and rehabilitation of existing schemes, norms of lesson structure. The experience of the introduction of the course in methodological training of future teachers. Lessons from the teacher, independent design different types of lesson and their reflection allowed the students to access in practice the methodical ways of organizing joint activities. Keywords: joint activity, methodical activity, methodical organization of the lesson, ways of organizing the lesson | 1269 | |||||
135 | The main problems of modern adolescents are considered in the article. Also the pilot study data of the most problematic areas in the life of adolescents are presented. The method “Psychological problems of adolescents” by J. A. Regush and co-authors was used. The study revealed that the respondents had an excess of a test rate towards the general indicator of problem concerns. The article is devoted to the analysis of the problem of the influence of children’s psychotraumatic experience on the further formation of an adult personality. The problem areas of adolescents aged 13–14 years have been analyzed and it is concluded that there are personal resources that allow to cope with a stressful psychological situation, for example, such a personal quality as vitality. The main approaches to understanding this phenomenon are revealed. The structure of vitality by S. Muddy, L. A. Aleksandrova, D. A. Leontiev, E. I. Raskskazova and others is analyzed. It has been theoretically proved that the phenomenon of vitality can be considered as an integral psychological property of a person which is being developed on the basis of active interaction with life situations and proves to be a necessary personal characteristics of modern adolescents. Keywords: adolescent, problem concern, children’s psychological trauma, vitality, stress resistance, coping, hypercompensation | 1269 | |||||
136 | The article studies heterogeneous peculiarities of teenagers in conflicts. The study gives the analysis of different scientific literature on the heterogeneous group research in Russian and foreign pedagogy. The article gives the specification of the terms “heterogeneous” and “heterogeneous group”. In our research work we pay attention to the term of «heterogeneous», put into the basis of our research of teenagers from families of different social status (with one, two, more than two children). Moreover, we analyze a number of literature sources on the research problem of teenagers’ heterogeneous peculiarities. We give the examples of various approaches to the term “conflict” in such sciences as philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy. Furthermore, we describe the tendencies to show particular forms and styles of behavior in conflict situations in teenagers of heterogeneous group, which are possible to be used as parameters in the process of creating effective pedagogical conditions to form moral, human and socially active personality of a heterogeneous group teenager. In order to find the way out of any conflict situations we consider the necessity to include teenagers not only into tutorial but also into educative life of school. The article presents the results of our research work on the deter. Keywords: heterogeneous peculiarities, heterogeneous groups, conflict situations, teenagers, social | 1267 | |||||
137 | The artice presents the results of the study of the degree of the mnemic potential of the conceptual structure and its relationship with the style of young scientists’ self-regulation. The study has included 122 young scientists (postgraduate students and masters involved in research activity). Methods of research: technique by M. A. Kholodnaya “Formulation of Problems”, questionnaire by V. I. Morosanova “Style of Self-Regulation of Behavior” (SSRBM). The study has resulted in revealing the insufficiently formed volume and complexity of mnemic potential of conceptual structures of young scientists evidencing limitation to bring forth and define the problem of their own research, difficulty in identifying its interdisciplinary nature. A positive relationship of indicators of complexity of defined problems with the process of planning of their own activity has been found. The findings can testify to narrow-mindedness in bringing forth a problem of own research, difficulty in definition of its interdisciplinary nature, difficulty in the problem formulation with use of scientific language. Lack of mnemic potential of conceptual thinking in junior scientists with the low level of planning can act as a cognitive barrier of successful development of stages of research activity. The findings give the grounds for more in-depth study of cognitive structure of conceptual thinking by means of psychodiagnostics methods as well as development of the program of individual coaching of young scientists during training for research activity. Keywords: cognitive barriers, mental experience, conceptual thinking, mnemic potential, style of self-regulation, research activity | 1266 | |||||
138 | The article presents the features of the organization of career guidance in a General educational institution with the use of digital educational resources, the development of professional self-determination of students taking into account individual psychophysiological characteristics in the modern educational environment. The knowledge of psychological and psychophysiological development allows students to build career-oriented activities with age-appropriate contingent of students at the level of primary and secondary schools, and senior school modern educational space is distinguished by the presence of large amounts of information, transmission of which is ensured with the use of modern gadgets and ICT. Competent, purposeful use of digital educational resources and information and communication technologies provides opportunities for providing students with targeted assistance in determining professional interests and personal characteristics, in-depth study of the subjects necessary for the chosen specialty, conducting professional tests, increasing motivation for the chosen profession and work in General. The use of digital educational resources in career guidance allows us to bring this work to a fundamentally new level, taking into account both trends in the development of modern education and the individual characteristics and interests of students in the development of their professional self-determination and personal potential. The use of individual digital profiles in career guidance with students provides high efficiency of professional self-determination of high school students on the condition of personal and semantic involvement of each teacher, psychological and pedagogical support of students at all stages of career guidance, ICT competence of all participants of the educational process. Keywords: professional self-determination, digital educational resources, modern educational environment, personal potential, information and communication technologies | 1265 | |||||
139 | The article analyzes the key provisions of the theory of intuitive literacy developed under the direction of psycholinguistic language learning. Under the “intuitive literacy” is understood a high degree of manifestation of language ability of the carrier formed at an early age and developed due to the presence of functional skills of reading, oral language, phonemic hearing. The presence or absence of intuitive literacy largely determines the psychophysiological pattern of linguistic personality, its natural inclinations, ability to learn, practice-oriented approach to knowledge system. It also means a conscious approach to writing, speech activity, based on the involvement of visual memory, verbal hearing, motor capacity. The author reflects on how to use in the practice of teaching Russian at school the concept, which appeals to the analysis of peculiarities of the native speaker’s individual characteristics (language skills, linguistic taste, linguistic intuition). It is important to establish the relationship between the theory of intuitive awareness and competence approach, defined as the principal in the light of the requirements of the Federal state educational standard of general education of a new generation. Accordin to this perspective the teachers see the use of language and literature as a part of their teaching activities, tasks and exercises aimed at enhancing students’ language instinct. These exercises should use the language material in all sections of the language system. The Russian language courses with the support of the theory of intuitive literacy help to optimize the educational process, improve the language competence of students. Keywords: language competence, language ability, psycholinguistics, intuitive literacy, spelling, writing, functional reading, Federal state educational standard of basic education | 1264 | |||||
140 | The elite sport is characterized by high loadings both physical, and psychoemotional. Regulation of prestarting state at the initial stage of training of young fighters will allow to develop more effectively educational and training process and process of training for competitions of fighters. Keywords: young fighters, prestarting states, combat readiness, audiovisual stimulation | 1257 | |||||
141 | Terminological culture of a teacher is an important and integral component of professional pedagogical culture. Nevertheless, the research problem under discussion has not been properly concretized in academic literature on pedagogy. The notion is scarcely used in the context of education, possibly due to the absence of definition and extensive characteristics of the essence of teacher’s terminological culture. The paper specifies the role of terminological culture in general and professional pedagogical culture. The author summarizes existing definitions of terminological culture, suggests enumeration and gradation of synonymous (identical) notions, defines basic components of teacher’s terminological culture and describes its research and practical importance. Key components include the ability to explain and to use the terms; the ability to detect errors in the use of terms; mastering term system of science; constant enrichment of terminological vocabulary; ability to analyze terminological material; ability to distinguish productive and unproductive models of building of terms. Terminological culture of a teacher minimizes the evident problems of developing of pedagogical term system in general and the problems that are typical for professional terminology in a particular subject area. The paper justifies advantageous and legitimate use of the notion “terminological culture” over the notion “terminological competence”. This work introduces gradation to terminological culture of a teacher, including the levels of knowledge, literacy, competence and culture. Keywords: terminological culture, professional pedagogical terminology, definition of terminological culture, components of terminological culture, levels of terminological culture | 1257 | |||||
142 | It was found that in order to increase the level of motivation of the learner, it is necessary to organize the learning process in such a way as to influence not only mental activity, but also the personal attitude system irradiated to the studied language. Using innovative technologies such as information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching allows students to create various skills, such as the ability to organize and plan independently, evaluate their training activities, adjust it, focusing on the expected final result. In this article, the problem of using ICT for the organization of effective educational activity and formation of skills of independent work in the university is considered. The possibilities of using such kind of ICT as mobile applications are analyzed. The concept of independent work and the possibility of using mobile applications in the process of independent work in the framework of teaching a foreign language in the university were considered. The advantages of using mobile applications in the independent work of university students in the process of learning a foreign language were revealed. The article presents theoretical and practical substantiations for the thesis that using innovative technologies such as mobile applications in learning process allows students to develop various skills such as the ability to organize and independently plan the process of learning a language, evaluate their learning activities, adjust it, paying special attention expected learning outcome. A scheme of the process of teaching students to a foreign language using mobile applications in independent work is created and described. Keywords: information and communication technologies (ICT), teaching foreign languages, independent work, mobile application | 1257 | |||||
143 | In the paper we substantiate the necessity for graduates of higher education institutions to acquire translation skills in order to increase their professional competency in compliance with the contemporary national project of higher education modernization. The justification of and the reason for this requirement is the fact that, operating in the international context, Russian companies are in need of highly skilled specialists who should be able to provide efficient business communication in foreign languages. The paper analyzes various approaches offered by national and foreign experts and researchers to teaching translation techniques at non-language higher education institutions and describes the authors’ own experience of molding the skills demanded. It depicts, as an example, the practice of translating the standard international sales contract (the Russian-English language pair) as well as determines specific skills necessary to achieve translation adequacy, including practical application of appropriate transformations required to translate the bilateral contract. In order to develop proficiency in translating foreign trade contracts, we offer a teaching methodology that consists of three stages: the preliminary analytical stage, the stage of translation proper using certain translation procedures, and the final stage of proofreading and editing. We also propose specific criteria to assess students’ progress in mastering the relevant skills. Keywords: foreign trade contract, pre-translation analysis, translation transformations, assessment of translation skills | 1255 | |||||
144 | The article deals with the issue of organizing effective mentoring as an activity support of a young specialist and a new teacher in the innovative school. Based on the speeches of the round table participants, traditional forms of mentoring organization are fixed. The authors analyze the results of the training seminars that were performed in the 2016/17 school year in the school of joint activity No. 49. The school is an internship site where the new approach to supervision is implemented. This approach is based on the concept of joint activity and educational innovation’s humanitarian management. The authors give the results of the seminar participants’ questioning, identify effective forms of supervision as joint teacher’s activity. The distinctive features of such activity are: different positions and roles of mentors, diversity of mentors, “floating” mentor, the professional development of all participants. The authors prove that nowadays one person cannot provide the productive supervision of a young specialist, who needs a qualified comprehensive assistance. It is shown that the seminar’s participants form a new view of supervision. Finally, it is concluded that only in an innovative school there is a special type of supervision as a humanitarian management of a teacher’s professional development who implements educational innovations. Keywords: supervision support, joint activity, humanitarian management, educational innovations, professional development | 1251 | |||||
145 | In the conditions of market economy, the formation of the necessary economic and financial competencies should be formed during the schooling period, with special attention to methods of teaching Economics, which should include both theoretical bases with the use of traditional teaching methods and, of course, practical tasks formed with the use of Bloom’s taxonomy, which is based on step-by-step training and formation of knowledge and skills in teaching Economics at school. An important element in such training is the use of elements of problem training, where the main result of training is the formation of certain economic competencies and increasing the level of independence in decision-making, forcing the learner to collect additional data, analyze, draw conclusions, be able to argue and prove the correctness of his judgments. In essence, the use of such methods of teaching allows to significantly increase the financial and economic literacy of the student, forming not only specific knowledge, but in general developing the outlook and properly forming a person’s worldview. The proposed sample assignments, formed under the theme Public Finance clearly demonstrate the taxonomy strategy for strengthening knowledge and skills, forming them in a gradual deepening and expansion of this topic, bringing the student to the creative finale, suggesting to speculate on the need for a budget in principle and the possibilities for changing the tax load in particular. These tasks are intended for students who have already fully formed their opinions, who have their own opinions and views on this topic, and therefore the goal of the teacher at this stage can be considered achieved. Keywords: competences, knowledge, skills, economic and financial literacy, teaching methods, Bloom taxonomy, problem training | 1251 | |||||
146 | The article provides theoretical substantiation of technology of teaching geometry to younger adolescents, focused on mastering of the value content of geometrical concepts. From the standpoint of sociocultural approach consideres the phase of the cycle of mastering communication value: development of understanding and ways of operation with geometric concepts. Defines the communication steps, the content of which is determined by the structure of activity-related components of geometric concepts, including both substantive action and real cognitive and formal operations. Emphasizes the scheme of development of the geometrical concepts value content: 1) motivation to study geometrical material; 2) the spatial component of communication (presentation level), comprising: a) an image perception (percept) – representation, naturalization of the ideal content of the sign as a means of overcoming formalism; b) a general idea or preconcepts (image-concept). Overcoming sign naturalization - the so-called denaturalization provided by the psychodidactic tasks of awareness, understanding and synthesis of content and activity process; 3) the logical component of communication (verbal and logical level). A concept - a system of concepts; 4) the emotionalevaluative component. Value-oriented education, which represents the so-called context-sensitive area of mathematical knowledge and considered as a gradual accumulation of the system of value (evaluation) of knowledge, creating the effect of “personal presence” of the student in the process of mastering mathematics - information about possible man’s relation to certain facts, events, actions, conclusions. Substantiates the experimental confirmation of the hypothesis: efficiency of sociocommunicative processes in the situation of teaching geometry to younger teenagers is caused by several factors, among them is the implementation of psychodidactic laws of awareness, understanding and synthesis of content and process activities; phased development of a coherent mental structure “image – idea – preconcept – concept – a system of concepts”; phased development of activity-related components of geometrical concepts: substantive action, real cognitive operations, formal operations. Keywords: Socio-cultural content of teaching mathematics, communication, value content of geometric concepts, the plane of the notion content, the plane of the sign shape, integral operation | 1249 | |||||
147 | The purpose of the article is an external evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the primary school students’ self-management skills and teachers’ self-management skills during the distance learning time of pandemic-2020. The emergency transition to distance learning has caused difficulties in teaching and learning. Probably these difficulties are due to the insufficient level of students’ and teachers’ self-management skills. Data includes the results of two empirical studies carried out by the Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. First, results of diagnostics of the primary school students’ self-management skills in 2018–2021 years. Students of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades of Perm region schools participated in the diagnosis. Criterion-oriented diagnostics based on everyday situations in the logic of functional literacy assessment. Secondly, primary school teacher’s self-assessment of the problems of organizing distance learning during the pandemic-2020. A focus group of 79 primary school teachers took part in the semi-structured Internet survey. The results of the study show that primary school teachers were not ready for distance teaching. The teachers’ work time has increased, caused by mastering distance tools and new conditions for self-regulation. The need of special attention for self-management students’ skills was identified. Certain students’ self-management skills were important for distance learning, such as planning, self-control and self-esteem, the choice of effective methods of action. The teacher’ training also is required to be focused on assessment skills, applying of automated control tools, developing of students’ self- and peer- assessment skills in a digital environment. Based on the results of an external evaluation, the authors suggest developing the primary school teachers’ professional competencies. Keywords: external evaluation in education, distance education, higher education, primary school, functional literacy | 1249 | |||||
148 | The request for a research of opportunities and features of space of a modern higher educational institution is very urgent. It is important to understand whether there is an interrelation between specially organized space and an opportunity for students to purchase additional common cultural and professional competences – such as ability to communication in the cross-cultural environment, to self-organization and self-training. Perception and learning of university environment, and its psychological interpretation define the sense and the nature of professional development and self-development of those who take part in the educational process, and determine actions of students and teachers in this environment. The article presents the results of the study of the invariants of how the participants of the educational process perceive university environment. The authors carry out the analysis of peculiarities of teachers’ and students’ perception of university environment and describe the dynamics of perception of university environment at different stages of students’ professional training. The results of research are the basis for development of the concept of the universal environment of modern city University. General provisions of the concept of the universal environment at city University based on the educational needs of students and teachers in training, in communication, in resources. On this basis, the general environment of the city University involves collaborative environment, an active space for informal communication; social space to support student community; active living student life within the infrastructure of the University; innovative learning spaces, creating conditions for student centered learning and engagement, enhance the educational process participants of educational, social, intellectual motivation. The main directions of infrastructure development of the University is the entrance area, interior common areas (recreation, corridors, staircases), classroom and administrative offices. Keywords: individual places of behavior, personally-oriented places, notion of university environment, university environment, subjective and pragmatic places, description of university places | 1248 | |||||
149 | Federal state educational standard of education of pre-school children puts forward the necessity for pre-school educators to develop creative abilities of children. In connection with this, the task of developing the ability to make up fairy tales as one of the forms of ability for speech creativity of senior pre-school children acquires essential importance. A number of different pedagogical and psychological researches, that are carried out at present by scientists and that are devoted to the issue of speech creativity of pre-school children can hypothetically reveal, reflect different theoretical and practical approaches that concern separate problems connected with the situations in which we teach children how to do creative telling, but these researches do not give the whole image of how to develop effectively the ability of pre-school children to make up fairy-tales. When we take into consideration as a basis of the scientific analysis psychological and pedagogical researches, we can possibly disclose such problematic issues as the structure of the ability of senior pre-school children to make up fairy-tales, stages of the development of the ability of senior pre-school children to make up fairy-tales as well as the mechanism and levels of developing 5–7-year-old children’s ability to make up fairy-tales. Keywords: ability to make up fairy-tales, senior pre-schoolers, structure, stages, mechanism and levels of development | 1248 | |||||
150 | The evolution of the value- semantic sphere of students of higher education institution during educational process promotes more successful training for professional activity and achievement of maturity. Relevance of the question is caused by changes in society, high-quality reorganization of an education system of the country. The federal educational standard forms inquiry to the university graduate, to his vocational training and personal qualities. In the priority are the development of subjectivity, tolerance, communicative competence, the value-semantic sphere of the individual. Modern competence-based approach in education relies on the process of an interiorization, it means that the student must not only acquire knowledge, but also grow personally. High potential of development of the value-semantic sphere of the personality is put in the educational process. It is necessary to consider organizational and important factors of psychology and pedagogical maintenance of personal formation of students of higher education institution. Organizational factors have to include specially developed technologies focused on independent work of students, dialogue style of communication between participants of educational process, expansion of a range of methodological approaches to the training material and oriented exercises for practice. Substantial factors should be aimed at understanding by students of their desires and opportunities, ideas about themselves in the future profession. It is very important that personal and professional values and meanings do not contradict each other and created harmonious structure. Keywords: value- semantic sphere of the personality, professional becoming, selfdesign of the personality, logical analysis, competence approach | 1248 |