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151 | The article presents the results of a study aimed at identifying factors that affect the professional and project training of an engineer in Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. The authors focus on the description of key factors that ensure the productive development of modern engineering technologies, organize educational and cognitive activities of students. The level of education and training of highly qualified engineers is determined by the progress of students, which depends on a number of motivational conditions: methodological support of the educational process, informing students about the life of the university, the background in the university, the existing relations with teachers and university administration, the degree of satisfaction with the training in the university. The data analysis made it possible to establish an important factor in the competitiveness of graduates of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics in the labor market. It is graduates’ entrepreneurial activity, the correspondence of acquired knowledge to the real needs of the economy. This is directly related to the organization of the educational process built in the logic of positioning the university as an entrepreneurial institution in connection with the need to develop and apply innovative pedagogical technologies, methods of professional and project training of engineering personnel. In turn, the use of new design methods and techniques in the training of future specialists in line with the declared ideology of the university allows the faculty to effectively attract undergraduate students to further training in graduate and postgraduate studies. Keywords: professional and project training, factors of professional training, project training, project activity, entrepreneurial university, entrepreneurial activity of students, engineering staff | 1245 | |||||
152 | The article considers the problem of selection of modern scientific approaches to the development of children with speech disorders, the main principles of the pedagogical interventions taking into account individual characteristics of the preschool child and emotional contemporary understanding of the concept of «customization» and individualization of the learning strategy approach, integrating specific pedagogical approaches. Shows the relationship of the principle of individualization from the functioning of the educational approaches, the possibility of its realization in the educational practice of a speech therapist. Features of a focused, comprehensive correctional and logopedic impact on children of preschool age taking into account the implementation of the principle of individualization. It also determines the content of diagnostic and correctional-developing activities with children of preschool age taking into account the principle of individualization. Presents the method of individualized assessment of formation of communicative, speech, cognitive areas, in order to determine individual correctional and educational routes for children, systematic diagnostic and correctional-developing techniques, including flexible combination of psychological, pedagogical and innovative techniques. It is shown how these methods provide the efficiency of correction of speech disorders among children of preschool age. Keywords: preschool age, speech development, prevention of speech disorders, speech therapy work, principle of individualization | 1244 | |||||
153 | In the article we present structural and substantive analysis of the basic stages of implementation and approbation of the Professional Standard «Teacher-Psychologist (Psychologist in the sphere of education)» in educational institutions of the Russian Federation in the period from 2012 to 2019. Particularly, we highlight the requirements of the new professional standard «Teacher-psychologist (psychologist in the sphere of education)» for psychologist working in educational institutions. We show that the professional standard requirements to candidates for positions related to psychological and pedagogical activity are quite serious. We also note that effective realization of the general labour functions and labour functions, presented in the professional standard, is possible when definite universal general and specific professional competencies related to necessary skills and knowledge are completely formed. Requirements to education and training, experience of work and special conditions of admission of psychologists of educational institutions for job, a list of categories of persons who can not hold the position of teacher-psychologist are presented. Professional knowledge, a set of action and skills performed by psychologists are described. Standardization of professional activity of psychologists working at educational institutions will make possible more precise determination of the scope and directions of university training, retraining or professional development of pedagogical personnel. Keywords: standardization, standard, professional standard, approbation, implementation of professional standard, position, teacher-psychologist, educational institution | 1244 | |||||
154 | The article analyzes the process of pedagogical accompaniment in formation of students’ readiness for marriage and family relations. Based on the results obtained during the experimental work, the authors denote urgency of the problem of the individual readiness of students for marriage and family relations. Authors suggest that cooperation, subject-subject interaction of students and teachers will help in the implementation of role specialization opportunities of students in teaching and educational process, mutual reinforcement of trajectories of individual and professional formation of the youth. Keywords: pedagogical accompaniment, readiness for marriage and family relations, pedagogical means | 1243 | |||||
155 | The problem of socialization has an actual continuity for every step of civilization development and the importance for pedagogical science. There is the problem of professional socialization of students in learning environment in modern university in the article. There is an analysis of scientific – methodical and pedagogical researches in the sphere of professional socialization of students and recreational physical culture. The main thing of professional competence is the culture of healthy living, capability for personal growing and development, sociability, educability, commitment to self-education, creativity and social activity. Physical education in the university is the powerful tool of creation of the culture of healthy-living and professional socialization of students. The definitive and effective kind of physical activity in the process of physical education of students is health related fitness. There are benefits and functions of fitness as the factor of socialization of students. Health-giving fitness is very popular among students that’s why health-giving fitness and aerobics are reasonable parts of the process of joining it to the physical activity educational programs for students. Nowadays fitness is a necessary part of physical culture educational programs and elective course in all universities in Tomsk. The integrative nature of sport-physical activities in the process of fitness training makes it the effective instrument of professional personal socialization. Keywords: socialization, education, professional competence, professional socialization, health, healthy living, physical education, physical culture, fitness | 1243 | |||||
156 | We associate exploratory behavior as one of the most important mechanisms of childs’ cognitive development, basis of creativity, intellectual and social achievements. The longitudinal study revealed forms of exploratory behavior in early childhood (12–18 months; 18–24 months; 24–30 months). It allowed us to excrete some stimulating and limiting the development of exploratory behavior in early childhood factors. The article suggests diagnostic tools for revealing the level of development of exploratory behavior in early childhood. There was an attempted to reveal particularities of arranging home environment of contemporary urban children in early ages and to specify its influence on their exploratory behavior. We applied the following methods for diagnostics: detailed psychological analysis of childs’ everyday home environment (subject-spatial environment, family structure, presence or absence of siblings and etc.); a series of observations of children in a natural home environment (free and longitudinal, using the developed registration form); questionnaire and interview for parents (there were three blocks: 1. social information about family and permanent place of staying; 2. medical-psychological part; 3. social and cognitive skills); making up maps of childs’ development. Additionally some parents gave us diary notes, where emotional and cognitive development, social skills of children were fixed up. There were also revealed some common features of contemporary urban parents. Keywords: forms of exploratory behavior, early childhood, home environment, levels of the development of exploratory behavior | 1243 | |||||
157 | The article considers main aspects of scientific educational activity of the philosophy and sociology chair of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics in the context of interdisciplinary approach, complexity and competence paradigm. Authors point, that integral interactive events are caused by the necessity of purposeful educational strategy formation, tolerance positive crosscultural relations’ forming in the society and first of all among youth. Keywords: interdeisciplinary, education, crosscultural, multicultural interaction | 1242 | |||||
158 | The article considers the possibility of educational activities for the socialization of primary school pupils with disabilities at secondary school. The interaction of concepts, revealing the main approaches to the consideration of socialization was analysed. Presents methods of socialization that integrates target, organizational, program and methodical, technological and diagnostic conditions of educational activity. Provides the results of the study on the socialization of primary school students with disabilities by means of educational activities. Revealed substantial aspects of the academic component and life expertise. Presented social and adaptive capacities of the conditions of primary general education. Shows the structure of learning activities for individual and group work, presenting options for individual students' achievements. Presents evaluation methods and levels of socialization of students with disabilities at different stages of the experiment. Shows the observed in the experiment, educational and training effects. Keywords: terms of socialization, students with disabilities, primary general education, social adaptation, individualization, educational activity, the structure of educational tasks | 1242 | |||||
159 | Introduction. The article is devoted to the actual problem of teaching foreign students to read Russian texts using contextual guess on the basis of word formation analysis. It is proposed to teach the formation of contextual guess techniques in accordance with the theory of mental actions, involving the creation of foreign students’ project of independent activity in the course of successive operations, orienting students to the correct understanding of unfamiliar words when reading. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the research is to teach foreign students the peculiarities of Russian word formation, to produce morphemic and word formation analysis for the development of language guesswork. The examples of realization of the system of exercises for development of contextual guess are given. Material and methods. The main method for teaching foreign students the formation of contextual guess is pedagogical experiment, as well as the method of statistical processing of quantitative research results. More than 150 foreign students from different countries participated in the experiment. The morphological and syntactic analysis is used in our research in teaching foreign students the contextual guess: identification of the known part of the word on the basis of the existing experience of language material; selection on the basis of the experience of similar examples of parts of words; recognition of belonging to a certain part of speech; understanding the meaning of the word. Word-forming models on which students can rely when determining the meanings of unfamiliar words in the process of reception to be quite full, common and thematically transparent. Results and discussion. The results showed that the knowledge of foreign students’ language contextual skills successfully helps them in understanding the texts and learning Russian. Conclusion. The authors created a system of training that provides foreign students with the formation of techniques and skills of contextual guesswork based on word-formation analysis. This research proved effectiveness of the developed system for formation of contextual guessing techniques based on word-formation analysis and can be useful in teaching foreign students to read Russian texts. Keywords: teaching Russian as a foreign language, contextual guess, word-formation analysis, independent reading, step-by-step formation of skills | 1238 | |||||
160 | The article considers the methodological grounds, organizational and pedagogical conditions necessary for the increase of the efficiency of general education of migrants’ children. The authors consider system, axiological and anthropological approaches to organization of education in the multicultural school. The work elicits the organizational and pedagogical conditions of the implementation of values of the competency building approach. The work supposes the creation of humanised educational environment, as well as the forms of interaction of the family, school and social institutions supporting general and supplementary education. It uses an integrative approach in which specific features of ethnic groups serve as the foundation for mutual enrichment of cultures and ensure the integrity of modern culture. Keywords: migrants’ children, multicultural environment, education, integration, cultural congruence, humanism, dialogueness, tolerance | 1237 | |||||
161 | The article is dedicated to the actual management problem in education – creating an effective model of social innovation management in the networking of educational institutions. The focus of researchers and government officials on finding economic benefits and ensuring scientific and technological progress often leads to underestimation of the social innovation impact on the society generally. Recognizing the significance of innovation in high-tech sectors of the economy, the attention is focused on social innovation as drivers of social capital formation. The author specifies that inclusion in the networking of different educational institutions is social innovation. The proposed structural-functional model consists of target, organizational and effective avaluation components. Fixes different types of results occurred on the network such as research, food, professional, educational, institutional. Keywords: social innovation, model, management, networking, educational institutions | 1237 | |||||
162 | Understanding in the pedagogical context has always been regarded as one of the results of education. In pedagogy of collaborative activity this act has a special educational content. On the basis of the analysis of literature there can be allocated three functions of understanding: sense and meaning generating function, cognitive function and psychological function. Focusing on the attainment of the other person’s goals and motives a person rules out the possibility of understanding for the use of knowledge of the world (G. Ruzavin). In hermeneutics (E. Betty, G. Gadamer, Husserl, Heidegger) understanding involves, first of all, the knowledge of the outside world through the interpretation of texts. This representation makes it necessary to discuss the concept of pre-understanding, based on the «life» of the world and cultural tradition. And in this case, the act of understanding does not involve the joint nature of this action. As a result of the analysis of literature it is suggested that the generation of meaning is considered as a basic understanding of the function, the educational potential and educational content for maximum understanding and action is a condition for the establishment and implementation of the other functions of understanding: cognitive and psychological. It is in the pedagogy of collaborative activity the organization of the situations of understanding is seen as an act of generation of meaning, and it is considered as a basic characteristic of the educational content of the joint action and the basic part of educational content. Reliance on the meaning-function, as the basic organization of the work involves description, discussion and study of various personal experiences of the collaborative education. Understanding in this case is a situation causing collaborative education. This approach to educational content unit solves the problem of formalization of educational activities in schools, and fist of all the formalization of the implementation of the federal state educational standard of education of the new generation. It reduces the manipulative actions of adult and child at classes. And it serves as a condition for the formation of the character of the author’s actions as a result of education process and as an alternative to the normative and subjective nature of these actions. Keywords: understanding, joint activity, joint action, education content, organization of the understanding situations | 1237 | |||||
163 | The article deals with parenting as an integral part of family relations. For successful parenting a father and a mother must have parental maturity. Currently, the society conception of the family is undergoing transformation. Young people approach with seriousness the problem of creating a family and the responsibility imposed on them. Responsibility serves as the basement for parental maturity. Experience of parenthood can affect parental maturity. In the process of raising a preschool child mature mother’s position is most important. The development of mother’s socio-cultural position contributes to the successful all-round development of the child. The socio-cultural position of the mother is based on the values transmitted by modern society. In the end the article considers the current programs development of “mature parenthood” in Russia. Keywords: family, mother, child, father, siblings, parental maturity, social and cultural position | 1235 | |||||
164 | The article discusses the psychological support of students in higher educational institutions, as a system of professional activity of the psychologist, which aims to create a socio-psychological conditions for successful learning and psychological development of the individual student. Psychological support is considered by us as a process, as an integral activity of the practical psychologist in the system of higher education which aims to complete the implementation of professional and psychological potential of the individual and meeting the needs of the subject activity. The object of psychological practice is the educational system of higher education and psychological development of personality of students in a situation of educational interaction, the subject – the social and psychological conditions of successful training and development of students. Keywords: psychological support, psychological support, students, higher education | 1235 | |||||
165 | The article considers the issues of contemporary education and its regionalization. It gives the characteristics to the notion of region which includes structural components: territory, population, economy, administrative and political self-identity. The work gives the definition to the term “regionalization”, elicit the peculiarities of the regional educational system at the current stage: computerization and telecommunication, complemented by traditional information technologies, development and establishment of the market mechanisms of educational services, globality and lifelong education. Defines the regional educational system as a system object and displays its characteristic features, organizational principles. The authors justify attributes and requirements to the regional educational system sustainability. The diversity of an educational system is considered to be the essential prerequisite of its sustainability and stability. Keywords: region, regionalization, regional educational systems’ special features, educational systems sustainability, stability margin, system approach | 1234 | |||||
166 | The article considers the relevance of the use of gaming modeling on sand in teaching creative narration as a variant of innovative technologies in corrective work with preschool children with general speech underdevelopment. The psychophysiological characteristics of connected speech in ontogenesis are given. The psychological and pedagogical features of the connected speech of preschool children with a general hypoplasia of speech are considered. The results of an experimental study of the connected speech of preschool children with a general underdevelopment of speech and modeling of speech therapy work are presented. Game modeling on the sand is presented as a new stimulus, serving to create a favorable emotional background, contributing to the inclusion in the work of conservation and activation of disturbed mental functions in the process of teaching creative storytelling through gaming modeling on the sand. The element of the game simulation is presented as a separate gaming device or a partial use of the didactic game in the educational process. The proposed technique provides opportunities for both verbal and non-verbal expression using a variety of subjects, sand, water and other materials. The use of gaming modeling on the sand allows to stabilize the psychoemotional state, improve coordination of movements, finger motility, stimulate the development of sensory-perceptual sphere, develop communication skills, connected speech, spatial orientation. Keywords: speech therapy correction, preschool children, innovative technologies, creative narration, general speech underdevelopment, game modeling on the sand, correctivedeveloping activities | 1233 | |||||
167 | The requirements for the vocational training of designers and artists of decorative and applied art, which arose in connection with the need of society to create unique authorial objects of the object and spatial environment are considered. The similarity and distinction of the purposes and the task of works of the designer and artist of arts and crafts are revealed. A uniform process and mechanism for designing a new object allow to unify techniques of training in design and arts and crafts. It is defined that design process consists of the creative and technical component providing cumulative activities for formation of an intention, its justification and preparation of the necessary documents describing the final solution of a future object. The role of traditional manual drawing in design process is justified. The value of the project and graphic operations preceding computer visualization of an object is found out. Special integrated techniques of vocational training of students and methods of training in design and arts and crafts aimed at the development of perception, imagination and thinking and defining specifics of project and professional operation are offered. It is justified that training activity of a project graphics shall be based on reasonable interaction of the manual and computer drawing which sequentially is becoming complicated in training activity and oriented on development of decorative perception. Keywords: project graphics, computer graphics, fast drawing, project activities, design, arts and crafts | 1233 | |||||
168 | Based on the analysis of the articles in “TSPU Bulletin” creative teaching activities is regarded as special subject of study by many authors. In this connection the following aspects are summarized as the subject of investigations of the authors: the influence of competence, systems approachs on the development of creative abilities of students; models of actualization of artistic activities, including a model of engineering education, the main provisions of which is that the development of creative abilities should be developed systematically, proves the necessity culturogical systemic restructuring of curricula and programs; the model of training future teachers, aimed at creating a productive experience of younger students, the model consists of a theoretical and methodological, didactic-methodological and structural elements of personal-blocks; methods of actualization of creativity and development of creative abilities, including the development of creative potential in activities such as artistic expression, consisting in the creation of pottery in aesthetic activity, where the factor of productive development is the ability of younger students to aesthetic empathy reality; the connection of professional competence of teachers with levels of creativity. Keywords: creative activity, creative abilities, methods of actualization of the creative potential, creative individuality, professional competence | 1231 | |||||
169 | The problem of the specialist professional activity model development is considered in this article. The aspects of professional activity, criteria and formation promoting conditions are described. Keywords: professional activity, specialist, education quality, vocational selfdetermination | 1230 | |||||
170 | The research and observation of the sound nature is the main objective of this article, since that is the raw material of music. Wouldn’t it be desirable for most research of music theory to have the nature of sound as the basis of its study? Would it not be a more powerful and objective tool, if we learn the creative and subjective fact which is music, through the relationships and structures derived from sound that obey natural and objective laws? My research and conclusions are based on the study of the natural harmonic series of sound. The Fundamental natural series is the main conclusion. Sound has a dual nature that best explains musical relationships. Keywords: music theory, nature, sound, harmonic series, basic series, dual nature of the sound | 1228 | |||||
171 | The article examines different views on the nature of intercultural communicative competence (ICC). A distinction between ICC and related terms (especially intercultural competence) has been made. A special attention is paid to different methods and ways of forming intercultural communicative competence. It is argued that an individual can never be completely “interculturally competent” because the development of ICC is a continuous and ongoing process. Different factors affecting the development of ICC such as context, time factor and learners’ individual capacitites have been established. In particular, time factor is very important since development of ICC may be lifelong especially when it comes to changes in attitudes, beliefs and mentality. It is argued that no generic curriculum can be created to form ICC for its development depends on numerous parameters. Different views on whether country studies are required to the development of ICC have been analyzed proving that country studies are necessary but not sufficient. It is shown that class activities alone can not be sufficient to form ICC: it is necessary for learners to engage in extracurricular activities, in intercultural contacts, use audiovisual means, media, social networks. All these practices will help learners understand that languages are a real form of communiation. Keywords: intercultural communicative competence, intercultural communication, interaction, country studies | 1228 | |||||
172 | The modern federal state educational standards (FSES) of the higher and secondary professional education recommend use different modern educational and interactive technologies in the course of training of library experts. Thus, the special role is assigned to business and role-playing games, trainings, cases technology. This article suggests concrete implementations of interactive technologies, which can be used for training of future librarians at various stages of professional education (college, bachelor program, master program). Keywords: interactive technologies, educational technologies, corporate culture, business game, “brainstorming”, team building training, case technology | 1227 | |||||
173 | The problem of formation of competences of future mathematics teachers on the example of the course “Numerical Systems” by creation of the main numerical systems by the method of their consecutive expansion by means of axiomatic definitions and creation of models is considered in the article. Keywords: formation, competences, models, axiomatic, numerical systems | 1225 | |||||
174 | The article proves the necessity of the application of interdisciplinary connections to improve the process of teaching foreign languages at non-linguistic medical school. It is caused by general scientific and cognitive preconditions which in total form the theoretical basis for the application of interdisciplinary connections during educational process. The author pays attention to the multilateral interconnections of a foreign language with some professional disciplines (between language disciplines, namely English and Latin, and not language ones, English and Anatomy and Physiology) being taught in the first year of the Medical University and considers them to create some necessary conditions for the effective studying and applying a foreign language in practice. Keywords: interdisciplinary connections, general scientific preconditions, cognitive preconditions, professional disciplines | 1225 | |||||
175 | Discusses the concept of “pedagogical style of teaching vocal”. This term is understood by the author as vocal and educational complex that includes: professionally important qualities that characterizes vocal and pedagogical activity; personal qualities and character of the communication of the teacher with students; practical methods that reflect the specifics of singing activity (concentric method, phonetic method, explanatory and illustrative method in combination with the reproductive method of the internal singing (singing on the view), the method of comparative analysis). Describes the progress and diagnostic analysis of this concept in the University on the basis of the application of different methods and techniques: observation of practice, diagnostic techniques, survey of teachers and students. Supervision of the teachers of the vocals is represented in two interrelated aspects: interpersonal, reflecting the style of communication with students: functional business, identifying vocal teaching methods and peculiarities of organization of educational process in the classroom of the teacher-musician. On the basis of generalization of the research results revealed the most effective vocal teaching style in a higher educational institution. Keywords: pedagogical style of teaching vocal, diagnostics, diagnostic techniques, methods and techniques of vocal teaching | 1224 | |||||
176 | The article considers the questions of the psychological safety of the educational environment: the reference value of the environment (the attitude of students to the educational environment of the higher educational institution), satisfaction in personalconfidential communication, the satisfaction with the characteristics of the educational environment of higher school, protection from psychological violence (humiliation, insults, threats, coercion to do anything against the wishes, ignoring, hostile attitude). Presents the results of empirical research of psychological safety of the person in the educational environment of a higher educational institution. States the existence of psychologically comfortable and safe conditions for the formation of readiness for future professional activity and realization of life plan. Research in this field involves identifying of psychological safety of environment for the personality development of students, which is a condition of formation of their readiness for implementation in the future professional activity, and overall life plan. Keywords: psychological safety, educational environment, security of the person, student, higher education institution | 1222 | |||||
177 | The article is devoted to the memory of the remarkable scientist and educator – G. N. Prozumentova. The aim of the paper is to identify the main lines of the great scientist’s pedagogical heritage. Considers the base of joint activity pedagogy, the concept of humanitarian management of educational innovations, the theories of the teacher’s professional development worked out by G. N. Prozumentova. Highlights the relevance of the following provisions put forward by the scientist: the personal presence in education, the dual teacher’s professional position in organization of joint activities with students, the influence of teacher’s participation in innovative activities on his professional development, the importance of innovative educational programs for the development of modern school. The main thesis of all scientist’s publications is to allocate the joint activity as the main subject of education. Finally the authors clarify that this subject determines the prospects for the development of pedagogical theory and educational practice. Keywords: joint activity, educational innovations, humanitarian management, teacher’s professionalism, innovative educational program | 1220 | |||||
178 | The modern approaches to the study of social and communicative development of children of senior preschool age are considered. A substantive analysis of the studied phenomenon from various scientific positions was carried out. Based on the analysis performed, the author’s viewpoint on the identified problem is presented. The structure of the socio-communicative development of senior preschool children, which includes a complex of cognitive, emotionalvalue and behavioral components, is proposed. The characteristic of each structural component of the social and communicative development of children on the basis of the presented indicators is given. The cognitive component is associated with the level of a child’s general awareness of the world around him, knowledge of social norms, behavioral systems, and the child’s perception of work and safe behavior. The emotional value component is considered from the point of view of the preschooler’s assessment of his emotions, the emotions of his communication partners, as well as the child’s attitude to social norms of behavior, work, and his own safety. The behavioral component is characterized by the degree of activity of the child in communication and work, compliance with social norms and rules of safe behavior. The complex of diagnostic methods is described, which allows to assess the level of social and communicative development of senior preschoolers. Keywords: and communicative development of a senior preschooler, socialization, level of social and communicative development, preschool education | 1220 | |||||
179 | The research characterizes the humanities taught in the Chukotsky branch of FSAEI «The North-Eastern Federal University named after M. K. Ammosova», and reflects the regional specificity: «Peoples and Cultures of the Circumpolar World», «The History of the North-East of Russia», «Culture and traditions of the peoples of the North- East of Russia». The disciplines of the regional component aimed at a deeper study of the historical and cultural processes and social experience of the population of a certain area, at preservation of the cultural identity of the person, ethnic identity and national integration. We have developed programs of work of the above disciplines, lecture materials and workshops, based on which classes for students are held. The organization and implementation of the educational process are based on the advanced training methods and technology. Skills and knowledge acquired through the study of the subjects with a regional component will be used in future professional activities, will raise the general cultural level of students. Keywords: university, the humanities, teaching, regional component, ethno-cultural education, modern educational technology, history and culture of the peoples of the Arctic, competence | 1219 | |||||
180 | The paper presents the analytical review and gives classification parameters of the educational technology “Peer Coaching” (aims and goals, steps, forms of activity, etc.), it offers variants of its effective implementation in the work of high school teachers, shows some difficulties they might face while working with the technology and offers some practical guidelines of the most appropriate and efficient ways how to implement it in the teaching process of Russian Federation higher education. The study proves that “Peer Coaching” is one of the most successful technologies for the development of university teaching staff, that has the goal to advance the professionalism of teachers by training them to facilitate frequent, informal, helpful observations by one professional educator to another, to provide necessary rationale feedback and coach each other. The article shows that this is a simple, nonthreatening structure designed for peers to help each other to recognize their professional needs, improve instruction, learning situations or other teachers’ professional activity including even scientific research. “Peer Coaching” technology promotes not just the culture of collegiality among university teaching staff, it also offers many opportunities for their own professional development, which will do much to improve the quality of university education, restore friendly classroom environment and contribute to their own professional success. Keywords: educational technology, professional development, university teaching staff, Peer Coaching | 1219 | |||||
181 | In the context of introduction of the Federal state educational standard of primary education it is necessary to find new tools to build new learning technologies that contribute to improvement of the education quality. Such tools can be digital educational resources that greatly enhance the presentation of educational information, the organization of the frontal, group, and individual learning activities of students, as well as their extracurricular and independent work. This paper states the terms of use in the educational process various kinds of digital educational resources, present the basic structural components of professional competence of primary school teachers in the use of digital educational resources. Presents professional competence of the primary school teacher as a specialist in the use of digital educational resources in the form of an integrated set of key, basic and special competencies. Provides characteristics of each component. Keywords: informatization and modernization of education, digital educational resources, professional competence of the primary school teacher, the structure of professional competence of primary school teachers in the use of digital educational resources | 1217 | |||||
182 | The article considers features of methodological support of humanities by resources of modular system of learning and conditions of strengthening of the semantic connections between engineering disciplines and humanities with the account of subject features in the heterogeneous student environment. Joint and simultaneous education of Russian and foreign students is a new challenge for the modern educational process, which drives educators to take into consideration the students’ linguocultural diversity (history, grammar particularities and cultures of the concerned nationalities) when developing didactic tasks. The author suggests creating an applied rhetoric studio aimed at correction and development of communicative competences of non-philological speciality students. Keywords: heterogeneous student environment, educational and professional competences, modular learning, applied rhetoric studio | 1216 | |||||
183 | At present the development of the social intellect of the future teacher is an actual problem. This is evidenced by the research of modern scientists (Genkina V. A. (2000), Lukicheva M. A. (2004), Makarova N. A. (20013), etc.). The feasibility of developing the social intellect of a future teacher is due to its relationship with such concepts as “professionally important qualities”, “professional abilities” and “professionalism”. Social intelligence provides the future teacher with competitiveness, success in professional activities and improving the quality of education. The purpose of the study was to study the characteristics and level of development of social intelligence of students who master the profession of a teacher in a university. According to the results of the study, four groups of subjects with normal, medium, medium and low social intelligence were identified. This allowed us to identify certain features of social intelligence in future teachers and to confirm the relevance of the development of social intelligence. To develop the social intelligence of students who master the profession of a teacher in a university, a set of pedagogical conditions is proposed. The proposed conditions can be a fundamental component of the educational environment, allowing the most optimal design of the process of development of the social intelligence of the future teacher in the university. Keywords: social intellect of the future teacher, pedagogical profession, pedagogical conditions | 1215 | |||||
184 | The task of modern education for the near future is to become an open system for a consumer of educational services. After Russia’s entry into the world educational space, the question about the quality of education has become dominant. The quality of education is determined by a set of indicators describing various aspects of the training activity: the content, forms and methods of training, material and technical resources, personnel structure, which facilitates the development of competencies of the students. And management of education quality is considered as a special administration, organized and aimed at achieving certain results of education. Keywords: educational services, quality of education, education system, management in education, quality management, results of education | 1213 | |||||
185 | The article aims to examine the transformation of the educational environment in the discipline of foreign language in a non-linguistic higher education institution. The educational environment is a psychological and pedagogical reality, containing specially organized conditions for personality formation, as well as opportunities for development, included in social and spatial-objective environment. Here we consider the definitions of the educational environment, the data of various scientists, which emphasize the mutual influence of the environment and the individual. The requirements of the current environment are in constant conflict with the requirements of a modern person and are updated, enabling the individual to learn the language in its existing state, for specific purposes. When analyzing interaction patterns in the process of studying a foreign language, the author comes to the conclusion that their diversity corresponds to a real language environment. Joint activities contribute to the convergence of educational models with real models of communication. The role of the teacher, in this aspect, is to teach students with constantly updated content, keeping the scope of the educational process. On the basis of this study the author developed the algorithm for creating the educational environment that include variable components. This algorithm facilitates the change management of the educational environment in the discipline of foreign language. Keywords: educational environment, language environment, learning technology, learning a foreign language, models of interaction, higher education, collaborative learning, multimedia in the educational process | 1213 | |||||
186 | The current article reflects the results of migration processes in modern Russia. The role of the Russian language in education in a poly-ethnic school is defined. The following concepts are disclosed: poly-ethnic school, poly-ethnic class, and pupil-inophone. Provides the results of the tests on the Russian language of pupils-inophones for determination of the level of development of skills of different types of speech activity. Defines a number of common mistakes of pupils-inophones, studying at primary school. Defined the directions of work in poly-ethnic classes which will help to pass the difficulties of teaching poly-lingual students and will lead to social adaptation of children-migrants. The examples of use of the methodological textbooks materials for overcoming the common mistakes of pupils-inophones, studying iat a primary school, as part of the EMC “Prospective elementary school”. Some recommendations are offered to the teachers for the organization of effective educational work and extracurricular activities to overcome the problems of teaching younger pupils in a poly-ethnic class. Keywords: poly-ethnic class, children-migrants, inophones, speech form, social adaptation, individual approach, active forms of learning, different levels assignments | 1208 | |||||
187 | The article considers the concept “educational independence” from the point of view of application of competence-based approach. Based on the analysis and synthesis of the data contained in the legislative documents in education, and scientific research in the field of competence-based approach in pedagogical process the author shows the content of educational independence. The author carried out the analysis of the modern dissertations devoted to the studying of competences of various spheres of the knowledge written over the last 5 years. Much attention is given to competences of education. Tells in detail about diagnostic testing of educational independence of students. The article is intended for public reading and for those, who are interested in educational research. Keywords: educational independence, competence-based approach, competence, research | 1207 | |||||
188 | The article justifies the cluster of creative competences as an invariant component of the person’s readiness for activity, describes the functions of creative activity, suggest the development of the Olympiad in the Olympiad movement as a form of organization of selfdevelopment of university students, gives recommendations on incorporation of Olympiad movement in independent work, shows the need for continuous self-education of students. Keywords: creative activity, the Olympiad movement, continuing education | 1206 | |||||
189 | The article proves the importance of the organization of research activity of school pupils for achievement of training results (disciplinary, meta-disciplinary, personal), required by Federal State Educational Standard. The potential of the new quality of education lies in developing communicative and analytical competencies, broadening the educational base of students. The authors have described the results of concrete work for the organization of individual research work of the trained in literature. Five stages (introductory, preparatory, presentation and evaluation of research results, analysis of results) of implementation of concrete pedagogical maintenance of research activity are described, and the nature of the teacher - pupil cooperation each stage is grounded. Methodical support of the research activities involves: setting for cooperation, dialogue; the ability to identify the motivation of the student. It is important to follow the principles of research works: search for information on the topic, revealing the history of the study of the topic, formulation of goals and ways of achieving them, implementation analysis, and presentation of the results of work. The work has shown that the organization of individual research activities will be effective if the teacher is faithful to the (design / box) position, allowing the student to express their subjectivity, taking into account the motives of students for carrying out the project activities. The fact, that pupils could represent results of their work honorably at scientific and practical conferences proves productivity of the chosen strategy of pedagogical support. Keywords: universal learning activities, research work in literature, pedagogical maintenance | 1206 | |||||
190 | The characteristic of crossence is given as one of the forms of perception and understanding of educational information. The features of the crossences, their significance in conducting laboratory classes in chemistry at the university, the stages of creating crossences, the method of using crossences in the classroom “School Chemical Experiment” are described. The tasks for students to work with crossances are given. Examples of crossences are presented for the disciplines “School Chemical Experiment” and “General and Inorganic Chemistry”. Crossences are based on images illustrating the stages of experiments, and include chemical glassware, devices, reagents, located in the cells of the table. The stages of creating crossences are considered, including the definition of the topic of experience, the selection of elements of the content of experience and links between them, the creation of images illustrating the order of the experiment. The combination of graphic images and textual information in the order of the experiments was proposed to be used in crossences. The results of the survey of students in order to identify their relationship to crossences are given. It was established that the majority of the respondents had a positive attitude towards the use of crossences in laboratory classes in chemistry and are ready to use them in teaching practice and in future professional activities. Keywords: forms of chemical information, laboratory classes in chemistry, crossences, stages of creating crossences, methods of using crossences | 1205 | |||||
191 | In the context of higher professional education humanization, the problem of identification of students exposed to distressed states during the session is considered. It is noted that data on the influence of interhemispheric differences on stress resistance is not enough in science. Specificity of examination stress as one of the forms of social stress is indicated, the main stress factors of the examination period are named. A review of the positions regarding the psychological differences attributed to individuals with right and left arm dominance is given. The stress level in students during the intersessional and examination period was diagnosed by the PSM-25 method, and its increase to average values was recorded. A comparison of the level of academic stress among right-handed and left-handed students is made on the basis of measuring the phenomenological structure of its experience. Cognitive, somatic and emotional stress symptoms of right-handers and left-handers were compared based on their self-evaluation. Differences in their emotional responses to stress were revealed. When assessing exam excitement in general, left-handers perceive the situation more dramatically, which was confirmed statistically. A qualitative analysis of coping strategies for students with different types of interhemispheric asymmetry was carried out. Differences in emotional copying of right-handed and left-handed people were revealed; first group preferred relatively productive strategies, while non-productive strategies predominated in the second group. Cognitive and behavioral strategies in both groups are relatively productive. A combination of indicators shows a higher risk of exam stress for left-handed people. The obtained data expand psychological concepts about individual differences associated with interhemispheric asymmetry and allow providing an individual-typological approach to the prevention of examination stress destructive consequences. Keywords: students, stress, examination stress, coping | 1203 | |||||
192 | The article deals with the question of application of the method of projects at English lessons in primary school. Projects help students not only to know English grammar, words and phrases but also help young learners to develop their skills. There are two types of projects in primary school: subject project and educational project. Subject project helps students to study English, to know more about English grammar, to learn more foreign words. Educational project helps young learners to create something interesting and unusual. Students work together not only during the lessons but after them too. The special attention is paid to the process of organization of educational activity in projects in primary school at English lessons. Keywords: Federal state educational standard, educational activity, subject project, educational project | 1202 | |||||
193 | The article deals with identification and substantiation of students’ training peculiarities in multilingual format of the modern Russian higher education. The peculiarities are analyzed as a main mechanism of students’ professional, sociocultural and personal activation. Functional importance of multilingual educational environment and specification of future specialists’ training actualization in multicultural interaction is experimentally presented by the author as the possibility of using the didactic resource potential of polilingual environment in the educational process: developing new sociocultural, psychological and pedagogical, organizational and methodical training formats aimed at a specialist formation. According to the concept of the current research the essential requirement of students’ training is readiness to a constructive cross-cultural dialogue and cooperation in multilingual interaction of the modern society. In the process of experimental work there was made the conclusion: the key peculiarity of the students’ training in the multicultural educational environment format is the orientation of educational activity must be concentrated not only the country- learning principle (description of peculiarities of ethnical character), but on the proper educational process in the conditions of real relations and interaction with the representatives of different cultures and languages. As a result the communicative dominant of students’ training is considered to be a pedagogical dialogue as a segment of multicultural (multilingual) interaction. It should be mentioned that the phenomenon nature of the polilingual educational environment can be identified by the substantiating of its students’ training format peculiarities and functional potential in the educational process. Keywords: multilingual educational environment, students’ training peculiarities, constructive cross-cultural dialogue, multilingual interaction, ethnic attitude | 1201 | |||||
194 | The article is devoted to one of the actual problems today – the development of cognitive activity of younger students. The realities of today require the orientation of primary school education to the development of cognitive activity of the individual as the basis for personal development, as in the process of primary education laid the foundation of the ability to learn, which becomes in the future the main condition for continuing education. The problem of the development of cognitive activity of younger students is one of the most relevant in children’s psychology, because human interaction with the outside world is possible due to its activity. Activity is a prerequisite for the formation of mental qualities of the individual, its independence and initiative. The article presents the experience of theoretical and empirical research of the development of cognitive activity of younger students using the technology “Step by Step”, characterized by the concept of “educational technology”, “cognitive activity” in the pedagogical context. In this article, the authors give recommendations on the use of technology “Step by Step” which are designed in accordance with the age characteristics of primary school students, aimed at organizing the processes of mastering new ways of action that will contribute to the formation of educational and cognitive activity. Positive dynamics of the levels of development of cognitive activity allows making a conclusion about high efficiency of experimental impacts. Keywords: technology, cognitive activity, comparative analysis, Step by step, primary school | 1199 | |||||
195 | Attracting young people to the technical sphere of professional activity and increasing the prestige of scientific and technical professions are becoming important priorities of state policy today. The task of building a new innovative economy in the country and achieving the technological level cannot be solved without a radical improvement of the system of additional education of children of technical orientation, including through the development and implementation of individual educational trajectories in priority areas in demand in the modern world. In these circumstances, there is a need to develop a new educational model based on the integration of modern programs of additional education and allowing to prepare future specialists of the scientific and technical sphere in constantly changing conditions, starting from school age. The considered model of forming competences of schoolchildren in the field of intellectual development and scientific and technical creativity was developed as part of the implementation of measures to form a regional model of additional education “Territory of Intelligence” in the Tomsk region. Building a model for the formation of competences of schoolchildren in the field of intellectual development and scientific and technical creativity is carried out in several stages: determining the purpose of modeling, building a system of components of the process of forming competences, forming competences in dynamics and establishing criteria for evaluating the expected results. The model of formation of competences of schoolchildren in the field of scientific and technical creativity by means of additional education includes: the target component as a matrix of target results, representing the decomposition of competences into a system of actions that the student must master as part of the formation of competences; the content-operational component of the model as a set of educational content collected on the educational digital platform; operational and technological component as a set of options for the formation of competencies or a set of educational tracks (routes) and ways to move between them to build an individual educational trajectory; diagnostic component that provides the identification of the level of formation of competencies of the student when registering on a digital platform. The set of competences in the field of scientific and technical creativity, which can be formed among schoolchildren in the course of training in the system of additional education, is determined from the requirements of employers to the professional competencies of specialists in the scientific and technical sphere, as well as from the educational possibilities that allow at school age. To assess the level of formation of competence, activity indicators were developed, which were distributed among the levels of formation and levels of competence: from simple operations to the ability to manage complex technical and production processes. The complete criterion-diagnostic apparatus of the model includes matrices of target results 60 competencies, which contain 960 indicators of the level of formation and manifestation of these competencies. The implementation of the model will make the most effective use of human potential and create conditions for the self-realization of schoolchildren in the scientific and technical sphere. Keywords: model of formation of schoolchildren’s competencies, sphere of scientific and technical creativity, additional education | 1199 | |||||
196 | Today an important factor forming an image of the university is the proposal of various options and ways of knowledge acquisition, therefore within educational process the combination of both traditional forms and innovative techniques is advisable. In the article the thesis that training by means of a Virtual Learning Environment MOODLE gains special significance for the future representatives of tourism industry is claimed: the system can promote the development of such necessary qualities as mobility, skill to communicate, initiative, tolerance. It is proved that combining of the platform with offline meetings which can be seen in «Calendar of events», is able to improve students’ skills demanded by tourism industry. The most important skill is the ability to project a tour. MOODLE is based on the concepts of new content designing and freedom of important exchange and editing, so, the development of this very skill by means of the system is a promising idea. The main goal of the paper is to share the experience of specific educational problem solution within a training course of a tour design – the training material broken into blocks applied with the maps, atlases, text extractions with references to electronic encyclopedias, dictionaries, anthologies, scientific articles, publications of popular scientific character, becomes the virtual exercise machine for the tour designing. Keywords: Virtual Learning Environment MOODLE, distance learning, interactive thematic blocks, ecological education, destination, caving, tour design, learning outcomes | 1197 | |||||
197 | An attempt by means of system approach is made to reveal pedagogical conditions of the process of training of architects to professional activity during development of social projecting at a higher education institution and, having analysed them as different types of pedagogical influence, to present them in a complex. Keywords: pedagogical conditions, system approach, complex of pedagogical conditions, pedagogical influence | 1196 | |||||
198 | The article deals with the additional means of the formation of students’ vocabulary with regard to the development of their lingual and cultural competences. The sources, which can help in achieving the goal, have been analysed. Keywords: vocabulary, competence, slang, rhyme, poem, limerick | 1194 | |||||
199 | The article deals with the question concerning comparative analysis of theoretical and conceptual reflections in the sphere of organization and further implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for exceptional child in the inclusive educational process. It describes main methods for creation of emotional well-being for each child in inclusive educational environment. Readers can see practical examples of the mentioned methods such as creation of situations of social success for exceptional person in the inclusive group, use of creativity for solving of different problems in the inclusive group and some other methods. Also it develops key principles of psychological and pedagogical assistance which help to reach personal success for exceptional child in the inclusive class (resistibility, collaboration between all participants in the inclusive group, orientation to learner’s personal potential and some other principles). The article creates pedagogical modifications improving process of inclusive education (change of motivational directions in the inclusive education, reinforcement of positive behavioral forms in the inclusive group as well as using of some other modifications) and presents types of adaptations which are a final product of effective implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for exceptional child in the inclusive conditions (such as gnosiological, perceptive, social and communicative, semiotic adaptations). Keywords: psychological and pedagogical support, inclusive education, exceptional child, exceptionality, educator-psychologist | 1193 | |||||
200 | The turn of the XIX-XX century, as history shows, was the time to search for new forms, methods and ways of working with students. The term “author’s school”, which appeared in the scientific and pedagogical vocabulary since the late 1980s, means that a particular educational institution has some original pedagogical methods of teaching and education, a special program for the development of the school, a pedagogical concept developed by an individual teacher or a team of authors. During the reviewed period, the features of the new “author’s” school were inherent in some private educational institutions, both in the capital and abroad. The article considers the types of such educational institutions, the characteristic features of “new” type schools. The emergence of non-state schools of the new type was not limited to the metropolitan region. Private (non-state) educational institutions working all over Russia at the beginning of the 20th century can also be classified as “author’s”. The diversity of copyright schools of the late XIX - early XX century was due to the socio-economic development of the Russian Empire, the change of public priorities, the mood of liberal and democratic forces that support the emergence of new schools. The movement for “new” schools became the starting point of those changes in the public understanding of the importance of education, which served as an impetus to the humanization of Russian domestic pedagogy. Keywords: New schools, national pedagogy, West Siberian educational district | 1190 |