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51 | We examined the necessity to organize the work of teacher-mentors with young specialists and inexperienced teachers: attracting qualified personnel, transferring corporate culture, socialization in the professional community. We defined the concept of mentoring in an educational organization. We described the motivation of experienced teachers to engage in mentoring: recognition of authority, empowerment, financial support. We made an analysis of the questionnaires of teachers-mentors, which made it possible to identify the difficulties of teachers who do not have mentors at the beginning of work, have insufficient formation of mentor’s competencies, they need special training for mentoring, support and evaluation. We defined key indicators of success in the profession: communication with children, the social importance of the profession; the first years of work are a significant period for becoming and consolidating in the profession; communicative, mobility and learning; the absence of a mentor is one of the important reasons for the emergence of professional difficulties. We described the directions of development and diversity of forms of mentoring activities in school: accompaniment of a young teacher by a single or a group of mentors, rendering assistance to mentors in any area of extracurricular, project, lesson activity, IT-mentoring, preparation for participation in a professional competitions, joint development and implementation by teachers-mentors of free educational events for young professionals and beginners teachers. Keywords: mentor, young teacher, choice of profession, professional formation, indicators of success, mentoring groups, cooperation, support, mutual learning | 1632 | |||||
52 | The article represents the result of theoretical and experimental research of the issues of informal education of teachers of the general education system. This type of education has the ability to realize the idea of lifelong learning more completely. There is a low level of integration of formal and informal forms of education. In the work we define the informal professional communities in the following way: it is a form of joint professional activity of pedagogical workers in the general education system that contributes to the development of its participants’ professionalism in the process of the unified goal achieving within the framework of informal education. The author determines the key features of informal professional communities in comparison with competence development groups for teachers of general education system based on the type of education characteristics, the features of creation, activity, interaction of participants, etc. In the process of work we applied the andragogical approach, which allows considering the scientific foundations of adult learning, involving orientation toward the teachers’ professional development. Methods of comparison and expert assessments have made it possible to identify significant features of informal professional communities and competence development groups for teachers of the general education system (preschool, primary general, compulsory and secondary general education). It is possible to use the results of the research in scientific and methodological recommendations on the work optimization of the informal professional communities, as well as competence development groups. Keywords: informal education, professional community, competence development, teachers of general education system | 1626 | |||||
53 | On the basis of the analysis of publications in scientific journals, the main directions of contemporary research were selected in line with the spiritual problematics: the nature of personal spirituality; the specificity of the spiritual development of the person; pedagogical maintenance of spiritual development of the person in the educational institutions; training of future teachers to the spiritual and moral education of children. Within these areas the following aspects of teaching spiritual understanding of the problem are examined: the concept of «spirituality»; component composition of personal spirituality; levels and factors of its development; pedagogical conditions of development of spirituality; approaches to the preparation of future teachers to the spiritual education of schoolchildren. Keywords: spirituality, spiritual advancement, spiritual education, spiritual and moral education, education of spirituality, development of spirituality, pedagogy of spirituality | 1624 | |||||
54 | The foreground aim of training future teachers at higher school is developing their skills in solving professional teacher problems. To achieve the modern goals of school education in physics - preparing students for living in a rapidly changing environment, forming informal knowledge – it is necessary to modernize the methodological training system in higher education. The article describes the main professional tasks of the teacher of physics pointed out on the basis of the analysis of the modern teacher’s activity. The article suggests the model of training of future teachers of physics, aiming to formulate the generalized methods of solving professional problems related to planning of informative activity of students in the study of a particular subject. We describe the contents and methods of organization of methodical preparation of students at every stage of formation of the generalized method of performing activities related to the preparation for the future physics lecturers: 1) the projecting stage of pedagogical activity; 2) the stage of the modeling of pedagogical activity; 3) control and corrective stage. At the projecting stage of pedagogical activity students form the ability of planning the cognitive activity of students and their obtaining knowledge of physics, given in a particular stage of a school course of physics. For example, the article describes the logical sequence of the cognitive activity of «achieving» by the students some physical knowledge on «gas pressure». Future teachers learn their ways to formulate educational objectives, to develop experimental systems, to conduct physical experiments, to develop teaching tools. Describes the technology of practical training in the modeling phase of pedagogical activity, at which every student «acts out» his developed lesson model with his fellow students, playing the role of pupils. It is proposed to carry out the control and correction stage in the real pedagogical process at school. Each trainee will organize cognitive activity of pupils on several lessons of physics and identifies the level of formation of knowledge and skills they achieved. Keywords: professional teacher’s activity, methodical training, deep knowledge in physics, learning task, experimental aiming, projecting and modeling pedagogical activity | 1613 | |||||
55 | The questions of the organization of project activities of students in elementary school at the appointed work: differences of concepts “project activity”, “project-based”. The project activity is considered as integrative. There was indicated the possibility of organizing the project activities for primary school lessons technology, art and others. Keywords: design of the junior school, project activity in the classroom in an elementary school, lessons of technology | 1605 | |||||
56 | The analysis of various approaches to studying the structure and the content of psychological time in psychological science is carried out. The following approaches are considered: field concept of psychological time of K. Levin, motivational and dynamic concept of J. Nuttin, the model of psychological time by V. G. Aseev, causal and target concept of subjective time of E. Golovakh and A. Kronik, the concept of Time Perspective of F. Zimbardo, the concept of personal organization of time of K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, the concept of relation to time by T. A. Nestik, and others. The results of the empirical check of theoretical model of psychological time based on the Nestik’s concept are presented. For the empirical check of this model the research was conducted on the example of students of various faculties (law, economy, information technologies, management, journalism, Eurasia and East) of the regional Russian university (N = 200, 41 male, 159 female, aged 18–23). In order to identify the structure of interrelations of the components of psychological time the explanatory and confirmatory factorial analyses were used. As a result, the twofactor model which indexes of coherence correspond to the recommended values has been received: χ2 = 15.856, df = 10, p = 0.104, CFI = 0.988, RMSEA = 0.054, GFI = 0.978, PCLOSE = 0.394. According to the model, the structure of psychological time includes cognitive, conative and affective components, and the last is dominating for this sample. The psychological filling of the components are pessimistic: these are negative attitudes towards present, unbalanced time perspective with prevalence of negatively perceived past and fatalistically perceived present, as well as the tendency to procrastination. These tendencies of a negative future perception by students, a lack of the desire to plan events and to set the purposes, unbalanced time perspective, the tendency to procrastination could be a reason of destructive behavior, including various forms of addiction, low level of self-realization, and subjective wellbeing. It is necessary to develop the representation of value and importance of time as a resource in student’s mind, to develop the ability to control it for the purposes achievement, to develop the creative thinking, and understanding of the value of lived events. Keywords: psychological time, time perception, experience of time, time attitude, time perspective, model of psychological time, structure of psychological time | 1596 | |||||
57 | The problem of the impact of marketing research of customers’ needs for educational services in the additional education of children to develop effective monitoring studies is considered. Keywords: marketing research, monitoring, educational services, additional education | 1589 | |||||
58 | The article considers developing skills for reading original foreign texts, where semantization of lexical units is the key method. The notion of technology is specified in the article, types of semantization prior to and in course of the process of reading original foreign texts are analysed. The methods may be either translatable or untranslatable. The choice of the semantization method depends on many factors. It is also necessary to take into account differences in the semantics of lexical items associated with the peculiarities of the culture of the people to study foreign languages. Use of explanatory dictionaries as auxiliary means of definition of value of a unfamiliar lexical unit is also considered. Keywords: technology, semantization, lexical units, lexical skills, the explanatory dictionary, the bilingual dictionary | 1589 | |||||
59 | The article analyzes the movements of research in regional issues of education; it deals with the key concepts of the regional education, and the principal tendencies of the regional system of education. Keywords: region, regional, ethno-regional educational system, regional system of education, regional educational environment, regional policy in education, tendencies in development of regional education system | 1587 | |||||
60 | This article presents materials of the data of questionnaire in 6–9 grades of gymnasiums and lyceums of Tomsk, on the ground of which, reveals the problem of incongruity of the sphere of reading between teachers and students: the inability of a teacher to work with students’ literary preferences hampers the dialogue in education, impedes the realization of subject-subjective approach in upbringing and schooling, doesn’t allow to use the strategy of working with problematics of the classical literature through comparison with the read works which were interesting for students, doesn’t give the opportunity to correct their sphere of reading, giving also the highly artistic literature. Keywords: reading spheres of modern teenagers, questionnaire, the problem of a dialogue in education | 1587 | |||||
61 | The article emphasizes the impact of digital transformation on the “park of professions” and the training of university students as transprofessionals with a high level of development of information competence. The increased interest in career guidance projects allows us to determine the potential of the “park of professions” for the development of transprofessional information competence of university students. Transprofessional competencies, one of which is information competence, are the skills of the future (future skills). Hard skills – (English “hard” skills) competencies manifested in the narrow professional sphere, and soft skills – (English “soft” skills) as transprofessional competencies acquired and developed throughout life, characterized by moving beyond one profession. The information competence of university students should be considered as a transprofessional competence and as a sociocultural phenomenon at the same time. Information competence as a socio-cultural phenomenon includes a culture of working with a professional context as a transformation of information into texts of one’s own consciousness; culture of presentation of educational results in the form of a digital product; a culture of information security management; a culture of working with information in relation to relevance; culture of mobile solution of professional tasks with the help of digital technologies; a culture of working with digital content presented in a digital educational environment, which characterizes information competence as well as transprofessional. The potential of the “park of professions” expands the boundaries of understanding the information competence of university students as transprofessional. Keywords: transprofessionalism, transprofessional, transprofessional competence, future skills, information competence of students | 1583 | |||||
62 | The article is methodological in nature and highlights some of the complex and controversial issues of training parsed in elementary school. Keywords: elementary school, syntax, sentence, phrase, goal setting, punctuation marks | 1575 | |||||
63 | The article discusses development of methodology of system approach in domestic pedagogics in relation to the concept “pedagogical system” on the basis of the basic principles of the system approach: an ultimate goal, unity, connectivity, modular construction, hierarchy, functionality, development, decentralization, uncertainty, taking into account that the purpose (training, bringing up and developing) is one of the leading backbone factors of any public system. The attention is paid to the need of close interrelation of the system of didactic, covering educational activity of school students and methodical work of teachers and the system of educational work which usually is understood as a set of extra-curricular educational activities. Considers the concept “pedagogical process” (as object of system research) in a new model of education, the structure of educational process became different: pupil – vocation – subject – lesson – pupil. Keywords: system approach in pedagogics, pedagogical system, pedagogical process | 1572 | |||||
64 | The article examines the problem of training of speech therapists for realization of inclusive education tasks. Provides the state documents, in which the directions of the teachers’ activity in the conditions of inclusive education and development of persons with the special educational necessities are indicated. Justifies the updating of the requirements for the teacher-speech therapist in the context of inclusive education. The need for future speech therapy teachers to work in conditions of inclusion with persons with disabilities, readiness for independent development and implementation of an individual development program for students with special educational needs is considered. Changes in the content of the competencies in the new federal state educational standard of higher education in the direction of preparation 44.03.03 Special (dialectological) education orientation (profile) Speech Therapy are revealed. Actualization of reflection component in the content of the competencies of future teachers-speech therapists and forming of the inclusive competence is educed. The definitions related to the inclusive education, such as: inclusion, the inclusive oriented education, the inclusive competence are analysed. The new term “the inclusive oriented training” on the basis of theoretical analysis and with a glance of competency approach is entered. Keywords: inclusion, inclusive oriented education, new requirements to the teacherspeech therapist, the inclusive oriented training of teachers-speech therapists, reflection component, inclusive competence | 1572 | |||||
65 | The article presents the results of socio-psychological research of the notions of family, marriage and the future marriage partner of the student youth of the Tuva state university. The analysis of the works of movieweb - historians, sociologists, psychologists, teachers, allowed to characterize the state of contemporary Tuvan family as a crisis. One of the causes of the crisis tendencies in modern Tuvan family can be misconceptions of young people about marriage and family. The study examined the views of students about the reasons for the marriage, the duration of premarriage courtship, the optimal age of marriage, the most important qualities of a marriage partner, the selection criteria for future spouse(s), prerequisites, the durability of family life, the causes of successful and unsuccessful marriage, the impact of parental family on marriage partner choice, etc. It is revealed that in the representations of students preserved the traditional view about the roles of men and women in the family, namely the wife should be a homemaker and a good mother for their children, and the man is obliged to care of financial well-being of his family and its protection. Young men pay more attention to the appearance of the future spouse, and women – to masculinity and strength of a spouse. In the students’ views the spouse must share their aspirations, beliefs and values. The feeling of love significantly influences the perception of the future marriage partner. The other important factors when choosing a future spouse are the parents, the family, the close environment, what is probably caused by the collectivist values of the Tuvan culture, as well as the social status of the chosen person. According to the interviewed students, long-lasting marriage is based on love and trust in the family, mutual understanding among spouses, kindness and respect to each other. The article raises the problem of preparing young people for family life. Keywords: submission, marriage, marriage partner, marital relationships, family, civil marriage | 1570 | |||||
66 | The paper analyzes the correlation of defense mechanisms and character accentuations, and peculiarities of the use of defense mechanisms by an individual. The authors show the importance of studying the defense mechanisms due to changes occurring in the society, as well as the necessity to adapt to them for psychological health and harmonious development of a person. The state of scientific knowledge of the correlation between psychological defenses and character accentuations was identified. The study found that the most used defense mechanisms are: intellectualization, denial and regression. A correlation analysis of the results revealed the preferences in the use of defense mechanisms by individuals with different character accentuations: hyperthymic character accentuation has a high correlation with the denial mechanism; a stuck type of character accentuation highly correlates with the projection defense mechanism; disturbing character accentuation has a high correlation with the regression mechanism; the study participants with a cyclothymic character accentuation more often use the following types of defenses: regression, projection and displacement; unstable character accentuation has a high correlation with the mechanisms of regression, projection and displacement; the study participants with an exalted character accentuation are more likely to use the protective regression mechanism. The results of the study of the relationship of protective mechanisms and various character accentuations can be used in developing recommendations in the process of optimal adaptation of a person to various situations, and also for self-realization and maintaining psychological health. The received data can help specialists in the practice of psychological counseling, as well as in the development of correction and support programs for various categories of people. Keywords: defense mechanisms, character accentuation, personality | 1565 | |||||
67 | An attempt to define joke as a modern folklore genre and to provide the typology of this kind of the texts from the point of view of lingvodidactics is made in the article. The article reveals that didactic potential of a referent joke as an educational text consists in formation and development of cognitive activity, impact on the sphere of feelings and emotions, acquaintance with the norms of the language, speech enrichment, and hidden system of monitoring the adequacy of understanding. The comic miniature is refereed to the genre of a joke. Possibility to use comic miniature for teaching Russian as a foreign language with corresponding methodical processing, which consists in selection of text material and its lingvocultural analysis is considered. Keywords: methods of teaching foreign languages, didactic potential, educational texts, language picture of the world, joke, comic miniature | 1561 | |||||
68 | The article gives proof of the actual approaches to the physical development and education of children connected with the changes taking place in the preschool education. These changes are caused by the introduction of the federal state educational standard. Presents the brief characteristic of the selected approaches, reveals their importance in regard to the physical development of preschoolers. Properly organized physical education is extremely important for the full development of a growing child's body; therefore, specific approaches to the implementation of the process are required. These approaches, according to the author, are the activity, integrative, individual, personal, competence-based, axiological and optimization approaches. Integrated application of these approaches will effectively solve the problems of the physical development of preschool children determined by the federal state educational standard of preschool education, for example, health protection and promotion, formation of the bases of a healthy lifestyle, development of physical qualities and main types of movements of children. Keywords: federal state educational standard of preschool education, physical development, physical education of preschoolers, approach, standardization of education | 1561 | |||||
69 | The idea about the mission of modern university as a mechanism of development of that territory in which it is located is proved in the article. Since the university, especially the large one, is located, as a rule, in a megalopolis, its goal is to accumulate problems that arise in various areas of the city’s activity, conduct research to identify the primary sources of these problems and propose solutions for them. The author considers it necessary to create a multivector center (or centers) that study city problems based on a university the goal of which is to serve as a generator of innovative ideas at the request of the community. The country lacks a high-quality human capital, and the university acts as its blacksmith shop. We need reform the educational process to cope with a task to impart desire to be engaged in research work and to create skills of an entrepreneurship at youth. In this process the worthy place would be taken by horizontal communications of the student’s autonomous research teams working in various scientific directions in close connection with specific production and competing for intra higher school and extra higher school grant support. The main objectives of higher education institution as territory driver are specified in their connection with some methods of the process of knowledge acquisition, for example, team work on the concrete project urgent for innovative development of the city. The main directions of city development, which will be characteristic of all megalopolises are designated – in their course student’s researches will be demanded within the next ten years. The author of article claims that the intensive cooperation of all city structures and university will allow to raise considerably the quality level of a human capital, requirement for which is felt in all fields of economic and not economic activity. Keywords: economy of knowledge, missions of university, human capital, center of innovative technologies, educational process, city-forming enterprises | 1561 | |||||
70 | Pedagogical aspects of realization of physical training at elementary mass school are considered in the article. The certain approach at the organization of physical training promotes social orientation of younger schoolchildren. Today social orientation is an obligatory orientation of the pedagogical process. Keywords: younger schoolchildren, physical training, social orientation, socialization, Olympic education, paralympic education | 1558 | |||||
71 | The article contains an illustrative textbook material description introduced in the context of literary reading in Elementary School. Distinguishes the main types of illustrations, such as “opening a new chapter”, “accommodating a text”, “painters pictures production”, “photography”, their educational functions in terms of perception of the text, development of children’s speech and creation of the visual image. Analyzes the visual-communicative sources of an illustrative textbook material. First, it is based on the text itself and second, the illustrations including some tasks are developed in this textbook. According to the textual and extra textual material (context) the author points out different types of illustrations: such as essential (basic), background and “empty”. There is a conclusion of underdevelopment of special method of working with illustration distinguished in the textbook, which would allow making this method not only the visual support of the text but also an independent visual image as well as an introduction into the educational communication between the teacher and the pupils at the lesson of literary reading. Keywords: illustration, textbook, literary reading, communication, a literary text, learning task | 1558 | |||||
72 | The necessity of the special discipline “destruction psychology” for psychologists training is substantiated. The fundamental factors of the destruction psychology are given on the basis of the methodological analysis of the researches: the loss of the sense of life - existence vacuum; dominance of the motivation of the material consumption at the expense of the spiritual development and creativity. Keywords: methodology of destruction psychology, destruction factors, existence vacuum, noogenic neurosis, dominance of consumption relations, vandalism, devaluation of communicative relationship | 1554 | |||||
73 | The visualization ways of training were discussed in the context of improving teaching’s performance. These results were obtained on the methodology basis of information-synergistic approach, where the concept of memory-turn was offered. The article presents methodological results of the research project RFBR # 10-06-00313-a (“Attractive management: methodological principles of management to dynamics of complex systems”). Keywords: the perception, visual perception, visual information, visualization of training material, memory-turn | 1551 | |||||
74 | In the article the analysis of concept of spirituality from various points of view, including from secular viewpoint and religious cultures is presented, scientific approaches to research of this concept are described, some approaches to the solution of the problem of self-determination of the teacher in traditional cultural wealth are designated. Keywords: concept of spirituality, personal spirituality, senses of culture, self-determination of the teacher of traditional cultural wealth | 1546 | |||||
75 | The article discloses the approach to understanding the meaning of reading as metasubject skills, describes its operational structure, justifies its importance for education of pupils. Characterizes the types of reading that differ in the character of information extracted from the text and intended use: scanning, skimming, reading for detail comprehension. Presents the results of a study of formation of semantic reading of pupils with mental retardation by the analysis of possibilities to implement scanning, skimming, reading for detail comprehension. They are evaluated on the basis of pupils’ performance of the tasks, associated with varying degrees of completeness and accuracy of understanding textual information. Describes and analyzes the main types of errors, indicates their possible causation. Keywords: universal educational activity, semantic reading, types of reading, scanning, skimming, reading for detail comprehension | 1546 | |||||
76 | This research substantiates the importance of the communicative competence development of modern schoolchildren, analyzing factors complicating the solution of the issue; gives methodological grounds for the development of these competences by means of the case-study method as part of the elective course built in form of a communicative practical course. The methodological bases for the development of the communicative practical courses are as follows: the psychological and pedagogical personality theory, the teamwork concept, philosophical and cultural research papers on semiotics, hermeneutics, philological concepts (the theory of speech genres, text interpretation and text analysis, the speech act theory). Considering the potential of the contemporary educational system and the requirements to schoolchildren educational results, it is suggested to implement the method of real-life communication situations modeling in order to develop transdisciplinary and personal competences. By means of the case-study method schoolchildren develop their skills of selection and use of efficient communication strategies and techniques to reach particular goals. Keywords: FSES (Federal State Educational Standard), modern education, communicative competence, communicative practical course, elective courses, case-study method | 1542 | |||||
77 | This article considers the actual problem of education that is formation of digital competence of students in educational institutions. In modern conditions the designated research field initiates using new models and technologies in education on its various steps. The problems and prospects of using a digital portfolio as means of formation of students research competence are examined. The analysis of various approaches to the concept «digital portfolio» of the Russian and foreign pedagogies allowed to define the digital portfolio as ordered structured data of students. However, the consideration of a digital portfolio in research activity of students and studying of interrelation in pedagogical science is not sufficiently developed. The authors considered the propaedeutic aspect of this research phenomenon. The analysis of various approaches to the concept «digital portfolio» of the Russian and foreign pedagogies is carried out. It is noted that the digital portfolio as new means of representation of results of research activity essentially differs from an electronic portfolio of the student. It presents the purposes of formation of a student’s digital portfolio, its characteristics, levels and also various means by which students can present a digital portfolio. The use of digital portfolio technology in educational space is focused on activating of research activity, modeling of the individual research field and formation of the creative approach of the student to the process of formation and development of research competence of the student. Keywords: education, research work, competence, portfolio, digital technologies, digital portfolio | 1539 | |||||
78 | Burnout has a devastating impact on the individual, his or her professional responsibilities and the work of the entire organization. The complexity and ambiguity of this phenomenon is reflected in the diversity of researchers’ positions on the nature, structure, mechanisms of occurrence and much more. This complicates the development of a holistic theoretical Foundation for empirical research. One of the most pressing issues in the development of a single conceptual apparatus is the definition of “burnout”. The main objective of our article was to analyze the existing positions in foreign and domestic literature on the definition of “burnout”. The aim was to generalize the experience of Western and domestic authors to identify invariant features in the definition of the concept. The analysis identified the following essential features of the definition of “burnout”: complexity and multidimensionality; procedural; the presence of meaningful psychological characteristics that have a negative orientation; protective functionality; impact on all substructures of the human personality; formation under the influence of personal and situational factors; lack of psychopathological basis. The results allow us to summarize the experience of foreign and domestic researchers, which represents some progress in the understanding of the nature and structure of burnout. And can also be used to build theoretical models of burnout and further development of the conceptual apparatus. Keywords: burnout, the main signs of burnout, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, personal accomplishment, professional deformation | 1538 | |||||
79 | The article is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship, Tomsk State Pedagogical University (TSPU). The comprehensive analysis of the market quality of the human resources shows the urgent need to review the current approach to its regulation, the shift from passive detection of adverse factors in the formation of the integrated system to regulate the market for the development of the territory, the engagement of all stakeholders, targeted at improving the understanding and actions of all labour market subjects. The faculty of technology and business of TSPU offers an essentially new approach to the organization of vocational training of students, in which the basis integration of tripartite interaction initial and average vocational training – higher vocational training – manufacture as follows: the student – the worker – the bachelor – the master. Keywords: Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship: history and present, continuing professional education, graduate competitiveness, innovation | 1537 | |||||
80 | This article analyzes the problem of integration of student in-class and extracurricular independent work and literature on this subject as well as demonstrates some results of a baseline phase of an experiment conducted to reveal the factors which will lead to this integration. The cycling of in-class and extracurricular independent work is considered to be one of these factors. Keywords: integration, in-class independent work, extracurricular independent work, self-education | 1534 | |||||
81 | Based on the analysis of articles in regional scientific journals pedagogical activity is highlighted as a special subject of study of many authors. There were identified the following aspects as a subject of research interest of the authors: the influence of pedagogical activity on different types of activity of students, on professional success and emotional stability of the teacher, on the organization of research activity of students. In addition, many researchers are working on the model of the teacher and teaching activity. It is proved that the increase of attention to the change of pedagogical activity is associated with increase the of innovation component at all levels of education, as well as with such characteristics of modern education as productivity, humanism, interdisciplinarity, workability. In this connection pedagogical activity is understood as activity in establishment of educational relations between teacher and students. Hence, the change in this relationship is the main vector of the modern pedagogical research. Keywords: pedagogical activity, the study of pedagogical activity, the activity of students, emotional burnout, research activity, professional competence | 1534 | |||||
82 | The article deals with investigating the approaches to creating the conditions of children’s health preservation and promotion within the framework of preschool education. The interrelation between children’s physical, psychological and intellectual development has been proved. Keywords: school preparation, healthy way of life, physical activity, psychological climate | 1532 | |||||
83 | The subject of the author’s review in this article is the problems of typologisation of nontraditional forms of teaching contributing deep and comprehensive analysis of the competence-based approach which, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of general education, is determined as a key moment to the modern education system. Nontraditional (interactive) methods of teaching are defined as the most appropriate person-centered approach in teaching aimed at co-education and dialogue. The focus is on the specific interactive technologies, due to the factor that both a student and a teacher are the subjects of the educational process in this case. Interactive learning appeals to the own experience of students. On the basis of summarizing the available literature and my own pedagogical experience the most effective interactive technologies are identified and described. They are creative task, work in minor groups, role play, mini-lecture, project work, active warm-ups, POPS-formula (the student’s Position-Justification-Example-Result), training and modular forms of organization of the lesson. And, each interactive technology is directed at self-realization of pupils. The analysis of interactive forms of organization of educational process in the typological aspect allows to reveal their role, place and informative content deeper and comprehensively in the light of the competence-based approach. Keywords: interactive forms of learning, self-realization, competence-based approach, Federal State Educational Standard of general education | 1530 | |||||
84 | The article is dedicated to the issue of organization of supervision as a way of intrenching of a young specialist in the profession. According to the obtained results it is clearly seen that traditional supervision practice neither creates a subjective position of a specialist in his/her development nor “fixes” him/her at the position held. The concepts of open professionalism and joint activity are highlighted as the methodological basis of supervision. An activitysupport of a young specialist is presented as a variety of models (authoritarian, leadership, partnership) and types for a supervision co-organization (navigator, tutor, methodologist, doer, coach, and researcher). The author proves that nowadays one person cannot provide the productive supervision of a young specialist, who needs a qualified comprehensive assistance. A navigator helps in the educational innovations’ implementation, a tutor consults on the academic process organization, a methodologist advises on a lesson construction and a coach trains on the new method use. This activity support results in specialist’s possession of his/her professional development and promotes a young specialist to the following levels: compulsory, basic, advanced, professional. Finally, the author clarifies that supervision as an activity support of a young specialist‘s fixing means not only reproduction of the same functions but a real part in professional activity and professional development. Keywords: supervision support, joint activity, navigator, tutor, methodologist, professional development | 1530 | |||||
85 | Mass interest of schoolchildren in various technical novelties (tablets, smartphones, pocket digital players) that have become widely available, and as well as computer, that gives opportunity of unlimited access to the Network causes concern and have negative effect on the emotional and volitional, communicative and motivational spheres of teenagers’ identity. Cyberthreats of communicative character present real danger for teenagers – Internet users due to the growing social role of virtual communication. The most common threats include the use of confidential information for criminal purposes, anonymous threats, insults or blackmail during message exchange on forums, chats, in social networks, via e-mail and mobile devices (Cyber-Mobbing, trolling, flaming), creation and placement of videos with posts scenes of violence (Happy Slaping) on popular portals. Such actions may lead to serious mental problems in adolescents. The main critical directions of functioning of the Internet and their influence on a mental state, life and health of teenagers are defined. It is shown that in formation of deviant behavior of teenagers the Internet plays a significant role. The signs of a new type of non-chemical dependence – cyberaddiction, its consequences, the ways of prevention are described, the actions necessary for the fight against this dependence among teenagers are listed. The kinds of cyberactivity most of which will likely lead to formation of computer dependence are specified. Keywords: teenagers, computer dependence, cybersuicide, cyber-mobbing, violations of emotional and cognitive properties of the personality, functional violations of health | 1527 | |||||
86 | The article discusses the process of implementation of new Federal state educational standards in primary school. Analyses the peculiarities of the creation of the program of formation of universal educational activities in the framework of the concept of pedagogy of joint activities. Under this analysis a special emphasis is maid on the specificity of the concept interpretation of the formation of subjectivity in educational activities, development of processes of meaning-making, design, communication and their influence on the development of the program of formation of universal educational activities. The author comes to the conclusion that in the framework of joint activities of the proposed new standards typology of universal educational actions (UEA) can be accepted with certain reservations. If the concept substantiates the position that the development of subjectivity of the individual student directly depends on the development of collective subjectivity, then it is reasonable for the ability of design and communication, as well as the capacity for meaningmaking, to be classified as personal UEA. Keywords: educational standards in primary schools, universal educational actions, pedagogy of the joint activity | 1521 | |||||
87 | The article considers the problem of improving the quality of foreign language education in higher education from the point of communicative competence approach. That problem requires more effective linguo-didactic tools and can be solved efficiently if the curriculum for the discipline «Foreign Language» contains a component aimed at the formation of highlevel discourse foreign language competence. This innovative component without disturbing educational process can be naturally integrated in the complex tasks of formation of communicative foreign language competence of non-linguist students. Keywords: communicative competence approach, discourse system characteristics, rules of discourse, discursive foreign language competence | 1520 | |||||
88 | The article deals with possibilities of the web quest educational technology for the development of foreign language communicative competence of undergraduate students. The author defines foreign language communicative competence as the ability and willingness of the student to act as the secondary language personality in various situations, i.e. to participate in intercultural communication. Foreign language communicative competence includes a set of components. The Russian version includes such components as: language, speech, socio-cultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive competence. In its turn, the all-European variant consists of such components as: linguistic competence, sociolinguistic competence, socio-cultural competence, discursive competence, strategic competence and social competence. Educational Web Quest is a website on the Internet, with which students work, performing this or that educational task. Such web quests are being developed for maximum integration of the Internet into various academic disciplines at different levels of learning in the learning process. They cover a particular problem, academic discipline, topic, and can be interdisciplinary. There are two types of web quests: for short-term and long-term work. A feature of educational web quests is that some or all of the information for independent or group work of trainees with it is on various websites. Effective use of web quests in the process of teaching foreign languages is possible when the web quest is a creative task that completes the study of a topic and is accompanied by training lexical and grammatical exercises based on the language material used in the web-quest of authentic resources. The step-by-step work with the web quests presented in the article made it possible to state the success of using this educational technology for the development of the bachelor’s communicative competence in another language. Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, components of foreign language communicative competence, web-quest, web-quest educational technology, philological training of bachelors | 1519 | |||||
89 | New technologies actively invade not only the lives of adults, but also the lives of adolescents. The Internet for teenagers today is a free space for opportunities to achieve their goals and meet various needs. At the same time, the Internet can carry a danger to the physical and mental health of schoolchildren, and even for their lives. Currently, the scientific community is actively discussing a new psychological phenomenon cyberaddiction (synonyms: Internet addiction, computer addiction). The article examines the relationship between Internet addiction and cognitive personality. In this study, the phenomenon of cyberaddiction (computer dependence) in schoolchildren was studied, the relationship between this type of addiction and the cognitive characteristics of the adolescent personality was determined, and recommendations for preventing this type of dependence were developed. Based on the use of a set of techniques, including a test for cyberaddiction of T. A. Nikitina, A. Yu. Egorova and the proof-of-concept test of Toulouse-Pieron, quantitative results were obtained to reveal the relationship between the level of cyberaddiction and cognitive properties (concentration of attention, speed of processing information) of adolescents. The study showed that adolescents with a predisposition to Internet addiction are characterized by a slowing down of the processing speed of information and a violation of memory functions in comparison with a group in which there is no computer dependence. Keywords: adolescents, cyberaddiction, computer addiction, cognitive properties, quality of voluntary attention, concentration of attention, speed of information processing | 1512 | |||||
90 | Childhood saving is a key idea of the pedagogical conception of the development of preschool education designed by the author, a strategic vector that determines the new quality of education in the interests of childhood. The article shows that the growing challenges of globalization, informatization, the alarming tendencies of the development of modern civilization with its environmental problems, high socio-cultural dynamics, economic crises, the aggravation of interethnic conflicts, migration processes, terrorist threat, extremism and other factors threatening modern childhood, determine the need to create conditions for childhood saving in education. Childhood is seen in the article as a self-valuable phenomenon that has undergone significant transformations in recent decades. The notion of “childhood saving” is introduced into the scientific revolution, becomes the system-forming core of the paradigm of preschool education and the pedagogical means of implementing the priorities of state policy in the interests of children. The article outlines theoretical approaches to the design of a childood saving model of preschool education, reveals some principles for its implementation. The essence of pedagogical activity is seen in the creation of conditions for the preservation of childhood, the actualization of the subjectivity of the child in the course of a safe, developing, socializing life activity in a pre-school educational organization. The pedagogical concept of childhood saving was formed during the author’s many years of activity in the field of pre-school education, design and implementation of the federal state standard of pre-school education, development and approbation of its scientific and methodological support at the experimental sites of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution “Institute for the Study of Childhood, Family and Education of the Russian Academy of Education” in more than 35 regions of the Russian Federation, monitoring studies, judgments on scientific and practical activities for specialists in the field of preschool education Keywords: childhood, education, a decade of childhood, childhood saving, preschool education | 1508 | |||||
91 | The article is devoted to the educational work of the Smolensk teacher, the founder of the school for the country children in the village of Tatevo in Smolensk Province, the author of the collection of articles “Country School”, S. A. Rachinskiy (1833–1902). The attention is paid to the questions of the organization of the educational work in the school of Tatevo and the problems of creating a temperance society in Tatevo Place. Keywords: the pedagogical environment of the school, the school of Tatevo, religious and moral education | 1507 | |||||
92 | This article is devoted to a generalized description and comparison of the development of pedagogical education in China and Russia. The main stages of the development of pedagogical education in China include: the birth and formation at the end of the Qing dynasty (1897−1911); development and streamlining in the period of the Republic of China (1912−1948); restructuring and transformation after the creation of the People’s Republic of China (1949 − to the present). The main stages of the development of pedagogical education in Russia include: the birth and formation in the period of Tsarist Russia (1779−1917); development and normalization in the period of the USSR (1918−1991); transformation and modernization in the period of the Russian Federation (1991 − up to the present). The difference in the specifics of the development of pedagogical education of two countries is seen at the stage of the state of origin, the fundamentals of development. The history of the development of pedagogical education in Russia is longer than in China. Its foundation was greatly influenced by religious foundations. Chin ese pedagogical education was created on the basis of the political goal of the state, although it was based on the ideas of Confucianism. The formation and development of Russian pedagogical education was due to the internal needs of the state, social demand. Chinese pedagogical education originated in the context of the national crisis, it was a necessary measure to preserve the integrity, strengthen the country. The policy has had a greater influence on the reform of pedagogical education in China than the development of pedagogical science. In the pedagogical education of Russia, the achievements of peda gogical science were more taken into account. Similarities are more evident at the level of contemporary tendencies in the development of pedagogical education, such as universitization, continuity, and openness. Keywords: professional pedagogical education, stages of development of pedagogical education, pedagogical education in Russia, pedagogical education in China | 1507 | |||||
93 | This article analyzes the scientific contribution of famous domestic scientist, teacher and organizer of psychological science, the first Rector of the Irkutsk State University Moses Matveyevich Rubinstein (1878–1953). Organizational, economic and academic activities M. M. Rubinstein at the post of Rector and head of the Department of philosophy and psychology of the Irkutsk State University was held in extremely difficult conditions of the Civil war. Giving a lot of time and effort, organization of educational process at the University, M. M. Rubinstein never left his studies science, psychology and pedagogy. It is shown that a century later incorporated M. M. Rubinstein academic tradition worthy of continuing faculty profile departments and faculties of psychology Siberian universities. Today in the region has developed organizational macrostructure psychological centers, academic units, services and organizations, allowing a successful educational, practical and research work in the field of psychological science. Keywords: history of psychology, pedology, Moses M. Rubinstein, psycho-pedagogical education, educational psychology, Eastern Siberia, Irkutsk State University | 1502 | |||||
94 | The meta-subject approach was introduced into the system of primary general education in 2010. However, until now there is no officially accepted definition of the term “metasubject content”. The purpose of this study was to reveal the essence and content of the metasubject approach, aimed at ensuring the raise of the subjective cognitive activity of students to the over-subject level. For this aim the author of the article studied the positions of leading scientific schools on the meta-subject content of general education, meta-subject competences and the meta-subject approach as a whole, made a content analysis of the key concepts, correlated the positions of representatives of leading scientific schools on a meta-subject approach with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and formulated own position on system-forming concepts. The meta-subject content of general education is a totality of over-subject didactic units (“meta-subjects”, “primary meanings”), as well as methods of conducting meta-subject cognitive activity. Meta-subject results consist of metasubject knowledge, universal learning activities and meta-subject competencies. Meta-subject knowledge refers to knowledge of a higher level of abstraction compared to subject knowledge related to one subject area. Meta-subject knowledge can be obtained only through a combination of knowledge from several subject areas. The author formulated his own definition of meta-subject competencies: meta-subject competencies are the learner’s integrative abilities to learn meta-subject knowledge based on correlation of knowledge from several subject areas, as well as to form universal educational actions based on a combination of different methods of conducting meta-subject cognitive activity from several areas (cognitive, regulatory, communicative). Keywords: meta-subject approach, principle of combination, meta-subject content, meta-subject results, meta-subject competencies | 1500 | |||||
95 | The article is the result of theoretical and experimental study of content of the concepts “intrapersonal conflict” and “psychological factors”. It regards psychological causes, characteristics and uniqueness of interpersonal conflicts of the post-graduate students whose field of study is “pedagogical education”. The article reveals the psychological factors causing intrapersonal conflict and impact of trainings on its distinct manifestation and correction, as well as the interconnection of intrapersonal conflict with aggression, character accentuations and protective mechanisms of the post-graduate students whose field of study is “pedagogical education”. The study clarified the content of the concept of psychological factors of intrapersonal conflict and studied the content and characteristics of such psychological factors as aggression, character accentuation and defense mechanisms. In the process of research has been formed and tested the psychodiagnostic complex for studying psychological factors of intrapersonal conflict among the post-graduate students who study in the field of training “pedagogical education”; the complex, allowing to perform the diagnosis of personality, to offer recommendations to respondents for their further personal self-realization in professional activities. The training work aimed at correcting the distinct manifestation and the content of intrapersonal conflict is the best means of adequate and effective forms of psychological support of the individual, as well as one of the forms of educational activity of the post-graduate students of the Pedagogical University, in the process of which the pedagogical competence of the specialists whose field of study is “pedagogical education” are formed. The results of the study can be the basis of scientific and methodical recommendations on perfection of the process of education and professional development for the post-graduate students of pedagogical specialities and on the optimal adaptation of personality of the students of higher school to the professional activity. Keywords: intrapersonal conflict, aggression, accentuation of character, defense mechanisms, psychological factors | 1499 | |||||
96 | Russian teaching in China has a centuries-old history. It has been deeply influenced by different teaching schools in Russia, Europe and America, among which grammar-translation method, conscious-comparative method, and conscious-practice method exert the deepest influence on Russian teaching in China. On the basis of introducing and absorbing advanced foreign language teaching modes abroad, China has combined the modes with Russian teaching situation in China to form a Russian teaching methodology research system with Chinese characteristics. Keywords: Russian teaching methodology, teaching methods, stages of development of teaching methodology | 1497 | |||||
97 | The article deals with the problem of self-destructive behavior of older adolescents. A comprehensive study of this issue adequately meets the urgent needs of a wide audience of educators and psychologists, as well as the social demand of society. The results of our own research are presented. The analysis of the motive in the process of self-determination in the senior adolescence and the problem of the character of the adolescent as a combined effect of two factors that take part in its formation – socio-psychological and biological – are given. Gender bias in the process of self-determination and the choice of a self-destructive lifestyle is associated not only with biological characteristics, but also with social, cultural stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. These stereotypes are assimilated in the process of interiorization of norms or role expectations, the laws and specificity of development of both sexes, their social status, peculiarities of manifestation of the characteristic types of masculinity and femininity, caused by the influence of social factors and the level of development of society. “Normal” to deviant does not occur suddenly or abruptly. These changes have their dynamics, oscillations, deceleration and acceleration. On the part of adult participants in the educational process, attention and observation, tactfulness, exactingness and systematic control are necessary. It is impossible to allow to strengthen negative reactions in the youth environment. Psycho-corrective work should be carried out as early as possible, because a teenager is easily influenced and it is easier in such cases to activate his internal forces to overcome addiction. Keywords: self-destructive behavior, self-determination, older adolescents, motivation, social environment | 1495 | |||||
98 | The paper identified and summarized the experience in designing training courses in electrical engineering disciplines in technical institutions of secondary vocational education and technologies of their implementation, taking into account the level and profile of training under the new standards. It was found that the design of the course within a modular competency approach, carried out in accordance with the requirements of the GEF, is accompanied by a number of difficulties: defining the purpose of the course and individual lessons associated with the formation of competencies; informative content modules in professional – an aspect of activity, implementation of all kinds of interdisciplinary connections (preliminary, related, subsequent), strengthening of practical orientation (development of professional qualities of the future specialist). Keywords: instructional design, pedagogical design stages, standards of the third generation in the system of secondary vocational education, experience in designing of electrical disciplines, working programs, learning environment | 1494 | |||||
99 | This article offers the author's approach to the problem of the formation of deviant behavior in adolescents, it is considered as a set of unfavorable pedagogical conditions that exhibit a certain dependence on family education. In the proposed analysis of empirical data were used materials of interviews of all surveyed students and their parents, as well as the results of the questionnaire survey and testing. Presents the results of the results of the interview of parents. Marked multifactorial pedagogical problems in most of the families sur veyed: frequent family conflicts, scandals, cold relations between spouses, divorce, etc. The author of the article noted the discrepancy between the assessment of the nature of relationships in the family by the parents and children. The author of the analysis of the resulting material proved that there are stabilizing and destabilizing factors of family relationships: the stabilizing factors may include mature father's age, education level of parents, especially mothers, partnerships with the child, the level of acceptance, lack of emotional distance between family members; destabilizing factors include young age of the mother, her mental and social immaturity, an indifferent attitude to the problems of her husband's family, emotional distance between spouses and parents with children, increased control over the child and autho ritarianism in the relationship with him, the parents’ rejection of the child. The psychoemotional state and mental health of family members is defined as, harmony/disharmony of family relations. The more family stabilizing pedagogical factors a family has, the higher is the level of mental health of children. The paper substantiates the adequacy of integrated programs of pedagogical analysis, diagnostics and prevention, which will substantially optimize pedagogical correction, rehabilitation activities and improve their effectiveness. Keywords: adolescent deviant behavior, family environment, pedagogical conditions, micro-social-environmental factors | 1490 | |||||
100 | This article analyzes the relationship between concept “value attitude” and other main categories of the pedagogical axiology such as, “value orientation”, “prescription”, “professional focus”. The closest concepts are “value attitude” and “value orientation”, but they must be differentiated. It is shown that the value attitude is the basis and the product of the value orientation process. Based on the theory of value orientation of personality, worked out by A. V. Kir’yakova, were identified such mechanisms of formation of the value attitude as search, evaluation, selection and projection of values. Author touches on the point of the inclusion of the category of “value attitude” in the value structure of the individual. Keywords: pedagogical axiology, value attitude, value orientation, prescription, professional focus | 1486 |