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1 | During the study of scientific and theoretical literature, various approaches to understanding the problem of forming a civil position at the present stage are described, with an indication of scientists studying this field of knowledge. Emphasis is placed on the last decade in the study of the problem. The following types of positions in the field of psychology and pedagogy are distinguished: life, social, internal. Objective and subjective factors under which the civil position of the individual is formed are explained. On this basis, the components that are most often identified by scientists in the process of studying and generalizing the civil position of the individual, which contribute to its formation, are given, such as cognitive, motivational-value, activity. Two approaches to the interpretation of the definition of «civil position» stand out: the first – reveals the essence of civil position and characterizes it as an integrative system of personal attitudes towards the State, law, civil society, itself as a citizen, defining orientation for the public good and realized in socially significant activities; the second – moral-value, moral, activity, social relations. As a result, the definition of «civil position» has been clarified. The civil position is a system of positive values of the individual on the state, the law, civil society, on himself as an active citizen, carrying out socially significant activities oriented for the public good. Keywords: civil position, civic consciousness, active citizenship, civic education, social position, life position, internal position, cognitive component, motivational and value component, activity component, citizen | 8450 | |||||
2 | The article describes various aspects of the systematic structural approach as a methodological basis for personality-oriented psychological research. Presents general background of the theory of systems, describes B. F. Lomov’s systematic approach, M. S. Rogovin’s systematic and structural approach and G. W. Zalewskiy’s systematic personality-oriented approach. The use of the systematic methods allows us to solve the tasks of systematics, planning and organization of a comprehensive research. The systematic approach is applicable only to objects that are characterized by a high degree of functional detachmennt. The aim of the systematic approach is to build theoretical basis, to organize and conduct empirical research, to obtain conclusions containing new knowledge. In psychology, the systematic approach is applied to the study of individual objects and its elements, set of objects, complex, polysemic phenomena, such as: superior mental functions, structure of the personality, the phenomena of intra- and interpersonal conflicts, mutual interference of systems “personality” – “society”, interaction between systems “organism” – “psyche” – “environment”, family relationships, reproductive behavior and maternal function, evaluation of somatic and mental health. Principle of consistency allows us to analyze each structural element of the psyche in relation to its holistic functioning. Based on the comparison and data analysis the following conclusions were made. The organization of the scientific research and psychological practice based on the principles of the systematic approach allows us to explore some aspects of mentality to the fullest extent possible, to compare data of empirical researches, to integrate them into one single gnoseological system, to understand the phenomenology of mental processes, to view interaction of mentality and of the world around us. Unlike individual approach systematic personality-oriented approach to the research and psychological correction involves compulsory reliance on personality structure: (nucleus, surface structure (shell), biological basis), taking into account personality orientation, the indication of the prospects of its further development. Keywords: science methodology, psychology, approach, system, structure, level, element, personality, research | 3766 | |||||
3 | The article is devoted to the study of the social and psychological characteristics of children of senior preschool age with speech disorders, which can further determine the direction of remedialdevelopmental activities. On the example of preschool children with general and phoneticphonematic deficiency of speech, the specifics of relations in the family are shown, the need and the main motive in communicating with peers and parents are assessed, and behavioral problems that children demonstrate in group interaction are revealed. The study found that children with speech pathology have low need for communication with peers, group interaction is built on the basis of game motivation, and aggressiveness, egocentricity, conflicts and negativism are often shown. Children with speech disorders in comparison with children, who have normal speech development, demonstrate rejection of themselves and remoteness from both parents. They point out the low own significance in the family, attach great importance to people who are not part of the family. For children with speech disorders, the ambiguity and «blurriness» of moral representations, the uncertainty of moral emotions and feelings, the instability of relations, the «blurriness» of moral motivation are inherent. In decision-making they are often guided by selfish desires, rarely opting for the other. The indicated positions attest to the low level of adoption of moral principles in children with speech pathology. Keywords: children, children of senior preschool age, speech disorders, interpersonal relationships, behavioral problems | 3664 | |||||
4 | The article describes Z. Freud’s concept, who proposed the structural theory of personality. According to the concepts of Freudism and classical psychoanalysis, a personality is a collisional unity of three intersubjective fields: «it-ego», «ego», «super-ego». The content and relationships of them explain the unique character of personality. Z. Freud’s perception of dual (social-biological) and in consequence argumentative psyche subjectivity characterizes psychological mechanisms of intrapersonal conflicts and shows their dynamical characteristics. This article was prepared on the basis of the analysis of a large number of works of Z. Freud’s (as written in the original language, and translated into Russian). The article is of interest to professionals with an interest in classical psychoanalysis. Keywords: psychology, methodology, system, structure, personality, intrapersonal conflict, Freudism, classical psychoanalysis | 3219 | |||||
5 | The article contains the description and the visual representation of the ideal object – the structure of the human psyche which is considered in the context of systematic studies. The disciplinary levels of study of the phenomenon of the human psyche are described in the article. The scientific concepts of special epistemological value are shown in it. The author’s graphic images (schemes) are presented in the article, they illustrate the structure of the human psyche in the context of systematic studies. The ideal structure of the psyche consists of three subsystems: consciousness, personality and cognitive sphere; the material structure of the psyche includes a biological basis. The general system functions of the psyche and the functions of its individual elements are described. The article`s materials complement the existing scientific ideas about the psyche and its structure. The comparison and the analysis of the material of that research allowed to draw conclusions: the human psyche is similar to a system consisting of an ideal structure (consciousness, personality, cognitive organization) and material (biological basis). The human brain and the psyche are connected like the net and the hypernetwork. The human psyche performs cognitive, relative, regulatory, adaptive functions. The standard process of ontogenesis is accompanied by the development and complication of the psyche. The functioning of structures of the psyche determinates the origin of the system time phenomenon. Keywords: psychology, mental life, consciousness, personality, cognitive organization, functions, system, structure, element | 3184 | |||||
6 | This article focuses on psychosocial mechanisms of relations between person and society, formulated on the basis of the systemic structural-level concept of the psyche by B. F. Lomov, M. S. Rogovin and G. V. Zalevsky. The study of personality in the context of the systemic structural-level concept of the psyche can not be called comprehensive without the characteristic of the interaction of the “personality” and “society” systems. The article gives definitions of the term “society” given by foreign and local researchers. Based on the comparison and analysis of the definitions of the concept of «society» in science, the author’s view of the problem is proposed. In the context of the systemic structural-level conception of the psyche, society is a system that has developed in the course of historical development and is characterized by an internal hierarchy (intra-individual, interindividual, metaindividual levels) reflecting the main spheres of social life (kinship, spiritual, economic, social, political, managerial spheres). The functioning of the personality in the social environment, the structure of the society, the specific features of society, the influence of society on the formation and development of the personality, the integration of individuals into society are characterized. As a result of the analysis of literary sources, the author’s graphic images (diagrams) illustrating the structure of the society in the context of systemic studies and the integration of individuals into the society are elaborated. The materials of the article supplement the existing theoretical ideas about the personality and its integration into the micro- and macro-community systems. Keywords: psychology, sociology, personality, society, methodology, system, structure, element, level | 2914 | |||||
7 | This article reveals the content of the term «deviant motherhood» and indicates different degrees of severity of a mother’s behavioral disorder. There are four basic modes of the functioning of the system «mother – child», that reflect main ways of practical realization of motherhood: normative and conditionally normative motherhood, disturbances in mother-child relationship, deviant motherhood (antisocial form), deviant motherhood (protosociological form). The author’s system of diagnostic criteria and assessment of mother-child relationships are given. The article also provides author’s graphic images that illustrate the variability of the motherhood and basic variants of its practical implementation. The article complements existing gnoseological ideas about the problem of determination of norms and deviations in psychological studies of motherhood. Based on the conducted research the following conclusions were made: Modifications of motherhood are qualitatively different: normative motherhood, conditional-normative motherhood, impaired parentchild relationships, and deviant motherhood. The violation of mother-child relationship and deviant motherhood are presented by antisocial and protosociological forms. Weakly expressed digression in the behavioral responses of a woman is presented by a variety of violations of mother-child relationship. Obvious deviations from the optimum operation of the system «mother – child» are considered as deviations. Family and mother-child relationships represent a polyaspectual phenomenon, that is difficult for formal assessment. However, there’s a general possibility of a qualitative analysis of mother-child relationships, their correspondence to the norm or pathology. The proposed system of criteria takes into account the variety of forms of mother-child relationships, which vary widely from the norm to deviance. A system of criteria for evaluation of the implementation of maternal functions is relevant to psychological science and practice, it makes a significant contribution to the solution of priority tasks of a society and a state. The factors determining the formation of disorders of mother-child relationship, deviant forms of maternal behavior, voluntary childlessness are the contradictions in the structure of a society, identity, reproductive function and the tendency to aspiration of the indicators of psychological readiness of a woman to the realization of the social role of maternal functions in the area of the minimum values. Women with impaired mother-child relationships, and deviant forms of maternal behavior, are characterized by the presence of signs of psychological and social distress. Keywords: methodology of science, psychology, approach, system, personality, research, maternity, mother, child, relationship, assessment, rate, aberration, deviation | 2838 | |||||
8 | The article considers the problem of social anxiety of university students in the aspect of its connection with psychological defense mechanisms, which help to maintain homeostasis. The independent empirical research data, covering a comprehensive program of social and psychological assistance for students who are socially maladjusted, is presented. The findings suggest that in critical situations student’s brain creates not only less mature defense reactions, such as repression and regression, but also more mature mechanisms, as projection and compensation, using both levels of “perceptual defense” with the removing of information from the consciousness, and the level of information restructuring. The mechanism of protection depends on many factors, primarily on the individual structure, as well as the level of education, social status, age and gender, this field requires further study. In some situations high stress, crisis factors, mental disorder, pharmacological deviation can determine the specificity of the use of psychological defense mechanisms. Keywords: social anxiety, social phobia, psychological defense, students | 2648 | |||||
9 | The article considers the problem of parent-child relationships in families with disabled children suffering from cerebral palsy. It is known that the family, having a high rehabilitative potential, can contribute to the effective socio-cultural integration of this category of children. Particular emphasis is placed on personal features of mothers with sick children. The relation of individual personality traits with the specifics of family relationships is determined. It is revealed that the more extroversion of his mother is expressed, the less attention, effort, time it pays the education of the child, which is indicative of a predisposition to the formation of deviant forms of maternal behavior. A less extraverted mother expresses undeveloped parental feelings, rarely manifests educational confrontation. Maternal extraversion leads to excessive demands in the field of education and causes concern in the relationship with the child. The study showed that maternal personality traits determine the specificity of the parentchild relationship that must be considered in psycho-pedagogical support of the families raising disabled children with cerebral palsy. Only with this approach it is possible at an early stage to correct the state of the mother, and build constructive parent-child relationships for the harmonious development of the child’s problem. These results complement the ones already available in literature, moreover, they can be used by specialists for the activities aimed at the provision of psychological, social, pedagogical support for mothers with disabled children with cerebral palsy. Keywords: personality, family, parent-child relationships, mother, disabled child, cerebral palsy (CP) | 2644 | |||||
10 | The paper generalized the experience of the study of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) with the positions of the different approaches. Currently, autism is treated as a complex disorder of psychological development, characterized by severe and comprehensive deficit of social interaction and communication, restricted interests and repetitive actions. Unfortunately, to date etiological concept of autism spectrum disorders can not be considered complete. One of the leading risk factors for autism take ideas about family history, although genetic predisposition picture autistic extremely diverse and not fully defined. Taking into account the degree of prevalence and heterogeneity of ASD disorders around the world, at the present stage of the study of this pathological condition becomes important the interdisciplinary approach, that will ensure more effective medical, psychological and pedagogical support of the child. It is important to understand that today the problem of the ASD is not just a problem of psychiatrists, and other professionals, such as biologists, psychologists, educators and rehabilitators and even philosophers. Keywords: autism spectrum disorder, mental development, dizontogeneza, nterdisciplinary approach | 2603 | |||||
11 | Interpersonal relations are a prerequisite that determines the development of not only individual mental processes, but also the personality as a whole. There are a number of works that show the deformation of interpersonal relationships in adolescents with different types of dysontogenesis, including with mental retardation. This article presents the results of a study of the interpersonal relationships of adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment. The results of the study made it possible to ascertain the presence of both general and specific features of interpersonal relationships in adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment, and their peers with uncomplicated mental retardation. In the examined groups, only a third of adolescents consider the father and mother as a parental couple, while there is a high significance of the relationship with the mother and refusal to communicate with the father. For adolescents of both groups are characteristic: weak involvement in interaction with peers; the presence of a sensually deficient or sensually excessive type of interaction with a predominance of the sensually deficient type; indecision in decision making, the desire to shift responsibility to others; lack of a tendency to domination; frequent conflicts with peers and the inability to constructively resolve them. In addition, adolescents of the studied groups often show reactions to frustration of the activeaggressive or passive-suffering type, and in adolescents with uncomplicated mental retardation, the reactions of the active-aggressive type dominate, and in adolescents with mental retardation complicated by visual impairment, the reactions of passive-passive type. It is noteworthy that adolescents with mental retardation, complicated by visual impairment, are prone to isolation from their peers, show greater attachment to home and their family. Keywords: interpersonal relationships, adolescence, mental retardation, visual impairment | 2599 | |||||
12 | The present study examines the characteristics of interpersonal communication of adolescents with mental retardation. The study found that it is difficult for adolescents with mental retardation to establish contact. In the pupils’ group they occupy lower status positions – “unpopular” and “outcast”. Teens with normal mental development do not accept their peers with mental retardation in their social circle. Most adolescents with mental retardation, as well as young people with normal mental development, have a normal level of aggressiveness. The level of hostility of adolescents with mental retardation is higher compared with their peers who have normal mental development. Adolescents with normal development, and mental retardation, have problems associated with the attitude to their father, the future and unrealized possibilities. The share of adolescents with these problems is 5–10 %. Among adolescents with mental retardation this figure is slightly higher. The results of the study suggest that adolescents with mental retardation have the peculiarities of interpersonal communication, which make their stay in pupils group difficult. Psychologists and teachers need to know the specifics of interpersonal communication of adolescent with mental retardation to provide the most comfortable and safe educational environment. Keywords: interpersonal communication, socialization, adolescents, delayed mental development | 2543 | |||||
13 | The problem of bullying is of particular significance in the Russian science and practice. But psychologists began to work on the development in the early 21st century. The problem of bullying becomes more relevant in the teenage environment every day. In modern society, teenagers have forgotten how to use communicative techniques. They have ceased to defend their point of view in a socially acceptable way. Cases of cruel treatment of peers became more frequent. Bullying is one of the reasons of personal destruction, depression and suicide attempts. Vygotsky said that adolescence is considered critical age for the formation of a differentiated self-esteem, development of social roles, development of moral principles and the regulation of normative behavior. Based on it, any kind of violence will leave its mark on the future life of the student. Violations that occur after violence affect all levels of human functioning. They lead to persistent personality changes that hinder the child’s ability to realize themselves in the future. This article considers the theoretical aspect of the problem of teenage bullying, analyzes different approaches to the definition of “bullying” and presents Russian definition of “school violence”. The article describes and analyzes psychological peculiarities of adolescent bullying in an educational environment. The research was based on theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature. Keywords: aggressor, bulling, victim, educational surrounding, teenage age | 2500 | |||||
14 | The article is devoted to the social and communicative development of children of preschool age according to basic provisions of the new Federal State educational standard of preschool education. Relevance of communicative development of preschool children, as a condition of full mental development of the child is proved. On the basis of the analysis and generalization of psychological and pedagogical and methodical literature on the subject of research the author offered levels of social and communicative development of children of preschool age, as well as the parameters and techniques for the research of the level of social and communicative development of preschool children. Keywords: development, children of preschool age, level of social and communicative development, diagnostics | 2477 | |||||
15 | The article analyzes the results of an empirical study aimed at studying the time perspective of parents raising children with mental retardation. In the course of the study, three types of temporal perspectives were revealed in this category of parents – one harmonious and two deformed ones, and more often deformed types of temporal perspectives were encountered. With a harmonious type of temporal perspective, a balanced combination of orientations towards a positive past, a hedonic present, and a future was observed. The deformed time perspective of type 1 was characterized by a combination of a fatalistic present, a negative past and a low orientation to the future. A deformed time perspective of type 2 combined a negative past, a hedonic present, and a low orientation toward the future. All parents with a harmonious type of time perspective, performing T. Cottle’s graphic test, showed a temporary connection between the past, present and future. For parents with a deformed time perspective of type 1 or 2, in this test, the time zones were either autonomous or interconnected. It is important to note that most of the parents with a harmonious type of time perspective were between the ages of 40 and 45, have a higher education, medium or high material wealth, and high educational potential. Summarizing the results of the study, we can say that the difficult life situation associated with the presence of a child with mental retardation in the family, in most cases leads to temporary disintegration of parents. Keywords: temporal perspective, temporal orientation, mental retardation, families raising children with mental retardation | 2391 | |||||
16 | The main scientific and educational publications of the famous methodist Irina Alekseevna Gruzinskaya were published in the 30s XX century, and, based on the existing phasing of the development of domestic methods of foreign language teaching, they can be attributed to the early Soviet period of development of this science. The book of I. A. Gruzinskaya Methods of Teaching English in Secondary School (the first edition dates back to 1933) is a vivid reflection of the mentioned period. In spite of the fact that the book was repeatedly highly appreciated by domestic scientists who turned to the history of the methods of foreign language teaching (B. F. Korndorf, A. A. Mirolyubov, A. N. Shchukin, etc.), in this article it receives a comprehensive, detailed analysis. First of all, the article identifies the main features of foreign language education and methods of foreign language teaching in the USSR in the 30s of the XX century. It summarizes the contribution of I. A. Gruzinskaya in the development of domestic methods of foreign language teaching. Further, the methodical terminology used in the book is analyzed; the priority of the goals and methods of foreign languages teaching formulated in it, the manifestations of a certain ideological orientation of foreign language education in a given historical period are identified; the influence of foreign methods on domestic methods of teaching foreign languages is distinguished. The results of the study can be used in methodical training of foreign language teachers. Keywords: methods of teaching, foreign language, history of teaching methods, Soviet stage of development of methods of foreign languages teaching, teaching manual | 2304 | |||||
17 | The paper is devoted to the study of childhood in the national and international social and humanitarian tradition, in particular the rationale of the world of childhood as an autonomous, self-sufficient reality of having their originality in the context of adult culture, held in the framework of psychological and educational research. It analyzes the problems that rose in recent studies related to the phenomenon of childhood. Keywords: childhood, child and adult, child and culture, child and education, the intrinsic value of childhood | 2082 | |||||
18 | The article describes the conditions for the psychological-pedagogical accompanying of the didactic game of preschool children, which can be taken into account by educators of pre-school educational organizations. The concept of «didactic game» is a game specially created by the teacher for the purpose of education and training of children. Identified the types of didactic games: content (mathematical, speech, musical, natural history, to get acquainted with others), cognitive interest (intellectual, emotional, regulatory, creative, social), in the form of didactic material (games with objects and toys, printed games, verbal), by the nature of gaming action (games-travel; gamesassumptions; games-errands; games-puzzles; games-conversations). Describes the major structural components of the didactic game: didactic games and tasks, actions, rules, result, didactic material, as well as additional, optional, the story and the role. The basic stages of didactic game are: preparation for carrying out, carrying out and the analysis of game. The structure of the construct of didactic game is presented, which includes: formulation of the goals of the game (didactic and game), description of game actions, rules and result of the game. Thus, to the conditions of psychological and pedagogical support of preschoolers’ didactic game, we relate, firstly, understanding the specifics of the structural components of the didactic game, such as: didactic and game tasks, game actions, rules, result, didactic material, plot and role; secondly, the ability to design (i.e. create a design of a didactic game, which includes: formulation of the goal of the game (didactic and game), description of the game action, rules and the result of the game); and organize didactic games: content, according to the cognitive interest, by the type of didactic material, by the nature of game actions, thirdly, analyzing the conducted didactic game. Keywords: didactic game, didactic task, game problem, didactic material, game actions, game rules, types of didactic games, construct of didactic game | 2021 | |||||
19 | The article deals with exercises on the basis of intersubjective connections aimed to form the lexical skills of professional speaking, namely the types of exercises for the active learning the vocabulary within the thematic section. Keywords: language exercises, conditional-speech exercises, speech exercises, lexical item, intersubjective texts, lexical skills, professional speaking, intersubjective connections | 2001 | |||||
20 | Success is considered as an integrative attribute of personality, consisting of many cognitive and non-cognitive components. An important component of the educational success of pupils is spatial thinking. A comprehensive approach to the study of spatial reasoning through its components namely: spatial-verbal, graphomotor, structural-spatial, etc. was suggested. The findings confirm that spatial reasoning plays a significant role in the success of training not only for classes in mathematics, but also natural science and humanities. It was proved that the importance of spatial reasoning in the educational success of school pupils is the highest in the early school years and gradually declines to secondary school age. Educational success of pupils of high school depends mainly on the formation of conceptual thinking. The level of development of spatial thinking of high school pupils is associated with success in mastering subjects such as algebra, geometry, physics, technology, and accordingly with the subject of physical-mathematical, technical abilities. This is in inverse proportion to the role of gender and age characteristics in spatial thinking, which is increasing from early to secondary school age. Phased development of immature components of spatial thinking among early school age pupils contributes to their academic success. Keywords: spatial thinking, verbal thinking, age and gender peculiarity, educational success, educational difficulties, subject capabilities, gradual development | 1971 | |||||
21 | The article draws attention to the opportunities of forming of cognitive motivation of senior preschool children in games and creative activities. The author recommends at the stage of pre-school education for the development of cognitive processes the author recommends playing by the rules and method of modeling of fairy tales with the assistance of deputies that will help to ensure the success of development of educational activity in the future. The emphasis is placed on the most interesting and least developed for the formation of learning motivation method of game problem-practical situations. Attention is drawn to the practice of using this method in preschool education. Keywords: preschool education, prerequisites of educational activity, cognitive motivation, playing by the rules, joint games and creative activities, modeling method | 1942 | |||||
22 | Today, the educational system is undergoing significant changes. If a definite order finally takes place in preschool and general education, then higher education changes continuously. On the one hand, there is a very painful transition to new educational standards. In any higher education institution today you can hear the concepts of “third generation federal state education”, “federal state plus”, “federal state three plus plus” and these words are often pronounced with a negative connotation: there are difficulties with the transition process itself, the organization does not have time to comprehend and switch to one standard, and next year a new one is adopted. On the other hand, qualitative changes are taking place in the organization of the educational process from the inside – the time has come to transform universities. In part, this is due to the influence of technology development, informatization and the demands of the digital economy. In this paper, an attempt is made to summarize what has been done in the field of university transformation based on an analysis of the history of the transition from the formation of a higher educational university of the first version to version 4.0 or the university of the future, which is actively mentioned among universities of the 5-100 program, about the model that all universities of the world should come to in the future. These results were obtained as a result of a strategic session on the formation of the Greater University, held in Tomsk from December 2 to 6, 2019. Keywords: individual educational trajectory, university 4.0, university transformation | 1927 | |||||
23 | Effective development of self-regulation among preschool children is one of the most urgent problems of theory and practice today. The problem of development of self-regulation among senior preschoolers is raised in the context of their psychological readiness for schooling. The paper presents different approaches to the definition of the concept of self-regulation as a psychological phenomenon in modern psychological science. The author’s approach to understanding self-regulation is indicated. A diagnostic toolkit is chosen to determine the level of senior preschoolers’ self-regulation. The results of diagnostics of self-regulation among the children of a kindergarten senior group are presented. The most effective conditions for the formation of senior preschoolers’ self-regulation are determined. Specific features of the organization of the developing environment for the development of self-regulation among the children of senior preschool age are formulated in the conditions of a pre-school educational institution. Particular attention is paid to child-adult interaction. Formation and consolidation of self-regulation is carried out on a specially selected material. An integrative approach to the formation of self-regulation components in educational and cognitive activity is used. Developing psychological and pedagogical work with children is based on the principles of individualization and differentiation of methods, techniques and means. Keywords: self-regulation, preschool institution, kindergartener, parents, preschool children, culture of behavior | 1916 | |||||
24 | This article is devoted to the social competence of students and conditions of their formation. It presents the concrete definition of the concept of “social competence” and some components of social competence on the bases of the approaches to the understanding of socialization and social competence. This article is an attempt to consider the social competence from the position of socialization as the process of entering into the world of human culture, human relations. Social competence, in this case, is defined as the integral private education, including a number of interrelated and mutually reinforcing components of cognitive, emotional and behavioral spheres, allowing the individual adaptation and self-realization in today's society, that is, to socialize successfully. Keywords: social competence, socialization, development, approaches, components | 1896 | |||||
25 | The main aim of modern process of teaching is acquisition of knowledge and skills by students and forming of competences. Applying different types and methods of pedagogic work permits to form practical skills in guarding and strengthening of health and in healthy lifestyle of future teachers. The medical and biological module of social disciplines includes “Basics of Medical Knowledge and Healthy Lifestyle”, “Safety of Life” and “Population’s Health of Siberian Region”. The control of students’ knowledge is implemented with mark-ranking system and testing. Medical and Biological education is in the basis of competence forming. Keywords: Medical and Biological disciplines, students, teaching, disease prevention, interdisciplinary connections, knowledge, competencies, skills | 1887 | |||||
26 | Methodological bases of monitoring preservation health activity of school are considered in the article. Characteristics of main principles of monitoring are shown. Recommendations on drawing up of the program of monitoring and an estimation of the received results are presented. Keywords: health of schoolchildren, preservation health activity, methodological bases of monitoring | 1886 | |||||
27 | The article examines the concept of “linguistic competence” with regard to scientific advances in this area and the modern requirements for native speakers. Competence approach is declared in the current federal state educational standards: every student in the school or college must master the list of mandatory knowledge, skills, ways of life, necessary for quality of productive activity in a particular area, including – to prove himself as a formed linguistic identity in everyday interpersonal and social communication. The article reviews the generalizations and conclusions the author makes based on the analysis of information on research contained in the articles that have been published over the last two years in the “Pedagogical Review” and “Tomsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin”. A significant result of this work can be regarded as the assertion that the modern interpretation of a key term “linguistic competence” is multidimensional. The main areas of scientific research in this field are the psychological and pedagogical, methodological and lingvodidactic. Most often the authors are interested in the problem of relating the concept of “linguistic competence” and a number of related definitions as “voice”, “discourse”, “proper language”, “foreign language”, “genre”, “translation”, “linguocultural” and “text” competence. The emphasis is made on the consideration of the application issues that are relevant to the practical application of research results in the learning process in schools and universities. An important factor in the choice of the object is seen in studying Russian as a native language, Russian as a foreign language or development of any other language in the world. The problem of formation and improvement of the foundations of linguistic competence of pupils and students in the world faces today a sharp decline in the general culture of native speakers and is determined by us to be extremely topical. For its consideration we need to attract attention of the general public. Keywords: competence, language competence, communicative and active approach, speech activity | 1879 | |||||
28 | The expediency of developing the integration of formal, informal and informational education for the realization of the principle of “lifelong education” is justified. Today the theory and practice of informal and informal education is developing. Also the change in these forms of education is associated not only with the independent development of each of them, but also with the tendency to unite their capabilities. Formal education is intentionally given some features of the informal and vice versa, while informational education permeates both formal and informal education. There are also studies on integration processes in the field of formal, informal and informational education. The features of each of these forms of educational activity are indicated. The general points and differences in modern researche works on questions of integration of the specified forms are described. The specifics of the integration of formal, non-formal and informal education are presented. Prospects for research in this area are outlined: сlarification of the content of the concept of «integration of educational activities», the characteristics of such integration, the development of models for the integration of forms, the definition of educational outcomes, the achievement of which is possible within the framework of a holistic educational process on the basis of formal, informal and informational education. Keywords: continuous education; personal and professional development; forms of educational activity; integration of formal, non-formal and informal education | 1854 | |||||
29 | The article is written in memory of the Teacher and Scientist – Efim Grigorievich Osovskiy – an associate member to Russian academy of education, academician of International pedagogical academy, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, honoured worker of science of the Republic of Mordovia, brilliant teacher and mentor. The author, the pupil of the scientist, recalls about scientific and life lessons of Efim Grigorievich. The value of the article is in the address to the problem of personal samples in the searching for their own way in life and science. Aside from biographic information about E. G. Osovskiy and about directions of his scientific activity, the article presents some ideas and expressions of the outstanding teacher, which scientists and future scientists may take note of. Keywords: Efim Grigorievich Osovskiy, teacher, scientist, person, personal formation, science, value of personality | 1844 | |||||
30 | The article deals with the use of situational tasks while studying chemistry at the basic school and their role in modern education. Notes the value of situational tasks in the development of analytical, intellectual and communicative skills of the students, the ability to find the necessary information in different sources. Analizes the definitions of situational tasks on the basis of which highlights their essential features, shows the structure and describes the requirements for the content of the tasks. The components of the situational tasks are the title, the text, the questions and the tasks. Formulates the requirements for the content of the tasks: description of a real life situation, the availability of the text for the understanding of the students, the presence of inter-subject relationship, the wording of questions of everyday, valeological, environmental and safety regulations. The answers to the questions can be oral or written, containing the formulas of the compounds, the equations of chemical reactions, tables, charts, and suggesting various mental acts – the explanation, analysis, synthesis, generalization, determination of cause-effect relationships. Examples of situational tasks in chemistry for grades 8–9 have been proposed. Develops the criteria to determine the level of development of cognitive skills for specific groups: logical skills, ability to work with information and specific skills in chemistry – sign and symbol. Levels of formation of these skills among schoolchildren in solving situation tasks in chemistry have been identified. Keywords: practice-oriented approach, situational tasks, requirements to the content of the task, criteria and levels of formation of cognitive skills of schoolchildren | 1824 | |||||
31 | Various aspects of the problem of a tolerant attitude formation towards students with disabilities in the modern educational society are viewed in the article. On the basis of the experimentally obtained data the article gives the analysis of the degree of influence of sociodemographic characteristics of the teachers and university students, as the main subjects of integrated education in higher educational institutions, on the level of tolerance toward students with disabilities. Keywords: tolerance, integrated education, students with disabilities, formation | 1822 | |||||
32 | The author of the article investigates the problems of vocational education in Russia; singles out the most important issues based on the analysis; pays special attention to some approaches to the solution of the above mentioned problems related to forming the system of continuous education, which meets the requirements of the innovative economy, integration of Russian education into the world educational space. Keywords: problems of the vocational education, integration, diversification, training and retraining of personnel | 1821 | |||||
33 | The article considered the organization of extracurricular activities of the students of pedagogical higher educational institution as the process of formation of their professional competence. It analyses the role and the place of the subject Olympiads in education and personal formation of students – future teachers. Keywords: student Olympiads, fieldwork, competence, professional training of future teachers | 1815 | |||||
34 | The article touches upon the problem of psychological safety of children of early and preschool age in preschool educational organizations. The main models of educational environment described in the psychological and pedagogical literature are presented. The definition of psychological safety, possible risks in the educational environment (I. Baeva) is given. The urgency of the problem of psychological safety for children of early and preschool age in a pre-school educational organization, related to the age-specific features – impressionability, emotionality, suggestibility is described. “Areas of psychological risks”, based on the ontogenetic principle of child development, are defined – early adaptation of children to pre-school educational organization, the relationship of the child with the educator, low sociometric status of the child in the peer group; lagging behind in development, behavioral and emotional disorders in childhood, problems of child relationships in the family (problematic relations between parents, neurotic styles of upbringing, sibling relationships), social and psychological problems in the pedagogical collective. The reasons determining psychological risks in preschool age are revealed, the most significant of which is insufficient psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers of preschool institutions, parents. The conditions of psychological security in the educational environment of the pre-school educational organization are systematized, among them – the organization of the system of child support in the OED, from the moment of admission to release; the integrated nature of the escort, the close interaction of all OED specialists, their cooperation with the family; increase of psychological and pedagogical competence of teachers in the field of personalityoriented interaction with pupils. Keywords: educational environment of pre-school educational organization (OED), risk zones of children of early and preschool age in OED | 1770 | |||||
35 | The trend to convey pedagogical conceptions by means of the language of fiction is noted in this article, pedagogical potential of the vice-versa tales from the book for parents and children “Kids and These” written by G.B. Oster (children’s literature writer) is analyzed. Keywords: pedagogical potential of the literature for children, G. Oster, vice-versa genre, irony, dialogue, relationship between parents and children | 1734 | |||||
36 | The article is devoted to the questions of the formation of foreign-language lexical competence of medical students, the main concepts relating to the lexical aspect of foreign language training are interpreted, levels of the formation of lexical competence as necessary stages of its gradual development are shown. The author pays attention to lexical skills in a framework of interdisciplinary connections characterizing their features and conditions of its development, the advantage of lexical competence formation on an interdisciplinary basis is pointed out while taking into consideration the linguistic features of the language material and also applying the results of students’ educational activity. Keywords: lexical competence, language competence, lexical skills, vocabulary, lexical unit, interdisciplinary connections | 1733 | |||||
37 | The article specifies the nature of such concepts as “case-test”, “case-measurements”; it presents the case-test structure variant as the innovative evaluation means of undergraduate students within the competency building approach. Keywords: competence, case-measurements, case-test structure, expert card | 1729 | |||||
38 | Here are viewed the various structures of deviant behavior, its existing kinds and characteristics that some authors mark. On the basis of this study of deviant behavior there composed the new structure by integration of groups of species of deviant behavior, which provides greater clarity and consistency in the use of certain types of deviant behavior. Keywords: analysis, structure, behavior, kind of behavior, deviant behavior | 1719 | |||||
39 | A detailed theoretical analysis of scientific research in various fields of knowledge allows us to conclude that the initial stage of school education for children with heavy speech disorders is closely interrelated with the problems of formation of their social and everyday competence. The article presents the results of the study of everyday competence, describes its features in primary schoolchildren with heavy speech disorders, and also offers a diagnostic tasks for children and questions for educators who observe children in natural conditions. Everyday competence includes the possession of personal hygiene skills, dressing / undressing skills, self-service skills at the table and household skills. The study of the formation of the everyday competence of primary schoolchildren with heavy speech disorders in the process of ascertaining experiment has shown that pupils of the first and second forms need a purposeful formation of this competence. Special attention should be given to the formation of the group of self-service skills at the table and the skills of dressing / undressing. The results of the research presented in this article can be used in planning the work aimed at correcting everyday competence of primary school aged children with heavy speech disorders, with the inclusion in the corrective work of modules that contribute to the formation of social and general competence. Keywords: social and everyday competence, household competence, social adaptation, junior schoolchildren with severe speech disorders | 1711 | |||||
40 | Specifics of such reception of formation of communicative competence of school students, as work with dictionaries of various types is considered in the article. Possibilities of the ideographic dictionary in respect of enrichment of the vocabulary of pupils are designated. Keywords: language personality, communicative competence, language competence, lexicon, ideographic approach, ideographic dictionary | 1693 | |||||
41 | The article actualizes the problem of individualization of education at the present stage of the development, including taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of general education. Сonsiders the issue of education individualization at the level of primary general education at general education school. As part of the implementation of innovative projects at the regional and federal levels, the practice of individualizing educational activities in terms of adapting and developing students based on the organization and technologies of tutoring individual educational programs, routes, projects is presented. The main directions of activity on presentation of practical experience of work of educational organizations with the use of tutoring resources are outlined, as well as some results of comparison of labor activities of the tutor and other categories of teachers to achieve the goals of individualization of education of students. The main approaches to the formation of strategies for tutoring support for the individualization of education in primary schools have been singled out and characterized. The conditions for mastering the functions of a tutor by teachers of a general education organization are indicated and argued, and observance of them will solve the problem of creating conditions for the realization of the individualization of educational activity. Keywords: individualization of educational activity, individualization of instruction, tutor, tutor support, tutorial system of accompaniment | 1689 | |||||
42 | The aim of this article is exposing and analysis of the main directions and trends of the system of professional education in Germany, and also the German legislators’ tasks of this educational sphere. Exposing trends of the German system of professional education makes it possible to research adaptation and transfer of the conditions of positive German experience and technologies to the Russian educational environment. Keywords: trends, directions, system of professional education, Germany | 1675 | |||||
43 | The article deals with the complex of exercises on the basis of intersubjective connections aimed to form the lexical skills of professional speaking, namely the types of exercises for the active learning the vocabulary within the thematic section. Keywords: language exercises, conditional-speech exercises, speech exercises, lexical item, activization, thematic section (microtheme), intersubjective texts, lexical skills, professional speaking, intersubjective connections | 1671 | |||||
44 | The article reveals the structure of the professional competence of teachers in the field of health saving of preschoolers, characterized by professional competencies that comprise its content. It also describes the main directions of development of professional competence in health saving of children of future teachers of preschool education in educational process of pedagogical university. Keywords: professional competence, health preservation, health-saving activities, components of professional competence, competence in the field of health savings preschoolers | 1666 | |||||
45 | The article analyzes the features of speech behavior of Russian-speaking teenagersbloggers and the problems of the most popular adolescent video blogs. The authors offer a detailed definition of the concept of video blogging and formulate the characteristics of an adolescent video blog. The study provides a detailed assessment of the 14–17 years old videoblogers’ oral speech and the level of its compliance with the norms of the modern Russian literary language. Also the authors assess the level of communicative culture of Russian-speaking adolescents, analyze the style and subject of statements as a demonstration of the functioning of the Russian language on the Internet. The results of the research allow the authors to draw conclusions about the characteristics of modern adolescent video blogging and the trends in the development of this phenomenon. In particular, they note the connection between the development of adolescent video blogging and the general state of civil society and predict the transience of a significant part of the audience of adolescents in an active adult audience in the near future. The authors predict an increase in the number of adolescent videoblogs of socio-cultural and educational issues. The socio-cultural phenomenon of adolescent videoblogging, combined with the continuing growth in the popularity of rap culture, brings out personal qualities such as charisma, management of the attention of the audience, the ability to clearly formulate one’s position, skills in the field of rhetoric and selfpresentation among the most sought-after in a teenage audience. There is a fast and, most likely, irreversible commercialization of the sphere of teenage video blogging. The adolescent blogosphere outpaces the school in the level of motivation to use oral communication skills. At the same time, given the huge audience of adolescent videoblog viewers, we can predict a further deterioration in the quality of oral and written speech of graduates on a number of aspects: verbal and stylistic errors as well as the use of obscene vocabulary. Keywords: videoblog, videoblogging, adolescent videoblog, discourse analysis of adolescent videoblogs, Russian language on the Internet, adolescent speech | 1663 | |||||
46 | The relevance of the topic is associated with the need to adapt to new educational standards, which define the necessary competencies of teachers – psychologists. One of the most important is the use in the educational process of modern methods of psychological and pedagogical interaction, which are focused on the development and formation of interest in the educational activities of students. Despite the large number of scientific papers on the motivation of educational activities, teachers are still faced with the fact that students have not formed the need for knowledge, there is no interest in learning. This problem is especially acute in teenage students. The aim of the study was to study the features of motivation of educational activities in adolescence. The hypothesis of the study was as follows: there are features of motivation of educational activity of adolescents, namely: 1) the leading motives of educational activity are: cognitive motives, achievement motives, external motives. 2) the level of educational motivation of adolescent girls is higher than the level of educational motivation of boys of the same age; for girls, emotional motives and motives of achievement are more important, and for boys, external motives. In the framework of the study analyzed the structure of educational motivation of adolescents, their attitude to teaching and academic subjects, arguments in favor of the choice of favorite and unloved subjects, as well as external and individual difficulties faced by adolescents in educational activities and the specificity of personal orientation in overcoming these difficulties. The results of the analysis both in the whole sample (eighth grade students) and in the sexual aspect (boys and girls) and their interpretation are presented. The results of the empirical study are of practical importance and can form the basis for the development of a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of motivation of educational activities and the formation of professional orientation of adolescents. Keywords: motivation, educational activity, motives of educational activity, teenagers | 1661 | |||||
47 | This paper studies the aspects of the higher education system in France. The country has fascinating socio cultural and educational traditions. France is a country with a humanistic, progressive, and social tradition that is characterized by the availability of education, medical care, social insurance, and public services regardless of one’s social, religious, ethnic or cultural origin. Education in France has been developing for several centuries into its modern form and has a rich history. There is a unique system of study cycles, academic degrees, and diplomas. The authors analyze a particular feature concerning the existence of two kinds of institutions of higher education–universities and higher schools–and study the types of the aforementioned. The levels of higher education are distinguished as follows: a bachelor’s degree (“Licence” degree), a master’s degree (master of the first and second year of training), and a higher doctorate. The article reveals how the humanistic, progressive, and social traditions of the country manifest themselves in higher education. The authors examine the experience from the best universities and higher elite schools of France. They point out the current issues of the practical part of higher education, which are as follows: differentiation of types of higher education institutions, lack of funding, separation of teaching and research, intensification of teaching process, etc. Likewise, the paper demonstrates that there are certain reforms aimed at resolving these problems (e.g. the Law on Higher Education and Research). Keywords: higher education system in France, universities, higher elite schools, higher education reforms | 1659 | |||||
48 | The article describes the process of formation of methodical competence of students, future teachers of geography through various forms of learning (lectures, seminars, practical courses), through independent research and pedagogical activity. The article reveals components of the methodical competence, such as methodological knowledge, methodological skills, pedagogical reflexion, and shows the development of their students during the study of discipline “methods of teaching geography” with the passage of pedagogical practice. Legal and methodical support of formation of methodical competence of the students is the developed educational-methodical complex. Selected the diagnostic tools for identification of the level of formation of methodical competence components, identified the criteria for each level. The diagnostics revealed the difficulties of students in mastering of methodological knowledge and skills and determined on their basis a number of organizational and pedagogical measures, contributing to the formation of methodical competence. Keywords: methodical competence, methods of teaching geography, professional competence of the teacher | 1649 | |||||
49 | The article is devoted to investigation the content and structure of the portfolio of primary schoolchildren. Such characteristic features as openness, reflexivity, freedom have been singled out. The organizational aspect of developing and implementing the portfolio by primary school teachers. Keywords: portfolio, portfolio achievements, openness, self-assessment, studying and educational results | 1646 | |||||
50 | Higher education activity expansion, its appearance in an international market of educational services is one of the most typical traits for today in all societies. Russia has a long-standing experience in preparing personnel for foreign countries. China is Russia’s true and friendly partner. Students from abroad meet new set of factors in what regards the environment when they are in Russia: different sociocultural and language settings, unusual climate, new forms and methods of learning, total change of work and leisure schedule etc. Those cause some difficulties for the students to fit into the new life conditions. Correspondently, Russian teachers and tutors who work with Chinese students also experience certain difficulties in the course of teaching. This objectively poses the task to create certain conditions to adapt foreign students for learning in Russia. The paper gives the analysis of the main sociocultural problems Chinese students in Russia and their teachers face when they all are in the process of studying. The article also scrutinizes the questions of the importance of ethnocultural specificity. Taking into account the problems mentioned above and focusing on possible ways of their solution will promote efficiency of tutor’s following up for the groups of Chinese students. It will help those students to guide themselves in the mono- or polyethnic class environment, avoid the situations of mutual misunderstanding or even intercultural conflict and can raise the efficiency of their learning. Keywords: education, Russian higher education system, education in China, teachers, students, sociocultural adaptation, national-cultural specificity, psychological peculiarities of students | 1645 |