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251 | The article represents a brief review of perspective, in which contemporary foreign researchers in the field of education in the countries of East and South-East Asia are engaged. In the modern world, there is a gradual refusal from the ideas about the leading role of educational systems in Western Europe and North America, at least in the sphere of higher education. The countries of East and South-East Asia are actively modernizing higher education, creatively adopting and altering the practices executed in other regions. At the same time, as a role model not only Western Europe and North America are shown, but also the achievements of education in the countries of Latin America. Economic achievements of the countries of East Asia, in particular China and Japan, allow to create structures, which actively compete with educational systems in other regions of the planet. Some aspects of development of the higher education in the countries of East and Southeast Asia have obvious crossings with similar aspects of development of the higher education in Russia. It demands further comparative researches for transfer of the most successful achievements of Asian models of higher education. As a result, the level of the international interaction will increase, and Russian education will get additional benefits in competitive fight in global education market. Keywords: East Asia, Japan, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, education, university, faculty, integration | 1276 | |||||
252 | The key approaches to the conceptualization of the concept of digital literacy in foreign and Russian research discourse are considered. Along with the classical interpretation of P. Gilster of digital literacy as the understanding and use of information using a computer, the author analyzes functionalistic and cognitive approaches to the interpretation of digital literacy. There is a shortage of approaches to the analysis of competencies associated with effective communication and adaptation to the social network communication culture of youth. New conceptualization proposed social and network digital literacy as an element of network digital culture and digital literacy of generation Z. Based on the estimates and opinions of representatives of the digital generation identified as a result of a series of field studies in the framework of a research project devoted to the study of the network culture of generation Z, the content of the following complex is revealed, communicative and pragmatic competencies that form social network digital literacy: linguistic competency in the production of multi-genre social network content and effective feedback; communicative competencies in organizing contexts of social network communication with various user audiences; practical and normative competencies to comply with ethical standards and etiquette requirements and to maintain conflict-free social network communication; the competencies of social network self-presentation. It is concluded that a discussion of the need to educate and acquire competencies related to adaptation to generation Z network communication culture can serve as a key to bridging the digital divide between generations. Keywords: digital literacy, social network communication culture, digital competencies, digital transformation of education, generation Z | 1275 | |||||
253 | The present article outlines the fundamental tendency in foreign language teaching – a communicative one. Effective teaching methods are necessary to make non-linguistic students sound naturally and confidently. The specific objective of this study is to identify and overcome the main barriers in speaking English using a method that develops foreign communicative competence. The association-project method is considered to become a possible solution of the problem. The study is carried out in three stages. The first stage involves a questionnaire of non-linguistic students about the main difficulties in speaking English. Ninety seven students of University of Tyumen took part in this survey. On the second stage we give English lessons using the association-project method in three nonlinguistic groups. Forty four students with Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate Low English Levels were involved. And finally these students take a questionnaire about the effectiveness of the association-project method in overcoming the main difficulties in speaking English. At first questioning of non-linguistic students and following ranking of the obtained data made it possible to identify three main difficulties in speaking English. These communicative barriers are both linguistic and extralinguistic in nature. The use of the association-project method in English classes allowed to overcome these difficulties significantly. The final questionnaire of non-linguistic students proves this fact. The association-project method is a combination of two fairly new and relevant methods (association and project methods) used in foreign language teaching. It meets modern educational requirements, develops the key components of foreign communicative competence (linguistic, discursive, sociolinguistic and sociocultural) and helps to cope with the main barriers in speaking a foreign language. Keywords: foreign language communicative competence, communicative barriers, association-project method, association, questionnaire | 1275 | |||||
254 | The article poses the problem of searching for successive links in the formation of universal educational activities in the transition from primary to basic school. This problem is actualized by the introduction of Federal Educational Standard and by the search for practicing teachers of the effective methods to form and diagnose universal educational activities at different age levels. The authors analyze the experience of the School of Joint Activity in this direction, in particular, describe the performing of a general school seminar, the purpose of which was to show the specifics and increasing of different groups from primary to basic school. Examples of expert maps are given, which make it possible to distinguish different groups of universal educational activities at the lesson, their level of development (acquaintance, formation, application). A generalized portrait of the graduate of the primary and basic schools, successive lines in the content of regulative, cognitive, communicative and personal activities are considered. The authors analyze forms of a general school seminar performing such as: visiting lab lessons and discussing them in a group, filling out expert maps by the teachers, work in a group to identify succession lines based on completed maps, final discussion and reflection of participants. Keywords: meta-subject results, joint activity, examination of the formation of activities, portrait of the graduate, succession | 1274 | |||||
255 | The relevance of the study of this problem is due to the demand of society, the growth of inclusive education in the country. The article analyzes the concepts of adaptation, school adaptation, social adaptation, personal adaptation, psychological adaptation and substantiates the pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of adaptation of primary school children with disabilities to educational activities. We used the following methods: questionnaire for teachers study school adaptation of students (methodology L. M. Kovaleva), projective technique of “What I like about school?” (N. G. Lukanova), “A Conversation about the school” T. A. Nezhnova, “Personal scale manifestations of anxiety” G. Taylor, T. A. Nemchin’s “Adaptation”. The peculiarities of students’ interaction, personal stability, individual psychological features, school anxiety during the adaptation period are revealed. The effectiveness of the phenomenon under study is achieved through the implementation of pedagogical technology, pedagogical support, means of “subject-developing” education. The study allows us to conclude that the success of the adaptation of primary school children with disabilities to educational activities is provided by specially created pedagogical conditions: the activation of cognitive activity of children, the organization of cooperation as a three-way aspect of interaction, ensuring inclusive dialogue with the age-specific features of the development of mental processes, the creation of a positive microclimate of the social environment. Keywords: primary school student, adaptation, school adaptation, factors of adaptation, inclusive education, educational activity | 1274 | |||||
256 | The paper investigates the necessity of professional training of competent economists specializing in international business and means of international communication in general, and their context foreign language teaching in particular. The author’s own interpretation of the term ‘context foreign language teaching’ is suggested; the pedagogical conditions of increasing the efficiency of context foreign language teaching are concerned. Keywords: professional training of students specializing in Economics, context foreign language teaching, increasing efficiency of context foreign language teaching of students specializing in Economics | 1273 | |||||
257 | The problem of teenagers’ communication with film art is considered, the urgency of forming a spectator culture for the younger generation in the classroom is explained from a practical point of view. The age features of adolescent children are determined, proving the necessity and expediency of forming a spectator culture among them: the tendency to imitate the heroes of a work of art, the desire to communicate in life and in art, the importance of the social nature of activity. An important component of spectator culture is singled out – an aesthetic attitude to cinema art, which is interpreted as an integral perception of the film in the unity of its content and form. For the planning and organization of further work with adolescents in the school film club, a questionnaire is conducted, the purpose of which is to determine the problems of communication between schoolchildren and filmmaking. The questions of the questionnaire are aimed at revealing the knowledge of adolescents about cinematography, the need to communicate with the best examples of cinematography, to determine the nature of the appeal to films (cognitive, entertaining, etc.). On the basis of the analysis of adolescents’ questionnaires, a number of questions and tasks have been formulated that need to be taken into account in the development of the curriculum for the cinema club, the subject of films for pupils’ perception, lecture classes (formation of a stable need for communication with highly artistic samples of cinema, knowledge of the specifics of the cinema, its types and genres; the exclusion of the surface perception of the works of cinematography, preference of entertaining cinema genres , etc.). Keywords: problems of communication with cinema art, spectator culture, adolescents, questioning, aesthetic attitude to film art | 1273 | |||||
258 | Despite the fact that creativity is often associated with psychopathology and mental disorders, there is also the opposite direction, emphasizing a positive role of creativity, namely the concept of self-actualization – the individual’s ability to move beyond the physiological, psychological and social levels of needs, in order to achieve the highest level of the pyramid associated with the implementation of self-empowerment. In the article creativity and self-actualization are considered in the context of purpose in life, empathy and self-esteem. Correlation was found only between creativity and spontaneity (self-actualization scale). Regression model of creativity has only two significant predictors such as penetrability and spontaneity. In contrast, the self-actualization model can be explained by most of the purpose in life parameters, empathy and self-esteem. Differences in individual characteristics between creative and self-actualized people are discussed. Keywords: creativity, self-actualization, purpose in life orientations, empathy, selfesteem | 1271 | |||||
259 | An attempt of judgment of changes of the psychological states of the person connected with the change of the vital environment is made. The problem of studying hardiness of the persons released from places of detention and those in rehabilitation centers is considered. The topical issues connected with the search of psycho-pedagogical ways of rendering the post-penitentiary help to the former convicts are formulated. The fact of the consequences of serving of criminal penalty, negative for the person, reducing the level of hardiness and promoting marginalization and stigmatization of the personality in modern society is established. Taking into account the ongoing turning points in human life, attention is focused on the need to study vitality as a significant resource for the individual, contributing to overcoming difficult life situations. There is a correlation between the level of psychological readiness for life after release from places of detention and overcoming obstacles of both objective and subjective character, which will be one of characteristics of hardiness of the personality. The importance of researching the problem of a person’s hardiness in the postpenitentiary period in the context of creation by the person of the further course of his further life path and solving life situations of a social nature is confirmed. The further steps directed to the solution of a complex of research tasks in the theoretical and practical terms within the subject chosen for studying are offered. Keywords: resocialization, hardiness, former convict, post-penitentiary adaptation, rehabilitation center | 1271 | |||||
260 | The article discloses the resource of additional professional training, particularly the training programs in solving problems of human resource development in early childhood education at the regional level. Explains the necessity of the development of pre-school teachers’ professional self-concept in the process of professional retraining in the context of achieving such characteristic of its quality as acme-oriented. Shows the relevant educational experience of TSPU. Presents and interprets empirical data associated with the development of professional self-concept of pre-school teachers in Tomsk. Empirical data were obtained using the method of the survey (questionnaires, interviews) and the method of analysis of the products activities (essay). Keywords: professional development of the teacher, pre-school teacher, professional self-concept, retraining, acme-effects of andragogical programs | 1270 | |||||
261 | This article is dedicated to comprehension of psychological and pedagogical value of autobiographical prose for professional preparing of kindergarten teachers and teachers of primary school. Necessity of integration of subjects ‘Psychology’ and ‘Children’s literature’ is revealed and proved. The integration adds new forms of dialogue and communication in educational process of university deepening the idea of organization of ‘I – the concept’ of the child by ways of literature and ‘soul’s historiography’. The points of intersection are age characteristics of children, work with parents on self-education, factor of punishment in process of formation of child`s personality. Necessity of kindergarten teachers and teachers trained to be thoughtful, to be able to read and analyze the texts and to be able to systematize acquired knowledge of the literature and psychology is revealed and proved. The dignity of integration is in an explanatory function of psychology. It explains and helps to understand reasons, factors playing important role in understanding of age group. It gives an exploitation of character behavior. And it also contributes to the accumulation of experience to the future kindergarten teachers and teachers for working with children and their parents. Keywords: moral education, development, preschool children, integration of literature and psychology, parents, method of introspection, family | 1270 | |||||
262 | The article under discussion reveals the method of learning process organization when mastering regulatory universal educational actions by primary school pupils. The presented model of mental action formation given in the article is based on the activity approach of the scientific school by P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, V. S. Lazarev. The general approach to the learning process organization is defined. The author dwells upon the program of universal learning activities formation, meta-subject content projecting, lesson planning. The key note of the technology is students’ goal-taking through developing the standard for the result and the mode of performing the action; therefore, special conditions are required for conducting student reflexion on the results of the task performed. The students’ involvement in the quasiinvestigative activity, problematicity and reflexivity of the learning process establish conditions for students’ subject-field ground formation. They are the introduction into the instructional situation, accepting the objectives, learning the cultural norms of performing the action under study, planning the constructing to ensure the best results, performing the activity, reflexion of the results and technique adjustment when revealing some declension. Students learn meta-subject content in teamwork. Keywords: meta-subject concepts, universal learning activities, mental activity, basic recommendations/recommended sequence of activities procedures, the program of universal learning activities formation, the subject of learning process, evaluation effect | 1270 | |||||
263 | The results of the research on the professional and personal self-determination of teenagers in pedagogical classes in pre-revolutionary and modern Tomsk are presented in the article. It is determined that the subject of self-determination has not been fully examined in scientific and methodical literature: the interest in professional determination prevails over the personal one. The elimination of this gap in studying the historical experience allowed us to establish specific character of correlation of the personal and professional self-determination in students training, to show the defining educational effects for children staying in pedagogical classes and to track the influence of training on their adulthood. It appeared, that the process of professional self-determination in teaching classes accompanied improvement of effectiveness of “self-determination” process which is typical of adolescence. It is important that the indispensable success of personal self-determination in pedagogical classes was not the main reason for selecting the teacher’s career. This rejection of the teaching profession, which student do not find appealing, should not be considered as a less useful result than the entering the pedagogical university by the applicant. Finally, according to the analysis of the interviews of teachers and graduates of pedagogical classes in Tomsk it turned possible to show the leading educational effects of students’ staying in these educational structures and to trace the impact of the pre-service teacher training in their adulthood. Keywords: professional and personal self-determination, pedagogical class, additional education for children, pedagogics | 1270 | |||||
264 | In the conditions of modernization of the education system the introduction of new FSES of general education and teacher’s professional standard developing teacher’s professional and ethical readiness to fulfill the tasks assigned to him is extremely important. The purpose of the presented research is the development of teacher’s professional and ethical qualities when working with trainees with disabilities. The research is based on the theory of professional pedagogical education, theoretical and practical research of problems and aspects of professional ethics and professional and ethical qualities of the teacher (V. N. Averkin, V. A. Bolotov, G. A. Bordovsky, S. G. Vershlovsky, A. L. Gavrikov, V. V. Gorshkova, I. A. Zimnya, Yu. N. Kulyutkin, V. M. Mitina, V. G. Onushkin, S. A. Pisareva, N. F. Radionova, G. S. Sukhobskaya, A. P. Tryapitsina, and others). The authors determine the structure of the teacher’s ethical competence, which allows him to work with disabled children, provide the methodology for identifying the needs of the teaching staff in the development of professional and ethical qualities that makes it possible to create comfortable and tolerant environment in the educational organization. Inclusive etiquette is proposed, which implies certain responsibility of each person, included in the educational environment, readiness for the manifestation of assistance as an integral personal quality. Developing professional and ethical qualities of the teacher and his readiness for their manifestation in work with children with disabilities presupposes formation of a whole range of qualities that are based on personal resources, such as charity, empathy, tolerance, pedagogical optimism, self-control. Solving the problem of training teachers to work with children with disabilities will realize intensive introduction of inclusive education in the country, increase the level of teachers’ professional competence. Keywords: inclusive education, pedagogical ethics, professional and ethical qualities, tolerance, principles of inclusive ethics | 1270 | |||||
265 | The paper is the result of generalization of experience in preparing teachers to teach “Practical anthropology”. It shows an individual approach to the educational process, based on the principles of creativity. Keywords: psychological and pedagogical conditions of creative activity, the system of professional qualities required to work on the subject of “practical anthropology”, the development of routing capabilities primary school children | 1269 | |||||
266 | Currently, the society places more and more demands on the students of Higher educational institutions, including students – future teachers. In this regard, teacher education actualizes the concept of “competence” of a future teacher. In this article, we payed our attention to the formation of communicative competence in teacher education. The concept of “communicative competence” is directly related to the professional skill and a means to achieve pedagogical excellence. The formation of communicative competence is a major pedagogical problem in education. The article is written based on information search and understanding of the essence of competence approach in pedagogical education. Currently communicative approach is being actualized in higher education. Therefore, in this article we have considered the concept of “competence”, “communicative competence”. Gives a variant of forming communicative competence of a future university teacher in the discipline “Physical culture” 44.03.01 in the direction of preparation “Pedagogical education” / Maths Profile. In the proposed version shows the distribution of general cultural competence – OK-8 in sections of the discipline “Physical culture” and considers in detail the descriptor characteristics of the given competence, as well as proposed the forms and methods contributing to the formation of this competence. Keywords: physical culture, communicative competence, competence | 1267 | |||||
267 | In the conditions of increasing application by a society of means of automation in various technologies of an education system of the countries interested in intensive development, it is necessary to pay attention to expansion and deepening of teaching of robotics. It is possible to make it only entering into school educational process of the disciplines, called to train children to robotics bases. The purpose of the given work is to describe the methods of teaching of robotic software and hardware base at school. Stages of studying of the programming are described in detail, allowing the pupils easily and quickly to achieve the possibility to program the robotics that they create. The robotics element base necessary for school training is opened. The results of using author’s proposals in school education are clearly demonstrated. Examples of the devices executed at the end of school training are resulted for this purpose. The authors prove that school training to a robotics can be effective, namely deepened, general, fast, easy and thus rather not expensive and share the frame of reference on how it should be done. At first sight the problem of teaching robotics at school is intractable. However, at solving of a personnel question in teaching, and also at integrated approach observance for the purpose of achievement as well as in questions of establishment of the stages of studying the discipline, and a choice of robotic programming-element base of training a school graduate is capable to create his own robotic means. Keywords: technical training, school education, technical development of the child, robotics, programming | 1267 | |||||
268 | The article considers characteristic symptoms of autism spectrum disorders, difficulties of inclusion of students with autism in learning activities. Describes the dependence of the intelligence quotient of the form of autism, disintegrative cognitive development in the cognitive scope. Presents the experience of working with primary school students, who have autism spectrum disorders, in secondary schools in Seversk, Tomsk region: personal curriculum, which includes options for learning in the classroom, individually and remotely; practical methods to create the conditions for dialogue situations, the organization of flexible mode of psycho-emotional stress, ways to relieve tension. Positive dynamics of the social development of primary school students with autism spectrum disorders is confirmed by the analysis of curriculum, portfolio, biographical data of students. Keywords: primary school students, autism spectrum disorders, secondary school, socialization, flexible curriculum, the creation of situations of communication, verbalization contacts | 1266 | |||||
269 | The necessity of further professional development of the specialist is justified, taking into account the fact that the amount of knowledge, skills, competencies obtained within the educational organizations meet modern requirements only for a limited time. Further professional development is possible in the system of additional vocational education. Since the main goal of additional professional education of specialists is to improve and (or) obtain a new competence, the choice of teaching methods should be determined by the planned result. In the work it is proposed to use the level of activity of the student’s educational and cognitive activity as one of the tools for increasing the effectiveness of teaching. It is noted that the peculiarity of training in the system of additional vocational education is the need to acquire not only the necessary knowledge (to understand, remember and reproduce), but also to form the required skills and skills, that is, to develop or acquire the ability to apply knowledge in practical activities. Therefore, the cognitive activity of listeners should not be limited to the processes of listening, perception and fixation of educational material. Taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of the trained contingent of the students of the courses of additional professional education, the main principles of activating cognitive activity of students are analyzed: problematical character, maximum correspondence to functional and practical tasks, mutual learning, self-education, individualization, self-study, motivation and creative character of cognitive activity. On the basis of the above analysis, recommendations and proposals for the implementation of the principles for activating cognitive activity within the framework of additional vocational education are developed. Keywords: additional professional education, efficiency, cognitive activity, principles of activization, competence | 1265 | |||||
270 | The results of the third stage of the research «Realization of pedagogical potential of social centers in the socio-cultural space of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States» are presented. Social centers are viewed as temporary informal associations of civic activists who solve diverse social problems. The growth of civil initiatives has determined the emergence of a group of people interested in special education. Analysis of innovative products of the social sphere, a survey among activists made it possible to identify elements of the educational request. These include the features of social self-organization, ways to implement the pedagogical potential of various socio-cultural institutions, effective interaction within the framework of public-private partnerships, management and socially-oriented marketing. Particularly noted is the formation of the ability to create full-fledged services for a specific target audience. There is a need for preparation for organizational and coordination, consulting activities, advocacy in conditions of social selforganization. The emerging trend of the formation of the described content of education replicates the world experience. Social work in a broad sense in the countries of Asia and Eastern Europe is also based on competencies related to working in the territorial community, the activation of available public resources. An actual format of educational interaction is determined – non-formal education. This fact is explained by the maximum orientation of this model of training on the participants’ requests, the variability in determining the place and time of the meeting. Today conferences, seminars, internships, virtual mentoring are relevant. Currently, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States have a corps of nonformal education coaches whose competencies are formed in the humanitarian projects of the European Union in the direction of the Eastern Partnership. The results of the analysis of thematic proposals in the educational market are presented. Institutions of formal education in the field of social work offer training programs that pay attention to pedagogy, psychology and management. The content of educational programs for three types of modules is determined: general cultural, general professional (basic), special professional competences. Keywords: social center, CIS educational space, non-formal education, adult education | 1264 | |||||
271 | The article discusses the phenomena of a professional image of a pedagog’s world. Presented the content and the results of the research based on bachelor’s presentations majoring in “Preschool education”, about achievements and difficulties, meanings and values of the professional activity. Professional image of the world is a significant characteristic of the concept of the wholeness of the professional education which is a realization of the systematic approach in education. To study the formation of the understanding of the professional image of the pedagog’s world among the Bachelor degree students majoring in 44.03.01 Pedagogical education and specializing in “Preschool education” a study was held based at FGBOU VO “Altai state humanitarian-pedagogical university named after V. M. Shukshin” in Biysk in 2016. The study included full time students of the psychology-pedagogical department years 1 through 4 (n = 17) and among distant learners (n = 46). The total number of the students equaled 63 and 27% of them were full (day time students) and 73 % of them were distant learners. The conducted study allows to make a conclusion about the specific understanding of the professional image of the pedagog’s world among students who study at a pedagogical institute and specialize in “Preschool education”. It is possible to recognize the differences in defining accomplishments and difficulties among students with and without the professional experience. It was found, for example, that most students who work in preschool institutions connect their own professional accomplishments and difficulties to their time management. Those without the experience connect their personal accomplishments and difficulties to their exam preparations. They also have different understandings of the meaning and values of the pedagogical work: pre-school teachers, above all recognize the value of raising and nurturing preschoolers and students without the experience – the value of educating them. The main accomplishments in the professional practice are connected by the respondents with upbringing, educating and development of children. The study also showed that most of the Bachelors lack the understanding of the significance of their own development, education and improvement in their professional practice. According to the authors, focusing on selfimprovement and self-perfecting is the most important part of the professional image of the world both among future and currently practicing pedagogs. The found fact of undervaluing self-development and education by the students during their pedagogical practice allows to conclude that it is needed to have a goal to supervise and guide the process of the formation of the professional image of the world of the future pedagog. Keywords: professional image of a pedagog’s world, meanings and values of the professional activity of a pedagog, preschool education | 1263 | |||||
272 | The article reveals an urgent topic for modern education: the organization of children’s research work. The author has analyzed the articles in the scientific regional journals “TSPU Bulletin” and “Scientific Pedagogical Review” (Tomsk). The analysis made it possible to identify the main trends in the study of educational research activities: 1. organization of research activities in the study of various academic disciplines (physics, mathematics, literature); 2. formation of research competencies of schoolchildren, including in the context of profile education; 3. features of the organization of research activities with children of preschool and primary school age. In addition to these directions, there are other aspects of the topic. This is the experience of holding children’s scientific conferences and competitions, the application of educational research in the development of gifted children. The review of the contents of the articles allows us to draw a number of conclusions about the state of this scientific and pedagogical problem. The author showed that there is a deficit of articles on scientific directions in this field. For example, the review of articles did not reveal the existence of publications about the possibilities of applying the study in the teaching methods of certain disciplines (history, social science, technology, chemistry). These deficits open up opportunities for new pedagogical research. Keywords: educational research activity, research activity in the study of various disciplines, research competence of schoolchildren, study features in preschool and junior school age | 1263 | |||||
273 | The article contains information about the current research state of pregnancy miscarriage. We discuss the examination data on the identification of shortening gestation and pregnancy miscarriage risk as a multi-process affecting the biological, social and psychological levels. The research review details the psychological aspect of the motivational, emotional and value-semantic sphere of a pregnant person. The psychological aspect of mother’s personality and her features affecting the gestation age are viewed separately. The article contains the information about the emotional sphere peculiarities of a pregnant woman and their influence on the gestation course and the pregnancy outcome; about the relation of anxiety disorders with increasing frequency of placental insufficiency, an intrauterine growth restriction, premature birth and low-birth-weight children with the emotional preparedness of a motherto-be to the motherhood, a characterization of mental sets and the approximation of reactions. The conative component of the pregnancy process and individual psychological features of the mother’s personality, her character type and accentuation of personality traits are characterized in the article. Within a framework of the anthropological approach the signs of healthy gestation course associated with the formation of the value-semantic component are described. The relation of psychological components is considered as a risk of shortening gestation age. Keywords: shortening of gestational age, pregnancy miscarriage, value-semantic sphere, psychological aspect of pregnancy | 1262 | |||||
274 | The present paper is devoted to the problems of developing foreign-language professional communicative competence in technical universities. Under modern conditions it is essential to organize language teaching and learning process so as to solve general tasks of higher education. Students and university graduates must be prepared to use their language skills for solving academic, scientific and professional problems and be aware of typical situations of professional communication. Therefore, the target competence should be regarded as an integrated unity of professional and communicative competencies. Its integrative character is reflected in the modified criteria presented in the paper. It is suggested to evaluate the target competence using cognitive-operational and motivation-professional criteria. Each of them is characterized by specific knowledge, skills, experience and personal qualities required for participation in activities typical of professional environment and scientific community. Stages of forming the target competence are considered together with corresponding mechanisms of integration. Each stage aims at developing particular skills needed for professional communication. Particular skills may be developed or improved with the help of certain types of classroom activities. It is shown how to adjust traditional exercises used for developing language skills to general objectives of higher education and how to use them for development of professional competencies of an engineer. Keywords: engineer, foreign language teaching, higher education, competence, competency | 1262 | |||||
275 | Study migration is regarded as one of the instruments of the forming of future specialists’ professional competency. The article gives a comparative characteristic of the approaches of the two considered countries based on the interviews with the students who participates in academic exchange. It investigates the mechanisms used by the students for their adaptation to the different educational environment. Keywords: study migration, content, forms of organization of educational activities, competencies, sociocultural adaptation | 1260 | |||||
276 | Considers the question of formation of readiness of bachelors of pedagogical education for implementation of innovative learning technologies, involving the transition from school-oriented cognitive model of graduates for school development cultural basic abilities. In the school the educational standards of a new generation of laid down requirements for metasubject results of training, however, it is important to understand that these results can only be obtained by the application of technologies of this type. Interdisciplinary technology of training is aimed at ensuring the unity of common cultural, personal and cognitive development of the student, continuity of all levels of the educational process, the formation of the whole imaginative vision of the world. The characteristic of readiness for application of interdisciplinary technology as an integrative professional qualities of a future teacher’s personality is given. It allows him to carry out the relevant teaching of mathematics, in-depth formation of knowledge and skills, development of test materials for assessment of interdisciplinary learning outcomes. The structure and content of the elective course focused on preparing future mathematics teachers to the development of cognitive skills of students in learning geometry. Describes the main aspects of methods of organization of educational-professional activity of future teachers as part of the course. Focuses on developing bachelors’ skills in designing basic components of activity of pupils at lessons of geometry: motivational, activity and control-evaluation. Keywords: interdisciplinary educational technologies, willingness to use interdisciplinary learning technologies, educational-professional activity of future teachers of mathematics, educational activities of students, thinking skills in geometry | 1260 | |||||
277 | In many modern universities, especially in research ones, the process of revising approaches and indicators for assessing the quality of teaching is now actively underway, which we propose to consider as innovative and, of course, progressive. The focus has shifted from actual assessing the quality of education to the assessment of teachers’ activity, which he performs or does not perform. In the event of non-compliance with indicators in elections, the lecturer is elected for a shorter term or not elected at all. These figures at a minimum reflect the quality of training in any assessment. In the election for the posts of teaching staff, a very narrow and very specific set of indicators of educational activity, primary to universities, is taken into account, among other things (consider the indicators on the example of research Tomsk State University): the number of qualified candidates and doctors of sciences; the number of dissertations prepared under the guidance of a teacher; the number of credits of courses taught in a foreign language, with the use of electronic resources, or, project, research; the number of prizes engaged by the students, leading teachers, competitions, contests, etc.; the management of basic educational programs. All these factors only indirectly indicate the quality of teaching. Thus, we can confidently say that in Tomsk scientific research universities there is a tendency to quasi-innovations in the evaluation of teaching, as organizational innovations contribute to the reduction of work time standards, increase in productivity, improve of the workflow, and psychological climate in the team. Organizational quasi-innovations can not produce such effects, on the contrary, they lead to conflicts, increase of working time norms, general dissatisfaction with the management and the injustice of the system of procedure election to the office, as well as the loss of qualified personnel. Keywords: quality of teaching, evaluation of teacher’s activity | 1260 | |||||
278 | On the basis of the conducted historical and pedagogical analysis, the content of the concepts “afterschool work”, “out-of-class work”, “nonlearning work”, “extracurricular work” was revealed. The periodization of the stages of the formation of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren is proposed; describes the features of the organization of extracurricular activities of students at various historical stages of the formation of this phenomenon in Russia: 1) at the stage of the emergence of the phenomenon of “extracurricular work” in Russian education, the features of which are associated with the creation of a network of extracurricular institutions of “private and public initiative”, the focus of their activities on the general development of children of unprivileged classes; 2) at the stage of evolution of forms of extracurricular, extracurricular, extracurricular activities of students in educational organizations, whose originality was due to the development of mass practice of organizing extracurricular (extracurricular) activities (including the creation of an “industry” of leisure activities for children and youth at the place of residence), intensification of scientific research, including the content of this work, determining its optimal tasks, technologies, forms of implementation; 3) at the stage of formation of modern models of organization of extracurricular activities associated with the formation of personal and metasubject educational results of students within the framework of the system-activity educational paradigm. Keywords: extracurricular activities, afterschool activities, out-of-class activities, nonlearning activities, stages of formation of the concept of “extracurricular activities” | 1260 | |||||
279 | The results of study of self-regulation of behaviour as a criterion of psychological readiness to successful implementation of research activity are presented. The main phases of research activity within conceptual model of the activity dynamic structure by R. Kh. Shakurov are considered. The study sample included 88 postgraduate students and masters engaged in research work. For revealing the features of the processes of selfregulation of young scientists’ behavior, “Style of Self-Regulation of Behavior” technique by V. I. Morosanova was used. Processes of planning and estimation of results are the most expressed ones in young scientists’ profile of self-regulation. Two factors, tentatively named “flexibility in search for decisions and estimation of results” and “independence in goal setting”, indicating features of styles of self-regulation of young scientists have been distinguished. Gender differences in indicators of the process of planning have been established. Young scientists of male sample had more developed individual features of goal setting and goal retention. It has been revealed that postgraduate students, as opposed to the masters, are forming their program of actions for implementation of tasks of research activity more independently. Keywords: psychological readiness, research activity, self-regulation, junior scientists | 1259 | |||||
280 | The article considers foreign research experience of the notion of information and communication competency of an educator. Due to intensive development of globalization and informatization, new information and communication technologies are appearing and influencing the organization of educational process, ways of interaction between participants of educational process, new educator’s competencies and content of such competencies that are becoming more and more inevitable in nowadays’ teacher’s performance. Among these new competencies, information and communication competency of an educator is of great interest in many foreign researchers’ works. Due to the process of carrying out the research on the notion and content of the competency by diverse organizations such as International Society for Technology in Education, Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and UNESCO there exists a variety of different terms of the same notion. In this respect, foreign research experience in this field presents an interest considering its elaboration in detail on theoretical and practical levels. Theoretical methods used while conducting this study are mostly analysis, comparing, synthesis. Furthermore, the article presents characteristics of different groups of researchers and educational organizations dealing with the issues of notion and content of information and communication competency of an educator. While comparing and analyzing various researches on this issue, the author comes to the conclusion that their ideas are similar in most cases, especially the content of informational and communicational competency that supposes two indispensible aspects – technological and didactic ones. Keywords: information and communication competence, foreign experience, information and communication technologies, professional education | 1258 | |||||
281 | This article is devoted to the investigation of phenomenon of students’ everyday culture which is a cross-disciplinary problem. Everyday culture takes a significant place in the personal general culture and is a component of the general cultural competencies of the graduates of the university. It is the everyday culture that promotes establishment of harmonious relations within society, brings constructive interaction, in both process of interpersonal and business communication. From the standpoint of pedagogy, appealing to the problems of students’ everyday culture is conditioned by the significance of this phenomenon that is a basis of a personality’s socialization. The insufficient level of formation of everyday culture revealed as a result of the diagnosis allows us to speak about the relevance of this problem under consideration and necessity to develop the pedagogical conditions conducive to the formation of the everyday culture of students. The article analyzes the essence of everyday culture and the history of its comprehension through social and humanitarian knowledge. Also considered the pedagogical conditions of formation of everyday culture of students under conditions of modern higher school. The authors of this article are close to the idea of indirect formation of the values of everyday culture in a natural process, coupled with reasoning, reflexing and experience. Keywords: everyday culture of students, everyday culture formation, students, higher education institution, code of ethics, university environment, environment approach | 1257 | |||||
282 | In modern society, police service is a complex activity. It requires great intelligence, outstanding character features, readiness to serve citizens in the interests of the personality, the state and society. Due to the changes in the social role of law enforcement agencies, the implementation of innovative technologies and modern technology into policing, police officers require a high level of education, new skills, such as research, communication, critical thinking, mastering new ways of communicating and working with information, developing self-development skills with the purpose of identifying oneself in professional activity, understanding of various social problems and the ability to solve them. To ensure a comprehensive approach to the realization of a person-oriented education of police staff, it is necessary to create a scientific and methodological platform for the formation of step-by-step vocational training, which enables the formation, development and improvement of professional readiness, professional education, professional culture. In order for professional police education to successfully fulfill its forecast functions, its structure, organization, content and methods of implementation should be perspective-oriented, which is possible only with the scientific provision of the educational process. In this sense, the experience of professional training of police staff in the Federal Republic of Germany as an established system of continuous professional police education based on a scientific basis is of interest. As the result of the scientific provision of the educational process, the necessary reaction is provided to the constant change of legislation, the appearance of new types and methods of committing crimes, the variability of the police’s social roles, the need to adjust the professional activity of police officers, adapt them to emerging life realities and conditions of service. The authors consider the general tendencies of supplementation of the scientific component and professionalization of labor activity on the basis of an analysis of the results of the research activities of the Saxony Police Institute. Keywords: professional police education, the scientific base of the educational process, professionalization, fundamental scientific research, practical research, practical application of scientific knowledge, practical orientation | 1257 | |||||
283 | In the conditions of market economy an indispensable condition for the effectiveness of any individual is the level of economic culture, which includes the formation of economic thinking and financial literacy, which should be formed within the educational space of the school from primary level until graduation, providing a systematic approach in developing the necessary economic competence. A systematic approach in teaching Economics at school requires a significant change in the educational program of the school, parents’ understanding and readiness of all public institutions to obtain an effective result. To date, the problem of economic insolvency of the population, which is associated with a low level of economic and financial literacy acquires the position of a certain level of economic security of the state. Analysis of public authorities of the situation led to understanding of the organization universal “literacy” to reduce the level of economic and financial literacy. The main purpose of the educational process in Economics at school is the process of forming an economically competent person capable of forming their understanding of financial products, concepts and risks and through information, training to develop their skills and raise awareness of financial risks and opportunities to make informed choices about financial products and services, to take other effective measures to improve their financial situation. Keywords: systematic approach, formation of competences, economic culture, economic and financial literacy strategy, financial literacy, complex organization of the educational process | 1257 | |||||
284 | The article considers the importance and features of formation of creative independence of design students. On the basis of the analysis and synthesis of the research data, the author presented the technology of formation of creative independence as a set of techniques, forms, ways, methods of training in which the circumspect interaction of education process participants take place. Stages, organizational and methodical aspects and conditions of formation of creative independence in the process of studying of the discipline “The basis of production ability” are described. Keywords: creative independence of designers, technology of formation, components of creative independence, formation stages | 1256 | |||||
285 | The article is devoted to the problems of interaction between the School and the University as social institutions, the structures of the system of continuous education. School as an indispensable but insufficient stage of continuous education is defined in the research as a human potential development institution. Higher education, the next stage of continuous education, is a tool for the development of human capital. The concept of “Human Potential” is considered in the context of evaluating educational outcomes that can be used and improved in the process of continuing education. The concept of “Human capital” is correlated in the study with the concept of “quality of admission” of students – an important criterion for assessing the quality of education in the university. The aim of the article is to substantiate a pedagogical program that increases the level of awareness about the quality of educational results of school graduates, revealing the possibilities of their improvement in collaborative network programs of cooperation between institutions of secondary general and higher professional education. The possibilities of the pedagogical program are examined on the example of the relationship of the Research University with general educational institutions – partners, collaborative research and methodological practices that affect the increase in the level of functional literacy, preprofessional competence of school graduates as future students are described. Important educational practices include programs to study the motives, values of high school students as future applicants; qualitative research of educational achievements, predicting the academic success of training in the university. Keywords: human potential, human capital, social institution, continuous education, networking, pedagogical partnership of educational institutions, qualitative results of education, portrait of the entrant, pre-professional competence as a metaprojective education | 1256 | |||||
286 | The article is about the definition of goal setting, as an integral part of effective activity of administrative personnel. Necessity of development of goal setting as a key competence of modern managers. In article is the author’s model of psychological and pedagogical activity on the development of goal-setting of students management specialties. Keywords: goal setting, competence, competence approach | 1254 | |||||
287 | The article considers the questions of the contemporary education and its regionalization. It identifies particular lines of development of university education improvement in preparation of the graduate as a competent, competitive pedagogue. The work defines universities as capable of exerting principal influence on social and cultural development of education in the region. The paper presents the author’s view of the criteria of identifying university as the core in the regional educational system’s structure: competitiveness at the All-Russian and regional professional pedagogical space; the basic center of influence at general education schools; the ability of being the main educational science backbone of the innovative educational potential of the region; the presence of fundamental conditions for the constructing of lifelong pedagogical education. Keywords: regional educational system, university, general school, self-determination, lifelong professional education, competitiveness, value orientation | 1253 | |||||
288 | The article focuses on features of the commercialization of educational developments in a humanitarian university. The author analyzes success stories and sources of difficulties faced by humanitarian (educational) institutions of higher education in the process of the developments transfer. The experience of TSPU office of commercialization of educational, scientific and technological developments in commercializing innovative educational developments is considered. The models of commercializing innovative educational projects are presented – the conclusion of the publishing license contract for objects of intellectual property, applied researches by request of the organizations of real sector of economy, the transaction on license contracts, creation of the small innovative enterprise on the basis of objects of intellectual property of higher education institution. The importance of organizing system work for providing the full innovation cycle – from idea to implementation is underlined. Keywords: commercialization, innovation in education, innovative educational development, intellectual property, small innovative enterprise, commercialization model | 1252 | |||||
289 | Formation of the future bachelor’s moral responsibility as a social and professional quality is carried out in educational and professional activities process, provided with a set of different professional and cultural practices. This article clarified the concept of “moral responsibility of the future bachelor”, defined its structural elements – clusters, according to which the pedagogical diagnostics of moral responsibility formation of the future bachelors study is developed. Next there is a description of the assessment and diagnostic tools of moral responsibility formation of the future bachelors study in professional and cultural practices process. The marked criteria are spiritual, interactive, creative, also the regulatory levels of moral responsibility formation of the future bachelors in a positive mode of their manifestation (the indifferent, unstable and stable) are described. Keywords: moral responsibility of the future bachelor, clusters of moral responsibility, the criterion of formation, the level of formation, assessment and diagnostic tools | 1252 | |||||
290 | Currently, for graduates of pre-university educational institutions under the auspices of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, the high demands are imposed on physical fitness. This is because the objective of the educational activities of such schools is to prepare young men to enroll in military universities of the country, where a high level of physical fitness is one of the conditions for military training. At the same time, one of the problems that the system of physical training in the school creates, as studies have shown, is the low interest of cadets in sports, which is reflected in the low attendance of extra classes on physical culture. The work is dedicated to the search for organizational forms and means of physical education, methods of their implementation and the definition of place in the educational space of the cadet academy. The article discusses extracurricular forms of physical training in the Orenburg presidential cadet school. The author suggests that cadets are offered the forms and methods of physical training and sports that do not fully meet the age requirements of the cadet. Determining the interest and motivation of the cadets additionally, outside the school to engage in physical culture and sports will allow to organize the work in the system of physical education appropriate for their age and needs, which will contribute to the formation of motivation to sports activities, will increase the mass involved and thus the level of their physical fitness. The research allowed to classify extracurricular forms of physical training. Such forms include: sports events for pupils of the 5–6 classes, sports clubs in division of additional education for cadets of the 5–9 classes, classes of military-applied sports for senior cadets. The introduction of the system of physical education with additional physical training and sporting activities that meet the interests of cadets, helped to increase attendance, to raise the prestige of physical culture and sports, and thus increase the level of physical training of the graduates of the Orenburg presidential cadet school. Keywords: cadets, motives, forms of employment, the system of physical education | 1251 | |||||
291 | On the basis of scientific periodicals considers the problem of teaching the Russian language to students as a foreign language. The requirements for the formation of language courses, for the organization of the Russian language teaching, taking into account the national language specificity of students are allocated. Russian methods and practices of teaching Russian as a foreign language are presented, namely: the characteristic of the works on Russian as a foreign language as a separate scientific direction (as an independent subject of linguistics; features of consideration of the secondary language person and the nature of its formation) is given, the experience of the consideration of sociocultural context of learning Russian as a foreign language (organization of work with texts containing information on the national picture of the world, the use of specially organized forms of visual communication) is described; the general and specific methodological aspects of the problem of studying Russian as a foreign language (methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, including modern approaches to the forms and methods of control; forms and methods of using the imagery of the Russian language through various language units; analysis of difficulties encountered by foreign students learning Russian as a foreign language). Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, linguistic personality, typology of mistakes, forms and methods of control | 1251 | |||||
292 | Mental representation is a subjective image of an event or an operational form of mental experience. As the situation changes, the mental experience also changes. The algorithm of selection of educational tasks and a set of methods of psychodidactic orientation of development of mental representations and representative abilities is described: the method of problem selection and the method of creating individual mental maps. The selection method is represented by four main types of tasks: the first type is chosen by the teacher to work with students with a low level of educational and cognitive experience and includes training exercises, as well as techniques for developing cognitive interest and self-regulation skills with the help of a teacher. The second type of tasks is presented by educational texts, the work with which allows to create mental representations, and also forms ability to reflex. The third type of tasks involves testing the ability to supplement the thesaurus with new ways of learning activity. The fourth type includes tasks for the creative application of knowledge by students. The method of creation of individual mental maps assumes formation of abilities at higher level. Activities for creation of mental representations and application of receptions of a reflection in educational activity are the cornerstone of this method. The algorithm presented in the article on development of mental representations of educational texts as a result of use in educational process has shown that mental representations are fixed in different forms of their representation is more integrated into situations of their updating in educational activity. Keywords: mental representation, individual mental map, educational text, activization of cognitive activity, trial and error method of tasks, method of creation of individual mental maps | 1251 | |||||
293 | The article justifies the statement about the increasing importance of socio-cultural education under conditions of spiritual and moral crisis, the crisis of culture and education in the Russian society and the emergence of the need to modernize and improve the qualification of the specialists, demanded by the time. In search for a solution to this problem the “Model of university teachers of culture and arts in the conditions of realization of the competence approach” was developed and tested. The developed model – pedagogical and competence, which serves for forming a standard, characterizing the quality of the subject of the educational process, which must necessarily be formed to ensure the success of his future career [1, p.123–137]. Keywords: the model, pedagogical model, competence, competency, levels of education, integrative teaching methods, socio-cultural competence, professional and pedagogical competence | 1250 | |||||
294 | Questions of preservation and strengthening of psychological health of students are considered. The influence of methods of pedagogy on the psychological state of students is determined. The choice of teaching methods depends on the psychological state of the student and the social climate of the class. The system-activity approach to the design of teaching methods using the video method was used. The following theoretical methods were used: the study and analysis of special psychopedagogical and scientific-methodological research; analysis of educational and methodological documentation, general theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis, theoretical modeling. The functions of test control are detailed: didactic, educational, diagnostic and preventive, corrective and their influence on the psychological state of students. The didactic function of the video method is directly related to the principle of visibility. Educational function of the video method is that with the help of this technology to create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of socially positive behavior. The corrective function is aimed at minimizing the risks associated with improper use of the video method. The diagnostic and prophylactic function of using the video method consists in the possibility of recording phenomena and processes that are important from the point of view of analyzing the psychological state of participants in educational relations. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of psychological health of students using a video method are revealed. Keywords: video method, didactic function, educational function, correction function, diagnostic-preventive function | 1250 | |||||
295 | The results of the analysis of the sites of Russian universities on the subject of providing educational work with students with regulatory documents, the analysis of the most common models of the educational work, student self-government, including the student associations and communities are presented. The main directions of student communities in universities are highlighted, their specificity in pedagogical universities, related to their orientation to practical professional and pedagogical activity are defined. Deficiencies in the functioning of models of the educational work with students at the faculty level are indicated. The 10-year experience in organizing the educational work and after-hour activities with students of the Pedagogical Faculty of Tomsk State Pedagogical University by including future social educators in student communities is generalized. The organization schemes of student selfgovernment at the level of the academic group, faculty level, interaction of student communities of the faculty with other subjects of the educational work of the faculty and the university as a whole are presented. The examples of possible student communities at the faculty are given. Using the example of comparing labor activities of a social pedagogue and the activities of the student group curator, a conclusion is drawn on the resource development of students’ readiness to perform the above types of professional activity when they are included in any student community in accordance with their interests. The conditions for increasing the level of readiness of students of the university for the solution of the tasks of professional activity through the construction of the educational work at the faculty on the basis of modeling the activities of student communities are substantiated. Keywords: educational work, extracurricular activities, student communities, professional competencies, the inclusion of future social teachers in faculty students’ communities | 1250 | |||||
296 | The article deals with the problem of formation of a competitive design student, a graduate of the university, his readiness for constant self-education, adequate response to changing realities of life, change of professional trajectory in the face of uncertainty. Definitions of the concepts professional competence, freelancer, competence are specified. It justifies the importance of training graduates for continuous self-education throughout life, mastering a certain amount of professional design knowledge. The analysis of professionally important qualities of the personality offered by the experts at foresight sessions of the Agency of Strategic Initiatives in the process of definition of the set of newly emerging professions is carried out. Based on the comparative analysis of supra-professional competencies proposed by the experts, and components of the information-communicative competence as an important integrative quality of the personality of a university graduate from the point of view of increasing his competitiveness, the changes in the teaching process of the professional block disciplines. The results of the pedagogical experiment on the formation of professional competence by introducing the elements of the organization of the project work of a professional designer into the educational process of the program of the discipline Design are given. The main distinctive features of the competence- modular curriculum of the discipline are described. The role of formation of professional mobility of information and communication competence of university students-designers in ensuring their competitiveness is defined. The possible future tasks which will be faced by a professional in the field of education are described. Keywords: creativity, target audience, educational standard, professional standard, entrepreneurship, continuing education, professional competence, competitiveness of university graduates | 1250 | |||||
297 | The article emphasizes the actuality of the process of development of information competence of the personality from the positions of subject-activity approach. As a subject of activities the personality in modern society is becoming an important competence: the willingness of the individual to the network interaction based on digital trends with the designation in it of the subjective experience, the ability to generate and maintain online content as an independent and active subject, the ability to provide quality navigation in information and communication technologies based on the experience of their use. These abilities characterize the components of information competence of the personality. The process of development of this competence from the positions of subject-activity approach lies in the continuous support of the subject activities on smart technologies in the smart society through “understanding”, the birth of their meanings, enriching the subjective experience of development of information competence of a person. In the context of Smart society the subject of activities has a willingness to actualize personal potential, subject experience, information competence, information culture. Under the information competence of the personality as a subject of activity can be understood the ability to “multiplication” of the natural, spiritual, professional, cultural and individual-personal features in Smart society. Keywords: information competence of a person, subject of activity, subject-activity approach, Smart society, digital trends | 1249 | |||||
298 | The article describes the results of questioning of students of the faculty of preschool and primary education. The aim of the research is to clarify the attitude of respondents to the issue of supervision practice in educational organizations. Supervision is interpreted as a methodological and active support that contributes not only to adaptation in the profession but also to professional and personal development. The author finds out what factors influence the decision of the teacher to stay in profession; what forms of work with young specialists are used most often; what qualities must the teacher-instructor have. It turns out that the main positive factors are: high salary, organization of methodological support, team adaptation. Individual consultations and exemplary lessons of experienced colleagues are the most used forms of support work with young specialists. Respondents’ opinions about the qualities of a mentor can be grouped into two “triangles”: the psychological “triangle of confrontation” (empathy, communicability, exactness) and pedagogical “triangle of complementarity” (professional experience, ability to learn, research qualities). Finally, the author clarifies that supervision is a co-organization of different models of interaction with the ward (authoritarian, leadership, partnership), in which a mentor can be a head, a leader and a partner in cooperation with a young specialist depending on the goals and content of supervision. Keywords: questioning, young specialists, mentor, supervision, cooperation, mentor’s qualities | 1249 | |||||
299 | The article proves the actuality of forming of partner relations of kindergarten and family. Presents the results of the undertaken empirical study on the exposure of the parents’ attitude and knowledge about the organization of educational process in preschool and their attitude to the health preservation of children. Characterizes the forms of organization of kindergarten and families cooperation and describes the results of introduction and approbation of some of these forms. For the development of partnership between kindergarten and parents of great importance becomes the development and implementation of projects. As a result of implementation of such projects it is assumed that parents and teachers will enrich knowledge in the field of health protection of children, enhance understanding of the health environment. Besides the preschool educational institution will master some health protection technologies, methods and techniques, will gain the ability to plan leisure of children, adult staff and families for the benefit of physical, mental and moral health. Keywords: partner relations, project activity, cooperation, health protection, forms of organization | 1247 | |||||
300 | The issue of creating a children’s choral studio on the basis of at least two educational organizations - a comprehensive school and the establishment of additional education for children - is being considered. The importance of choral studios from several positions has been analyzed: for children - realization of the creative abilities of each child, development of his general culture, citizenship, vocational orientation to vocal and choral activity, and from the point of view of educational organizations - ensuring compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education 1-4 grade) in the part of organization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren; expansion of the interaction spectrum of educational structures; vocational guidance to the music profession. A brief overview of the formation and development of choral art in Russia and at the regional level (on the example of the city of Tomsk) is given and the current situation with children’s choral education is analyzed. Methods for integrating the efforts of the general education school and institutions of additional education for children with the goal of creating a children’s choir is proposed, based on the personal experience of the authors and providing elements of a network form for the implementation of educational programs. Keywords: children’s choral studio, additional education of children, comprehensive school, networking | 1247 |