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351 | The article reveals the features of flagship universities as drivers and think tanks of innovative development of regions. Regional flagship universities provide the labor market with highly qualified specialists, produce scientific ideas aimed at transforming the economy and socio-cultural sphere of the region, improving the quality of life of the population. The authors reflect on the effective ways to develop pedagogical education in a regional flagship university that meets the modern requirements of society, employers and professional and personal needs of students - future teachers, aimed at training competent graduates in demand in the modern education system of Russian regions. The article is devoted to the search for strategies for the development of pedagogical education in regional flagship universities, which can be used in various regions of Russia, taking into account the peculiarities of their sociocultural conditions. The interaction of the university and the region in the training of teachers able to carry out their professional activities in the conditions of the information society, the digitalization of the economy and education is shown. Particular emphasis is placed on the need to strengthen practical and project-oriented training of future teachers, more effective pedagogical practice, which allows students to acquire the primary experience of a real professional activity in various educational environments of the region. The authors of the article pay great attention to the problem of network interaction between the university and the educational organizations of the region, the use of design technologies in the educational process aimed at building students’ skills in the development of socially significant projects that are in demand on the regional market of educational services. The article points out the need to strengthen the training of students for educational work in the school, as well as the actualization of the potential educational opportunities of the cultural and historical environment of the region with the use of methods and technologies of ethnic pedagogy, museum pedagogy and educational tourism. The article notes the importance of acquiring additional competencies by the graduates of the regional flagship university, en suring their successful professional activity in the field of adult education, the training of people of the third age, in the system of additional education for children and adolescents. Keywords: regional flagship university, digitalization of education, strategies for the development of pedagogical education, interaction between the university and the region, training future teachers at university | 1211 | |||||
352 | The extracurricular educational work is an integral part of the learning process. An educational institution must ensure the variability of extracurricular activities, using different forms of organization which are different from class-based static classes. The content of extracurricular activities is regulated by the internal documents of the educational institution and is determined by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Secondary Vocational Education. In the regional state budget educational institution of secondary vocational education “Kozhevnikovo Agribusiness Technical College” the organization of extracurricular activities for the category of disabled students and persons with disabilities in the frame of specialty “Seamstress” is carried out by means of a creative group training. The article is based on the creative group training program which is designed in accordance with the special educational needs of disabled students and persons with disabilities as well as taking into account the characteristics of their psychophysical development and individual opportunities, and the professional specialization of the institution. The creative group training program describes methods for working with various artistic materials, the program gives the recommendations for the teacher during the planning, conduct and analysis of the classes. The purpose of the article is the possibility of sharing experiences and progressive practices of organization the creative training for disabled students and persons with disabilities at different stages of the development of vocational education systems. Also the reader is invited to think about the ways of interaction between different educational institutions and to stimulate pedagogical communication and interaction at various levels of the professional educational system. Keywords: adaptation, persons with disability, extracurricular activities, creative activities | 1210 | |||||
353 | It is shown that the results of science research in the area of personalization made psychologists pay attention to the study of literary abilities of a gifted person, especially the psychological foundations and writers’ artistic creativity process. We started with the fact that nowadays researchers are searching for the integrative psychological indicator which allows to characterize a literary gifted personality. Further we describe the contribution of scholars to the development of diagnostic tools for studying psychological manifestations of literary abilities and specifics of literary and art creativity. Throughout the last century Russian and international scientists engaged in psychology have been carrying out fundamental research, including longitudinal studies on the problems of psychology of creativity, general and specific abilities. Finally, we show that one of the central problems of empirical studies in the field of psychological knowledge is the development of methods and tools for diagnosing psychological features of a creatively gifted personality. Russian psychologists developed testing techniques for diagnostics of features of creative thinking. However, researchers experience considerable difficulties in finding of external criterion. The uniform generalized validity measure for creativity has not been established yet. Special difficulties are caused by the design of psychological tests which can be used to study the nature of special abilities, literary and artistic talent. At the moment, the specialized tests for studying literary talent are not developed, therefore the problem of creating them is objectively relevant. Keywords: psychology of abilities, writer’s psychology, literary abilities, literary and artistic creativity, psychological diagnostics of abilities, methods of psychological diagnostics | 1209 | |||||
354 | The article considers the following approaches to motivation: motive as a goal, motive as a need, motive as an intent, motive as a stable personality trait, motive as an inducement. Studied the motives of first-year students for admission to pedagogical university. Motives are correlated with the main approaches to motivation. Presents possibility of application of data interpretation for the installation of the nature of motivation: internal, external and identify the individual characteristics of the career choices made by freshmen. The interaction between different types of motives and self-esteem of students is noted. Generally, internal motives correlate with self-esteem and external ones with high and low self-esteem. The applications of the results are relevant for the implementation of individual approach in building the conditions for the further formation of positive motivation of first-year students to the profession, keeping the attention on the fact that the motivational sphere is quite dynamic: the value and impact of individual motives цvary, and accordingly, it changes the hierarchy of motives. Various factors can change this hierarchy and therefore, the task of teachers is to maintain the positive motivation to the teaching profession that will continue to promote prosperous professional activities. Keywords: motive, hierarchy of motives, self-esteem, individual approach | 1207 | |||||
355 | The fact that a university graduate has a specific set of competencies that meet the requirements of professional standards has become one of the indicators of the quality of education. However, the transition from the traditional education system: the knowledge, skills and abilities to professional competencies, requires for the higher education system to revise approaches of learning. One of such approaches is the use of various forms and methods of training that contribute to the formation of key competences for students. The right to choose the forms of education or their combinations remains with the teacher-specialist, but the set of specific competencies is governed by the basic educational program for the corresponding directions of training graduates. One of the most effective forms of organizing group training is a business game. Formation of competencies for the students occurs through gaming activities aimed at modeling the real professional situation in the course of performing certain social roles for the participants. Business game on the topic: “Statistical distribution of the sample. Empirical distribution function” in the direction of preparation “Economics” (qualification of the graduate “bachelor”) was aimed at solving the problem of organizing the collection and further processing of statistical data. In the course of the game, a simulation of activities aimed at collecting and processing statistical data takes place. The goal for the students was to construct an interval statistical series, empirical distribution function and histogram of frequencies (relative frequencies). The basis for the development of this business game was making the conditions simulating the process of analysis of statistical data at different stages, each of which relies on data from the previous stage, so that all participants felt responsibility for the accuracy and unbiased of the obtained data. As the results of this lesson, the basic knowledge on the research topic was actualized and the students achieved the required level of competence in accordance with the educational program of the discipline. The main results of the activities of the business game participants were reflected in the abstract form, and as an illustration, they are presented in this article. Keywords: сompetencies, process of education, learning methods, business game, mathematical statistics | 1207 | |||||
356 | This article is logical continuation of work [1] and deals with examining of interdisciplinary relationships between discipline “Data structures in subject area” and disciplines “Informatics and programming”, “Databases”, “Object-oriented programming” and “High-level methods of informatics and programming”. In addition, we have defined the directions of further work on educational and methodical ensuring of discipline “Data structures in subject area”. We have assumed what selection of contents and development of tasks for the unit “Review of Application of the Structured Types of Data” will promote increasing of student’s interest in studying of theoretical material of discipline “Data structures in subject area”. Keywords: training of students, data structures, applied Informatics, interdisciplinary relationships | 1206 | |||||
357 | The article considers an issue of resource provision of university educational disciplines for successful functioning of Russian educational services in the international market. An important component of the innovative strategy that can help considerably reduce a degree of difficulties connected with teaching English-speaking students in Russian medical universities is compiling special textbooks and study guidances, aimed at work with this target group. The analysis of the problem and a special study conducted in Irkutsk State Medical University suggest that a system of models for compiling educational editions of different types should be used. The main idea is that authors should structure such pieces of writing within a certain pattern, so that they could have a better educational and methodical value. The problem of correlation of the Russian and English languages in such editions is essential and inevitable in this respect. It strongly correlates with inclusion of the practical course of medicinal subjects in the Russian-speaking environment, as well as with an ability, readiness and willingness of students to receive educational material in Russian. In order to see the point more clearly, a structural and substantial model of one of such editions appears at the end of the article. This is a pattern of a lecture course on a university discipline. Keywords: educational program, export of educational services, medical education, model, educational edition in English, English-speaking students, lecture course | 1205 | |||||
358 | The study of problems related to the study of the rich historical and pedagogical heritage of the Russian regions is of great importance as a direction for scientific research. An attempt is made to fill the existing information gap in the history of the development of private education in Irkutsk. Previously unknown documents which are stored in the Russian State Historical Archive and the State archive of the Irkutsk region are introduced for scientific use. Materials of pre-revolutionary periodicals are used. Statistical data on the national structure of the Irkutsk population in 1864, 1884, 1909 are submitted. Organizational and pedagogical aspects of the activity of the national schools are considered. In the middle of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries their custodians were individuals, religious communities (madrassas, Jewish, Evangelical and Lutheran, Roman Catholic elementary schools) and national societies (Latvian and Armenian schools). These schools were a part of city educational space. They taught children of a certain religion in their native language. Schools financing questions, problems of interaction between founders and local administration, difficulties of teacher’s staff selection are revealed. The main attention is paid to the educational process organization. The education content characteristic, educational work forms examples, children introduction to national traditions and customs are given. Keywords: history of private education, private education, private national school, educational process, familiarizing with national traditions, Irkutsk, Irkutsk Province | 1205 | |||||
359 | The article emphasizes the relevance of the processes of transformation of views on the development of professional competencies of the individual, associated with the existence of information, digital and SMART-society. As a representative of modern society, a person acquires important competences: an integral characteristic related to experience in the information reality, ways of interacting with technology and technology in order to fulfill the general and professional information needs of a person; high-level meta-abilities for the existence in the digital space of highly mobile intelligent devices; the formation of the personality of a SMART-person who is fluent in SMART-technologies for searching, analyzing information and creating innovations that interact in professional network communities. These abilities characterize the components of the information, digital and smart competencies of the individual. These competencies coexist and come to the fore depending on the evolution of society as a dynamic system, the improvement of information, digital and smart technologies. The transformation of views on information, digital and SMART-competence of the individual in modern society is associated with its synchronous development, modernization, social hybridization and convergence, modernity, progressiveness, civilization, integrativity, cultural and historical potential, with the transition from the «closed» technology to «seamlessness». Keywords: informational competence of personality, digital competence of personality, SMART-competence of personality, information society, digital society, SMART-society | 1205 | |||||
360 | Currently, the urgency of the problem of socialization of children with special educational needs in an inclusive education is becoming extremely important. In education organizations, the number of children with disabilities significantly increases, who have a decrease in the communicative-cognitive need for communication, persistent violations of all parts of the communicative act, which creates significant barriers to interpersonal interaction. In the educational practice of children with special educational needs, the key concept is their successful social adaptation, which is the inclusion of the individual in society, as a result of which the individual’s self-awareness and role behavior, the ability to self-service and interact with others are formed. And only in the process of social adaptation does an individual become a person who possesses the necessary life competencies for a full-fledged existence in society. The article presents the results of a theoretical study of the problems of social and communicative development, the possibilities of communicative activity of children with mild mental retardation. The necessity of targeted corrective and pedagogical assistance in the formation of communicative activities based on identifying real situations in role-playing games that can be included in the corrective work of modules that contribute to the social adaptation of children in this category as a whole is emphasized. Keywords: social adaptation, mental retardation, communicative activity, communication, simulation of real situations | 1205 | |||||
361 | Further development of humankind is possible in the context of a dialogue of different national, cultural and religious communities, who are able to understand and accept another culture as a positive equivalent to their own. The articles deals with the challenges of globalization, namely, the complex problems of ethnic relations within Russia. The problem is analyzed from the standpoint of possible use of successful practices of previous periods in history of Russia. The main message is to educate young generations of RF ethnic tolerance with positive examples. Replicating negative information of interethnic relations plays a negative role in everyday life and the course of education for younger generations. The most possible attention is paid to development of principles of tolerant attitudes towards different ethnic groups of the country – the titular nation, i.e. ethnic Russians, ethnic minorities and immigrants. State authorities should be involved in the process as well. Education with positive historic and cultural ethnic experience, dialogue, cultural practices, multicultural studies pre-arranged as a realistic program are thought to be reliable means to develop more tolerant younger generations. Professionalism in this matter is rather significant: profound knowledge of ethnic characteristics guarantees mutual respect and acceptance while solving the problems of ethnic conflicts. Keywords: tolerance, ethnic relations, cross-cultural relation, the Russian language, front or title ethnos, ethnic minorities, immigrants | 1204 | |||||
362 | The content of the concept “multiculturalism” has been given. The need to educate the younger generations of a culture of inter-ethnic communication and the importance of education in this process is justified. Multiculturalism in music education is considered as a means to recreate in the content of all values of musical culture with the aim of holistic musical and cultural development and self-improvement of the person on the basis of the national and universal ideal. The guidelines of pedagogical activity aimed at developing the ability and needs of a person in the creative transformation of the surrounding musical world in a combination of emotional and intellectual are defined. The concept of “national-universal value orientations” is introduced, their structure is considered. The results of monitoring of pedagogical practice are presented, on the basis of which problems of modern multicultural education related to the process of formation of intercultural cooperation and multicultural dialogue skills of schoolchildren, necessary for musical activity in conditions of cultural diversity of Russia and the whole world space are determined. Multicultural music education is being considered, which defines a new area of school education in the institution of supplementary education. Multicultural music training is said to be an integral part of multicultural music education. Conclusions have been drawn on the possibility of its implementation in the institution of additional education in accordance with the developed pedagogical conditions. It justifies the need to educate the younger generations of a culture of interethnic communication and the importance of dialogue and education in this process. Keywords: culture, personality, society, multicultural music education, multicultural music training, value attitudes, national and universal values of music culture | 1204 | |||||
363 | This paper is the result of a theoretical understanding of problems of ethnic and cultural education and upbringing of children and youth through the traditional Russian folk dance. Appeal to the history of Russian dance allowed to note that it is one of the most ancient forms of folk art, which arose on the basis of employment rights and transmitting thoughts, feelings, moods, attitudes towards people living phenomena. Its development is closely linked with the entire history of the Russian people. The article defines the stages of learning folk dance in a natural rural environment and illustrated educational influence of Russian folk dance on younger generation. The article covers the problems of teaching everyday choreography at the present stage of social development and the possibility of learning Russian folk dance on the bases of interdisciplinary integration of disciplines, allowing to cover as campletely as possible dancing folklore in the context of traditional folk culture as a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. Keywords: everyday choreography, ethno cultural education, national pedagogy, traditional Russian culture | 1203 | |||||
364 | Due to the changes of the state policy in pre-school education the task to develop ability for making up fairy-tales as one of the forms of children’s abilities for speech creativity has acquired special importance. As a result of finding out psychological and psycho-linguistic pre-conditions for the child’s speech creativity, we single out two interrelated components in senior pre-schoolers’ ability to make up fairy-tales. Explanations of the interconnection of psychic processes in the structure of the ability to make up fairy-tales, specific characterizations of constituent mechanisms of the development of this ability with senior pre-schoolers have supplied a basis for creating diagnostic methods that allow to implement monitoring of this ability by several criteria at one and the same time. Keywords: speech creativity, ability to make up fairy-tales, senior pre-schoolers, monitoring, diagnostic methods | 1203 | |||||
365 | The article gives the historical and pedagogical analysis of the formation of students’ communicative competence. As part of this problem it considers its aspects and studies the main approaches to the definition of the concept. The structure of the communicative competence is analyzed and its main components are identified. The communicative competence includes such components as motivational, intellectual reflexive and communicative. All of them are interconnected and interdependent. The integration of the components influences the process of the formation of the university students’ communicative competence. This analysis contributes to the research of students’ communicative competence. The information may be useful for the staff of higher educational institutions. Keywords: communicative competence, structure, motivational, intellectual, communicative, reflexive components | 1203 | |||||
366 | The paper analyzes the concept of transculturalism and its role in the formation of modern pedagogy and psychology. An actual problem of the modern teacher becomes his selfdevelopment and the development of his professional and psychological culture. Knowing the specifics of other cultures and communities substantially facilitates comprehension of the subject’s own personality, allows to achieve objectivity in assessing the role of their social institutions, in relation to the system of transculturalism pervading modern society. The article presents a semantic analysis of the concept of transculturalism. Keywords: culture, transculturalism, pedagogy, ethnic psychology | 1202 | |||||
367 | The article deals with the implementation of group programs in a fitness club; theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature data allowed to study the main characteristics of different types of group classes held in the fitness club. On the basis of the data of scientific literature and Internet resources, a pedagogical characteristic of various types of lessons on wellness aerobics was offered, the main directions of group programs are grouped according to one fundamental principle – the target orientation of influence on an organism of the students; all programs are divided into six groups: interval classes, power directions, dance directions, classes with the use of special equipment and directions for stretching and relaxation; in each program motor density, heart rate in the main part of the class, the percentage of power and cyclic part of the class, methods of conducting classes are revealed; by questioning the clients of the fitness club, the main reasons and motives for visiting group programs are revealed; the survey of fitness club clients attending group classes allowed to analyze the external motives for choosing the type of classes, revealed trends to visit group programs in the fitness club depending on age: with the increase in the age of those involved, interest in dance aerobics falls significantly (from 34 to 11 %), while the areas associated with stretching and relaxation become more popular (4 and 31 %, respectively). Directions related to the development of endurance and interval training are more in demand in the age categories 21–30 (13 and 24 %) and 31–40 years (11 and 29 %); identified the most popular areas in different age groups (up to 20 years; from 21 to 30; from 31 to 40 years; from 41 to 50 and older); conducted a comparative analysis and ranking of group programs in St. Petersburg, USA and Germany (according to Internet sources), based on the data of Internet sources, it is possible to predict the future development of various programs for health aerobics in Russia. Keywords: group programs, fitness club, pedagogical classification of group programs, popularity at various age categories, motivation of visiting group programs | 1202 | |||||
368 | 1201 | ||||||
369 | Normative documents on higher pedagogical education, a real situation in education indicate the necessity to change the quality of the preparation to the pedagogical activity. Such changes in training are ensured by the participation of the students of pedagogical institutions in solving their (pedagogical) education tasks, i.e. their participation in the pedagogical activity necessary for the formulation and solution of these tasks. To do this it is necessary to actualize the conditions and forms of changing of the content and organization of students’ preparation to the pedagogical activity. The eventual approach appears as one of the conditions of this change. Recently a certain amount of researches discussing the eventual approach in education has appeared. The aim of the article is to substantiate the interconnection and intercorrelation of educational events and pedagogical activity. For this purpose, the notions “event” and “educational event” have been formulated on the basis of the analysis of literature and the experience of empirical research. The characteristics of pedagogical activity have been singled out to define the connection of the educational event and pedagogical activity. Objectivity, value-semantic relations, reflexion present the characteristics producing their influence on the educational event. To define the essence of the educational event influence on the pedagogical activity the mechanisms of influence have been revealed: spatiotemporal, informative (values, senses, value-semantic relations), a procedural mechanism including special forms and means (designing), special organization (action, mutual activity), conditions (participation of students in designing educational events), and results (qualitative changes). Keywords: pedagogical activity, educational event, interconnection, mechanisms of influence | 1200 | |||||
370 | The paper covers the questions of certification or attestation of teachers carrying out educational activities in their organizations. As attestation of teaching staff is one of the way to improve teaching professional competency, therefore, the preparation of a teacher for certification procedure is of great importance nowadays as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approved the new Attestation Procedure in 2014. The authors present Tomsk regional model of attestation, which consists of three structural units comprising organizational target, organizational methodology, and reflexive-evaluation. Each unit of the attestation model presents organizational and methodical possibilities for teachers to professionally enhance, and allows establishing the training system for teachers’ certification procedure. The attestation model is based on the ideas listed below: • concepts of continuous professional pedagogical education (V. G. Vorontsov, V. A. Slastenin, D. Rogers, etc.), which makes possible to stimulate purposefully and increase the level of teaching staff qualification; • andragogy as a conceptual basis for adult education (A. A. Derkach, A. A. Bodalev, N. V. Kuzmina, B. G. Ananiev, and etc.); • professional and personal development of the teacher (E. F. Zeher, V. A. Kan-Kalik, M. P. Palyanov, and others); • modern theory and selfeducation, self-development, self-fulfillment technologies (A. Y. Aizenberg, B. G. Ananiev, and etc.). The attestation model takes into account Tomsk regional specifications and features, the latter allow dealing with all the elements of the attestation procedure in a complex, thus meeting the regulatory requirements presented at the Russian Federation level. The paper is addressed to the specialists who accompany teaching staff within the attestation procedure, who can create an effective system of organizational, methodological, and technical support for teachers at the level of municipal educational organizations with the help of such a model. Keywords: attestation of pedagogical workers, andragogy, regional model, attestation model, professional self-development of teacher, professional competence, professional standard of teacher | 1200 | |||||
371 | In accordance with the Federal state educational standard, the introduction of the principle of individualization in the educational process in preschool educational institutions is one of the pressing problems. Concepts of differentiation and individualization are revealed. The grounds of differentiation and individualization for the organization of educational activities in the preschool educational institutions are determined. The diagnostic tools for determining the level of intellectual development of preschool children, their individual characteristics are temperament, modality of perception, laterality. Presents the results of the diagnosis, a brief analysis. The directions and content of the forming experiment - testing of the program «Mate: plus» - are defined and partially described. Mathematics in kindergarten». Diverse didactic material «Mate: plus» allows children at an individual pace to develop spatial thinking, imagination, get acquainted with the basic geometric shapes, their properties, to form primary ideas about symmetry and geometric bodies, different sizes of objects, the ability to generalize and classify the basics of counting. The organization of activity on mathematical development of children was based in the form of direct educational activity (NOD) in which individual features of children were considered: features of perception of material, emotional and personal development, specifics of behavior in group activity. The prospects of the study are outlined. Keywords: individualization, psychological features, mathematical representations, preschool education | 1199 | |||||
372 | The article describes the essence of the gender-role self-determination of a person and the stages of the development of this process. The main problems of gender-role selfdetermination arising in adolescence, corresponding to fifth-seventh grade pupils, are presented. The methods used in the investigation and diagnosis of the processes of genderrole self-determination are characterized. The reasons that make it difficult for teachers to apply the well-known methods for studying gender-based self-determination of adolescents aged 11–14 in school conditions are revealed. For the purpose of diagnosing the process under investigation the possibility of using the content analysis of the essay texts on the topic “When I’m 20 years old” is considered. In it, each student of grades 5–7 in a free form presented his desired future. In an essay it was suggested to describe the following: 1) what his profession is; 2) what his hobby is; 3) what he has already managed to change in himself; 4) how he has realized himself in family life; 5) what kind of person he is in the opinion of others; 6) what he does in his spare time. For all these aspects, semantic units and classification schemes have been formed, which allow us to assess the status of the process of gender-based self-determination of adolescents aged 11–14. Keywords: gender-role self-determination, students of grades 5–7, essays on their future, content analysis of essay texts | 1199 | |||||
373 | Environmental education for sustainable development is considered as a condition for improving the professional competencies of the teacher, the improvement of which is possible within the framework of additional professional education. It is necessary to include in the structure and content of professional (key, basic, specific) competencies environmental component, as in the theory and practice of modern education problems of formation of environmental competencies are usually studied separately, apart from the professional competences of the teacher. Consequently, the inclusion of the environmental component based on the ideas of environmental education for sustainable development, can become not only a part of the professional competence of the teacher, but also a prerequisite for improvement. Keywords: sustainable development, education for sustainable development, environmental education for sustainable development, professional competences of the teacher, the environmental component of competences | 1198 | |||||
374 | This scientific historical and pedagogical research, which did not become earlier a subject of a separate scientific research, analyzes the process of development of the system of out-ofschool education in the second half of the XX century in Orenburg which in this time period experiences the process of intensive development, including connected with considerable ex- pansion of a network of out-of-school institutions in the Orenburg region. The article considers the existing specificity of the expansion of the network of extracurricular institutions to meet the needs of the Soviet state and Soviet citizens in that historical period. In the framework of the study of this scientific problem, the work of a number of institutions of out-of-school education of this period in Orenburg, as well as bodies of the State Soviet authorities, which controlled and monitored the activities of out-of-school institutions in the chronological frames, is studied. The paper analyzes the current situation, describes the process of development and considers the current problems faced by the Soviet authorities, the administration of extracurricular institutions and teachers in the region. As part of the historical and pedagogical research, the works of domestic and foreign scientists engaged in the study of historical and pedagogical problems, as well as historical, economic, political, legal acts were studied, as well as unpublished archival materials of the second half of the last century were used, which were first studied, introduced into scientific circulation and analyzed by the author of this scientific research. Keywords: history of pedagogic and education, USSR, Russia, additional education of children, the policy of the Soviet authorities, the Orenburg region | 1198 | |||||
375 | Synergetic approach in pedagogy allows us to consider development of teacher’s competence as a self-organization process of complex structure. At the same time it becomes possible to use synergetic modeling and to find new approaches to the organization of teacher’s self-education and self-development, to give it humanistic traits – subjectivity, activity, consideration of individual needs. Synergetic modeling has several advantages. It allows to consider complex self-organizing systems, such as social groups, complex personality structure. Synergetic approach allows us to consider the social system using the principles developed in synergy: homeostasis, hierarchical, non-linearity, openness, instability, dynamic hierarchy, observability. Synergistic approach used in management, replacing technocratic management, gives possibilities of a soft impact on self-development of teachers through environmental management options. Based on the synergistic approach, it is possible to design the change of the educational environment with creation of disequilibrium points to initiate teacher’s self-development. This approach is of particular relevance in the development of the research competence of the teacher, since it forms the skills of activity in the situation of uncertainty, openness, activity, readiness for a wide range of variants of the development of events. By controlling the environment at the bifurcation points, you can initiate the process of self-development of teachers, which opens up opportunities for improving the quality of education Keywords: synergetic approach, education, self-development, research competence | 1197 | |||||
376 | The paper describes the experience of using computer-based training tests at primary school. The tests tasks were created by the mathematics teacher in the IREN computer system in accordance with the program for the 8th grade on the topic “Inequalities” and taking into account the level of student preparation. The purpose of these tests was to teach students to transform and solve inequalities. The tests were offered to students of the Cadet Corps. Previously, we have formed two groups of eighth grade students who are equal in basic training in mathematics. One group (17 people) did the tests during self-training. We did not limit the number of attempts to pass the test. We did not grade students according to the results of these tests. Another group (14 people) did only ordinary homework on paper. We compared the results of training cadets who used the tests with the results in the control group of cadets who were not tested. These two groups of students solve the same test work on paper. We used the Mann-Whitney test. The results of the training of the cadets who did the tests were better. Using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, we showed that improving learning outcomes associated with student success in testing. Keywords: teaching computer test, effectiveness of training methodology, program IREN, Mann-Whitney test, Spearman correlation coefficient | 1196 | |||||
377 | The article provides an analytical overview of the requirements of the Russian state to the teacher in terms of the use of means of information and information and communication technologies in solving professional problems. The author presents particular requirements for information and communication competence of the teacher. These requirements are highlighted in the text of a professional pedagogical standard. The article shows the opportunity to develop the necessary competence of the teacher step by step, based on the model of implementation of the standards of general education. The article proposes organizational and pedagogical solutions in terms of innovative development of the educational organization. Keywords: informatization requirements, ICT, competency, teacher professional standard, model | 1195 | |||||
378 | This article describes the popular forms of children familiarizing to research work, such as scientific societies of students and children’s scientific conferences. This article contains an overview of the historical development of these forms and fragments from a survey of experts. Gives theoretical and practical recommendations concerning preparation of children’s conferences, organization and holding of these sections. Provides the results of the analysis of the history and status of children’s scientific conferences in relation to the author’s own practical experience in advising children’s section of scientific and practical conference. The study found that the efficiency of conferences in the field of vocational guidance is connected with the need to improve the quality of reporting, strict observance of regulations and providing an obligatory reflection. The instructions on how to resolve these problems make the material useful for teachers conducting children’s scientific conferences. Keywords: children’s scientific conference, scientific society of students, vocational guidance, experimental research work | 1195 | |||||
379 | The problems of modern education in the primary school are reflected. The introduction of Federal State Educational Standard in the primary school, as several authors of the analyzed studies have noted, is insufficiently prepared. In particular, little attention is paid to creativity in the learning process. The main disadvantage of Federal State Educational Standard is the lack of a single tool for assessing the different groups of activity skills that need to be formed among schoolchildren. The analysis of the diagnostic materials used in the training process – from school to university – shows that the grades of the introduced learning outcomes in the form of competencies are gradually being developed in universities. The same thing happens in colleges. In school education, the evaluation of learning outcomes is now being actively developed in a junior school, while in a basic school such materials are not sufficient. The manifested problem of lack of creativity is solved by introducing lessons-problematizations into the learning process, in fact – the lessons of obtaining new knowledge, a new way of knowing. At the same time students develop the ability to solve problems, regulative and communicative skills. Diagnostics of these skills is carried out on the basis of developed cards, in which the elements of skills are presented. The cards are filled by students, members of training or problem groups, or student experts. This type of diagnosis teaches students selfevaluation, helps the teacher and parents to follow the progress of the student in the activity and mastering the subject. Keywords: deficiencies standard, lessons on the formation of skills to solve problems, regulatory and communicative skills, diagnostics of skills on the basis of developed cards | 1195 | |||||
380 | The article analyzes the problems of the modern Russian education during the period of its continuing reform, in particular the loss of one of the most important tools for the formation and development of personality – education. As a result of socio-political, economic and cultural changes in education system education originally abandoned its educational function, but in the present situation of devaluation the recovery of values of education can be seen in a number of priority areas for development. To understand the essence of education analyzes the social and philosophical position of the German philosopher and sociologist Niklas Luhmann, who studied the process of sociocultural evolution of education and interpreted education in his work as a result of the educational system of the society. Education in socialization treated by N. Luhmann as mechanisms of personality changes, but education complements and corrects the results of socialization. Education takes its contingency formula in the concept of “education”, which is understood as the result of N. Luhmann active work of the individual over himself, the symbol of his public success. Pedagogy as a theory of reflection develops its own definition of the educational plan, thereby changing the content of the previous formula of contingency “education”. The educational goal is not designated as the development of scientific knowledge, as well as the acquisition of “ability to learn.” This educational goal orients the individual to explore all that is available for the study, and the need for further lifelong learning in the future. Thus, the concept of Luhmann is radically different from today's traditional ideas that underpin all modern education system in which education is understood as a mere tool of learning and education, moreover is not binding and has no evaluation criteria. Keywords: education, social and cultural evolution of education, problems of modern education | 1194 | |||||
381 | Relevance of the analysis of education from reliability position is proved. Reliability of education is understood as the integrative property reflecting such interrelation of the components which provides preservation of the quality standard in the established conditions in the required limits. The analysis of education from a position of reliability is carried out at three levels: at the genera level reliability of education is considered as a system; at the special level it is considered as a social phenomenon; at the single level – as a pedagogical process. As an example shows the results of research of reliability of the teacher. Keywords: reliability, reliability of education, reliability of the teacher | 1194 | |||||
382 | The article analyzes statistical data and regulations confirming the relevance of support for youth volunteer initiatives in Russia. Volunteer activities of children and youth in a general educational institution of the city (for example, the city of Tomsk) are discussed. Research methods of a semi-structured interview of 15 teachers from 10 different general educational institutions of Tomsk, and school students aged from 7 to 16 years poll (a sample was 213 people), and method of included observation were used. The results of student surveys indicate a weak involvement of youth in volunteering. This also correlates with a low assessment of student teachers’ interest in volunteering. The presented results of organizing volunteer activities in a general educational institution problem study are obtained on the basis of the Center for Social and Professional Volunteering at Tomsk State University. The organizational and pedagogical conditions of the organization of volunteer activities of teachers of general education organizations are considered. Conclusions are drawn on the relevance of methodological and informational support to teachers of general educational institutions in the city in organizing volunteer activities and sites for exchanging experience in organizing volunteer initiatives in school technologies. The practical value of the research is a methodological manual on technologies of organizing volunteer activities of youth on the example of Tomsk. Keywords: youth volunteering, volunteer activity, general educational institution | 1193 | |||||
383 | The article discusses the features of environmental training for students of Russian technical universities in the context of reforming the education system. The engineering and technical profile of the future bachelor is obliged to build the ecological and educational process differently than in the case of the humanitarian or natural-science areas of student preparation. The system, axiological and thesaurus approaches are offered as theoretical grounds for the environmental and professional training of the future engineer. Together they ensure the development of an ecological culture of the individual – the main goal of environmental education activities. The necessity of representing the technical university graduate’s ecological competency (including the totality of cognitive, creative-activity, motivational-value, reflexive-evaluative components) as a reflection of ecological culture’s formation is considered. The methods and forms of training that contribute to the formation of components of environmental competence of technical university students are described. The system approach is implemented through the use of categorical-system methodology as a tool. The modes of pedagogical interaction of the teacher and student in the model of compensatory homeostat are described and justified. The importance of formation of the ecologic-professional terminology of the future engineer is grounded and the prospect of using the thesaurus approach for this is promising. It shows the possibilities of developing it through a new method of learning – a triadic decoding, involving the identification of the essential characteristics of the defined term through a system of three complementary subordinate concepts. A number of information criteria describing the formation of the ecological-centric worldview, which is the foundation of the student’s ecological culture, is described. Forms and methods of formation of ecological values of technical university’s students are considered. The theoretical foundations of ecological training indicated in the work have a heuristic potential, as it opens the possibility of improving and developing methods of ecological and vocational training for students of technical universities. Keywords: ecological preparation, technical education, system approach, axiological approach, thesaurus, categorical-system methodology | 1191 | |||||
384 | The article considers the impact of the innovative development of education on modifying of the tasks of the methodical preparation of students at pedagogical universities, due to the humanitarian approach to education, allocation of the organization of joint activities with children as the subject of the pedagogical activity at the lesson and its methodological support, the emergence of various educational practices in primary school, the demand for a teacher with the research competence and readiness for innovative activity. Keywords: innovative development of education, joint activity, methodical preparation | 1190 | |||||
385 | The author dwells on improving music and performance training of the students studying music at pedagogical institutes. A characteristic tendency of modern Russian higher education modernization is forming students’ practical skills which are necessary to realize the tasks in their future professional activity. Teaching students is carried out so as to increase their professional employability. Practice-oriented character of modern educational process at pedagogical institutes makes Music and Instrumental Performance an important constituent of the curriculum for bachelor’s degree program in Music, sight reading being one of the aspects of this discipline. Taking into consideration modern requirements for training future specialists, the author figures out and proves the relevance of the problem of sight reading skills development with students studying music. As a result, essential conditions and factors were found out to optimize the educational process and to solve this problem in learning activity. Consequently the paper deals with conditions which are necessary for organization of educational process and students’ independent work, with the specific character of this kind of music and performance activity and with the peculiarities of music and performance process of sight reading. Besides the author emphasizes the need to include sight reading in credit and exam requirements as well as advisability of introducing this lecture and seminar course into the curriculum and organizing career development courses for lecturers. Keywords: development, skills, sight reading, students studying music, educational process, music and instrumental training, conditions and factors, music and instrumental activity, music and performance process | 1190 | |||||
386 | The article considers the problem of introduction of distance learning technology in school. In particular, the main problems faced by all participants of the educational process are analyzed, for this purpose an analysis of research works on this issue was conducted. In the end, are outlined the main problems of the present stage of the introduction of distance learning technologies in the educational process of the school. At present, a number of Russian educational organizations in varying degrees use distance educational system. However, the problems of introducing distance learning technologies in secondary schools do not disappear. Today we do not raise the question of the possibility of using distance learning in schools, on the contrary, intensive development of information educational technologies promotes the introduction of distance learning along with traditional forms. Solving the problems of introducing distance learning, we have to get educational process that will be available, practical, modern, qualitative and quick. The article is the result of the analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the introduction of distance learning technologies in the educational process. The analysis covered the work concerning creation of technical support for the introduction of distance learning and analysis of its reliability, economics and legal issues of implementation in practice, the development of a theoretical base of the distance education system, systems of didactic principles, pedagogical technologies and the conditions of distance education, models of courses of distance education, etc. As a result of the analysis, the main problems encountered by educational organizations during the introduction of distance learning technologies were identified. The authors point to possible ways to overcome them. Keywords: education, distance learning, distance learning technologies, introduction of distance learning technology in secondary general education schools | 1190 | |||||
387 | To date, there is a shortage of highly qualified personnel capable of carrying out their activities in the field of hydropedagogy of children with disabilities. Hydropedagogy is an integral part of pedagogy, including the upbringing and training of a person in the conditions of the aquatic environment and the means of the aquatic environment. High demands are placed on future hydraulic teachers. Hydropedagog must perfectly master the technique of sports and applied model of swimming, as well as a number of specific motor skills and abilities. There is a need to develop a methodology for professional training of bachelors, which will contribute to the formation of key and necessary competencies and skills. As a result of the study, a methodology was developed for the formation of professional motional competencies and skills of bachelor-hydropedagog teachers. The developed methodology of hydro-pedagogical vocational training includes a detailed description of 32 lessons on the following components: means; content; dosage; model and guidelines. To assess the formation of the necessary professional motor competencies and skills of bachelor-pedagogues, we developed a map of motor competencies and skills of the bachelorpedagogue, which allows to determine their levels of professional preparedness. The map of motor competencies and skills of the bachelor-hydraulic teacher includes 18 key competencies, skills and tests. The card includes the following competencies, skills, and tests: 1) the quality of the explanation of the material (points); 2) show exercises (points); 3) creating a situation of success and a positive emotional background in class (points); 4) interaction with a child with disabilities (points); 5) assistance in the descent of a child with a disabilities in the water – lifting out of the water (points); 6) prevention of critical situations, insurance (points); 7) motor occupation density (%); 8) sliding length (m); 9) feet breaststroke in place in an upright position (s); 10) Brass on the back (m); 11) retention of breath (sec.); 12) crawl on the chest to failure (m); 13) diving in length (m); 14) cooper’s test – swimming 12 min (m); 15) transportation of a child with a disability (points); 16) conducting classes on SE with children with disabilities (points); 17) selection of exercises taking into account the nosology of a child with a disability: cerebral palsy, spinal diseases, intellectual disability, hearing impairment (points); 18) mastering the levels of the educational process (student-student, student-student) (points). Keywords: bachelor-hydropedagog, hydropedagogy, model, professional motional competences, children with limited health | 1190 | |||||
388 | The article deals with the young learner’s point of view about learning of foreign language in primary school. The results of the research in the form of questionnaire of young learners show some contradictions. Young learners understand the importance of foreign language in their future; they want to learn foreign language. But young learners don’t like their lessons of foreign language. To their mind the lessons are not interesting and boring. Sometimes it is difficult for young learners to understand teachers. Keywords: Federal state educational standard, organizing forms of educational activity of pupils, the importance of foreign language, difficulties in learning of foreign language | 1187 | |||||
389 | The article is devoted to studying the interrelation of innovational systems, scientific research, and higher education. It makes an attempt to show modern higher education in the aspect of its localization and internationalization. The chief aim of the paper is to study the major function of Chinese higher education in cultural innovation. The author analyses the process of China’s higher education nationalization and internationalization, and the new challenges of cultural innovation. The starting point is an original contribution to understanding the role of higher education in relation to innovation. New requirements are being applied to the educational system: today, high quality, diversification, and permanency are being emphasized. In modern educational conceptions, the staff education is being considered firmly as the main task of higher education, as well as activities meant to improve the quality of professional training. On this basis we move ahead and the procedure we follow can be briefly described as follows: firstly, the paper makes a simple analysis of the characteristics of higher education localization and its influence on cultural innovation; meanwhile, the author puts forward several proposals for the reform оf higher education in order to promote cultural innovation. Secondly, the author proceeds to emphasize the importance of higher education internationalization and its value in cultural innovation. Thirdly, the paper expounds internationalization communication and cooperation of Chinese higher education. At last, it is concluded that higher educational localization and internationalization are of great significance for realization of the function of cultural innovation keeping balance between Chinese native culture and international culture. Keywords: cultural innovation, localization, internationalization, Chinese higher education | 1187 | |||||
390 | The article deals with a topical question of modern literary studies – research, development and approbation of the active forms of mastering the fiction poetics. The article indicates the existing methods of the artistic creations in literature classes, describes the prospects of the educational quest and the main stages of realization of the quest as an educational technology. The article represents the quest based on the creative works by Vladimir Nabokov, the process and results of its testing on participants with different levels of knowledge (freshmen philologists and high school students). In understanding the methodological principles of working with space in the lessons of literature, we rely on the works of E. I. Korostileva, Yu. G. Pykhtina, S. V. Kashirina, A. K. Gaisina, Yu. G. Pykhina, O. I. Fedotov. When developing the quest, three methodological grounds were taken into account. 1. The use of analytical types of tasks. 2. Reliance on the literary tradition of the study of artistic space. 3. Literary analysis should precede the methodical development of the quest. Approbation showed that the process of passing the quest makes the participants deep into the creative world of the novel “Mashenka” by V. Nabokov and helps with structuring not only artistic creation but also the fiction poetics in general (plot logic, dynamics of the character development, etc.). The comprehension of the fictional structure and the author’s concept of work through the quest is achieved in a rather short period. Keywords: educational quest, fiction, artistic creation, Nabokov | 1186 | |||||
391 | This article discusses some aspects of cognitive self-sufficiency of students by means of information technology training. Keywords: cognitive self-sufficiency, information technology of training | 1185 | |||||
392 | The article presents an analysis of the scientific contribution of employees and teachers of psychology of Buryat State Pedagogical Institute (now – Buryat State University) in formation and current state of the higher psychological education in Eastern Siberia. Chronologically presented the contents of the main stages of history of development of sociopsychological faculty of Buryat State University from the moment of organization of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology in 1932 to the present. Destinies and biographies of the first teachers of psychology, who made the most noticeable contribution to the organization of teaching psychological disciplines in higher education institution are traced. Notes the role of famous Russian scientists from the central universities and the leading psychological agencies of the country (research supervisors of graduate students, scientific consultants of doktorants), with support and assistance of which in the second half of the XX century training of highly qualified specialists for the leading higher education institution of Buryatia was carried out. It is shown that more than half a century later, the educational and scientific traditions of training in psychological disciplines put by the first teachers, are adequately continued by the new generations of university teachers–graduates of sociopsychological faculty of Buryat State University in the organization of educational process on the relevant departments and faculties of psychology of the Siberian and Russian higher education institutions. Keywords: history of education, psychological education, Eastern Siberia, Buryat State Teacher Institutions, Buryat State University, department of psychology, teacher of psychology | 1185 | |||||
393 | The article is devoted to the topic of some regulatory difficulties in the process of teaching oral Russian speech in Iranian universities. The article deals with the teaching of Russian oral speech in terms of teching methods and organization of the educational process. Then we are talking about effective means, methods of teaching and, in general, some solutions are given to the lack of training of Russian oral speech in language universities. Increasing the speech culture of foreign students is recognized by all as one of the most important, urgent tasks that the teacher faces. Of great importance is the work on the correctness of oral speech, its conformity to the language norms at different levels. Based on the words of G. Palmer and B. V. Belyaev, we speak about the importance of oral speech in the process of teaching foreign languages: “Language should be mastered by oral communication. Live languages should be learned through live speech. In other words, they should be taught verbally”. “It is advisable to follow a certain sequence in the assimilation of one or another linguistic material, namely: from oral speech one must pass to written speech and from passive forms of language proficiency (listening, reading) to active (speaking, writing)”. Keywords: oral speech, the Russian language, training, Iranian universities | 1185 | |||||
394 | The article presents a look into the motives and factors of the professional choice as one of the characteristics of students’ professional self-determination. Material for this research was obtained from researches of the 1990s by the scientists E. A. Klimova, N. V. Kuzmina, V. A. Slastyonin, G. N. Pashkevich and from questionnaires of first-year students at Tomsk State Pedagogical University in October, 2019. The research was carried out by means of theoretical methods (analysis of the scientific literature and statistical data of the 2019 admission campaign) and empirical methods (student questioning). This article is compiled to reveal to the pedagogical alumni the factors influencing the professional choice of first-year students who became the participants of the research in 2019 with comparison to researches of such type carried out in the 1990s. As a result of this research the following conclusions were drawn: obtaining a pedagogical profession is the most attractive for young females; inner-state and international educational migration of prospective students remain; the pedagogical experience prospective students have before they enter a university help them to realize what major to choose at a pedagogical university; contemporary first-year students have intrinsic motives, but have more extrinsic motives. Comparing with researches by V. A. Slastyonin of the 1990s there increased the per cent of students who put forward as the factors that influenced their choice of a pedagogical university such factors as that of willing to get higher education and that of circumstances, these results allow to confirm current necessity to help students with their professional self-determination while they study at a university. Keywords: professional choice, young students, bifurcation point, surveying students, pre-university pedagogical experience, prospective students’ recruiting | 1184 | |||||
395 | The issues of propaedeutics of the formation of professional competencies of students of secondary vocational educational organizations are considered. The concept of “propaedeutics” has been briefly characterized and clarified. The functions of propedeutics of the formation of professional competencies are determined. The study of mathematics by students of technical specialties should not only give intellectual development, but also carry a propaedeutic function for further education and the formation of professional competencies. The study and analysis of the pedagogical and methodical literature shows that the propaedeutic, integrative approach in professional training allows us to find a common platform of subject knowledge for the formation of common and professional competencies in students. The propaedeutic approach to teaching mathematics involves the deliberate inclusion of successive interdisciplinary links in the content of educational material. The propaedeutics of professional competencies’ formation can be implemented on the basis of project-research activities and the inclusion of professional-oriented tasks in the content of the educational general education discipline. This allows us to carry out the propaedeutics of the professional competencies’ formation, contributes to the revitalization of students’ cognitive activity and shows a sustained interest in the future profession. The article summarizes the results of testing the model for organizing design and research activities in the process of teaching mathematics with the aim of developing professional competence in propaedeutics and gives examples of research projects. Keywords: propaedeutics, professional competencies, competence, secondary vocational education, mathematics, professional-oriented tasks, design and research activities | 1183 | |||||
396 | In the article the authors substantiate the necessity of formation of students’ ability to selforganization as a necessary condition for the organization of their own life in an environment of social and educational environment of pedagogical University. The role of time management technology as a technology, the implementation of which contributes to the formation of abilities for self-organization of students of pedagogical University, is revealed, substantiated and demonstrated. Empirically confirmed the assumption that the formation and development of students’ ability to self-organization as an organization of their own life contributes to their successful and productive educational and meaningful extracurricular activities. Organization of students’ life is functioning, by harmonizing the main spheres of life of students (educational and extracurricular) in the integrative integrity, through the formation of their ability to self-organization of life in the social and educational conditions of the university. The list of the main tasks that are designed to have a positive impact on the organization of educational activities of students enrolled in the first courses of higher education includes the cultivation of effective time management (the so-called time management). Thanks to time management, a person is able to take into account the time allotted for the task. As a result, the period that is allocated to the so-called “time sinks”, that is, irrational from the point of view of achieving the goal of employment, is reduced. Keywords: organization, self-organization, rational life activity of students, time management technology | 1183 | |||||
397 | The problem of developing a system of advanced training for teachers in Russia is considered. As a conceptual basis of modernization, it is proposed to understand it as part of adult education, composed of systemic (implements formal education) and non-systemic (implements non-formal education) areas. An urgent direction in the development of adult education is the formation of the infrastructure of these areas, as well as the organization of their coordination. This will make it possible to fully realize the principles of openness and continuity, the potential for complementing formal and non-formal types of education. Non-formal education is considered as a resource for supplementing the deficit of the general cultural content of adult education, a source of humanization, which gives it mobility and increases the motivation of students. On the basis of the research of the requests of pedagogical workers of Russia, the deficits of professional competencies recognized by them, the main deficit is identified – inability to organize interaction with generation Z, ignorance of the specifics of the modern sociocultural situation. It can be replenished in non-formal education communities when becoming acquainted with the main characteristics of sociocultural reality – virtualization and the recreation of dialogue platforms on topics of general interest. Keywords: additional pedagogical education, adult education, non-formal education, educational self-organization | 1183 | |||||
398 | The article presents the materials on the research of regional educational systems’ sustainability, which also provide their characteristics. The authors perform the analysis of the kinds of sustainability criteria, define the requirements to them and their structure. The paper offers a substantiated set of criteria, which are capable of identifying the extent of the sustainability of different educational systems’ types. The complex of the defined criteria includes the following components: availability, educational service quality, educational activities efficiency, relevance. The article demonstrates the use of these components in practice. The relevance of the article is caused by the renewed strategy of the sustainable development of the society and the need for the scientific understanding of educational services’ quality stimulation, identification of the role that regional educational systems play in the development of the adequate approaches to modern educational policy. Keywords: contemporary educational policy, assessment, sustainability of different types of regional educational systems, kinds of sustainability criteria | 1182 | |||||
399 | The issue of developing a method of integrated supervision of the training of young athletes practicing wushu at the stage of pre-competitive training is considered. The main characteristics of the components of the method proposed are given. Examples of the tests used in assessing physical, technical, psychological preparedness are given. The research results aimed at identifying the most informative and reliable tests are presented. The research methods that determine the functional state of the athlete’s body are revealed. The main types of integrated supervision of young athletes engaged in wushu at the stage of pre-competition training are described: stage, current, operational. We used the following control methods: 1. Pedagogical: the method of expert assessments for the evaluation of competitive elements, control tests for the assessment of special physical preparedness. 2. Psychological: the method of testing. The following tests were applied: test-attitude to the forthcoming competition and situational anxiety; a test of Martens’ competitive personal anxiety. 3. Medico-biological: measurement of heart rate, SBP / DBP, Romberg sample, Gencha test, Ruthier index. We developed a method of integrated supervision, which includes the following components: assessment of special physical preparedness; assessment of technical preparedness; evaluation of the functional state of the organism; assessment of psychological preparedness. The most informative and reliable tests were identified, and control methods were determined. Keywords: method of complex control | 1182 | |||||
400 | At the present stage of modernization of the higher education in Russia and the renewal of the educational space, the issues of training specialists in pedagogical universities are at the forefront. This article shows the approaches proposed by the scientific and pedagogical community of Tomsk State Pedagogical University to design the structure of modular basic educational programs (BEP) for training a bachelor of teacher education. The conceptual founda tions of the projected organizational and activity mechanisms of modular BEP based on FSES HE 3 ++ (Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education) are also disclosed. The experience and results of the research and scientific and methodological work of the university on the design of organizational and activity mechanisms of modular BEP of bachelor training of teachers on the basis of Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++, coupled with professional standards are presented. The organizational and activity specificity of the modular characteristics of the BEP has been substantiated: the ways of organizing the educational interaction of the participants in educational relations, the features of the evaluation and diagnostic procedures related to monitoring the achievements of educational achievements of students in the activity format. The didactic examples related to the implementation of individual fragments (modules) of the BEP in the field 44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training profiles) (bachelor’s level) are given. The author’s vision of the implementation of the training practice curriculum, consisting of five interrelated thematic sections, is proposed. As an example illustrating the specifics of the organizational-activity characteristics of the BEP discussed in the article, a description of the training and research module is given. The principles and procedure of the state final certification are also presented. The materials of the article can be used by the heads of the main educational programs and administrative and management teams of Russia’s pedagogical universities, in conditions of transferring the students to the federal state educational standards of the new generation – FSES HE 3 ++, associated with professional standards. Keywords: pedagogical education, teacher’s professional standard, modular basic educational program, system-activity approach, professional competence, labor function, type of teacher’s activity, active educational technologies, demonstration exam | 1182 |