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551 | Pozdeeva Svetlana Ivanovna CRITICAL REVIEWS // Pedagogical Review. 2016. Issue 2 (12). P. 166-168 | 1046 | |||||
552 | The article substantiates the need to use the capabilities of university training to form the professional competencies of future vocational education teachers in order to create highquality human resources for the modernization of technological processes, the promotion and implementation of new promising technologies and the provision of services customization in the process of transition to the digital economy model of the future of Russia. The role of educational organizations in the process of implementing the requirements of federal state educational 3 ++ standards to the quality of training of qualified personnel in accordance with the requirements of employers indicated in professional standards is revealed. The content of the undergraduate programs presented in the main educational program is considered in the direction of preparation 44.03.04 Vocational training (by industry), focus (profile): Decorative and applied art and design of mandatory professional competencies formed on the basis of professional standards, analysis of requirements for graduates in the labor market, consultations with leading employers. Indicators of achievement of compulsory professional competencies of graduates are established, the possibilities of their achievement are examined by the examples of the organization of educational research work of students studying at the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship of TSPU in the areas of professional activity: design (costume, interior, art objects), manufacture of clothing, decorative and applied art (art crafts of Siberia, the modern directions of arts and crafts in the manufacture of household items and souvenirs), beauty industry (hairdressing, makeup techniques, nail design, etc.), image making, stylistics. The feasibility of training vocational education teachers for emerging service clusters in the economy of the Tomsk Region is substantiated, taking into account the prognostic needs in the context of post-industrial transformations. Keywords: professional competencies of the future teacher of vocational training, indicators of achievement of professional competencies, design, service clusters | 1046 | |||||
553 | This article is dedicated to identification of features and stages of formation of modern rural school which is the leading type of the general education organizations of the Russian Federation. Recently, the process of modernization of the modern educational system of Russia has also affected rural schools. The main feature of the educational system of the Russian Federation is the prevalence of rural schools. The rural school is a collective concept, it is used for designation of various types and types of activity, operating conditions of school in rural areas. The school and society, the state and the educational process are inseparably linked with each other. The historical and pedagogical analysis allows considering the process of formation of modern rural schools and also stages and specifics. However from the middle of the 10th of our century in the Russian Federation the increasing role is played by digital economy, the informatization process plays the main role. In the context of globalization (informatization, integration and internationalization), the rural school begins to function in the new socio-economic conditions. The implemented Digital School project promoted informatization of schools located in rural areas. The modern rural school is gradually becoming a single center for training, education and development of students of various categories, different levels of psychophysical development, different living conditions and education. The scientific novelty of the article consists in justification of separate features of modern rural school: a) the organizational model of school is based on the idea of cluster networks; b) educational process has network character and its regulation is carried out in the conditions of transition of the school system to the mixed model of training including the upgraded occupations in traditional or uneven-age network classes, groups, individual occupations according to the nonlinear schedule, design and implementation of individual strategy of training in subject matters, application of the special software. Keywords: rural school, features of rural school, stages of formation of rural school, organization of educational process, network mechanisms | 1045 | |||||
554 | The article analyzes the concept of “self-development” and the personality abilities associated with it from a psychological point of view. The purpose of the research is to consider the concept of “self-development”, as well as “the ability for self-development”, “the highest ability for self-development” and identify the difference between these abilities. In the course of the analysis the concept of self-development is described, its various characteristics and parameters are revealed. The article presents definitions of the ability for self-development, covering its different aspects, such as systemic, integrative, subjective, activity-oriented, life-oriented, transformative, motivational-value, evaluative-orientational, self-regulatory, reflexive-regulatory, cognitive. It is shown that there is no single concept of self-development. Some concepts emphasize the role of cognitive factors, while others give priority to self-regulatory skills; subject position; transformation of the inner world; specific activity for self-change, aimed at solving life problems. It is concluded that the variety of factors contributing to self-development, the identification of many its aspects and components, various forms of manifestation seems to be logical, since it reflects the complexity and multidimensionality of this psychological phenomenon. A special place in the article is occupied by the description of subjectiveness, which is interpreted by the author as one of the key factors determining self-development. The important role of the position of the subject and subjectiveness in self-development and its importance for the manifestation of the highest ability for self-development, when a person acts as a subject of activity, as a subject of development, and as a subject of life, is emphasized. The specificity of the highest ability for self-development is noted, associated with its belonging to the mental component of spiritual abilities. The difference between the ordinary ability for self-development and the higher ability for self-development is shown, which is due to the fact that the highest ability for self-development is focused on absolute values and high spiritual and moral ideals. Keywords: characteristics of self-development, subject, subjectiveness, the ability for self-development, the highest ability for self-development | 1045 | |||||
555 | The article presents the analysis of the existing practice of methodical training of future primary school teachers in high school and College with perspective views of teachers carrying out this training. On the bases of the analysis of interviews and questionnaires it establishes objectives, policies and problems in the methodical training of primary school teachers. Identifies indicators in the assessment of quality of student preparation in the preparation and implementation of the lessons in the methodical organization of student activities. Proves the necessity of highlighting organization of joint activities with children as the subject of training, and its content as the development of research competence of future teachers, which is caused by the willingness of students to the implementation of educational standards in primary education. Keywords: methodical training, joint activities, ability to learn, research competence | 1044 | |||||
556 | Individualization is considered as a form of education that promotes the realization of potential of intellectual and creative abilities of students. It presents the structural components developed by the authors of information and communication educational environment for the discipline “Computer science”, which allows to choose their educational path, to organize independent activities of students on the development of the discipline and provides the required process of evaluation of the students’ knowledge. Presumes that the adapted by the authors structural and functional scheme of educational process with the use of information and communication educational environment for the discipline “Computer science” will allow students to personalize their educational process. Keywords: individualization of the educational process, university student, information and communication educational environment, educational route | 1044 | |||||
557 | The role of the curator’s institute in technical universities in the development of students’ social-personal and general cultural competencies is noted. The existing difficulties in the organization and implementation of curatorial activities are highlighted. It should be noted that the activities of curators of academic groups at a technical university need a greater degree of organizational and methodological support at the levels of objectives, content, organization and activity. Organizational and methodological support for the activities of curators of academic groups is defined as a systematically organized complex that includes the means, types and forms of support for curatorial activities. It is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the activities of the curators of academic groups. Also aimed at the professional and personal growth of curators and students. A model of organizational and methodological support for the activities of curators of academic groups in a modern technical university has been developed and substantiated. The components of the model are determined: target, content-organizational, activity-oriented and effective. A significant task of the study was to conduct experimental work on the implementation of a model of organizational and methodological support for the activities of curators of academic groups in a modern technical university. According to the results of the experimental work carried out on the implementation of the model in a modern technical university, it was established that the developed and implemented structural and informative components of the model make it possible to achieve the goal of improving the performance of curators of academic groups. Accordingly, they can be successfully used in a modern technical university. The study confirms the effectiveness of the developed model of organizational and methodological support for the activities of curators of academic groups in a modern technical university. Keywords: education, curator’s institute, curator of an academic group, model, curator activity, support and curator activity support | 1044 | |||||
558 | The article deals with the question of interaction of the project technology and the development of foreign language communicative competence as an important factor of training specialists in various areas. In the modern interpretation of its functions a foreign language is considered as an instrument of cross cultural communication as well as a tool for international professional development and carrier growth of specialists. The main problem in the study of foreign languages is still a technique of its teaching. European standards prefer a student-centered approach involving the formation of communicative competence with the linguistic, discursive and social-cultural components. The project work in English language teaching promotes its implementation. The project method involves the use of a wide range of problematic, research and search methods focusing on a real practical result that is meaningful to students. This educational technology has a number of benefits including purposeful language use and increased student involvement and responsibility, add extra motivation for learners, let to use their language skills in a new and challenging way. The article considers the conditions of project work organization with students of a technical university. The advantages of using project technology in the context of new educational standards are discussed. The examples of a few concrete project applications are offered. Keywords: project technology, competence approach, educational standards, foreign language training at technical university | 1044 | |||||
559 | The article deals with the question of using of elements of Mastery Learning in conducting classes in the disciplines of the mathematical cycle at the University. The structure of the educational process, organized on the basis of this technology, with an emphasis on the performance of individual work, is given. Points on which it is necessary to rely at construction of practical lessons are resulted. The main features that should be paid special attention to in the development of practical classes on the basis of individual work are: detailed analysis of all typical math problems in the classroom, no separation into classroom and homework with the requirement of full performing of all tasks, the student goes to the blackboard only at his own will and solves his math problems, no system of evaluation at the lessons, encouragement of students actively working in the classroom, constant control of the teacher of the degree of assimilation of the material by students, the final evaluation of knowledge and skills after studying each course elements. The educational process, organized in the form we offer, makes the learning process more effective. It increases the educational activity of students during classes, gives them confidence in their abilities and motivates to achieve results – obtaining and assimilation of knowledge. Keywords: Mastery Learning, technology of full assimilation of knowledge, pedagogical technologies, organization of classes in mathematical disciplines, individual tasks in mathematics | 1044 | |||||
560 | The results of the theoretical study of approaches to the study of the development of personality and meaning sphere in the presence of several existing paradigms in psychology are presented. Unlike the category of signification, the category of meaning has the attributes of an interdisciplinary construct as a philosophical, linguistic and psychological concept. Due to the fact that the category of meaning is based on different sciences about man, modern research of the semantic sphere of man is carried out from the positions of different paradigms. Different research paradigms consolidate different views and conventional agreements of the scientific community. Emerging in such paradigms scientific picture of the world delimits the field of scientific knowledge of psychological phenomena, specializing only in allocated as the dominant factors of their manifestation in human life. Modern psychological science develops within the framework of four main research paradigms. The epistemological paradigm considers cognition separately from man as a cognizing subject and is aimed at obtaining experimentally verified knowledge. The phenomenological paradigm is based on experience as an emotional understanding. The activity paradigm overcomes the opposition of consciousness and the world through the cognition of human activity in the world. The existential paradigm reflects the need to take into account the needs of the human spirit, ignoring which will not allow the uniqueness of the individual. All four paradigms, having their strengths and weaknesses, coexist simultaneously in modern psychology. Keywords: meaning, epistemological paradigm, phenomenological paradigm, performance paradigm, existential paradigm | 1044 | |||||
561 | The results of a scientific and pedagogical analysis of the current state of non-formal education as an andragogical practice are presented. The features of the informal professional community activities in the context of using its opportunities for the teachers’ professional development are shown. Scientifically based ideas about the typology of informal professional communities, the patterns of their functioning are given. The expediency of integrating the practices of non-formal teachers’ education and their master’s training is substantiated. The methods of such integration at the target and organizational-methodological levels are indicated. The experience of Tomsk State Pedagogical University FSBEI HE (TSPU) on the design of modular basic educational programs for master’s training in pedagogical orientation on the basis of FSES HE 3 ++ is summarized through the combination of state educational standards and professional standards. An expert author’s vision of ways to realize the educational potential of the interaction of subjects included in the practice of non-formal teachers’ professional communities, graduate students and the teaching community of the pedagogical university is proposed. The results of research as well as scientific and methodological work of TSPU specialists on updating approaches to the construction of the content and organizational-activity formats of master’s training are indicated. The materials of the article are prepared on the basis of such research methods as theoretical analysis, survey, expert method. Keywords: andragogical practice, non-formal education, informal teachers’ professional communities, master’s training of teachers, integration, educational potential for integrating of educational practices | 1041 | |||||
562 | The necessity of updating the content of defectology teachers’ training at the university at the bachelor’s degree level in the period of formation of inclusive education is shown. The new benchmarks for professional training of defectology teachers are marked, which are the challenges of modern education. The content of educational programs of inclusive-oriented training of teachers-defectologists is aimed at the development of readiness for various types of professional activities for the informal implementation of the tasks of inclusive practice, the humanistic orientation of training is manifested in various forms of classroom and extracurricular activities (such as: city festival of sign songs, volunteer activities, etc.). The modern approaches to professional training of defectology teachers at the university at the bachelor’s degree level are characterized. The expediency of application of anthropological, environmental, competence and system-activity approaches to the implementation of inclusive-oriented training of teachersdefectologists has been substantiated. The unity of the anthropological concept of human understanding and the principles of inclusive education is revealed. Significant value-semantic attitudes of teachers-defectologists for the implementation of the tasks of inclusive education are defined. The special educational environment of inclusive-oriented training is characterized as the interpenetration of local environments, including the educational reflective environment of the university and the inclusive educational environment of inclusive educational organizations. The significance of the competence-based approach is indicated within which the inclusive competence of teachers-defectologists as a result of bachelor’s training is projected. The understanding of inclusive-oriented training of teachers-defectologists as a dynamic system of interrelated elements in the professional and educational space of the university is shown. Keywords: challenges of inclusive education, updating the training of teachers-defectologists, anthropological, environmental, system-activity and competence-based approaches | 1039 | |||||
563 | The article provides an analysis of the state of physical and mathematical training (PhMТ) of graduates of educational organizations, which indicates its low level and the need to establish mechanisms to improve the level of PhMТ, which is a prerequisite for improving the professional competence of young professionals. One of the primary aspects of PhMТ of students of professional educational organizations is the training of future college teachers of physical and mathematical disciplines at the stage of their training in a pedagogical university. The possible ways of their solution are indicated: clarification of the regulatory framework for the training of future teachers of physical and mathematical disciplines, taking into account World- Skills (WS) standards; study of the professional environment and professional competencies of their future students by students of pedagogical universities; comparing of WorldSkills competencies with physical and mathematical knowledge corresponding to these competencies; WS championships for future teachers. Taking into account the competencies of secondary school graduates in accordance with the professional standards of Federal State Educational Standards of Secondary Vocational Education (FSES SVE) top-50 subject to requirements of the international WS competitions in training future teachers for the secondary vocational education system, which makes it possible in principle to make the FSES 3++ training in the pedagogical areas of the higher education system professional competence of the teacher, is the key to the successful development of a modern high-tech economy and world leadership of Russia as a whole. Keywords: physical and mathematical training, students of a pedagogical university, secondary professional education, college, modernization of education, WorldSkills | 1039 | |||||
564 | The article deals with an importance of genetic syndromes in the etiology of speech disorders. A distinctive feature of Russian education in recent years is a significant increase in the number of children, both in preschool and in General education institutions, with speech disorders of varying severity. Since speech function disorder can be the first and significant symptom of a global ontogenesis disorder, the study of its genetic nature is important for adequate diagnosis and the timely formation of an arsenal of pedagogical tools in the development of correction programs for speech disorders caused by genetic syndromes, taking into account the global impairment of the children’s body functions in such diseases. The idea of the etiology and symptoms of genetic syndromes becomes important in the early differential diagnosis of speech disorders and has prognostic value in terms of developing adequate individual programs for correcting impaired speech function and building an individual educational trajectory of the student. At the same time, given the complexity of the disorders characteristic of the above syndromes, it is simultaneously necessary to develop corrective programs to restore other impaired functions: motor, sensory, cognitive and others. The development of fundamental science at its present stage allows, in some cases, to carry out differential diagnosis of speech disorders with the help of genetic studies. Keywords: speech disorders, genetic syndromes, correction of speech disorders | 1039 | |||||
565 | The article deals with the problem of personality functioning in the conditions of modern uncertainty and variability. This research focuses on the relationship between tolerance to uncertainty and psychological boundaries of personality in youth. The concepts of tolerance and intolerance to uncertainty, psychological boundaries are considered; the relationship between the considered constructs is substantiated. An empirical study of the specifics of the relationship between tolerance to uncertainty and the functions of psychological boundaries of young people is conducted. During the experiment, the following methods were used:» New questionnaire of tolerance-intolerance to uncertainty «(T. V. Kornilova),» Method of diagnostics of psychological borders of personality « (T. S. Levi). The experimental study revealed the predominance of tolerance to uncertainty (including interpersonal tolerance to uncertainty) and the lack of formation of the psychological border in the period of youth. The relationship between the following indicators is established: non-admitting, restraining functions of psychological boundaries and interpersonal tolerance to uncertainty; tolerance to uncertainty and a combination of high values for non-admitting, restraining and low values for permeable, neutral, absorbing functions of psychological boundaries. The results of the study indicate inflexibility, maladaptivity, rigidity, impenetrability and closeness of psychological boundaries of young people, difficulties in exchanging information and energy between the external and internal space, perception of uncertainty as a threat, avoiding situations of inconsistency and variability, and avoiding contacts. The identified features contribute to the growth of stagnating trends, victimization, and hinder personal development and growth. The results obtained can be used to build programs for psychological and pedagogical support of young people in terms of activating their internal psychological resources necessary for effective functioning in the conditions of continuous challenges of everyday reality. Keywords: tolerance to indeterminacy, tolerance to uncertainty, interpersonal tolerance to uncertainty, psychological boundaries, youth | 1039 | |||||
566 | The article deals with several basic problems of multicultural education which is a set of strategies and curriculum content and a site of struggle for the power to define the purposes and processes of education in a diverse and unequal world. The authors reveal the evolution of essential approaches in multicultural education due to which diverse students have the opportunity of growth and expansion in mainstream culture and the possibility to become proud of their cultural and language background and function well within their cultural communities. The authors analyze the disadvantages of lower level approaches and successful ways to stretch and complicate the meanings of contemporary multicultural education. The article presents a fundamental multicultural education principle of resting on dialog in which groups that have different power levels learn to listen and to collaborate, particularly around educational issues. As a field multicultural education offers many useful strategies and conceptual tools. The authors also characterize the challenges of multicultural education when the main goal of schools today is not a tolerant national citizen who is concerned for his or her complex democratic society but a cosmopolitan market actor who can compete effectively across state boundaries. Keywords: multicultural education, multiculturalism, cross cultural communication, ethnical and cultural identity, social and cultural space, educational strategies | 1038 | |||||
567 | Factors influencing the decision-making on the commission of a certain type of unlawful action are considered. The results of a study of the influence of the intellect’s features, orientation and the intensity of the motive in relation to a set of individual psychological features on the commission of one or another type of unlawful action are presented. The results of the conducted experiment made it possible to reveal the existing correlation links between the motive, intellectual and personal characteristics in the form of the relevant factors that to varying degrees affect the relevant categories of wrongful acts. Differences in six factors, consisting of both personal and motivational indicators, as well as intellectual-motivational ones, are determined. As a result of the analysis of the factor structure of the categories of subjects «Addiction», «Corruption», «UND» and «Norm», it was revealed that the commission of a certain unlawful action (or lack thereof) occurs under the influence of a complex action of factors. The results of the conducted experiment made it possible to reveal the existing correlation links between the motive, intellectual and personal characteristics in the form of the relevant factors that to varying degrees affect the relevant categories of wrongful acts. The factor of normative behavior is revealed. It is the factor of creativity. It is proved that the components of the identified factors in complex determine the commission of the corresponding unlawful act. The revealed peculiarities of persons who were not ever brought to criminal responsibility show the presence of intellectual-motivational determinants of both normative behavior and various types of unlawful actions of the individual. The obtained results experimentally support the hypothesis that the features of human mental activity in interaction with motivations and personal characteristics in complex are a dynamic (constantly changing in the course of life in certain limits) factor that determines the decision to commit a certain type of unlawful action. Keywords: motivational and intellectual factors, personal characteristics, illegal actions, categories with unlawful behavior, polygraph, a factor of normative behavior | 1037 | |||||
568 | The article considers the principles and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the Chinese student audience, based on the inclusion in the process of teaching a foreign language of material focused on the future professional sphere (idiomatic expressions reflecting political issues). On the basis of the theoretical generalization of the approaches of Chinese and Russian linguists, the main approaches to the allocation of idiomatic expressions from the content (theoretical research, use research) and from the methodology and lexicography are formulated. The characteristic of the leading methodological principles of the implementation of language education for Chinese students is presented: the methods of semantization of words, methods of lexicographic work are described, the logic of work in a specially organized educational and communicative situation at all stages is described, the analysis of work with professional texts is presented. The mechanisms of educational work with idiomatic expressions aimed at the development of the set of foreign language competence of students of Chinese universities are described. Experimental approbation of the presented set of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language in the audience of Chinese students at an advanced level has shown its effectiveness. Keywords: language picture of the world, Russian as a foreign language, communication, idiomatic expressions, educational and communicative situation | 1037 | |||||
569 | In the light of the consideration of the problem formation of professional competence of militarized universities cadets, the concept of common cultural competence of the cadets of the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation is being researched. Common cultural competence is defined as the leading competence, which is the basis of the professional activities of a modern law-enforcement officers of Russia. In order to identify the essence of the concept of common cultural competence, a detailed analysis of the definitions of the concept of culture is carried out, and the relationship and interrelation of the concepts of competence and competence, proposed by the pedagogical science is considered. As a result of the study, the author’s definition of the concept of common cultural competence of the cadets of the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation is proposed in a broad and narrow sense. The significance of the formation of common cultural competence in the process of professional training of cadets of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation allowed to highlight the external and internal aspects of this concept and reveal them in the text of the study. Federal state educational standards of higher education in the following specialties: 40.05.01 Legal Provision of National Security, 40.05.02 Law Enforcement, 40.05.03 Forensic Examination, determine twelve general cultural competencies that graduates of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation should have mastered the specialty program. Keywords: common cultural competence, competence-based approach, Federal State Educational Standards, culture, competence, cadet of the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, law-enforcement officers | 1036 | |||||
570 | Differences in the mathematical abilities of different students are manifested in the fact that the same practice and exercises for students with different abilities give different results. For a capable student, these exercises lead to the mastery of mathematical knowledge and skills, for an incapable student do not. The reason for the inability to mathematics is the lack of working memory. There are two main approaches to solve the problem of teaching mathematics to incapable students: (1) training working memory and (2) reducing the load on working memory in the educational process. The results of the first approach are ambiguous: training working memory leads to an improvement in the performance of untrained tests for working memory, but it may not lead to noticeable changes in learning indicators associated with the working memory of the student. Accordingly, it remains to reduce the load on working memory in the educational process. Well known methods that reduce the load on working memory when studying mathematics are described. Automation of basic computing skills (arithmetic, trigonometric, geometric) is achieved with the help of computer trainers developed by the author: the mental calculations trainer, the trainer for developing skills in working with a trigonometric circle, the trainer for developing skills of using reduction formulas and the rectangular triangle solving trainer. The technique of working with trainers is based on the interval repetition method. Empirical data on the results of their implementation are presented. Keywords: mathematical abilities, teaching mathematics, working memory, computer trainer, interval repetition | 1036 | |||||
571 | The purpose of this article is to consider the possibility of using the technology of step-bystep formation of mental actions in the process of teaching children the elements of research activity, as a means of developing the cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren with mental retardation. The material of the study was a theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature on the topic of research: the theory of step-by-step formation of mental actions by P. Ya. Galperin; the provisions on the development of cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren as a result of developing training by V. V. Davydov, A. V. Zaporozhets, L. V. Zankov, A. N. Leontiev; approaches to the development of cognitive abilities of children with mental retardation by N. V. Babkina, L. N. Blinova, A. D. Vilshanskaya, G. N. Penin, U. V. Ulenkova, L. M. Shipitsina. The theoretical analysis of the scientific and methodological literature suggests that the technology of step-by-step formation of mental actions can be effectively used to teach younger students with mental retardation the elements of research activity at different levels of independence and complexity, and thereby develop students’ cognitive abilities. The relevance of addressing the topic of the development of cognitive abilities in children with mental retardation (hereinafter referred to as PDA) is due to the fact that this category of children is one of the numerous groups represented in general education organizations that implement inclusive educational practice, since PDA can be observed in most categories of children with disabilities and is secondary in nature. Keywords: mental retardation, cognitive abilities, educational and cognitive activity, research activity, technology of step-by-step formation of mental actions, indicative basis of actions | 1036 | |||||
572 | The analysis of the concept of «extracurricular activities» in school education is given, its features are characterized. The concept of «extracurricular activities in chemistry» is given, its purpose and specific feature at the senior level of education in a modern school are highlighted. The necessity of carrying out chemistry projects is substantiated, and one of the relevant areas is proposed: design activities of schoolchildren in modeling the structure of substances. The HyperChem software package, which is used to solve the problems of quantum-mechanical modeling of atomic and molecular structures, is described, which allows performing complex computational problems in chemistry in a short period of time. The methodology of work of schoolchildren with the HyperChem software package is described. The characteristic of individual chemistry projects is given, the stages of their implementation are given. An example of the construction by schoolchildren of the molecular structures of chlorides of elements of group 15 of the periodic system and their optimization by the semiempirical PM3 method, which includes only valence electrons in the calculation, is shown. Correlation dependences of the experimental and calculated bond lengths and bond angles, correlation equations, correlation coefficients (R), and standard deviation (SD) are presented. The results of evaluating completed projects on the basis of developed criteria, assessment scales and student performance on completed projects are presented. Questions were developed for questioning students in order to determine their attitude to the GaussView program. Keywords: extracurricular activities in chemistry, project activities, stages of the project, project evaluation, computer simulation, quantum-chemical calculations | 1035 | |||||
573 | The state’s development vector is currently aimed at innovative transformations. To create an effective innovation system in the country, it is important to prepare University students for professional activities and develop their innovative potential. An important condition in preparing students for innovation is psychological and pedagogical support. Support should be aimed at the formation of innovative competencies of students, personal development, expansion of self-education, assistance in the development and implementation of innovations. It is important that psychological and pedagogical support is focused on the design of the author’s system of student activity when mastering the basics of the profession. Psychological and pedagogical support in the educational process takes into account the logic of the natural development of the student at this age and socio-cultural stage. The model of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of innovative potential of students includes several components: motivational, informative, practical, evaluative, and diagnostic. The model combines the goals, objectives, and features of innovation in the educational environment. It should be focused on the development of innovative thinking, improving motivation, improving the quality of independent and team work, and selfdevelopment of students. When developing the innovative potential of students, it is necessary to use active forms of education: training, project activities, discussions, modeling, roleplaying and simulation games. Active forms of education help to develop students communicative competence, creative and organizational abilities, personal and professional identity. Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of innovative potential of students should be based on the principle of transition of opportunity to relevance. With the development of innovative potential, students move to a qualitatively new level through self-development and professional improvement. Scientific and research work, which is focused on the practical implementation of the results of intellectual activity, is of great importance in the preparation of students. Keywords: innovative potential, psychological and pedagogical support, educational environment, personality | 1035 | |||||
574 | The article presents the problem of application of modern distance technologies in the system of continuous education. Aspects to which the teacher should pay attention when using distance technologies to create electronic training courses are considered. Methodological, psychological and pedagogical differences are also presented - in particular, to create group and individual training. This approach make it possible to form not only the knowledge base, but also to develop personal, professional qualities. The article allocated the features of individual cognitive styles in the structure of the stages of development of elearning training courses. The teacher should focus on individual cognitive styles in the process of creating e-learning courses. Students with different individual cognitive styles should effectively master the tasks in the structure of the created e-learning course. The article allocates the stages for creating training courses and describes the features of the work of teachers at these stages. The important element at the stage of preparation of tasks are the features of individual and group forms of training. At the stage of performing tasks, special attention should be paid to the possibility of selecting tasks based on individual preferences. Communicative creativity becomes an important element at the stage of discussion of the effectiveness of all tasks of the course. Keywords: system of continuous education, distance technology, group and individual training, individual cognitive styles, e-learning courses | 1033 | |||||
575 | The article is devoted to the influence of the Bologna process on the system of Russian education. For the last decade there has been a massive transfer of higher education to a twolevel system: bachelor – master. To obtain a bachelor’s degree, you must complete 4–5 years of training, masters are to study additional 1–2 years. A single-level system with obtaining the qualification “specialist” remains for some professions and areas of education. The reason for the transition to this model of education was Russia’s accession to the Bologna process in September 2003 at the Berlin meeting of European ministers of education. It should be noted that the reformation process was fully justified and we expect, since the optimization of such spheres of the state’s life as political, economic and social should have led to changes in the field of education. The article focuses on the difficulties appeared in non- linguistic universities in connection with the transition to a two-level education system and a significant reduction in hours of foreign language. We propose ways for solution of these problems, allowing students to master strategies, develop personal knowledge, interact with other subjects of the educational process and with the world as a whole. The introduction of modular training, the use of tests in the learning process will make it possible to coordinate the program of teaching foreign languages with a general curriculum, increase the competitive ability of Russian graduates and their level of professional training, and also organize turnout of highly qualified specialists with relevant skills for studying in European universities. Keywords: foreign language competence, Bologna process, non-linguistic university, two-level system of education, module training, linguo-didactic test | 1033 | |||||
576 | The world we live is currently in the development mode of political, economic and cultural globalization, so foreign language education is receiving more and more attention all over the world. Thus, it is also imperative to establish a new model of teaching Russian as a foreign language in China. Meanwhile, both the changes that China has made under the “One Belt and Road Initiative” and the impact of Chinese culture’s “going out” strategy have brought new opportunities and challenges to Russian language teaching. Many Chinese experts and scholars have written several relevant articles to discuss the mode of teaching Russian talents under such new situation. In 2018, the Ministry of Education of China published the “National Standards for Undergraduate Professional Teaching Quality in Ordinary Colleges and Universities” (referred to as “National Standard”) providing a basis for the establishment of Russian professional quality standards and improving the quality of teaching Russian talents in the new era. The positioning of the “national standard” is reflected in the following three rules: 1) Professional orientation: combination of tradition and innovation. 2) Talent training: combination of comprehensive quality and practical ability. 3) Teaching staff: combination of teaching and scientific research. Meanwhile, the existing problems of Russian teaching in China are expounded. Keywords: Russian teaching, talent training, National Standard | 1033 | |||||
577 | The article analyzes the problem of aggression of modern society on the basis of data from our own research conducted in 2014–19 on the basis of surveys of men and women of various social and educational levels aged 15 to 70 years, mass media and research data. The phenomenon of aggression for many years continues to be an urgent topic of sociological, psychological and pedagogical research, despite a large number of various humanitarian research and ongoing controversy in the media and on the Internet. Nevertheless, the problem of aggression and its consequences for society as a whole and each individual in particular is not only relevant, but also a direct determinant of development, social integration and personal position in relation to society as a whole and to an individual person in particular. The results of the study indicate not only the multiplicity and multi-level aggressive behavior and perception of society as aggressive, but also make a certain contribution to understanding the nature of such a complex phenomenon as aggressiveness. However, based on the data of psychocorrection of our early works, we can talk about the limitations of the fatal perception of the phenomenon of aggressiveness and understanding of the ways to reduce it. The essence of aggression at the gender level is considered as a serious intrapersonal conflict, which is an obstacle to the organization of the spiritual space of the individual. Keywords: aggression, modern society, society, public opinion | 1032 | |||||
578 | In the new standard one of the important formed actions is problem solving. The solution to any problem begins with a question that a researcher or a student who has a difficulty has posed to himself. This requirement stems from modern standards for school education. The world has become so complex that a person has problems in any field of activity. At school No. 49 in Tomsk, one of the programs for the development of a teacher is aimed at teaching pupils to solve educational problems. At the beginning of its formation, primary school students were trained in this, but then it became necessary to teach elementary students to the elements of the program. Teaching primary school students the ability to solve first the simplest problems revealed the need to train them to ask questions, since the problem itself is formulated as a question. In the educational culture there are different types of questions. Not all types of questions cause students to solve a problem. But, different types of questions are needed to solve it. They serve to understand the text, the situation, the problem, as a result of which it is so important to teach schoolchildren how to work with questions in elementary school. The most effective are the six types of questions developed by B. Bloom. The authors suggest ways of teaching elementary school students an understanding of the meaning of questions, posing different questions and competent and complete answers to questions. As a model of question types, Bloom’s flower is used. In the submissions you can get acquainted with the ways of assessing students from the second to the fourth grade – how the number of students asking questions changes. As students gradually ask more difficult questions. How these questions are applied in solving problems. Keywords: Bloom’s flower, recognition of the meaning of different questions, questions for different texts, questions at different stages of problem solving, the effectiveness of questions in training | 1031 | |||||
579 | The importance of additional education in modern school is characterized. The relevance of additional science education using the experimental work of students based on regional characteristics is shown. The concept of “regional component of the content of education” is given. The choice of the topics of practical works on peat analysis by physicochemical methods is substantiated, the content of which is determined by the specific features of the Tomsk Region in terms of peat reserves and the accumulated experience of scientific research on the functioning of peat-swamp ecosystems. The goals, objectives and a list of topics of practical training are presented. The methodology for conducting practical work to determine the composition of peat, its physico-chemical characteristics: the degree of decomposition, moisture, ash, metabolic acidity, the determination of magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, nitrogen (ammonium ions and nitrate ions) is described. The physicochemical methods used in the practical work are indicated: titrimetric (determination of magnesium and calcium), potentiometric (exchange peat acidity), photocolorimetric (determination of ammonium and nitrate ions), mobile compounds of iron and phosphorus) methods. Questions have been developed to identify students’ experimental skills and knowledge of qualitative chemical reactions before and after the practical work, and the results are presented. Questioning revealed an improvement in the level of all experimental skills by an average of 37 %. The attitude of students to the subject of the practical work, its content, as well as interest in conducting experimental work were identified on the basis of their questionnaire. Keywords: additional education, regional component of science education, Tomsk Region, peat, physical and chemical methods of analysis, practical work, experimental skills | 1030 | |||||
580 | The article is devoted to the analysis of the courses “Economic and Social Geography of the West Siberian Region”, “Regional Studies” and “Toponymy” for the formation of Siberian identity of students at Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The most effective forms of practical training were determined, their methodical description and recommendations for its implementation were given. The Siberian identity of students is not possible without knowledge of this region. The content of the course “Economic and Social Geography of the West Siberian Region” includes a brief history of the region’s development, a description of the natural resource potential, population, features and prospects of the economy. “Toponymy” includes the study of geographical names of Siberia. “Regional Studies” develops knowledge about the native region (village or city) and the ability to apply this knowledge in the management of regional studies with schoolchildren. During training, students form universal and professional competencies that will allow them to more effectively organize school and extracurricular activities for the study of Siberia. Students at the university perform the following practical work: mapping of unique natural objects, monuments of architecture and art of Tomsk and Tomsk Region; development of excursions for schoolchildren in historical, cultural and natural attractions of Tomsk, Tomsk region and Siberia; compilation of the genealogical tree of their families, the study of the etymology of geographical names. As a result, students develop a holistic overview of the West Siberian region and there is a desire for its further study. The results of the survey “Do I Know Siberia?” showed that the majority of students, including those who came from other regions of Russia and abroad, identify themselves with Siberian region. The presented methodical development of practical classes for students can be used in retraining and advanced training of geography teachers, as well as for conducting geography lessons and extracurricular activities in general educational organizations of Siberia. Keywords: economic and social geography, regional studies, toponymy, Siberian identity, West Siberian economic region, Tomsk region | 1029 | |||||
581 | The ability to innovate is becoming a necessary professional competence in many areas of the Russian economy. Ongoing projects aimed at improving the efficiency of individual industries and areas of production, science, education, do not always take into account the issue of psychological readiness of specialists for changes, as an important component of personal identity. In this article, the authors analyze the teacher’s psychological readiness for professional activities in the new conditions as one of the indicators of introduced innovations in the Kiselevsky urban district of the Kemerovo region as part of the federal project “Every Child’s Success” of the national project “Education” (target model for the development of the regional system of additional education for children). Against the background of the ongoing set of measures to form modern managerial and organizational-economic mechanisms in the system of additional education of children in Kuzbass, professional life activity (professional identity) of teachers is undergoing drastic changes. Participating in innovations, many educators in a personal plan (personal identity) experience a state of unsteadiness and instability. There was a need to study the psychological readiness of specialists in the education, culture and sports system to work in the innovation mode. The authors described the necessary conditions in the article and justified the importance of studying the personal identity of a teacher working in an innovative mode. As a result, a study of the psychological readiness of teachers and heads of organizations of additional education, culture and sports of the Kiselevsk urban district made it possible to evaluate them as subjects of innovative activity, determine the levels of psychological readiness, highlight qualitative characteristics and take into account the data obtained when making managerial decisions. Keywords: personal identity, teacher readiness, innovative activity, additional education, risks | 1029 | |||||
582 | This article is devoted to the topical problem – the control and evaluative activities in the pedagogy of music education. The features of the structure of competent musicians are considered and the level of complexity of its formation is determined. The completed analysis of the literature on the subject indicates the absence of a unified technology which integrates monitoring and evaluation of results in professional music training. In the process of training the professional musician in secondary vocational education the formation of musical aural competency is the most important task and is carried out primarily on the musical-theoretical disciplines cycle. “Solfeggio” is obligatory subject for all musical specialities. We consider the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard to the results of the studying of this subject on specialty “Instrumental Performance”. On the example of musical theoretical discipline “Solfeggio” the elements of music and aural competence are defined. The development of monitoring system is carried out, which is the control and measuring tool and an effective way of organizing the educational process. Keywords: control and evaluation in music education, professional competence, musical-theoretical disciplines, monitoring | 1028 | |||||
583 | The article discusses the psychological causes of distortion of survey data on the prevalence of adolescent behavior associated with the risk of offenses. The conditions for the preparation and conduct of surveys that motivate or demotivate adolescent respondents to participate in the survey and provide relevant data are revealed. The empirical basis of the conclusions are the results of observing the behavior of respondents and their parents in the process of preparing for the survey and its conduct in 27 secondary schools. Account for the psychological needs of adolescents and their parents is considered as a key condition for obtaining valid data. The decreased willingness of adolescents to participate in surveys and provide reliable data is considered as the main cause of data distortion. According to the authors, the following factors lead to this. These are: pressure from the questionnaire organizers, lack of conditions for comfortable individual work with the questionnaire, violation of confidentiality, neglect of the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the examined adolescents groups when creating questionnaires and conducting a survey. Taking into account the psychological needs of adolescents when monitoring the risk of their offenses is considered an ethical imperative that requires strict observance. The authors point to the following needs of respondents for obtaining valid data. These are the needs for security, information and acknowledgment of the social value of their answers. The authors indicate possible ways of fulfilling the above needs during the survey and describe their motivating methods and methods for debriefing the possible negative consequences of the survey. The use of these techniques allowed the authors to increase the level of cooperation among adolescents in the survey process. Keywords: crime prevention, monitoring, use of substances, Federal Law No. 120, adolescents, youth, respondent behavior | 1028 | |||||
584 | The article justifies the social significance of the problem being solved. It is noted that changes in all spheres of society change the attitude of people to time, influencing their temporal orientation and perception of the event content of their lives. Special attention is paid to students as a change-sensitive group. Concepts and notions are described, on the basis of which empirical research of relation to time was planned and carried out. As a result of empirical research, it has been proven that students with a high level of optimism are oriented towards the future. In terms of content, the ratio to time is distinguished as dense, bright, colored, volumetric, wide. At the same time, the past and the present are still continuous, present and future active, large, deep and open. A group of students with low levels of optimism are also focused on the future. The content of time this group described as colored, the past characterized by depth, irreversibility, the past and the present felt, but the present adds reality and just as the future it is open. The future is active, joyful, dense and voluminous, but negative characteristics are added here in the form that the future is incomprehensible, volatile and wide. The results of empirical research were summed up. Promising directions of further research are identified. Keywords: student, time attitude, past orientation, future orientation, present orientation, semantic universals of time orientations, optimism | 1028 | |||||
585 | This article discusses the problem of developing and implementing a model of third-age education aimed at developing their social competence. The issue of training people of third age is relevant and solved in the works of domestic and foreign research from the point of view of formation and development of certain competences in conditions of continuous education. The third age refers to the period after the termination of professional activity characterized by the continuation of an active lifestyle to reveal its potential and opportunities. Teaching people of third age is a process based on the fundamental provisions of andragogics, gerogogics, adapted to the individual, psychological and social characteristics of students. Aimed at the empowerment, adaptation, socialization and self-actualization of people after retirement and termination of their professional activities. Which forms their social competence, as well as enabling them to develop effective strategies of adaptive behavior and learn to live in conditions of uncertainty. The methodological basis of this process is the personality-oriented, activity-oriented, axiological approach. The present study is based on a competency-based approach to the development of universal competences, which include social competence. The model developed and introduced into the educational process of the Higher People’s School is based on andragological and gerontological principles and includes four interrelated blocks: targeted, meaningful, organizational, and effective. A special place in the model is assigned to the program of social competence development. The programme consists of five modules that ensure the targeted development of all components of social competence. Third-age education is provided through formal and informal educational activities. The training process uses: traditional lectures with mandatory use of ICT technologies, problem lectures, conference lectures, binary lectures, seminar lectures, etc.; seminar lectures on which knowledge gained at lectures, abilities, skills and competences goes deep and systematized; practical exercises (testing, games, etc.); training occupations; conferences. The classes use individual and group forms of training; active, interactive, and visual learning methods. The program of training at the higher public school gives the chance to people of the third age to receive a certain level of knowledge, abilities, skills and competences, to find confidence in their abilities and to realize the potential of physical, intellectual, educational resources and free time. The presented model implies realization of such psychological and pedagogical conditions in the course of education, which influence the effectiveness of the process of development of social competence in people of the third age. The implemented model of education has shown its effectiveness in the development of social competence of people of the third age and has contributed to socio-psychological adaptation, socialization and self-actualization of people of the third age in modern dynamically developing conditions. Keywords: methodological basis of educating of people of the third age, competencybased approach, competenсe, competency, continuous education, higher public school, educating of people of the third age, social competence | 1028 | |||||
586 | The article presents the justification, development and results of testing of educational material on the topic “Planning of restorative means in sports” for academic disciplines of restorative and preventive orientation and disciplines on combat sports taught at universities and departments of physical training and sports. The justification of the content of the educational topic is based on scientific and methodological approaches to planning of restorative means in sports, theory and methodology of restorative and preventive means, theory and methodology of sports training. The variant of planning of restorative microcycles in the structure of competitive period of boxers training at the stage of sports specialization has been developed. The place of restorative micro-cycles in the structure of the competitive meso-cycle of boxers competitive period, percentage ratio of the volume of general physical and special physical training, technical training and the volume of application of the complex of pedagogical, medico-biological and psychological means of recovery for each of the planned restorative micro-cycles have been determined. The ratio of application of pedagogical, medico-biological and psychological means of recovery in three planned restorative micro-cycles is presented. The effectiveness of the developed planning option has been experimentally proved. Keywords: vocational training, competitive micro-cycle, competitive period, restorative micro-cycles, restorative means | 1027 | |||||
587 | The article deals with the problems of implementation of formative assessment in secondary educational institutions and proposes their solution. Formative assessment is able to solve the problems facing the assessment system focusing on the quality of process of students learning outcomes and acquiring skills for “lifelong learning”. Formative assessment has been implemented slowly and inefficiently for more than a decade. Identifying and analyzing the reasons for the difficulties of implementation and finding the ways to overcome them is the aim of this research and determines the relevance of the theme. Theoretical and practical methods of research were used to achieve this aim. A large number of difficulties have been revealed. Some of which have been indicated by teachers participating in the program. The obtained data allow us to divide all mentioned problems into 3 levels depending on the possibilities of their solutions. It is noted that teachers solve them at the first level “classroom” but without the support at the “school” and “out-of-school” levels the process of formative assessment is discrete, fragmented or even impossible. Introductory training workshops at the “workplace” have been developed and proposed to conduct as the first step in the program of implementation of formative assessment in the educational process. The seminars (workshops) are divided into theoretical and practical parts; questions for discussion and duration of conducting vary depending on the preparedness of the audience. At the end of the workshops, teachers have initial necessary knowledge to start practical activities of formative assessment. The author emphasizes the necessity to introduce sections (or to expand them) about this type of assessment at teacher training courses and in programs of discipline about teaching methods to build a system of training teachers who own a new philosophy of assessment. Keywords: formative assessment, difficulties of implementation, teacher training, levels of problem solving, training workshop | 1026 | |||||
588 | In recent decades, the Russian family has undergone profound changes in relations between generations of parents and children. There is a practice-justified view that Russian children were never as different from parents by their mentality as in today’s reality. The retrospective analysis carried out in the article of the family’s performance of its educational function with regard to children differentiated by sex shows the importance and place of each parent in the formation of the child’s personality. The conducted survey of schoolchildren in five regions of Russia (2019) and comparison of its results with the data of a similar survey of ten years ago (2009) make it possible to draw conclusions about trends in family education, as well as about which parents most successfully perform their educational role in the modern Russian family. In retrospect of the last ten years, alarming conclusions are being formulated about the reduction of parents’ authority as advisers. In the dynamics of these years there is a decrease in the attitude of children to be similar to their parents. Attention is drawn to the fact that most children do not view the family environment as comfortable for cohabitation with parents, which indicates the factors of disadvantage of these families. The desire of children to assert their financial independence by independently earning money for pocket expenses has been revealed. There is an increase in the number of children evading the answer about the sources of money, which may indicate improper practices in obtaining it. The given data of the comparative study make it possible to conclude that there has been an increase in certain deformation of parental roles in the family over the past ten years. The task of the family today is to contribute to the formation of life guidelines of children, offering them reliable starting conditions for achieving success. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the analysis of the influence of educational actions (omissions) of each parent on the formation of immunity in children from possible external negative influences taking into account modern social risks in society. Keywords: father, mother, family, children, parenting, trends in family education | 1025 | |||||
589 | The prevalence of aggressive behavior of children in the school environment in recent years has a tendency to increase. The space of the educational organization is no longer safe, despite the measures taken to ensure it: the installation of turnstiles, metal detectors, the presence of security, the creation of a school mediation service (conflict resolution), etc. The article analyzes the concept and content of aggressive behavior. The problem of aggression in an educational institution is considered from the position of violent actions both in relation to students, and in relation to teachers and the educational organization as a whole. The extreme expression of aggression and cruelty, as today’s realities show, are cases of attacks on schools and mass violence by students, accompanied by the death of children and teachers alike. Under these conditions, the role of a teacher as a carrier of a model of social behavior in school is of particular importance. However, in some cases, the teacher can cause the pupils to act aggressively by illegally using verbal means to express their hostility towards students insulting their dignity. Based on the results of scientific research, the article analyzes the manifestations of aggressiveness in school society, identifies the factors that provoke aggression of adolescents. It is concluded that interpersonal relationships play a leading role in the formation of aggressive intentions of a teenage schoolchild. Therefore, in the educational environment it is important to create such a model of interaction between the subjects of education, which will provide the most optimal combination of their positions and interests. Keywords: school society, adolescents, aggression, teachers, factors of aggressiveness, trends in relationships in school society | 1023 | |||||
590 | A problem of the educational programs implementation in universities in the conditions of forced distance learning was a serious challenge to the academic environment. Great difficulties are caused by the education of students who have a significant number of hours of practical work in the curriculum, in particular those studying in the fields of Physical Education and Sports. The analysis, generalization and interpretation of the literary sources made it possible to identify the possibilities of applying modern technologies of professional development, and forming necessary competencies in the preparation of a bachelor. To adapt the lessons to the conditions of the electronic environment, the necessary algorithm of actions is given, from the features of the glossary development to the creation of the final digital discipline model. It is important to teach students to see the mistakes of students in the technique of movements, tactical errors, to identify their own mistakes in the teaching methods in order to work in the field of physical culture and sports. Therefore, to enhance cognitive activity, develop a culture of thinking of a teacher in physical education and sports, it is proposed to use the preparation of video projects (in the format of a television fitness program with classes and short videos) in practical exercises, taking into account the proposed stages of preparation, a monitoring and evaluation system. Keywords: modern educational technologies, undergraduate students, information and communication technologies, competencies, video project | 1023 | |||||
591 | The article presents the scientific background for the development of the new quality monitoring system in the Russian Federation, as well as goals, objectives and main provisions of the Conceptual framework for early childhood education quality monitoring in the Russian Federation. The article presents a system of level assessment of the quality of preschool education, which is embedded in the monitoring concept. The article presents a model of comprehensive assessment of the quality of education in preschool institutions, a model of multilevel collection of information from the MKDO using the unified information platform of the monitoring. It describes the aspects and indicators for assessment and evaluation of the quality of early childhood education in early childhood classrooms and in early childhood settings in general. The authors of the concept proposes 9 areas of quality to organize information monitoring: educational guidelines; educational program; teacher qualifications; content of educational activities; educational process organization; educational environment; creation of conditions for preschool education of children with special needs and disabilities; interaction with parents; provision of meals to students and preschool institution employees; child protection and health improvement, management and development of the organization. It formulates possible directions of implementation of the results of monitoring procedures at all levels of early childhood education system in the Russian Federation. Keywords: early childhood education, quality assessment and evaluation, monitoring, quality indicators, MKDO (Early Childhood Education Quality Monitoring), early childhood education system of the Russian Federation | 1022 | |||||
592 | The article is devoted to the process of developing a model of a pre-university in a technical university, which meets the modern requirements of a modern technical university, and provides the possibility of replication in various educational institutions of higher education of a technical profile, without reference to certain characteristics and creates the conditions for the implementation of the university’s specifics in the educational process. The article is devoted to the process of developing a pre-university model in the educational process of a modern educational institution of higher education of a technical profile, in which the pre-university is a mechanism for searching, selecting, supporting, vocational guidance and pre-university preparation of applicants for entrance examinations and training at a technical university, creates conditions for immersing students in educational and cultural environment of the university, which allows to determine to choose a profession and a university in advance, and, if necessary, to change the profile of training. The developed model takes into account the experience of various analogues of pre-university students implementing educational activities in various universities in Russia. The scientific novelty of the study is to work out all the elements of the pre-university model being created, which can be created on the basis of any technical university regardless of its starting conditions and limitations, and also provide opportunities for taking into account the specifics of the university, including: a) the creation of a system of pre-university training at the university, taking into account priority tasks in the field of recruitment and the possibility of creating conditions for ensuring the selection of various educational paths; b) the organization of coordination of career guidance at the university. The theoretical significance of the work is associated with the identification and description of the key elements of the pre-university activity regardless of the specifics of individual universities and models. Keywords: pre-university, vocational guidance, pre-university preparation, university enrollment process, work with applicants, pre-university model | 1020 | |||||
593 | Various forms of mastering the educational professional program are analyzed, the advantages and disadvantages of self-education in the digital space and distance learning are considered. The article shows the demand for training according to an individual curriculum and examines the features of the contingent of students that cause the problem of developing a special methodology for their individual training for activities in the conditions of the emerging innovative economy. The author substantiates the importance of developing universal competencies, including a cluster of creative professional competencies, readiness to work in conditions of psychological stress, digital literacy, mathematical analytical thinking, and spiritual and moral qualities. Psychological and pedagogical conditions for effective training of technical specialists by correspondence are formulated, which assume consideration of the needs of participants in the educational process, cognitive abilities and competence profile. It is proposed to use impulse educational technologies, adaptive management of the process of students’ development and intensification of independent work in the digital space. Special attention is paid to the need to strengthen education in order to prepare for engineering creativity. It is advisable to design a personal educational track with the help of a tutor. The organizational mechanism of individualization of training in the digital space based on the competence profile is described. At the first level of individualization, an individual plan is developed. At the second level, on the basis of a digital competence profile, students’ educational activities are managed during the semester. The organization of individual training of technical specialists in correspondence form with the maximum use of the potential of digitalization of education will improve the quality of education and provide an advanced level of formation of the competencies demanded by the customer, to achieve a more complete satisfaction of students with the educational services provided. Keywords: quality of education, innovative readiness, pedagogical innovations, personal educational track, digitalization of education | 1019 | |||||
594 | The article examines the evolution of design leadership: from industrial to graphic and media design, which is accompanied by an expansion of the design impact zone, from the solution of functional and aesthetic tasks in industrial design to the influence of design on the formation of the worldview today. The globalization of design possibilities increases the requirements for the designer’s professionalism. One of the significant components of the professionalism of the artist, designer is the color competence. Currently, color is an object of study in many disciplines that consider the patterns of color perception, color perception, color rendering, the formation of the ability to perceive and convey the color richness of the surrounding reality. However, the problem of the emotionally expressive function of color, the relationship of color and emotion, and the justification of the methodology for the formation of the colorist competence of future artists and designers remain less studied. The article presents the results of a formative experiment aimed at developing skills to use color as a means of creating an artistic image. As a result of the development of the pilot program, students demonstrate the ability to achieve consistency in the emotional content of the intention and expressive means of color composition. Keywords: design; coloristic competence; communicative, aesthetic, symbolic, emotional and expressive functions of color; artistic image | 1018 | |||||
595 | The conditions for reforming the system of training of highly qualified personnel are characterized by the growing need to process large amounts of information in professional activities. Against this background, the graduate of the training program of the highest qualification should be ready to independently identify problem areas for the purpose of individual or collective research and obtain new knowledge aimed at solving the tasks. It follows that the content of the training program should include the forms and types of future professional activity of the graduate. The undertaken research is aimed at identifying the means of information and communication technologies that can be centrally applied to ensure the educational process, in order to create the basic conditions that will allow to identify the right direction of the individual educational trajectory of the student during the development of the training program of the highest qualification. This article describes the identification of a specific sphere of centralized application of information and communication technologies in the design of information educational environment in the training of highly qualified personnel on the basis of theoretical and empirical analysis of educational process of training of teaching staff in graduate school. Keywords: information educational environment in the training of highly qualified personnel, design parameters, educational process in graduate school | 1018 | |||||
596 | The article considers the problem of professional training of students in pedagogical areas from the point of view of using such a resource as Olympiads. The authors pay attention to the essential features of the subject and methodological Olympiads identified by Russian and foreign researchers. Among them, the authors define such as complexity, practical orientation, and personal significance for the student. The complexity includes theoretical, practical, and methodological material in the Olympiad tasks. The practice orientation focuses on developing specific forms of interaction with students, lesson notes. The personal significance for students is development of educational independence. Based on the results of the conducted research (online survey, analysis of student texts), conclusions are made about the need to hold. Conclusions are drawn about efficiency of the different types of Olympiads in the process of training future teachers. The researchers think that participation of students in the Olympiad takes on a new meaning in their professional training, acting not only as a means of evaluating the acquired knowledge, skills, but also as a resource for developing their subject-methodical competencies and educational actions. The article is of interest to teachers of colleges and higher educational institutions and also students of pedagogical specialties. Keywords: Olympiad, compatibility, educational independence, students, professional training | 1017 | |||||
597 | The article is devoted to the problem of formation of professional and personal component of the future teacher, considered through the expansion of the educational space of the university special course, focused on the development of students of classical and innovative pedagogical practices. The relevance of the study is due to modern and forward-looking requirements for professional teaching activity, recorded in the syllabus documents. The purpose of the research is the development, description and testing of the course Pedagogical Technologies in the Modern Humanitarian Educational Space, focused on the formation of a prolonged professional demand. Material and methods: analysis of theoretical and scientific-methodical literature, pedagogical and empirical observation, pedagogical modeling. Results and discussion. In the course of the study, the concepts of technology and, accordingly, pedagogical technology were studied and updated, the framework of demand for personal and professional qualities of the teacher and the vector of formation of the professional and personal component of the future teacher were identified and described. The article describes the integrativity of the concept of pedagogical technology, which includes the competence formed during the entire period of study at the pedagogical University, predictably allowing the graduate to achieve success in professional teaching activities. The logical and structural focus of the developed and tested course Pedagogical Technologies in the Modern Humanitarian Educational Space, oriented by paradigm changes in the aims, content, methods and technologies of training and education, is presented as a tool for the process of formation of the named competence. The paper describes a specific system of classes, including classroom, extracurricular and independent forms of classes, thematic rubrication, description of the method of use of block-notes, etc. The developed and put into practice course Pedagogical Technologies contributes to the assignment of students objective methods of self-control, the formation of professional independence to determine the specific goals of educational activities, the most comfortable conditions for achieving educational results, skills of self-reflection and self-correction. The presented course can be matrix adapted for students of pedagogical universities of not only humanitarian profile, but also in other areas of training. Keywords: technologies, pedagogical technologies, educational space, professional pedagogical competences, professional-personal component, outline | 1016 | |||||
598 | The article deals with the problems of strategic education quality management through the processes of adaptation of students to the higher education system. Various problems affecting the poor quality of adaptation are analyzed. In particular, as the first problem, a significant gap between the school and university educational space is highlighted and analyzed, which is that the university and the school have practically no points of contact: the students have no idea about the structure of the educational space of the university, the temporary rhythms of its work organization (semesters, modules, sessions), stream methods of organization of the educational process, the flow of students, uniting large masses of students of one course or related areas of training. Lecture-seminar and test and examination systems are also very different from the usual for 11 years of schooling methods of organizing the educational process and knowledge control. A big problem is created by the lack of necessary information (which can only be gathered on the days of open doors, and then not in full), the low autonomy of schoolchildren, the passivity of the school teaching system, etc. As a result of the analysis, a number of trips to solving the problem are proposed: firstly, university teachers should “go to school”. It is necessary to think over and organize the interaction of the school and the university, both to improve the quality of school education and to adapt schoolchildren to other, university teaching methods. The second solution would be the earlier vocational orientation of schoolchildren. This work must begin no later than grade 8 school. The third area of activity for the adaptation of students in the system of higher education, from our point of view, can be the introduction of elements of project management in the implementation of the educational process in higher school. Keywords: adaptation, educational space, applicants, quality of education, strategic management of education | 1016 | |||||
599 | The question of professional tasks of a preschool education teacher is discussed. Pedagogical activity is a process of solving professional tasks of various types. The article describes the psychological task, as one of the types of professional tasks in educational activities. The specificity of the psychological task in a teacher’s practice is its uncertainty. The uncertainty of the task is related to an individual’s perception of a situation, his personal attitude towards that situation, the individual experience of solving such problematic situations and the presence of personal meanings regarding what is happening in the context of the general level of psychological maturity of a person. This implies the variability of solutions. The choice of pedagogical actions is connected to a number of conditions: the perception of the situation, attitude towards the situation, the emotions it causes, the experience of solving problematic situations and the preferred behavioral models and the desired outcome. The article describes the informative characteristics of the three solutions of the psychological problem. The following situation is psychologically competent: a wholesome perception of the situation, the attitude towards the situation as a meaningful one for others (a personally and socially significant situation), feelings are associated with internal experiences shared with feelings of others; decisions are aimed for benefitting all of the participants of the situation, the result is defined as useful and significant for other people, for society, along with their own achievements. The article provides an example of solving a psychological problem by a teacher in the form of a case in accordance with the third option. Appeal to the groups of universal and general professional competencies, indicated in modern FGOS VO, showed that each of the designated competencies contains not only psychological terminology, but also contains ideas of a variable approach towards their development. One of the options for the development of professional competencies, in our opinion, is the use of a task approach that includes a combination of different types of tasks. In the typification of professional tasks noted in the FGOS VO 3 ++, the psychological task is included in broad nominations of such types as accompaniment, cultural and educational, organizational and managerial, methodical. Keywords: tasks of a teacher’s professional activity, a psychological task, an open type problem, a teacher’s psychological competence, system approach, subject approach, humanitarian paradigm of education | 1015 | |||||
600 | One of the urgent problems of the development of additional education of children in Russia is to increase its accessibility and quality. Modern measures of state policy in the field of education are aimed at updating the content and technologies of additional education of children in accordance with the needs of the individual and public order, ensuring its accessibility for children with different educational needs and opportunities in the context of increasing the efficiency of the resources used. The article discusses the basic principles of the development of the system of additional education of children in Russia at the present stage. Based on the analysis of modern regulatory and program-targeted documents, a characteristic of the main directions of modernization of regional systems of further education is presented. The leading theoretical ideas of building a system of personified continuing education are described: individualization, personalization and personification. The analysis of modern state requirements for the regional system of additional education of children is carried out, the leading mechanisms of the formation of the regional system of additional education are highlighted. The author analyzes the content of personified funding for the implementation of additional general education programs in accordance with the requirements of accessibility, quality and effectiveness. The meaning of the idea of personalization in continuing education is disclosed applicable to the system of accessibility and quality management of educational programs. Based on the program approach, a model of a regional system of additional education for children is proposed that meets modern requirements. Keywords: model, regional educational system, personified additional education of children | 1015 |