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651 | A survey of university teachers (130 people) from various study areas was conducted to identify the prevailing attitudes and judgments about the implementation and prospects for the development of various formats of higher education in an unstable epidemiological situation and changing socioeconomic conditions. The authors attempted to analyze the factors that determined the survey results and the challenges of creating conditions ensuring the optimal implementation of various formats in a modern university. The successful experience of the university faculty in a number of projects in the development of the digital educational environment at the international and all-Russian level is described. Inferior learning outcomes in the online format in comparison with face-to-face and blended format were reported by the respondents. The survey revealed an optimistic view of the teaching community regarding the prospects for the development of a blended format. Blended and face-to-face formats were preferred by the majority of respondents, regardless of their teaching experience at the university. Questions about the level of online education, effective tools for assessing its quality, measures to encourage online work turned out to be the most “sensitive”, which was reflected in the significant proportion of evasive answer to the above questions. Higher education ecosystems often lack professionals specializing in instructional design, data analysis, educational program development, educational technologies, etc., which adversely affects the quality of educational products. Keywords: higher education, educational format, online learning, blended learning, teacher assessment of learning outcomes, COVID-19 | 963 | |||||
652 | Teaching students to develop and form educational programs is an actual task for teachers of a pedagogical university. Special requirements apply to training students in development of extra-training educational programs aimed at physical education and sports, since the quality of such programs determines not only competitive progress, but also maintaining the health of students. Training quality and methodological literacy of students in the development of modern extra-training educational programs is largely defined by the regularity of educational practices monitoring and it’s reflection in programs as methodical documents. Under Russian conditions, various federal, regional and municipal expert (and competitive) events to evaluate educational programs can be considered as the basis for monitoring. Understanding of expertise as a valuable resource to improve students’ methodological literacy is determined by the fact that at present time in the Tomsk region, expert evaluation activity of educational programs during contests and other events has become systematic for for teachers conducting pedagogical disciplines. The author’s experience in analyzing physical education and sports programs at the regional stage of the Russian National contest of extra-training general developmental programs (including different-level ones) and as a part of regional project “Every Child’s Success”, independently evaluating the quality of extra-training educational programs, made it possible to examine the methodological deficiencies of teachers working in physical education and sports. Generalization of their typical mistakes turned out to be promising for the correction of practices of teaching students to develop modern educational programs and related features. Keywords: expert examination of educational programs, sports programs, methodological literacy of students, extra-training education in physical culture and sports | 962 | |||||
653 | The study is devoted to the urgent problem of identifying psychological factors for pregnancy maintenance in women who are pregnant having special somatic conditions (HIV infection). During the research a comparative analysis of indicators of the psycho-emotional state, the motives for maintaining pregnancy, women’s attitude towards themselves and their perceived health status between groups of women with physiologically normal pregnancy and with the threatened miscarriage was conducted. The psychological factors of maintaining a healthy pregnancy in women with HIV infection were established. At the level of clinical indicators, these were the absence of abortions and missed pregnancies in medical history. At the level of social indicators, the factor was a registered marriage as a marital status. At the level of psychological indicators – the absence of depressive mood, of high aggressiveness and frustration; acceptance of the pregnancy; rejection of the motive for pregnancy maintenance characterized by the desire to achieve a new social status and satisfy the need for love, support, attention and care; high value of oneself and high value of the child himself/herself; high assessment of the health status and the bodily resources for healing. The results can be used to develop a differentiated program to prevent the development of the threated miscarriage in women with HIV infection for antenatal clinics of maternity hospitals and center for AIDS prevention and control. Keywords: psycho-emotional and personal characteristics of pregnant women, psychological factors of pregnancy maintenance, HIV infection, threatened miscarriage | 961 | |||||
654 | The purpose of the article is to present a holistic picture of the development of the museums in the vast territory of the Tomsk province and the modern Tomsk region. The method of historical-genetic analysis revealed the conditions for the birth of museums as a social phenomenon and the gradual creation of museums of various kinds. We provide the names of the Tomsk Imperial University professors who were thematic museums organizers. We bring your attention to that all showpieces of the university thematic museums established at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th one were used in education process as supplements to lecture courses contents and as demonstration aids for students. Museum collections were supposed to be used only by university students and faculty members. Other town dwellers didn’t have the right to visit the museums. It was only in the period from 1930’s to 1960’s when municipal museums of history, regional studies, ethnography, art, military and patriotic studies were established and the town population got the opportunity to visit the museums and become acquainted with the artifacts, historical events as well to make their personal assessment of what they had seen. In the paper we highlight that at present the Tomsk Region with its over 300 different museums is one of the major territorial entities of the Siberian Federal District in social, cultural and academic respects. Classification of museums is proposed: university, municipal, departmental, memorialpolitical, school museums. Purposes of museums of each type, their educational tasks and functions were determined. The social, educational and pedagogical needs of museums in the selection, preservation and presentation of the cultural and historical heritage of mankind are substantiated. Keywords: museum, exhibition, historical relics, research work, educational activity, educational process, supplementary education of schoolchildren | 960 | |||||
655 | Changes in society, the complexity of professional tasks actualize the request to universities to train specialists who are ready for innovation. To develop the innovative potential of students, the modern educational process in universities should be focused not only on the professional training of students, but also on the development of personality. Innovative activities, solving creative tasks to create new products and technologies require active work of the intellect, motivation and will, and this stimulates the development and selfdevelopment of a person. An important factor in the development of innovative potential of students is the educational environment. The functioning of this environment should be based on a systematic analysis of the object, subject, processes, and conditions of innovative development. In addition, it is important to determine the criteria for the effectiveness of the innovation environment, as well as to implement the principle of ensuring the continuous development of students. For the development of innovative potential, it is necessary to use psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process. The main principle of psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process is to take into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of students, the development of their resources. Psychological and pedagogical support of the educational process should be aimed primarily at the actualization of personal competencies that determine innovative activity. For the development of innovative potential, students should participate in the choice of an individual educational trajectory, show educational initiatives and implement them in research activities. Keywords: innovative potential, educational environment, personal self-development, activities, competencies, psychological and pedagogical support | 960 | |||||
656 | The article presents the results of a study into differences in ideas of a conflict situation among boys and girls studying at a teacher training college and the correlation of ideas of a conflict situation and the level of self-esteem and claims among the students. The conducted research contributes to the solution of the actual for modern education problem of forming teachers’ conflict competence. The purpose of the article is to analyze the difference in ideas of a conflict situation among boys and girls and to outline the directions of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of future teachers’ conflict competence. The research methodology was the analysis and generalization of scientific works and publications of native and foreign psychologists on the problems of ideas in psychology, conflict situation and conflict competence, self-esteem and claims, as well as the use of adequate psycho-diagnostic methods (projective, subjective scaling) for empirical study of students’ ideas of a conflict situation, self-esteem and claims and statistical methods (analysis of differences significance, correlation analysis) to study differences in ideas of a conflict situation among boys and girls and to study the correlation between ideas of a conflict situation and levels of self-esteem and claims. The results of an empirical study into students’ ideas of a conflict situation, self-esteem and claims of students demonstrate the absence of significant gender differences in the studied constructs. Statistical analysis of the data revealed differences in the ideas of a conflict situation among young men and women with different levels of self-esteem and claims and direct correlation between the studied indicators. It is proved that negative ideas of a conflict situation correlate with passive strategies of conflict behavior (evasion, concession) and low level of selfesteem and claims, and, on the contrary, positive ideas of a conflict situation correlate with active strategies of conflict behavior (compromise, cooperation, competition) and adequate level of self-esteem and claims. The results and conclusions presented in the article can be taken into account while training specialists at secondary vocational education institutions and can be used to develop a program to form conflict competence of students at a teacher training college, which can be implemented in the form of an elective course or psychological training. Keywords: ideas of a conflict situation, conflict and conflictological competence, level of selfesteem and claims | 959 | |||||
657 | The present article considers the motivation for Creative writing in a foreign language. Even such techniques of Creative writing as Automatic writing and Free Writing do not motivate some students to write creative texts. We see the solution to this methodology problem in employing visual materials. We organized a questionnaire for third- and fourthyear Linguistics students of the Humanitarian Department at Novosibirsk State Technical University. According to the questionnaire 54 % respondents need visual materials for writing creative texts. The purposes of research are to study the selection criteria of visual materials and to consider the possibilities for using them in a Creative writing process (in particular at German lessons at non-linguistic universities). Finally, the key findings are analyzed. Keywords: Creative writing, writing in a foreign language, visual materials, ways to increase motivation for Creative writing in a foreign language | 958 | |||||
658 | The article focuses on the effectiveness of traditional assessment tools applied in higher education for teaching generation Z, considering the fact that the new generation of students has its own characteristics, including increased anxiety and lack of long-term forecasting skills. These features, combined with the intuitive use of the Internet, reduce the effectiveness of traditional written tests, giving way to more interactive methods. The authors suggest a number of modern tools suitable for the formative and summative assessment in both classroom and remote learning, highly demanded during the pandemic: Quizlet multimedia cards, Learningapps small interactive modules, the Edpuzzle platform for video files, online testing services of Kahoot! and Class Marker, as well as Mentimeter interactive presentations service. The indisputable advantage of the listed applications is their intuitiveness, and therefore they do not require long training for using them, and they also can reduce the time spent on the preparation and evaluation of students’ tests. The proposed interactive assessment tools imply an active use of smartphones by students and have a positive effect on their motivation, help them form a proper idea of their own progress and integrate digital technologies into the educational process, which in itself is already a priority for the modern education system. Keywords: assessment tools in higher education, information technology for teaching, generation Z, digital learning environment, foreign language teaching, non-linguistics majors | 958 | |||||
659 | The article considers the urgent problem of improving the competitiveness of Russian universities in the global educational space. The problem is initiated by a challenging requirement to the system of Russian higher professional education, specifically, to comply with the modern pace of world development. This requirement is included in the list of global challenges for universities and is designated in the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Education in 2013–2020” as one of the crucial tasks of modernization and development of higher professional education. The launch of Project 5-100 has been the main vector of modernizing Russian higher education. The article aims to analyze the main provisions of Project 5-100, the methodology of world rankings ARWU, QS, THE and their indicators, the positions of Russian universities in the global educational space by the example of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU), as well as to develop corrective measures. The main research methods were as follows: analysis of pedagogical literature, Project 5-100 documentation, methodology of world rankings ARWU, QS and THE, as well as analysis and synthesis of the information obtained. The study analyzed the positions of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lomonosov Moscow State University and TPU in the world rankings and identified two groups of TPU activities: TPU strengths and underachievements with regard to QS ranking. As well, measures to fix underachievements by improving the quality of ranking indicators and providing the development of a multilingual environment, retraining teachers and revising educational programs were provided. An effective condition for the consolidation of the proposed measures, it is suggested to implement the teaching methods that would create conditions for the development of a multilingual environment, specifically, the methods involving the integration of subject knowledge and foreign language. The assumption regarding the effectiveness of methods integrating subject and language knowledge is based on their potential to strengthen the practical orientation of language practice among students and teachers, as well as reduce the time resource for mastering a foreign language for professional communication. Keywords: higher education, university competitiveness, world university rankings, methodology of leading world rankings, QS, THE, project 5-100 | 957 | |||||
660 | The relevance of the article is due to the fact that cognitive learning theories are the most recognized in modern domestic didactics. They act as a psychological and pedagogical substantiation of didactic systems that implement the values of cognition and the development of students’ cognitive abilities, when training is based on the direct experience of students, its expansion in the course of search, research, active development of the world. The following positions are proposed as prerequisites for the development of cognitive didactics in the context of personality development in the era of digitalization of education: the need to take into account the directions of transformation of the higher education system: educational goals, forms of education, teaching methods, management tools; focus on solving the general goal of transforming the educational process at the present stage of development of higher education – on the generation of knowledge; the use of the regularities of functioning and the formation of mechanisms of cognition of students in the process of realizing the systemforming goal of cognitive didactics – the effective cognitive organization of a person; generation of professionally oriented knowledge in the context of the transition to the construction of holistic life-pedagogical situations within the framework of the situational approach as a theoretical and methodological strategy focused on solving cognitive problems; the use of cognitive tools in the process of implementing the situational-event mechanism of the formation of the personality structures of students’ cognition within the framework of the student’s educational activity. Keywords: cognitive didactics, digitalization of education, cognitive modeling, pedagogical situation, cognition, thinking, control, educational and cognitive process, interaction of subjects, cognitive organization of a student, thinking, transformation of education, situational approach, situational-event mechanism, knowledge constructs, situational maps, cognitive styles | 957 | |||||
661 | The methods of interaction between parents and children on the problem of developing the interest of the younger student in mathematics are submitted for consideration. Parents have serious difficulties in organizing their own help for children, not only in the framework of home independent work, but also in performing various tasks in mathematics, which makes it difficult to solve this problem. The research material was the results of a survey of parents, on the basis of which their position on the organization of work to develop the interest of younger students in mathematics is revealed. This problem is traditionally solved by the teacher in the classroom, and when organizing extracurricular activities, it involves parents. In relation to adults, the teacher takes an authoritarian position. It determines what difficulties the student is experiencing in learning individual subjects and what help parents can provide. The indicated variant of adult interaction leads to the fact that parents also take an authoritarian position when organizing independent activities of younger students. At the same time, the development of interest in learning at school, including academic subjects, requires a change in the position of adults. In this regard, it is advisable to inform parents about ways to develop younger students’ interest in mathematics, about ways to organize activities for their implementation, which can have a significant impact on the success of the younger student in mastering the content of the initial course of mathematics. For parents to understand the importance of a new way of organizing joint activities, it is necessary to change the teacher’s position from authoritarian to partner. This makes it possible to create conditions for mastering the techniques of productive interaction aimed at developing younger students’ interest in mathematics and mathematical activities. Keywords: mathematical activity, interest, methods of interaction organization, Junior school student, parents | 956 | |||||
662 | This paper presents the concept, principles of distance education and its relationship with the terms online-learning and e-learning. The author determines the importance of Internet technologies for foreign language learning and the formation of foreign language communicative (often professionally oriented) competence as the main task of this subject. The article gives the reflections of the functionality of the Microsoft Teams online platform to create a unique online learning environment. The issue is addressed by analyzing the survey data on learning foreign languages online via the MS Teams at the University of Tyumen. The specific objective of the study is to juxtapose the MS Teams tools with the parameters of organizing classes in foreign languages such as interactivity, multimedia, the implementation of the learner-centered approach, the teaching and learning materials used, teaching methods and forms, the creation of an authentic environment and the formation of various types of speech activity. In addition, the study defines the most significant MS Teams functions, in particular, storing educational materials, having feedback, video communication (online-meetings), working in teams and channels, MS Teams tests, working with co-editing files etc. The author identifies the difficulties that arise (namely technical, psychological, physiological, methodological difficulties and problems in perceiving information), their possible causes and ways to overcome them. The article ends with conclusions on how MS Teams integrates into the foreign languages learning process. Keywords: distance education, distance technologies, foreign language, MS Teams, online platform | 956 | |||||
663 | Self-development and self-organization of the personality are of great importance for the effectiveness of the educational and professional activities of the teacher. The article reveals the possibility of self-development of a bachelor of pedagogical education as the main component of the subject position and subject-subject relations. The interconnection of the key terms: subject, subjectivity, subjective position, subject-subject relations, is characterized. Using diagnostic tools, such as an author’s questionnaire consisting of open and closed questions, the specifics of understanding, the level and reasons for the refusal to demonstrate the subject position by bachelors in the educational process of a pedagogical university are revealed. Processing of the results of the questionnaire was carried out by calculating the average score and content analysis. As a result of the study, it was clarified that many factors influence the manifestation of the students’ subjective position in the process of their study at the university, some of which are the lack of self-organization, self-development skills, the predominant influence of the teacher and the lack of their joint activities. The article shows how, with the help of the case-method, it is possible to build the skill of self-organization of bachelors when organizing joint activities of a teacher and students at a pedagogical university. The substantial similarity of the implementation of the case method with the models of joint activity: authoritarian, leadership, partnership, is indicated. The emphasis is on the fact that, as part of the case method, when organizing joint activities, the main task is to build the subjectivation strategy between the teacher and the students in the process of solving various types of cases that become more complicated for each bachelor’s course. Features of the organization of students’ and teachers’ activities from the reproduction strategy to the strategy of cooperation through the demonstration by subjects of the educational process of their subjective position are presented. Keywords: self-organization, subject, subjectivity, subjective position, subject-subject relations, case-method, models of joint activity | 955 | |||||
664 | The article deals with the problems of education and assessment of students during the pandemic. The main tasks of higher education with the transition to distance learning are identified. The world approaches and methods of studying and evaluating the development of individual human capital are studied. The degree of efficiency and types of human capital are analyzed. Definitions that establish the basic concept of human capital development in the world are considered. The article describes an original method of using a computer program and database to determine the development of individual human capital of a student using screenshots, which increases the visibility of the experiment among students of 1–4 years of study. The main criteria included in the human capital required for a comprehensive assessment of the development of students’ human capital are disclosed. The testing was held among students at the Academy of psychology and pedagogy of the southern Federal University. According to the research, conclusions are made: using the results data issued by the computer program, the individual trajectory of students ‘ human capital development is studied, with the results saved in the database. In the future, this will contribute to the favorable development of human capital in the country as a whole, namely, the development of innovations, increasing labor productivity, and mastering the necessary production or management skills. Keywords: computer program, database, human capital, higher education, student | 955 | |||||
665 | This article presents the process of development of pedagogical support of visually impaired learners with multiple severe developmental disorders (exemplified by deafblind learners), including visually impaired learners in Russia and Siberia, starting prior to the revolution of 1917 until the present day. Experience has proven it is essential to know the history of pedagogical support of visually impaired learners with multiple severe developmental disorders to gain a better understanding of the current status of the subject. This pedagogical research allows you to trace the dynamics of the formation of special institutions in chronological order from the beginning to the present time. The establishment of such institutions took place on charitable basis without state financial support. The role of the All-Russian Society of the Blind in organizing the employment of blind adults and current status of rehabilitation centers are shown. The article considers the emergence of scientific schools and their role in the development of the content and methods of teaching blind and deafblind children. Pedagogical and typhlopedagogical developments that occurred many years ago leave a significant mark in science. It is emphasized that the interest of science in teaching the blind was born very slowly. Only by the middle of the twentieth century a network of state special institutions for blind and deafblind children has appeared. Some prominent scientists and teachers who have made a valuable contribution to typhlopedagogy are noted. Keywords: special institutions of pedagogical support for the blind and deafblind children, typhlopedagogy, students with multiple severe developmental disorders | 955 | |||||
666 | The relevance and heuristic value of the article lies in the fact that the materials presented in it will give reason to researchers, scientific supervisors of graduate students, organizers of science and the graduate students themselves to understand how to ensure the highest productivity of training highly qualified personnel, to increase the prestige of research activities. The problem of a modern graduate student is not that he is not able to generalize well-known materials and that he cannot offer something new in his field of knowledge, but how to check the effectiveness of what is offered as organically «fit» theory into experimental designs. Simply put, how to build a relevant experiment. It is in this that the main value of the materials presented in the article is seen, which will help the subjects of this process most reasonably approach the choice of approaches to the organization of postgraduate training, methods and techniques of experimental research, building its content and presenting the results. The subject of the work is the mechanisms (approaches, methods, means) of studying the readiness of graduate students for research activities in the context of scenario-event organization of the educational process. The novelty of the work is that it shows how one of the main components of the productivity of postgraduate training – readiness for research activities can be qualimetrically evaluated by measuring three components: the level of selfrealization; motivation and formation of relevant competencies. The practical significance of the work is seen in the application of scenario approach models to the preparation of graduate students and the incorporation of various «events» into these models, in the systematic construction of the main stages of the experimental work and the interpretation of its results for each of the measured parameters. Keywords: research activity, readiness for self-realization, motivation, the formation of research competencies, scenario-event organization of the educational process in graduate school | 954 | |||||
667 | The article discusses the relevance of forming communicative competence of preschool children. The communicative competence develops creative and personal potential of preschool children, helps to socialize and equip them with necessary skills. The article demonstrates the results of forming communicative competence of preschool children in the use of lexical and grammatical toys. It’s spoken in detail about the skills of communicative competence of preschool children. A mention should be made of the components of communicative competence of preschool children such as a cognitive component, an emotional component and a behavioral component. The article touches upon the issue of preschool children’s difficulties of communication, such as the low level of communication skills and game skills; individual child’s characteristics; acts of selfishness. The article gives valuable information about functions of communicative competence of preschool children. The article presents the case for modeling like a method of forming communicative competence of preschool children. Much attention is given to the characteristic of lexical and grammatical toys developed by us and which should be used in the process of forming communicative competence of preschool children. The article includes the outcome of the research of forming communicative competence of preschool children in the use of lexical and grammatical toys. Keywords: communicative competence of preschool children, preschool education, components and functions of communicative competence, lexical and grammatical toys | 953 | |||||
668 | Changes concerning reforming preschool education in Russia at the end of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century determined the inner of the notion “speech creativity” as well as theoretical and methodological approaches to developing children’s speech and speech creativity. At the end of the XX century the notion “speech creativity” is associated with the child’s artistic and creative activities; different scientific ideas about the development of children’s speech creativity are formed. Organizing the process of developing preschoolers’ speech creativity in accordance with ideology of the new standard of preschool education requires a basic idea of pedagogical ways of organizing children’s artistic and creative activities by means of a fairy-tale. In connection with it, using modules as the innovative organizational pedagogical basis for developing children’s speech creativity in accordance with the main conceptual ideas of the educational standard becomes essential. At the beginning of making up modules there established typical relations between reproductive, productive and creative stages of developing senior preschoolers’ speech creativity that reflect the logic of the emergence of children’s activities during the period of preschool childhood and are followed by different types of mutual activities of the adult and children with the purpose to obtain developing and humanistic relationships between the participants of the interaction. Educational resources of modules are compiled to reveal and enrich the subjective experience of children with reference to their interests and capabilities. The effectiveness of using modules at developing children’s speech creativity in a preschool educational institution is proved by successful increase of children’s capacity for learning activities. Keywords: speech creativity, senior preschoolers, module approach, module model, conditions of developing universal learning operations | 953 | |||||
669 | The article reveals the criteria and indicators for determining the level of formation of the value attitude of students to the Russian language in the process of lesson and extracurricular educational activities, which reflect the moral positions of students on the basis of formed value priorities and allow us to draw a conclusion about the degree of interiorization of the value attitude to the Russian language. This system of criteria and indicators is of interest to teachers of the Russian language and can be used in research examining the axiologically oriented aspect of teaching the Russian native language. The article presents the results of the study of the level of formation of the value attitude of high school students to the Russian language. Diagnostics of the level of formation of the value attitude of students to the Russian language is carried out on the basis of the analysis of value priorities according to the following criteria: value-worldview, cognitive-reflexive, activity-behavioral. The experiment was carried out on the basis of the Lyceum of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University», the study involved students in grades 8, 9, 10. In the course of the experiment, such research methods were used as the “Value orientations” technique (according to M. Rokeich), “50 life goals” planning, the “Solving situations of moral choice” technique, questionnaires, subject diagnostics (essays). Keywords: pedagogical axiology, values, students of high school age, value attitude to the Russian language, criteria and indicators for determining the level of formation of value attitude to the Russian language | 952 | |||||
670 | The article deals with the problem of communication and speech interaction in the context of distance learning. The relevance of this issue is due to the need to pay attention to the key points in online communication, that directly affect the effectiveness of the educational process. In this regard, the pros and cons of interaction through the digital educational environment are analyzed. The main characteristics of the digital educational environment are defined, such as openness, multimodality, and interactivity. The study analyzes the factors that influence the effectiveness of the formation of communicative foreign language competence and its elements. The success of communication in the online learning process depends on external and internal factors. The problem of communication is investigated through the psychoemotional characteristics of students, difficulties associated with non-verbal signs of communication in the online environment are indicated. Therefore, we are studying the problem of students‘ concentration during online learning, which is key in this type of foreign language teaching. In addition, we give a number of recommendations for solving this problem. As a result, a detailed overview and characteristics of online services designed for the development of different types of speech activity of students: reading, speaking, writing, listening. These services allow you to eliminate the difficulties associated with speech interaction in a digital educational environment. Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, communicative competence, the digital learning environment, distance learning, interactivity, online service | 951 | |||||
671 | The article represents the results of the study of the relationship between life values and components of psychological time of students from Russia and Japan. In the course of globalization, there is a process of active exchange of cultural experience, which is supported by high dynamics and erosion of cultural values. That is why the study of subjective (psychological) time in relation to life values is becoming increasingly relevant. The purpose of the study is to identify and compare the specifics of the relationship between the components of psychological time and life values among students from Russia and Japan (N = 540). The results of the correlation analysis suggest a different structure of the relationship between psychological time and life values of Russian and Japanese students, which is most likely due to cultural characteristics. The results of the study confirm the strong relationship between the motivational and value sphere of the individual and psychological time, despite the globalization processes. The more expressed the desire of young people for something, the more the motivational and volitional sphere is formed (regardless of the specific focus of motives and values), the more positively balanced the time per-spective looks. On the contrary, the focus on past failures negatively affects the motivation of young people, actually blocking their desires and intentions (this is especially relevant for Russian students). Recommendations on the use of results in the educational process are given. Keywords: psychological time, time perception, time attitude, time perspective, polychronism, time as an economic value, Russia, Japan | 946 | |||||
672 | The article analyzes the experience of educational activities of the school in the framework of the experimental program of ecological and patriotic education. Based on the state standard and taking into account national characteristics, the educational system of the school is aimed at developing student‘s ecological culture, patriotism, which consists of a responsible attitude to the nature of the native land, to the historical past of the Motherland, and education of civic responsibility. Environmental responsibility and civil responsibility have common tasksprotection of native nature from the harmful influence of people, preservation of monuments of the Fatherland and nature. Ecological culture-the quality of a person, the degree of moral attitude to the world around them, to nature, a sense of responsibility for the ecological state of their country, their small homeland. The experimental program is based on interdisciplinary and systematic approaches that involve: orientation to the development of personal qualities of the student, comprehensive personal development, active involvement in environmental and patriotic activity. The system-activity approach is a modern approach to the organization of the educational process, in which the student’s cognitive activity is accompanied by practical activities, and their own creative experience is acquired. The content of the organization of educational work is revealed, personal indicators of the result of educational work are indicated. To the pedagogical conditions of increase of efficiency of ecological and Patriotic education are: to integrate environmental and patriotic education, the use of ethnocultural means of education, the process of ecological and patriotic education of students involves the use of active forms and methods of educational work. The article presents the diagnostic result of improving the level of education and the model of a school graduate as a result of educational activities. The main characteristics identified are: environmental and civil responsibility, interest in ethno-ecological knowledge, responsiveness, social and creative activity. The results of participation in competitions and Olympiads within the framework of the ecological and patriotic program are considered. Keywords: ecological culture, ecological and patriotic education, experimental pedagogical activity | 946 | |||||
673 | The problems of professional orientation of children of primary school age are considered. For the introduction to the course of the studied problems, various views and approaches to the definition of the concept of “career guidance” and its components are described. The results of studying the level of knowledge about the professions of primary school students in St. Petersburg are presented. It is determined that the semantic content of the concept of “profession” for students is abstract and unclear, and also the lack of awareness of children in general about the world of professions is established. To obtain reliable and complete information, the results of the responses to the questionnaires of primary school students and their parents are compared. Based on the obtained research data, it is concluded that it is difficult for the participants of the experiment – younger schoolchildren to imagine themselves in the professional future. Attention is focused on the need to improve and systematize the work on the formation of complete knowledge of primary school students about professions through the implementation of an appropriate program in the course of primary school education. This program, based on the full interaction of adults and children, is focused not only on expanding children’s knowledge about the world of professions, but also fully taking into account their motives and interests, which ultimately can affect the quality of the educational process. Keywords: career guidance, organization of vocational guidance, elementary school students | 946 | |||||
674 | The article is devoted to the description of thanatological competence as mastering thanatological knowledge for making professional decisions in psychological practice and education. The relevance of the development of thanatological competence in the training of practical psychologists is due to the socio-cultural, professional and individual psychological aspects, which are amplified due to the coronavirus pandemic. The author provides information on the foreign experience of implementing programs to improve the thanatological competence of specialists in helping professions (doctors, psychologists, teachers), provides data on their effectiveness and difficulties in their implementation. Domestic experience is represented by educational disciplines only in some higher educational institutions and private thanatotherapy courses. At the same time, a number of studies reveal the relevance of the development of thanatological competence among future psychologists and a request to include this issue in the educational program, taking into account the coverage of the cognitive, activity and value-motivational component of thanatological issues. The main difficulties in the implementation of courses and disciplines of thanatological orientation are not only the ethical aspects of covering the issues of death in the educational program, but also the insufficient representation of research on death, dying and loss in domestic science. In conclusion, the author outlines the prospects for the implementation of the thanatopsychological direction in science, practice and educati on. Keywords: fear of death, thanatopsychology, attitude towards death, thanatological competence | 946 | |||||
675 | The main purpose of this article is to illustrate the historical emergence and developing of elementary schools, men and women gymnasiums in Siberian territories in the period of of the 17th - early 20th centuries using archival materials from the unique school museum of public education in Tomsk. The dynamic of formation and functioning of the various types of ecclesiastical educational institutions and class purpose are presented. On the basis of data from the archival funds of the Museum of Public Education of the city of Tomsk, the role of prominent public figures and Siberian educators P.I. Makushin and G.N. Potanin in the construction of new schools and the creation of various educational societies, including the Society for the Care of Primary Education. The distribution of literacy experience is illustrated by means of creation free libraries, book shops and accessible museum on the Tomsk province territories. Today more than a hundred municipal and departamental museums operate on the territory of the modern Tomsk region. Most of these museums have special sections containing archival documents and exhibits, dedicated to education. The article describes the history of the Tomsk school museum of public education, which documents a complete picture of school education during the existence of the Tomsk province until 1925. Archival documents also reflect the current state of the teaching staff, the content of educational programs and achievements of the school educational system. Keywords: elementary school, gymnasium, ecclesiastical seminar, library, museum stock, archival materials, enlightenment, social activity | 945 | |||||
676 | The review of the problems and their solutions offered in the article was created by the author based on the analysis of the pilot stage of the implementation of the target mentoring model in St. Petersburg. The interpretation of mentoring of educational interaction, which is essentially informal as technology, raises a set of problems. They can be solved in the strategy of dialogue between supporters of innovations and traditions. This will help preserve the constructive systems of educational institutions and set a benchmark for their development. The problem of a simplified understanding by the pedagogical community of the ideological basis of the target model, lack of awareness of this project by the public in the region can be solved if the project is preceded by a wide information and educational campaign. To overcome the problem of forming the bases of mentors and mentors, real educational work and a revision of the strategy of forming a partner network are necessary. The development of networks at the level of the administrative district will make it possible to overcome the acute shortage of resources accompanying the implementation. Ensuring the environmental friendliness of interaction in a mentoring couple or group requires the mentor of the mentoring program in the institution to master the basics of non-formal education, adult education. Keywords: mentoring, targeted mentoring model, risk management, non-formal education | 944 | |||||
677 | The active nature of modern higher education today urgently requires the introduction into its content of the formation of students’ reflective competencies, which can be said as an important direction of modernization of education in general. This applies, in particular, to teaching a foreign language, where the use of interactive technologies also becomes an essential educational resource, when, under conditions of constant updating of information, its reflexive generalization becomes so necessary. In this regard, the use of interactive technologies by students in the teaching process of a foreign language from the point of view of their reflexive readiness for this becomes especially relevant, since students do not yet have sufficient ability to identify cause-and-effect relationships in the linguistic aspects of the language being studied. Hence, the formulation of the problem of the development of students’ reflexive readiness to use interactive technologies in the teaching process of a foreign language is conditioned by the need to update the university education system, where there are certain contradictions. This concerns, for example, the requirements for solving the problem of expanding the student’s reflective activity and the insufficient methodological development of the qualitative introduction of reflection into the process of teaching a foreign language, taking into account the use of interactive technologies. In this regard, this article is devoted to understanding the methodological aspects of the reflexive skills of university students, in particular, through interactive technologies. Thus, the purpose of this work was to consider the aspects of the development of students’ reflective readiness to use interactive technologies in the teaching process of a foreign language. Keywords: university students, foreign language, teaching process, reflexive activity, reflexive readiness, interactive technologies, linguistic personality, mental activity, introspection, self-esteem, self-organization | 944 | |||||
678 | The importance of the subject “Natural Science Picture of the World” is discussed for students of humanitarian faculties, the main task of which is the formation of a natural science worldview. Given the psychophysiological characteristics of humanities students, practical training methods are proposed for the successful formation of a scientific worldview. The most effective and scientifically based practical methods and approaches are given that complement the lecture course and increase the degree of students’ independent work. Using the proposed methods allows us to determine the degree of formation of general cultural competencies among students. Given the humanitarian orientation of students, it can be assumed that one of the effective methods of practical independent work is the structuring of the material studied by compiling integrative tables. Turning to integrative tables, which systematize natural science knowledge in certain sections corresponding to the material being studied, at the same time, the most famous cultural and historical events related to this period of time are given, students have an increase in the relationship between objects, complex systemic laws occur in the process of integrating knowledge. The use of integrative tables helps to form a worldview based on an understanding of the connections between nature, man, his ideas and the development of human civilization. Also, attention is paid to the specifics of laboratory work for humanities students. Keywords: natural-science picture of the world, scientific worldview, practical exercises, integrative tables | 943 | |||||
679 | Modern educational realities are such that the teacher must be ready for constant self-improvement, self-education in the field of professional activity. Changes in the content, technological, evaluative components of the educational process require the teacher to update and refresh the methodology of teaching the subject, which can cause certain difficulties. The purpose of the study is to determine the list of methodological difficulties for mathematics teachers and their causes based on the diagnosis of methodological competencies. To achieve this goal, both theoretical and empirical research methods were used. In the course of the research carried out by the authors, a number of methodological competencies of a mathematics teacher were identified – components of his professional competence: he is able to design the results of teaching mathematics in accordance with the current educational standards; is able to design the content of teaching mathematics, focused on the achievement of educational results by various categories of students; is able to design educational and cognitive activities of students in the process of teaching mathematics in accordance with modern requirements and on the basis of variable forms of its organization; is able to objectively assess the educational results of students’ mathematical training. The level of formation of these competencies was diagnosed through diagnostic work, self-assessment and expert assessment of the teacher’s activities. A number of methodological difficulties that teachers experience in the implementation of the process of teaching mathematics in modern conditions were identified. Possible reasons for the identified difficulties are identified and some recommendations for their elimination are indicated. Keywords: methodological competencies, mathematics teachers, professional difficulties of teachers, mathematical training of students | 938 | |||||
680 | The problem of search of new methodological approaches, concepts, technologies for professional development of specialists, which is one of the important tasks of the system of higher professional education, is actualized. Attention is drawn to the need to attract students to participate in subject Olympiads as a resource for the professionalization of future teachers. The theoretical analysis and, to a greater extent, long-term observations of the author not only from the position of a University teacher, but also a specialist with experience in mentoring in the Olympic movement since 2010, as well as a survey of students allowed to determine the features of the teacher-mentor in this direction. The features of mentoring in the process of the Olympiad movement are considered. In accordance with the first feature, the mentor should contribute to the maximum disclosure of the individual talents of each participant. The second feature is connected with the fact that for the teacher mentoring is a productive way to improve their own competencies, as a variety of Olympiad tasks require high qualification of the team leader. It is emphasized that the qualification of the head-mentor is associated not only with erudition – knowledge of specific subjects, but also to a greater extent correlates with its focus on universal, common cultural values. This orientation points to the need to meet certain professional requirements and possess qualities that have universal values. The quality of the mentor, identified as a priority by the results of a survey of students – participants of the Olympiad. The third feature of mentoring in the Olympiad movement is considered from the position of related interests of at least three subjects of interaction: teacher-mentor, students and educational institutions. Features of interrelations of these subjects in the Olympic movement are specified. Taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of mentoring activities during the subject Olympiads allows us to speak about the successful support of professional development of future specialists. Properly organized mentoring activities specifies the vector direction and is focused on assisting future teachers in the acquisition of professionally significant qualities already in his student years. Keywords: Olympiads, mentor, mentoring, support, professional development of students | 936 | |||||
681 | Professional managerial activity of the head of an educational institution is closely related to the need to prepare a great number of documents or make decisions based on documentary information. From this point of view, one of the aspects of preparing students for the master’s program in “Education Management” is mastering of the discipline “Records Management in Education”. The study was carried out on the basis of the analysis of scientific, pedagogical and special literature, federal state educational standards of higher education, the process and results of teaching the course of office work. Achievement of the research goal is realized on the basis of system, activity and task approaches. Based on the analysis of the project of professional standard of the manager in the field of education justified the introduction of the educational program of training graduate in “Education Management” course “Records Management in Education”. For this purpose, an educational and methodological complex has been developed on the issues of office management and documentation support for management. In the implementation of the labor functions of the head of an educational institution in many cases, the function in the field of office management and documentation support for managing an educational institution becomes concomitant. The course “Records Management in Education” meets the need for the formation of the competence of the head of an educational institution in this area. Keywords: Training of the head of the educational institution in the field of documentation management; Labor functions of the head of an educational institution; Course “Office Management in Education” | 935 | |||||
682 | PERSONAL FACTORS OF TEACHERS’ SELF-REGULATION // Pedagogical Review. 2017. Issue 3 (17). P. 144-152 The analysis of literary data showed the relevance of the problem of the influence of various personal structures on the process of organizing and implementing an arbitrary human activity. Among the most important determinants of the formation of self-regulation, personal characteristics and structures of various orders are distinguished. Specificity of the activity of the pedagogical worker is such that the personal characteristics of the employee, along with his professional qualities, are one of the main tools for influencing the participants in the educational process and the factor that determines the effectiveness of professional activity. The ability to self-regulation of mental states are of particular importance in pedagogical work. The question of personal factors of self-regulation among pedagogical employees is considered. Provides a characteristic feature of the most important professional competence of a teacher, which is a conscious self-regulation of mental states and behavior, suggesting the study, the definition and development of the individual abilities, awareness of its resources. The results of the study of personality characteristics in their relationship with the individual style self-regulation are presented. In the context of our study, we formulated the assumption that successful professional activity of teachers is mediated individually – typological features of self-regulation of mental states. Multi-level personal factors of selfregulation of the subject of pedagogical activity are described. The differences in individual psychological characteristics with different levels of conscious self-regulation in the empirical group and representatives of nonsocionomy professions. The analysis of the factor structure of personal performance of teachers revealed the influence of the emotional and substantive aspects of the personality (irritability, balance, aggressiveness, emotional instability, anxiety reactions, acute stress conditions associated with the professional teaching activities) in the self-regulation of the teacher. The factor effect in subjects of non-national specialties is difficult to trace, because it is represented by a discrepancy between the structure of selfregulation and individual-typological properties, their contradictory relationships. The reasons for this discrepancy are due to weak correlations, professional differences, the specifics of socionic and non-social activities. Keywords: self-regulation factors, personality traits, emotional states, professional stress, anxiety, subject of pedagogical activity | 934 | |||||
683 | Changes in the life of modern society entailed a violation in the preexisting interaction of school, family and society. The rapid change in the socio-economic conditions of society to a certain extent changes the interaction of the subjects of the educational system in the upbringing of children and youth, which is manifested in the complication of responsibility in making pedagogical decisions, caused by the increased relationship between those who participate in this upbringing. The problem is compounded by the fact that in the Kyrgyz Republic the issues of interaction between schools, families and society have not been sufficiently studied both theoretically and practically. Based on the foregoing, the aim of the article is to determine the content of the interaction of school, family and society and to identify the further implementation of this aspect in the training of teachers. In this study, we used such methods as: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological and pedagogical literature, questioning, observation, conversation, study of documentation and experience of educational organizations of the Kyrgyz Republic, mathematical methods). All these methods were used to study the state of the theory and practice of interaction between school, family and society in the current socio-economic and sociocultural situation. The study involved 231 students (J. Balasagyn KNU and the Kyrgyz-Russian Academy of Education (KRAO)). Of these, 114 students of 1–4 courses in the control group (KRAO). 117 students of 1–4 courses in the experimental group (KNU). Studying the problem of interaction between the school, family and society suggests that modern students of pedagogical directions of universities of the Kyrgyz Republic need special effective training as future teachers for partnerships with parents and representatives of society, where relations of responsibility, mutual trust and awareness of the coherence of goals should prevail, tasks and content in the upbringing of a growing person. For the effective implementation of the relationship of family and social education, a special course and a special system for training students of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions are offered. The results of the study show that the problem of interaction between the school, family and society today remains one of the important aspects of the activities of universities, as it is associated with assisting the future teacher in managing the joint activities of the school, family and society in order to combine the efforts of cooperation between the subjects of education. Keywords: students, training of future teachers, family, school, society, social partnership, the interaction of family and social education | 934 | |||||
684 | The authors present a review of the main studies devoted to the study of urban and rural foster families. Also they provide statistics on the placement of children in foster families in large cities and rural areas. The aim of the study was to identify the types and relationship of life values of parents and teenagers in foster families of metropolis and the countryside. The aim of experimental study is to identify the specifics of life values, the personality orientation of the adoptive parents of the metropolis and the countryside. The study covered 156 foster parents of the metropolis and 148 foster parents of the countryside, 112 teenagers living with foster parents of the metropolis, and 98 adolescents living with foster parents in the countryside, aged 14–15 years. The study of life values, resilience of foster parents and teenagers was carried out through the methodology of M. Rokich. To study the relationship between the life values of foster parents and adolescents, the Spearman criterion (p) was used. The authors of the real study have revealed the preferred terminal values and instrumental values of adoptive parents and teenagers of the metropolis and the countryside. They have also identified the equivalent ranks which are important for adoptive parents and teenagers of a metropolis according to terminal values: health, material well-being. The ones have found the discrepancies in such values as life wisdom, freedom, the presence of good and faithful friends, knowledge. The coincidence of instrumental values is honesty, education. The authors noted that there were coincidences between adoptive parents and teenagers of the countryside on the scales of terminal values – health, interesting work, the beauty of nature, a happy family life, the happiness of others, creativity, confidence. There was a coincidence in instrumental values – tolerance, courage, efficiency, firm will, education, breadth of views. The researches have established the interconnections between instrumental values of foster parents and teenagers in foster families of the metropolis and the countryside, the terminal values of parents and teenagers in foster families of the countryside and the absence of such connections in foster families of the metropolis. The researches have concluded the most significant factors affecting the presence and absence of relationships between parents and teenagers from foster families of the metropolis and the countryside are lifestyle, family traditions. The results can be applied in the selection, training and support of foster parents in the centers of comprehensive support of foster families. Keywords: life values, resilience, foster parents of metropolis, foster parents of the countryside, life values of teenagers from foster families | 932 | |||||
685 | The analysis of the problem of development of independence in senior preschool age is presented. The urgency of purposeful psychological and pedagogical work with often ailing children and their families has been substantiated. The results of diagnostics of independence of 73 healthy and 73 often ailing children 5–7 years old are presented, a comparative analysis of the data obtained was carried out. Statistical analysis of the results obtained allows us to conclude that the average values of the numerical expressions of the development of independence are higher in the group of healthy children compared to the group of frequently ill children. The study of the reliability of differences in factual material in different age groups: children 5–6 years old and 6–7 years old showed that, with age, the development of independence of frequently ill children begins to lag significantly behind the development of the studied indicator in healthy children. Distinguish the determinants of the development of independence of often ailing children: insufficiency of professional development of independence in preschool education and spontaneity of raising children’s independence in the family. The directions of providing support to children and parents in the development of independence of often ailing children 5–7 years old are formulated. Keywords: often ailing children, will, strong-willed personality traits, independence, self-control, preschool educational organization, family, family education, special health opportunities | 932 | |||||
686 | The education system faces the issues of online education and the effectiveness of career guidance programs in schools. The article deals with the problem of organizing pedagogical support for profession choice in the school digital educational environment. The author rises the question of theoretical understanding and modeling of the process of pedagogical support of professional choice by the digital educational environment resources. The author presents the 9-componet model and the logic of its construction. The model presents characteristics of each of the following components: the task, the environmental component, the subjective component, the methodological component, the motivational activity component, the diagnostic component, the results, the reflection as well as the specificity of the relationships between these components. The peculiarity of this model is the absence of a clear hierarchy changed for the interdependence of the components. This feature is characteristic of pedagogical models in the formation of a new concept of education. The author pays attention to the particularities of the usage of the approaches, principles and methods of the pedagogical support of the professional choice in the conditions of the digital educational environment. The author also considers the selection of the digital educational environment means to solve the problem of the pedagogical support of the schoolchildren’s professional choice. Keywords: pedagogical support, professional choice, digital educational environment | 931 | |||||
687 | The article considers and analyzes the content lines of preschool education through the prism of preschool childhood tasks. The research material is based on the author’s long-term observations of the activities of senior preschool children and their parents in the educational and methodological center for preschool education of children at the Institute of childhood of Tomsk State Pedagogical University. The principle of the content lines of preschool is, first of all, not to prepare the child for school, but to form in him the most important mental qualities and abilities-arbitrariness, imagination, memory, creativity, tolerance, sociability, independence, etc. These are qualities that shape children’s functional literacy, which means that they can more easily adapt to future school life. This provision sets the vector direction of activity of preschool teachers, which should be focused not on the child’s assimilation of specific educational information, but on the formation of a full-fledged harmonious personality. In the context of the considered problem the author proceeds from the understanding that content lines are the directions of structuring a training course, in which each content line is understood as a stable unit of semantic integrity of a pedagogically appropriate course, subject, and technology. But at the same time, this stable unit cannot be considered independently, it is always interconnected with other components of this course or a specific link in the system and can determine the direction of a different nature or level of work. This understanding of the content lines of preschool education allows you to build a holistic work not only with the child, but also with his parents. Keywords: preschool education, senior preschool children, content lines, target settings, value orientations, the main components of preparation for school, diagnostic methods, preschool teacher | 931 | |||||
688 | The urgency of the search and testing of new forms of additional professional education of teachers of small rural small-scale educational organizations, in particular, the format of the Summer Pedagogical School is proved. The generalized characteristics of materials and research methods are present. The historical prerequisites of the format, the origins of which were found in teachers’ congresses and courses for rural teachers in Russia in the 19th century, are substantiated, as well as the fundamental provisions due to the traditions of Russian education. The theoretical-methodological and scientific-practical foundations of the content of the educational program and the main educational modules have been determined. The central line of the educational program of the summer pedagogical school is noted – this is continuous education as a way of professional and personal formation and development of a rural teacher. Examples of topics and block structuring of educational programs from the experience of summer schools in different years are given. The priority educational technologies and features of the content-organizational order of the summer pedagogical school are presented. Some conclusions about the effectiveness of the format of the summer pedagogical school are formulated. The material of the research was the works of: Russian educators of the 19th – early 20th centuries; modern researchers of the socio-cultural educational situation in rural areas of Russia, a rural small-numbered small educational organization, the professional activities of a rural teacher; domestic and foreign specialists in the field of continuing teacher education; professional training, formation and development of rural school teachers. The sources are the results of the laboratory of the theory and practice of rural school development at Petrozavodsk State University, the Karelian Institute for Education Development and the Association of Rural Schools of the Republic of Karelia, on the initiative and with the support of which the LPS was tested. Accordingly, the main research methods were historical and pedagogical analysis, theoretical analysis, experimental and practical work. Keywords: rural school, rural teacher, additional professional pedagogical education, summer pedagogical school, continuing pedagogical education | 931 | |||||
689 | The paper studies some aspects of the formation of universal competencies (UC) in the course of theoretical physics for students of pedagogical universities. As an example, a fragment of the course of classical mechanics is selected, associated with finding the law of motion of the body in Newton’s formulation. Four types of tasks are considered, which differ mainly in the nature of the time dependence of the resulting force. When solving the problems of the module “Classical Mechanics” of a course in theoretical physics, knowledge from mathematical courses (Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations) is actively used, which stimulates the students’ analytical and creative intellectual activity. The relevance of the topic is that the course of theoretical physics combines the disciplines of the natural science and mathematical cycles, and it is important to be able to fully use the knowledge accumulated by students to reach a new, integral level of understanding of educational information. The novelty of this approach is that it makes it possible to simultaneously form the scientific, research thinking of students; mastering the teaching methods of physical and mathematical disciplines (which is important for future teachers); to develop the creative potential of students when choosing a particular decision algorithm. The article shows how, when solving selected problems, students form a set of competencies of the UС-1 group. Keywords: physical and mathematical sciences, theoretical physics, classical mechanics, the law of body motion, differential equations, teaching of classical mechanics, teacher training, universal competencies | 930 | |||||
690 | The article defines the notion «children and teenagers with deviant behavior», points at the underdevelopment of their certain social and personal characteristics, namely imperfection of social and communicative qualities, incomplete development in their system of values, difficulties in acquiring social roles in communication, aggression, insincerity, impatience, unsociability, increased petulance, unwillingness to learn and work, unhealthy habits, lack of interest in acquiring knowledge, low degree in motivation for studies, decrease in striking for success. The author signifies the necessity for adopting the package of measures to increase effectiveness of the child and teenage deviant behavior prevention system and establishment conditions for their successful socialization at educational organization. The package should include psychosocial, legal measures and measures of pedagogical correction that require a special educational approach to organized pastime for children and the development of a positive and socially-oriented personality. An organizational and pedagogical model is presented to ensure building a positive and socially-oriented personality in a teenager with deviant behavior which will be achieved through a number of extracurricular activities that include the objective, theoretical and methodological, organizational and procedural, sense bearing, evaluative and diagnostic blocks. It must also prove to be a mechanism for realization of protective work in an educational institution. It provides insight into substantive aspects of extracurricular activities as an important trend of socialization and organization of the environment for responsible and socially acceptable behavior. The basic principles are determined, as well as socialpedagogical, axiological, personal-activity approaches that provide implementation of organizational and pedagogical building model of positive and socially-oriented personality of deviant behavior teenager. Keywords: organizational and pedagogical model, deviant behavior, social-pedagogical approach, axiological approach, personal-activity approach, extracurricular activities | 930 | |||||
691 | The article discusses the concept of linguistic and cultural competence and its role in modern intercultural communication. An overview of scientific literature on the problem of the development of linguistic and cultural competence is provided. A list of basic cultural units used for the development of the linguistic and cultural competence is presented as well. It is proposed to use Chinese idioms chengyu in order to develop students’ competence due to the fact that they contain information about the aesthetics, ethics, culture and history of the Chinese. The author also suggests employing mind mapping as it significantly facilitates the learning process due to an integrated, radiant, organized way of presentation. The article provides an example of a step-by-step analysis of a chengyu 万里无云 – wànlǐ wúyún – cloudless conducted in the Chinese language lesson (3rd year students, Chinese as a second foreign language). In addition, the article contains a list of 11 most frequently used idioms on the topic “Weather” which can be further used in Chinese language lessons. The main advantages of the method suggested in the article for the development of linguistic and cultural competence are outlined in the end of the article. It is concluded that the linguistic and cultural analysis of Chinese idioms chengyu along with mind-mapping can serve as a way to develop linguistic and cultural competence, as well as contribute to the development of both individual and collaborative research skills. Keywords: language and culture, intercultural competence, mind maps, Chinese idioms, distance learning | 929 | |||||
692 | While we live in times of anthropological crisis caused by spread of technologies which do not match to people’s body experience (V. A. Podoroga), only the insufficient number of psychological studies acknowledge the phenomenon of disembodiment. Some researchers refer to it as the bodiless state, dematerialization or anonymity of a user in cyberspace. In this study we suggest a theoretical construct of disembodiment on the Internet as the effect of normative use of information technologies. It is based on the conception by the British existential psychologist R. Laing. His formula of the self: self ↔ (body-other), self ↔ (body-world), which describes a clinical way of unembodied being, broadly corresponds to both the fact of technological disembodiment and a technological way of disembodied being in Internet addiction with its inherent structuring and a non-normative border in the core of the self. We compare the disembodiment on the Internet, which leads to confusion on the boundary between the self and nonself, to the framework consequence of the normative use of information technologies in a model by E. I. Rasskazova, V. A. Emelin and A. Sh. Tkhostov – changes of psychological borders. We come to a conclusion that In the digital age the borders are set in the experience of two selves. The real self is genuinely based on the body and the virtual self isn’t, to the extent when the very expression «boundaries of a body» becomes meaningless. Indefinitely expanded blurry borders correspond to the virtualization of a user’s self. The user’s beliefs that other people and information objects are available and controllable are symptoms of changes of borders and can also describe the disembodiment. The disembodiment is also characterized by feeling of disengagement from the body, sense of security on account of anonymity, deficit of reality of the self and incompleteness and illusiveness of the online existence. Keywords: effects of normative use of information technologies, disembodiment on the Internet, changes of psychological boundaries | 928 | |||||
693 | The article notes the importance of the supervising in technical universities institution in development of professional and universal competencies, personal growth, self-realization, as well as adaptation of students, highlights the existing problems in the implementation of curatorial activities. The main problems of the curators institute at a technical university include: insufficient qualification of curators; the majority of them have no humanitarian, psychological and pedagogical education; the difficulty in implementing systematic refresher courses for all curators; insufficient replication of curatorial experience, the use of network communication tools in curatorial activities; the need to increase the level of socio-psychological adaptation of students to study at a technical university; difficulties in implementing a personality-oriented approach in the activities of curators; lack of humanitarization of the educational process. Solving the existing problems of the curators at a technical university institution requires the creation of an appropriate organizational and methodological support system for the curators of academic groups activities. Organizational and methodological support for the academic groups curators activities at a technical university is a systemically organized process of comprehensive, continuous professional development of curators, methodological training and curators experience replication. Experimental work was carried out to implement the developed system of organizational and methodological support for the academic groups curators activities at a modern technical university. The presented results confirm the developed system effectiveness, which implementation makes it possible to increase the curatorial activities effectiveness. Keywords: curators’ activities, curator of the academic group, support of the curators’ activities, organizational and methodological support, technical university | 927 | |||||
694 | Formation of economic competencies is the most important factor in the educational process in the specialty of “Economics”, profile “Finance and Credit”. The article discusses the problems of building competence in the collection and analysis of baseline data necessary for calculating economic and socio-economic indicators, which is associated with the lack of correlation between theoretical and practical blocks, as well as the effect of social stereotypes in society that determine the attitude to the economy as a science, which develops in a different plane than real life. We consider it necessary to use a systematic approach to the formation of the aforementioned competencies in the educational process, based on the progressive formation of knowledge that allows developing skills and forming skills brought to automatism. The given examples of tasks are actually used in the framework of teaching the discipline “Banking” in order to form economic competencies. The practical orientation of the tasks forms the ability to navigate in the economic situation and make decisions aimed at increasing income. In the recommendations on the organization of the educational process, emphasis is placed on the constant updating of information and economic indicators, since it is precisely during training in economic specialties that the relevance of information allows quite often to correlate your conclusions and arguments on the situation in the country, economic and banking sectors. Keywords: the formation of economic competencies, the importance of emphasis on the practical component in training, socio-economic indicators of development of economic entities | 926 | |||||
695 | In the objective processes of integration and unification in the field of education, each national system relies on the existing potential and accumulated domestic experience. The purpose of this article is to reconstruct and generalize the experience of the Far Eastern authorities in reforming teacher education and teacher training institutions during the Civil War. The main source for writing the work was archival materials stored in the funds of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East. The Ministry of Public Education of the Provisional Siberian Government has repeatedly raised the issues of transformation of the teacher training system, but no substantive bill was adopted. Since 1919, Ministry of National Education of the government of A.V. Kolchak dealt with education, and this period is associated with the increased decentralization of management and the introduction of the institute of commissioners. Since the end of 1920, the regional governments operating in the Far East formed a policy towards pedagogical educational institutions under the influence of the ideas of the People’s Commissariat of Education. Regional authorities, despite their desire to democratize governance institutions, have not been able to overcome the inertia of accumulated problems in the field of education. The legislative activity of the Ministry of Public Education of the Provisional Siberian Government was ineffective and short-term. With the transition of the Far Eastern territories under the jurisdiction of local government bodies, regional departments of public education followed the path of reforming individual pedagogical educational institutions. On the path of the reform, the government of the Far Eastern Republic has moved a little further than the Siberian Government. The reforms were based on the soviet principles of school development. As the general crisis intensified, the local authorities took less and less into account the opinions of the professional pedagogical community, and more and more often the changes were of a prescriptive nature. As a result of ill-considered reconstructions of teachers’ institutes and seminaries, the system of teacher education that required reforms but was well-coordinated and developing, was destroyed, replaced with ineffective transitional and limited forms that cost significant organizational and financial efforts, and the planned reforms were not implemented properly. Keywords: history of teacher education in Siberia, educational reforms, Khabarovsk Teachers‘ Institute, Chita Institute of Public Education, Far Eastern State Pedagogical Academy named after Ushinsky, Khabarovsk Pedagogical Courses II, Civil war in the Far East | 926 | |||||
696 | The traditional approach to the method of carrying out practical work in chemistry is characterized and its main components are identified. The use of block-modular teaching technology in conducting a chemical experiment has been substantiated. A characteristic of block-modular technology is given, the content of a modular map, consisting of educational elements reflecting the content of practical work in chemistry, sources of educational material, questions and tasks, input and output control of knowledge and skills, is described. The functions of educational elements in the module are highlighted, which allow organizing the experimental activity of students. An example of a modular card for practical work in chemistry in grade 11 is given. The methodological possibilities of using cases as one of the unconventional means of input and output control of knowledge and skills, their features for a chemical experiment are described, an example of a case is given. The characteristic is given to crossenсes as elements of the game technology of teaching, which are used to control the quality of mastering the content of practical work. An example of crossenсe to the experiment “Obtaining hydrogen in a test tube” is presented. The results of a survey of schoolchildren in order to identify their attitude to work with modular cards, cases and crossenсes are presented. It was found that the majority of respondents reacted positively to the use of these didactic materials in practical work in chemistry. Keywords: methods of teaching chemistry, student’s chemical experiment, practical work in chemistry, block-modular teaching technology, modular cards, cases, crossenсes | 925 | |||||
697 | The choice and the described process of studying and systemic generalization of the possibilities of theorizing and pedagogical modeling in the professional activity of a teacher and a scientific-pedagogical worker are characterized. The general, specific-subject and private-special components of pedagogical modeling, didactic and scientific theorization are analyzed, the direction presented and systematically refined in the theory of professional and pedagogical knowledge serves as the basis for effective clarification, correction and quality management of solving problems of personality development in age-related activities. In pedagogical science and practice, the choice of methods and technologies of scientific theorization and pedagogical modeling is due to the development of the individual and society, the timeliness of specifying the conditions of scientific research and the level of solving problems of ensuring productivity and competitiveness in professional and educational relations, this opportunity at the basic level of theorization is revealed through the determination of basic concepts (theorizing, pedagogical modeling), highlighting the studied and described components of the basic concepts (functions, principles), displaying products related to the processes carried out in professional activity (typology of models, pedagogical conditions). The systematic theorized foundations, prospects and results of creating new didactic and new scientific knowledge by the method of pedagogical modeling are presented, the refinement and practice-oriented construction of which is reflected in the description of a holistic understanding of the significance of the selected direction of scientific research and scientific activity. The specificity of scientific research and research products is reflected and disclosed through the methodological solution of scientific and pedagogical problems (the use of adaptive-productive, reproductive-productive, creative-productive approaches). The integrity and objectivity of theorization and pedagogical modeling in the professional activity of a teacher and a scientific-pedagogical worker is illustrated in the nonlinear, coordinated use of the components of classical and innovative pedagogy (goal-setting, functional flexibility, productive stability, sense formation, accuracy, modernity of updating the generated and realized opportunities of professional activity). Keywords: theorization, pedagogical modeling, pedagogical conditions, professional activity, principles, functions, typology | 925 | |||||
698 | The article is devoted to the problem of the interrelation of neuropsychological systems of activation and inhibition of behaviour with negative emotional experience of personality in students: irritability, resentfulness, vindictiveness and suspiciousness. In total, 56 students – future psychologists of Cherepovets State University took part in the study, 6 men (11 %) and 50 women (89 %), average age 19±1,3 years. As diagnostic tools, the Carver-White questionnaire adapted by G. G. Knyazev, the author’s questionnaire for identifying irritability to people, the questionnaire «Personal aggressiveness and conflict» by E. P. Ilyin and P. A. Kovalev (scales: “Resentfulness”, “Vindictiveness”, “Suspiciousness”) were used. The processing was carried out using methods of mathematical statistics, Spearman rank correlation coefficient was applied. As a result, it was found that negative emotional experiences can occur both when the system of activation of behaviour is excited (irritability and vindictiveness), and when system of inhibition of behaviour is excited (irritability, vindictiveness, resentfulness, and suspiciousness). In the first case, they can find expression in real behavior in the form of aggressive actions, and in the second case – in restraint or in replacement of real behavior with imaginary. The results obtained expand the understanding of modern psychology about the role of neuropsychological factors in human behavior and the determination of his emotional experiences and can be used in the work of curators of student groups and in the activities of the university psychological service. Keywords: Behavioral Activation System (BAS), Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS), irritability, resentfulness, vindictiveness, suspiciousness | 925 | |||||
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700 | The paper discusses some methodological aspects of teaching the course Theoretical Physics in pedagogical universities (bachelor degree). Theoretical physics describes the most general laws of nature and allows us to form a general idea of the world. In addition, the study of sections of theoretical physics contributes to the development of a research approach among students. This discipline is the basis of the theoretical training of the future teachers of physics. In this paper, we propose methods for adapting complex lecture material to the theoretical training of future physics teachers, using as an example one of the important modules of the course in theoretical physics Quantum Mechanics. This adaptation is relevant for students of pedagogical universities, since the theoretical foundations of quantum mechanics are not easily acquired knowledge for students, but they create a good intellectual base for future teachers. The paper offers examples of tasks for practical exercises aimed at clarifying the basic theoretical concepts and consolidating the knowledge gained in lectures. Tasks involve the use of quantum operators for the study of a quantum system, using the probabilistic approach. Students are invited to determine the normalization constant of the wave function, the average value of the coordinate, momentum and kinetic energy. The described approach will allow bachelor students at the initial stage of studying quantum mechanics to learn an algorithm for solving practical problems of the discipline under study and to arrive at quite concrete physical results from abstract formulas: determining the coordinate of a quantum object, its momentum or kinetic energy. Keywords: physical and mathematical sciences, theoretical physics, quantum mechanics, quantum states, wave functions, average values of physical quantities, operators of physical quantities, normalization of the wave function, teaching quantum mechanics, training f | 920 |